Sunday Morning Sermon Series - Pastor Josiah Shipley (Date:01/31/2021)

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What is Peer evangelism Hey Michelle We got something going on on 21st.
Don't we you mean March 21st? Yes, I do Oh, are you talking about the spring break block party? I am where on earth am
I going? You're gonna be at Witten Baptist Church, which is six seven seven three Macon Road It's right on the corner of Witten and Macon across from the
Walgreens. We're gonna have free hot dogs. I like free popcorn Snowcone machine and Cotton candy also, it's not just food.
We're also gonna have games Oh, so, you know little hoops and we've got some other other games going on the first 100 families
To come to our spring break block party on March 21st from 4 to 7 p .m
We'll receive a free gift bag and that's actually what I was just working on right now. Do we have a slide? We do have a slide should
I post it right now? Yes post the slide right now Turn with me if you will to Luke 24
Luke chapter 24, please We'll only be here for a moment and then we'll switch on over to Matthew.
I just want to start here just for a moment Thank you, sir
What is? peer evangelism Brother Jeff talked about this the other week someone answer.
What is peer evangelism? One to another Peer evangelism is sharing the gospel with those got us put in your life
Okay, it's not simply standing at a podium is not about Teaching a
Sunday school class peer evangelism is sharing the good news the life -changing message of Jesus with those in your realm
What is the gospel There are some summary statements of it in Scripture But I'd like to summarize it here in the gospel of Luke 24 starting in verse 44.
This was read a moment ago Then he said to them Jesus to the disciples These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you that Everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and the
Psalms must be fulfilled Then he opened their eyes to understand the scriptures and he said to them thus
It is written that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead That repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations beginning from Jerusalem That is the gospel that all of humanity stinks and God is the only one who doesn't and That he provided a way to salvation the repentance the forgiveness of sins
I'd like to point out simply as a side note, but for your further study in verse 44
Jesus says all that was written in the law of Moses. That's the Torah and the prophets
Nephilim and In the Psalms or the writings Ketuvim were written about him
The Old Testament does nothing but point us to the cross it is all about him and he recognizes that But what
I want to do today is Remove every excuse for us and Empower us as the
Word of God does To boldly be able to preach the message and it doesn't matter
That you are not a perfect Christian. That is why it is called grace See some of you say or will say that you are unworthy
To tell someone else about Jesus and you feel that way because you really are that's why it's called grace
That's why it's called grace. If you were worthy of that, then you wouldn't need grace
Verse 45 No words you can say No way you can put it.
No certain order is needed For it is God who opens people's minds to understand the scripture.
Your job is just to obey Your job is not to say it in a way that makes it more palatable to their ears
It's not your job. Your job is to proclaim the truth. God is the one who opens minds. That's not you simply obey
That is the gospel That Jesus changes people If you are
Christian in this room Then you know That at one point and now even still you have felt the peace and the love of God Sharing that with somebody else is the gospel and is that gospel that is the power of God to salvation
God could have chosen whatever means he wanted to to spread his gospel and he chose the church and that's us every one of us
Turn with me to Matthew 28. This is what will be the rest of the time So you don't have to change anymore will be in Matthew 28 the rest of the time that is the gospel and Matthew 28 16 through 20.
What we're gonna do is we're just gonna go through it verse by verse and We are gonna watch
God remove every excuse we would have to not share this with somebody else That's what we're gonna do today
We're gonna go through these five little verses and show how he did that for the disciples now He does that for us
Matthew 28 16 through 20 says this now the 11 disciples Went to Galilee to the mountain to which
Jesus had directed them. Yes, it's 11 Judas is no longer with them He's hanging out somewhere.
Sorry verse 17 when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted and Jesus came and said to them all
Authority on heaven and earth has been given to me go therefore make disciples of all nations Baptizing them in the name of the
Father of a Son and the Holy Spirit Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you and behold
I'm with you always to the end of the age first off verse 16 Notice, it says
Jesus commanded them if you go back to verse 10 Jesus didn't directly command them.
