Eric Mason Attempts to Extort Whites (Part 5)

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Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo....  (Part 6)

Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo.... (Part 6)

Well, yeah, I don't know. Maybe we're getting a little bit of Dr. Eric Mason fatigue.
I don't know. People aren't watching these videos as much as the initial one. But, you know, so maybe we'll stop.
You know what I mean? I got to ride that algorithm wave as much as I can. But I like this.
I think this is important, so I'll probably finish it. But, yeah, you know, Eric Mason, he got on Twitter yesterday and he put out a few videos defending himself.
And you know, you can always tell when someone is on the ropes, when they start throwing out their credentials at you.
He was like, well, I've taught exegesis and what I know is that there's one interpretation, many applications.
And it's like, yeah, but it's all wrong. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, you know, you can teach something all day long, but you could still miss.
And this Eric, Pastor Eric Mason, Dr. Eric Mason, I don't know what you prefer to go by, but this is a miss.
This is a miss. Everyone can see it. I mean, even the comment section here, you know, this video has about 2 ,000 views and it has 22 comments, so not a ton, not a ton of comments, downvoted, you know, almost two to one.
You know what I mean? People did not like this. And I can understand why, because like we said yesterday, all the scripture he's bringing to bear, it's all the correct scriptures, but it actually works against his case.
You know what I mean? And so, yeah, maybe you're a good teacher of exegesis. I highly doubt it given what
I've seen here, but you know, maybe you are, maybe this is just an uncharacteristic miss for you, but you can still miss like, you know, somebody brought this up on Twitter, you know, you can be an expert marksman and teach, you know, shooting.
And yet you can still miss the target. You know what I mean? Like that's a possibility as well. So anyway, let's, let's continue because I think this is the section where he starts to get into the protests and how the, how the plagues were protests.
I'm standing. Hold on. Hold on. I always forget to change the, the audio into my ear so that way you don't hear the echo as much.
Let's, here we go. Let's check this out. Where education has been decimated.
I'm standing in the midst of schools that have been closed in a community that has to pack kids into one high school.
So you can't tell me that there's been restitution paid that equal pay around here because there's so many things.
There's decimation around here. People trying to figure life out this trash over here. There's destruction over here.
There's businesses destroyed. Let me tell you how the trick works. Let me pull the veil a little bit from the wizard spell because this is how the trick works because Eric Mason is saying, you can't tell me that restitution is paid because look at all of this destruction.
We've got bad schools. We've got garbage on the floor. We've got, you know, and he's talking about basically what, what is, what has resulted, right?
So he's saying restitution couldn't have been paid because look at the results. And this is the scam because, because let's just say tomorrow a bill gets signed and restitution is paid to, to black ancestors of slaves, right?
Let's just, let's just say it went down. There has been no change in culture whatsoever.
The money's not going to do it, right? The counseling actually won't even do it either. People he's talks about counseling, like as if it's the savior, counseling is not going to save anybody.
Education, by the way, doesn't save anybody as well because the thing is like, you know, if a bunch of people start getting
African -American studies degrees, it's not going to do them any good. You know what I mean? It just isn't. And so what would happen if, if restitution,
I'm not going to call it restitution. That's actually rhetorical tricks. Sorry about that. Reparations were paid to blacks tomorrow.
Is that money would be back in the hands of business owners almost overnight. That's not going to solve anything.
You see a fool and his money is soon parted. And the reality is that at this point, how many years we've been beyond this slavery situation, how many years we've been beyond this, many blacks and many
Latinos who have slave ancestors have figured out how to be smarter with their money, but many have not.
And so what would happen is the well -off blacks, they would be doing fine just like they already are because this is not a racist society that we live in.
It's possible to do well and be black and be Latino. We don't live in a racist society anymore.
And so those people will continue to do fine because they're already smart with their money. But the morons, the people that are throwing garbage on the ground where they live, the people that are pissing in their own neighborhoods, listen,
I'm getting worked up about this because I used to visit my grandmother in the projects, right? And every time
I visited my grandmother in the projects, you know what the odor that I got into my nostrils when
I went into the elevator to go up to her eighth floor apartment? Urine. There was urine on the floor of the elevator.
Nobody, no white people did that. You did that to yourself. You see what I'm saying? So those idiots are going to get their check and they're going to instantly go buy some drip and you know where that drip is going to go?
It's going to go to the hands of the business owners already. They might, some of them might be white, some of them might be black, but the smart people are going to get the money, right?
