29. 1 John 4:7-8: "True Love"
In this sermon, Pastor Jensen discusses true love and uses 1 Cor 13 to further make his case.
The podcast episode can be found here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sh...
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- 1 John 4, verses 7 and 8, hear now the inspired word of God.
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- Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows
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- God. The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
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- Let's pray. Father, once again, as we look into your word, especially on this topic of love, we pray that you would open our hearts, open our minds, that we would see and that we would understand what you have to say to us on this important topic which is central to the whole
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- Christian faith. We pray this in Jesus' name, amen. Please be seated.
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- Well, back in February, Ginger and I attended a special screening of one of my all -time favorite movies.
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- The Princess Bride was shown with a special live appearance by one of the original stars of the movie who answered questions at the end of the showing.
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- If you've never seen the movie, it's a spoof of the old swashbuckling pirate movies of the 1940s and 1950s.
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- It's complete with sword fights, battles of wits, deception, an evil king who is forcing the beautiful Princess Buttercup to marry him, and of course, the hero, a farm boy named
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- Wesley who has assumed the persona of the dread pirate
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- Roberts. And he's racing against the clock to save his beloved heroine.
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- The theme running throughout the movie is very simple, and that is that true love conquers all.
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- Nothing can stop true love. In fact, at one point in the movie, Wesley says to the princess,
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- I told you I would come for you. Why didn't you wait for me? She says, well, you were dead.
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- He says, death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while.
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- Now this movie, as with virtually all movies, is speaking specifically of romantic love, that special love between a man and a woman, the love that culminates in the bonds of marriage.
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- Now we've seen that many times in this church. In fact, just last week, we had two more announcements of couples being engaged, and we rejoiced.
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- And all you have to do is look at their faces and see the joy that accompanies this love.
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- However, we must remember that this romantic love is only a reflection of God's love for his people.
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- And the love of God is, it's deeper, it's wider than any love we can possibly comprehend in our humanity.
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- God's love is multifaceted, so sometimes scripture describes it in different ways, using different analogies, different metaphors.
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- There are times where we see God's love as the love of a father to a child.
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- Other times, Christ's love is that of a bridegroom for the bride. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her.
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- Other times, the love of Christ is described as brotherly love.
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- John 15, 13, greater love has no one than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
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- But as we read in our text, once again, you cannot describe love, let alone define it, without understanding that all love is from God because God is love.
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- Look again at verse 8, the one who does not love does not know
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- God, for God is love. That's a core principle in understanding love.
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- And then even a little further on in the text, John makes it clear that even our love for him is predicated upon the fact that he loved us first.
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- Verse 10 of 1 John 4, and this is love, not that we love
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- God, but that he loved us. And since John spends the rest of this chapter, chapter 4, which we're studying, and he's addressing the importance of love in the life of the
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- Christian, it's prudent then that we examine love not from romantic movies, so no,
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- I will not be preaching on The Princess Bride this morning, but from the inspired word of God.
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- And that's where 1 Corinthians 13 comes in. Reading this chapter, it's perfectly clear that Paul and John agree on the importance of love in the life of the believer.
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- In fact, before Paul even describes love in 1 Corinthians 13, he introduces it by showing the importance of it.
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- And he does it in a very unique way. Look at verse 1. Paul says, if I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love,
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- I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. You realize that there are people who have great oratorical skills, speakers who can captivate even large audiences with their words.
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- And they do so not only with the content of the words, but with their style and delivery. I don't know if you've ever heard of Winston Churchill's inspiring speeches during World War II that spurred the
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- Allies on even during the darkest hours of that terrible war.
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- And there was Churchill giving those speeches. Back in the 1980s, Ronald Reagan was considered a master at communicating his thoughts and his integrating humor into his speeches.
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- And Martin Luther King Jr.'s passion carried his message of civil rights far and wide during a tumultuous and a dark time in the history of this nation.
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- And then, of course, we can't forget some of the gifted preachers. Charles Haddon Spurgeon spoke to thousands of people without the aid of microphones and amplifiers.
