Matt Slick Bible Study - 8/2/2017 - Mormonism Pt. 4




Matt Slick Bible Study - 8/9/2017 - Mormonism Pt. 5

Matt Slick Bible Study - 8/9/2017 - Mormonism Pt. 5

We're live. Great. All right. So today is August 2nd and we're going to continue on Mormonism and start with the priesthood and if you're following the slide the numbers and paragraphs you'll know we've skipped like about 10 and it's only because at that point it's a it's a thing on the true
Jesus which we'll save till the end on a witnessing technique so when we do a bunch of stuff on how to witness to Mormons and things like that.
Okay? Okay. All right so what we'll do now is we'll pray we'll jump right into paragraph 113 this goes with a manual that I developed a few years ago and it's it's it's entry -level but there's a lot of good stuff in it and there's a lot to learn so let's pray we'll jump right in we'll get into the
LDS priesthood. Lord Jesus we thank you Lord for your great mercy your great grace and I ask
Jesus that you would bless us bless this time and all who would hear all who would see
Lord if there's Mormons who are watching just ask Lord that you would bless them that you would open their hearts open their minds to the truth of who you are that they might not rest on their own ability to be sincere their own ability to be good enough
Lord that they would recognize their own sinfulness and that they must throw themselves completely at you
Lord Jesus may your blood cleanse us continually every day as we depend on you and look to you
Lord Jesus we thank you we ask you bless this time and we ask it your name Jesus amen.
All right get this cord which just came out from my laptop power cord not a big deal all right now the we had a microphone set up and as always happens we have a problem with something there's always a technical problem which is why we're always late and so we've got this right here hopefully it's working fine good and you can hear me and and it may sound a little echoey so we'll just see how it goes all right let's just jump right in in Mormonism authority is through the priesthood which consists of a lower and higher priesthood the lower priesthood is the
Aaronic priesthood the higher is Melchizedek Joseph Smith along with Oliver Cowdery received the priesthood authority supposedly in May 15th 1829 by a visitation of John the
Baptist later the Apostle Peter James and John gave them the priesthood
Melchizedek priesthood now there is absolutely no way that happened it just did not happen what happens a lot in cult groups and false groups is they need to have a way to bolster their own reputation their own authority they can't just say hey look
I'm gonna start a new religion even though people do and that reminds me this is a true story
I was in high school I loved math and I took a lot of math and graduated moved from Orange County California near LA down to San Diego and doing ministry work down there years 20 years later my actually for real my math professor from high school just happened to walk by where we were outside of church like hey you know and we got talking he remembered me well that's good or bad and he said that he got a revelation from God while he was in the shower and that he needed to start a new religion and I'm staring at him because I had a lot of respect for him up to that moment and he was telling me that he was going to he's called shower theology
I said you're you're joking he goes no because it's in the shower and getting cleansed of the water and I'm just you know it sounds dumb but it works and he start explaining it to me
I'm like this guy is so deceived but nevertheless you know it was someone's gonna want to sound credible they're gonna have to have some way of saying that they have authority well look at this
I mean come on here John the Baptist visited him and Peter James and John later on gave the priesthood now if you guys you know we're sitting here and I said look
I gotta tell you went upstairs earlier when you guys were down here and John the
Baptist visited me while I was up there and it's gonna let you know what he was saying you know most of you would start throwing things or walking out of here or thinking oh we know man he's a complete buffoon sometimes that he jokes around you had to put me down that's right now you'd be on it first like that so you guys are smart enough and educated enough and saved enough to not fall for something like that when people however back in the day of New York where there's a lot of superstition going on back in the early 1800s well you know what they're gonna believe this stuff and all it takes is one or two guys to get together and say yeah we saw eventually people are gonna believe this now
I could do this I'm never going to but I I could we've talked about this before in this
Bible study in different times we could literally invent a religion spend a day working on a religion trying to make it make sense and do a mix make it up right and then develop a website and put the doctrines in there and they try and sound really smart about why it means what it means and we just start promoting it people will start signing up and following it people believe stuff and this is the same case here they're believing that Joseph Smith well yeah that John the
Baptist appeared to them along with Peter James and John and no he did not so what is the priesthood in this box it is nothing more or less than the power of God delegated to man by which he can act in the earth for the salvation of the human family by which they may baptize for their mission of sins and laying on of hands for the reception of the
Holy Ghost and by which they can remit sin with the sanction and blessing of Almighty God Joseph Fielding Smith in 1919 now what does it sound like what religion does that remind you of anyone what
Catholicism right it's they have the priesthood authority and they can remit sin with the blessing of Almighty God just same as Catholicism in fact there are a lot of times when
I'm talking to Roman Catholics that I'll quote the Book of Mormon and they say yeah that's right they don't even understand and I could do it backwards here as well and you will see later if we get to it tonight if I don't stop taking so many tangents we'll get to some of the quotes and you'll see it's just the same as Roman Catholicism and there's some reasons for that because of apostasy in groups the ironic priesthood is also called the
Levitical priesthood is held by good Mormon boys age 12 and up contains the office deacon teacher and priest
Melchizedek priesthood is a higher form of priesthood and contains elder 70 high priest patriarch or evangelist an apostle the holder takes it by taking an oath and making a covenant when you talk to Mormons they will ask you about what authority you speak they're trained to believe their restored church has all the keys authority and priesthood just like the
Catholic Church and also also it's like Jehovah's Witnesses there's similar here they have the authority they are the ones with a true gospel their organization
God's organization on earth in Brooklyn and so they have that authority people want authority they need authority in their church now here's a problem what they're doing is actually equating church with an organization on earth but church
Ecclesia you guys can see this this is the what
