1 Samuel 17:42-51



1 Samuel 17:42-51

Well, good morning.
Will you open us up with a word of prayer, Mr.
Mike? All right back to 1st Samuel Chapter 17 We've gone through 1st Samuel.
We have these threads have been built Prophet Priest King and this kind of would be a Subset on these and these but now we have seen something developed with David where we have a mediator and in our King developed we now have a Shepherd King Last week we also saw develop with David he became what's called The word was champion and it means one to stand in between but he becomes a Representative who did he represent? Yeah For most certainly But specifically he represented the people when he went down into the valley of Eli to fight Goliath remember he was saying Goliath was running his yap And he said send me out a man to fight the word champion been a game means man in between Mediator and he says you send somebody down here to fight me to represent you We will submit if I lose vice versa.
So David was a representative so we have seen these develop just in the book of Samuel every one of those points to Christ if you agree if you read David and Goliath and You come away with how to slay giants in your life How to teach your kids to be brave like David or to be have courage like David you have missed it Because that's not the point of the story That's not the point of the historical development that deliver actually even David himself says it David tells the Goliath I'm gonna come down there and when I come down there, I'm going to cut off your head Why did he say he was going to do that? You may remember why David said he was going to do that So that all the world will know that there is a God in heaven That's why David did it David didn't say hey, I'm gonna go go down and do this so I can be a great example I'm not gonna go down there and do it so that people can say what a great man of faith I am was David a good example Certainly, he was a good example was David a man of faith Certainly Hebrews 11 says that but was that the point of the narrative that's being put here and no it's not The point is so that the all the world will know that there's a God in heaven and he has provided himself a man and that Man, that was David.
We are sick to see David shoot to the top of one of Basically, he everybody he overshadows everybody else certainly as a king Other than the Lord Jesus Christ if he was a type for it David was the greatest king did David have failures Did he? Yeah, just name a couple Yeah, those are the big ones, but hey we're fixing to see just in the next couple of chapters David becomes a very good liar And we for we we just the narrative doesn't deal with those moral issues because it's just telling you what's unfolding But David begins to lie.
We know that David was a was a man.
That was basically fearless I mean There's only two times in Scripture as it says that David as it was ever afraid even it looked through the Psalms Now you have him writing in the Psalms and he may say hey when I was afraid I did this But we only see twice where David says, I'm scared one is when he comes into we'll get this shortly to when he comes into the King Akish of Gath and he he's needed somewhere to hide from Saul and he acts like he's got rabies and He deceives him because he's fearful He's fearful that I'm gonna go in and the king of Akish is gonna kill me because I basically killed Yeah, killed his champion and he went and killed 200 Philistines for their four kids so and then the other time was when he's bringing the ark back and second Samuel he's bringing the ark back and As a It falls from the oxen or they were carrying it and as it goes to fall as it goes to grab it and it strikes As a dead and it says that David was scared of God and he should have been So remember that David's no coward even with his run from Absalom when we get to Second Samuel even in his running from Absalom and he flees the city the P His advisor say hey, we're leaving the city Not because he's scared of Absalom.
That's because when Absalom was going to come into the city He was actually going to just slaughter the people because David was there So he leaves because of his love and care for the people which makes them what a good Shepherd King a good Shepherd King so well, let's pick up in chapter 18 and we'll Read through probably just read through first five verses or so Anybody when we were reading or go doing the last two or three weeks going through? Chapter 17.
Did anybody ask the question? Where was Jonathan? I Mean Jonathan had some intestinal fortitude That guy was not fearful if you remember back in chapter 14 he Him and his armor-bearer went down and fought a whole garrison just the two of them and he has the mindset of David What did he say? Does armor-bearer man as God can constrain to save by few or many? Let's go down there and man his armor-bearer says whatever your soul delights I'm with you and they went down there and they slayed a whole garrison So here Jonathan is going to come back on to the scene in this chapter It says now it came about that when he had finished speaking to Saul The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and Jonathan loved Him as himself so Saul took him that day and did not let him return back to his father's house and Then Jonathan made a covenant with David because of he looked because he had loved him as himself and Jonathan stripped himself of the robe That was on him and he gave it to David and he gave him his armor Including his sword and his bow and his belt So David went out wherever Saul sent him and he prospered and Saul set him over all the event of war And it was pleasing in his sight all the And all of the people and also in the site in the sight of Saul's servants So here it is David back in chapter 17 was sent to take some Hebrew hoagies to his brother and the same hands that was carrying the hoagie rolls winds up hand and the head of Goliath to Saul and as he is standing there with Goliath's head in his hand It says here that while he was speaking to Saul the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David If you how many people in here have five close friends How many people in here have? three Three How many people are here? Maybe I have to Not clean your wife.