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- Billy Graham filled not just auditoriums, but sports arenas and stadiums all around the world.
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- These were men who were gifted by God with the ability to speak and communicate well.
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- As great as some speakers are, you can take all of those speakers and even go all the way back,
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- I could go all the way back to Demosthenes in ancient Greek. Remember, he's the guy with the pebbles under the mouth.
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- As great as these speakers are, without love, they're just noise.
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- A cacophony of sounds. Paul says they're like banging aimlessly on a cymbal or a gong.
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- And sadly, we have seen this in the church in our very own times.
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- Christians debating or even preaching very eloquently, but with animosity and even anger instead of out of love.
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- Some debaters are more concerned with winning the debate than proclaiming the gospel of grace.
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- Paul says, great oratory, as desirous and compelling as that might be, without love is no use.
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- In fact, it's annoying and irritating. That's his first stab at how important this is.
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- He continues, if I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge.
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- This is most interesting the way Paul puts this, because in biblical terms, prophecy means speaking the truth.
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- Yes, prophecy has an element of foretelling, but primarily it is speaking the truth.
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- So as Paul continues, he says, even if you have uncovered truth and the mystery of mysteries of the ages, even if you've uncovered things that have never been revealed before, if you have that ability,
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- God has blessed people, some people with great intelligence. Intelligence we can only think about.
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- In fact, sometimes it hurts me when I think about it. In fact, there's an international organization called
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- Mensa. Qualifications to join is that you have an IQ in the top 2 % of the population.
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- The goal of Mensa is threefold. To identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity.
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- To encourage research in the nature, characteristics, and use of intelligence. And to promote stimulating intellectual and social opportunities for its members.
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- In other words, it's intelligence for intelligence sake. Lofty goals, if somewhat misguided.
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- But even if you qualify for Mensa, and you practice speaking the truth, if you don't have love, your accomplishments mean nothing.
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- And then he continues. He's not done yet. He says, in verse 2, if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love,
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- I am nothing. This too is rather surprising because faith,
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- I'll understate it, is strongly commended in scripture. The fact is, it's commanded by scripture.
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- It is by faith that we come to the grace of God and are saved. For by grace are you saved, through faith.
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- It's one of the three qualities that Paul will put forward in high regard at the very end of this chapter.
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- But now faith, hope, and love abide these three. So Paul is not denigrating faith or relieving us of the responsibility to grow in faith.
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- In fact, one of the rebukes that Jesus often gave to his disciples was to call them men of little faith.
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- No, Paul's intention here is to show that even this highly commended quality of faith means nothing without love.
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- But Paul's not finished yet. Look at verse 3. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor.
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- Now again, before we go on, remember the context of Paul's letter to the
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- Corinthian church. Paul is writing to people who, many of them were alive during the earthly ministry of Christ.
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- They were familiar with the events of the day of Pentecost. Remember what happened the day of Pentecost after Peter had preached and men were repenting.
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- Acts 2 verse 44. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common.
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- And they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all as anyone might have need.
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- So taking care of the poor and the needy. That was a hallmark of the early
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- Christian church. And rightly so because Jesus taught this principle clearly.
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- Remember in Matthew 25 where Jesus talks about the sheep and the goat division. And his point in that is that the inward renewal of the heart will always make a change in the outward actions of the individual.
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- Remember Jesus, he says, the king will say to the righteous, Matthew 25, 35.
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- For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in naked and you clothed me.
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- I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. And the righteous will say, when did we do these things?
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- And the king will answer and say to them. Truly I say to you to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of mine.
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- Even the least of them. You did it to me. So being generous.
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- Helping the needy. These are very commendable actions. We're commissioned by the word of God to do these things.
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- In fact, James says that if we don't practice these things, our faith is worthless.
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- It's dead. But it amounts to nothing. Without love.
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- And then he adds what some would call the ultimate test. Verse 3b.
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- If I surrender my body to be burned. But do not have love, it profits me nothing.
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- Martyrdom. Again, remember the historical context for this letter.
