Wednesday Night Bible Study - John 19



now for those of you unfamiliar with this this is actually hey there's
Rebecca all my friends are here this is actually we're in John 19 hold on let me say
Venice Venice are you from Freeport baby have
I met you before we're in John chapter 19 this is actually a continuation of a seven -year verse by verse commentary
I shouldn't say verse by verse because that's not entirely true I would say chapter by chapter except when we got into I think was it
Psalms I was losing my mind but yeah it's it's a seven -year thing that we've written out a commentary and for the last seven years and we're in the gospel
John we start to know I work with miss Vicki oh okay hey miss hey miss
Venice that that name sounds familiar the the Thart name that sounded familiar muy bien a lowest ah so sweet I'm sorry man
I did way me too many drugs in the 80s hold on let me think all right so we're all the way up in John chapter 19
John chapter 19 it's kind of a heinous chapter to be honest with you it's funny when
I read other historical accounts about this time it's funny how
Pliny and some of the other Roman historians they talk about crucifixion and almost as a matter of a fact but even they who were in the midst of it and by the way the
Romans did not invent crucifixion and been around for a long time and it took very various forms the
Romans did like Henry Ford learn how to mass -produce it but you know it was it was interesting that even the people who were associated with it on such a industrial level if you will hey
Kimmy hey Mark hey Tamara how are you hey Carleen hey verbal it's amazing how they even thought how barbaric it was in fact one of the was it
Tacitus or plan I can't remember which one of them but they actually mentioned the followers of Christus and of course the
Latin form of Christ but they were talking about how one of their pro councils that executed
Jesus I always find it amazing that people think that Jesus in the history is only found in Scripture that's that's not an accurate statement no true historian who is intellectually honest will doubt the validity of a man named
Jesus remember Christ is not his name that was his title it's not Jesus like mr.
Christ it's Jesus the Christ which is the Greek form of Messiah or the anointed one but anyways it's it's a heinous thing it really is hey
Jonathan so hey there's Hannah hey Hannah so I'm gonna just go through this chapter 19
I don't know how far we'll get tonight but I'm just gonna go until I get tired y 'all get bored or I run out of battery power so anyways so John chapter 19 it says this then pilot took
Jesus and had him flogged the soldiers also twisted together a crown of thorns put it on his head and threw a purple robe around him and they repeatedly came up to him and said hail
King of the Jews and were slapping him in the face pilot went outside again and said to them look
I'm bringing him outside to you to let you know I found no grounds for charging him all right so let me explain something to you night before Jesus is in the
Garden of Gethsemane he's arrested and between about 2 a .m.
and once again that that's subjective we don't have a definitive thing but about from about 2 a .m.
to about 10 o 'clock in the morning Jesus has six trials and only four of them were legal but the first one of course he went to Ananias who was the political boss crump for you
Memphis folks he was the boss crump of Jerusalem even though his son -in -law
Caiaphas was the high priest and Ananias really held all the power and there was definitely nepotism there with Caiaphas getting the high priest position but Jewish law claimed that you couldn't arrest anyone at night and as soon as you brought him to trial you had to have at the minimum two eyewitnesses to their crime for them to even be brought into trial well of course that didn't happen because this was a political move and we can tell from the last chapter that the fate of Christ was already sealed
I mean it was the decision had already been made they were going to kill this guy and it's funny because Caiaphas actually said isn't it better for one man to die then the people suffered now understand this there are many sectarian groups in Jerusalem it's just like any metropolitan city or area you have political factions you have religious factions you have all these different groups going on and not everyone wanted to kill
Jesus because he they thought he was blasphemous in fact that was the the least thing they were really worried about what the
Jewish leaders were really worried about is two things number one they were worried about losing influence over their own people because they had seen the throngs of people that had surrounded
Christ and were listening to his teaching and they were very concerned they were going to lose their own influence once again it's human nature number two the other thing the
Jews both said what united all of them against Jesus or most of them
I should say was the fact that they were concerned about a riot happening because you got to remember no one was really looking for Jesus to be hey
