SNBS - The Book of Matthew part 11


Matthew 12


In our study on the series of Matthew we come to chapter 12. It's a long chapter. Let's see how far we get to today
I'm Pastor Josiah with Wynton Baptist Church Here's Sunday night Bible study. Let's dig in the
God's Word I'll read this first section at that time Jesus went through the grain fields on the
Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and It began to pluck heads of grain and to eat
But when the Pharisees saw it they said to him look your disciples are doing what's not lawful do on the Sabbath He said then him have you not read what
David did when he was hungry and those who were and those who were with him How he entered the house of God and ate the bread of the presence
Which it was not lawful him to eat or for those who are with him But only for the priest have you not read in the law how
I'm a Sabbath the priest and my temple profaned the Sabbath and are guiltless But I'll tell you something greater than the temples here
If you had known what this means that is our mercy not sacrifice you would not have condemned Condemned the guiltless for the
Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath so The Pharisees as we've discussed before Not only believe in the entire
Old Testament, but they believe the oral tradition that later became the Talmud and the Mishnu That old tradition was also on par with Scripture So think of it as the study notes the commentaries on the
Torah they treat as equal to Scripture if you have a study Bible I Have several they're great
But if you treat the commentators notes at the bottom as as the oritative as Scripture you do no one
Probably including that commentator any good service and you are on dangerous ground
Now the Sadducees had the opposite problem in a sense They only treated the books of Moses the first five books of the
Bible as fully inspired by God So when they say it's not lawful for you to do this
There's no actual law on the Torah that says they couldn't pluck the grains and eat them. In fact on the edge of the field
It was lawful for them to do this. It's called gleaning and Leviticus 19 and Deuteronomy 23 express expressly permit travelers to do this
In another passage they get mad because they're not eating they're washing their hands They're not washing their hands before they eat
But only the priests were commanded to do this in the law So again, just like Matthew says
Jesus says in Matthew 15 They are teaching as doctrine the commands of men.
That is a damning sentence So Jesus ends it by saying
He quotes leave. This is Hosea. Let me see if I can check here Believe verse 7 is a quote from Hosea Hosea 6 6
It takes a passage that they would probably have memorized and said you don't know you don't know what this means for the
Son of Man is courteous is Excuse me. Son of Man is courteous of the
Sabbath. He is the Son of Man. Oh, yes who Anthropo maybe pal is
Lord of the Sabbath. So in the end
Even though we're not breaking the law. I created the Sabbath. I know what I created it for.
I am God I am Lord of the Sabbath in Matthew then puts in this account of Jesus healing a man with a withered hand on the
Sabbath he goes in enters the synagogue and And They asked him if it was lawful for him to heal on the
Sabbath so that they might accuse him and there's my favorite Greek word henna They asked him this with the intention so that they might accuse him
And he said which one of you if you have a sheep and it falls in a pen on Sabbath will not take hold of It and lift it out. Is that working according to your definition of How much more value is a man than a sheep?
Yes over and over again Jesus says humans have more value than animals. Sorry PETA doesn't mean they have no value just humans have more value
It's always lawful to do good on the Sabbath guys He heals him fairs who's went out and conspired against him how to destroy him because he's breaking their oral
Tradition they're treating tradition is more important than God's Word. I Fear there are many churches that do the same thing today
Matthew been quotes Isaiah to show that Jesus is the servant that God has chosen a bruised reed he will not break a smoldering work he will not quench until he brings justice to victory so He is gentle and lowly of heart.
He is His yoke is easy and his burden is light Until he brings justice to victory one day
God's mercy will end in a sense and his justice will come to full fruition
That day is coming the scales will balance and in his name the
Gentiles will and verse 21 See if I can see if I can do this
This haha verse 21. Yeah, Isaiah 42. That's what it was. That's a quote from Isaiah 42.
So God's plan of salvation for the Gentiles was always there always there
Notice Notice that as with many Old Testament passages Part of the quotation is fulfilled in Jesus's first coming and part of it is fulfilled in his second coming
Common theme With New Testament writers quoting the Old Testament. All right now we come upon the blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit now Only a few months ago guys. I made a video on the blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit what it is So I'm not gonna spend as much detail on this I want to just skip it all together because I've already been through all this somewhat recently you can find that on Witten media ministry
What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? On our YouTube page and it will show up but I will quickly just give a couple
Comments about it What you have in this passage Matthew 12 22 to 37 that is paralleled by I believe it's
Mark chapter 3 Yeah, more chapter 3 is We have the
Pharisees purposefully calling The works of God in Jesus the works of Satan they know they know
That What he is doing is from God, but they are rejecting it because it
Messes with their power and influence. So it's not that they intellectually truly believe Jesus is of Satan.
It's that they're calling They're calling Jesus's works of the kingdom of God and by the
Spirit of God, they're calling it satanic on purpose So what you have here is them
Knowing the truth and rejecting God's plan calling it Satan's on purpose to draw people away from the truth
They were saying it out loud, but he was knowing in their heart what they really meant and this is why he condemned them
I'll read what I wrote the sin of blasphemy in the Holy Spirit as with all sin begins with the heart Sin is first committed in the heart before it's ever committed with the words or the hands so They are intentionally
Confusing the people telling them that his work is from Satan so as to not draw away from their own personal gain