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- To these early Christians, martyrdom was not just a theoretical concept.
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- It was a reality for the first century church. Christians were being put to death for no other reason than just being a
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- Christian. The Caesars had declared themselves as gods. And they demanded that they be worshipped as such.
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- And they demanded that their subjects say, Kaiser Curios, that is Caesar, is Lord. And of course, any true
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- Christian could never say that. And they were subject to be put to death in some of the most cruelest and most horrid fashions.
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- But this was a reality at the time. So Paul says, even if your body is delivered to be martyred.
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- If that doesn't come from a heart of love, it will profit you nothing. I have a little confession to make.
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- I decided to look at this chapter in the middle of our study of 1 John. Because of all of scripture, it gives some of the best description of what love is.
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- And as I was working my way through the introduction, this is what we've gone through so far.
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- Looking at the importance of it. I said, is this too long?
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- I want to get to meet, what is love? And we haven't gotten there yet. So I was tempted to shorten my exposition.
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- And we've devoted quite a bit of time to these first three. We're closing in on halfway through the sermon.
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- And we're still in the introduction. But the more
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- I studied, the more I began to understand that knowing the importance of love is just as important as knowing what love is.
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- These early Christians knew the importance of love. They needed to be reminded of it.
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- In fact, if you read the entire letter to the church in Corinth, you will see that this was a church that was in trouble.
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- They had fallen into the trap of doing Christian things by habit or custom.
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- But their hearts were not in it. So Paul addresses their excesses and their faults in fellowship and even in worship.
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- And so this admonition concerning love was essential for them and the same issues are in the church today.
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- We can get so used to doing churchy things just because it's expected.
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- We need to understand that they must come from a heart of love. So this admonition concerning love was essential.
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- And so before Paul even begins to describe biblical love, he impresses upon us, this is an important topic.
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- Now let's see how he describes what is biblical love. Verse four.
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- Love is patient. A common definition of patience is the ability to accept delay, suffering, or annoyance without complaining or becoming angry.
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- The King James often translates it long suffering or suffering long. Patience is a virtue that keeps one calm in the face of adversity.
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- It's a virtue because the person who exhibits patience is able to think rationally and logically even under pressure.
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- Biblical love enables the Christian to think clearly and righteously because love is patient.
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- But patience is difficult. I want patience.
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- I want it now. But that's not how it comes.
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- Do you know how patience comes most often? Romans 5 verse 3.
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- Not only this but we exult in our tribulations knowing that tribulations brings perseverance.
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- And perseverance proven character and proven character hope. We also see that patience is one of the fruit of the spirit.
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- So patience is one of the defining issues of what biblical love is.
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- He continues, love is kind. What does it mean to be kind?
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- Kindness is a behavior that manifests itself in an attitude that is always directed towards the benefit of others.
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- A kind person is usually a generous person. A kind person is considerate of other people and their feelings.
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- A kind person is concerned about other people and renders assistance without expecting anything in return.
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- The good Samaritan exemplified kindness to the man on the highway who had been beaten and robbed.
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- He helped him and it even cost him and yet he was willing to do it.
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- His acts, his kindness moved him to acts of compassion. Kindness also is one of the fruit of the spirit.
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- So it's an essential part of what biblical love is. Paul continues, love is not jealous.
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- This is the first in a series of qualities that's stated in the negative form. And I found over the years that that's one of the best ways of defining what something is.
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- Is not only to tell you what it is but what it is not. And this is a perfect example, love is not jealous.
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- Being jealous is the feeling or demonstration of envy of someone else.
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- And the envy could have many different forms. Could envy somebody's achievements, their position in society, their wealth, even their looks.
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- Biblical love is the opposite of those feelings or actions. Biblical love spurs the person on to rejoice with those who rejoice.
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- Especially in the successes and achievements of others. The Christian is not jealous because he has learned the secret of being content.
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- As the Apostle Paul describes in the fourth chapter of the book of Philippians.
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- Paul says, I know I've had a lot and I've had nothing. And I've just learned the secret of being content.