Lisa no one was really looking for Jesus to be the Savior of the world okay what they were all excited about was the potential of restoring the
Davidic Kingdom of restoring even you go back only a hundred and sixty years the
Maccabean revolt and the pseudo -independence that the Jews had had under the old
Alexander the Great regime the say includes so what they what they thought was going to happen is that this big group of Jewish people were going to follow around hey
Lisa we're going to follow Jesus and then those followers and Jesus we're going to revolt against the
Roman government and so the Jews were like hey man it's better for Jesus to die even though we don't really have anything on him and squelch this revolt before it starts because if it starts
Rome's gonna come in here I mean you got to remember Rome had a garrison here's the
Temple Mount right here here's the let's see I don't know if I can do this backwards but anyways here's here's the
Temple Mount right here here's the pool of Bethesda right here well here was the fortress of Antonius right here
I mean right there for Tony it was right there and there was a Roman garrison stationed right there and so they knew hey
Rina they knew that if the Jewish people there in Jerusalem got froggy and they tried to throw out the
Romans it was going to be bad it was going to be bad and of course it wasn't but 40 years later that we know in 70
AD from 67 to 70 AD that the Jews did revolt they did revolt of course this was after Jesus ascended to heaven and all that good stuff but they did revolt in a course in 70
AD that revolt culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem well actually it went on a little bit longer than that Masada and all that but anyways so anyways it says here
Pilate who was the pro -council oh right wasn't that weren't they great brother
Jeremiah brother Hunter and brother Josiah were all they did a roundtable discussion tonight for Wednesday night for the youth at 630
I encourage you to go back and look at that it was excellent oh and by the way Saturday night our Q &A time is going to be on eschatology or millennial theology and remember guys there's a difference between doctrine and theology okay some of you grew up it's steeped in great religious theology and there that's fine as long as it doesn't go against doctrine but we're gonna be talking about what in times really are because you know
I remember when President Barack Obama got elected all these little like weirdo religious fruitcakes were running around saying he's the anti -christ he's the anti -christ it's just so stupid and now everybody's saying well
Trump's the anti -christ this is the end time guys relax okay chill out it'll be okay it's he's not the anti -christ even though he's a dork sometimes he's not the anti -christ but anyways so Pilate was was the leader of that Roman and Pilate had already seen
Jesus once and basically Pilate said what's this guy done he's broken no
Roman law worthy of death y 'all take care of it your little religious stuff this has nothing to do with the state okay y 'all want to go over there and beat him up in your playground that's fine but Rome is not gonna put this guy to death because he's done nothing wrong and that wasn't good enough for the
Jews they brought him back to Pilate and they were like hey you got to do something man because the people are about to revolt well
Pilate was just as scared as the Jewish leaders were scared because if there was a revolt in Judah Pilate was gonna lose his job and back then you didn't collect unemployment you know a couple of guys named
Vinnie and Guido you know took you up on a roof and you committed suicide by getting stabbed in the back 47 times in the ice pick and throw yourself off the roof you know what
I'm saying you know what I'm saying right so he didn't want it he didn't want all that stuff to happen either because Rome would fire him and he would be gone so what
Pilate did to try to appease the crowd is he scourged him now I'm gonna go through hey
Elena I'm gonna go through real quick and talk about scourging because it's definitely different than what you may think that there is flogging there is scourging there is whipping okay and those are three different words but there's also three different connotations with them as well not up until a hundred and something years ago in the the
Navy's of the world will all militaries but particularly the Navy's being whipped was a common occurrence on most military ships it was it was pretty brutal to be honest with you
I mean it really was but it compared nothing to the Roman understanding of scourging now what scourging is is this it was an art form to the
Romans who executed it I mean it was just brutal in fact a lot of guys died the debt scourging was usually a death penalty depending on who was on duty that day but basically it was long strips of leather with lead weights tied to the end with pieces of bone and metal sewn in all down throughout the strips and it was done one of two ways you could just be laid across the back you know with with force but there was another way in which was called the centurions block in which they would swing and the straps would actually wrap around to the front of the body and in some of them would grab that steel and those bones would grab flesh and then the centurion would set it like a fish hook and then pull back and it was an art form it really was hey
