There's No Way He Forgives Me Again...
Thinking About God: Dread or Comfort? | Theocast
Stop Focusing So Much on Your Sin!
Gutting the Scripture of Its Power | Theocast
Gospel-Lite and Law-Heavy Living | Theocast
Struggling with Sin? Lay Off the Diet Gospel.
So Many Reformed Christians are Trapped in the Lego Movie...
Living by Faith Isn't Easy | Theocast
This False Doctrine Is KILLING Reformed Christian Churches!
How Do We Know God Is Pleased With Us? | Theocast
Finding Comfort In The Aftermath of Hurricane Helene
Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? | Theocast
An Introduction to the Law and Gospel Distinction | Theocast
Are You the Blessed Man in Psalm 1 & 2?
Reading the Bible Through Law/Gospel Lenses | Theocast
My Favorite Pastor Talked with Someone DANGEROUS
Gospel Shrewdness and Discernment Ministries | Theocast
A Biblical Remedy for Anxious Souls
How Humility Helps Us | Theocast
What Do False Professing Christians Need?
The True Emphasis of 1 John Might Shock You
The Gospel of Sincere Obedience | Theocast
Tribalism is Devouring Reformed Christian Circles
How to Disagree as Christians | Theocast
What Does Radical Discipleship Really Look Like?
Radical Discipleship | Theocast
Do You Have to Keep the Law to be Saved? (w/ Remnant Radio)
Law and Gospel (w/ Remnant Radio) | Theocast
Two Types of Believers Who Desperately NEED the GOSPEL!
Godliness vs. Legalism | Theocast
We Sin, We Suffer, We Die... Where's the Good News?
Something Is Seriously Off About This...
For the Outcasts | Theocast
Is God Really with Us? Exploring Doubt and Faith
What Robs Us of Rest? | Theocast
Stop Preaching the Pietism 'Gospel'
Is Your Faith Strong Enough To Save You?
Where Is Jesus in My Suffering? (w/ Mike Abendroth) | Theocast
The Doctrine of Grace is Under Attack!
There Is No Power in the Law | Theocast
Can Christians Save America?
What Does America Need? | Theocast
Are You Repenting Enough? And Is it Sufficient?
The True Meaning of Psalm 1 & 2
Psalm 1 Is NOT About You | Theocast
Understanding The Difference Between Justification and Sanctification
What Does It Mean to Be "Born Again?"
Missing the Gospel in John 3 | Theocast
Is Sin Haunting You?
Shocking Parallels to Abortion and Gospel Hope in Exodus?
The Old Testament Preaches the Gospel | Theocast
Why You Need to Be PRESENT at Church!
How To Empower Christians to do Good Works
What Happened to Freedom in the Gospel? | Theocast
Is Doug Wilson a Heretic?
Is Mental Illness a Real Thing?
Can Christians Struggle with PTSD? (w/ 1517) | Theocast
Is John MacArthur Adopting Roman Catholic Ideas?
The Antidote to Dead Orthodoxy Is NOT Sheep Beating!
A Conversation Between Baptists and Anglicans | Theocast