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- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Paul continues, love does not brag.
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- This is kind of the flip side of jealousy. Boasting is speaking with excessive pride or self -satisfaction about one's successes, possessions or abilities.
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- Dizzy Dean, how many people remember Dizzy Dean? Dizzy Dean is the late
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- St. Louis Cardinal Hall of Famer. He was a pitcher. And he's credited with this statement.
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- It ain't bragging if it's true. Dizzy Dean was no theologian.
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- He was a great pitcher. But he was mistaken. If it's true, that's what makes it bragging.
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- If it's not true, it's lying. Boasting is completely antithetical to biblical love.
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- Biblical love is always other -oriented and boasting is the opposite. It exalts the self.
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- And Paul sums this up well in this very letter to the church in Corinth. Chapter 4, verse 7, he says,
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- For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as if you had not received it?
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- And then he really sums it up in chapter 1, verse 31, Let him who boasts, boast in the
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- Lord. He continues, love is not arrogant.
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- Arrogance is the natural outworking of boasting. Arrogance is known by an exaggerated sense of importance.
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- Therefore the arrogant person looks down on other people in general and specifically their successes and their abilities.
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- The arrogant person usually is spotted even before he opens his mouth.
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- Because his arrogance can be seen in the way he carries himself. The way he looks.
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- He looks down on people. And walks as though the king just entered the room.
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- Paul continues, love does not act unbecomingly. To act in an unbecoming way is to act in a way unsuitable or unacceptable for that person's position in life.
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- It may not even particularly be sinful behavior in and of itself. But because of who the person is, it's unsuitable.
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- You hear this term used in military discipline frequently. The officer was charged with conduct unbecoming an officer.
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- The officer's conduct may not be unlawful but unsuitable for one in his position and thereby subject to sanctions.
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- But you know the same is true in the church. Christians, by virtue of your position as children of God, are held to a higher standard than everyone else.
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- To whom much is given, much is required. Paul continues, love does not seek its own.
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- Now this quality, this goes right to the heart of what love is. It does not seek its own.
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- It is one of the characteristics that sets biblical love apart from all other love. And it's also one quality that is very just self -explanatory.
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- If a person expresses love for what he or she is getting from a relationship, it is not biblical love.
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- Question, rhetorical question here. Why do so many marriages fail today? Because they are based upon how the other person makes me feel.
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- When I do premarital counseling, oops, I might be giving something away here. When I do premarital counseling,
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- I usually ask the question, why do you want to get married? The answer is always the same, we're in love. How do you know you're in love?
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- Well, she'll hold his hand and say something like, because he makes me feel so good.
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- My answer is always, uh -oh. What happens when he doesn't make you feel so good?
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- Is it time to move on? See, that's what happens. Biblical love, and this also is part of my premarital counseling.
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- Biblical love, especially between the husband and wife. The wife should ask herself, how can
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- I help my husband be the man of God that he intends him to be? And the same thing vice versa.
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- What can I do for you, not what you can do for me. Biblical love says,
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- I love you even when you make me feel bad. Till death do us part.
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- Paul continues, love is not provoked. In this context, provoked means to stir up, to arouse, to anger, to infuriate, to call forth feelings or desires.
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- It can mean to enrage or exasperate. It usually means stirring up emotionally to elicit a certain response.
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- We see an example of this when Paul was seized in the temple, remember in Acts 21? The crowds were stirred up by agitators in verse 17.
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- And then we read in verse 30 of Acts 21, Then all the city was provoked.
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- And the people rushed together, and taking hold of Paul, they dragged him out of the temple, and immediately the doors were shut.
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- The people were provoked to ungodly behavior. Biblical love is not provoked to an unbecoming anger or actions.
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- The very nature of love prohibits that type of manipulation. Then love does not take into account a wrong suffered.
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- This is an extremely important characteristic of biblical love, and unfortunately it is often ignored.
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- Too often Christians keep a journal of offenses committed against them. A ledger of wrongs suffered at the hands of other people.
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- And they do so with amazing accuracy and recall. And I don't mean a physical book, but I mean it's all up here.