I have to exclude you have to exclude that I can count on her I Don't know Yeah Have you have one? How many you have one person you could or two that you could call anytime anywhere and they're coming? Yeah, I Have one that I know one without a shadow of a doubt it would not matter One and it wouldn't it wouldn't matter the other actually is an unconverted person and he would most likely come and we're close But he's unconverted, but he would come it wouldn't matter.
I'm on my way This is how it is with uh with David and Jonathan these two men become so joined together One what would make Jonathan like David Was there something admirable about David at this point? I'd say yeah I mean this dude just went out and fought the basically led the charge against the armies of the Philistines and was the Representative that no other person would go down into the valley.
So that is an Admirable thing something to go.
Hey, man, that guy right there.
That's a bad, dude I want to surround myself with that guy.
We know that Jonathan's a man of war and he's a man of valor Why other would he he want to attach himself or why their soul was knitted together? Sure What else Yeah, and we're fixing to see come shortly What his actions show that one that David does love Saul Okay, remember he had been being his heart Exorcist at this point.
So did day he knew that David cared about his dad He knew that David had love for his father and at this point He goes down and fights the battle that his dad would not go and do for whatever reason we could you know We could talk about that like we were already having a past for whatever reason One we know he's no longer the anointed King.
He's the rejected King So now we have the anointed King Standing there with the head of Goliath and Jonathan's soul is knitted to and it says and he loved him just as himself So Saul then took him that day and he did not let him go back to his house What was what was what was David's job between playing the harp and being armor-bearer? Shepherd so he'd go back and forth just like it said in chapter 17 When he went back to his father's house when they went out to war for 40 days to battle Ray Well that he's not going back this time it says and Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself and Jonathan stripped himself again of his robe and Gave it to David.
What does the robe? represent One just like hey, he's cold.
Let me take off my plaid shirt and give it to him Yes one authority the other power and prestige even see it when and the robe Represented who's the line he was from that he knew that represented he was of the the kingly line What was Jonathan was Jonathan not the crown the crown prince? Right, who was the heir to the throne? Jonathan by not forget the anointing by Samuel, but who was supposed to be the next in line Jonathan he gives him his robe.
Look here it is.
I'm giving you my robe.
I'm giving you my bow I'm giving you my sword and I'm giving you my belt.
He gave him everything and his armor He gave him everything that made him Distinguished from all the other warriors in the in the land and he gave him that which showed his Association to his father he gave to David That is astonishing.
He basically relinquished his rights as Crown prince and gave them to David he said well, how do we know that? Well, we know that moving forward when he is running from Saul in just a few chapters He's running from Saul and he says hey man, why does your dad want to kill me? He says you ain't gonna die because when it's all over I'm gonna be next to you because you're gonna be the next king he knows who the next king is and Jonathan is showing it very clearly right here that he is going to submit to whatever David wants to do and it said that in verse 5 So David went out wherever Saul had sent him and he prospered imagine that God's anointed King who is now the leader of the armies against the Enemies of God is going to prosper.
Of course.
He's going to prosper.
God's commissioned him for a purpose and Saul sent him over the men of war and He did what was pleasing in the sight of all the people and also in the sight of Saul's servants.
Look there People fell in love with David if you remember back in chapter 11 when Saul had delivered the The the people of Jabesh Gilead from the Ammonites.
Do you remember the fanfare that he got? I mean it was like it was the most important person in all the kingdom He had Elvis fixing to unite the kingdom well now we have a united monarchy and now David is the most important person and the most famous person in all the land and Verse 6 says and it happened as they were coming When David returned from killing the Philistine that the women came out of the cities of Israel singing and dancing to meet King Saul with tambourines and with joy and with musical instruments and the women sang as they Played and said Saul has slain his thousands and David his ten thousands It says they were coming out to meet who Saul and what were they singing to Saul? Someone's better than you It's not like they were going out to see David They were going out to see Saul and they're singing.
