Slavery and How I Know Bradly and Ameen Are Wrong

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Twitter has been talking about slavery again. Good! Here is some analysis of some bad arguments and some good ones.


All right, well, I wanted to do a video early today because I've got a busy day later
But I want to talk about this slavery thing that's been kind of bubbling up over on Twitter the last couple days
I think this is hilarious Hilarious it is a what this kind of debate is really good for is exposing sort of you know
The who's who amongst amongst the sides and and what there's what's really important to them
No issue gets somebody up and ready to virtue signal more than this issue of slavery
It's it's it's the prototype of any kind of debate where you've got someone that's concerned with truth and someone who's just Hyper emotional like a like a little girl kind of thing now
That's not all the people that were debating about this because not everybody's hyper emotional That's that would be an insult
But a lot of people are it's very very clear that a lot of people are and what's good about this debate is
It shows me very clearly There are some people out there that are
I don't want to say lying, but very confused and I can prove it
I'm gonna prove it in this video. But the first where I want to start is a Twitter thread storm
That was started by Bradley Mason. Now if you remember Bradley Mason appeared in my list of 12 people in Christian Twitter that I really like even though I disagree with them and think they're dangerous and all of that kind of Thing and there's actually three people that are gonna appear in this
Thread storm that appeared on that list But in general, it's a hive of scum and villainy this if you want to see some scum and villainy on Twitter Go to this thread and again,
I'm not talking about Bradley I like Bradley and there's a couple people that I'm not talking about but in general this thread.
Oh boy I mean, I'd rather hang out in the Mos Eisley Cantina. I'll tell you that much right now.
But anyway, he Bradley Mason's point of this thread is he wants to severely reprimand
People that I believe that the Bible doesn't blanket condemn slavery. Yeah, can you believe it?
I mean, this is an obvious truth, by the way, I mean, this is very obvious truth, but they really don't like it It's an inconvenient truth for them
And so they virtue signal as much as they can to just make sure that everybody knows that I'm not racist
I'm not racist. Now normally a thread like this. I wouldn't even participate It's just very stupid.
And again in general, this is a hive of scum and villainy and Then a mean over here
This is why I responded because I thought this this response and again, I like a mean this response really it
It shows you why I know you're wrong I know that you're you're confused or you're lying or it's just very difficult for you to get outside of your ideology
Because here's what it means says he says also That's why these dudes have fake avatars dudes want to get online anonymously and say stuff.
They know is ridiculously problematic Keyboard cowboys they all need to put their name on face on it if they truly claim to be confident in their position
Now what was funny about this to me is if you look up I'm just gonna scroll up Okay, I'm doing this in real time guys.
I'm doing this in real time And he said he's complaining that they all have fake avatars
And they don't put their name on they gotta put that they gotta own it if they're gonna be Confident in their positions if you scroll up to the the picture you can't see this here, but this is my tweet right here
This is my tweet right here. I have my name and face on my Twitter This is
Wilson Hines responding certainly appears to have his name and face on his Twitter Here's Cody Gallegos seems like a real name to me.
I don't know maybe it's not he has a different kind of picture in his Twitter fair enough This is
Justin Reed doesn't have a Twitter picture, but Justin does certainly seem to be his real name The one he's responding to Amin is
Conrad just a first name and Clearly a fake picture How do you get those kinds of glasses that turn things into opposite world?
That's what I'd like to know Amin And weren't you guys just yesterday? Complaining that John Harris had so much clout in in South Southern Baptist and founders ministry circles another man
Who does not hide behind a fake picture or a fake name? He's owning what he believes so I mean like this is this might be true
I don't know like I haven't done the statistics on it. I highly doubt you have as well You're just kind of putting forward this narrative, but what's hilarious about this?
I said lol dude for real because Literally everyone in this picture is using their real name at least as far as I can tell
One person is not using their real picture But then the only person who's got only a first name and a fake picture is someone on your side
Unbelievable Unbelievable more on Amin in just a second because I think that this
Tweet reveals something else. That's a little bit inconvenient for the social justice keyboard
Cowboys out there But more on this thread because this is this is where you get the scum and villainy coming into play.
Here's Erin Harding and She says literally no one is shocked that Robles agrees that people should be slaves today that D Willy fresh from Moscow with who he sides with and he somehow gets a pass on being racist because he's got some ethnicity in him
And this is funny because I've never hit of this belief This is something that I've been saying since one of like probably one of the first videos
I've ever done in my entire life that I do not believe that the Bible blanket condemned slavery
I've also said for the same amount of time that u .s. Slavery. You know the southern system of slavery was a non -starter
It was unacceptable. It was sinful. It was started by a death penalty offense
Man -stealing is a death penalty offense. That's how seriously God takes Stealing people from where they live and then slaving them by force.
That's a death penalty offense And so I believe both of those things
I believe both of those things as long as I've been on on YouTube at least and I've been open about this from the beginning and so she's kind of making it seem like we nobody should be surprised yet Obviously if you listen to my words and you under and you understand
English and you're not an idiot Of course, you shouldn't be surprised because I've said it Probably I don't know a hundred times on YouTube.
