A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 1

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Sunday In Systematics: The Water That Divides- A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 1 Pastor Tim Pasma


A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 2

A Scriptural Understanding Of Baptism Week 2

All right, let's pray Thanks father for a time together. We pray this would be profitable. Help us
Lord to learn this for your glory and not just for our Help us now as we consider these things in Jesus name.
Amen. I was thinking of asking the deacons and the elders to meet me after the service, but Two things constrained me not to do that so that we have this lecture this afternoon
The first is I was sworn by a bunch of people that said don't you dare cancel? So we've been looking forward to this for months.
So don't even do it. And the second thing is there's no way I want to be called yellow So or yellow
All right Okay This is our first Lecture in our systematics on Sunday lecture series and what we want to do is take the time to work through some systematic
Theology now, I'm going to start out the very beginning. What do we mean by systematic theology?
What are we talking about? We use that term Wayne Grudem has written in his book systematic theology
Systematic theology is a is any study that answers the question. What does the
Bible teach us today about? any given topic and so it draws on the entire
Bible and rather than utilizing individual texts in isolation from one another like expository preaching which just takes a text and deals with what it means systematic theology attempts to relate the various portions of the scripture that speak about the same topic and organize it into a
Systematic coherent whole All right Now the
Bible is not a theological textbook You don't open the
Bible and it says chapter 1 the character of God chapter 2 the works of God Chapter 3 what is man?
And what does he do? It's not organized like that It's not a theological textbook or a systematic theological textbook.
It's more like a storybook Showing how God reveals himself in his works through from beginning to end and you know
I could I could I would liken it to almost like a biography it's God telling his story from beginning to end and From that we we choose things that we ask a question
What is God like and we look at at how his story unfolds and we take it's kind of like Antipasma's life is an unfolding story.
Okay Girls I'm not just picking on the boys for illustrations now So someone asks what is antipasma like and so you go through her unfolding story and you pick out facts
Someone says did she work? So you go? Okay as a child.
She helped her mom in high school She worked for Jim Lynch down at the down at the store She was in a library at two different a librarian at two different libraries.
She's a substitute Permanent substitute teacher who is trying to launch her own businesses
Okay Now deep deeper questions then flow from that and you look at all this stuff like what does that tell you?
But the kind of work she likes to do So that's what we're doing. It's systematic theology Yes Did she have a family and so you go through a whole story you choose those?
Points that talk about family and you put it together at a coherent whole And then you even ask more questions of that and see what it tells you that's how systematic theology works
That's what it does with the Bible. So you say what is God like? Well, you see him in creation.
You see him at Sodom and Gomorrah You see him at the Exodus you see
Jesus miracles And then there are some direct statements about God just tells you straight out what he's like And so you conclude as you go through the book
God is omnipotent Okay Now you don't start out chapter one
God is omnipotent you look at the whole story and you say, you know as I look at God working in the world
We conclude he's omnipotent Okay So you read through the whole scriptures and you say
God is a triune being Now again, you don't go to one place and it says
God is a triune being you don't do that You go through all of scripture and you look at all that it says and you come up with that concluding coherent statement
God is a triune beating being you read through the scriptures about human beings all through the ages in the
Bible and you say you conclude Man is a created being created in the image of God corrupted by sin needing a salvation that is external to him
Okay, that's that as you go through the whole scriptures and you ask the question, what is man?
That's what you conclude. And so systematic theology Tries to take all of what the
Bible says about a topic and make it into a systematic coherent whole
Okay, answering that question now you may not realize this but all of you do systematic theology
Everybody does systematic theology when you say to someone the Bible says that everyone needs to be saved
You're making a systematic theological statement. You're saying when I when you look at the
Bible, this is what it tells you. All right You say nothing happens by chance because God is sovereign.