Hey Saul We know that you was a bad dude and you good warrior and you killed thousands, but David Man, he killed tens of thousands Yeah, and then verse 8 says that Saul became very angry For this was displeasing to him and he said they have ascribed David to ten thousands But to me they've ascribed only thousands now what more can he have but the kingdom and Saul looked at David with suspicion from that day on So Jealousy has now arised in the heart of Saul.
There is now someone better than him.
You remember the words that Samuel said to him when he said you are now God has now rejected you as king He says and I'm going to give his kingdom to someone better than you better Better Not only would he be a better king He was going to be a better warrior He was going to be a better treater of the people.
That's why David is the representative and the type of Shepherd King ultimately Christ Becomes that Shepherd King that would lead God's people the David is the first Shepherd King I mean he does good for the people.
He loves the people He doesn't go out and tax the The mess out of them.
He takes care of them and if you as we fix to move forward in this David doesn't take men for himself the way Saul did people attached themselves to David Because of the type of man that he was Yeah, David had failures in his life and certainly of course he did but was David by and large was his life a life of faith and a life of integrity and most certainly It said that What more can he have but the kingdom so he knows here that just by popularity The next thing that he that could happen was for them to make him king Do we know that if Saul knows anything about what happened back in Bethlehem? We don't know We can't even assume because we have no idea.
We just know that This is the anointed King This is how God's bringing about these things about and it says that Saul looked at him with suspicion on that day for Imagine if looks could kill at this point You know imagine somebody saying hey, man, I've got my eye on you.
What are they trying to do? They're trying to find some error of your way so that they can point it out But then begin to make the do either the decline of your character or the decline of your position It says in verse 10 now it came about on the next day that an evil spirit from God Came mightily upon Saul he raved in the midst of the of the house while David was playing the harp with his hand And as usual had a spear in his hand saw hurled the spear For he thought I will pin David to the wall for David had escaped from his presence twice So here it is That spirit the demon eyes and spirit that came from the Lord is now tormenting Saul That's interesting that he says that he's raving in the midst of the house.
I mean he is just Shaken spinning around acting the fool and He is angry David's doing what David was supposed to do which was pluck the harp to try to bring some solemnity to hit To him so that this spirit would leave and it's not leaving and what does Saul do he takes that spear and he tries to Run it through David Do y'all don't think man, what was David thinking at this point? But if you if we read through this David always gives Saul the benefit of the doubt.
I'm thinking.
All right, you're there doing everything doing his heart playing away and Bing.
Oh, I guess Saul's just having a bad day You know, it's just it's amazing that David Always gives Saul the benefit of the doubt even when he has the opportunities to kill him He gives him the benefit of the doubt and he says because he's the Lord's anointed and because he's the one that God put in In this place.
I will not remove him.
God will Here's the time God has put him in your hand Yeah twice Yeah twice he did that.
Yeah twice They did that once once in the cave when they went in there to relieve himself and the other God caused a deep sleep and he says who's going to go down there into the into the Camp with me and it was Abishai and they take his the jug and his spear Saying and he had he had the opportunity to kill him and he didn't yes, ma'am Well Well prophesy means not not as in he was Proclaiming the oracles of God like Samuel.
Okay Prophesy I can mean just saying what's true about God.
We're going to see this come about In two weeks I think in two chapters If you remember when I said that Day that Saul would he would prophesy after the spirit left.
This is one of the times.
Okay The next time it is used he will prophesy and God basically Degradates him the way that he did Balaam y'all remember when Balaam was supposed to go say it's an oracle bad against the people of Israel and when you remember what happened He went and he said he couldn't do what he had planned to do.
So God he can only prophesy good Well, he is fixing a couple of chapters later ahead He's fixing to go try to kill David and Samuel and as he's got he sends men to do it first as they get to them those guys start praising the Lord and prophesying they send another group they do the same thing and Saul says well, I'll do it myself and as he goes BAM he starts prophesying stripped down naked so so don't don't understand it as he is now.
He's still in a right Relationship with God God has departed from him.
God has left.
God's done with him God's moving on Saul even knows that as we go through this to Saul even says God no longer speaks with me he has departed from me and And he is told well, he departs from you because you are an enemy of God It's another reason why why would we think that you know Saul was a converted man when the prophets tell him you're God's enemy Is anybody anybody in here think that God you can be an enemy of God and end up in heaven? No, God has to make you a friend of God before you enter the kingdom of heaven Anybody else say something different other than rave or prophesy prophesy I Can mean to speak the truth Yeah, just babbling but it was truthful, yeah, it was true true truthful words He said I'll pin David to the wall verse 11 so Saul hurled the spear at him He's I'll pin a David to the wall and David escaped his presence twice.
