Answering An Interesting Objection to TAG
Revealed Apologetics
Science, Evolution, and Presuppositions: What You Need to Know – With Dr. Jason Lisle
Responding to Youtube Atheists on Presup
We Read Your Comments--Now It's Time to Respond w/ Joshua Pillows
3 Challenges to Christianity... And Why They Fail
Identifying Hidden Biases
Revelation & Natural Law
Clip: What Authority Does Church Tradition Have?
Church of Christ: Answering Objections w/ @carmvideos @TheApologeticDog
Questions for a Presup Apologist
Sola Scriptura & the Apologetic Connection: Why it Matters!
Materialism Vs. Mathematics: Why Math Needs God!
Big Announcement & Basics of Presup
Beware of ISLAMIC CHERRY PICKING #Islam #Dawah #apologetics #presup #bible
Does this PROVE JESUS IS NOT GOD? #Islam #dawah #apologetics #presup
I Don't Think So! #islam #Jesus #bible #apologetics #presup
Christianity Refuted in 60 Secs #Christianity #Jesus #Dawah #apologetics #bible
What if Water were God
An Interview w/ Mark Rushdoony #Theonomy #presup #apologetics
Argument for God from Logic for DUMMIES
DEBATE REVIEW: Is the Trinity Logically Coherent? #WLC #HIJAB #TRINITY
Did Van Til say “One Person & Three Persons? -Yes!
Rebutting Brunton on Presup (Part 2)
Are Miracles & Advanced Tech Indistinguishable?
Is Presup Immoral?
Is this TRUE?
Response to Cringy Comments
Exposing Worldview Foundations
Responding to Atheist Argument
Responding to Cringe Atheist Memes
Responding to Critics (Coffee Proof)
How Coffee Proves God
Chapter 3: Christian Apologetics by Van Til
Did the Bible Get This Wrong?
Atheism & Logic
Chapter 2: Christian Apologetics by Van Til
Fine without the Bible!
(Quick Clip) Islam Critiqued
1 Hour with An Unbeliever: Insights from Francis Shaeffer
Responding to Critics: w/Eli Ayala
Chapter 1: Christian Apologetics by Van Til
Aliens, Bigfoot, & Jesus Oh My!
Is the Universe Young? W/ Dr. Danny Faulkner
Ask an Apologist #presup #apologetics #jasonlisle #jamesrwhite #apologia
Is Original Sin Biblical? #theology #presup #anthonyrogers
Why are Youth Leaving Church? #apologetics #church #youth #theology
Pride Presupped w/Dr. James R. White
Is the Bible Unscientific? w/Jason Lisle
Apologetic Implications of Self-Deception (Explained)
50 Presup Questions Answered
Problem of Induction
Traditional Arguments Presupped
29 Questions Answered (Bible Theology, Apologetics)
Eli Ayala vs R.C. Sproul's Criticisms of Presup
Presup vs. Internet
LIVE Q & A: Youtube Comments & Audience Questions
Presup & Objective Idealism: Presuppers Respond
Is Presup Connected to Postmodernism? Nope! #presup #apologetics #postmodernism