A Key Progressive Christian Strategy Revealed (Part 5)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Summary: They often use women and female adjacent guys as the tip of their spear to attempt to get you to lay down your weapons. Dont.


Jackie Meador is on Message (Part 6)

Jackie Meador is on Message (Part 6)

Alright, alright. Hope you had a good weekend, a good Lord's Day, a good
Easter Sunday, all that kind of thing. I had a good weekend, definitely. My wife is a little over 40 weeks pregnant and so we were hoping that this weekend would be the weekend that we'd have a new son in our hands, but unfortunately not, so we're just going to have to play the waiting game.
Also, we went to a sporting goods store and bought a bunch of baseball stuff for the kids and I've got good news to report.
My 8 -year -old, you know, last year started a little bit rough, you know, throwing, catching, all that kind of stuff and towards the end of the year we got a little bit better, you know, was more consistent with his throwing, not scared of the ball as much with catching.
Anyway, so we threw the ball around and we graduated to a real baseball. We threw the ball around on Saturday and over the winter something just clicked with him.
I guess he just understands that, I don't know, I don't know what happened because we didn't work on anything over the winter, but he's throwing really well, he's catching really well, it's all good now.
So, good stuff, good stuff. So I was going to do a video today about how it's not that, you know, guys like me are intentionally offensive, it's just that we intentionally don't seek to soften everything and people just aren't used to that, you know.
When we say that transsexuals, you know, transvestites is really what they are, belong in mental institutions, you know, that's not, like I'm not trying to be offensive there, it's just I'm not trying to hide what the truth is.
The truth is that they're insane, they're out of their minds, they're demon possessed and we need to put those people away, you know, in a place where they're not, you know, in seats of influence or we're not taking them seriously because they're out of their ever loving minds, like that's not intentionally offensive, it's just I'm not trying to hide the truth and people just really aren't used to that and as part of this video,
I'm still going to do this video because Andrew Torbo was saying some things this weekend that I thought were great and people were clutching their pearls, oh how dare you, how dare you say this about the
Pharisees. It's like literally people were simping for the Pharisees this weekend. Anyway, but what
I did was I went back to my old emails from 2018 or so, yeah, 2018, and there was one email from a gospel coalition influencer who wrote me a very, he was clutching his pearls real hard and he was telling me that, you know, it's that I'm intentionally offensive, you know, stuff like that.
Anyway, I didn't find that email, it must have been like a Facebook conversation or something like that because I couldn't find it in my email, but I distinctly remember him saying that.
But what I did find was something that I forgot about and I don't know why
I never caught this, but here's something you might not know about me. So when I left
New York City, I did that, I left my job, I did it for an unpaid internship with a big
Eva guy who was a pastor of a church at the time and he had, you know, advertised this unpaid sort of like pastoral residency thing so he could teach you how to be a pastor and all that kind of thing.
And anyway, I applied to it and I got it. And so I left my job and I went to Vermont to do this.
And hold on one second. Oh, that's terrible.
I just got some terrible news on a text message. I need a minute, hold on.
Yeah, I'm going to continue the video, but a friend of mine just sent me a really sad text message. Anyway, okay.
Okay, so let's continue. Where was
I? Oh, I found an email, right. So I found an email from this guy who, he disowned me after I started,
I dared to criticize Matt Chandler. And if you look at my like 2018, 2017 videos and you watch them,
I want you to do that. Go watch an old video. You will see how tame they are.
Like I was, in every video, like if I was going to criticize Russell Moore, Matt Chandler, I would always start the video and I would say how great they were.
Oh, I love Russell Moore and I love Matt Chandler. They're just gifts to the church. And I would use all the standard
Big Eva speak. You know how it goes. I'm so, so grateful for their ministry and you know, all this kind of stuff.
And then I would say, but you know, this isn't quite right. And then I'd go into it and I wouldn't, it's not that I would pull any punches necessarily, but I wouldn't sugarcoat it.
I'd say, look, I, you know, Matt Chandler's great. He's a wonderful gift to the church, blah, blah, blah. But this is not correct.
This is wrong. This is evil, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, because I did that, this guy disowned me and I never quite caught this, or at least
I forgot about this. But one of the things he told me, he says, one of the things that hurt him so much was that he befriended me.
He invested in me and he gave me opportunities. That's something that I hadn't thought about it a long time.
He was very upset that he gave me opportunities. And I didn't, and then
I kind of just, I didn't do what he wanted me to do. It's not like I disowned him or started ripping him or criticizing him.