So here it is.
This ain't the first time that happened So twice he has thrown the spear at him and he's gotten away Now Saul was afraid of David Interesting that that he would be afraid of David and here's the reason why because the Lord was with David Saul has every reason to be scared of David because the Spirit of the Lord that empowered Saul to be a king that Gave him the ability to do the things that it has now been stripped from him.
It's been given to David He knows that the Spirit of the Lord is with David So he better fear because the Spirit it says here the Spirit of Lord had departed from Saul Therefore Saul removed him from his presence and appointed him over commanders of a thousand.
That's like a demotion He was put over all of the war the warring men now he has moved removed him from his presence and he's put him over a Thousand and he went and he came in and out before the people David was prospering in all of his ways for the Lord was with him and When Saul saw when Saul saw when Saul saw that he was prospering greatly.
He dreaded him But all Israel and Judah loved David and he came and went in and out before them There's going to be a constant reframe in this like it was in judges.
They did what was right in their own eyes You know that constant reframe he had it you're gonna have this constant reframe with David The Lord was with him and the Lord was with him and the Lord was with him and the Lord was with him Why did David? Prosper in the ways that he did because the Lord was with him Why did David do these great defeats against his enemies because the Lord was with him.
That's why Why was Israel loving him because God is now changing the hearts of the people from being that which was towards Saul To now towards David the heart of the people is being bent towards David And it's it says here that he went in and out before them.
What did what did the King Saul do before the people? He didn't go in and out he didn't go in and out among the people he removed himself And he found those people that were beneficial for him and he took him to himself David man he was just one of the common folk and he was just gonna go in and out before them and And obviously this probably caused a more dread and more anger for Saul as well And then in verse 17, it says and Saul said to David Here's my older daughter Miriam.
I Will give her to you as a wife, but only be a violent man and fight the Lord's battles For Saul thought my hand shall not be against him, but let the hand of the Philistines be against him This is the proverb so as a man thinks in his heart so is he That proverb Specifically in its context is talking about somebody setting you up to back that He did the same thing he sure will you're right He should he he takes a lesson from this and he is what is what Saul saying? Sounds flattering to David Take my daughter But what's the reason why he's doing it? He's using her for an occasion so that he can go out fight the enemies and goes.
Hey, you know what? I ain't gonna kill him.
I'll let somebody else do that.
And that's actually what you the same thing You're talking about with your ride the Hittite But if Saul was a man of his word Okay Was not Mirab supposed to already be his wife For killing Goliath, so now that he has Killed Goliath his family should be tax-free.
He should have got a bucket load of cash rich fine wife He still don't have now Saul says I won't put my hand against him.
I'll let the Philistines do it.
But David said to Saul who am I? And what is my life or my father's family in Israel that I should be the king's son-in-law So it came about at the time when mayor of Saul's daughter should have been given to David.
He gave him to Adriel The Mahoathite for a wife look at this dirt bag That's a liar, man He says alright you go out you fight the battles that for the Lord you go out and you kill all the enemies of The Lord, you know ie the Philistines and I'm gonna give you my daughter and what did he wind up doing? He'd give him to somebody else now If we go into this next part of the narrative Okay, maybe she didn't want to marry David.
We don't know maybe she's like hey, man I was already in love with this Adriel cat.
I don't want to do it We don't know but it says this now Michael Saul's daughter loved David Maybe Michael came up and said hey, you know what if you don't want him, I'll take him.
I think he's handsome.
He's famous You know, I'll marry him She might be chef.
She's like the old redhead And she liked all the cash he had and all the prestige And she said another thing if there's only two times that I could find and y'all can do your own search In all of Scripture only two times you see where a woman says she loved another man to One is right here.
And the other is in in Song of Solomon only time That I could find and I did a lot of searching Says that Saul's daughter loved David and when they told David the thing was agreeable to him.
So Saul thought hmm I'll give her to him and she might be a snare to him and That the hand of the Philistines may be against him.
What does that say what he thinks about his daughter? Oh Yeah, like no this skis are here's gonna Mia He's gonna is going to cause him some heartache and she does down the road by the way It Says that uh, so saw Saul said to David For a second time you will be my son-in-law today.