Ecclesia that's the word for church might be this way in a long time don't you see no it's
K so it's Ecclesia that's just church right now we have
Greek words for called and chosen an election Ecclesia we are the called out ones the church is comprised of the people indwelt by the
Lord God John 1423 and the word church is used in different contexts at least five different ways and you can go to CARM and you can look up church grid just do a search church grid and I give you a table of every single occurrence of the word
Ecclesia church as it occurs and it's translated as assembly sometimes and other things but nevertheless what they're doing with the
Roman Catholic Church does too is say that churches the authorities bound up with their specific earthly organization and they tie the word church to that not the indwelling of God we are all members of the true church who
Christ is no matter what church we go to if we believe in Christ that's not what it is they have to have the true church so we need to approach the
Mormon with the Word of God the problem is that they really don't believe it so when you present the following scriptures they'll be skeptical now that reminds me
I was in San Diego and a Mormon I heard about a Mormon meeting at a house about ten miles away and so I drove to this meeting and the meeting was interesting in that it was going to be a they pass out flyers and all this stuff a meeting about the introduction of to the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints and there'd be cookies and some stuff and a bunch of people from the neighborhood were going to show up there looking into the church so I went
I wasn't there to make any trouble and the guy who did the presentation oh man it was heartfelt almost you know a tear as he's talking about the wonders of Scripture and and how the
Bible talks about so many wonderful things and of course he's ripping verses out of context or I mean you could hear it
I'm like yeah I'd ripping out of context I mean it was over and over and over but I'm sitting here taking you know mental notes is paying attention and then he talks smooth right into the
Book of Mormon in the restored gospel and then it was a nice meeting adjournment and people and handshakes and everything and I went up to him afterwards and I said um you know
I really appreciate your presentation he said oh thank you so much it was so wonderful to have you here
I'm so glad that you and others have shown up it was really just really nice I said yeah my question though you know
I'm curious because in the eighth article you guys say the Bible is correct only insofar as it's going to be translated so why would you use it?
He goes it can't be trusted his whole demeanor and tone and body language shifted as he attacked the
Word of God but he had just used it for his purposes of deception and who did that?
Satan in Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 through 6 the same thing they're not going to believe the
Word of God but it doesn't mean you don't use the Word of God Isaiah 55 11 the Word of God will not come back empty without accomplishing what
God desires you speak the Word of God and we can go through all kinds there's so much to go through but where do we get our authority?
Our authority is by Jesus Christ Mormons say where do you get your authority? For as many as received him to them he gave the authority to be called the children of God John 1 12
I've received him so I have that authority well you don't have the authority of the priesthood what priesthood the
Melchizedek priesthood okay and are you familiar with covenant they stare at me are you familiar with the word testamentum in Latin which
I know they're not which is covenant you know Old Covenant you know when a covenant is ratified you know when Old Covenant ends and so the priesthood is for the sacrificial system in the
Old Testament that ended with Christ and yet you say you haven't slept a priesthood so why do you have a priesthood when the
Bible said you don't need a priesthood in that sense anymore well I'm playing with him a little bit and I'll say well no we have a
New Testament priesthood you show me that in Scripture and then they don't want to talk to me anymore so what they're doing is going back underneath the
Old Testament law this is what false religious systems do that are based in Scripture or that use the
Bible they go back under the laws you got to keep the law to be sad to satisfy God you got to have the priesthood you got to have the ability to forgive sins by the priesthood the authority whatever it is back under the
Old Testament there is no law for the Christian though except the law of loving God and loving your neighbor now according to Mormonism the
Melchizedek priesthood is the higher priesthood but Jesus is that higher priesthood he is the high priest look at what it says here
Hebrews 620 where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek 726 for it was fitting that we should have such a high priest holy innocent undefiled separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens wait a minute a high priest
Melchizedek is a high priest because he's a high priest after the order of Melchizedek and Jesus is the high priest now a lot of people don't know this but I'll show you something well here's
God and here's man all right see that so a priest stands here and does this takes the offerings of man offers him to God let's do this priest a prophet is does this takes the
Word of God to hear so Jesus is a priest offering the sacrifice to God the
Father the sacrifice of himself and only have one high priest at a time and he's the high priest after the order of Melchizedek one
Hebrew 728 for the law appoints men as high priests who are weak but the word of the oath which came after the law appoints a son made perfect forever
Hebrews 8 3 & 4 for every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices hence it is necessary that this high priest also have something to offer now if he were on earth he would not be a priest at all since there are those who offer the gifts according to the law wait a minute
I trust the Mormons are you are you on earth right now yeah you're the
Melchizedek priesthood yeah can we go to Hebrews 8 and just you know just read around a little bit and you can see the problems that they're gonna have now this is an issue of theology and Christianity that we would have to get into later on about priesthood authority covenant intercession the offering and things like that we don't have time for that right now so are there any
Melchizedek priests in your church who are undefiled you're gonna ask the Mormons undefiled it's gonna be undefiled right and who are offering gifts and sacrifices if not then how are they acting in accordance with what the
Bible says a priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek okay
Mormon temples are supposed to be sacred before I get into this
I'm going to say if there's any Mormons listening and watching we're gonna get into the
Mormon temple ceremony but I'm gonna tell you because that the intention is not just simple ridicule it's exposure and the reason
I'm saying this I want you guys to know I'm saying this to the online is because you know my intention is not to insult or offend any
Mormon my intention is to inform them of the truth and the
