A WOW Moment with Vicki, Mercedes & Kayla and Courtney (Date: October 29 2020)


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Oh, maybe I should get my stuff. Maybe. Nobody asked you. Peanut Gallery.
Before I... Everyone did ask you. I asked you. I see. It was a statement.
Oh, maybe I should get my stuff. Did you click it to do it? I did. Claire was...
No, you're being mean to me right now. It didn't pop up on my thing. Please tell me I'm on the right page. I don't think so.
I didn't... Oh, don't do that to me. Let me see. Is it on Witten Bounders? It's on the non -members page, yeah.
On the public page. Okay, it is. See? You're lying to me already.
It didn't pop up on my notifications. Did y 'all hear that?
No, because no one's on. Oh, yeah, I see it now. Oh, they'll hear it in a minute. No, there's a couple people on there.
Who? One of them is probably you. One's me and one's Kayla. Two. Oh, I have to join to?
No, no, no, no. I keep it on so that I can look through comments. Even though we don't actually read comments ever.
I know, because last time I commented, and nobody's saying anything. There's five people on here.
Because it's all the way over there, and you can't see the comments. Hey, there's five people. Yeah? One, that's me, four.
Elena's, yeah. Okay. No, you can't be on it. Oh, Elena's lying.
No, you can't be on it. Elena's my friend. She makes me nervous. Elena's your friend, she makes you nervous?
Yeah, she's watching. Did you say something?
Nope, I was just looking. All right, good evening, everybody.
Our fearless leader, Miss Vicki Davis, is on vacation again.
Hope she's having fun. Tonight, we've got Courtney again, hanging out with us.
She is my partner in crime tonight. Oh, what is on here? And we have
Miss Kayla, who's our guest tonight. Hope everybody is doing well so far today.
Elena and Miss Gwen say hello. Hello. Hello. All right. All right, so Vicki told me to be her.
Let me think of harder questions. Be her. Okay, Kayla, so you've been here for one year and a half -ish?
Yeah, I think I joined. About the same time I have. Well, we joined somewhere in April, but we were visiting somewhere already around December -ish,
I would say. Yeah, so we've been here about the same amount of time. Yeah, because you joined somewhere in March.
In January last year. Oh, okay, so yeah, I was here a month or two before. Well, I was visiting, but I didn't completely join somewhere around March or April.
And then we joined, me and Justin, and you and you're
Justin. You're right. All right, so Kayla, what scripture did you choose for us to study tonight?
Isaiah 32, 17. We're frozen on the law.
Oh, we're frozen on the law? That's phenomenal. Is it your phone? Now we're good.
Okay, Isaiah 32, 17. Isaiah 32, 17. Courtney, can you please read
Isaiah 32, 17? Yes, ma 'am. You want me to just read that verse only, or the one before and after?
Yeah, we'll just do the one for right now. The result of righteousness will be peace.
The effect of righteousness will be quiet confidence forever. All right,
Kayla, why did you pick this verse? Is there a reason behind it?
Well, I think I chose, well, I mean, there's not necessarily a reason behind it. I don't know.
By the way, I guess lately God has been speaking to me a lot about peace,
I guess, because ever since I became a mom, I'm always anxious. I've heard my brother does that to people.
Yeah, so by the way, I guess I am constantly reminding myself, you know, I have a
God of peace, my God of peace. And so I always fall back on his word as a reminder, you know, to not be anxious, but instead be at peace and have the
God of peace with me. By the way, so I guess while I was looking up some Bible verses about peace,
I guess this one stuck out for me. I think it stuck out for the fact that it says that pretty much righteousness and peace go together, it's hand in hand.
And also, I guess it stuck out to me how righteousness leads to peace, quietness, and trust forever.
So like righteousness doesn't only lead you to peace, but confidence. Well, mine say quietness.
Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, so mine says quietness and trust forever. Which is funny because pretty much that's what, you know, you have towards God.
I mean, that's what you have when you have God, you know, you have peace, quietness, and trust in him.
So, yeah. Yeah. Verse 16.
Well, I mean to read the verse before and the verse after. Can I read 16 through 19? Yes, ma 'am.
Because I was just, that's what I've been doing. It's really cool. Okay. So look at verse 16.
I mean, I always like to look at the ones before and after just because context, first of all. And second of all, you know, usually you read around it and it gives you more details even of what you've read.
She said a verse, so I thought, you know, I thought just one verse. No, it's fine. We go everywhere.
We go everywhere. We go everywhere. So I'm going to read 16 through, actually through 20 just then.
Then justice will inhabit the wilderness and righteousness will dwell in the orchard.
The result of righteousness will be peace. The effect of righteousness will be quiet confidence forever.
Then my people will dwell in a peaceful place in safe and secure dwellings.
