Thabiti "Can't Even" But I Can - Slanderous Article on SBC Pastor's Resolution

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Pastor Thabiti Anyabwile shared an article that lies about an elder in the church: Pastor Grady Arnold. Thabiti literally cant even. But I can. Slanderous Article: Actual Resolution:


Well, good morning, and it is a beautiful morning here in Rutland, Vermont. Love the weather these days.
It is great. But you know what? We're starting the day. Let's check Twitter and see what's going on. John Piper.
Look at this one. Very, very encouraging. I love this verse. Fantastic. Let's see what else is going on here.
Kyle J. Howard, praise God, from whom all blessings flow. What am I looking at?
What? Whatever. Who cares? Thabiti.
I don't even have words. No words. Maybe you have some. Let's check this out.
Texas Pastor. Seems like a fellow saying the whole idea of justice and equality is way too liberal.
Grady Arnold has filed a resolution calling to denominate. That is so stupid.
Justice is too liberal. That's ridiculous. You know, at the end of the day, racial justice, social justice, you name it, he's heard enough.
He's against all this justice, but he wants the Southern Baptist Convention to stop preaching about it. He's filed a resolution.
See, now that's just stupid, right? Like obviously justice is something God is concerned with.
There's so much in the Bible that's about justice. There's entire books about justice. All the prophets preach justice.
Christ preached justice. And it applies to race. It applies to economics.
It applies to everything. And so that's just stupid. But I will say that likely this pastor, this is a response and as a result of just crying wolf too many times.
This is your fault, social justice warriors. It's your fault that this brother here is saying that justice, we're preaching about justice too much.
Because you've cried wolf so many times. You've said these issues are about justice, and then we look into them, and they're really not about justice.
They're about cultural Marxist categories and all this stuff. You've cried wolf. This is your fault. But you know what?
Before I actually go that way, maybe I should actually read the resolution because honestly, I don't want to jump to conclusions. We do know that the news has a tendency of twisting things.
So to be fair to this guy, I retract everything I just said. Let's actually read this resolution and see what it says.
All right. Here it is. This is the Grady Arnold, Pastor, Messenger, Calvary Baptist Church.
All right. So, whereas social justice movement worldwide being promoted, presented using various labels such as eco -justice, economic justice, racial justice, global justice, whereas social justice by definition is an anti -bilitical movement.
I agree with that. Yeah. That's right. Interested in redistributing wealth. Yeah. That's very true. Redistributing opportunity and privileges within society.
Yeah. That's all correct. Whereas social justice, abortion, yeah, that's right.
A lot of social justice warriors are pro -abortion, not the Christian ones typically, but gender confusion.
Yeah. This is very true. Social justice is being promoted and enforced by governments worldwide.
Deceptive. Whereas social justice is deceptive and well -meaning to become unwittingly drawn to such ideologies false.
Yeah. That's very true. There's a lot of false assumptions that social justice warriors like to make.
Social justice is based on. Yeah. That's very true as well. Okay. Look at this.
Here we go. Some comments about Russell Moore. I don't really care. So this is looking pretty good. Let's go down the resolutions here.
This is really the meat of it. Avoid the term social justice. Yeah. I don't really agree with that.
All SBC colleges and universities be encouraged to review their teaching programs with special attention given to the humanities department to ensure that Marxist -based social justice is not being taught.
Wow. That's really good advice because pretty much every university, especially in the humanities departments is teaching
Marxist -based social justice. We encourage churches in preaching, teaching, and in discipleship to address the issues of race.
We encourage to address the issues of racial reconciliation, poverty, the environment, sexual and gender issues, immigration, and education from a
Christian worldview and reject the ideological underpinnings and verbiage of the social. What is wrong with this resolution?
This doesn't say that justice is in the Bible. Resolve. We encourage churches in preaching and teaching about all of these things.
That's all justice. What he's objecting to is the false idea of justice that I object to.
He's using social justice as a technical term. He's not saying that the Bible preacher shouldn't preach about justice.
He's actually saying the exact opposite. They should preach about biblical justice, not social justice as defined by these
Marxist categories where economic inequalities or disparities and things like that prove oppression because they don't.
He's exactly right. Look, I don't know this pastor. I don't know what his history is.
I'm not even necessarily saying I support the resolution because I don't agree with everything that I just read, but this is not what this article says it is.
This pastor is not saying that preaching justice is evil. Shame on you, Thabiti.
Shame on you. If you're agreeing with this and saying this pastor is saying that preaching justice is evil, either you haven't read the actual resolution or you're just lying.
This is ridiculous. You have no words. I've got a few words. My words are, he's right.
We shouldn't be using social justice categories that the world is using. Isn't it interesting that the church is preaching social justice almost in the exact same way that the world is preaching it, except they're adding some
Bible verses and talking about Christ. It's not the same thing. The world's conception of social justice is not the same thing as biblical justice.
You have to demonstrate that it is, and I've asked many times and it's just never happened. I can demonstrate that it isn't very easily, and I've done so on these videos and I will continue to do so.
This is dishonest. This is dishonest. I don't even have words. You can't even hashtag no words.
Yeah, I've got some words. You're lying about this brother. Retract this, retract this.
This article is lying about this brother. He is not saying that preaching justice is evil.
This is a lie. This headline right here is a lie. He's against all this justice, talking about racial justice, social justice, and global justice.
This sentence is a lie. We just pulled up the resolution. Look at what it says.
We encourage churches in preaching, teaching, and in discipleship to address the issues of racial reconciliation, poverty, justice, all these things.
That sentence is a lie. Why are you lying about this brother? This is the slander that I'm talking about.
He's either completely ignorant of what the resolution says or he's lying. It's just that simple. Again, I don't know what this brother has said in the past.
Maybe he's using terms in such a way that they don't mean what they obviously do mean, at least in the resolution.
I'm not defending the pastor. I don't know him. But this is a lie, a flat -out lie, saying the whole idea of justice and equality is way too liberal.
That is also a lie. He's talking about something very specific. He's talking about social justice as conceived by Marxist ideology, where inequalities and disparities equal some kind of oppression.
That's what he's talking about. He's using it as a technical term. Stop lying. I'm going to have a good day today.