Mormon temple ceremony for them is supposed to be extremely sacred and a lot of times they won't discuss it it used to be they were sworn to death secrecy oaths and all this stuff that's been changed so I want them to know that as we get into this the intention is not mockery at all but there is a very significant theological something we need to study in their ceremony so so anyway let me go back into that paragraph 122 the
Mormon temples are sacred places to the LDS community so much so that the Mormons take an oath not to reveal what goes on in them they're used for baptisms the endowment ceremony receiving ritual teaching rituals the covenants etc marriages that lasts for time and eternity and sealing so that LDS families can stay together forever though we
Christians do not consider these ceremonies to be true or sacred it does not mean that we can be disrespectful to them and tread underfoot that which they hold sacred and dear this is important I know a lot of guys who behave in a manner that I don't think is proper so as you know that there's gonna be a temple opening here pretty soon in Meridian we got some people coming in and we're gonna go out there with signs and we're gonna stand out there that's our right our privilege in this country
I know a guy who actually would go out there in the Mormon temple ceremony the Mormon temple garments and put a goat's head or something on as a mask walk around I don't agree with that that it's offensive there's no need for that but you know he's gonna do what he's got to do and I just try not to be too associated with them so this is not for mockery all right the source of information is a transcription done by a member of the
LDS Church in July 1990 he could considered his oath to the Mormon God to be invalid upon realizing that the
LDS Church was false there have been many changes in the ceremony what was presented in fact I think after I did this there was a gentleman who actually put a camera into the church and you can see that in line online
I've watched the whole thing you can check it out so this is a temple recommend and you need a temple recommend notice what it says in the bottom whoops the bottom left here when properly signed and endorsed this certifies that the person named is in good standing and may enter the house of the
Lord now this is where you really should be starting to get upset you're in a good standing so now you can enter
God's house so are you good enough you paid your full 10 % tithe of your church you've been keeping the
Word of Wisdom you have been morally clean upright not absolutely perfect but you know just morally upright and clean well then you're worthy to go into God's house now my worth is not through my own effort my worth is through the blood of Christ and so I have the access to the throne of God through the blood of Jesus Christ I don't need a church
I don't need a temple I don't need garments I don't need handshakes
I don't need anybody's priesthood authority I don't need any restored gospel
I have Jesus God and flesh who offered himself on my behalf cleansing me of my sins and ascended into the right hand of the
Father after he rose from the dead my authority comes from him by the fact of being a child of God of John 1 12
I do not need any man -made anything that puts me back under the
Old Testament law where I have to be made worthy in order to enter into the presence of God I can never be worthy to enter into the presence of God I can never even begin to try to be worthy
I'm not good enough nobody is good enough this is a sign of a non -christian cult to think that they in any way shape or form are able to keep any law in any way shape or form in order to make themselves sufficiently worthy to enter into the presence of God that is absolute foolishness it is arrogance and it is pride to actually think that is so prideful yes
I have done what I've got to do and look at my piece of paper this gives me the authority to enter into the house of God this piece of paper which says
I paid 10 % of my income to the church and kept various laws I've been morally upright see look at the paper
I have this is not
Christianity they didn't have any temple recommends in the Old Testament they didn't have any rituals that they all had to go through in order to get in there one high priest on Yom Kippur once a year would enter into the priest into the tabernacle into the holy place and the holy of holies he would do it once a year and he had to be ceremonially clean and he went in with fear and trepidation as he would walk from the holy place around the veil into the holy presence of God in the holy of holies one man once a year was allowed to go in there to do that and if he did anything wrong
God would kill him you had to be right perfect and everything he did and what they would do is tie a rope to his ankle because if he went in and did something wrong nobody's gonna go in and get him
I'll be right back not happening all right so they would drag him out but the
Mormons hey I got my paper in the temple ceremony the wash the
Mormons can be go through an ordinance called washing and anointing men are separated from the women nothing kinky goes on in there just let people know the temple participants enters one of several small booths where a temple worker ceremonially touches or washes various parts of the patrons body a blessing is spoken over the person by a temple worker he is ceremoniously anointed with olive oil and a person is then confirmed this is all ceremony nothing weird or kinky goes on so they receive a new name of course everybody receives the same name you know on that day okay and yeah so what we're gonna do now is go into the some part of the
Mormon temple ceremony I'm gonna be reading both parts we have to go through this you've got to know what goes on in there now when
I first heard of this was from Chuck and Dolly Sackett Chuck and Dolly Sackett and this is back around 1980 79 or 80
I can't remember and we went out to Hemet California when I was down in SoCal and we had a big meeting and stuff and anyway and they had been temple workers for 25 years they had gone through it as workers in a temple for like 25 years 20 -25 years they knew it they had it all memorized because you just that would happen to do it every day every day over and over and over for 20 -25 years right you memorize it and they wrote down everything that goes on and I remember talking to them and saying are you sure about this you know we'll get to it and he said to me
Chuck he looks at my eyes he goes yes that's what happened I said okay now look I need to make sure that I got this right are you let me go over this again and he's sit there
I said so what you're telling me is ABCD and then blah blah blah and then he goes yes
I said okay I could ask you a third time so I asked him the same thing a little bit differently the third time just just make sure he said that's what happens okay three times
I asked him you're gonna see what's going on here this is inside the temple now they have a film that used to be that it was acted but with actors and now we have a film and it's been changed but nevertheless so there's this one particular place where Lucifer is played by a guy
Adam is played by a guy okay Lucifer well Adam you have here a new world or have a new world here a new world he says yes a new world patterned after the old one where you used to live okay right there we got some problems but let's continue