But hail will level the forest and the city will sink into the depths. You will be happy as you sow seed beside abundant water.
And as you let oxen and donkeys range freely. I don't know. That's pretty cool to me how it goes like verse 18.
Then my people will dwell in a peaceful place. So after it says the result of righteousness will be peace, then it says my people will dwell in a peaceful place in safe and secure dwellings.
So that to me, I mean, that's just another thing to back up what you, you know, said about verse 17 helping you with peace.
Verse 18 also goes into, you know, even farther to me to be specific and say the peaceful place in safe and secure dwellings.
When you're safe and secure, you're at peace. So like when you're at home, it's kind of like me. Like when
I went out, you can just kind of right. Like when Adam worked night shift and I was home by myself with the kids,
I was never, I've never felt secure because like, I mean, I have a safe house.
I have, you know, a gun, whatever, but I just didn't feel secure. And then on the weekends when he was home and you know,
I felt that sense of security. I could breathe and feel safe and secure, which also in effect makes you have more peace.
I like how it also goes on to say in quiet resting place. So like peace is not, you know, like, like you say, it makes you feel,
I guess peace is, you know, I guess if you want it to add to peace, it will be secure. Right. Security.
And I think the other one would be resting. Right. So I love how it says in a quiet resting place.
So Isaiah's Old Testament. If you shoot over to New Testament, Romans 14, 17.
Somewhere in the Bible. Yeah, somewhere in there. Okay, Romans what?
14, 17. I'm glad I got this
Bible because I have two Bibles of the same kind, but the other one, it's missing a few pages.
14, 17. 14, 17. Yes, ma 'am. Oh, I've already found it.
Something else. It says for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the
Holy Spirit. And then if you go over to James 3, 18.
It is like four chapters. Five. But it literally, it's like a small book, but it's literally telling you what you have to do in your life.
So James 3, 18 says, and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who cultivate peace.
So yeah, what you said, righteousness is the result, or the...
Peace is the result. Peace is the result of righteousness. And they go hand in hand. And they do, yeah.
Which it got me thinking like, so if, I mean, I don't want to say like you're not a
Christian if you're not having peace, but like if you're a Christian struggling with feeling peace, you know, and I mean, you're a so -called
Christian, maybe you should check, I guess, your spiritual life because, you know, there must be,
I mean, the Bible's, you know, the word of God, you know, it's real. And it says when you, you know, you're going after righteousness and he's your righteousness, there's peace.
I don't know. And I think, I also selected another
Bible verse, it's Romans 5, 1. And I love how, you know, as Christ believers, we can, we have full access to God and we should have full access to that peace, which is only, which that full access to peace, it only happens when we are righteous through Jesus Christ.
So, like, Jesus Christ, God, yeah, righteousness and peace. So, like. I think
Romans 5, 1, it's pretty much like confirmation. Yeah. Why can I not find
Romans now? You wrote that one. I know, right? Yeah, you know what you said with, with when you don't feel that peace, it's not that that peace isn't there necessarily.
But I think when, I mean, we're human, we, we're going to fall short.
And when we start to fall into ways of the world, that, that is when,
I know for me, that is when I start to not be able to feel that peace.
Yeah, I think it's pretty much like you say, you know, obedience. So, like, I mean, righteousness is, I feel like, you know, righteousness is what you, it's the result of your obedience.
So, like, I guess maybe, you know, if you're something, you know. You're not being obedient. Yeah, you know, being obedient to God, I mean, something maybe, you know, it's hindering that peace that God already actually gave it to you, but you're not accepting it.
You're getting in your own way of it. Yes. Is what it is. Yeah. Yeah, pretty much like you said it.
And I think that's why when I was actually studying this myself, it got me thinking how like with motherhood,
I don't have to be anxious or worried, but I can't help it.
And sometimes it feels like I'm not having, sometimes it feels like I can't have that peace.
No, like sometimes I feel like I'm not experiencing God's peace. And it's not because he's not there or it's not because he's not giving it to me.
It's because I am, I guess I am putting more of my anxiety and my worrying instead of trusting his word, instead of trusting his presence there with me.
Not on your own understanding. But when you have your first kid, it is very hard to not be anxious and not worry and think
I'm not doing it right. I've got to do it this way. You know, I can't do this. I've got to do this. He's got to be breastfed.
He's got to be blah, blah. He's got to do this. He's got to sleep on his own. He can't be sleeping with me. Like there's so many things.
Yeah. And it's so overwhelming. Right. And it's so hard, I guess, to feel that peace when you feel so overwhelmed.
If I can tell, if I could tell you anything, it would be just let it be.
Like your kid is going to grow up and he's going to be great. And he, God already knows what it's going to be like.