Because fools are fools. Money doesn't fix fools. And so all this stuff, the schools are closed down, there's garbage everywhere, that money's not going to help that situation.
So this is the scam, right? This is the scam because you'll get the payment, right? You'll get the reparations payment and nothing will be solved because money doesn't solve these kinds of issues.
These are, these are soul issues. They need the gospel, the actual gospel, not reparations of black people.
You know what I mean? That's what they need. And so, um, nothing's going to change. There's still going to be piss everywhere.
There's still going to be garbage on the floor of your neighborhoods, right? And so then Eric Mason's going to say that restitution can have been paid because look, look, just look.
And it just keeps going and it just keeps going. And you get more and more drip and you get more and more money and you just keep complaining because it never solves a thing because the evidence that Eric Mason is using that restitution hasn't been paid is the results, right?
Is the disparities. And the reality is that the disparities will continue until your mind changes.
How does your mind change? Well, I've got news for you. It's not through counseling. Your mind changes not through counseling.
It's not through school either. Your mind changed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. That's how your mind changed.
Repentance and faith and being taught to observe all things that Christ commands.
That's how your mind changes. That's what happens. That's how, that's how we fix the brokenness that you see.
Okay. And so, but this is the scam. So, so nothing will change with the reparations. And so we need something else. Now we need something else.
And this is how a covetous heart works. It's always something. It's always something.
This is why, this is why the Bible says you nip this one in the bud, right? If someone is not willing to work, they don't eat.
You nip it in the bud right there. You're going to starve or you're going to learn how to work. It's just that simple.
I don't want you to die, but I want you to work for it. So I'd rather you starve than disobey
Christ. If you're not willing to work, you will not eat. You see, so like this is the scam because, because I know what would happen.
Everyone knows what would happen if, if, if blacks, the Latino ancestors of slaves got a check.
The people that are already smart with the money will continue to be smart with their money and they're already doing okay because that's how it is in this country.
The people that are stupid with their money are going to continue to be stupid with their money. They're going to, they're going to get that drip.
You're going to get some nice J's and that's when, that's how it's going to go. Over here.
There hasn't been a level of hand up. How can you remove schools and close schools and expect there to be any economic vitality and viability, psychological depth and emotional healing if you take away one of the foundational pieces of a community?
Yeah. The school, right? The school is the foundational piece of the community, but the thing is the school is teaching pagan nonsense, right?
The school is not teaching you what, what's, what's, what did the school is not teaching you a proper morality.
So these schools that Eric Mason is wanting to be funded so desperately are only going to breed more and more insanity, more and more chaos, more and more garbage in the streets.
That's what schools do. Okay. So, so no, this is, this is, this is not the solution.
All this stuff is spoken like a true, this is secular.
This is the secular plan of salvation. That's what he's been. That's what's being preached here. The secular plan, plan of salvation, counseling, schooling, all this kind of stuff.
Look, I love schooling, but it has to be Christian schooling. I like counseling actually.
It has to be Christian counseling because pagan counseling and pagan schooling will lead to more and more and more destruction.
You're seeing the fruit of it right here. The garbage in the floor right here, all the urine everywhere, all the destruction.
This is the fruit of secular salvation systems. Seems like Dr. Eric Mason wants more of that.
Exodus 12, 35, Exodus 12, 35, it says, the Israelites, this is one of my favorite things
I love this joint right here. It says. Yeah, I love this joint as well because it actually, again, directly refutes what you're promoting here.
Let's let's talk about it. The Israelites acted on Moses's word and asked the
Egyptians for silver. So they said, Hey, so is it wrong to ask for reparations?
I heard a preacher last week say, you shouldn't be asking for nothing. You should just stay in your state that you're in. You shouldn't do it.
But they said, Moses told them, y 'all go ask them for some money. Go ask. I ain't prosperity gospel, but I do believe, but that doesn't take money out the
Bible. It's in there. But you are prosperity gospel, Eric Mason. You are prosperity gospel. And listen, there's nothing wrong with understanding the blessings of God.
They include economic prosperity. Look at the book of Deuteronomy, the blessings and curses. God's not ashamed of that, and I'm not either.
I'm not ashamed of that as well. I asked for God to bless the work of my hands. I asked for God for those things.
There's nothing wrong with that. But the thing is like, well, let's just let him finish and then we'll get into this.
Amen. Amen. He says, go ask for silver and gold items and for clothing.
Hallelujah. You see, this gets him all going. This is how he, because he is prosperity gospel, he gets going on this.