Adam says I know nothing about any other world Lucifer says oh
I see your your eyes are not yet opened you have everything you must eat some of the fruit do
I have that right I think I got you have something I think this graphic is
I noticed when a couple times when I I show it here the graphic alters and covers a word so I think that's what's happening here anyway you have everything you must eat some of the fruit of the tree
Lucifer plucks fruit from the tree the knowledge of good and evil and presents it to Adam okay
Lucifer Adam here is some fruit of this tree it will make you wise
Adam says I will not partake of that fruit father father whose father literally his
God is his literal father okay father told me that in the day
I should partake of it I should surely die Lucifer you shall not surely die but shall be as gods knowing good and evil
I will not partake of it Lucifer oh you will not well we shall see
Lucifer goes in search of Eve and here's a lamb bleating he turns his head and finds
Eve carrying a small lamb Lucifer Eve here are some of the fruit of that tree he will make you wise it is delicious to the taste and very desirable
Eve says who are you I am your brother now in Mormonism we were all born as brothers and sisters to each other in the pre -existence we're brothers and sisters to Satan we're brothers and sisters to Jesus because God has a body of flesh and bones and his goddess wife has a body of flesh and bones and they mingle and produce offspring all right so Lucifer is
Eve's brother Eve says you my brother and you come here to persuade me to disobey father
Lucifer says I have said nothing about father I want you to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that your eyes may be opened for it is the way father gained his knowledge so in other words sinning is how you gain the knowledge you must eat of this fruit now who's doing the teaching incidentally
Satan's in the teaching you must eat of this fruit so as to comprehend that everything has its opposite good and evil virtue and vice light and darkness health and sickness pleasure and pain thus your eyes will be open and you will have knowledge is there no other way
Lucifer says there is no other way then I will partake Eve takes the fruit from Lucifer and bites it
Lucifer approves and places the other piece in her hand Lucifer says there now go and get
Adam to partake Eve turns and seeks Adam fruit in hand she finds him kneeling by a brook deep dipping his hand into the water fish are seen swimming below the surface and the white doves fly nearby as Eve speaks to Adam he stands and smiles as he sees her she's probably pretty hot that's why hey perfect woman you know
Adam here are some of the fruit of that tree it is delicious to the taste and very desirable
Eve do you know what fruit that is Eve says yes it is a fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you think by now since she ate of it she'd know what she was doing was evil you know so she's really bad because she wants him to okay
Adam says I cannot partake of it do you not know that father commanded us not to partake of the fruit of that tree
Eve says do you intend to obey all of father's commandments Adam says yes all of them
Eve do you not remember that father commanded us to multiply and replenish the earth I have partaken of this fruit and by so doing shall be cast out and you will be left alone man left alone man in this garden of Eden he'd be by himself now he can't obey
God Eve I see that this must be
I will partake that men may be so he is now going to sin on purpose so they can have kids this is her wisdom tree of knowledge of good and evil in the
Mormon view so Adam takes a bite and Lucifer walks to their side with a look of approval
Lucifer that is right Eve says it is better for us to pass through sorrow that we may know good from evil let me think about it
Lucifer is doing teaching in order for people to exist now they have to sin and it's better for yeah it's better for us to pass through sorrow we may know good from evil
I forget what I just said anyway anyway the one I know thee now thou art Lucifer he who is cast out of the father's presence for rebellion yes you begin to see already now ready
Adam says what is that apron you have on Lucifer draws his cloak up to reveal a black apron now this is a green one that's because that's what they have that's what they're given when the when the
Mormons go into the temple okay I'll get a little typo there Lucifer it's an emblem of my power and priesthoods what is the apron a power a symbol of his power and priesthoods
Adam says I'm looking for father to come down to give us further instructions Lucifer oh you're looking for a father to come down are you the gods of all the gods plural voice are suddenly heard in the garden there's much a bunch of gods
Elohim Jehovah we promised Adam and Eve that we would visit them and give them further instruction now
Jehovah is Jesus Elohim is God the Father even though in the Bible it says
Jehovah is Elohim first Kings 860 they totally got this all screwed up Jehovah says we will go down Elohim get some drink here can you guys believe this this is incredible huh but wait there's more so we'll go down Adam says
I hear their voices they're coming Lucifer see you're naked take some fig leaves and make you aprons father will see your nakedness quick hide come let us hide says
Adam the narrator brethren and sisters put on your aprons the film pauses temporarily the lights are turned up while the patrons remove their fig leaf aprons from the bundles all patrons tie the aprons on their around their waist the lights are again turned down the film resumes the camera pans down and presents the gods perspective as they descend
Adam hides behind foliage now I was told by the sackets that the leaf pattern on the black and on this or as identical just the colors different now get this you're in a temple
Adam says what's that you have on oh it's my my apron is the symbol of my power and priesthood to talk a little bit then the film stops and the
Mormons are instructed to put on their aprons what is their apron a symbol of this is what happens now a lot of Mormons there's on record a lot of Mormons leave
Mormonism right here they are done they see this it's Satan's the one doing the teaching
Satan's the ones who got the authority he has that apron the same type apron that they are have been given and they put it on after he says what it is this is stupefying that's why
I said him let me get this straight let me you know three times three time
I had to ask him he goes yes he was very patient I still remember that he just yep he didn't wasn't annoyed
I said wow I can't believe this now there's more in the temple ceremony there's taking hands there's hugs there's different ways of doing things but this right here is instructive because this is where this is where I believe that an absolute demonic presence comes over them and those who don't see are just given over to this this occult stupidity now
I've been to Temple Square many times and I was with a friend once and we went across the street
I think it was a South Side West Side I think was West Side and there was museums there and we went inside and looking around and what
I found in one of the rooms for the children was an interesting symbol the symbol here is the goat heads the pentagram and in the museum what whatever part it was up there for the children area was a colored pentagram that was there for the children to put the pieces back together to make a pentagram this is for real and I'm with my friend
