1 Corinthians 1 04-12-10



1 Corinthians 1 04-12-10

No Compromise Radio Thanks for tuning in to No Compromise Radio with pastor and author,
Dr. Mike Abendroth. Today on No Compromise Radio, we'll be hearing Pastor Mike open the
Word of God in a recent message he preached at Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston, Massachusetts.
Now let's join Pastor Mike in progress as he preaches through the Scriptures, verse by verse with no compromise.
Let's turn our Bibles to 1 Corinthians chapter 1 this morning and take a look at how God in Christ demands everything.
Christianity is not ultimately pragmatic. There is a way to do things to the glory of God.
And when it comes to the bottom line, oh yes, it could be important to the Lord, but how we get there in life is very, very important.
Paul is writing to the Corinthians and they have all kinds of problems. They're not living like Jesus is
Lord, especially in their church. They've got all kinds of problems. There's divisions, there's immorality, people are suing each other, people are just doing all kinds of strange things and Paul wants to try to tell them there is a way to glorify the
Lord at home, at work, in this particular case in 1 Corinthians, in the local church.
And he gives an introduction in verses 1 through 9, stressing the
Lordship of Christ Jesus. If Jesus is Lord of the church, then he demands everything.
There's no nook, there's no cranny, there's no little smidgen of area that somehow you can relegate to secular life.
Oh, I will be a good Christian on Sundays, but when it comes to Monday morning and business, I've got another agenda.
When Jesus saves you, he gives his all, he gives himself as the ransom, and then he demands all.
Christianity is all or it is nothing. And so Paul is trying to tell that to the people at Corinth.
If you're new here today, basically what we do is we pick a book of the Bible, in this particular case 1 Corinthians, and then we just systematically teach through it.
And the good news is it keeps pastors from always preaching on their hobby horses. I have hobby horses, but now my hobby horse today is 1
Corinthians 1, verse 17. And I love the bells, I love how people can play bells with only one shoe,
I love all kinds of things about the bells, and I thought, this is just wonderful. But I kept thinking today,
I can't wait to just get up and preach this passage, because it is literally life changing.
If you're not a Christian, you need to know one day you'll stand before God, and everything in your fabric and in your being says, this is how
I should live. I have to be good, I have to be better than I used to be, I'm driving this way down this freeway that says north, and everything in my life, all my friends, all my relatives, my co -workers, they all are on this road that says, just be good, be better than Hitler, be better than Stalin, be better than someone else.
And that's just how we're born. You don't even have to teach a kid that. Kids know, earn favor by doing, by being good.
And here we have God that comes along and says, I demand perfection, I demand complete obedience.
I'm telling you, you try to live according to the law, you will fail. And so here comes Jesus, and he shows us, demonstrates that the way to heaven is not the way you were born to take, it's a supernatural way that says, there's only one person who can work his way into heaven, and that is the person of Christ Jesus.
And since he's God, he can't just work himself into heaven, he doesn't need to, but for the sake of analogy, his goodness, his righteousness is so wonderful because it's an infinite righteousness, it's a divine righteousness, all those that believe in his works are allowed to go to heaven as well.
So Paul says, you people at Corinth, you live this natural way, this works way, this kind of floating downstream, least common denominator way, and there's a different way to live your life when it comes to God.
And so Paul says at the very beginning in chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4, he deals with this problem of division.
He says, you might like to have divisions in political parties, at work, there's the inside group, there's the outside group, there are the wannabes, there are the populars.
Here we are all redeemed by the same Christ, and when it comes to the cross, we are equal, and he says,
I want you to act like that. And he's been dealing with this reaction to divisions in verses 10 through 17, which brings us to a verse today that I'm quite confident that most people skip over.
That's why I was so excited to preach it today, because I thought, this is great, we've just got to kind of park here, we're going to go to chapter 1, verse 17, and if I had a huge anchor,
I would throw the anchor overboard right now. Why would that be? Because that means we're just going to just kind of sit here, every word is weighty, every word is good, and I especially like to preach passages that in the past,
I've just kind of sped, sped read a word, it's two words, and just with haste,
I've read, but not seen just the juice and the morsels, and just the good nutrition that are found in here.