Christy it's brutal I remember what's the name of that movie the
G oh the passion of the Christ no yeah the passion of the Christ during that scene
I think if someone started speaking Italian I think I'd have jumped over a movie row and started knocking skulls of course
I felt the same way in Braveheart when the English guy killed you know mr. Bravehearts girlfriend there but anyways it was brutal a lot of people well there were some reports of actually people going insane from the beating because the pain was so immense now
Roman crucifixion you have to understand began with a trial and during that trial you were beat up you were smacked around and whatever but there you went to if you were going to be crucified you were scourged and the idea was to go ahead and let that start the process of dehydration and blood loss and shock to speed up the death on the cross because remember crucifixion back then the the poles were already in the ground okay what you carried most of the time what you carried was just the cross beam and then you know you were nailed to it tied to it and then that was hoisted up and the cross wasn't 30 feet up in the air like you see and a lot of pictures
I mean it was definitely above hand level but you know I mean their feet weren't three or four feet off the ground but they were fixed up there and that was basically for exposure both physically and for humiliation so anyways they scourged
Jesus and then they put a crown of thorns upon his head and then they put a purple robe around him now purple has long been associated but it started in this this area this purple signifies royalty it's because that the dye used to make purple garments was so expensive it was a type of shellfish that had to be cooked down and then crushed up and and the dye was extracted from then so it was it was an expensive fabric it was like wearing a you know back in my day if the little preppy boys wore the little alligators and guys on horses and stuff like that you know on their shirts kind of the same thing with purple so they bring
Jesus out and they say this hail king of the Jews now once you understand they mock
Jesus as a Messiah they mock Jesus as king but in this sentence as well they're also mocking the
Jews okay when they say king of the Jews you gotta understand what the Romans they had conquered the known world they had absolutely conquered the hey
Dennis and Robin they had conquered the known world and so to sit there and say there was a king of the
Jews was a little sarcasm from the Romans part because you know this is their king y 'all think y 'all are tough now y 'all got a king well let me show you what
Roman power does to King so they were mocking and slapping him and then verse 4 it says that Pilate went in outside again and said to them look
I'm bringing him outside to you to let you know I found no grounds in charging him now you know why
Pilate brought Jesus back out to let the people in the general courtyard see is because he was trying to incite pity you see
Pilate did not want to kill Jesus and there's many reasons why but the reality is he did not want to crucify
Jesus and so what he was trying to incite from this bloody pulp after this scourging what he was trying to incite was pity from the crowd because he was scared of the political ramifications but he was also scared of the populace as well and so he was trying to bring this lump of bloody flesh out there and say hey you know
I've done this to him is that good enough now if you sit there and read verse 5 then
Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns in the purple robe Pilate said to them here is the man okay here he is guys when the chief priest and temple police saw him they shouted crucify crucify now
Pilate responded take him and crucify him yourselves for I find no grounds on charging him six different times both here and in Luke we have different accounts of Pilate coming out and saying now remember he is the chief magistrate the chief legal judge if you will of this area the authority was under him given to him by Rome and six different times he tells the people he tells the
Sadducees the Pharisees the temple peoples he was sitting there telling them guys this guy is not guilty of any crime he he hadn't done nothing y 'all y 'all have your little code little religious code he hadn't done nothing worthy of a state execution there's no capital crime y 'all are upset and inherited
I mean Pilate knew Pilate knew what was going on he knew that he had been suckered in by the
Pharisees and he wasn't a victim because he had the military power he was just he wasn't scared of the
Jews in the courtyard he wasn't scared of the Romans he was scared of Rome that's who he was scared of he wasn't scared of the
