

Pastor David Mitchell



Still in chapter 11 of Romans, we took a little dive out of there into the whole
Bible, though, talking about when God is going to break off the branches of the
Gentiles, the church, and plug back in the Jewish people. And, you know, there is a point where we've seen already in our studies that that's going to happen.
See if I can get that to progress there. Okay, so we noticed recently in one of our studies here that there is a point where, in chapter 14 of the book of Revelations, that God frees up the church's role of witnessing to the world and tells us to go and hide.
And at that point, he raises up three different witnesses to take the gospel out, and the church is released from her duty because she cannot both witness and hide at the same time.
And the Lord's going to tell us to hide, and then he raises up 144
Jewish witnesses, very unusual human beings who had been prepared for this and called unto this ministry.
And then he also raises up an angel which encircles the earth and witnesses and gives the gospel to the whole world, an angelic being.
Now, what's that going to look like? I don't know. UFO? Who knows? But it's going to happen.
And then you have the two witnesses who will stand in the street and do street preaching in Jerusalem for the last three and a half years of the tribulation period.
So you have those three groups of people witnessing, and the church is released from her duty at that point.
And she is not taken out of the tribulation, but she is going to be protected through it or hidden or, as Zechariah says, she may be hidden.
And the reason it says that is a conditional promise. We have to do things. We have to read scripture, understand what it says, and do it.
And if we do that, we'll be hidden. And then we see that there are two personages mentioned.
One, I think, is the one -world government known as the harlot, and the other is the one -world religious establishment, the spiritual harlot.
Sometimes you think it's one, but it's actually two different ones that are described in detail in chapter 18 of the book of Revelation.
And the one -world church will be used by the Antichrist to set things up the first three and a half years to make it look like he's creating peace.
It's going to promise a lot to the Roman Catholic church and the Protestant churches that are outside of God's will for whatever reason.
The worldly church, he'll make promises to them. He will use them probably to turn the rest of us in to have us killed or whatever.
But he'll make promises. But three and a half years into it, he'll break those promises and he'll destroy them as well.
He'll take them out because he's going to set up a new religion that's never been before on the earth.
And the whole world is going to be encouraged to worship what the Antichrist is going to call the
God of forces. So now in Revelation 14, it talks about these 144 ,000 and the other angel that gives the gospel.
See right there in verse 6, saw another angel in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto the people that dwell on the earth and to every nation kindred.
I mean, look at the mercy of God. He is warning every single man, woman, boy and girl in the whole earth that you better not take the mark of the beast.
You better not follow this one who looks so awesome. Don't follow him. He's not the Christ. He is the
Antichrist. Don't listen to him. Don't follow him. And yet they do it anyway. It's amazing.
Great. I mean, not grace, but mercy. Grace is for God's people in my view. Mercy is for the whole world. And he's such a merciful
God that he sends the 144 ,000 out and he sends this amazing angel evangelist to witness to the people of the earth saying with a loud voice, fear
God, give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is coming. It is here and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains and the waters,
Jehovah, the one true God. And there followed another angel saying Babylon has fallen, has fallen the great city because she made all the nations drink the wine of wrath fornication.
And I think that could be the United States, sadly enough, hate to say that on a day like today, but it could be sadly enough.
And now we'll pick up where we left off today in Revelation chapter five. I'm going back a little bit, read this, and then we'll jump forward into the chapters where we were.
But in Revelation five verse eight, it says, and when he had taken the book, the four beasts and the four and 20 elders fell down before the lamb, having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints.
Now it's interesting because those who created this false concept of the pre -tribulation rapture,
I don't pull any punches anymore on that. It's a false concept. And that's a nice way to say what it is.
They say that the church is not found in the book of Revelation beyond chapter three. And here we are in chapter five and we see the prayers of the saints going up from the earth to heaven.
So do you not see the saints on the earth praying and those prayers going up to heaven in chapter five?
I don't know how many times that lie is proven wrong. The church is still on the earth beyond chapter three of Revelation all the way through the end until the second coming.
And they sung a new song that are worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred tongue, people and nation.
That's what it means when it says Jesus died for everybody. In that sense, he did. He died for many people to be saved from every people group.
So he died for all men. When Paul says that, he means he died for all kinds of men, not for every individual.
But he died for all kinds of men and people from every kindred tongue and people and nation will be saved.
And throughout the tribulation period, hundreds of thousands of Gentiles will be saved. They say, well, it's all
Jewish, the people that propagated this lie. They said, no, no, no. The seven years is the lost, you know, week of Daniel.
It's just for the Jews. Nowhere in the Bible does it say it's just for the Jews. It's for Jews and Gentiles.
Hundreds of thousands of Jews and Gentiles both get saved during the tribulation period. Why? Because you got 144 ,000
Jewish perfectly prepared witnesses going out. You got the two witnesses street preaching in Jerusalem, and you got the angel circling the earth, shouting out the gospel and telling people who to worship and who not to and who to listen to and who not to.
It's amazing. And he's made us unto our God, kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth.
Now, let me ask you, if the church is not in the book of Revelation here, as they say, all right, then who are the kings and priests that it's talking about right there?
Because in Revelation chapter one, when the church is supposedly still on the earth, it says, and from Jesus, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of kings of the earth, talking about the earth, right?
Unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood. Who did he wash from their sins in his own blood?
The church. And has made us, that's the church, kings and priests unto God, blah, blah, blah.
So how come that's the church in chapter one, but you get chapter five, that's not the church?
Because it's a lie. And when you tell a lie and you build a theory around a lie, you can't remember all the lies and cover them every time.
And so for anyone who just takes a cursory study of the scripture, you will see that it's a lie.
And that's just one of many, because they want you to think the church was raptured in chapter three, so that it's not here during the tribulation, but it's not there.
She is in chapter five and she goes all the way through as we'll see again and again, but that's just one example. Isn't that amazing?