Maybe a hundred times on Twitter I don't know. But yeah, this is where the the scum and villainy comes into play.
Then. Of course this this one I found hilarious he Bradley Mason sends up the bat signal to Joel McDermott come out here and slap some sense into these wannabe theonomists and Joel McDermott comes at his beck and call.
I'm sorry I'll get back into the game soon and it's like dude like I don't think this is gonna work
Bradley because I learned this from Joel I Learned this from Joel and I like Joel.
This is another guy that appeared on my on my 12 days of charity list I like Joel very much
But yes, Aaron seems to think I learned this from Doug Wills and I didn't I learned this from Joel McDermott. So there you go
Don't think that was gonna work my friend But then then this guy to hunter cannot even right now hunter
Crowder six Just look at some of this guy's tweets. I've looked into his socials a little bit his tweets and his
Facebook page This is a this is a weird. This is a strange character. That's for sure
I'm not saying he's shady, but he's an interesting kid. Who is this guy? Does anybody know who this guy is?
he's all over the The the sex abuse scandal in the SBC and he's all over this stuff
With this particular crew, but I don't know. There's something there something there I don't know but but not all the not all the responses to this the slavery debate were were screeching and Virtue signaling not not all of them were
I saw a thread from Marcus Pittman Who basically he said that this is an example of why restitution based?
Servant indentured servanthood or slavery if you want to call it that is better than our current prison system.
He told a story about a Guy who borrowed his cell phone and then stole it And he he got the evidence, you know
He had an app on his phone that got the evidence of who it was and he called the police and he wanted restitution He wanted his phone back or he wanted, you know monetary compensation because I guess the guy had sold the phone
So the police officer says no there's not gonna be any monetary compensation You're never gonna get that money back and he's going to jail
He's gonna go to prison for two years because he sold stolen goods and blah blah blah blah blah So he steals a $200 phone and he's facing like two years of prison time or something like that I might be getting some of the details wrong here, but Marcus says that's immoral.
That's an unjust and What would be better is if we just did restitution and if he couldn't pay because he sold it maybe bought you know
Some Cheetos or something with the money Then he should he should work for me doesn't have to work at my house.
I'd garnish his wages Essentially, he'd be my servant until he paid it back. That's the proper system and I agree with Marcus.
We should bring that back immediately that system where we have a Restitution based penal system not a penal system based on prison because prison is immoral in and of itself plus it also
Re -victimizes the victim because Marcus would have ended up paying for that man's two -year prison sentence
So Marcus would have ended up paying for him to be locked up in the cage like an animal which he disagrees with anyway
And it just re -victimizes Marcus. I completely agree. The prison system is outrageous. It should be abolished today and replaced with restitution based
Pediology now some people were disagreeing with that and there are some disagreements that I think are
Maybe not valid, but they're not they're not virtue signaling one of them says well
You're you're misunderstanding the general equity of God's law So yes, we should apply the general equity of God's law
But the general equity of God's law does not mean we reinstitute slavery and I'm sensitive to that I'm sensitive to that argument because what
I'd like to see is okay fine So show me the general equity that leads you to this prison system where there is no indentured servant hood where there is no real
Restitution that's made for a thief Show me that so so if you can show me the
Bible where if you apply the general equity of God's law it says you should build these prisons and have prisoners sit in those prisons for a
Arbitrary amount of time to somehow make up for the crime that they did To me, that's a very tall order.
It seems way simpler just to say no there's something about restitution that that that does not require you to build prisons and Have people sit in them for you know, 10 years to think about what they've done
You know what? I mean? Like that doesn't make any sense to me, but I'm open to hearing your case There's another there's another argument that I am also very sensitive to that I think is wrong and I'm gonna bring it to you here.
I'm gonna tell you why I think it's wrong It says this it says God allowed slavery, but he did not command it
He allowed slavery But he didn't command it and what they'll often they'll often point to is the whole thing about God allowing divorce
Because of the hardness of people's hearts. I've heard this many times I've heard this since I had become a Christian in the first place
And it's it that I feel that I feel the weight of that, but it's a little bit too oversimplistic
While it's true that God doesn't command slavery He also
It's true, he doesn't command slavery because that would be like God commanding people to sin So in other words slavery exists because someone is dropping the ball
Someone is not doing what they ought to do either Someone was a thief and stole something and they committed a crime or someone sells themselves into slavery
Which I think should be legal today. You should be able to sell yourself into slavery if you get into a situation that is untenable for you
So if you if you you know If you spend all your money like like that like the prodigal son and on hookers and stuff like that You might be all of a sudden in want and so you might decide to sell yourself into slavery
That should be an option for you today Obviously the prodigal son was in sin there. He wasn't saving the way he ought he wasn't, you know, things like that So he wasn't he left his family.
