Living in Light of the End 11/07/2021
First Baptist Church Leominster
“ Our Biblical Worldview” (8) Our dealings with the devil” part 2 10/31/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” (7) Our dealings with the devil” 10/24/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” ( 6 ) The Fall of Man into Sin 10/17/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” (5) Marriage & Family 10/10/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview” (4) Men and women as the image of God 10/03/2021
Unity in the Midst of Diversity 09/26/2021
“ Our Biblical Worldview”(3) God the Creator, the foundation of our worldview 09/19/2021
“ Our Biblical World View”(2) Theocentrism vs. Materialism 09/12/2021
“ Our Biblical World View”(1) God is the Creator Who is Judging His Creation 09/05/2021
Dealing with that Troubling, Besetting Sin 08/29/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (25); Finishing in Faith 08/22/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (24); Continuing in Faith in Jesus Christ 08/15/2021
The Unconverted "Believer" (23): Coming to Christ 08/08/2021
Four Motivations to Fight Temptation 08/01/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (22): The Mystery of God's Providence. 07/25/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (21): The Christian’s Struggle with Sin. 07/18/2021
Suffering and Victory 07/11/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (20): Biblical Repentance 07/04/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (19): Assurance of Salvation (3) 06/27/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (17): Assurance of Salvation (2) 06/20/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (17): Assurance of Salvation (1) 06/13/2021
Preparation for Religious Persecution (Part 2). 06/06/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (16): The Good Works of True Believers (2) 05/30/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (15): The Good Works of True Believers 05/23/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (14): The Future General Judgment of Works 05/16/2021
The Unconverted “Believer” (13): Only a Form of Godliness 05/09/2021
Preparation for Religious Persecution
The Unconverted “Believer” (12): The Parable of the Sower (2)
The Unconverted “Believer” (11): The Parable of the Sower (1)
Instructions for Living the Good Life
The Unconverted “Believer” (10): The Gospel of the Kingdom
The Unconverted “Believer” (9): Faith unto the saving of the Soul
The Unconverted “Believer” (8): Striving to enter the Kingdom
The Unconverted “Believer” (7): The True Disciple of Jesus Christ
Instruction for Husbands
The Unconverted “Believer” (6): The Narrow and Broad Ways
The Unconverted “Believer” (5): The Narrow and Wide Gates
The Unconverted “Believer” (4): Saving Faith and Spurious Faith
Instruction for Wives
The Unconverted “Believer” (3): God Justifying the Ungodly
The Unconverted “Believer” (2): What is the Gospel of Salvation?
The Unconverted “Believer” (1): The Problem Stated
The Gospel of John: The Lord Jesus appears a third time to His Disciples (2)
The Christian Pilgrim and Unjust Suffering (2)
The Gospel of John: The Lord Jesus appears a third time to His Disciples (1)
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John: The Risen King reveals Himself to His Apostles (2)
The Christian Pilgrim and Unjust Suffering
The Gospel of John: The Risen King reveals Himself to His Apostles (1)
The Gospel of John: The Risen King reveals Himself to Mary Magdalene
The Gospel of John: The Empty Tomb
The Gospel of John: The King in His Death (2)
The Pilgrim Christian in the workplace.
The Gospel of John: The King in His Death
The Gospel of John: The King on His Cross
The Gospel of John: Jesus before Pilate (4)
Pilgrim Living and Earthly Authority
The Gospel of John: Jesus before Pilate(3)
The Gospel of John: Jesus before Pilate (2)