Makes me hungry, how about you? It's like you take just a good raw steak, and I mean as raw as possible, and you just kind of take your fork and you press down on that steak, and just the juice, and the red juice, and the blood just comes out, and you go,
I can just start, my mouth is starting to water before I even get that to my mouth, I think, oh, this is good for the soul, and this is going to be meat today for you, this is not one of those, oh well, we'll just kind of skip through, this is meat, but it's good for you, and so get your molars ready.
Let me read the verse, and then we'll dissect it a little bit, so you can understand this verse, that's my goal this morning, 1
Corinthians 1 verse 17, for Christ, the Messiah, did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, and then with words that you should ask yourself the question, why would these words be here?
Not in cleverness of speech, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.
Let me give you two essential truths today, two facts, from 1
Corinthians 1 verse 17, that every preacher, that every Bible teacher, that every
Sunday school teacher, that every evangelist, yes, every Christian, needs to wrap their arms around and digest.
Two essential truths, the first one, whether you're a preacher or a layperson, you need to understand that there are priorities in ministry, that there are priorities in ministry, there's good, there's better, there's best, but there are priorities, and here you'll see from Paul's priority, that although there's something might be good to do, there's something the best to do, the ultimate to do.
Before I even get in here, I could ask you the question this way, do you think it's better to preach the gospel to your unbelieving friends, or do you think it's better to invite them to church?
Now, I know which one's easier, well, why don't you come to church? You know, there's not a verse in the
Bible that says, invite your unsaved friends to church, oh, it's good, and if you're unsaved and you've got a friend here and they invited you, welcome.
But there's something better, there's something more important, there's a higher priority, and I think we'll learn from the apostolic example here of that priority.
Preaching the gospel is the highest calling, even over baptism, look at verse 17, for Christ did not send me to baptize.
Baptism true or false is important, absolutely. I think you should only with reticence call yourself a
Christian if you're not baptized. Oh, can you be a Christian without being baptized? Yes, but with reluctance, you should say,
I'm a Christian. When you can't even do the first step of obedience, God doesn't say through his scriptures, believe and give, believe and attend, believe and evangelize, believe and sing, believe and work to the glory of God, believe and be baptized.
It is way up there on the priority poll, but it is not all the way up there.
He says, Jesus didn't send me to baptize, why? Because the preaching of the cross is more important than that.
By the way, on a side note, and it's not in the text, but it's way easier to baptize. Anyone can dunk, anyone can sprinkle, anyone can triple dunk.
I've been in baptisms before where it's a triple dunk, I baptize you in the name of the Father and the Son and the
Spirit. If you're big enough, you can baptize people. Paul wasn't sent for this reason.
Baptism is important. Matthew chapter 28, the great commission in verses 18 through 20, there's a commission and that commission is not to go baptize people, but there's a higher commission, both grammatically and theologically.
We are to go make what? Disciples by subordinately teaching, baptizing, etc.
The official duty of Paul the Apostle as he was sent out by Jesus on the Damascus Road in Acts chapter 8,
Acts chapter 22 is go preach the gospel to the Gentiles. How did
Paul get on the subject? Well, if you see in verses 13 through 16, baptism did come up.
Remember, they were putting themselves in different camps. Look at the shock statements of Paul in verse 13.
Has Christ been divided? Paul is not crucified for you. Was he?
Are you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius so that no one would say you were baptized in my name.
And now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized any other.
Then he leads in, for Christ did not send me to baptize.
Baptism is inferior to preaching the gospel. We are saved not by being baptized.
If you think for one moment that you're going to go to heaven because you had some water placed on your head when you were a baby and then now you just live the life however you want to live.
For one moment, if you think when you go to a certain kind of other denomination, other religion, and they say at people's funerals, based on the baptism they received as a baby, they're going to heaven.
You do not understand Christianity and you need to be born again. If it was so easy to sprinkle babies and in they go, then
Paul would have been sent to what? For then I was sent to baptize people.
But that's not how disciples are made. Disciples are made by preaching free grace, free sovereign grace, substitutionary atonement, literal resurrection,
Christ dying in the place of sinners, being raised from the dead. And Paul says, in light of all this, now that I'm talking about baptism,
God did not send me to baptize people. Paul says, don't let the cross lose its central position.
The cross should be front and center, not just for Paul, not just for preachers, but for you.
If you're a person here who's a Christian, you should say to yourself, I have priorities in life, but I have the ultimate priority.
Why don't we just hold you under when we baptize you? Remember MacArthur always says that, you know, somebody gets saved and now it's my privilege and my pleasure to baptize you in the name of the
Father, Son, and Spirit. And you just hold them under until they drowned and then they go to heaven. Why do we let people back up?