I didn't even know that was there and I'm sitting there staring at it and I you know it's you know he said what
I said look at that it was a Mormon father and his wife and a couple of kids and they're like and so I said to him so he could hear and he gave me a dirty look
I didn't say it loudly I just said it I said that is amazing that pentagram
I said that is exactly the symbol used in Satan worship and it's amazing that they have it here for their children to participate with and that the father looked at me like he was mad but I had to say it because that is what it is it's an occult symbol come on now guys if I get all this money coming to me
I win the lotto find a ticket in the ground win a lotto and I build a new church I put pentagrams around it how many want to come let's go to the pentagram church let's get some secret handshakes on the temples better than there right you want to go no but they do a pre -1990 temple ceremony for over 100 years the
LDS temple ceremony contained a segment attacking Protestant theology we're going to go through that now and the majesty of God after 1990 the ceremony or the following segment was removed this is what used to be in but they took it out the problem is since the temple ceremony was supposed to have been received by revelation from God that was given to Joseph Smith look at the quote here
Joseph Smith received a temple endowment and it's ritual as all else he promulgated by revelation from God so why would it change a temple ceremony it used to be paleo and they would take a blood oath to be killed they took that out this is taken out why because it got it got out and ministers what are you doing oh well you know the new revelation here we could modify the sacred thing that has been down handed down to us from the prophets why would it be changed if it if it's true
I'll tell you why it's changed because of social pressure this is not of God this is of man ah bad news this is how it used to go
Adam I'm looking for messengers Lucifer oh you want someone to preach to you you want religion do you
I will have preachers here presently Lucifer turns his head as a Protestant minister approaches
I'm a Protestant minister okay Lucifer good morning sir the
Protestant minister says good morning the preacher turns and looks into the camera Protestant minister a fine congregation
Lucifer yes they are very good people they are concerned about religion are you a preacher
Protestant minister I am Lucifer have you been to college and received training for the ministry
Protestant minister certainly I a man cannot preach unless he has trained but trained for the ministry that's not true it is not true it's a misrepresentation that's not what we teach that's never been what we teach but anyway do you preach the
Orthodox religion yes I that is what I preach if you will preach your Orthodox religion to these people and convert them
I will pay you well you don't do my best now wait a minute so the the Protestant minister who's supposed to follow the
Word of God is sitting there making a deal with the devil for money right so this is a blasphemous misrepresentation by Mormonism they're supposed to be a restored truth and yet what they do is lie this is a lie about what we are it's an absolute lie it is not what the issue is now just so you know in first Timothy 5 17 and 18 you are to give double honor to the work to the elder especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching for the scripture says you shall not muzzle the ox for the workman is worthy of his wages this is first Timothy 5 17 and 18 so what the double honor is in context of is being paid believe it or not he's worthy of his wages that's what it actually is talking about I mean go check it out it doesn't mean that we're supposed to admit as ministers get double pay which
I would like I got plenty of bills to pay but so what but the
Mormons you know what they do oh no we have unpaid people really so this is at one point it was a second richest corporation west of the
Mississippi next to Bank America bringing in at least two million dollars a day that was 15 years ago don't know what their stats are now and their people in their hierarchy their structure they get paid they have homes they have cars they have stuff but see the hypocrisy is that in the ceremony
Lucifer is gonna be working with a Protestant minister and you wait you wait and see what happens what he's gonna be saying you see you'll see what's up okay thank you but greater
G this meat that is in me than the pentagram on the chalkboard so so anyway we'll go on thank you very much okay so you can see this is really blasphemous and it's a lie this is often the case you don't attack the truth you attack a lie they invent stuff that's not true this is what they're taught about us in the most sacred ceremony obviously it's not it's sacred to them but Lucifer is doing the teaching
Lucifer is the one instructing Lucifer is the one who is there prominently giving instruction information and the
Mormons are sitting going yeah that's right nothing front of stinking aprons Lucifer guides a preacher to Adam and Eve who stand nearby
Lucifer he says here is a man who desires religion he is very much exercised and seems to be sincere
Protestant minister says I understand that you are inquiring after religion Adam says
I was calling upon father wait a minute who's he calling upon father who answers
Satan Protestant minister I'm glad to know that you are calling upon father do you believe in a
God who is without body parts or passions who sits on top of a topless throne whose center is everywhere whose circumference is nowhere who fills the universe and yet is so small that he can dwell in your heart who was surrounded by myriads of beings who have been saved by grace not for any act of theirs but by his good pleasure do you believe in such a great being this is what we teach this is what we teach this is it and I do not
I cannot comprehend such a being so now the Protestant minister who's in cahoots with Satan is telling the truth and the truth finally is in here is made to look like a lie now
Satan is the author of lies he is deceiving them greatly oh you know if any
Mormon I don't care what Mormon it is I challenge you if you represent the Mormon Church I'll debate you
I will debate you on justification sanctification salvation out of the Bible and the
Book of Mormon you name it anyway Protestant that is the beauty of it perhaps you do not believe in a devil and the great hell the bottomless pit where there's a lake of fire and brimstone into which the wicked are cast and where they will continually are continually burning but none ever consumed so now salvation and damnation are mocked here this is insidious this is insidious you see a lot of times people say to me why do you get so upset about Mormonism this is one of the reasons this is sending people to eternal damnation and he says uh anyway my dear
I'm sorry for you now notice what
Adam says here I do not comprehend such a being in other words
I can't understand him so it can't be true if you can understand
God and every aspect he's not God he's a man -made creation the fingerprints of Satan are all over the ceremony now
