This Is How The Liberal Christians Get You...
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[NOTE: Citing a source does NOT necessarily mean that we agree with everything said or done by any of these organizations/individuals (and vice versa). Please exercise discernment in what content you consume and what you believe.]
Apologia Studios:
Alpha And Omega Ministries:
Canon Press:
Conversations That Matter:
Justin Peters:
Right Response Ministries:
The Reformation Red Pill Podcast:
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The Kings Hall Podcast:
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Jamie Bambrick:
Ligonier Ministries:
Founders Ministries:
Joyful Exile:
G3 Church Network:
Founders Church Network:
[NOTE: Offering a resource does NOT necessarily mean that we agree with everything said or done by any of these organizations/individuals (and vice versa). Please exercise discernment in what content you consume and what you believe.]
- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we need to talk about progressive
- 00:05
- Christians and the so -called Christian intellectuals who defend them. So you might have noticed that I've done quite a few videos on liberal
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- Christians and progressive Christians recently. That's not an accident. It's completely intentional.
- 00:25
- In the coming weeks and months, I plan to go absolutely scorched earth on progressive Christianity. Why? Well, because liberal drift has infiltrated nearly every major Christian denomination in America.
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- The PCUSA, the Methodists, the Episcopal Church, and huge swaths of the Lutheran Church, just to name a few.
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- And now, we're even starting to see compromise in places like the PCA and the Southern Baptist Convention.
- 00:49
- If we're going to protect our Christian friends and family from this insidious doctrine, we need to fight it with everything we have.
- 00:55
- And that is what we're going to do in this video, with the example of Kristin Dume and to a certain extent,
- 01:01
- Jamar Tisby. Kristin is a historian at Calvin University, and of course, it never ceases to amaze me the irony of the fact that John Calvin himself would probably have taken one look at Kristin's work and told her to go home, along with Beth Moore.
- 01:14
- But besides that point, there's the obvious fact that Dume is the perfect poster child for Christian academics who are very clearly trying to move the church in a progressive left direction.
- 01:26
- And she does all of this under the guise of simply wanting to be a Christian intellectual.
- 01:31
- I'd love to go back to this 1968 special edition of Christianity Today, a whole magazine, a whole issue on contraception and abortion.
- 01:40
- Read it. It is fascinating. And one of the key pieces there is a theological analysis of insulment, of insulment.
- 01:52
- When does the soul enter the body? And how do we understand that?
- 01:57
- How do we reconcile this theological question or apply this theological question to what we now know in terms of modern science?
- 02:05
- I mean, what a fascinating theological question, and a question that I have not heard asked for at least a generation now, if not more, right?
- 02:15
- So the theology around this question has almost not been allowed. And I think that we have an impoverished theological discourse now around this absolutely critical question.
- 02:28
- Now, you may have noticed something interesting about that clip. Kristin DeMay never actually took a firm stance on the issue at all.
- 02:35
- Instead, she simply uses her academic title as a historian to explore what she believes is really just a super interesting question.
- 02:43
- Let's all put on our bow ties and our glasses and have a long discussion about it, right? But let's break down what she's actually talking about here before we get distracted.
- 02:52
- She's talking about when a soul enters the body in the context of the pro -choice debate.
- 02:57
- In other words, the innocent, super interesting question she's trying to pose is, at what point can we take the life of an unborn baby?
- 03:04
- At what point can we actually say that they are human in light of modern science? And keep in mind that this entire conversation is happening with a group of other liberal leaning
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- Christians who have gathered together on a Zoom call to talk about faith at the
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- Democratic National Convention. Let me read you some of the description below that video. Quote, Christian right leaders still regularly accuse
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- Democrats of being godless liberals, or some similar phrase. Trump has claimed that no true
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- Christian should be able to vote for a Democrat. But as Kristin DeMay, who was on the ground at the Democratic National Convention reports,
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- Christianity and other religions are alive and well among not only the rank and file, but the high profile speakers in Chicago for this week.
- 03:48
- Similarly, Jamar Tisby talks about his experience as part of the quote, evangelicals for Harris group, which has been the target of attacks by the
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- Christian right merely because of its existence, end quote. So make no mistake of what's happening here.