Everything's part of his plan Well, how do you know that because as you read through the whole of the
Bible you say? Okay, why do things happen the way they do they happen by chance or is there something else and what you do is you look
Through the whole Bible and you come up with a concluding statement. God is sovereign. Nothing happens by chance So you do theology all the time
By the way, you've heard me say it all the time The question is not whether you're a theologian.
The question is whether you're a good one or a bad one Everybody operates with theology all of you do systematic theology
You take what you know, and you organize it, okay Now I'm going to say something really quickly about theological terms
Don't get in the habit of saying cool. Why do you use $50 words for 50 -cent ideas?
Well for one thing they're not 50 -cent ideas and for another the big words
Often if not, always most of the time Give you a better understanding of the concept because you have one word that'll that'll say so if I use the word
Epistemology it's not theological term by the way, it's philosophical term if I use the word epistemology
What's your epistemology? That's a lot better than saying. How do you?
How do you know what you believe? Why do you how do you know what you know? Right.
How do you know what you know? And how do you know that's the right way of knowing and Epistemology just sums all that up right there.
That's what I'm asking you. I'm asking you all those questions So when it comes to theology Don't you know don't start saying why is he using such big words because they're better Okay, and so the answer is
Learn them. Don't complain about them. All right, I Remember my philosophy professor in in college he was lecturing away and one kid had the the courage to raise his hand and Professor Greer looked at him said yes, he goes professor
Greer. Could you please define your terms and He looked at this kid right in the eye and he said in your syllabus you have listed a philosophy of Philosopher a dictionary of philosophical terms
By it Okay. So what I'm saying to you is you don't know the term write it down.
Look it up Ask about it, but get used to using the theological terms.
They're much better at Explaining okay again. Yeah, we have to define those we have to talk about what that means
But then once you know that that term will suffice to deal with all the questions that pop up in that area
So we were going to begin with a systematic understanding of baptism. That's the first thing
I wanted to tackle There'll be other things we'll talk about covenants Character of God and so forth.
We want to start with baptism We want to look at the what the scriptures have to say about it now before we
What I want to do is introduce you to some things today introduce you to some things that I think are important The first is there are basically two views of baptism.
There are basically two views of baptism and In this study, we're going to compare and contrast two views of baptism
One is pedo baptism and the other is credo baptism Okay, pedo now.
Here's a good example pedo baptism Why are you using that kind of terminology because it explains it that's why don't ask me again
All right pedo baptism comes from the word pedo which means child which comes from the
Greek word Pais Which means child okay? So you put the two together you get infant baptism pedo baptism means infant baptism
Okay Well, what's credo baptism? All right, it comes from the latin word credo, which means
I Believe Okay, I believe
So therefore when we use the term credo baptism, we're talking then about believers
Baptism and so we're asking the basic question. Who are the proper subjects of baptism?
infants and children or Those who have professed faith
Which is the which is the biblical view pedo baptism or credo baptism?
Okay, that's what we're going to be looking at. I call this the water that divides because this is where Denominations divide right?
This is where we divide we divide in in in our view of baptism, okay?
Now do you know any pedo baptists? I mean, let me just give you a list of a few
Martin Luther John Calvin Ulrich's Wingly J Adams Paul David Tripp RC Sproul Sinclair Ferguson Jonathan Edwards William Tyndale Tim Keller J.
I Packer Jerry Bridges All those guys are pedo -baptists and by the way when it wouldn't talk about this
You know what? I don't hate pedo -baptists In fact, how's this for a statement some of my best friends are pedo -baptists, right?
Some of my best friends and some of my best teachers on My shelf are pedo -baptists in fact
There was a time in my life Where I wanted to be a pedo -baptist really badly.
I mean, man, I wanted it I was talking to Dave Dernal in yesterday and he was in the same position years ago
And he says Tim, isn't it great that God saved us from Presbyterianism? which is not to say
I hate Presbyterians because one of the most influential guys in my life
Is a pedo was a pedo -baptist so Anyway All right.