It's not that, it's just that he didn't want me to insult Matt Chandler. He didn't want me, and by insult,
I don't mean actually insult. I mean like criticize him, say he was wrong about white privilege or something like that.
He was offended that he had given me opportunities and I didn't do what he wanted me to do.
I forgot about that. And honestly, this is how it works. Like they've got control of the institutions.
They've got control of who gets the blogging opportunities. And that's what he was talking about. It was about his blog. He had a blog that he had started and he had given me the opportunity to write for this
Big Evil blog, which I did. I wrote like three or four articles or something like that. You can't find them online because they've since been, you know, black holed, memory holed.
But that's how they own people, right? Because it's like, it's very hard to kind of, if you wanted to go into ministry, right?
If you're trying to be in ministry, they want you to think that it's very hard, if not impossible, to do that without their help, without their guild approval, without their blogging opportunities, conference gigs, things like that.
And I remember, I distinctly remember this, him telling me, and this wasn't like a, it wasn't like a, like an evil, like dark room, you know, with smoke and stuff like that.
But I remember it striking me at the time. And this was before I was who
I am today. Like I was, I was a young guy, wide eyed, you know, that kind of thing. And he said something about getting my name out there.
And I was like, getting my name out there? I was like, I'm not trying to get my name out there. This is young me, the young me.
I wasn't trying to get my name out there. I was like, I just want to see if I want to become a pastor. Like I didn't think that was about getting your name out there.
And it was just kind of an off the cuff comment. It wasn't like, it didn't really mean anything, but it was just something he said.
And I was just like, that's interesting. That's interesting. Like, I mean, and I mean, I did write for,
I mean, I had an opportunity to write some articles that I thought were helpful. I wrote a few articles that I thought were helpful.
They were helpful. They're about like Mormonism or something like that. Or anyway, so I just found that interesting.
It's like, this is how they own people. They, they pretend like they have the keys to your,
I guess, success in ministry. And they don't, they simply don't. So if you're, if you're, if you understand that Big Eva has kind of jumped the shark, they've had their moment and they're just, you know, right now they're just a tool for the enemy in so many ways it's so many ways.
It's just so crazy at a time when we should be kind of galvanizing our, our positions, you know, like, like the world has gone absolutely insane, but we have the antidote, right?
We have the, the truth. We have the real narratives in a world full of false narratives. We have the real narrative and what you're spending your time doing is, you know, it's, maybe it's okay to, to support a party that wants to trans everybody and, uh, you know, they're perverted in every way and, and normalize every perversion and kill as many babies as possible.
And, uh, like everything, like there's just no redeeming quality. Everything that they do is just pure evil.
It's just so crazy. Anyway, so I think you get my point. I think you get my point.
And so speaking of all that, let's continue with Gospel Coalition. Let's do it. Let's do it.
All right. Um, let's find where we are here. Okay. How should
Christians and get, uh, care about the, I almost used the Big Eva word, engage. How should Christians care about the environment?
Good faith debate. So the conversation is just about to do, you get, get a little spicier.
I think, you know, we're going to do some cross talks and some cross examination, you know, at least the
Big Eva, you know, ridiculous version of it. He acknowledges the difficulties in predicting the future.
And that was one of the main points you were trying to make and how, you know, how we can really know what's going on.
But I am curious at a basic level, do you agree with the greenhouse effect, the glaciers, the, the premise that this world is getting warmer.
So this, this is, uh, this is how, this is where the gate, the, the, he expects in, in, in, in, in, in, in a good faith debate.
This is where the conservative is supposed to give ground. Oh yes. The greenhouse effect is very dangerous and it's all, it's just the carbon credits.
This is where you're supposed to give ground. Is he going to do that? Man, this is my, this is a tough call because I want to say yes, because that's what he's there for.
That's why gospel coalition invites people so that they can give ground, but he's been so good.
He's been so good. So on the one hand, I could look at what he's done so far. On the other hand,
I can use my brain and say, this is what gospel coalition is for. It's to normalize insane insanity, insanity.
I'm going to go with my gut. My gut says he's going to give ground. He's going to say the greenhouse effect. Oh, the world is warming due to human interactions.
How do we think of the children present problems? I accept the premise that the climate is changing and I certainly agree with the greenhouse effect.
I think that the, uh, the scientific debate at the highest levels is, um, what portion of, of the carbon output is, is, is anthropogenic.