He already knows what's going to happen tomorrow and in a week and in a year. And he already knows. So for,
I mean, I'm talking to you and I'm talking to me because whatever we worry about, it doesn't matter.
What God is going to have happen is going to happen. If we worry about it,
God's plan is still going to happen. Yeah. If we're stressed about it, God's plan is still going to happen.
Nothing that we do is going to affect God's sovereign plan for our lives, for our kids' lives, for our spouses' lives, for our friends' lives, for anybody.
Yeah. Nothing is going to change his plan. So for us to worry and stress and be anxious and just down and whatever, it doesn't affect
God's plan. So for me, it's finding peace in knowing that God's got it.
Yeah. I don't have to have it because God's got it. And there was one time in my life, I was so, so, so just anxious and stressed.
I had to have the house picked up. You want to be a good mom, a good wife, a good housekeeper.
Not just a mom. Not just a mom, but a good mom. I wanted to feel successful at what
I was doing. There was one time I'll never forget. You also feel pressure. Right. I'll never forget.
Sophie was like three, so Wes was around one, and I was so stressed about just everything.
I literally had to go up front at Deer and Church, at Deer and Invitation, and bow down at the altar and literally physically say the words,
God, I want you, obviously here already is, you're in control of my kids, my family, my life.
Please take this anxiety off of me and give me peace. Let me know without a shadow of a doubt that you're the one that's holding me together and my family together.
I had to say those words, and it felt like the biggest weight lifted off of me just because God's already in control.
But for me to physically say it and mean it. I wish
I knew that sooner. I wish I realized that when Sophie was a baby. Because, man, the stress, anxiety, worry, am
I doing this right? It's tough, especially being a new mom. It is so tough. But I'm telling you, the peace that God provides is better than anything in the world, any person, any item, anything can give you peace.
I think at the end, I feel like constantly when I'm studying the word of God about peace and trying to give him my anxiety and stuff,
I feel like at the end it always ends at trust. Because in order for me,
I feel like God tells me, okay, my peace is there, but in order for you to receive my peace, are you trusting that I'm saying that I'm going to be your peace?
Are you trusting that you can give your cares to me and I'm going to take care of them?
I say I do, but maybe I need to come to that point of just surrender like you did.
For me, and you know what's crazy? It's crazy. I did that, and then since then, there have been other things that have come up in my life.
There was a time that my job, for example. I literally prayed out loud at the altar and said,
God, whatever you want me to do as a career, it's yours. Put me where I need to be and where I'm supposed to be because I need you to show me where I need to go.
I've had to do that with my marriage. I've had to do that with certain situations. I've had to do that with so many things.
On the women's retreat last year, I physically had to pray and say, God, my marriage is in your hands, and I need you to take control and be the
Lord of our marriage 100%, and I'm giving it to you, and I want you to do with it what you need to do for your will.
There's been other experiences in my life, terrible things. I've had to pray and say, God, use this.
If this experience helps one person, then it was worth it because it's all part of God's plan.
God's not surprised by any of it, but if you trust, then that's when peace comes.
If you don't trust, you can't have total peace. You can't.
It's impossible if you don't trust. Did you say Romans 5 .1? Yes, you did. Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ. It's total peace.
Jesus Christ and God is the total peace. That's what I've deducted from all these. There was one more verse that came to mind.
So you know what also got me to thinking? I'm still actually like still kind of, well, you know, kind of like, you know, when you read the
Bible sometimes, and then it's something, you know, it just strikes, I mean, it sucks out for you.
But it's so intense or it's so much, and you know, I'll come back to it, but it's something you don't come back to it.
Or yeah, but anyways, when I was reading, where was it?
I don't know, somewhere in the Bible. But he was talking about how, you know, oh, yeah,
I think if you so, I don't know.
I can't remember. What you said? Yeah. Yes, it was. I can't remember what was it, though.
By the way, it was talking, but pretty much what caught my eye was that peace is a fruit of righteousness.
So I guess it's like in order. So, you know, I was like,
OK, peace is a fruit. So like, so like in order for a fruit to grow, you must sow it.
You must water it. Yeah. Yeah, but I don't know.
You gotta feed it. Yes. That's the word. Um, I actually thought that.
Well, there's a Bible verse that goes through that. Yeah, and I can't remember.
Well, I think it's Hebrews 12, 11. I've got two different ones.
Sure. One just came to my mind. Well, one thing that comes to mind with peace is, you know, peace is one of the fruits of the spirit.
That's what I was thinking. Love, patience. Fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self -control.
You messed me up. I didn't get to finish. I'm sorry. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self -control.
And there's part that says the fruit of the spirit is not a banana. The fruit of the spirit is not a banana.
What is that? Is that a kid song? If you want to be a banana, you might as well hear it.
It can't be the fruit of the spirit. I've never heard that before. Is it a vegetal song?
