TIME OUT with Pastor Ben Talley July 6th 2020

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Morning y 'all My name is Benjamin Talley.
I'm the associate pastor or M associate pastor At Witten Memorial Baptist Church and This is another time out
So just give you a minute to get on hey Tracy, how are you? How's your day going
So it's a beautiful day to be alive in Jesus and a great day, so Our scripture for today is a passage that should be well known to a lot of Christians And it is coming from 2nd
Timothy, it's a pastoral epistle By Paul written to Timothy and a
Lot of people actually believe that since it is a pastoral epistle, it's written only to pastors
Or only applicable to pastors, but that is not true You know a lot of the things that he instructs
Timothy to do we as Christians are to do ourselves like This you know
He tells Timothy to do things and be aware of things that we all as Christians should be aware of So he gives
Timothy an imperative or an indicative If you're not if you're not aware of an imperative or an indicative an indicative is just a statement.
It's like a truth claim Information so to speak and imperative is
Something that you are to follow like something you're supposed to do like when he says do your best to Do your best to obey
God and then everything you do that would be an imperative When when he says that God is holy and above all that would be an indicative so Hope that makes sense to you.
Hey, Lisa, so our Our Passage for today is 2nd
Timothy chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 and a lot of you probably already know this
Passage some of y 'all have probably memorized it, but I think it's good to refresh all of us
It says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching for reproof for correction and for training in righteousness
That the man of God May be complete equipped for every good work so So let's just let's just kind of break this down.
Okay He says all scripture is breathed out by God That is every bit of scripture came from the mouth of God to these writers.
It was inspired by God it was breathed out.
It came from his mouth. It came from his very heart from his very essence It came from him
And it was put forth Bypinned to the writers it came through their personalities through there
You know through their writing style and everything that but though but the words were
From them. I mean though from him. So he says all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable
Profitable now we live in a world where they say that scripture is not profitable
It's not profitable for counseling it's not it shouldn't be used in counseling me as a biblical counselor
I actually hear that all the time that that scripture should not be used in counseling
Only psychology and psychology methods and all this other stuff scripture should not be used in counseling
Which is completely Contrary to what the Bible says, you know, it should it should be used
It speaks on the human nature or the nature of man it speaks on God's truce
God's commands God's true understanding of man his Understanding of and his and his will for mankind
Scripture should be used in counseling That's my I realize that some people may disagree with me, but that's what scripture teaches
You know, we are competent to counsel Through the word so The scripture is profitable and we'll get to that a little later, too.
It's profitable for everything you know Second Peter chapter 1 verses 3 and 4 says that We have everything we need for life and godliness
Through the precious promises that God has promised us so that we can overcome the
The powers and the wickedness of sin in our life so It is profitable
And we get into it when he says for teaching, you know We need to be taught a lot of people think
I don't need to be taught I'm perfectly fine the way I am and even some Christians believe that they also believe that You know scripture really isn't all that profitable.
Yes, some Christians believe that They believe that scripture it's only profitable for getting to heaven it's not for daily life
Actually heard people say that yeah, that's the Bible that refers to heaven I'm going to heaven when I die, but I really don't need it for my daily life
I mean, this is talking about them, you know going to heaven Outlandish stuff man. I've heard crazy stuff like that before but it is profitable for He goes on for teaching for teaching us what is right
We need to know what is right. We need to know what is right? What is wrong what
God requires of us what God wants us to understand what he has planned for our life, you know
As far as his prescriptive will for our life what he wants us to do the way he wants us to live These things are outlined in Scripture and it's for our teaching for teaching us
You know, it's also for reproof, you know in school you may have a paper and you say hey, can you reprove my paper?
You know it we we look at scripture. We can take scripture We can take our life and we can we can read scripture and we can say okay
Where does my line my life line up with scripture where where where can
I line up my life with scripture? How is it? How is it agreeing with how is it disagreeing with you know?
That's what scripture is there for To line up our lives with scripture to reproof our life, right?
So that's that's an important thing and also for correction when we're wrong We need to be corrected.