So, you know, one of the 10 rules of Bible interpretation, let the Bible interpret the Bible. So how about we let revelation one, five, and six interpret revelation five, eight through 10.
And all of a sudden we find out the church is still here. Not difficult time and time again, we see the church on the earth beyond revelation chapter three, just one of many proofs that the pre -tribulation rapture theory is false.
It's a lie. It was propagated by Lucifer so that he could slay millions of unprepared
Christians and Jews. A little dogmatic, aren't I? But anyway, it's just very clear.
Revelation 11, three, and I will give power unto my two witnesses. Now we talked back about these two little olive trees that Zechariah talked about.
Remember in the Old Testament, 2000, some 800, some odd years ago, it was prophesied that these two olive trees, and it also says they will be on the earth, but it also says there's a candlestick involved with that.
And the candlestick is in the book of revelation says that that is the church. That is a picture of the church. So there's another example of the church.
Now we're in chapter 11 and we have two Christians born again believers. I believe at least one of them is a
Jewish believer. Like my mentor was Dr. Rocky Freeman. The other might be a
Gentile, might not, but these two candlesticks, they're part of the church. They are church members.
And this is chapter 11 of the book of revelation. And so these two witnesses will prophesy for three and a half years, the second three and a half years.
So you have the church there the entire three and a half years. Second, how do
I say that? The entire second half of the seven years, how about that? That's three and a half years there.
They are preaching church members preaching all the way till the end. And so, you know, there's yet another proof.
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them.
Now, who is the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit? It's not
Satan, but who is it? It's the Antichrist. Now, what's interesting about that is it also speaks of him as one who is and is not and is again, as if it's someone who died and went to show for a long season and then came back and a
Dr. Arthur, or I won't say doctor was Dr. Arthur Pink was not a doctor. Now he's like me and Spurgeon, right?
And everyone's cool tongue and cheek. I say that put myself, I put myself in.
It's like me and Arthur Pink and Charles Spurgeon. What do you think about that Ben? And I'm your dad, dude.
That's cool. So anyway, never went to school, but, um, anyway,
Arthur Pink said he believes it is Judas resurrected is who the Antichrist is. I don't know. It's a theory, right?
We haven't shot it down yet though in coffee, but I mean, it's a cool theory, but at any rate, it is interesting that it appears that it is someone who has been on the earth before died and comes back.
And, uh, and at this point, whoever it is, we know we call him the
Antichrist. He will be a world leader who says he'll fix the economy and he'll bring peace because he's going to destroy all the borders.
He will go forth to make war, destroy all the borders. And this is him.
And he rises up and, and slays these two profits. What's interesting about that is they tried to kill these two profits for three and a half years.
Nobody could kill him. Everybody that tried to kill him was killed instantly. And now the
Antichrist has the power to kill them. So they are killed. And what happens is amazingly disgusting from the
Christian viewpoint, because it says their dead bodies will lie in the street of Jerusalem.
Now look at this. Here's a clue about the spiritual harlot. I don't believe that's
New York city. I believe New York city might well be the, uh, secular one world government harlot, unless it's
Washington, but are both, I don't know, but this one is clear. What this harlot is the spiritual harlot is
Jerusalem because look what it says. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called
Sodom and Egypt, which so as God looks at Jerusalem now, does he see Jerusalem as his city with his people?
No, he sees it as Sodom and like Egypt, because the people of the world, by the time you get out here to this place in history, the
Gentiles will have taken over Israel. Could that be us that takes it over to protect it?
Who knows? Think about that bill. There's a thought you're, you know, could that be something that America does?
Who knows? But I know it says the Gentiles will trot in the streets of Jerusalem during these seven years.
And now this is towards the end of the second half of the seven years. And these two witnesses are slain in Jerusalem, which is at that point from God's viewpoint is called
Sodom and Egypt, which is also where our Lord was crucified. And that's how I know it's Jerusalem. You see, so it starts to come together who the spiritual harlot is.
And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see the dead bodies for three days and a half, three and a half days will lay in that street rotting.
I don't know if they actually rot, but they left them there to rot and will not allow them to be put in graves.
And then they throw a party. They rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts like at Christmas, sending gifts to one another house to house, celebrating the death of these two men of God.
Why? Because the two prophets tormented them that dwell on the earth. The two prophets brought the judgment of God to a world that deserved it and they hated them.
So they let them lay there dead in the street. But then look at verse 11, after three and a half days, the spirit of life from God entered them.
Now, how do you think the people that are watching this on TV, on CNN and, uh, what's that PBS, you know, that your tax money pays and they put everything ungodly on there to teach our little kids.
We were talking about it the other last night, uh, Ben and I were talking about all the little kid shows that Ben used to watch when he was little.
PBS has re not all of them, but some of them redone them. And now they have variant lifestyles in there that are okay.
And all this kind of stuff for your children to watch. That's good old America right there, United States of America.
There we have it. And, uh, so everybody's watching those channels and on live
TV, all of a sudden they see these two men had been dead for three and a half years, stand up on their feet and great fear fell upon them, which saw it, which is the whole world.
But did they turn to God? No, no, they didn't. They heard a great voice from heaven saying, come up here.
And they still didn't turn to God, but I'll tell you what, the two witnesses paid attention and they ascended up into heaven in a cloud and their enemies watched it in fear.
Now imagine that event. Now there's a picture of the resurrection, but it's not the resurrection and the rapture cannot happen until after the resurrection, the first resurrection.
So rapture still hasn't happened yet, even though some would take that and say, oh, that's a picture of the rapture. Uh, you know, it's interesting that they believe chapter three of revelation is a picture of the rapture and it has nothing to do with the rapture.
It's just where John was taken up to be given the vision of all this, that he wrote. That's all that is. And it says clearly that's what it is.
So people will abuse scripture to prove a false theory all the time, all day long.
And the same hour was their great earthquake and a 10th part of the city fell in the earthquake.
7 ,000 people died and the remnant were affrighted. I love that word and gave glory to God of heaven.