No, it's just a kid song. Anyways, that comes to my mind, the fruit of the spirit.
There was another one that's in Hebrews. There's a chapter, chapter two.
It talks about Jesus and his glory. Chapter two in Hebrews, verse 13.
Yeah. Again, I will trust in him. And again, here I am with the children
God gave me. That is, it also comes from Psalms.
That's what I was looking up. But it just talks about trust again.
And, you know, peace is so important.
And there's nothing like the peace that you can have with God. And people of this world, they try to fill their lives with things of the world that's going to help them have peace.
And it's not going to happen. That's, you know, alcoholics, they try to fill their lives with alcohol.
They think that's going to bring them joy or peace or whatever, happiness. And it's all things of the world are temporary.
They're all going to go away. There's a verse that says that, you know. It's temporary.
And heaven is eternal. What we do in this life that is for God, it's eternal.
And everything we do for ourselves is temporary. So you work hard, you get a nice house, okay, that's temporary.
That's not forever. You know, you get a nice car, okay, cool.
But that's not forever. The things that you do, the souls that you, you know, try to witness to and the kids you try to witness to, your ministry, that is eternal.
And so, you know, peace is one thing that you get from serving others.
I find peace when I do things for other people. It gives me peace.
Versus going and buying a bunch of stuff, you know. It's really important that you fill yourself with God.
You fill yourself with verses. You pray you have friends that you can grow with and grow from, you know, to help you have that peace.
Because you're not going to get it from anything in this world. Yeah, it's like essentially, you know,
God is peace, you know. And if you have, I guess that's why people of the world can't truly have true peace because they don't have
God, you know. They don't have Jesus Christ, they don't have God, so there's no true peace in them.
Well, that's the thing is, people seek things for peace. Yeah, but they're not seeking it in the right place then.
Right, I mean, I know people that think, oh, if I could just win the lottery. If I could just win that money,
I would do X, Y, and Z. If I could just get a big promotion. If I could just get a bigger house.
If I could just afford this. If I could just blah, blah. And that's okay to get promotions, it's okay to get a new house and a new job.
But if you're focused on that only, or that's a bigger priority to you than growing.
If that is your God, then you have a problem. Well, and the thing is, it's an idol.
And if you have, I mean, people think a lot of times idols are like physical statues. And there's many times in my life that I'm like, you know what?
Material possessions. That's an idol. Thoughts, things that you want, desire, all of those things can be idols if they're put before God.
And that's tough for me. Pretty much anything that you put before God can become your idol. Anything, people, anything.
So, you know, and I've also learned that, you know, you get rid of those idols, you'll have more peace.
The more idols and roadblocks you have in your life, the less peace. Because you're removing those idols and letting only
God be your God instead of letting God be your God. If God is the ruler of your life, we were talking about this a little bit before we came all the way here.
If God is the God of your heart and your mind, you will have peace. You must decrease so that you can increase.
Someone quotes that to me all the time. I feel like it's probably, does his name rhyme with Josiah?
It rhymes with Josiah Boatley. Oh, okay. Is he married to a girl named
Rachel? No, that's not the one. Not that guy. Not that one. No, someone else. But yeah, decreasing your idols, it definitely helps.
Alright, so is there anything else, guys? I think I'm good. A few people said hi.
Ms. Gwen, Ms. Elena, Amanda Brantley. Hi, people. Hello, everybody.
Thank you for joining us. Alright, well, this has been good. Thank you for joining us tonight.
Thank you for joining us tonight, Kayla. Hopefully, you'll want to do this again soon, at some point.
Yeah, I'd definitely like to do it again. How's your, are you up? Next time, yeah, I better get some Chinese food.
By that time, I'll probably stop. Well, next time, are you going to fuss about sitting in the middle? No. Okay. Well, then, okay, deal.
Deal. We'll bring you Chinese food. Alright, y 'all, I hope y 'all have a fantastic evening tonight. I hope that y 'all were able to take something out of the scriptures that we studied tonight.
I know I did, and I'm sure these two did. Seek the peace of God.
Amen. Because without it, turmoil. It's just turmoil.
It's just, it's chaos. Seek the peace of God. I guess, and trust that God gives you peace, you know.
I think sometimes we're, we look at God like, okay, he's God, okay.
And you say, give me this and that, but where? Or how? You know, just, you know, he's the source of everything.
So, you know, you have him, trust that you have everything else, I guess. And it's okay to ask for him to show you.
Yeah, that too. Show me. Yeah. You know, just. Show me, guide me. Yeah.
Alright, well, it's been a fantastic evening. Hello? Someone's calling us.
Can you see me speaking? Alright, we are gonna get off of here and probably finish dinner.
And we will see y 'all next week. Bye! This has been a wow moment.