You hear him. How excited does he get when he's talking about the silver and gold and the drip and all that stuff?
You get the bit. He's got an ear to ear grin when he's talking about this stuff. This gets him going.
This gets him going. He's out here preaching reparations for black people. Good too. Look at that.
They got clothing, gear, outfits. You know what I'm saying? Fabrics and things.
Right? And it says, and the Lord gave the people such favor with the Egyptians that they gave them what they requested.
Now I want to give you, I'm going to let you, I'm going to give you some of this for free. Now some people don't believe Christians to protest.
Do you know? All right, let's stop right there. Cause he's going to about to talk about the most insane part of this, about this sermon and probably in my opinion, but anyway, if you notice again, this is very similar to the
Ezra passage where King Cyrus decreed that every survivor, you know, in other words, the people that were, that were alive, that were wronged.
These are the people that were wronged. They were to get gold and silver and livestock and stuff like that.
And it's the same thing here in Exodus. These are the people that are in captivity. They were under the yoke of Pharaoh, right?
These are the people, it's not their generations later, you know, many, many generations down the road.
No, it's that these are the people that were wronged. These are the people that were enslaved. These are the people that we had these burdens on.
And so Moses said, go ask him for some money. And then God performs a miracle by allowing the, by, by making the
Egyptians, you know, say, okay, yeah, I'll give you some money. That's a miracle by the way. People don't usually give you money just because you ask.
So God worked a miracle and it says that they plundered the Egyptians. Now the word plundered is extremely interesting, right?
I don't think he got quite to there yet. The word plundered is extremely interesting because, you know, according to Eric Mason's system here, this is just, this is what we're owed, right?
But this is, the word plundered is actually kind of different. They actually, it seems like they got something that they weren't necessarily owed, but you know, this is
God's prerogative. God can do whatever he wants. God, God often commands things that if we were to do it ourselves without his command, that would be wrong, right?
That, that's just how it is. I mean, we can, we can count the ways in the old Testament, the peoples that God had the
Israelites conquer and destroy, utterly destroy, man, woman, child, beast, that was something that God has the prerogative to do.
He can execute justice and judgments on the nations in a way, through us, in a way that we can't just decide to do it, right?
That's just how it is. And so it's the same kind of thing here. This is, he's using this example to say, well, this is, you could ask, sure, this, that's possible, but did
God tell you, Eric, that you should ask for this? Is that what God said to you? I don't know.
I mean, I don't know what your position on, is on the charismatic gifts, but you know, I don't think you're saying that God spoke to you privately, like the way he spoke to Moses face to face and said,
Eric, what I want you to do is I want you to ask the Egyptians, which is the Americans to plunder them and ask them for drip.
I don't think that's how it is at all. But again, it doesn't even matter because Eric Mason wasn't oppressed. You see what
I mean? Eric Mason doesn't have burdens. Eric Mason wasn't a slave. Eric Mason didn't go through any of this stuff, right?
Eric Mason didn't do that. So he, it's, this is not applicable because in Exodus chapter 12, these were the people that were enslaved.
They were coming out of Egypt. God was rescuing them from Egypt. These are the people, they went through it.
They were in it. They were the ones making bricks without straw. They were the ones getting beaten. They were the ones that, that were getting taxed up the, up the wazoo.
This, that's so, so the thing is like this again, it doesn't apply. It doesn't apply,
Eric. I don't know why you're trying to make this apply, but it simply doesn't. And even if it did, again, we have a very specific law that talks about what restitution is and what it is not.
God has his own prerogative. God can judge the Egyptians in a way that we cannot. Let's, let's listen to this next part because this is the most,
I don't know if it's the most insane, but it's, it's definitely the biggest stretch. Let's, let's hear him out. That this reparations was prayed because God initiated
Moses and the Israelites to protest Pharaoh and Egypt. How did they protest?
Every, the 10 plagues was protest. When Moses went there and said, let my people go, that was the sign.
That was the protesting sign. And so with that in mind, that's beautiful to me that we see that this reparations here in this passage is a result, is a direct result.
Listen of protest of a vehement protest where God used the protest and God anointed the protest to break down the leadership, to open their hearts, to do what he called them to do because he turned the hearts of the
King wherever he wants to. Right. So, so the Egyptian, you know, the plagues that you learned in, in, in Sunday school, that was a protest.
And, and he's saying this in a context, like we can't forget that. This is August, 2020 right now,
Black Lives Matter and Antifa and all of these kind of left -wing liberal groups are out there committing violence against people, random people, killing people, hurting people, you know, burning down buildings, stuff like that.