For lots of reasons, theologically, civilly, legally, because you are, whether you're a homemaker or you're a nuclear physicist, pastor or layperson, you're here to preach the gospel.
You say, well, that was just Paul's priority. No, that's Paul's priority and it's your priority. Some things are better than other things.
You can do good things. You can do better things. And here is the best. Paul with Saint, the Apostle Paul.
And like Paul says, you watch me praise God, you praise God. You watch me put baptism at the very top.
No way. No way. I remember when
I first got here, oh, many said, we know your top priority is preaching. But many thought my top priority was visitation.
My top priority was administration. My top priority was being a good old boy, just kind of a guy's guy.
Friends, may I say, and you already know this because you've sat here for long enough under my ministry. If you can get a pastor who's qualified according to 1
Timothy 3 and Titus 1, who's able to live a godly life and is able to preach the gospel, anything else you get is what?
It's gravy. We're back on this food thing again today, aren't we? If he's a good old boy, if he's not a good old boy, if he's one of the guys, if he's the kind of guy you want to invite over to watch the
Patriots lose or not, I mean, you can just whatever. There's a priority, and the priority is the gospel front and center, feeding the souls of the sheep.
I get calls from people in New England. Could you help us find a new pastor? Churches are always looking for a new pastor.
There's one way to look for a new pastor, and it's according to 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, not with some kind of committee thrown together by a bunch of people who have no idea what they're looking for except they just want to find someone they like.
Does that person preach the gospel and feed your soul? If not, I don't care what he looks like, how he acts, what kind of guy's guy he is.
It matters not. Paul said, like the way I look, like the way I talk. It matters not. It is the priority of the gospel because it saves souls and it sanctifies people.
1 Corinthians chapter 15, Paul knew it and reiterated it by saying, I delivered to you as of first importance what
I also received, that you should be baptized for our sins according to the scriptures.
No, that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and he was buried and that he was raised on the third day according to the scriptures.
Paul says in chapter 9 of 1 Corinthians, woe to me if I don't baptize, true or false? Woe to me if I don't preach the gospel.
Are baptisms good? I think we might have a baptism next week. Will we all rejoice? We only clap at this church for baptisms and handbell choirs.
That's basically all we do, but we'll be clapping and rejoicing. We love baptisms, but baptisms aren't the pinnacle.
Actually, you can, well, I better save that. True or false?
Jesus baptized people with water. Don't you think if baptism was the sine qua non, the apex, the
Mount Everest of everything baptizing people, don't you think our Lord would have baptized people?
Listen to John chapter 4 verse 1 and 2. Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John the
Baptist, parentheses, verse 2, although Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were.
Paul is just like Jesus in the fact that there's a bigger issue. You can be baptized and go to hell, but you can be born again and not baptized and still like the thief on the cross, enter in to heaven.
I think it's good to ask yourself the question as you live your Christian life. What's a good thing to do at work, at home, school, in the church?
What's a better thing to do and what's the best thing to do? For Paul wasn't even close.
The second truth, as we glean these truths from 1 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 17, this is really the tenor of the passage.
This is really what Paul is after with intention, is what I alluded to in my introduction, and that if you're a preacher or a layperson,
Bible teacher or evangelist, Sunday school teacher or mom who wants to teach your children, it is important what you say about the gospel and it's important how you say it.
Both the way and the manner are important along with what the substance is.
Not just theology, but also methodology. Not just what, but how. Methodology is critical.
And you say, well, what do you mean by that? Well, let's all sing great is thy faithfulness to the tune of Barney the
Dinosaur. I love you, you love me and see if it still means the same. Or as MacArthur says, let's sing holy, holy, holy to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Methodology is important. Jesus is Lord over all. And it's not just what you preach, but how you preach it.
You're going to be amazed like I've been amazed. You can preach the gospel, the real gospel, and do it in such a way that you make it void.
How can you make it void? The voidness we're going to see from Paul here is the methodology is not biblical.
It's not God honoring. It's not good. You preach the cross.
Jesus died for sinners. You're a sinner. God raised him from the dead to prove his power over sin and Satan.
Jesus is the only savior. He's coming back to judge the living and the dead. And you can preach that gospel in such a manner, in such a mode, where this is rendered void, empty, and inoperable.
