The Gospel of Luke (10 ) The Baptism of Jesus 12/18/2022
First Baptist Church Leominster
The Gospel of Luke (9 ) The Ministry of John the Baptist 12/11/2022
The Theology of the Incarnation of Christ 12/4/2022
The Gospel of Luke (8 ) The Ministry of John the Baptist (1) 11/27/2022
The Infancy of Jesus (2) 11/20/2022
The Infancy of Jesus 11/13/2022
God is Love 11/06/2022
Pastor Stuart Olyott "The Apex of History: The Cross of Christ" 10/30/2022
The Gospel of Luke (6) 10/23/2022
Enter By The Narrow Gate 10/02/2022
The Gospel of Luke (5) 10/16/2022
The Gospel of Luke (4) 10/09/2022
The Gospel of Luke: The Birth of Jesus Foretold 09/25/2022
The Gospel of Luke 09/18/2022
Marjorie A. (Elven) Stenstom- 09/14/2022
The Gospel of Luke (1) - 09/11/2022
The Third Commandment (2) - 09/04/2022
Grumbling and Disputing - 08/28/2022
"Brotherly Love" - 08/21/2022
The Ministry of Reconciliation - 08/14/2022
The Subtle but Serious Danger of Legalism - 08/07/2022
The Third Commandment - 07/31/2022
The Second Commandment (3) - 07/24/2022
The Second Commandment (2) - 07/17/2022
The Second Commandment - 07/10/2022
The First Commandment (2) - 07/03/2022
The First Commandment - 06/26/2022
The Preface to the Ten Commandments - 06/19/2022
Introduction to the Law of God - 06/12/2022
"The Power of the Cross" - 06/05/2022
Abstaining from Sexual Immorality (2) - 05/29/2022
Abstaining from Sexual Immorality - 05/22/2022
Final Exhortation (2) - 05/15/2022
Final Exhortation (1) - 05/08/2022
The Book of Malachi (9) "The Day of The Lord" (2) 05/01/2022
The Book of Malachi The Day of The Lord 04/24/2022
An Appearance of the Risen Christ 04/17/2022
The Book of Malachi (7) 04/10/2022
Instruction for the Church (2) 04/03/2022
The Book of Malachi (6) The Lord urges returning to Him 03/27/2022
The Book of Malachi (5) The Lord is coming to execute Justice 03/20/2022
The Book of Malachi (4) Judah Profaning the Covenant 03/13/2022
Instruction for the Church 03/06/2022
The Book of Malachi (2) 02/20/2022
The Book of Malachi (1) 02/13/2022
Instruction for Shepherds 02/06/2022
Help toward our Sanctification (2) 01/30/2022
Help toward our Sanctification (1) 01/23/2022
“Our Biblical Worldview” (14) Biblical Sexuality and Salvation 01/16/2022
“Our Biblical Worldview” (13) The sufficiency and authority of the Holy Scriptures 01/09/2022
“Good Tidings of Great Joy” 12/26/2021
Christmas Eve service 12/24/2021
“Our Biblical Worldview” (11): 12/19/2021
Living in Light of the End (2): Jason Austin 12/12/2021
Message from our Missionary to New Guinea: Caleb Gibello 12/05/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” ( 11 ) God and the Nations ’ Leaders 11/28/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” ( 10 ) God and the Nations 11/21/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” ( 9 ) Living with view to the final judgment and life beyond 11/14/2021