Pharisees he was scared of Rome of losing his job now let me stop right here and say this have y 'all ever heard people refer to Jewish people as Jesus killers
I have that is probably one of the most intellectually vacant and absolutely irresponsible and historically inaccurate thing you can say okay now to understand this we have to we have to think just for a second and I want you and I know and I do this every time
I preach about this I know I'm gonna about to blow some y 'all's brains okay and I know you're gonna freak out and send me emails a pastor you're smoking crack you don't know what you're talking about but just stop and let's think for a second who killed
Jesus who is responsible for killing Jesus now some people say it was Jews some people say it's
Romans other people sit there and say what was all of us because all of our sin killed Jesus and and that is true okay who can kill
God okay people understand this nobody took
Jesus's life nobody you're not gonna win that fight once again there's this childish immature religious overtoned idea that somehow
Satan and God are fighting and good and evil their little swords are flashing and you know
Satan has this sword of fire and God has dude stop smoking crack okay for real and stop reading you know come out of your mama's basement and stop playing
Dungeons and Dragons okay listen to me for a second nobody fights God okay nobody fights
God he's God okay no one's gonna kill God he is sovereign there's no exercise there's no physical exertion that he has to make his will just his will
I'm not even talking about his word I'm not even talking about his actions his will is sovereign okay so the idea that mankind took
God and killed God against God's will is absolutely a falsehood of Scripture Jesus said on more than one occasion no one takes my life from me
I freely lay it down you go back in Isaiah chapter 53 when it's talking about the sufferings of Christ by the way 700 years for it happened when it's talking about the sufferings of Christ it actually says it pleased
God to crush the life out of Christ it pleased God to crush
Jesus the only thing that would have killed Jesus is Jesus okay he laid his life down nobody snatched it from him so when everybody's yelling crucify him crucify him
Jesus is like that's the plan that's why he didn't have to talk that the will of God was already being played out now having said that I want you to understand something okay he did that for me and you he laid down his life when he yelled out my
God my God why have you forsaken me God forsook him so he wouldn't have to forsake me it's called vicarious atonement the
Risen of Christ is poured out on our lives because the sin of my life was indebted or accredited to or imputed to Christ on that cross so to something to be thinking about okay there's something to be thinking about put away your talisman and your dream catchers and your wolf picture on the black velvet thing and all the other superstition little things that you have okay nobody killed
Jesus Jesus let now is by their wicked hands by their wicked hands
I mean there is a culpability to be sure but that culpability long existed before Calvary it happened right at the
Garden of Gethsemane that's when man became sinful so anyways it says here take him and crucify him yourself in verse 7 now here they try propitiation there you go my brother in verse 7 it says this now so they're saying crucify him pilots like why he hadn't done nothing in verse 7 they're kind of having their their their law and order right here they're sitting there going we have a law the
Jews replied to him and according to that law he must die because he has made himself the
Son of God for three and a half years not to watch this for three and a half years
Jesus hadn't made it a secret okay he hadn't made it a secret right when pilot heard this statement he was more afraid than ever remember fear is a really poor source for making decisions he was more afraid than ever in verse 9 he went back into the headquarters and asked
Jesus where are you from why do these people hate that's what he's trying to figure out but Jesus did not give him an answer so now watch this verse 10 so pilot said to him you're not willing to know that I have the authority to release you and the authority to crucify you
Jesus is sitting there and I mean he wasn't laughing but you know yeah you little aunt yeah you you have the authority to crucify me sure whatever mate whatever gonna make you sleep good tonight buddy and then
Jesus in verse 11 answers him now here's a guy who's just been beaten half to death literally and this guy's coming in and he's trying to find a way to cut
Jesus some slack because he doesn't want this guilt on him and this is how Jesus answers buddy you ain't got no authority over me at all man
Jesus answered him if it hadn't been given to you from above this is why the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin so here's what
Jesus is saying look bud you don't have any authority here the only authority you think you have came from God I know
I have a great segment of my people they're like pastor just forget what
