3 Encounters With Jesus (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Whitten Baptist Church
Look At Me! (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Tracing History (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Christ is the Once for All-time Sacrifice for Sin – Hebrews 10:1-18 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
Pastors & Staff Introductions
The Humble Incarnation – Luke 2:41-52 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
How To Whitten - Schedule An Event
How To Whitten - Check Out Church Equipment
Life Lessons of Judah’s Kings – Part 6 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
The Lord's Supper (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
You must be born again! (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Colossians 2 (Pastor Jeremiah Shipley)
Life Lessons of Judah’s Kings – Part 3 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Life Lessons of Judah’s Kings – Part 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Why Are My Prayers Not Answered? (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
Life Lessons of Judah’s Kings – Part 1 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
The Citizen of Heaven - pt. 2 (Pastor Christian Torres)
Matthew 5:1-12 - The Citizen of Heaven - pt. 1 (Pastor Christian Torres)
Philippians 3 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Forgiveness (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Hebrews 10 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Reason for Joy – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
Is Whitten on the Right Track? – Acts 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Sufficiency of Scripture – Psalms 119 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Faith Over Fear – Acts 9 (Pastor Christian Torres)
Lord Jesus Christ, the Means of Reconciliation – Romans5:11 (Pastor Josiah)
Hope - John 4 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Setting Your Heart – Ezra 7:10 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
Galatians 1 (Pastor John Franklin)
The Devine Majesty and Gentle Humanity of Jesus Christ (Pastor Jeremiah Shipley)
1 Thessalonians 5 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Sanctity of Life (Pastor Jerimiah)
Joshua 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
1 Corinthians 11
Why Is It So Easy To Fail? (Pastor John Franklin)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | part 5 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | part 4 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | part 3 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | part 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow | part 1 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
America, You Are Next - Zephaniah 1 (Pastor Christian Torres)
Disciple - Luke 14:25-35 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Grace, Duty, and Choice (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
The Testing of Your Faith Part 2 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
The Testing of Your Faith Part 1 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
John 12 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Passover (Pastor Jeremiah Shipley)
How Tough Are You - Luke 23 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Apathetic Christianity (Pastor John Franklin)
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
What is Forgiveness?
The Road Back (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
Isaiah 53 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
Sexual Immorality; Such were or such are? - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 (Pastor Josiah Shipley)
I Know (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
What do we do with Israel? part 5 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
What do we do with Israel? part 4 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
What do we do with Israel? part 3 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
What do we do with Israel? part 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)
What do We do with Israel? (Pastor Jeff Shipley)