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- And when they need to, they whip out the entries of that ledger, and they use it like a sword. Do you remember when back in 1927 you did, boom!
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- It was Thursday afternoon at 2pm. No, I correct, 2 .51pm.
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- That practice mitigates against biblical love. The Bible gives very clear instructions for dealing with offenses within the body of Christ.
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- If you have been offended, go to that person and seek reconciliation one on one.
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- Because quite often it's just, it's mistaken. If that fails, bring one or two witnesses with you.
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- If that fails, it becomes a matter of the church to deal with. But the goal is always reconciliation of the brethren and unity in the body.
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- If the offense is a minor one, and you're able to just put it aside, let love cover it.
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- Because love covers a multitude of sins. But don't keep a record of it.
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- Because after all, Christ has washed away your sin. And blotted it out of the wrong book of wrongs.
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- It's interesting how Paul phrases the next two qualities. He doesn't say love is not unrighteous or love is truth.
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- But love does not rejoice in unrighteousness. See, Paul knew that his audience understood biblical love was not unrighteous.
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- They knew that much. But once again, context is important. Paul tells the church, it's not enough to abstain from unrighteousness.
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- You should, but it's not enough. True biblical love doesn't rejoice in unrighteousness.
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- And this admonition follows the other qualities of love and begins the summation. Avoid rejoicing with sin.
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- Instead, rejoice in the truth. As the Apostle Paul said to the church in Philippi, Rejoice in the
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- Lord always. Again, I will say rejoice. Then we come to what
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- I think is the summary of the description. Verse 7. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
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- What an apt summary for this description of biblical love.
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- Remember, the main purpose for Paul writing to the church in Corinth. He's writing to preserve and to bring greater unity to this fractured church.
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- And the main ingredient for such unity is love. We know that Paul said in Colossians 3 .14.
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- Beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity. So he has described in fair detail what that love looks like.
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- And now he sums up the whole thing with these words. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
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- First, when he says all things, he means all things proper and in accordance with scripture. He's not saying that you have to bear or put up with sin.
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- He's not saying that you have to be naive when he says believe all things.
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- You don't have to believe every inane thing that somebody comes up and tells you. Especially in this age of conspiracy theories.
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- Because that would run counter to the admonition of Jesus to be wise as serpents. We should be the most wise people on the face of the earth.
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- That's the book of Proverbs. What Paul is saying is simply this.
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- In the process of building the church of Jesus Christ, not everything is going to be simple and easy.
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- There will be troubles, there will be problems along the way. And in those times, remember love.
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- Love will carry you through. Because love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
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- And that brings us to verse 8. Love never fails.
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- So John says with confidence. Beloved, let us love one another.
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- For love is from God, and everyone who is born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know
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- God, for God is love. So Wesley or the
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- Dread Pirate Roberts is not going to be one of my favorite theologians. But he was right in a sense.
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- Death can't stop true love. If you're referring to biblical love. For Paul reminds us in verse 13 of 1
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- Corinthians 13. But now faith, hope, love abide these three. But the greatest of these is love.
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- Why is love greater than faith and hope you might ask? Well it's greater in one particular sense.
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- You see biblical love is eternal. Think of it this way.
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- When this age ends and we're ushered into eternity. We won't need faith. Faith will fade into sight.
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- We won't need hope. Because all our hopes will be fulfilled. But love will be forever.
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- For God is love. Now that is true love.
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- If you're here today and you've never experienced that true love of God. Simply bow.
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- Confess your sins. Repent. And call upon the name of Jesus Christ. His love is forever.
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- Let's pray. Father once again.
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- We thank you for your word. We thank you for the truth that it contains.
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- Thank you for the love which you have shed abroad in our hearts. By the aid of your
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- Holy Spirit Father enable us to demonstrate true love. In how we deal with one another and with other people.
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- And especially as we deal with this lost world. May they see the love of Christ within us.
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- I would pray for anyone here today who doesn't know you. That today would be the day of salvation. We pray this in Jesus name.