Memphis and Tennessee and the federal government say let's go back to worshipping well guys
I got some news for you I had never quit I didn't stop because remember the church in the stupid building that building can burn down we're still here guys we can worship no matter where we are now
I'm ready for some fellowship definitely ready for that but the authority we have as the church has comes from the
Holy Spirit inside of us making us one male female black white public and Democrat all that garbage don't matter only two classes of people saved and unsaved anyways verse 12 from the moment from that moment pilot made every effort to release him but the
Jew shouted if you release this man you are not Caesars friend so they're playing on his fears they're sitting there going yeah well you release
Jesus Caesar will be hearing about this you don't want him on your side you don't want him mad at you anyone makes himself a king opposes
Caesar so now they're playing into the politics game they want Jesus killed because he's taken away their influence so what they're doing is now they're leveraging and you got to remember you have to understand
Roman government back then was profound and worldwide at that time no more of us should say at that time but at the reality is
Caesar who sat on the throne was a totalitarian there was a Roman Senate but it was a in name only they didn't have the power
Caesar was the power so anyways verse 13 when pilot heard these words he brought
Jesus that side he sat down on the judges bench so now it's gonna be official in a place called the stone pavement in Hebrew is called
Gabbatha it's where it was the preparation day for the Passover is about 6 in the morning then he told the
Jews here is your king but they shouted take him away take him away crucify pilot said to them should
I crucify your king and this is what they said we have no king but Caesar now here's what's hilarious about these
Jews they started a riot and a revolt one time because a
Roman Legion marched through Jerusalem with a picture an emblem of Caesar on their banners as they were walking you know and the
Jews went absolutely nuts because that was a graven image you know and they were like uh they violated and the holy ground of basically the same stuff you hear today you know everybody fights over land but yeah like that's important but anyways so they get a fight for this but now they're being the biggest hypocrites in the world church they're being the biggest hypocrites in the world because now they're using that same thing and they're saying we have no king except Caesar they're giving in and they're trying to expedite his death by now pledging allegiance to Caesar which was bad right but anything to kill
Jesus so um so then because of them he handed him over to be crucified then they took we have a few more minutes and they took
Jesus away carrying his own cross he went out to what is called the skull place in Hebrew it's called
Golgotha there they crucified him and two others with him on either side with Jesus in the middle
Pilate also had a sign lettered and put on the cross and the inscription was
Jesus the Nazarene king of the Jews all right this was a common practice this wasn't something special for Jesus usually the crimes of condemned people were written and hung on the cross so that as a warning to the rest but it's there was no
Roman law there was no Roman law he didn't say treason he didn't say leading a revolt this was his kind of shot back across the bow where it kind of said this is
Jesus Natharis the king of the Jews many of the
Jews read this sign because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city and it was written in Hebrew Latin and Greek so the chief priest of the
Jews said to Pilate don't write the king of the Jews but Pilate answered back you know what what I've written that's what it's gonna say verse 23 when the soldiers crucified
Jesus they took his clothes divided them into four parts a part for each soldier they took the tunic which was seamless woven in one piece from the top so they said to one another let's not care it tear it but let's cast lots for it see who gets they did fulfill the scripture said in courses
Psalms 22 that great messianic Psalm Psalm 22 they divided my clothes among themselves and they cast lots for my clothing and this is what the soldiers did so hey
Darrell Jennings how you doing Baba so anyways so listen they weren't dividing his some people get this wrong they weren't dividing his clothes because they needed a new shirt to wear okay it's it's kind of like when
Bonnie and Clyde were killed or anyone famous is killed you had trophy hunters or mementos what a little memento keepsakes whatever they were they were wanting a piece of this history
Jesus was a very well -known executed criminal within this area and not just too long they who would actually discuss this and John the
Baptist in front of the Roman Senate in Rome a few years later but anyways they were casting lots well he had this woven tunic right and it didn't have any seams it was literally woven in one piece and they didn't want to rip it up so they said hey man let's throw dice for it now let me say this to some of you church folks out there and I'm only gonna mention this a short time but I want to set you free from maybe some silliness for a second this is one of the reasons