That was also a problem like, you know, I mean, he didn't have to go into slavery He could have stayed with his father who could have provided for him
But he chose not to instead he chose to hate his father. So you see like like that should be okay
So God yeah, God doesn't command it but in the case of restitution where somebody steals ten oxen and Can't pay back the ten oxen and you can read that hear that as a car or something like that or steals your computer or steals
You know from their employer or something like that Then in that case if they can't pay it is commanded you see just because God doesn't command someone
Command slavery in and of itself. He doesn't command the situations that would arise that slavery would be required
Doesn't mean that slavery is still not the proper penalty for those sins. So you can't just say well
God doesn't command slavery He regulates it and so therefore we shouldn't have slavery today that doesn't follow that doesn't follow
Yes, God doesn't command slavery. That's true But in the case of someone who's stolen who cannot pay it back
He certainly didn't command that they go to prison In fact, if you if you do that, then you're breaking
God's commands because he does command the proper penalties for this crime He does command what restitution looks like you can't just say restitution means whatever
I want it to mean No, someone sitting in a prison cell for a certain amount of time is not restitution
Now the third thing that people, you know for some reason are confused about I don't really understand it
But there it's pot so one woman asked me and this is a totally sincere question as far as I can tell
What's the difference between US slavery and biblical slavery because I'm confused and so I told her you know
I didn't have a lot of time to talk about it But the primary difference is that in a biblical version of slavery at least from the general equity perspective
You couldn't kidnap people like you couldn't have taken my my ancestors
From Africa stolen them from Africa and brought them over here. That's a death penalty offense I've said that for years and years and years.
I learned that from Joel McDermott You know what? I mean? And he's right about that. That's a death penalty offense.
That's the biggest difference. So we couldn't do that I think people should be able to sell themselves into slavery. I think that slavery should be instituted for restitution based penalties and stuff like that But you can't steal people
It's pretty simple, I don't know it's pretty simple But anyway, let's get back to this this for a second here
This this comment from a mean because I think that this is important This is how
I know you're wrong This is how I know That you might be lying
But I'm not gonna say that cuz I yeah, I like you. I don't think you'd you'd lie intentionally I think you're confused.
You're very confused to me. And so are you Bradley? Bradley and I mean two confused people because Bradley and I mean want us to believe that There's this system of power
The system of power that's in place in our culture today that protects whiteness that protects whiteness and It's everywhere and it's like a it's like a boogeyman you can't really see it but it's there it's in our laws
It's everywhere. It's the air we breathe. It's an invisible bag of Privilege as my friend
Matt Chandler said so eloquently And it's everywhere. It's it's just all over the place.
It's almost like a conspiracy theory when you think about it, and then
I mean says this Also, that's why these dudes have fake avatars dudes want to get online anonymously and say stuff that they know is ridiculously problematic
Keyboard cowboys they all need to put their name and face on if they truly claim to be confident in their position now we've demonstrated many times that Earlier that these men didn't
I don't John Harris's doesn't I mean we all have our real names not out there But I mean knows intuitively
That that whole story about whiteness protecting whiteness is false Because here's a mean saying they have to hide
They can't be public about this. They don't want their employer to know about this They don't want their pastor to know about this.
That's why they hide their keyboard warriors If there was this invisible bag of privilege whiteness protecting whiteness, why would they have to do that?
Why couldn't they say I was all about the Confederacy the Confederacy wasn't all bad slavery is good and all this kind of stuff like Why?
You know, that's not true You know, that's not true. They do have to protect themselves here
A lot of people believe these same things but don't say it because they know it would cost them everything I get a little bit of a pass.
I get a little bit of a pass because I had ancestors who were slaves Because I've got that good met that beautiful, you know chocolate skin milk chocolate skin.
You know what I mean? I get a pass from some of this stuff But you know that that privilege thing that whiteness power thing who has the real culture of power who has the real cultural power
I mean, I ask you if one side of this feels the need in your opinion because I'm not saying you're lying here
I think you're wrong about this, but I'm going by your standards here. This is answering you according to your foolishness
They have to hide their faces In a system of whiteness that's supposed to be protecting them.
That's seems like a pretty weird system of whiteness So, you know
That it's your side that has the cultural power You I mean and you
Bradley and you Conrad whatever your name is You're the ones that have the power to cancel someone
That's what the whole point of this thread is Bradley's trying to cancel John MacArthur here, and he knows he has a shot at it
Why? Not because whiteness protects whiteness, but because you Bradley are on the side of power
You Bradley are on the side of the oppressor You I mean
Have the abilities to you know to say things whatever the heck you want You say so many problematic things and you don't care put your name on it because you know, you can't be canceled
That's how I know you're lying. That's how I know you're confused You're either lying or confused.
The power is all on your side And you know it That's why you make statements like this now these statements are inconsistent because obviously as we see here there's a bunch of people using their real names
I Would take maybe think about this a little more before you say contradictory stuff, that's just me but Anyway, I hope this is helpful.