Jackie Meador is on Message (Part 6)

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Yes the video really does just end like that. Also here is my "apology" video from yesterday's fun: https://twitter.com/ADRoblesMedia/status/1645849478212079621


Owen's Gospel Seems To Be Missing Something - Part 7

Owen's Gospel Seems To Be Missing Something - Part 7

I've got hurt feelings, I've got hurt feelings
I've got hurt feelings, I've got hurt feelings
Let's get it started today Oh man, it has been quite an eventful few days
You know, to be honest, the day yesterday started off a little rough I lost a deal that I was very sure
I was going to get And you know, losing a deal, that happens in business It's usually not that big a deal But when you're so sure you're going to get it, and then you don't
It's just very hard to accept So I was feeling kind of down But then, of course, the whole events on Twitter yesterday happened
By the way, I'm suspended on Twitter That was the result Oh man,
I almost got my feelings hurt yesterday Somebody called me a Nazi, or said that I was a Nazi supporter Or something like that And you know, over the years,
I've been called racist, white supremacist And you know, whatever, it happens, you know what
I mean? At this point, if you're not called a racist or a white supremacist At least once a quarter, I can't trust you
It's just that simple, I can't trust you But I've only been called a Nazi a few times And so it almost hurt my feelings, almost
But not quite The first time I got called a Nazi, if you remember, it was Joe Carter Definitely not a fed
Joe Carter The ironclad evidence that Joe Carter had that I was a
Nazi Was that I did not rebuke someone on Twitter that had commented on my thread
I didn't rebuke them, and that was enough for Joe Carter to call me a Nazi And as it turned out,
I didn't know what the heck he was talking about Somebody screenshotted what he was talking about for me And as it turned out, I had that person blocked
So Joe Carter's weird, definitely not a fed mind It's enough to be called a
Nazi for you to not respond to someone on Twitter that you have blocked Anyway, in fairness though, he did repent of that and apologized for it
So I can't really hold it against him But that was the first time I got called a Nazi And I think that's the only other time besides yesterday
Which was quite hilarious In any case, we're not gonna talk about that If you're interested, it's a really funny thread that I have on Twitter I'm suspended, but I think my stuff is still up there
The guy that I was interacting with, I'm fairly certain he's the one who got me suspended For a tweet
I did about transsexual nationalism Except I called it tranny nationalism So I guess that was my big sin
I called it tranny nationalism Anyway, but yeah, so there we go
That's what I spent my day My mood just picked right up In fact, I believe that yesterday
I created the best video I've ever created in my entire life And it's on my Twitter feed if you are interested
It just combines different things that are happening And it's just wonderful But in any case, we are going to continue the good faith debate today
I don't have a whole lot of time So I'm gonna try to keep my mouth shut as much as possible And let this person explain himself to the principal
He's in the principal's office That will affect their ability to develop in the same way
Something's happening here What is happening here? Oh, I see what's happening
I've got my Bluetooth on my phone set up And it's blocking the Bluetooth on my computer
Let's continue The way that we have Although the other piece that's worth keeping in mind here
If you look at something like the Paris Agreement Which was passed a few years ago I read it recently
The whole thing I was struck by how contextualized it was He's so gay
I was reading the Paris Accords I was just taken aback
Every mannerism that he has Every turn of phrase Every way he presents himself
It's just as gay as it could possibly be Him and the whole Davenant crew
And the ironic guy, Stephen Wedgeworth All these guys They're just so flippin' gay
I was struck by the Paris Accords What the UN is asking of developed countries
Versus what it's asking of developing countries So the major global agreement on climate change
Is actually not telling developing countries You don't get X, Y, and Z It is rather saying that As this is a global problem
We need to work on it together Developed countries have to carry more of the weight Because they have already gotten to a certain
Established level Where they probably can absorb More of the body blow That some of these things are going to be for us
Look at his little hands It's like, oh and they can absorb the little body blow And, oh, I was struck
I was struck by the Paris Accords Developing countries
We're going to take a different approach Because we do want them to be able To develop economically
Somebody was asking me the other day I know I said I wouldn't interrupt so much But hey, here we are This is my channel Somebody asked me the other day
How do I pick and choose Who to respond to seriously
And who to just mock mercilessly And it's really easy
I mean, if you approach me seriously I'll take you seriously If you approach me like an idiot
I mean, I'm just going to answer a fool According to his folly When Big Eva provides the
Paris Accords guy I'm going to point out that he's gay And his opinion is therefore invalid
In certain ways Develop certain infrastructure Healthcare, etc.