Now within pedo -baptists. There are differing views Within that group there are differing views
Okay, first one we want to look at is the Roman Catholic view
Roman Catholics are pedo -baptists. They baptized infants the difference the difference in these views revolves around what does baptism do
Okay revolves around that question. What does baptism do? All right in the
Roman Catholic view then baptism is necessary for for salvation
It's necessary for salvation Okay That is to say if you're not baptized, there's no way
Well, they'll they'll make a few exceptions, of course, but as a whole Unless you're baptized you're beyond What they would call grace you're beyond salvation
Now, why do they say it's necessary? Well, they they say that the Lord affirms it Well, we all know the the verse
John chapter 3 verse 5 says Unless a man is born by water and the
Spirit you cannot see the kingdom of God So they say there Jesus season teaches it in the
Catechism of the Catholic Church We see this statement the Lord himself affirms that baptism is necessary for salvation
Okay, so they're really out front about that. They're not hiding anything. They say it's necessary for salvation because the
Lord affirms it and because it is the cause of forgiveness and Regeneration.
All right, if you don't know what regeneration means It's a theological term for the fact that you're born again.
You're given a new nature you are Cleansed okay.
So listen to the Catholic Catechism by baptism all
Sins are forgiven Original sin and all personal sins as well as all punishment for sin
There's another statement Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but also makes the neophyte a new creature an
Adopted Son of God who has become a partaker of the divine nature member of Christ and Co -heir with him and a temple of the
Holy Spirit That's what they're saying when you bring the baby to back be to be and listen
I'm I'm choking down the word when I talk about baptizing infants because I don't even think the mode is baptism
But for sake of just keeping things smooth, I'll use the term baptism All right
By that they bring the infant to baptism by that there all their sins are washed away
They have forgiveness. They're cleansed. They become co -heirs with Christ Right all of that all of what we're used to seeing in terms of what it means to be saved.
Here's another statement born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin children also have need of the new birth in baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and Brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God to which all men are called the sheer gratuitousness of the sheer
Gratuitousness of the grace of salvation is particularly manifest in infant baptism the church and the parents
Would deny a child the priceless grace of becoming a child of God were
Where they do were they not to confer baptism shortly after birth?
Okay There it is So it's clear from their own statement of faith that baptism
Actually gives you new birth Brings you forgiveness for all your sins makes you a co -heir with Christ all of these things
Happen When the baby is is baptized now the act of baptism baptism itself confers the grace of Forgiveness and regeneration being joined to Christ and so forth actually
Confers that great the act of baptism actually does that does that now?
Here's a statement that you need to know it's a Latin statement. It says
X opere operato Okay, X opere operato which means
From the work performed. Okay. I should have put that on there It means from the work performed.
What does that mean? When it when something acts X opere operato
What they're saying is it does not depend on the faith or the worthiness of the recipient
Okay Baptism actually brings new birth By the act of baptism.
It doesn't matter Whether the person has faith or whether in their view he's worthy enough now.
This also is true It does not depend on the personal Worthiness or orthodoxy of the priest that doesn't matter either
Okay, that doesn't matter if the priest is some degenerate Right, and he baptizes that baby
It works X opere operato doesn't matter what the infant is like doesn't even matter what the priest is like It just does its work the the sacrament of baptism itself
Accomplishes the regeneration of the person Okay Are you with me? You got it?
So if a priest has sired six children on the side Even though he's supposed to be celibate and he's questioning the doctrine of the infallibility of the
Pope If he baptizes that baby It's a done deal
It's a done deal it doesn't matter about what he's like or what the infants like The act of baptism is what gets the job done right
So baptism conclude they conclude baptism is therefore appropriately ministered to infants
All right What about the Lutherans What about the
Lutheran view of baptism? Lutherans also believe
That baptism regenerates the infant, but it does not work
X opere operato. So here's the difference Does the baptism save the baby?