So I gotta give him credit, man. You know, I should have something inside me told me he would not give a lot of ground and I'm, I'm grateful he really didn't because what he said is something that essential.
I wouldn't say exactly like he said, I accept that the climate is changing. So do I accept that climate changes.
That's just part of the way of things. That's just how it is. Number two, he accepts the greenhouse effect.
Okay. He accept the greenhouse effect. I mean, I feel like unfortunately something as, as, as basic as the greenhouse effect is become, excuse me, a bit of a loaded term.
So, you know, I, I, I wouldn't want to necessarily just say it that way, but that's fine the way he said it because he instantly said,
I, I, I think that it's debatable that at the very least he said it's debatable how much humans are contributing to the greenhouse effect.
Um, that's good. That's pretty good. That's pretty good. Is, is, is it our portion of carbon emissions that is the proverbial straw, you know, on the
Campbell's back that is going to lead to these cascading catastrophes? I think that's the question.
And I think it is actually still debatable. Um, and so I'm, I'm not nearly as worried as Jake is about, about the litany of, of catastrophes.
Um, so I, I don't deny that at all. The question is, what are we going to do about it? And, um,
I, this is, I'm going to tell you, man, I know I keep saying it and I'm, I keep being surprised because it's surprising.
This is gospel coalition we're talking about here. This is gospel coalition where basically every, you know, male that comes up here is, has the gay lisp.
You know what I mean? Metaphorically speaking, of course. And sometimes for real, as we can see with me, meater, um, he's brutal, man.
I am not nearly as worried about this as Jake is. And it's like that, that like low key just is like a, that's a, that's a slap in the face to Jake.
Like you're chicken little and I'm not, that's basically what he's saying in a nice way. He's saying it in a way that has, you know, a little bit of winsomeness to it.
You might say, good faith. I'm not nearly as worried about this as that guy over there.
Who's just afraid of a shadow is, is, is how it comes off. At least that's to me, it does comes off that way.
I didn't hear Jake really answer your question, your last question, which was, what are you going to do about China?
And it sounded to me, Jake, like you were saying, well, they're really going to suffer too. So they're going to come to their senses or on burning coal, or they just,
I, it, it seems to me the intractable problem, if the goal is we are going to reduce global greenhouse emissions.
If you have a rogue, this is not just any old rogue state, right? This is one of the largest countries in the world.
Largest population is, is largest economy too, if I'm not mistaken, burning carbon fuels, fossil fuels.
That seems to me a big problem for our solutions. And I think that you may be right, that that doesn't absolve us.
But at the same time, I wonder again, about the just war thing. Okay, we're talking about inflicting real, serious, known economic harm on ourselves for projected uncertain harms in the future.
I think that's something that we need to think about. How do we, how do we navigate that ethically?
We know we're going to harm our own economy and the developing world for something uncertain.
And the China problem is just a real problem if the goal is global reduction. What's interesting too, is that, you know, you hurt your own economy.
And I'm not like crazy about this line of attack on Matson's part. Like it's, it's alright. I'm not,
I'm not going to criticize him for it. You know, he's in the debate. I'm not. I'm not crazy about it. But he's right. I agree with,
I agree with what he's saying. But what's interesting about it is you hurt your own economy. And when you do that, you actually make yourself more at the mercy of China than you used to be.
So it's interesting, like, like, the more you hurt yourself, the more you rely on others. And the others,
I mean, let's just face it, when economically, the other is China. So you're more at their mercy than you used to be.
It's just, it's a very interesting game that they're playing here.
It's a very interesting, you know, set of circumstances, in my opinion. But I got, again, I got to hand it to Matson.
He's going right at Jake. It's like, if you ever want to see like, what it's like to can't even when you're winsome, when you're big
Eva, if you want to can't even like you've had it up to here, and you just can't even. I don't even know why
I said that. I hate that phrase. I really do. This guy, this guy is not taking any of Jake's stuff, if you know what
I mean. He's not, he's not, he's not interested in taking it. This is what it looks like when you're fed up with your opponent.
You're just like, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not going to play with you, Jake, in a winsome way.
This man is not playing Jake's little stupid games in a winsome way. Hats off to him, man, really.
Of fossil fuels. Well, I did. So this connects with your example of those in the developing countries suffering for our sins.
You just made the case, the cost to us is great and them with an uncertain outcome.
How does that land on you? Yeah, so just to circle back to China, because what
I was trying to say, perhaps didn't get it across well, they're not going to be able to keep doing that forever, was part of the response.