What a second time you never followed through with the first time Then Saul commanded the servant speak to David secretly saying Behold the King delights in you and all his servants.
Love you now, therefore Become the king's son-in-law.
So Saul's servant spoke these words to David David said hey Is it a trivial thing in your sight for me to become a king's son-in-law? Since I'm a poor man and lightly esteemed.
Well one he's not poor anymore Do he's really? he's highly esteemed at this point, but he is thinking of himself in the way that if Back, then you would have a dowry one You'd have to buy the broad price and then the dowry would come so you probably Would be making your choices based on not so much how that person look you like.
Hey, man, that girl's got no I no teeth, but man, I'm gonna get 25 headed a goat and some and some sheep She's the one Well in this case, he he's going to get the the dowry that's going to come with her Which would be from the king which is gonna be the best of everything But his bride price is not going to be money He says So Saul's servant spoke this to David and he said it was a trivial thing Am I not poor a poor man like this in this the servants of Saul chapter verse 24 says this To him according to say these words to David Saul then said Thus shall you say to David the king does not desire a dowry except a hundred four skins of the Philistines You go take vengeance on the king's enemies do you see now the switch You go fight with Mirab you go fight the king's the the Lord's battles now He double-crossed him with Mirab now.
He's saying you go out and you fight whose enemies Saul's enemies and you go out and you go get me a hundred four skins of the Philistines And you take vengeance on my enemies now Saul planned to make David fall by the hand of the Philistines and it should say again there and when his servants told David these words it pleased David to become the king's son-in-law and Before the date had expired David had rose up.
He went he and his men he struck down 200 of the men among the Philistines All right, just think of the mechanics of this All right, this isn't going out and making proselytes here this is going out and killing a hundred Philistine men and Reaching down throwing it in a bag.
All right Imagine the guy carrying a bag keeping count.
He's like we only down I got 74 David We're heading to the next heading to the next village and then when they get finished David says you know what I'm not gonna do a Hundred I'm gonna up the ante because me call is hot She is a hot mama.
I'm gonna give him 200 I'm gonna get yeah, so in two chapters, we got David carrying a bag of 204 skins and a head.
I Skins and gave them in full number to the king That he might become the king's son-in-law.
So Saul gave Me called him for his wife his daughter to him for a wife and Saul Saul saw and knew that the Lord was with David.
Here it is.
Once again, there's that constant refrain The Lord was with David the Lord was with David the Lord was David now Saul knows that the Lord was with David and Saul's daughter loved him and Saul was even more afraid of David Thus Saul was David's enemy continually because because of the God's love for David Saul's hatred grows more towards David that is Astounding thing has David not been a faithful man Just what we know up to this point has he not been a faithful man to Saul Yeah, has he not been a man of integrity? Yeah, has he not gone out and done whatever he's asked him to do All right, you got five enemies you went up in you you go out and bring me a hundred four skins He said you know what? I love your daughter so much.
I'm gonna bring back 200 so he's done everything that was requested of him or demanded of him and Saul hates him all the more And he said he was he's continually his enemy and this will be The just this sets the stage for the rest of the book He hates David And he hates David because David's a one.
He's a threat to his throne He is to he's loved by the people And dude, he's a man of integrity.
That's it.
I mean he he knows that the people want this guy is the man And there's even a time where he gets the opportunity to kill David to kill David gets the opportunity to kill Saul and he could take the throne just like that and he refuses not to he actually even says We're not gonna do it that way He's gonna go to battle and he's gonna wind up dying and then God will put me where I need to be verse 30 it says and then the commanders of the Philistines went out and Embattled and it happened as often as they went out that David Behaves himself more wisely than all the servants of Saul.
So his name was highly esteemed So here was again David saying he didn't have no esteem I'm a lowly man, but because of who David was and what he was doing He became to have a great reputation among the people He did wise it he was what more wisely acting than all the servants of Saul.
Well, why? Because the Lord was with him Why does anything happen to David good? Because God was with him.
Why does anything bad happen to David because David's fault Yeah, when we find out that David gets in trouble was it God's fault No, it's David's fault.
Just like you and I anything good happens to you and I where's it come from? comes from the Lord any blessing comes from the Lord any Consequences the bad choices whose fault is that? Ours consequences of your sin whose fault is that? hours hours, all right We got what? Five minutes ten minutes.
We'll go ahead and start chapter 19 now David saw Now Saul told Jonathan his son and all his servants.
