TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley - 2 Timothy 1:7


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Good morning, my name is Benjamin Talley. This is another timeout. I am shooting from the car so So It's a good day, it's a beautiful day and Just fill you in Our scripture for today is out of 2nd
Timothy Chapter 1 verse 7 it says for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power love and a sound mind
So it says for God gave us. That's a gift He gave us a spirit not a fear
But a power love and a sound mind that spirit is the Holy Spirit. He gave us the
Holy Spirit is a gift And it says not a fear we don't walk around in fear and timidity as some translations
Have have said it's not a fear we don't walk around in uncertainty or scared
Fearful anything like that, but a power the word there is Deuteronomy in the
Greek. It's where we get the word dynamite We have power. We have the divine nature
What's up Tara we have the divine nature living inside of us So it is empowering us it is renewing us every day and so Also It is it is equipping us for whatever we have
For the day and so not only are we empowered but it also says that it is one of love
That is the fruit of the Spirit love is the fruit of the Spirit for we are We have the fruit of the
Spirit which is love joy. Peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self -control so love
Actually, there is no fear in love. In fact love perfected cast out fear
So the real way to get rid of fear is fear of God and perfected love
For God and man, so when you're perfect when you have a perfect love for God and for man it cast out all all fear
When you have a right Understanding of what it means to love your neighbor and love
God with all your heart and all your mind it casts out all fear it says that in first John 4 18 so um
So that's that's one thing that it does and then it also says and self -control we know from Proverbs that That a man without self -control is like a city built without walls
There's nothing to guard Anything in the city just like self can a man without self -control.
He has no way to guard his his moral compass is his his
Ability to say no, so self -control or a sound mind. There's no reason
There's no there's no way to say yes or no. There's no temperance. There's no Ability to resist so but but we don't have that we have the ability to say no in the
Spirit of God dwelling in us we have self -control a lot of people say we have we have lack of self -control
Well, you have lack of self -control because you're not obeying the scriptures You're not digging into the scriptures and letting the meditate in your mind.
You're not walking in the spirit That's why he commands us to walk in the spirit
And you will not gratify the lust of the flesh. Good morning, Lisa. So That's what he's talking about.
We have not been given the spirit of fear like we have been walking around in in our days of Depravity our days of lostness our days of sin
But we've been given a new spirit of power love and self -control so That self -control can keep us from sin that that spirit of power can keep us from sin that spirit of love can keep us from resentment from Discouragement from things like that.
Good morning, Gwen. So when we practice Walking in the spirit.
We will walk in this new spirit when we will walk in this new nature, which is
Practicing love and self -control Walking in the power of the new nature
That's the whole big thing about Christianity is we have a new nature. We're not walking in The old nature we were putting to death the deeds of the old man and putting on the new nature
That's that's the thing with biblical counseling that other counseling methods don't have is they don't have this
The Holy Spirit active they don't have the new nature working within them
But but biblical counseling does you know other religions don't have this
New nature they don't have God working in them with regeneration and and You know
Developing the new nature within us a lot of a lot of this These new world religions and all this other stuff is is completely
Void of this new nature and Walking in relationship with God.
It's all outward. It's all Superficial But we have a relationship with Christ in Christianity It's all about a relationship with Christ as he develops a develops us through the new nature but so many
Christians are Ignorant. What's up? Vicki are ignorant of what they have.
They have a new nature. They need to develop it they need to walk in it and Practice putting off the old man and walking in the new nature so man walk in the new nature
Develop who you are in Christ grow Practice it You know you you can't grow if you're not in the word
You can't put to death the deeds of the body if you're not practicing obedience to the scriptures
If you're not living that out so This power this love this self -control is is in your grasp.
You have the divine nature in you live it out so Man it is a good day.
And these are awesome things. What's up, Lisa? These are awesome things to remember we can overcome because we have the divine nature in us we have love to overcome fear and we have
Self -control to resist those those desires those sinful desires even even natural desires
We have those the we have self -control to resist those natural desires in us so that they don't become idols so that they don't
Become sinful desires that overwhelm us and become idols in our life
So and fight fight the good fight of the faith Overcome we are overcomers in Christ.
It's a good day to be alive in Jesus. Let me pray with you God, I thank you for today.
I pray that we walk in the new life that you've given us Lord help us
Resist and stand firm help us put on the new nature and walk
Putting to death the deeds of the body Lord. We love you and we thank you in Jesus name.