Now that little phrase at the bottom of that surprises me, but what do you think the word remnant means there in the same hour was their great earthquake.
It's kind of talking about the whole world saw these two individuals lying dead in the street three and a half days and saw them rise and ascend into heaven.
The whole world saw that. So out of all the whole world, then there was an earthquake, the same hour that they ascended into heaven, just like there was an earthquake at the cross.
Remember that remember how that happened? And, um, a 10th part of Jerusalem fell in an earthquake.
7 ,000 people in Jerusalem were killed and the remnant were affrighted and gave glory to God. Who who's the remnant?
Well, I, I think, I don't think it's everybody left necessarily, unless it could be.
I mean, I'm not saying it's not, it could be, but whoever that remnant is, they're giving glory to God and the rest of the world is not.
Yeah. It's like, it's called people because when every here's, here's what
I've seen. I didn't understand this growing up as a Christian where I was taught the other theory, but I didn't understand that there's a lot of people that get saved, uh, during the tribulation period.
And a lot of times it's these events that, that God uses to call people. Like some people, the ones that God knew before the foundation of the world that are his children.
And they just, they didn't receive Christ. They didn't, they rejected him. They rejected him. They get all the way up to this point.
And they're even given gifts in their house, rejoicing over these two dead men of God.
And yet when they see them rise up and ascend into heaven, they get saved. Isn't that interesting?
So it's just an event God used to call them on their spiritual birthday, which God already knew it would be that day.
But from the human viewpoint, those events worked on their hearts. And you know how God said witness and save some with fear.
Didn't he say that? So this kind of fear causes some people, uh, it's something the
Holy spirit uses to call them and wake them up and get them to see Christ for the first time for real.
And I think that's, what's happening to this remnant of people, but by and large, the whole world, as you'll see again and again, in other scriptures, uh, in the book of revelation, these things happen and they, they do not repent.
They curse God for it, but the called there don't act the same way.
A lost sheep doesn't act the same way as a goat. They hang out with them right up to the bitter end, but when
God calls them, they wake up and it's a whole different story. Now the second woe is fast past and behold, the third woe comes quickly.
And now it's interesting because we haven't tried to yet piece together all the chronology of the whole book of revelation, because it's tricky because there are these things called parentheticals, several of the chapters in the book of revelation or what we call parenthetical chapters, because this, the chronology stops.
And then it's just like detail given to us. It may actually be about something that happened earlier, or sometimes it's something that's going to happen in the future, but it gives the detail right there.
And that can really make it difficult to establish the chronology. But as long as you understand those things, it's not that difficult.
You just have to read it carefully. Um, maybe I'll give you an example of that here in a minute, but, um, today we're not going to give the final chronology of everything, but I'm just trying to show you, uh, the things that are going to happen.
And some of these things are listed out of chronological order and some of them are listed in chronological order.
So you have to really study to put all that together. Now we see here that the second woe is passed and now the third woe comes quickly and the seventh angel sounds.
So there's the seventh trump right there. And there were great voices in heaven saying the kingdom of this world are become the kingdoms of our
Lord and his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever that seventh trumpet is the last Trump.
And there's only one last Trump. If Russ Hauk is listening out there somewhere, he's the one that asked me to think about how many of those there are.
There's one and, uh, and this is it. But what's interesting about it, this is not necessarily in the chronology.
This is, this is parenthetical and it's not necessarily giving us the exact time of when that happens.
Now, if you, if you keep reading it carefully, it alludes to it though. Let me see if I put it up here this time.
Where are we? 11, 15. Yeah, I bet I did. And the four and 20, did I finish that one? Yeah. And the four, so obviously the seventh trumpet is listed here and it talks about, it gives us some detail and it tells us this is when
Christ's kingdom is about to be set up. Why? Because the second coming happens after the second
Trump. And when that happens, you have a lot of things that happen. It's not like in a moment, like people pictured it's many days, but one of the things that happens is the battle of Armageddon and the destruction of the armies of the world system.
And Satan, I don't mean Satan, but Antichrist and the false prophet are cast into the lake, not the lake of fire, but into the, into Shoal.
And, uh, the thousand year millennial kingdom is ushered in after that happens.
After all that happens, Bill was talking about it in Sunday school this morning. So the seventh trumpet is the sign that Christ's kingdom on earth is about to be set up.
And that's what verse 15 says. That's why we call it the last Trump, because it is signaling the end of the age or as in Matthew 24, when they ask, when they ask him, the apostles ask him when, tell us when this building's going to be destroyed.
And secondly, tell us when the end of the world, that word in Greek is aeon, which means age.
It's a reference to the church age. This church age will be over. And then the millennial kingdom will be ushered in.
And that seventh trumpet is the dividing line. Now there are many days of things that have to happen that fulfill that seventh trumpet symbolically.
But I mean, they symbolize things that will actually happen, a process of things to set up the millennial kingdom.
And it's a few days or weeks, but that marks the beginning of it.
And the four and 20 elders who had sat before God on the seats in the heavenlies fell on their faces and worshiped
God, because with the blowing of the seventh trumpet, it's awesome. It's an awesome thing to the heavenly beings, because they know that something for most people on earth tragic, for us wonderful, has to happen to usher in that kingdom.
And they know it. And so they fall on their faces and they began to worship
God, because Jesus is about to take up his kingdom. And remember, throughout this seven -year period, they were saying,
Jesus, how long are you going to wait? They're killing our brothers and sisters. There's another proof that the church was still on the earth.
They're killing our brothers and sisters. They're beheading them. How long will you wait? Go get them. And so now they're happy.
They're really happy, because he's about to. But at the same time, it's an awesome moment, because they see all the destruction and people that are slain and the blood that flows to the bridles of the horses in the valley of Megiddo.
I mean, it's a horrible thing, too. And so they fall in silence on their faces and they worship
God, saying, we give thanks to thee, O Lord God Almighty, which art, which was, and which art to come, because you have taken to yourself your great power and reigned.