I personally am of the opinion and I cannot prove this I cannot even really defend it but I believe
Joseph Smith was already involved in the occult and when this lie started taking off even more demonic forces gathered around him to help him out and he became at the very least oppressed most probably possessed and the larger the lie grew the more possessed he became and I believe that the hierarchy of the
Mormon Church many of them I believe know that this is a lie but because of money and prestige are staying in it that's my opinion
I got some anecdotal information about that but I don't teach on that and so this is this is the work of the devil trying to undermine the truth in the name of God to present the truth but it's really a lie this is why we
Christians have got to know what we teach and know what is we believe so we can refute this but most
Christians don't know they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper heresy bag they don't know what's going on and most elders that I've encountered aren't very good at defending the faith you know it's a real problem here we have in this church now let's move on notice that Adam refused to believe in God if you can understand him he denies the
God of the Bible who is infinite or the verses eternal everywhere incomprehensible without limit he's denying the very
God of Scripture through this temple ceremony had been removed though this part the second the sentiment of denying an incomprehensible
God and mocking the idea of plate paid clergy is still taught consider the following now this was done in 2007 in the year
AD 325 the Roman Emperor Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea to address among other things the growing issue of God's alleged
Trinity in unity there are three distinct persons yet not three gods but one now that's correct okay all three persons are incomprehensible yet it is one
God who is incomprehensible such a formulation for divinely divinity is truly incomprehensible how are we to trust love worship to say nothing of strive to be like one who is incomprehensible and unknowable so this is the condemnation of this the true doctrine is still going on by the officials of the
Mormon Church preachers we have no professional trained and salaried clergy in the
Church of Jesus Christ Latter -day Saints now there's nothing wrong with being professionally trained I'm professionally trained
I have a master of divinity it doesn't mean I'm right but I have taken my studies very seriously and I studied
Greek I studied Hebrew church history read the Bible a study was taught by great men learned a great deal it was a great experience it was very difficult but it was a good thing it doesn't mean
I'm right about everything but you know what I've learned some stuff in seminary that I probably would never have been exposed to otherwise not a good seminaries are bad seminaries and there's nothing wrong with being professionally trained
Paul the Apostle was and Jesus called him specifically and he quoted
Epimenides Menander and Erastus pagan philosophers because he'd studied them yeah the
Mormons couldn't argue their way out of a wet paper bag okay they don't know what they're doing they're deceived they keep under control in Mormonism baptism is essential for salvation this is baptism for the dead now if a person has died without being baptized with proper authority provided in the
Mormon Church then he cannot progress in the afterlife therefore Mormons are baptized in proxy for the deceased person you guys have heard about this
I'm sure Mormon Temple participant adopts a name of the deceased person during the baptism ceremony this is one of the reasons that genealogies are so important in Mormonism they want to trace people back in history so they can find their names and be baptized for them okay now when
I first went to Temple Square and the first time
I ever saw this not inside I saw a man still see him must have been 60 overweight pear -shaped
I'm not mocking him I just I remember white shirt tie black pants carrying a big bag and I knew that he was coming out of the temple doing baptism work
I don't know I knew I just knew and I could still see him I started crying
I was I was saddened he looked happy and he was serving the devil and he's on his way to hell and and I was with Bill McIver he had to wait for me to kind of recover but I'd seen it
I'd seen it it was sad nevertheless they go to 1st
Corinthians 1529 otherwise what will those do were baptized for the dead if the dead are not raised at all why then are they baptized for them we get into the context
I can just jump to it very quickly look at paragraph 136 right there Paul is not teaching that the
Christians were baptizing for the dead he did not say why then do we baptize for them he said why do they baptize for them and what he's talking about there is the issue of the resurrection because that's the first going to 15 that my phone oh that's uh that's
Skype I get paged every now and then to go into Skype rooms and answer questions and so this whole thing is why are they baptized okay if it rings again
I'll get it I'll just turn it on they can listen anyway the whole point is this
Paul was not saying why don't we baptize for the dead why do they even the unbelievers do that that's the whole point so okay so we've got some time we might be able to finish this whole thing so what
I'm gonna do is get another drink of water and go through some of the quotes I know I'm going a little bit on the fast side so it'll take a little bit longer to finish up some stuff here because these quotes we're gonna get into are really interesting and I need to tell you we're gonna get into this
I was I believe that I have been blessed by God with righteous anger and there's gonna be a quote in here
I'm going to show you that started me on this one single quote from Joseph Smith that started me on all my apologetics endeavors it's in here and it's the next thing we're gonna get into we're gonna look look at and it enraged me when
I heard him say this arrogant foolish boast you guys have heard me talk about it and this is the founder of Mormonism this is a lie he's a liar
Mormonism is not Christian all who die believing in official Mormon theology are gonna go to eternal damnation and I don't want them to do that one of the things
I grew up hating was bullies I you know my last name is slick and I'm six feet tall
I've gained a hundred pounds since I was 19 at this height imagine me a hundred pounds no lie a hundred pounds lighter okay and I moved 26 times before I was 12 years old in 12 different elementary schools
I know what it means to be bullied I know what it means to be lied to I know what it means to have people say they're your friends and deceive you
I know what it means to be manipulated and I grew up experiencing it that's one of the reasons
I hate this because this is exactly what that is it's not a bully in that sense but it's a manifestation of the deception that goes on by liars who take advantage of others and I have a very strong negative reaction to that I do not like it and so that's the way
God has allowed me to be brought up and this stuff makes me mad because not only does it remind me in some ways of that those past things because it brings people to hell and I don't want to go there
I don't want to go there this is what Joseph Smith said
