Shocking Parallels to Abortion and Gospel Hope in Exodus?
Jon and Justin Explore Abortion Parallels and Gospel Hope in the Book of Exodus!
PARTNER with Theocast:
Jon Moffitt:
Justin Perdue:
Full Episode -
- 00:00
- The exodus is the greatest example the Old New Testament uses as the sufficiency of God's power to save his people.
- 00:07
- He did, what he did physically, he does spiritually. That's the point. What I did in the exodus physically,
- 00:13
- I'm doing spiritually, because out of Egypt came my son. And who was the son? Jesus. Amen.
- 00:18
- And even in the transfiguration, when Jesus is speaking to Moses and Elijah, he literally is talking about, in our
- 00:25
- English, it often comes across, it's rendered departure. But the literal word is exodus.
- 00:30
- He is speaking to Moses and Elijah about the exodus that he was going to accomplish.
- 00:36
- It's like, dude, it's shot through scripture. These themes of deliverance and redemption and rescue and God bringing his people out of bondage, like we talked about last week, into a land that he is going to give them eternally.
- 00:52
- This is not a New Testament idea. This is all through the scriptures when you have eyes to see it.
- 01:00
- I just want to jump in here, too. I think exodus is one of the greatest examples since you're going through it right now.
- 01:06
- It's the greatest examples between the wars between the kingdoms, because it starts in Genesis 3. And then who is
- 01:12
- Moses coming to? Because Pharaoh asked him, well, what God are you representing? Because there's multiple gods.
- 01:19
- Pharaoh himself would have understood himself to be an incarnate deity, an incarnate God. So what does
- 01:25
- God do? He shames the rest of the gods. He utterly shames them. With seed warfare, too.
- 01:32
- Right. And he doesn't do so saying you don't exist. He acknowledges their existence and utterly shames them by using plugs to shame them.
- 01:40
- And then what does he do when he pulls them out? He's like, all right, I just proved to you I am the supreme Elohim.
- 01:45
- I am the supreme God. Therefore, you will have no other gods before me. It's the first command.
- 01:52
- So all of this should help us in our narratives when we get to the new. And all of a sudden, Jesus is like, well,
- 01:57
- Satan is the god of this world. And we're like, what? Well, that shouldn't shock you. If you're a
- 02:02
- Job and if you've read Exodus, this is not a shocking situation. And then Paul's like, hey, just so you know, as you proclaim the gospel, there are going to be other entities out there that don't like this.
- 02:12
- We know that. Look, Justin, what I think is interesting. You were talking about the children being killed.
- 02:19
- Man, the evil one and that whole force of evil. They have been going after children forever, right?
- 02:28
- Exodus is a great example. Then they start murdering their children to Balak, the Balak or Balak in the
- 02:34
- New Testament. Yeah, Moloch, that was it. Then you get into the New Testament. He goes after the children again, trying to kill the
- 02:41
- Messiah. And he's still striking parallels in that. And the Exodus, yeah, absolutely.
- 02:47
- And abortion today is like the evil one has been just utterly destroyed.
- 02:52
- And then this is what Jesus says. He has come to steal our joy and our hope to destroy our faith and to kill.
- 03:00
- And he is murdering millions of babies right now. And all of this should be for us what we learned about this.
- 03:07
- This isn't shocking. This is part of the narrative all the way back starting in Genesis.
- 03:13
- Sorry, in Exodus. No, you're right. There is not a whiff of synergism in Exodus 6.
- 03:20
- Synergism meaning us working with God, us cooperating with God for salvation.
- 03:26
- It is monergistic. There's one person working and it is the Lord. And that is the good news that he is the
- 03:33
- Savior and he does it all. And that's who he is. And he's a redeemer by nature.