And that's a reference to Jesus, specifically. And it calls him
God Almighty. That's another proof of the deity of Jesus Christ. And the nations were angry.
You see, that remnant, it said, gave glory to God. You remember that a second ago? That's really unusual, because you don't see that much beyond this chapter.
You don't see it again, I don't think, beyond that chapter. Wasn't that 11, first part of 11 or something?
Now you see what typically happens as these terrible bowls of wrath are poured out on the earth, which deserves it.
Remember, they're worshiping a God called the God of forces, and they're following the Antichrist and rejecting
Christ and killing every Christian they can find, man, woman, boy, and girl, and the Jews. And God's wrath is poured out on them.
What do they do? The nations are angry. And God's wrath has come in the time of the dead, that they should be judged.
Now, remember, I told you this was somewhat parenthetical, not necessarily chronological.
If you see what chapter 8, 9, 10, and you come into 11, it's not in the steps of chronology, so it's parenthetical.
But there is an illusion here that the seventh trumpet just sounded right before verse 16, right?
Wasn't it verse 15, 14, or 15? And now look what it says, and now should give reward to your servants.
When does Jesus give rewards to his church? After the rapture, correct?
That's an illusion to that. And so the rapture happens after the seventh trump.
The seventh trump is now blown. This is not telling all the chronology, it's kind of telling you details about it, not in time, but just details of stuff that happens.
That's what parentheticals do. And the nations were angry on the one hand, and yet Jesus is about to give rewards to his saints on the other hand.
Isn't that interesting? And to his prophets. Now, notice it divides it up.
These liars, they say it's all about, it's only about Israel, and the lost week of Daniel, it's only about Israel.
But look here, it says Jesus will give reward to his servants, to his prophets.
Now, you had both Old Testament and New Testament prophets, didn't we? So you had Jew prophets, and you had the early church prophets, including the apostles, right?
Until the scriptures were canonized, you still had them. But when you had that, then they ceased, prophecy ceased, like the
Lord said it would. But then it says to the saints, who's that? Well, that's anybody that gets saved,
Jew or Gentile, right? So you got Jews and Gentiles, you have prophets, both Jew and Gentile prophets, you got
God's servants. And then that fear his name, small or great, and should destroy them which destroy the earth.
So he accomplishes two things here with the second coming, when that seventh trumpet blows. And remember, this is not all of it, it's kind of giving you the whole idea of it here in this parenthetical, is you have the nations of the earth that rejected
Jesus Christ and hate him and encircled Jerusalem to destroy Jerusalem, you have them destroyed in the battle of Armageddon, and you have the saints,
Jews and Gentiles, saved and rewarded. And all of that happens at the end of the age, not seven years prior to it.
Revelation chapter 12 is also a parenthetical. And it talks about the woman with the man -child, it's
Israel. And it gives detail about how much Satan hates Israel because she brought forth the
Messiah, all right? And then you get to chapter 13, and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea having seven heads.
Who do you think this is talking about or picturing? It's allegorical, but who's it picturing? The beast is the
Antichrist. And he comes up out of the sea. All through scripture, sea pictures or waters pictures the peoples of the earth, like the nations of the earth.
So, he rises up from humanity. He has seven heads and 10 horns and upon his...
Now, notice I put some colors. I have no clue what the colors are, but they're different, I'm hoping, so that you can match some things because it's a little out of order in the scripture, but it's really revealing.
So, match the colors. Did I bring my water up here?
No, I didn't. I left it. Oh, I see it down there. Matt, thank you.
He's always getting my forgotten water. It's down there under the pew. Thank you, sir.
I see, I like that song so much. I couldn't even think about to bring my water up here. That was so good.
Thank goodness. So, like when you do one like that, can you put that together in one week or does that take like several weeks?
No comment. Months. Okay. Kind of like my sermons, right?
Years. I can prepare them really quick. It just takes years to preach them, right?
Okay. And I stood upon the sea. Might have to get some tea with honey.
Charlotte does that at home for me. Yeah, Matt's out of here.
Here's that tea. And, and I stood upon the sand.
That sounds pretty good now. And I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns and upon his horns, 10 crowns and upon his heads, the names of blasphemy.
Now see, it's, it kind of out of order. So let's do the colors together. Okay. These, these seven heads have upon them the name of blasphemy, but the 10 horns have crowns.
So those are leaders of the nations of the world. The 10 nation Confederacy, the crowns pictures that they're a leader.
They may not be called a king in the scripture. They're usually called a king, but it could be a prime minister and whatever the nation calls them.
It's the leader of the nation. So now we're talking about that.
This beast rises up. He's got seven heads, but he's got 10 crown.
He has 10 horns with crowns on them. And the seven heads is the name of blasphemy.
So what do you have there? You have both harlots mentioned or alluded to because the 10 horns and 10 crowns refer to the secular one world government, which antichrist will control.
He actually gives them their power. He sets them up and gives them power. I mean, you think of some of the little nations in Europe, how much power do they really have right now without the
United States military behind them? Do you think, could they stand up to Russia, let alone China without us behind them?
Not one of them, not even Germany. Do you think, how long do you think Germany would last for the bill? About one week.
So it just makes you wonder where America is when all this comes down, doesn't it?
Because all of a sudden someone gives these little weak nations power and they derive their power from the antichrist.
And they come together as one, even though they're 10 and they're pretty powerful at that point where America is.
Maybe we'll figure it out as we keep studying. Right. And anybody gets a thought on it, please share it with us. You guys out there in the internet world, share it with us and send emails.
We're seeking truth. But now what about the seven heads and the blasphemy?
That's the spiritual harlot. And she's based on the seven hills. The city of seven hills is
Rome. And that's the Roman Catholic church, who is the leader of this great whore religion.
And the big mega churches over here that are Protestant are just as much a part of it. I think I didn't used to think that, but we've discovered that discussed that at coffee many times.
It's the false religion, no matter what they call themselves. And they will all get behind the antichrist.
And so he leads the religious world and he leads the secular nation, the power of the nations all at one time.