He told the women who saw him Mary Magdalene and the others to tell the disciples But they viewed that as him directly
Commanding them ladies and gentlemen Our job as a mouthpiece of God is to give the commands of God to other people
To show them the truth and God has chosen to use us as that mouthpiece
You see God typically uses ordinary means to bring about his extraordinary purposes
Here it was through the witness of the women that the Apostles obeyed Jesus Understand that our job is to speak the truth in love
You don't have to be mean about it. The gospel is offensive enough on its own. You just say the truth in Love because if you love someone that is what you do.
You tell them the truth and it doesn't matter It could be through a pastor a preacher a deacon a
Sunday school teacher a member of an accountability group a one -on -one Discipleship a mother a friend an encouraging phone call or a text
God can use whatever means He wants to bring about his message. Our job is just to obey our jobs just to obey
They went to Galilee in your brain. That is about 60 miles north of Jerusalem Why did he make them go to Galilee to give them this message see this is not the
Ascension That was what we read in Luke. That's all the way back down and Bethany close to Jerusalem Why do you make them travel all the way up there to simply say this?
Scripture doesn't tell us it could be because this is where the ministry started. It's where he called most of them This is where he called them from their former lives of white ways of life to follow him
But I think it's best to view it as the disciples didn't know either. They just knew they had to obey
So you don't have to know the why before you start obeying you start obeying and pray that God gives you the why later
Just like a parent knows The child does not always need to know the why they need to start obeying and the why will come later
And it's the same with us Don't say I won't obey God until I understand this you start obeying and then
God reveals the why in his own time verse 17
When they saw him they worshiped He hasn't even done or said anything yet But they saw him for who and what he is and they started worshiping
When's the last time you worship God simply for who he is not just for what he's done
Or an answered prayer, but simply for who he is because he is worthy and he is the only one worthy of that adoration
That we are to worship him not simply for what he has done. But for who he is
They saw him and they worshiped but some doubted Husbands verse 17 is how you start to lead in prayer for your wife.
I need you to listen They worship but some doubted Brother hunter correctly cited a couple weeks ago that worship.
Is that what you do in obedience to God? See praise is with the mouth worship is with the heart worship.
Is that what you do in obedience to God? notice notice, please they're worshiping and obeying even though there's doubt in their heart and Jesus doesn't rebuke them for that.
You see it doesn't become Sin until you allow it to keep you from obeying
But the disciples here some of them at least have doubt in the heart and choose to obey and worship anyway anyway gentlemen husbands
When you pray with your wife She doesn't need a theologian.
She doesn't need a PhD seminary graduate. She needs someone to lead She needs someone to lead and she doesn't need someone to say some fake oration
She needs someone to pray from the heart Start leading and see if God doesn't bless that obedience and I have a challenge for all of you husbands.
I Want you to pick Now for those of you that already have your own system fine
But for those of you who don't ever pray with your wife due to shame see for most of you
It's not really laziness or apathy. You're ashamed because you know that your stuff stinks You know what?
That's the time to obey anyway and to show her to show her
That it's not about having it all together, but it's about obeying it even though you don't My challenge for you is to pick a day a time and No matter what happens at that day in that time of your choosing you pray with your wife
It doesn't matter if that prayer is 15 seconds long doesn't matter you start obeying
You start obeying pick a day in a time. I don't care when and Start and see if God doesn't bless that obedience
They haven't even reached Jesus and they started worshiping even though there's doubt in some of their hearts they choose to obey anyway
Verse 18 and Jesus came near to them Draw near to God and he will draw near to you
They started worshiping and Jesus came near to them, even though he knew there was doubt in their hearts.
He didn't rebuke that guys He didn't rebuke that Because they were worshiping anyway somebody get out your phone and Look up what the word struggle means
Every in fact everybody get your phone out put it in your little taskbar and little Google Google the word struggle
And in a minute, I'm gonna ask you what the definition is Verse 18
Jesus came and said to them all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me
All authority on heaven and on earth has been given to Me Jesus his time of humiliation is over.
He humbled himself by becoming obedient He emptied himself by giving up his heavenly throne to come be a slave
Remember he emptied himself by assuming the form of a slave a person his time of humiliation is over And now all authority on heaven and on earth spiritual and physical has been given to him
He is sovereign He is Lord Which makes verse 19 all the more important therefore
See you whenever you read the Bible guys Look at those words. What is the therefore therefore?