God is in the still small voice and all these affidavits indictments that is all the devil all corruption come on these prosecutors you false swears all hell boil over you burning mountains roll down your lava for I will come out from the top at last
I have more to boast of than ever any man had I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam a large majority of the whole have stood by me neither
Paul John Peter nor Jesus ever did it I boast that no man ever did such a work as I the followers of Jesus ran away from him but the
Latter -day Saints never ran away from me yet history the church bomb six before 8409
I've quoted that thousand times to Mormons that quote right there a friend of mine
Charlie Spine he's buying me listening he and I met at a
Bible study I forgot how I got there whatever I'd never seen this guy before he'd already been studying this stuff he came up to me and had this piece of paper in his hand and he said can
I read you something I said sure I know this guy is whatever you're nice at a Bible study you know
I'm sure he reading this to me I know the guy is I ripped it out of his hand and crushed it I said who said this because it was a lie you don't boast you've done more than Jesus to keep a church you don't do that it's arrogant boast you can bless
Joseph Smith and I said well who's that he said well that's the founder of Mormonism I said well
Mormons are Christians but this guy isn't he said no Mormons are not Christians I said yes they are he was no they're not
I go yes they are it was no they're not I said what do you mean he started telling me what they teach you know
God from another planet God his wife I went what they don't teach it was yes they do you gotta be kidding me and that's what started me studying that quote so Mormons who don't like me you can thank
Joseph Smith how about this one we've imagined and supposed that God was
God from all eternity I will refute that idea take away the veil so that you may see there are incomprehensible ideas to some but they are simple it is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God and to know that we may converse with him as one man conversed with another and that he was once a man like us yay the
God the father of us all dwelt on an earth the same as Jesus Christ himself did and I will show it to you from the
Bible you can't show me that God lived on another planet guess who else teaches this
Kenneth Copeland I'll be doing a whole series on the heretic teachers inside the
Christian Church in a few months just it's moronic check this out hence the doctrine of the plurality of God's is as prominent in the
Bible as any other doctrine is all over the face of the Bible Paul says there are many gods and many lords ripped right out of context out of first Corinthians 5 6 5 8 5 is there said that are called
God's and say they are and Galatians 4 8 & 9 when you did not know God you served by nature those which are not
God's anyway he says there's a
Trinity paragraph 141 I have always declared God to be a distinct person it's Jesus Christ he's separate and distinct person is from God the
Father and the Holy Ghost was a distinct personage and a spirit and these three constitute three distinct personages and three gods three gods
Joseph Smith taught three gods okay women you should pay attention to this quote a question may be asked will mothers have their children in eternity yes yes mothers you shall have your children eternity is full of thrones upon which dwell thousands of children reigning on thrones of glory with not one cubit added to their stature come on now
I could just see someone going to the church listen they've talked and going uh Martha I think you've been sniffing some corn or something because this this this this guy can't be well people believe in them they're sincere they got a testimony he's got a book how about this
I prophesy in the name of the Lord God of Israel unless the
United States States redress the wrongs committed upon the Saints in the state of Missouri and punish the crimes committed by our officers that in a few years the government will be utterly overthrown and wasted and there'll be not so much as a potsherd left and what they say is that was the
Civil War as they say now you know they can make it fit whatever they want not many years of course he was killed in 1834 and Civil War wasn't for another 30 or so years not many years you can you know stretch that one if you want and be utterly overthrown and wasted was that what happened not what happened utterly overthrown and wasted it's not what happened the north survived the south survived also they weren't utterly overthrown and utterly wasted they were destroyed but they're still there but nevertheless
I love this one history the church of William for page 461 I told the brethren that the
Book of Mormon was the most correct of any book on earth and the keystone of our religion and a man would get near to God by abiding by his precepts than by any other book and I've already gone over I believe earlier a few weeks ago on the changes of the
Book of Mormon and the things not found in the Book of Mormon that are essential in Mormon theology the
Book of Mormon contradicts Mormon theology but it's both correct book even of the Bible our happiness that's what we're here for your best life now happiness is the object and design of our existence and will be the end thereof if we pursue the path that leads to it and this path is virtue uprightness faithfulness holiness and keeping all the commandments of God you know what
I think I'm gonna take this quote and put it in my when you preachers and teachers comment
I'm gonna say what do you guys think of this you know yes it's what we're here for to be blessed and you know so what's our greatest reason for being here to glorify
God Isaiah 43 verse 7 God made us for his glory all right the greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead that means baptizing for the dead our greatest responsibility here let's get to Brigham Young there is not a man or woman who violates the covenants made with their
God that will not require to pay the debt the blood of Christ will never wipe that out your own blood must atone for it murder and adultery are the ones and check this out he said he that confesses not that Jesus has come in the flesh and sent
Joseph Smith with the fullness of the gospel to this generation is not of God but as Antichrist Joseph Smith was a liar he was a fraud he was a false prophet and he is in hell right now he was the spirit of the
Antichrist and Brigham Young was the spirit of the Antichrist and both of those men right now are in agony agony wishing they had never ever done anything that they taught like this because they're suffering now if any of you will deny the plurality of wives and continue to do so I promise that you will be damned of course he gets revelations you know later revelations precede or take precedence over earlier revelation come on don't you know that that's our principle in Mormonism later revelation supersedes over revelation well then how do you know what you're believing now is true because apparently is contradicting himself and Brigham Young said if it got this quote here but he said in Journal of Discourses volume 13 page 95 he said everything he said in the pulpit was equal to scripture anyway no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith I'm gonna use this against Andrew.