I know if y 'all go to Witten or if you go to any church I really hope and pray that your brothers and sisters in Christ are correcting you when you're wrong a lot of people may say may think
I don't I don't need to change I Well, you need to change. I really hope that You do have that sense of want me to change because if you think that you're ready and you're you're good
You really like yourself. You really love the way you are you know, then I would really call into question if you're saved or not because I Know with me when
I got saved God really started revealing sin in my life, and I wanted to change I wanted to be a different person.
I wanted to get that sin out of my life That's part of God revealing sin in my life and me wanting to change
If you're if you're satisfied with the way you are You know, I would examine yourself very strongly and see where you're at with you and God Because if he's not revealing sin in your life and making you uncomfortable and making you
Want to examine your life and getting rid of sin in your life, then I would really call into question where you're at with Christ But anyway, that's
I mean it's there for correction and also for training and righteousness Not only correction, but also
I mean you can take off you can put off things you can change things But if you're not putting on righteousness if you're not putting on certain things, then it does you no good whatsoever
You can sit there and put off all these things you can you can take this bad stuff and put it off But if you're not putting on something, you're you're just gonna
You're just gonna go on to something else That's how you end up with this somewhat quote -unquote addictive personality.
You know, you move on from one addiction to the other You know you got to put off one thing but when you put off that thing you got to put on righteousness
You got to put off the old man and put on the new man. You're not putting on the new man You're just gonna end up right back to putting on something else
It's not helpful so that's that's something you got to take into account and Correcting something.
I mean there's nothing better than Reading the Word of God and correcting yourself.
You know, a lot of people they don't want correction Well, I tell you what if you don't like correction, then the scripture tell calls you a fool
Because in Proverbs it says a fool despises correction You should really look at your life and see where you're at so Embrace correction because when your brothers and sisters correct you that means they want to see you grow into the person that you're meant to be in Christ God wants you to see
The change that you can that you can have in your life You know, that's what you're but that's what the church is there for now.
There are people that just criticize and slam and Use unrighteous judgment.
Yeah, you have to be discerning But I mean when it lines up with scripture and God really convicts you on certain things then that's a beautiful thing
It's a beautiful thing correction is a beautiful thing You know when you really see it within take it with a humble heart and a humble attitude
Changes that is a beautiful thing because you're you're being renewed you're being made complete in Christ Which is what verse 17 says it says that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work
The Christian life is work and we have to be equipped for it we have to Be ready for it and there is nothing else in this world that can equip us for God's work other than the
Word of God because it is the only thing that examines the intents and the motives and the and the
And examines the heart Nothing else does that other than the Word of God?
Not our wisdom not our own opinions. Not our own thoughts only the
Word of God Let me just read with you. What what? What Hebrews 412 says it says for the
Word of God is living and active sharper than any two -edged sword piercing to the division of soul and of spirit of joints and marrow
Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. That's what the Word of God does We can't do that The Word of God does that as we speak it we our own thoughts our own wisdom our own
Little phrases or whatever we may come up with we can't do that The Word of God does that to to our own hearts in our own minds?
That's why we have to examine ourselves according to the Word of God That's why we have to speak truth in their own life
And Psalm says your word is truth That's why it's so important that we know the
Word of God if we don't then we'll slip away into every other false philosophy and I doubt
I don't dolletry and false False teaching that this world has to offer
So guard your hearts study the Word of God Study to show yourself proved unto
God a workman who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth God bless you all
I Love you study the Word of God today guys get into the word Study it and when you study it pick out two or three things
They really am that you can really embrace and memorize and apply to your life today. God is good guys
God is good Now if you're lost and you're seeing this The fact that God is good is also a very terrifying thing for you
Because that means that God has to judge sin He can't he can't go without judging sin
He has to judge sin, but he's already done that through his son Jesus Christ over 2 ,000 years ago on the cross
He died he took the sin of the world on himself and he died and Then he was buried
And on the third day, he silenced everyone and he rose again on the third day and ascended on high
Declaring that he was the victor over all hell death in the grave And he declared that if anyone repents and believes in the gospel
Then he will Make them hear son and daughter
And then they will reign with him forever So repent of your sin forsake your sin forsake every bit of your sin
And turn to him Trust him with your life trust the fact that he lived the perfect life.
He died the perfect death He resurrected on the grave from the grave and he ascended on high and he's coming again for his own
All those who are faithfully believing in him and trusting him and living their life for him. I Love you all.