And it's to let you know that you can now believe verse 19 because all authority on Heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations
Make disciples of all nations When you tell someone the gospel
As we said before you don't need to stress about saying the right words or using a specific methods
Because it's just simply the gospel itself. That is the power of God to salvation You just need to open your mouth and speak and I promise you his word will not return bored
It will accomplish that which he set out to do. All right, what does the word struggle mean? What's it mean?
Someone say it out loud? violent effort actively fighting against a violent struggle
I've said this before and I will continue to say it Until we all have a proper understanding of what the word struggle means because I've eyes as I've said before I believe that is the most misused word in the
Christian language We often say we're struggling with sin when there's no active fight against it
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no shame in struggling with sin That's actually obedience.
So long as we all have the same definition of struggle struggle doesn't mean experience or you're doing it
It means you're fighting back. See the disciples in verse 17 are fighting back
They have doubt and Jesus doesn't rebuke them for that because they're actually fighting against him The sins in your life are not shameful.
So long as you're putting up a struggle, by the way That's how you show what grace can do
It can change people It can change people and that's the best gospel
You could ever share with anyone else to let your light so shine before men that they can see
Your good works and glorify your father that's in heaven. They can see your good works.
I See him because you're actively fighting against it if you're worried that you can't
Witness to X person because they would know you're a hypocrite. The answer is yes, they will
Yes, they will know that But if you're working to be more godly more obedient and more
Christ filled than you were yesterday Then they you don't just have to tell them about grace. They can see it in a broken vessel like you
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
FNAS peoples Don't think that you must leave the
United States to share the gospel In your brain picture one person
Right now at work at school. I Don't care if it's on the phone whatever person is in your sphere of influence that you know does not know
Jesus as Lord and Savior because if he's not Lord, he's not their Savior as Lord and Savior Share the gospel of that person
But Josiah they know I said this or did this or acted this way
And what better witness is there than to tell somebody? Hey, you know what? I shouldn't have done that or shouldn't have said that I'm following Jesus and I'm still figuring it out
But his grace is changing me and can change you too. What better Message is there than that?
That is the message of the gospel Not just that he saves you from hell, but he transforms you from the inside out to be a useful vessel
That is the message of the gospel That is the process of sanctification the process of being made more like Christ and Maybe he chooses to do it slowly instead of in an instant
So that we have a long journey of which to show other people what it means to change
Baptizing them in the name of the Father of a son and the Holy Spirit. Yes as a side note it is worth noticing
Baptism comes after they are already disciples look at the order here Sorry other brothers and sisters in Christ the baptism comes after the discipleship just like this morning
Here's probably my favorite part of this passage Baptizing them in the name of the
Father of a son and the Holy Spirit There is no letter s after the word name
It's singular See, there's three people after the Father of a son and the
Holy Spirit. How can that be? Because we have always confessed that Our God is triune
You see that our God is one being one essence in three distinct persons and he has a name
And his name is Yahweh Jehovah, which is just another way to say
I am so that we can say there is Yahweh the Father Yahweh son and Yahweh the
Holy Spirit and That all three of them are in essence
God Which is why we can say in the name singular of the
Father the Son and the Holy Spirit Which is why it's not blasphemy for Jesus say all authority on heaven and earth is given to me
Physical spiritual heaven earth. It's mine. I'm sovereign over it.
I am the king of kings. I am the Lord of Lords verse 20 teaching them to Observe this is the hard part.
This is the part that pastors need help with That right there that one line is a biblical definition of discipleship.
Let me read that again Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you
Notice, it doesn't say teach them the Bible. Anyone can do that. I do that all the time.
That's not the hard part Don't say teach them the Bible. It says teach them to obey it Not teach them what
Matthew is saying in Matthew 28, but teach them how to obey it. That's discipleship
That's the hard part That's the hard part That is what
God made the church for not simply to go knock on the door Tell someone about Jesus never see him again and never invest them again
But to train them to teach them how to now obey that gospel That's the message of discipleship and guys that doesn't happen overnight
That is what you can do with somebody else in this room right now
We just had or we are currently in the process of ten people joining our church from the past three or four weeks ten most of them
Most of them not all of them have been saved for like a total of five minutes Several of them are first -generation believers.