Allegedly I heard that somewhere It's not I mean, that's the Paris Agreement This is not some
French scientist somewhere That no one's listening to So I don't think The choice being put to people
Is no sub -Saharan Africa No South Asia No South America You can't have
X, Y, and Z The issue is rather We have to think differently
About how we build As climate changes This was something that was evident In Europe last summer
A lot of Northern Europe's not made For that kind of heat So they're going to have to retrofit A lot of buildings in the near future
And probably a lot of people Are going to start buying Air conditioning in the near future So we have to change
The way we're building In certain ways And we need to be thinking about How developing countries Can help developing countries
While also recognizing The overall challenge That we're facing globally
Let me ask a question right there Because we're talking about The Earth's warming
See how he kicked his little leg up there With his little flip -flop? Okay, sure It's just the way a girl would do it
Everything is so effeminate It's so ridiculous Let's let him continue
I think I've made my point He's not very masculine
That's the point A lot of people would say And he's very concerned About the climate The Earth's temperature
Rises and falls We know it's been much colder Than it is And it's been much warmer Than it is We don't have the history
To know how much We're contributing to it And on the hurricane front
Our city got hit last week By a hurricane But there are those who would say
We don't have enough history To know if they're Really more intense And yes, they're more expensive Just because more people live there
How do you respond to that? Those are all some salient points At the end of the day
It's not like we think You can't know anything About how some of this stuff works But we definitely can't be sure enough
Based on how long we've been studying How reliable previous records were
And stuff like that We just don't have anywhere Near the evidence To justify or to warrant
The draconian ideas That this little schlub over here Is proposing
Like the force of law To be brought into it It's going to require
A lot more than just We've been looking at the models For the last few decades And that kind of thing
It's really not as open and shut As he wants it to be He needs it to be settled science
He needs it to be open and shut It's not that way though And so that's a very good question
We don't really have The assurance here
That this is necessary And the things you're proposing Are going to hurt a lot of people
And it's not just developing countries Like he said Of course it always trickles down He oversimplifies things so much
It's like oh yeah We're going to let the developing countries Still develop But the developed countries Aren't going to get to develop
Yeah you don't think These guys are supposed to be intelligent You don't think that if you
Cut yourself at the knees The Americans cut themselves at the knees That's not going to have
A trickle down effect To all the countries That we support Economically, militarily
All that kind of stuff You don't think That's going to have an impact If you don't You're a complete idiot He's lying for the regime though So he gets it
He's just a liar So anyway It's a good point
You know what I mean It's not that we can't know anything About how weather works It's just that We don't have It's not
It's not the way he's making it seem Where it's just like a One to one There's a greenhouse effect That's going to kill us all
Unless we do carbon credits Like it's not like that That's not how it is So anyway Let's see how he challenges this
Here's my prediction He's not going to explain himself At all
He's just going to repeat Talking points That's my prediction Of what this guy is going to do
Because Because he's He's thinking in slogans That's why
He's thinking in slogans Let's continue Into the air for 200 plus years
And we know what that does So Are there other things
That might be driving it On marginal On the margins Sure I would grant that But I think
We know what CO2 does And We know that we're putting A lot of it into the air So It seems reasonable to me
To think that A large part of The problems we're seeing As temperatures rise
And as all these Knockdown effects happen When you have drier vegetation And more fires And warmer water
And more intense hurricanes I don't think it's A great stretch That requires
Computer models to prove To suggest that we would be Influencing those things And so Certainly I'm concerned
Now he doesn't even need The computer models He just knows He just knows I'm also concerned about Many of these countries
Being deserts In the not that distant future Where people are just going
To become climate refugees We've already seen some of this In those parts of the world Actually So I mean that's kind of I think there's trade -offs here
As you said But I think the trade -offs Run in a lot of Different directions So at the end of your argument Alright So He did exactly
As I said He just basically Repeated the propaganda And he added a few things Oh climate refugees
Like he You know Just a bunch of propaganda He He didn't respond to it at all He didn't respond
To the challenge At all And that's not surprising So Let's Let's see what he does
Next I think that probably If I If this guy If going by the rest Of this debate
This guy will probably Have some pretty good things To say in response To his non -answer In fact He might even call out
His non -answer Which again Doesn't usually happen In good faith debates But in this one Might Argument You made the point
That free markets Create more Care creation Not less Right Is there any
And you alluded to the fact That maybe there was Some more Some places we could Double -click there Would you want to Pull on that string
Yeah sure I Yeah that's I'm glad Glad that you asked that Because it is related To a lot of what
Jake was just saying Jake Jake You seem to think That Your free markets
Aren't enough They're not doing enough So they You know We need We need law and regulation
To nudge maybe Industry In the right directions I think you're