I've heard church people not play Monopoly because it has dice in it and it's like they would be the
Roman soldiers I don't know what great links you have to stretch that absurdity to to make that connection but it's funny those are the same people that have a cross
I don't understand the difference guys playing
Monopoly is not a sin you know take a break relax chill out okay I can find nowhere in Scripture that says do not play
Monopoly or any other game with dice see that's what I'm talking about religion walks in and tries to add to the
Word of God as a sense of control remember guys the road to hell is paved in religion it ain't guns and drugs that are
Satan's greatest strategy it's religion okay it's just that stupid all right so anyways they cast lots for his clothes now verse 25 just a couple more and I'll be done standing by the cross of Jesus where his mother his mother's sister marry the wife of Clovis and marry
Magdalene now that's three chicks I know it could read differently but that's three different chicks okay now the thing about it is they're all named
Mary okay they're all named Mary all right and that gets it's kind of like Paul or John or Titus or even
Judas Jude Judas it gets confusing because remember back then they used not last names they used
Jeff the son of Raymond or Gwen the daughter of Suzanne and that's how they told people apart or the region they were from if they were outside the the area they would say
Jesus of Nazareth or Jeff of Memphis so anyways when
Jesus saw his mother and the disciple he loved standing there he said to his mother woman here is your son then he said to disciple here is your mother now the reason it says this is because John who's writing this is the disciple that it's talking about John's writing this and what what's really cool about John is is this what about Yahtzee it's
I love you y 'all he's from Louisiana so anyways what's interesting about this is that John was the last of the original twelve to live in fact
John lived we think to about 104 or 106 AD we believe he died in Ephesus now if you go to Ephesus which is in Turkey there is a small house there and it's it's tradition has told us that that is actually
Mary's house when Jesus died and and and John was actually exiled to the
Isle of Patmos Mary John took Mary and was taking care of her just like Jesus asked her to and they moved to Ephesus and once he got released from Patmos John actually lived out his life there in Ephesus with Mary and well that's what we believe she died it's really interesting because some of the church early church writings talk about John it's so awesome they he was so old he was a hundred something years old you know 101 102 103 something like that and they had to carry him around on this wooden pallet and of course you know he was one of the original disciples so he was
I mean he was it right Judas oh you're saying
Judas Iscariot yes yeah it's is something I can't spell either Darrell but anyways they would carry
John around on this wooden litter if you will and then they would set him down and they would worship and everything well sometimes people would get in arguments and they'd come to John and they would say well
John he said this and he who's right and it says that John was so frail and old with age he would lean up on his wooden pallet and kind of lean and roll over onto his elbow there and he'd say guys can you just love each other and then he'd roll back over and go back to sleep in other words even though he was physically bound still to this earth his heart and mind had already gone and he was he was heaven -bound and he knew it and he didn't really care about whose casserole dish tasted better so anyways so that's that and then verse 20 and I'm rushing through this but verse 28 after this when
Jesus knew everything was now accomplished that the scripture might be fulfilled he said
I am thirsty a jar full of sour wine was sitting there so they fixed a sponge full of sour wine on hyssop and held it up to his mouth and when
Jesus received the sour wine he said it is finished then bowing his head he gave up the spirit it is finished those are the three most beautiful words ever spoken because what it's really talking about was all the way back in Genesis chapter 3 when
God sees Adam and Eve there and they've messed up and they've fallen in sin
God didn't obliterate him he banished them he separated them from himself but he still provided for him still made him clothes so they could cover and then he says this one day the seed of a woman will crush the head of Satan oh he'll bruise that seeds heel but the seed of a woman will crush the head of Satan you know what's cool about that let's just think about ninth grade biology how much seed does a woman have once again we have some folks in Louisiana here so I'm gonna help them out zero they got eggs right man has the seed what woman ever had seed a child without a male only one and that was
