Middle Knowledge, Grounding Objection, & Mormonism

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In this brief clip, Dr. James R. White expresses the reasons why he rejects Molinism as a valid position.


criticism of Molinism in general and then we're gonna we're gonna do a Shifting now after this last point here but so your biggest criticism of Molinism is a it you don't think it reflects the teaching of Scripture the clear teaching of Scripture and Philosophically, you think the grounding objection is kind of a nail in the coffin of the concept in general.
I Don't I until someone can explain? How you can know an
How you can know what a free creature would do Before God decrees the universe in which he exists
His own character his own capacities What his physical nature is going to be what his mental nature is going to be what is gifting to?
I'm sorry, it create it makes It makes human volition something that is utterly separated from the human being itself
Because if you're gonna say that God decreed that you get to have hair and I don't
Okay That if you're gonna say that the decisions that we make is somehow some completely separate thing
From how we've been made the context in which we're gonna live
The whole we are it Separates it out in a way that's that really is sort of a
Greek philosophical thing It's it's not the Hebrew way of thinking of man. Man is a body soul spirit unity it's all connected together when we're born where we're born everything else is a part of who we are and Middle knowledge treats all of that as if it's just something that can exist out there someplace and then it's almost like the
Mormon concept Intelligences, you know all of a sudden while these intelligence out there gets zoomed down into us a pre -existing spirit and then into the into the mortal probation all the rest of stuff no,
I Aside from just going. I really think this would have confused. Can you see
Peter going? Middle knowledge. Could you explain that again? Could we try that one more time? What?