Why is that? Because they have a demographic crisis on their hands. They're an old...
So they won't have enough people to work in coal mines? Their economy is not going to be able to continue to work the way it is now, 30 to 40 years from now, due to a lack of workers.
But that's too late, by your own admission. I mean, you've mentioned a whole bunch of things that are...
Bro, who is this guy? I can't even believe it.
Like, I'm just, this is great.
You know, if the good faith debates were all like this, I wouldn't have a problem with them.
This is really good. I'm not... Mattson is just not playing the game.
He's not. And from what I understand, I've heard a few things about Mattson and, you know, listen,
I don't have to agree with everyone 100%. I don't have... Nobody has to be perfect around me.
You know, I've got... I was going to do a video about this too, and maybe I will still. But I have very, very specific beliefs that I hold very strongly.
I'm very hardcore, you know, Calvinist, for example. I'm a very hardcore, you know, theonomist, for example.
I'm post -millennial, very hardcore about that. But the thing is, like, I don't expect everyone to be that.
You know what I mean? Like, I don't expect... Not everyone has to be post -millennial. And if you're not and you hate post -millennialism, we can actually still be friends a lot of the time, depending on how aggressive you get, of course.
You don't like God's law, or at least the way I see it, to be nice to you. You know, we can still be friends to some degree, you know?
So I've managed to figure out a way to, like, hold things very, very hard, you know, or tightly without, you know, casting everyone else into outer darkness.
But the thing is, like, I've heard some things about Madsen that make me wonder about him. And some people in the comments section were saying that he didn't like Stephen Wolfe's book.
I actually hadn't even heard that one. So there's other things that I've heard about Madsen. But this man, like,
I feel like I could be friends with this guy. I don't know if he'd want to be friends with me, but I feel like I could be friends with him.
Not only did he challenge Jake directly, which just does not happen in these things.
Usually we get, oh, I'm so grateful for you. He challenged, but he interrupted him when he started to say something stupid.
He interrupted him and said, well, hold on, hold on. You gotta explain that one. You gotta explain. Oh, by the way, your calamity that you predicted, your pagan eschatology, it's already too late for that, my friend.
So what are you even talking about, Jake? He looks at this guy and, and Jake gets his girl clothes on and he puts his glasses on.
You wouldn't punch a guy with glasses, would you? And Madsen's like, I don't care what you're wearing.
I'm going to hit you. And I gotta say that is, that is impressive.
I am, I'm thoroughly impressed. And you know, if I, if I had people on the other side of the debate, like if, if, if people that were willing to, to, to act this way, like a man, play the man, you know, have a problem with Stephen Wolfe's book,
I'm that's, I'm, I'm, I'm much more likely to take it seriously than if a guy like Jake Meador has a problem with it, because Jake Meador has a lot of other problems.
And quite frankly, I don't care what, Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care.
When you dress like a woman, yeah, honestly, I really don't care what you have to say, unless you're actually a woman. But in that case, it's slightly different.
Why I might not care. There's a little red meat for you.
Let's continue. I mean, this is the face of a man who's had it up to here with this effeminate nonsense.
And I don't think he would ever admit that I've ever talked to Matt since I don't have any insight into into what he's thinking here.
But this man has had it. He's had it in a winsome way. 2050 the next 2030 years.
So he's like, dude, enough of your demo. He didn't even let him have it. Well, there's a demographic crisis, and they won't be able to do that.
Because in the next 50 years, he's like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, there, Susan.
Listen, Susan, you said that in 20 years, the Los Angeles is gonna fall into the water.
It's like, so what difference does it make about China's demographic crisis?
Explain that one to me. All right. By the way, the name Susan is a perfectly nice name.
A book. I like the name. The gardeners dirty hands. I think by Noah totally. He was a
Oh, sorry about that. Drop my baseball for a number of years. He's now at Calvin. And Professor totally makes the argument.
He said we need to become more understanding of the fact that we're in a tragic circumstance.
Tragedy is just endemic to being human in a fallen world. Look at the way this I mean, like, I'm no expert at body language yet.
I'm not an expert. But just look at this how he's sitting. First of all, he's got his little hands, you know, cupped in front of him protecting his manhood.
I mean, there's there's there's something going on there. I know people call that I'm not gonna say this is a
Christian channel. So I'm not gonna talk about that. And then he's just kind of like, we got to be a little more protective.
And it's just like, he looks like he looks like I'm serious.