From my perspective You're taking Far too dim A view Of the dynamism
And And And Ingenuity Of markets So Just in the last decade
Yeah of course he is Private industry Has invented A way Of Of Um Reducing Carbon emissions
For energy By 50 % Over coal 50 % Now no one Told them to do this
The government There was no regulation That said hey Big oil companies And oil drillers You guys need to do this
This was industry On its own Invents a way To cut carbon emissions By 50 % Over coal
By way of Directional drilling And hydraulic fracturing For natural gas
And uh So 50 % Over coal Is going The right direction Um Were they cheered
Were they Was there A big celebration Was there A parade in New York City Wow Private industry
Were they thanked Uh no Actually what happened Was they have been Opposed And had nothing
But roadblocks From start to finish From permitting To extraction To transportation
To refining And to export Yeah Yeah This is a great point
Because it's not just That uh Jake has Too dim a view Of Of private industry
Um But he also has Too bright a view Of government Government Always Stands in the way
Of this kind of innovation They They often will outlaw Doing the right thing I You know
I don't know If you've Heard of this But in certain cities It's illegal to feed the poor In In parks
Because you know They name health codes Or something like that But if you're caught You know Handing out sandwiches
To poor people In the park Or homeless people You could get a fine for that Like Like government is always there
To screw things up Government exists To To reward Um Their donors
Their supporters Their cronies And to punish everybody else And so You know If this company
Uh Was trying to develop A certain technology To limit carbon emissions Government would of course
Be right there To stand in their way To make it harder Because they've got Certain preferred industries That donate money
To their campaigns And stuff like that And And all of that But But in But in Jake's weird universe
You know The benevolent government Is always doing the right thing And And it's It's It's using it's monopoly on force
To do the right thing Always Uh It's just not how it is Especially in these days You know what I mean
Like The The Potentially the most evil Um Party In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In I just do it.
Sometimes I don't do it, sometimes I do do it. But the point is, they have to live here too.
So if company A is creating a car with less emissions, that'll create less smog so everyone can be happier, and company
B isn't, if people really desire that, and I think personally that they do, and they can figure out a way to do it in an affordable way and it's not just a money -making scheme, like so much of this green energy stuff is just a money -making scheme, then they'll do it.
Then they'll do it, and they don't need government to stand in their way or to predict that this is what they have to do and stuff like that.
Government is very poor at predicting the right thing to do. They do ham -fisted, harebrained stuff, like saying, oh, we gotta have this many electric cars by this time, and then people are rushing to figure out how to do this, and they do it poorly, and then there's shortages, and then there's more child laborers in cobalt mines in Timbuktu, or wherever they get the cobalt, and stuff like that, and that's how you end up with all these travesties.
We don't need the government to tell us what's what when it comes to stuff like this. We really don't, we really don't, especially when the science is so thin, and it is.
The science is actually thin, and you know it's thin because Jake Meador didn't even attempt to try to tell you it wasn't, he just repeated the propaganda again by saying, we know what carbon does.
They're facing barriers, and yet that's an example of industry actually, without a nudge, doing something that is going the right direction, and clearly the right direction.
The actual geographic footprint now of oil and gas drilling has been exponentially.
Jake doesn't give a rip about the environment, really, because what
God says, this is a Christian debate, right? This is, we're Christians here, right? We believe the scripture. What God says pollutes the land, what
God says leads to weather calamities, and things like that. If you look at the scripture, is things like child sacrifice, things like homosexuality, things like usury.
That's what God says pollutes the land. That's what God says will lead to him coming in wrath, and economic calamity, and climate calamity, and things like that in the word.
So if Jake really did care about this stuff, then he would be for abolition of abortion, and he would punish women who seek abortions with the death penalty, and doctors who provide abortions with the death penalty.
He would be seeking to use the force of, excuse me, Alexis, stop. He would be seeking to use the force of law against the homosexual movement, and against the transsexual movement, because there is very clear law in God's law that tells us what justice looks like in those situations.
Divorce, and adultery, and all of these kinds of things, usury, stealing, everything.
Jake would be coming out hard on that stuff, but instead, he's like, well, God, Kuwait, it's 140 degrees in Kuwait, and the streets are melting.
By the way, I've heard that that was false. He just made that up. I have no idea if it is or not, but it's not surprising that a guy like Jake would lie, just because that's what he does.
That's what people like this do. They lie. Improved because of directional drilling, for example.
So I think that we should look at the full picture. I think that actually industry is interested in more environmentally responsible ways of extracting energy.
So that's one. Of course it is. Of course it is, because they're competing for market share. And all that they entail.
That meant private property, risk, and incentives, and so forth. What's happening here? Can't hear anymore.
Something's happening. I lost Bluetooth. This happens on my computer sometimes.
I don't know what's going on here. Yeah, well, I lost my Bluetooth. I can't hear anymore. So, you know what, we could, eh,