Yes But not in the same way that the Rotham Catholics say it's not just the act itself
Well, you say to me and I asked this question for years I don't get it one of my great heroes
Martin Luther Brought back to the church the idea that you're justified by faith alone
How in the world can anybody? Be regenerated by baptism and here's what they've concluded
They believe that God justifies the sinner through faith. They still believe that but baptism
Works faith in the infant. So he's he's justified by faith
Now, of course, I know what you're thinking You're thinking what you mean the baby actually exercises faith.
Well, not exactly But faith then is worked in the infant.
Now. Here's their reasoning. Here's their reasoning The Word of God produces faith in the here, right 1st
Peter chapter 1 That we are given new birth by the
Imperishable seed of the Word of God when you share the gospel with someone that very word produces the faith that it calls for Right.
We all know that yes, the Word of God produces faith the Spirit Uses the
Word of God to produce faith Well, so the Spirit can use baptism to produce faith in the infant
All right Baptism can do the same thing Baptism like the gospel is
Powerful to produce the faith it calls for with its promises in fact, they would say to you the
Spirit can work faith through the gospel and Baptism whatever instrument he chooses he can do it
By the way, I believe that the Spirit Can do that he can do anything can't he?
All right But I'll never forget what pastor good one of my mentors and counseling said and I love it
Yes, God can do whatever he's whatever God can do whatever he wants to do, but we ought to expect
God to do what he says he'll do Right, he hasn't said that about baptism, although I'm getting ahead of myself so Here's one writing a fellow by the name of JF Johnson writing about this in Lutheran understanding
It is no more difficult for the Spirit to work faith in infants through the gospel promises
Attached to the water of baptism then in adults alienated from God Through the proclamation of the gospel in preaching
So what he's saying is it's no more difficult to believe that the Spirit works through the promises that are pronounced in Baptism to work faith in a child.
That's that's not more extraordinary than the Spirit of God Working faith in someone through the proclamation of the
Word can use both or either one We shouldn't expect the Spirit we you know, the
Spirit can do that All right, and so for them infants then are appropriate subjects for baptism
So those are the two first views now the last view of pedo bass
Baptism is a Presbyterian or reformed view now when I use that term reformed in this context
Presbyterians are Reformed in their theology that is to say let's go back in our history. There was the
Lutheran Revolution, right or Martin Luther launched the the revolution called the
Protestant Reformation a few years later a guys like Zwingli and Calvin came along and Emphasized more doctrines like unconditional election
Although Luther did that too, but unconditional election and the things that we're all used to total depravity, right?
particular atonement all those things and that was called the Reformed branch of the of The Reformation so there's the
Lutheran and then later what's called the Reformed the Reformed to where the Presbyterians came from the
Reformed faith spread across Europe all the way to England and to Scotland and the
Reformed faith is what Influenced the Scots and the Puritans and so Presbyterianism came out of there, but on the continent of Europe there are other
Reformed bodies that are called Reformed like Christian Reformed Church or Dutch Reformed okay like in Holland and places like that So they're called
Reformed churches over here Presbyterian churches. They believe the same thing they got different names
Are you with me? Okay All right, so for example
My family came out of the Continental Reformed people the Dutch Reformed Pasmas came from the
Netherlands and so Up until my grandpa they were part of the
Reformed Church All right, so Presbyterians or Reformed same thing now.
Here's what they say baptism Does not regenerate or save anybody so let's get that right down right let's let's get that straight
Presbyterians do not believe that baptism is the means by which
God saves people All right, it is not the means by which
God saves people doesn't regenerate anyone and Here's the here's the nubbins of the argument.
Here's what you have to get Baptism is to the New Covenant infants what circumcision was to Old Covenant infants so circumcision
Old Testament New Testament Baptism now when you look at circumcision in the
Old Testament, right? Circumcision was the outward sign of entrance into the
Covenant community As such it did not save anyone
All right to be a member of Israel You were born into the nation of Israel eight days later
You were circumcised and that brought you into that was a sign that you belong to the
Covenant community of God But it didn't save anybody
Look over at what Paul's argument is in Romans 4. Okay, let's look at Romans 4 because that soon became equated with if you're circumcised in part of the
Covenant community of God, you're all right with God and He's trying to make an argument even about the
Old Testament Here's what he says Romans 4 verse 1 What then shall we say was gained by Abraham our forefather according to the flesh for if Abraham was justified by?