Well, can't you see that? Take a look at verse 17, not in cleverness of speech. He says,
Christ didn't send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not a half gospel, not a lot non -lordship gospel, not an
Arminian gospel. But he says to preach the gospel with good news, to proclaim the good news, but not in cleverness of speech.
See, that's all manner. That's all mode. That's methodology. Why don't you want to preach the real gospel in a wrong manner?
Answer, so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.
The issue here is not preaching a heretical, faulty gospel.
Oh, believe and do good things. God helps those who help themselves. This is the gospel preached in a wrong way, and it comes out void.
Too often in Christianity, we say, well, we want real gospel preached. But we don't really mind too much how it's delivered, because we like the bottom line.
We like pragmatism. Here he says, preaching the good news of the gospel, but in a wrong manner of style.
Listen to Leon Morris, the excellent commentator. The faithful preaching of the cross results in men ceasing to put their trust in any human device and relying rather on God's work in Christ.
A reliance on rhetoric would cause men to trust in men. The very antithesis of what the preaching of the cross is meant to affect.
There's a way to preach the gospel so people aren't thinking about Jesus of the gospel, but they're thinking about the person who's preaching the gospel.
And that's what Paul goes on to deal with in verses 18 through 31. The culture they lived in back in those days was this
Greek, oratorical, rhetorical kind of teaching where everybody said, we don't even care what you talk about, but you should talk about it well.
That's what we want. I'm not blasting Dale Carnegie or Toastmasters, but for those kind of classes, what you talk about isn't so important.
It's how you talk. Paul says, of course, use persuasion when you preach and use eloquence and use articulation.
But when it comes to manipulating people, so all the attention goes to rhetoric style. Oh, excellent speaking.
The cross is made void. The real cross. A style, a method, a mode, a manner that somehow obscures the cross, eclipses the cross isn't good.
Some kind of manner that cast a shadow against the cross. Paul says,
I'm going to jettison that. Some kind of sophisticated speech.
And everybody goes, what a great speaker. And the Corinthians lived in that culture. That's what they wanted to do.
That's what they respected before they were saved. Let me give you some ways that you could either evangelize or preach the real cross, but make it void.
These are cross voiders, if you will. Cross emptiers. Rendering void the cross.
How you can dress up the cross in such a way that Paul says it's void. Number one, the gospel can be made void or empty when you dress it with the clothes of fashion.
I call this the Armani gospel. When you speak the gospel, either from the pulpit or evangelism behind the scenes, in such a manner where your goal is that you want to look good, that you want to look good.
You're concerned about the way you speak your rhetoric versus content.
And you want people to say, what a speaker, how dynamic, what a great preacher.
Remember Will Willeman, who is a chaplain at Duke. And he says, when I preach, I'm voted one of the number one of the top 10 preachers in all
America. And when Jesus preaches, he gets crucified. Interesting.
Trying to enhance one's prestige. Prostituting the gospel for your own fame.
Selling the cross for self -promotion. Using Calvary for self -glory.
It empties the cross. Thinking that you're all out there and I'm looking for the Olympic signs to be held up.
9 .5, 10. And when you say afterwards, that was a great sermon, pastor.
I just go, better believe it. It was more than great. By the way, that's why it's not good to feed the sinful lusts and desires of a pastor.
Do I want you to think I'm a great preacher? Well, who wouldn't? You know, you say, well, you know,
I'm a mom and I raised my kids. And I want to be known as a really bad mom. That's my goal in life.
No, but see, even this, you ought to be thinking.
That was only a great sermon. When that sinful, frail preacher got up and said,
I'm not your savior. I didn't die for you. You weren't baptized in my name. I didn't make up the gospel, but I'm here to tell you about Jesus, the great one.
And if you walk away thinking, Jesus is great. His word is great. The apostolic message that Jesus sent to me is great.
Then that's what we're after. And amplifies the cross. That doesn't take away from it.
So don't say to me that was a great message. First of all, if it was a lousy message, you would be lying if you said that.
Second of all, I don't need to hear that. It's like Spurgeon who said to a lady after the service.
She said, Spurgeon, that was the best sermon I've ever heard my entire life. And he said, why? Thank you very much, ma 'am.
But Satan has already told me that as I walk down the pulpit steps. If you say that was a great sermon, would you please add the conjunction that says or no, not because of the conjunction.
Forget grammar. Just say, because you showed me Christ today and I understand his word more.