So that's what all that says. I got ahead of myself anyway. And the beast, which I saw was like a leopard.
His feet were like feet of a bear. His mouth was like the mouth of a lion.
The dragon gave him his power and his seat and great authority.
So who's the dragon? Satan. That's who gives the antichrist the power.
So now you starting to set up an unholy trinity. And by the time you add the false prophet, there's the third person of the satanic trinity, the false prophet, the antichrist, and Lucifer himself.
And there you have it starting to be set up. Verse five, and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies.
So he has a national platform, the antichrist. He rises up probably from one of the small nations.
He is, we know that he is Arabic. I don't know if I should say
Arabic, but you can't say he's going to be Islamic because he's going to turn on them too.
And he's going to raise up his own God, which is the God of forces, but he's Arabic genetically.
Let's put it that way. And so he rises up and he's given a world platform.
So it has to be nations of power like us that give him that platform because the little nations don't have it.
So something happens to where Satan is able to give him this mouthpiece and this platform to speak blasphemies and that everything that a
Christian would believe in will be wrong, called wrong and bad. Everything you do and believe is wrong and bad.
Everything that Satan's people today that they call good now, that'll be good.
And people that don't believe in that will be killed. And so he was given power and was given unto him to continue 42 months.
And he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme God's name and his tabernacle and then the dwell in heaven.
And he's going to eventually offer a pig on the altar of the Jewish temple just to blaspheme
God. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints. Wait a minute. I didn't think the saints were in there past chapter three.
Oops, there they are again, chapter 13. And he will make war against the saints and to overcome them.
Now, notice that it says that he overcomes them. Don't think for a minute that you're going to get your church together and go encircle the abortion clinic and put up signs and you're going to take control and just remove all the evil in the world.
That's maybe, you know, maybe the post -millennialists used to believe that, but there aren't many of them left because they believe that the church would make the world better and better and better until it's perfect.
And then Jesus come back. Now, I don't think they said perfect in their theory, but that one kind of got shot down with Hitler killing 8 million
Jews. Not too many people have gone that route since then, but here they make the antichrist makes war with the saints.
He overcomes them and power is given him over all kindreds and tongues and nations.
Wow, he is set up and we're three and a half years into the seven years now.
And all that dwell upon the earth will worship him. How many is all? Well, it's not all in this case.
Remember POS doesn't always mean. Numerically all it can mean all of a certain group or some of all the groups in Greek.
That's just how it works. And how do I know that doesn't really mean all, all that dwell upon the earth will worship him because I read the second half of the verse whose names were not written in the book of the light, the book of life of the land slain from the foundation of the world.
So if your name was not written before the foundation of the world, if your name wasn't written in Jesus's book of life before the foundation of the world, then you will follow the antichrist.
If your name is written in the book of life and God knew you as his own before the foundation of the world and you were made one of Jesus's and God gave you to Jesus before he made anything, then you will not follow the antichrist, nor will you take the mark of the beast, but everyone else will.
If any man has an ear to hear, let him hear. How many times did Jesus say that you see the goats can't hear this and we can preach this all day long.
It doesn't affect them. You don't have to worry about one of them accidentally getting saved because they heard this sermon today.
And, uh, the sheep will respond to this. Both the law sheep and the sheep will respond to this information.
So now we jump into chapter 14 and we have another heavenly viewpoint and some parenthetical information in here as well.
And a lot of times when I say parenthetical, all it means is it's not so much that the, that, uh, as the
Holy Spirit led John to write this, that at this point that he's trying to be in sequence as it is, he's giving detailed information.
Does that make sense? So here I looked in low, a lamb stood on Mount Zion and with him 144 ,000.
Now, obviously that didn't happen at the moment that the antichrist set up his power, which we just read, right here we are right here.
The antichrist sets his power up very next verse. You have Jesus standing on Mount Zion with 144 ,000.
Do you think that's chronological? It's not. It's a four view. It's looking forward in time when
Jesus does set foot and tells us what's going to happen. Why? Because that was just told to us and we need some encouragement.
Do you see the point? Like you, you just learned information. What have you read this for the first time?
And you're like 12 years old and you read this or what if you're 66 years old, you need some encouragement.
So here we get the encouragement. This is how it's going to end. Like, I know that's bad. And I know you still got three and a half years to go, but here's how it's going to end.
So that's kind of like what a parenthetical does. And that's why the Lord put them there. So he looks and he, it's almost like the angel that's taking
John around heaven and showing, letting him see these things. He just turned, he says, here, you're looking at this stuff happening.
Let me turn your head over here. Look over here at the end. What's going to happen. You see how that, and he writes that down.
Then he turns him back and he keeps writing and picks up where he was in the chronology. If you don't know that, you'll never figure out the chronology, but that's just how the
Lord wrote it. And the lamb stood on Mount Zion with him 144 ,000.
These are the Jewish evangelists having his father's name written in their foreheads. They cannot be killed.
That's why he releases the church from the responsibility of witnessing because we can be killed.
And he lets us go hide. He tells us to go hide. And then he marks these where no one can touch him.
And he lets them be the evangelist. And I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters and as the voice of a great thunder.
And I heard the voice of Harper's singing, harping and playing their harps. And they sung as it were a new song from the throne and from before the four beasts and the elders, and nobody could understand the lyrics of this song and understand the words except the 144 ,000 evangelists understood the language.
Isn't that interesting? And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach into them that dwell on the earth.
There's more mercy of God. We showed this verse a minute ago and they preached to every nation, kindred tongue and people and told them, don't listen to the antichrist.
Worship the one true God, the same God that parted the red sea, blah, blah, blah, whatever they want to say about the true gospel, they'll be saying it.
And this angel will be saying it too. And this angel will say with a loud voice, fear
God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him that made heaven and earth and sea and fountains of the waters.
And otherwise you will be judged. The third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image and received the mark on his forehead or his hand, the same will drink of the wine of the wrath of God and be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment will ascend up forever and ever.