Works he has something to boast about but not before God for what does the scripture say?
Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as Righteousness now to the one who works his wages are not counted as a gift
But as his due and to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as righteousness
Just as David also speaks of the blessing of the one to whom God counts righteousness apart from works
Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven and whose sins are covered Blessed is the man against whom the
Lord will not count his sin Is this blessing then only for the circumcised or Also for the uncircumcised for we say that faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness
How then was it counted to him was it before or after he'd been circumcised? It was not after but before he was circumcised
He received the sign of circumcision as a seal of righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised
The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe without being circumcised that righteousness
Would be counted to them as well and to make him the father of the circumcised
Or not merely circumcised But who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father
Abraham had before he was circumcised So Paul argues that even in the Old Testament They were what they were counted righteousness righteous by faith
Circumcision did not Save you faith saves you faith has always saved
God's people It's not circumcision that saves you and so they would our Presbyterian friends would say
That circumcision brought a person into the covenant community, but it did not save them
Well, then why are they so what's the advantage of circumcision? What is the advantage of it then?
Well, let's look at what Paul says about that back in chapter 3 verse 1
He asks that question Then what advantage has the
Jew the one who circumcised or what is the value of circumcision? Much there's great advantage in every way to begin with the
Jews were entrusted with the oracles of God What does he say there God set apart this people and you are circumcised to become part of that people
It is to that people that the Word of God was entrusted of all the nations of the earth
Who had the Word of God? written Just the Jews and it was from them that we get our
Bible Okay So what's one advantage? You are in the nation where the true
God revealed himself All right. Look over chapter 9. He he He says the same thing in chapter 9
Verse 1 I am speaking the truth in Christ I am NOT lying. My conscience bears me witness in the
Holy Spirit That I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart for I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ For the sake of my brothers my kinsmen according to the flesh
They are Israelites and to them belong the adoption the glory the covenants the giving of the law the worship and The promises to them belong the patriarchs and from their race according to the flesh is the
Christ Who is God over all blessed forever? Amen, you see what he's saying.
They also had the sacrifices the temple the law All of these things that revealed
God to them. That was the advantage All right It brought them into the community where they had where God revealed himself in marvelous in different ways
That was the advantage of circumcision. Okay? so Circumcision doesn't save in the
Old Testament But it brings you into the covenant community where you have all of these things that reveal
God you have something that all the other nations didn't have now our paedo -baptist friends then would say that baptism is
The outward sign of entrance into the new covenant community Okay, so what they're saying is there's a one -to -one exchange between circumcision and Baptism there's a one -to -one exchange baptism is the new covenant equivalent of circumcision and Like circumcision it is applied to the infants of people particularly parents
Who are already part of the covenant community of God and like circumcision it doesn't save anyone
But it brings him or her Into the covenant community and it makes him or her a
Member of the church. So that's one thing to remember when we talk about entrance into the covenant community when that baby is christened
He is then is a member of the church. He is enrolled His name is on the roll of the members of the church
Okay, because he's now part of the covenant community and Like circumcision it brings you into the community where God has revealed himself in a special way
There you there you are brought into the community where parents Have at your baptism have vowed that they're going to bring you up in the admonition and nurture of the
Lord You're surrounded by people who care for you who love you who will teach you who will rebuke you you're surrounded by all those other people and You have the
Word of God preached to you All the time you're in that community and it has discipline to help you live a godly life.