Jesus that perfected life could not have the corruption that's translated from Adam on down the imputed wrath and the nature of sin could not be in the physical body of Jesus so Jesus had no earthly father and that seed said finally after 33 some odd years it is finished but you see it was even before Genesis see
God knew from the word go that we'd mess up and he provided away you see it's so much more than a sermon or a little
Bible study or a little Bible memory voice or whatever it's more than just a stupid
Baptist Church or some other religious it's not that there really is a creator of this world this universe
I've yet to have anyone explained to me a satisfactory answer that doesn't involve some sort of faith as it's a said that I don't have enough faith to be an atheist right the reality is that creator had a perfect plan and that perfect plan all along knowing that man was gonna fall man was gonna falter man was gonna fail because God had to give man a choice and knowing that man would choose wrong
God had to come out with a plan now no human mind could ever conceive that plan it's just too dynamic it's way too intricate
I mean you think about a plan literally a plan that's been going on for 6 ,000 years man and on that day when
Jesus said it is finished the plan of God for our redemption and reconciliation back to him was finished now here's why that's so awesome religion is gonna tell you you have to do this this and this to be a
Christian and sorry Baptist we have stupid things too you know I've heard Baptist say pray there's prayer and you'll go to heaven never saw anywhere in Scripture where a man prayed a prayer and went to heaven well you got to walk down this aisle you got to be baptized you got to join the church here you're offering envelopes you got to say
Jesus I just right you got to do this you got to wear this you got to talk like this you got to look like this
Jesus said believe and you will be saved see guys we're still doing what the
Jews tried to do back then see all humankind is the same no matter what it is I don't care about differences in culture you boil it all down mankind is mankind and it's a totally depraved race it's a totally depraved species mankind always wants to control by adding to God God says believe you and religion tells you you have to do this
Jesus said it's finished when your own failures dictate that you're not worthy
Jesus said it's finished when your brain tells you you're not good enough because you haven't done this this and this
Jesus long time ago said the payment was rendered the job is done it is finished you know why
Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God because his jobs over it's finished guys my salvation is secured not because I'm a stupid preacher guys remember the same spirit of God send me the same spirit of God in you ain't nothing special okay
I don't want your money I don't want you joining my church I don't care about any of that garbage okay if I wasn't a preacher
I could go make a living doing something else I don't care here's what I want you to do I want you to take the reality if you go back a few verses
Jesus said you don't understand the truth and this is what Pilate actually said he said quit this veritas what is truth it's amazing even after all this time people are still trying to find truth we actually give worthless degrees in philosophy out
I got a PhD in philosophy great man once you go learn to be a plumber and actually provide for your family you dork we give out degrees in philosophy what is truth what is truth my gosh if you're still trying to figure out what truth is you don't know the sovereign
God of this universe because everything can be answered in one question God and God's mission was to restore us and that's why
Jesus stretched out his arms and died for us and said it is finished guys
I hope you find comfort in that I hope you understand that nothing but the finished work of Jesus Christ is ever going to save your soul and more importantly
I shouldn't say more importantly but just as important as you walk through this life the government churches religion you'll
BFF or whatever it's never going to find the peace that you're actually looking for you're everyone's looking for peace everyone is okay the only thing that can give you the absolute peace that passes all understanding is a relationship with that King of Kings I hope and pray that you will search that out and remember all you need is scripture and the
Holy Spirit of God you know what pastors are for we're here to you know hand you a bucket of water maybe rub your shoulders tell you to keep the left up when you walk in but that's it it's
God who saves you ain't no preacher gonna be healed in the language don't do that God it's
Jesus he did the work he gets the credit he's gonna carry his home love y 'all
I can't wait I will talk to y 'all tomorrow night and I'm not sure what we're gonna talk about tomorrow night if y 'all have any suggestions or if you want us to talk about something specific man please let me know you can put it on here there's a little thing on here