And he's saying that, well, it's a protest, right? It's just a protest and God uses protests too. In fact, the plagues were protests that God's wrath against Egyptians was a protest.
And so this is the same thing. It's a protest. And actually I'm going to give him a little bit of credit here because I believe that the riots you see in the streets,
I believe that that stuff is the wrath of God being revealed, right? I think that's
God's judgment on these cities, on this nation. I think that God has done this.
It's, it's this kind of calamity is the Lord. But the thing is what Eric Mason is attempting to do here is attempting to justify it and make it a good.
And this, this protest is a good, right? But the thing is like, like if you take the approach, like I, like I just did that, that God is judging these cities.
God is judging these nations. Again, that doesn't make it the right thing to do.
You see, God sent frogs, right? Nobody's going to blame the frogs for doing wrong, right? Because they're frogs.
Locusts, the same thing. Hail, the same thing. Hail's an inanimate object. God, God sent a hailstorm, right?
Nobody's going to get mad at the hailstones for falling from the sky. But the reality is that I believe
God sent these, these, these violent mobs, and yet these violent mobs must be put down.
The people that are in these violent mobs and part of these protests need to be held accountable for the crimes that they've done in a way that frogs are not accountable for.
And so he's, again, he's trying to draw these connections in these, these, these parallels of things that are not connected in the ways that he's attempting to make it.
No, these, these protests, these riots, these, these, these, these violent mobs, they're all wrong.
They're wrong. And so while I'll, I'll agree, it's the judgment of God being revealed against our nation.
I agree with that. That doesn't have anything to do with the morality of these things, right? It has nothing to do with reparations either.
Like he's, so he's, he's trying to say, well, yeah, these protests, they should lead to reparations just like it didn't in the
Exodus when God's protests, again, a big stretch, God's protests led to reparations.
He's trying to make some kind of weird point. And I'm sorry, Eric, you know, you probably get, should get your money back for all that exegesis training.
If this is the result, you ought to get your money back. I mean that you've actually been defrauded. You've been extorted.
If this is how you were taught to do exegesis and application, application is the worst part. The exegesis is, is we can, we can, we can talk about that, but the worst part is the application.
This is how you were taught to interpret the Bible. Your hermeneutics are, are leading to this. Then you should get your money back.
You were defrauded. You should get your money back plus 20 % because you were extorted. Anyway, let's, uh, let's stop there,
I guess for now. Yeah, let's, let's continue a little bit more. Let's go a little, let's power through.
Let's power right through. So, so when we talk about reparations, reparations, the making of amends for wrong one has done paying money or whatever means that you're supposed to, in order to pull reparations out and help people out.
Again, you see, this is the thing. It's like he can't help it because he's reading the right definition, whatever wrongs one has done.
And so when you find Eric, the person that enslaved you, Eric, then you can ask that person for reparations and I'll be right there with you.
I'll be right there with you. When you find your enslaver, the one that made you work without pay, the one that, uh, that hurt you, the one that hurt your family, the one that extorted you,
Eric, I'll be right there with you. I'll be right there. I don't like you very much, Dr. Eric Mason, but I'll, I'll, I'll, I'm, I care about justice, right?
So it doesn't matter whether I like you or not. If you were enslaved, you, yeah, you ought to get a restitution for that, for the money, for the work that you did for the person, definitely.
But until you find that person, why don't you just keep your mouth shut? How about that?
Now, what's, what's interesting about verse nine, and then we're going to get into some very, very gospel centered principles of this and some practical things.
I love this. Call something gospel centered and automatically supposed to get a little bit of a clout behind it.
There's nothing gospel centered about any of this presentation. Nothing gospel centered about this. You look at the
Great Commission, teach them to observe everything I've commanded. You've not, you've not described anything that Christ has commanded.
This is the word of Eric Mason. This is the word of, well, to be honest, this is the word of the conscious community.
Conscious, conscious, conscious, the conscious community. That's what this is. This isn't anything new.
This is just you going with what is popular, what the world is saying. This is pagan. This is secular.
In almost all of its forms, except the only difference is you've peppered a few Bible verses in it that are disconnected from your point.
And so, no, this isn't gospel centered at all. So maybe what you're about to say is,
I don't know. I have my suspicions at this point. But yeah, let's stop there.
We'll do another video today and maybe we'll be done with this at this point. Maybe today's the last day. I don't know, but I hope you found this video helpful.