So Just like Old Testament baptism brings you into the covenant community not to save you but to make you part of that community expose you to all the advantages that come as being part of that community and so If baptism is like Old Testament circumcision then infants are proper subjects of baptism, okay
Now Why why are we doing this let me give you a couple reasons
Why I wanted to launch on this or why we're even doing systematic study Here's the first because I've spent nearly 37 years in expository preaching right and If that's all we do which is pretty much all that we've done with some exceptions in Sunday school and stuff
Then we tend to be weak in systematic theology Okay, I wish I'd thought about this 28 years ago, but be that as it may we tend to be weaker in systematics
And so this is an attempt to help us Get stronger, right?
I mean we could do you could do systematic theology and listen to all the sermons that I've ever preached and I threw a ton of books of the
Bible, but not all of them and so we have a certain weakness there and so I Want us to get stronger.
I mean, that's my desire. It's not that I want it, you know The other guys had to pass on this too, but it's it's kind of my vision
I guess Here's another reason In the last few years.
We've had plenty of folks asking questions about our view of baptism In the last three years, we have tons of people that have been raising this question.
And so we need to tackle it we need to tackle it and lastly
I don't think we've ever undertook We've talked about it we've showed some things about but I don't know that we've ever undertook a real systematic study of baptism and I think that's what we need to do
So today, you know with this we embark on the study of baptism And I hope in these times together with you
I can show you that our view Is the one that most closely accords with Scripture?
Okay, I Am You know what? I wasn't growing up But I don't know somewhere in my 20s.
I became a Baptist by conviction and By the way, can I say this the more reading
I'm doing now? I have no pun intended Dennis No pun intended, but for the last several weeks
I have immersed myself in Presbyterian literature Okay, and the more
I read their defense the more I'm convinced They just don't get it.
They're missing the mark in major ways and I don't say that as a matter of pride
Okay, I don't say as a matter of pride, but I am saying At once I thought wow, they got great arguments, but the more
I read the deeper I go The less convincing it is and so and not just that but I become more convinced of a lot of things in the
Bible that Impinge on this and those are the things we want to talk about So next week what
I want to do, we're not going to talk about the Roman view or the Lutheran view I don't think that's where most of us are struggling.
I don't think I can't imagine any of you struggling with that But the Pato Baptist view that's expressed by the
Presbyterians is the one I think that really Is the one that hits us the hardest so Next week what
I want to do is to build the system their system Show you how they got where they are
Okay to outline for you their theological structure and their biblical their view of the
Bible that brought them to Their views that's what I want to do next week. And then the following weeks.
We'll look at Critiquing and building okay, and then we got to spend at least one week on mode
Why dunk somebody as opposed to just you know on their forehead right?
Why do that? Okay, so that's where we're going now at this point
Okay, I want to keep this to no longer than 45 minutes, and that's really stretching it so right now.
I think we're at 40 So you got five minutes to ask questions
Annie Yes, and yep
Yep I've not seen him even touch that subject yet.
Have you Andrew? Yeah, but no Presbyterians Yeah, and Annie you're jumping the gun.
I'm that's one of my critiques right there. That's a radical departure Why even mess with the girls why why even do that now?
so Okay I've never by the way Andrew. I've never read anybody say anything about that But then you're more widely read in the
Baptist than I am yeah Yeah Okay, any other questions.
Yes, Daniel mean by crying and squalling and fighting
That's interesting The Lutherans would say that the baptism does not take effect if someone's resisting it
Well, how does a baby resist it? I don't know I don't So okay
Levi I Guess the question is why is it important?