He wanted to put David to death But Jonathan Saul's son greatly delighted in David Hey now imagine go to here.
It is his best friend and he knows their best friend this is the guy that he's given his robe his his his articles of Distinguishment so that David is now distinguished as the man that's going to be the next round of the crown prince and Saul tells Jonathan You go kill him You go and all the servants you go put David to death But Jonathan Saul's son greatly delighted in David Oh one why because he admired him for what he did and their souls had been knitted together ultimately by kindred spirit as and he said as an a sovereign act of God to put these two men together and Actually, that would be an act of providence by which he would He would preserve Jonathan's line down His family is because they're they're covenant that he made back in chapter 18 Saul my father is seeking to put you to death now Therefore, please be on your guard in the morning and stay in a secret place and hide yourself I'm gonna go and stand out beside my father in the field where you are and I will speak with my father about you if I find out anything Then I will tell you then Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him Do not let the king sin against his servant David since he has not sinned against you and since his deeds Have been very beneficial to you for he took his life in his hand And he struck the Philistine and the Lord brought a great deliverance for all of Israel You saw it and you rejoiced why then will you sin against innocent blood and put David to death? without a cause Now everything he just said it was a logical sense.
Was it not? Hey, look Why do you want to do this? This guy's done nothing but good for you He went out and fought the battle for you.
He fought the battle for the Israelites He read a great defeat among all the people and now you want to put him to death Why I think that's a legitimate question, but he's being asked this by his son Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan and Saul vowed as the Lord lives He shall not be put to death and what do we know about Saul's words? He's a liar.
He's a liar Could be jealousy we know that now it could lead to jealousy.
Yeah, he should what is that what? Yes, he should have But once he once he began to get his authority early on you remember just two years into it What did he want to do? He really didn't want to go out and fight the Lord's battles It became a duty and not a desire Now we do know the bookends if you remember when we read that chapter the bookends was he did make the great defeat in the beginning Of that chapter and at the end his whole his whole kingship was characterized by making war and he did go out and fight but man David He actually and he gets his jollies off going and doing this because he's fighting for the Lord Saul was fighting for his own kingdom member He was always trying to hold his own kingdom not the Lord's kingdom.
And why was it that way? Well, it certainly could trust in God because that was the people's King not God's King It was the people wanted Saul not not God And when now you see what how things fall into place how God wanted them to Okay with his King because now everything's going in David's direction It said verse 7 and then Jonathan called David and Jonathan told him all these words and Jonathan brought David to Saul and He was in his presence as formerly Verse 8 and when there was a war again, David went out and he fought the Philistines and he defeated a great slaughter so that they all fled from before him and here it is now there was an evil spirit from the Lord on Saul as he was sitting in his house and he had a spear in his hand and David was playing the harp with his hand and Saul tried to pin David to the wall with the spear, but he slipped away from Saul's presence So that this the spear stuck in the wall and David fled and escaped that night here.
I Don't get it.
I mean Dave is like, all right, I'm gonna sit here and do this again and Spear right against the wall and what David just I gotta go man.
This guy's have another bad day Well, we'll finish up here because we've only got just a couple minutes and we'll pick up in verse 11 next week Yeah, David constantly gives Saul the benefit of the doubt Hey guys having a bad day He tried to pin me to the wall again with his spear one thing we know about Saul and his spear.
He's a bad shot.
I Mean this is this is the second time he's thrown it at him and he's and he's missed and It's funny as we continue to read through the book every time you see Saul He's got that spear with him.
So then the spear obviously was a sign of a man of war That's what if he was sitting in like Solomon He would be there with a scepter meaning it was at a time of peace But in this time because it was war he was constantly having his having his spear with him Bad shot though, you know twice he can't seem to hit David Well two times we know that he right here that he threw it at him and some people do believe Commentators and exegetes and even Burt might even could comment on this Some people believe that they're this part here is talking about the other in chapter 18 So that's where it comes from any questions Ma'am No No from the time he kills Goliath it's go go go go go go go go go go go.
Yeah, he's gonna be on the run from here on out David's on the run And he's gonna be on the run.
Like I said depending on how you see the time some people think it was 10 years I follow the more between 13 and 15 not a lot of that depends on where you think the age in which he was anointed King and If you think he's 15 and this happened within two years into it That means that puts David at 17 and if he runs for 13 years From Saul that puts him at 30 when he takes the throne.