I'm serious. He looks like a boy who's been called to the principal's office.
And the principal has said, What do you have to say for yourself? And he's just there.
Like, like, this is this is this is something this is a learned behavior. This is this is worked for for meator in the past where people just look at him and they're just they feel sorry for him.
And they're like, I guess I'm not gonna disagree. But we got to get over that, though. You got to get over that. Because the left is using that against us in the church, where it's like, you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses, would you?
We need to be able to say, you know what, I don't care if you're wearing glasses or dress, I'm going to hit you in the face.
If you're a man, and you're coming in here bringing heresy into the church, metaphorically speaking, of course, because I'm not
I don't believe in punching people in the face for their arguments, obviously. But they do this, they throw, and they'll throw women at you, too.
They'll put they'll make women the tip of the spear to their shame. They'll put they'll put women out there taking all the heat, right?
They'll put women to take the heat. They'll put women as the as the as the lightning rod to attract all the electricity.
And so they're what they're doing is they're daring you to oppose them. I dare you to oppose this woman be a big strong man.
And what they are intending to do is they put women out there and they put Jake meator out there so that you you won't say too much because if you do, you're gonna look like a big meanie.
You'll get an email from from from a gospel coalition guy saying how hurt they are that I'm gonna read you this email one day.
Oh, man, I'm hurt. I'm hurt that I gave you opportunities and I befriended you and and this is how you repay me.
They put that out there and they they put these wounded puppies out there. They put these women out there and they expect you to just let it happen because who wants to be the one opposing
Rachel Denhollander? Who wants to be the one opposing Rachel Denhollander? But you've got men, you've got to figure this one out.
How to say look, you're a lady. And I respect that. But sit down.
This is not correct. This credible, credible accusations. That's not how we do this in the church.
That's not how we do it. And you get this Jacob guy covering his, you know, his genitals and looking up like this, like a scared child.
Oh, China. And you got to say, I don't care how pathetic you look.
I don't care how effeminate you present yourself. I don't care how how how how other people see this is me beating up on a pathetic individual.
You're wrong. Go home. Go home. We're not going to do the green new deal just because you look like, like, like a pathetic little, you know, elf or something.
Not really an elf, I guess. More like a hobbit, sort of. Hobbits are noble creatures, though. And Jake is a little snake.
I think I know Atoli. He was a Wheaton prof for a number of years. He's now at Calvin. And Professor Atoli makes the argument.
He said, we need to become more understanding of the fact that we're in a tragic circumstance.
You know, you ever see that meme where there's like the everyone's smiling and like there's one guy that says something really stupid and the other two are just beating them and they're smiling, too.
You know, it's like that. That's what you got to do. You got metaphorically speaking, of course, we don't we don't we don't beat people.
You got to be able to do that, guys. You got to be able to figure this one out. They're going this is they use this as a weapon.
They put women out there and they say, I dare you to oppose Rachel Denhollander. She's an abuse victim. Did you know that?
Did you know that? Now sit back and let it happen. That's what they want you to do. You can't do it.
You can't do it. If Rachel Denhollander says something idiotic and she thinks that you should you should give up your attorney client privilege, that's her professional legal advice.
I'm not saying she did that, but if she were to do that, you look in the face and say, no, that's stupid.
Now go home. Go home. Send your if you want to if you want to talk, send your husband here and we'll have a chat, a chat.
You got to be able to figure this one out, guys. And people are not gonna be ready for it. They're gonna think you're a big meanie.
You're gonna get an email, the clutching pearl email, you know, from from your from your highest level
Big Eva contact. I've had a number of Big Eva operatives dispatched my way.
I know how it goes. They expect you. They expect to say that's not Christlike. And for you to cower and to melt into a puddle of goo.
It's not Christlike to say that. It's like, yeah, but what about when Christ said this? And like, well, what do you think you're
Christ? And they expect you to melt into a puddle of goo. You got to figure this one out, guys, because this is this is how they do it.
This is a weapon. They use this pathetic individual as a weapon. And it's been effective for a long time.
I think that time is over. I really do. Because when I see this face, I don't feel sorry for him.
I don't I don't feel like he's someone that I can't insult. I don't feel like any of that.
I feel like, you know what, you're gonna send a doughboy like this, then we're gonna have to hit him in the face.
Metaphorically speaking, of course, I look at this face with contempt. Now I don't feel sorry for him.
The time of feeling sorry for this kind of a perspective is long since past, long since past.