What is the practical difference in the way of our lives? I think one of the practical differences and one that comes immediately to mind is
The complacency that I see I'm not talking about what I've read, but what I've seen people's lives who have
Pedo -baptists as pedo -baptism as part of the theology. There's a certain. I think complacency that settles over them
Let me give you an example so I'm flying out to teach at this little
Bible Institute in Montana, and we're supposed to change planes in Great Falls or something like that one of those towns on the east side of the mountains and They canceled the flight so I went to Rent a car and there was one car left and a woman
Was going to Kalispell and I was going to Kalispell and so we rented the car together
And we drove and I found out she was a Presbyterian in fact She was part of the church where Ken Sandy went
Ken Sandy who wrote the Peacemaker His church is in Kalispell and we were talking and got into that and chatted for a while And I asked her about her kids, and she said something like well one of my girls is far away from the
Lord, but She's a covenant child, and she'll come back
All right That really struck me There even though they want to avoid
Even though they want to avoid it I think it has a very practical implication of people trusting in their baptism more than in Christ another thing
I've seen is that Because I've been baptized and and this is this is what grows all these different things grow out of your system
Once you go a certain way, so Okay, so now they get to be about 12 What do we do now well now we have
Confirmation where they're confirmed in their faith and again
You're confirmed in your faith now. Yeah, we know that you accepted intellectually, but it doesn't make any difference in The way you live your life
My dad who was unlike me was no friend of reformed Churches because he grew up in an area where it was all reformed churches
And his experience was and again. I'm not saying this is the way everybody is because they're not I know plenty of reformed people
Who believe in a strong proclamation of the gospel? But I remember dad saying you know where I grew up as long as you knew your catechism.
You're headed for heaven So in some sense those are the outgrowths of it it it affects your church polity
It affects your church polity in a major way to then be be put out of a church
After since you've been baptized as an infant. That's a you know to be put out man.
That's that just takes Unbelievable amount of legal shenanigans, okay?
Now again J. Adams who's been one of the most influential men in my life
Is one of the best theologians of progressive sanctification and how you grow and how you have to grow but then again, he's not your typical
Presbyterian either, but But so I've learned a lot so in some sense there isn't a lot but in other senses
There really is and it just historically it plays out in all kinds of ways in terms of relationship of church to state
Even that is affected by your view on a personal level sometimes
It doesn't look like there's a major difference, but in some of these other levels there seems to be much more
Right my hitting out all the cylinders Andrew. Yeah Yeah, so you always have a mixed.
Let's have a mixed congregation. They're part of the congregation. It doesn't mean they're saved Yeah Yeah So oh
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, why why our form of Baptists are yeah?
Yeah, we grew out of the Puritan movement the Puritan movement was reformed theology in England Okay And that's where the
Puritans came from and we came out of the Puritans at the start we had real real heavy connections with Reformed people but Certainly became soon became
Distinguished by our view of baptism and Levi to the last thing
I would say is we want to do every if we're gonna say as Protestants Let's do everything under the authority of Scripture, then if that's what
Scripture teaches. That's what we need to do Yeah Trusting the system whatever
Whatever things we put in places. Yeah sure it is Sure, it is.
I think though You're right every every all of us have certain things that may lead to complacency
But I would say that sometimes that complacency is almost structural in other words baptism is part of you becoming part of the church and Therefore here's what
I mean by structural for example, okay, how does this structurally do it? It's just part of the structure.
Here's how because they use terminology in this like Baptism in graphs you into Christ am
I right Andrew they use that in their baptismal formula Well men talk about confusing
When I read that I think someone who's believed in Jesus, but they talk about being engrafted
You're now under the New Covenant well Okay, what is the
New Covenant promise? It promises that everybody in the New Covenant is forgiven of their sins
Everybody from the youngest to the oldest knows God and I've I've got to read more
I don't know how you get around that But when you hear the things that your baptism brings you into the
New Covenant structurally there You've already got something that's gonna to me almost feed complacency
Um, but again again to their credit they'll say no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you know, it doesn't mean
Automatically that you're a Christian. Well, then why you keep using terminology like this brings you into the
New Covenant. I Don't get it. Hopefully through all this study.
I don't become a Presbyterian, but I don't see it happening. I Don't see it happening. All right
Okay. Well, let's pray and we'll be done Thanks father for a time together we pray that this would be a profitable time
Help us we ask so that your name will be honored and glorified in what we're studying
Not Lord to win arguments not to beat other people over the head with the truth that we have grasped