If you take the mark of the beast, you go to hell, but the remnant will not take it.
None of those who were foreknown by the Lord and were in Jesus's book of life, none of them will take the mark of this beast.
So the vaccine is not the mark of the beast. You got all kinds of weird stuff being said out there.
The internet has made it where anything you want to say becomes a fact, right? Supposedly.
Do you know there's a bunch of, Jeannie told me this, I think it was you Jeannie, told me there's a bunch of nutcases out there that are saying that if you take the
COVID vaccination, it will change you genetically, your chromosomes genetically, so that you may not receive the
Holy Spirit anymore. That part of you where the Holy Spirit comes, he can't get in there because the vaccine shut it down. Man, I didn't know
Fauci was that powerful. That dude's powerful. Maybe he's the antichrist, right? So there's the mark of the beast and the results of the people that take it.
And here's the patience of the saints. Oops. The church is mentioned in chapter 14 again.
Oh my. Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. They say, okay, wait a minute.
This seven years is the last week of Daniel's only Jews. Why does verse 12 divide us into two groups?
Isn't that interesting? Here is the patient of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God.
And here's another group that keeps the faith of Jesus. What two groups are those Jews and saved people, right?
The patient of the saints, saints is Jews and Gentiles that receive Jesus as their personal Lord and savior. And those that keep the commandments of God are
Jews. And those that keep the faith of Jesus are Jew or Gentile believers.
And both are found on the planet earth in chapter 14, well beyond chapter three, boy, did
I ever like, I should have been a lawyer. I don't know. It's kind of fun. When you, when you got the evidence, when you don't have the evidence, it's not fun, but when you do it is.
And I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, right, blessed are the dead, which die in the
Lord. Now, let me ask you this, that phrase in the Lord throughout all of new
Testament scripture, who is that a reference to a person who's in Christ? Is that a Jew or is that a born again
Christian part of the church? It's part of the church. You're in Christ and there you are in chapter 14, well beyond chapter three.
So their theory is broken a hundred times just to this morning. Right? So if like you spent a year shooting down their theory, you'd have hundreds of places where it crumbles.
And I looked and behold a white cloud and upon the cloud, one sat like into the son of man having on his head, a golden crown and in his hand, a sharp sickle.
And you can kind of see how this is parenthetical because the second coming hasn't happened yet in our chronology, because we're just, we were just three and a half years in where the antichrist took over.
And this is where the mid -trib rapture theory came from was they misinterpreted this. They didn't understand this as parenthetical.
It's not chronological. And you know,
I just almost universally people understand that even the people that disagree on the theories, they do understand there's parentheticals in here.
So he looks and he sees Jesus, son of man, and he's got a sickle in his hand.
He's about to reap the earth. That's obviously a foreview of the second coming.
So that's what parentheticals do. They'll give you information, details of stuff he's already talked about or information about stuff that's going to happen to encourage you because he just gave you some really bad news.
Doesn't that kind of make sense? I mean, it's a perfect way to write it. And God's a perfect God.
It's how he wrote it. And then he gives us a four view of Armageddon and the wine press was trodden without the city and the blood came out of the wine press, even into the horse's bridles by the space of 1 ,600 furlongs.
That's the Valley of Megiddo. I've seen Charlotte and I've looked out over, stood on a mountain and looked down at that Valley.
It's the perfect battlefield and it's huge and it'll be full of human blood up to the height of a bridle on a horse.
And even though it hadn't happened yet in our chronology, this is a four view of it. Does that make sense?
It's definitely speaking of Armageddon. Now we kind of start to step back into chronology.
And I saw another sign in heaven, great marvelous, seven angels having seven last plagues for in them is filled up the wrath of God.
Now, when I say, you know, this one's kind of mixed. Chapter 15 is kind of mixed because it is chronological, but it's parenthetical sort of in a sense too.
And the reason that I say that is if you look in scripture, you can look up the word
Euphrates for the river. And you're going to find it in two different chapters of the book of Revelation far apart, but both refer to the same event.
So both of those chapters cannot be chronological. Does that make sense? Because one happens way over here and one's here, but it's where they dry up the river
Euphrates so that the 200 million Chinese soldiers can come through towards Jerusalem attacking, and then they're destroyed in the
Valley of Megiddo. So this is still somewhat parenthetical in the sense that the whole thing hasn't happened yet.
Yet inside of chapter 15, even though it's kind of out of place with the big chronology, it has chronological things happening in it.
So it's kind of a mix. Glad I made that clear because if you hadn't come this morning, you probably wouldn't be crystal clear on this part.
It's a little confusing, isn't it? Does it make sense? Like you take chapter 15, it's not in the big chronology, but within the chapter it is chronological within itself.
So if you take this whole thing and you place it where it goes, it just adds detail to the whole chronology.
And another way you can see this sort of sandwiching in there and happening is when you see the sixth trumpet blow, there's a great earthquake mentioned and hail, these huge hailstones.
But later when you see the sixth vial poured out, it's the same thing.
So the sixth vial, even though it's in a completely different chapter, it lines up. It's the same thing.
It's just more detail of that. So you can use things like that to align the chronology.
Isn't that cool? It's hard to do without a graph. I mean, it's hard to preach this because it's very complex the way the
Lord wrote it, but it's not difficult. It's not like you got to have a PhD to figure it out. You just need to read and keep things in context and that does figure it out for you.
But we are going to put this on a chart by the time we get done with everything. So that's a great thing if you want to check that out when you get home is just look up Euphrates and it'll show you two different places.
It looks like if you didn't know better, you'd think maybe that's two different things, but it's the same thing. It's just more detail given over here.
And then the same thing with the sixth trumpet and the sixth vial that's poured out.
It's the vial is a detailed picture of what happens with the sixth trump. It's the same in the chronology.
They happen at the same time. Are you with me? Good. I'm moving on. And they sang a new song, the song of Moses, certain of God and the song of the lamb saying great and marvelous are thy works,
Lord God, almighty, just and true are thy ways. Thou King of saints. Is that Jews only?
No. Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name for thou art only art holy for all nations will come and worship before thee for thy judgments are made manifest.
That is an illusion to the millennial kingdom. It's looking forward to that, but we're, you know, this some of this is giving detail of really approaching the end of the age, the end of the church age.
And after that, I looked and behold the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was open and seven angels came out of the temple having seven plagues.
Those are the seven angels that have the seven trumps. And so what you'll find as you read the chronology of the plagues, they fit within the chronology of the seven trumpets.
And that makes it difficult if you don't know that, but when you know it, it all begins to line up.
All right. So they're given seven golden vials full of the wrath of God who lives forever and ever.
Now, those who believe in the pre -trib rapture say they'll use that particular verse that says that God is not, you know, going to pour out his wrath on his children.
And they'll say that proves that we're taken out before the tribulation. But when you read that particular verse that they use to try to prove that the very next verse in context contrasts that usage of the word wrath with the word heaven.
So it's actually contrasting hell and heaven. And it's saying God is not going to send any of his own to hell.
He won't let us go into hell. That's all that verse is saying. It's not even a reference to the tribulation period.
However, it's the same Greek word for wrath. So when you see this word wrath, it is the same
Greek word, but the context is different. Are you with me? The context here is talking about the tribulation period.
And I don't know how many times we've proven this morning alone that the church is still here. We've just seen the church in several places in this context and the wrath of God is about to be poured out and she's still going to be there.
Just like she was there when the flood happened. God didn't take Noah and his family out.
He protected them through the flood. It's the same thing. So it doesn't seem difficult to grasp, but now we see that the word wrath is used in a different meaning here than it is in the other verse.
The other verse, it means hell. This verse, it means anger, his anger. Now we understand hell has to do with his anger too, doesn't it?
And his justice against sin and so forth. So the word wrath can be used to mean either hell or it can mean
God's anger. And here it means his anger. And these vials are full of the anger, the righteous anger of God.
And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power. And no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.
So now you see that the seven angels are the same angels that have the seven trumps and now they're going to pour out these bowls of wrath.
And I think they correspond to the different trumpets and fit along with them rather than being, you know, rather than having six trumpets and then the seventh and then all the bowls are poured out chronologically.
So that little, that little chart, when I put it up there, I told you this is not accurate. It's the only one I could find on the internet and the people that made it believe in pre -trib rapture and all that stuff.
But still, it was, it did show the different aspects, but what's going to happen when we create our own chart, some of these bowls are going to be in line with some of the trumpets.
They're not going to be like trumpets. And then all the, all these things happening later, that's what you'll see. Scripture makes that clear.
All right. So I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, go your ways and pour out the vials of wrath of God on the earth.
And the first went out and poured out his vial upon the earth. And there were a noisome and grievous sore upon the men, which had the mark of the beast and upon them, which worshiped his image.
Now, the ones that don't have the mark of the beast, those sores do not appear on their bodies. So the saints, the remnant who refused to take the mark of the beast won't get this disease or whatever this thing is.
All right. So now here, I'm not reading this whole thing. Don't worry. I know you're getting a little tired, but I'm not reading the whole thing. I'm just going to show you what these vials are.
All right. So, um, the first three are these grievous sores.
Now these are these, the seven vials that are poured out. First one is grievous sores that come upon the people that took the mark of the beast.
So, so maybe the mark does include a vaccine and it backfires and they all get these bad results.
Who knows? I don't know. Not COVID though. It's something else, but, uh, if they get it, if they can get us used to doing what they say we have to do, then makes it easier for this stuff to happen.
And then the sea is turned as blood. The sea is turned red and it says all life in the sea is killed.
Can you imagine what that would be like if every whale and every fish and everything and all the plants of the sea die in one moment?
Can you imagine the stink of it? It'll be in salt water still, but it won't be able to cover all that. Will it?
And they'll float up on the beaches too. And then verse four, the rivers, the freshwater and the fountains, which
I understand to mean like well water turns red. All right.
So soon as I finished preaching this, there's going to be like no bottle of water left in town.
You're all going to go get the bottle of water, right? Probably be smart to have some water.
All right. So it's interesting because chapter 16, verse six talks about the reason
God turns it red is because they shed the blood of his people. It's a judgment on them having killed
Christians and Jews and he makes their water worthless. And then the fourth vial is the heat from the sun begins to scorch people on the earth, which either is a partial devastation of our atmosphere, which protects us from the harmful rays of the sun or something else that could be worse than that.
But I imagine that's what it is because I think we're going to have thermonuclear warfare going on at this time too.
It's going to pretty much destroy some of that you think. Like you think burning gas in your car is the problem?
I don't think so. Or your cattle having upset tummies is the problem.
So this is quite an event here and a nice place to be when that's happening would be in a cave.
Don't you think? I mean there's clues. If you just use come let us reason together.
Don't you think a cave would be a nice place to be when that's happening? Darkness will fall on the seat of the beast, which is the
Middle East, and they will gnaw their tongues with pain caused by this darkness. So it's not just darkness.
It's some horrible thing. It probably is nuclear winter. And they blaspheme the
God of heaven because of their pains and their sores. They repented not of their deeds. That's the response of the world to all these things.
They don't repent. They're not sorry. They blaspheme God. So it's not like they're atheists.
They're blaming God and blaspheming him. They're not atheists. They may call themselves atheists, but they're not. They just hate
God. So here you have those. And then the sixth one is the
Euphrates River. Remember I told you there's two places that's listed? All right. Here's the other place.
But they have to happen at the same time. So you pull those chronologies together and it helps you know how to line up the parentheticals with the chronology.
Euphrates River dries up. 200 million Chinese foot soldiers prepare to march toward Jerusalem.
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. Did that just give you goosebumps?
It did me. 200 million soldiers. Do you think Israel thinks she has a chance at this point?
She had some kind of peace agreement with the Antichrist. Do you think a bunch of Jews have wisdom from God really?