A tragedy is just endemic to being human in a fallen world. There are always possibilities that are unrealized.
And this is why we must all support the COVID vaccination programs, because we don't know the kind of dangers we're gonna have.
There might be a lion out in the streets after all. There's a certain tragedy in that. And there are trade offs that are going to have to be made now, where there are not easy, obviously perfect choices.
And so I mean, even in talking about the developing world, where where Brian goes is, well, what about economic development there?
And where my mind goes is, well, if you're living in Kuwait, their temperatures are getting up to 140 in the summers routinely, which it's always been hot, but it's not always been that hot.
Those types of regions around the equator are going to get much...
I wonder why God's judging Kuwait the way he is. I wonder why
God is turning Kuwait into a desolation. If you go by his facts, let's just give him everything.
Everything he said about the water rising and the heat melting the sidewalks, all that stuff.
The pyramids are going to melt. Who knows what he's going to say next. Let's just give it all to him. Let's not even argue it.
The Christian question is, why would God be judging Kuwait? I'm pretty sure it's not because of carbon dioxide.
Call me crazy. Call me crazy. Already are. We're not talking about three degree increase centuries from now.
We're talking about it sooner than that. And we've already seen, I think we're at two degrees, if I recall correctly.
And so there's going to be changes to the landscape. Don't feel sorry for people like this. Look at this face.
Look at this face and don't you dare feel sorry for this man. Because your enemies will weaponize that.
And eventually you'll be ruled by people like this. I'm not saying that if you've got a guy and he's base and he loves the
Lord and he's not willing to be used like a puppet by the regime, that you have contempt for him.
You help a guy like that, right? It's like, I saw a bunch of comments like this, right? Where somebody talked about the long hair.
I posted the verse about how long hair is it not, what's the exact quotation?
Does not nature itself teach you that long hair on a man is shameful? And a couple people said, yeah, yeah,
I used to tell my friend about that all the time. And he had long hair like a girl and, you know, he didn't like it at first, but you know what?
He cut his hair eventually. He cut his hair eventually. And guess what? A lot of other things about his life changed as well.
At the same time, he started taking the Lord a lot more seriously. And we ought to do that. We ought to do that.
You got a friend that loves the Lord that, you know, they're just starting out and they look like Jake Meador. You need to encourage that friend.
You know, here's the thing, man, like not saying you're gay, but like you're projecting a lot of gay vibes here, man, a lot of gay vibes.
And so let's work on that, bro, because I know you're not gay. I know you're not gay. I know you don't want to present yourself in this effeminate, schlub kind of a way.
So let's work on that, man. First things first, let's cut your hair, man. I'll cover you.
I'll take you over to Sports Clips or wherever it is. You know, Jed's Barbershop, whatever it is, take you there.
Why don't we work on growing a beard too, you know, growing a beard, get you on a routine, you know, we'll get you on, you know, some kind of an exercise routine.
We'll help you out, man. We'll help you out. You got a friend that puts on girl clothes every now and then?
Accidentally, of course. Help him out, man. Yeah, maybe he shouldn't put pictures of you wearing a blouse online.
I don't know about that one. Or if he is doing it intentionally, rebuke him because that's what love requires.
You should love your neighbor as yourself. You shouldn't stay silent while they're sinning and spitting their nose, turning their nose up at the
Lord's law and spitting in his face and recrucifying Christ and all that kind of stuff, all that kind of stuff.
Anyway, I think I'm going to end it there. But here's the thing, guys. If you don't get anything else from this video, get this.
The Big Eva standard is to try to manipulate you by putting these kind of people out there.
And they're daring you to contradict them. And if you do, they're going to call you all kinds of names.
I wouldn't be surprised if Madsen wasn't called names after this. Probably nobody watched this, so you know what
I mean? Probably no one called him names because nobody watches this. But when a guy comes at you saying, oh, we must trust the regime, and he looks like this, you cannot use his pathetic appearance and his just overall just like, it's just a shame.
It's shameful what he's doing. Can't let it affect how you handle it. You tell him to go home, and you challenge him directly.
You could do it nice like Madsen, or you could do it like me, and it's okay. But they're going to use this.
And they use women in this way. They use men in this way. And they're going to email you and tell you how hurt they are.
And you just got to look at them in the face and say, I understand all of that.
Stop spreading lies in the church. Stop it. You stop that, and I'll stop what
I'm doing. How about that? In any case, I hope you found this video helpful.