- 04:02
- These so -called Christian intellectuals are coming together with the goal of convincing Christians that they can vote for Democrats with a clear conscience.
- 04:10
- That's the entire point. Keep in mind that the Democratic National Convention that they're discussing here actually had a mobile medical clinic that offered, among other things, pills that mothers could use to take the lives of their unborn children.
- 04:25
- And this is the convention that these Christian intellectuals want to convince you was actually kind of Christian.
- 04:31
- But to make matters even more complicated, they're not being entirely honest about it, are they? Kristin DeMay, for example, is saying all of this under the guise of,
- 04:39
- I'm just a historian who's trying to add nuance to the conversation. And then people wonder why ordinary
- 04:45
- Christians like me and you have started hating the word nuance. Maybe it's because whenever these liberal
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- Christians get called out, they say, I'm just trying to add nuance to the conversation. I wasn't trying to offer my own position.
- 04:57
- But no, they're not. They clearly have a hidden agenda, and their agenda is evil and wrong.
- 05:02
- In another interview, Kristin responded to the question of evangelicals reacting to Roe v. Wade, and it's being overturned at the federal level.
- 05:10
- Watch this. But what effect do you think it will have more broadly about this movement?
- 05:17
- Oh, it's, if anything, in the short term, I think it will further radicalize the evangelical movement.
- 05:26
- I'm already seeing, as already last night on social media, talk from evangelicals, a kind of gleeful celebration, and chiding any evangelicals who raise questions about Donald Trump.
- 05:41
- See, the ends did justify the means, not exactly what we wanted, and this kind of ruthless display of power, whether it's through Trump in his person, whether it's through Supreme Court appointments, whether it's through subverting democratic norms.
- 05:55
- All of this pays off because we got what we wanted. So there you have it.
- 06:01
- Making it harder to take the lives of unborn children is, in Kristin Dumais' view, a quote, ruthless display of power on the part of white evangelicals.
- 06:10
- It couldn't possibly be the case that the Bible clearly indicates babies in the womb are human beings made in God's image,
- 06:16
- Psalm 139. And of course, it couldn't possibly be the case, either, that these Christians want to institute basic biblical justice by making murder illegal,
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- Exodus 2013. No, this is quite simply a power grab from a bunch of white
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- Baptists who don't care all that much about women or minorities and who worship Donald Trump, etc.,
- 06:36
- etc. But don't worry, guys. She's not an activist. She's just a historian. She doesn't have a political agenda, just a nuanced academic agenda.
- 06:44
- So here's the deal. Instead of having me offer more obnoxious nuance here, let me offer you a clear perspective that cannot be misunderstood.
- 06:52
- I believe that people like Kristin Dumais and Jamar Tisby are a part of a direct, concerted effort to move the
- 06:59
- Church in a leftward and progressive direction, politically speaking. That is obviously what they're trying to do if you just listen to them talk.
- 07:06
- They're acting in bad faith, and they are constantly using nuance and charity, so to speak, as a smokescreen so that they can't be accused of working on their actual project, which is to make the
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- Church part of the liberal machine. I, for one, have absolutely no trust in these people's teaching, and I don't think you should either.
- 07:25
- And that's the reason why the secular media machine will consistently interview Kristin and Jamar despite the fact that the grand majority of the people they constantly talk about, conservative evangelicals, have either never heard of them or find them extremely annoying.
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- They don't speak for us, and they never will, except as media stooges. Because we know what their game is, and we're not okay with it.
- 07:45
- We're not playing it anymore. So friends, stand up against liberal drift wherever you find it, and identify the teachers who are spreading it.
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- Stand up biblically, lovingly, and wisely on this issue for the glory of God. Please pray for this channel and for anyone mentioned in the video.
- 08:01
- And check out the ministries linked in the description. Like, subscribe, hit the bell, and subscribe to our Rumble channel.
- 08:06
- And these are the people who make this channel possible with their monthly support. Today's highlighted channel supporter is
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- John M. If you want us to do more research, make more videos, and reach more people, please hit the link in the description and join the