They're pretty smart from a human viewpoint, but do they have the wisdom of God? And they made a peace agreement with the
Antichrist. And now he turns on them. But little do they know that it's
God that's gathering them together here. They think they're doing it from their own free will.
And the seventh angel poured out his bile into the air. Now that's the same one that has the seventh trumpet.
And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done. I got goosebumps on top of the goosebumps right there.
The end of the world as the apostles asked. Here's the
Lord giving them, you know, the answer to part of their question. All of these things happen and then comes the end of the world or the age as we know it.
Violent worldwide earthquake is the seventh vial that happens.
Remember there are seven vials. It's a violent worldwide earthquake and that is listed in two entirely different chapters separated by many chapters.
So you got to pull them and line them up. And as you line up the few things that are mentioned the same, it helps you line all of it up.
Isn't that cool? Violent worldwide earthquake. Cities fall.
Haven't you ever driven into Dallas or Houston or somewhere and said, you know, these things can't last forever. What's going to be the end of them?
And how would they ever clean them up if they, what if they had to start just tearing them down? Cause they're old. They just blow them up. And how are they ever going to deal with all these cities?
They look like they're permanent, but we know they're not what's going to happen to them. Verse 18 tells us the cities fall.
So the buildings fall into the ground, kind of like the one that just happened in Florida. Devastating.
Think about that. Well, think about it like that's devastating. What if about 500 of fell at once in your city?
That's why he called this the great tribulation. Islands flee. I met a wonderful cab driver in St.
Martin who I would have sworn was brother Otis and Ben and Matt were little and they were in the back seat.
And I saw two Mormons come by and I said, boys, those are Mormons. And that cab driver's ears perked up and said, oh, you know about Mormons?
I said, yeah, I'm a preacher. He said, oh, really? And then he started, then he started preaching to us. Can you remember it,
Matt, or were you too little? Yeah. He starts preaching and he starts talking about the sovereignty of God. And he says, we go to church with only seven members here on the island because we're the only ones that believe that God is sovereign.
The rest of them mock us and persecute us and all this, but we know we're right. And I said, man, you believe just like we do.
This is great. And I said, but I got, I asked you, got to ask you a question. The Bible says that the islands are going to flee.
So why are you here? He said, I've got the boat. I said, all right. He said, we will have a boat.
Love it. And then it says the mountains are not found. So you better go deep down into that cave,
I guess. I don't know. And then there's hail, that huge hailstones that fall out of the heavens, climate change.
So God causes climate change, not humans. All that's in verse 18 and around there.
And, and, and the thing is, um, you know, this is towards the end of the end when these things happen, because that's the seventh vial, which happens only after the seventh trumpet or comes with the seventh trumpet.
And, um, these things begin to happen. Chapter 16, verse 21.
And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven. Now you see, um, every stone about the weight of a talent.
Now, Bill, I don't know that. Does anybody know what a talent weighs? You could Google it right quick. Myron would know.
Myron knows. Where's he when we need him? Uh, but it's, it's a huge, it's not like a, even a softball size, like we've seen in Texas.
It's maybe it's this big around or bigger might be the size of a Volkswagen beetle or something, but 80.
And so what, how big would a piece of ice have to be about like this to be 80 pounds falling out of the sky.
And, and so every stone about the weight of a talent and men blaspheme God, you see, they don't turn to God.
They don't repent when this happens, they get more and more angry. This is what goats do. So, you know, there is a time when the last
Gentile is saved and we're probably there by now in our chronology.
And they just blaspheme God because the plague of the hail, uh, stones for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
He can only imagine there's no place to hide from that really except in a cave. All right.
Now remember, I want to end with this this morning. We're going to go back to Zachariah Zephaniah.
Sorry. We did them both at the same time and I can't keep them apart in my mind. Gather yourself. So Zephaniah chapter two, verse one, gather yourselves together.
I think one of the greatest things that I discovered this year for the first time is God. And I know he says as the end approaches forsake, not the assembly, but that's, this is the old
Testament saying the same thing. As you see these things approach, gather yourselves together because you're going to need the encouragement from each other.
Right? Gather yourselves together. Yay. Gather together. Is that redundancy?
So it's twice as important as it used to be. Gather together. Oh nation, not desired.
Now is that just Israel or is that the nation of Christians too? I mean, do people love us now?
They do not. Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the shaft, before the fierce anger of the
Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lord's anger comes, you need to gather together.
You need to prepare. You need to be ready. Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment.
Seek righteousness, seek meekness. It may be you shall be hid in the day of the
Lord's anger. I'm going to leave you with that thought today. We're out of time. We're not out of fun, but we're out of time.
So let's stand and have prayer together. We got pretty far along today.
I think maybe hopefully one more Sunday, we'll finish this little part. And eventually after that, and Dave gets all the artwork done, we'll have our chart ready.
Lord, thank you so much for your word. Thank you for giving us warning of what's coming.
Thank you for giving us hope and letting us see your mercy and grace for us. Thank you for promising us that we can be hidden.
Help us to know how to keep our part of that. Help us to know that there are things we have to do too, but that you promised to hide your people.
And so, Lord, remind us that the ultimate glory of all is going to happen at the end of all of this, and that is the second coming of Jesus to this earth.
And we will meet him and be changed in the air. And Lord, thank you for that.
Thank you that there is a generation that will not have to experience physical death, but will be changed in the air.
And most likely, we are that generation. And what better hope is there than that? So, Lord, help us to gather together and have one spirit and have unity in our churches.
Lord, help us to prepare and to speak to one another about these things and give us more and more light as the days go on.
Lord, we pray for our poor nation and the leadership of our nation now. Lord, unless you do a miracle and save some souls and turn them around where they would repent, we are in big trouble.
But nevertheless, we pray because we know you can do that if it's your will. And Lord, give our children strength and our grandchildren great strength for the days to come.
Lord, bless the meal we're about to have, and we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. You are dismissed.