In other words, their mother the father were not believers It is
Both a blessing and a challenge that we have so many first -generation believers in this room
It's great because we don't have the religious garbage that comes along with that It's not great in the sense that we don't have a ton of spiritual maturity yet Yet, which is why those of you that are mature in Christ notice an insane age.
I said in Christ Disciple teach them to obey it Don't just teach them what it is teach them how to obey it
Josiah can sit here and tell them the standard But we need to teach each other.
Okay, how do I obey it? Where do I start? That is what discipleship is.
Do we understand that I Promise you you can't walk more than three feet in this room without finding somebody who needs that Do that and that guys
That doesn't just happen in this room That happens taking somebody out to lunch That happens calling somebody that happens by inviting someone over to dinner
That can happen through an encouraging text in the morning saying hey I just prayed for you and that not be a lie that you actually did just pray for him notice
That for those of you that are scared to evangelize First off you're not alone
You're not alone don't allow that fear to control you anymore guys
When you evangelize there's a myriad of responses you'll get I am
I Work four days a week at evergreen UV We make a bunch of the lighting fixtures that Ashley was passing out the other day and We have trucks coming in and out all day long delivering stuff and picking up stuff and I often
Go up to the trucker who talks like three people all day okay, and After we load up the truck.
I simply say this Okay, I say hey ma 'am. I do the same thing at restaurants with with the waiter
Hey, man, uh, my wife and I are gonna pray tonight Which by the way when I say that that makes me have to follow through with it.
You see that We're gonna pray. What is one thing I could pray for you about tonight now.
I haven't even gotten to Jesus dying yet I haven't gotten to sin yet Be surprised
The different responses you get a couple weeks ago. I said that somebody at a restaurant. She started crying
Because she said quote Nobody has ever asked me that that's not in North Korea It's not in Iran That's in Memphis, Tennessee Nobody has ever asked me that sometimes
People are resistant to the gospel and ladies and gentlemen, I tell you that's not a head issue. That's a heart issue
And you know what? That's okay. I've got a guy at work right now in my brain.
I'm picturing him right here Okay now My job is to simply tell him the truth
Okay, and I talk just like this when I talk to him I don't yell I don't scream At the same time on the other side of my brain.
I know he is one bad car wreck or whatever away from eternal hell
I Recently was evangelizing to him and he said hey, man,
I Don't want to hear about that anymore. I said I got you man. No problem Well about a week later
He was talking about how He didn't use the word peace, but he had no rest
He had no comfort in his life. I told him my brother
You know my answer to that Because there's only one source of peace and love that can fill that hole in your heart.
I Just walked up to him I pat him on the shoulder said hey man, just wanted you know, I prayed for you last night
He didn't say anything he just looked at me You know why? Because he's so not used to a
Christian Actually acting on what they say they believe
Ladies and gentlemen, if God wanted to use perfect vessels, he would have made perfect vessels
But he's chosen to use broken vessels That leak which is why they have to be refilled every day
And he's chosen to use that as his mouthpiece to the world
Thank You Vicki or whoever who wrote that over the door. That's the mission field and the harvest is white and ready and you don't have to get a bullhorn and a
King James Bible and Scream the Romans wrote in particular order to get someone saved
You show someone the truth that he's doing in your life now
Now not just when you were seven, but now That is not hiding your light under a bushel
That right there is that? one more thing Brother hunter go ahead and come up.
It is you right? Okay good Had I want to volunteer I'm not brother
Jeff. Okay teaching him to observe all that I have commanded you
Ironic, isn't it? One of the commands is To teach someone how to obey commands
You're showing them obedience the moment you open your mouth and behold
I am with you always to the end of the age You remember how
Matthew's gospel started? Joseph's dream And the angel in the dream told him that his name will be
Emmanuel which means God with us Matthew ends his gospel by reminding you that God is still with us and lo
I'm with you always Even to the end of the age, that's the sovereign of the universe talking to you
And I'm with you always Even to the end of the age The Word of God empowers us to go forth with his message
Broken as you are because that is part of the message That's part of the message
That You don't have to be who you were yesterday Because grace can change people and it didn't start and stop when you said a prayer when you were nine
Grace continues now for you and for I and Showing that grace is what the gospel is ladies and gentlemen
If you feel shame or fear or trepidation about sharing that Don't be ashamed that you feel that and then keep you from doing it