He's a dispensationalist I'm gonna do the guilt by association fallacy and have fun with it hey
Andrew I'm a covenantalist he's a dispensation he'll get a kick out of it yeah
God himself is increasing and progressing in knowledge power and Dominion and will do so world without end so that means he'll be learning forever that means a further back in time to go the stupider he was and maybe that's why it changes his mind because you know
I wonder if you could hear the celestial God of Mormonism you know the forehead slap you know of course that's the
God of open theism he's learning to incidentally I'm gonna be out in Denver the first week of December for debates on open theism and Calvinism anyway
I like this quote when the time came that is firstborn the Savior should come into the world and take a tabernacle the father came himself and favored that spirit with a tabernacle instead of letting any other men do it
I know the late Bruce McConkie who was a member of the first council of the 70s stated there is nothing figurative about his paternity he was begotten conceived and born in a normal and natural course of events now
Mormons will tell you they don't officially teach this but what they're saying is God the
Father had sex with Mary his spirit daughter bringing young said the birth of the
Savior was as natural as the births of our children it was the result of natural action he partook of flesh and blood was begotten of his father as we are of our fathers now remember
God the Father Mormonism about six feet tall I'm six feet tall so he's six feet tall and he has genitalia and he's married to his goddess wife and they yeah in heaven and makes bird babies and so instead of letting together a man do do it with Mary this would bring him young taught
Mormons today also we don't accept that okay how about this now here
Oh inhabitants of the earth Jew and Gentile saint and sinner when our father Adam came into the
Garden of Eden which I've been to in Missouri with the Mormon view of Garden of Eden he came into it with a celestial body and brought
Eve one of his wives with him he helped to make the and organize this world he is
Michael the Archangel the Ancient of Days about whom holy men have written and spoken he is our father and our
God and the only God with whom we have to do every man upon the earth professing Christians are not professing must hear it and we'll know it sooner or later what
Brigham Young said now come on guys obviously the
Mormons are gonna say look we don't we don't go with that he was mistaken Brigham Young said
I say now when they his discourses are copied and approved by me they are as good as scripture as is couched in this
Bible now what are you gonna do are you gonna tell me the prophet there's no longer good even though he said all these things that it was true but yet letter later revelation right so your
God is progressing in knowledge which is why the revelations change so now we can see flat -out blatant contradictions that are taught so how do you know what you believe in is true real simple what man or woman on earth what spirit in the spirit world can say truthfully that I have never gave a wrong word of counsel or a word of advice that could not be sanctioned by the heavens the success which has attended me in my presidency is owing to the blessings and mercy of the
Almighty it's always corruption how about this we're going for their ten minutes
I'm gonna finish reading some other stuff here you see some classes of the human family are black uncouth uncomely disagreeable and low in their habits wild and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind
Cain slew his brother Cain might have been killed and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings this was not to be and the
Lord put a mark upon him which is the flat nose and black skin shall
I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race if the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain the penalty under the law of God is death on the spot this will always be so this is insanity this is bigotry prejudice is just ridiculous and yet there's lots of black people joining the
Mormon Church and they don't even know about a lot of this stuff the racism okay let me go on Joseph various quotes from various LDS authorities
Joseph Fielding Smith the 10th president Mormonism as it is called must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith he was either a prophet of God divinely called and properly appointed and commissioned or he's one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen there's no middle ground now he's correct he's a fraud
Joseph F Smith six presidents said this now we are told in Scripture that Jesus Christ is the one only begotten
Son of God in the flesh well now for the benefit of the older ones how are children begotten I answer just as Jesus Christ was begotten of his father
Jesus is the only person who had our Heavenly Father as the father of his body just in 1972 this was taught now remember
Mormons will say to me Matt these things aren't what we officially teach really why is the sixth president teaching it doesn't he know what
Mormonism really teaches the father is a glorified perfected resurrected exalted man who worked out his salvation by obedience to the same laws he has given to us so that we may do the same this is a formula for damnation let the reader hear you need to read
Romans 3 Romans 4 and Romans 5 and Galatians 3 Galatians 4 Galatians 5 so Romans 3 4 5
Galatians 3 4 5 study those and you will see that what is being taught here about keeping the laws or to be saved is damnable heresy if you're a
Mormon you believe in this you're on your way to eternal damnation this is not mean name -calling this is informing you this is the truth
Joseph Smith was a liar Joseph Smith was a false prophet Joseph Smith was not to be trusted he was an occultist the first vision never occurred he is demonically oppressed if not possessed what he's teaching is so far against Scripture that the only way this could spread is if there's a significant demonic influence behind it the reason
I know this is because the Bible contradicts Mormonism flat -out oh but the
Bible can't be trusted exactly Satan said in Genesis 3 to Eve did
God really say doubting the Word of God you doubt the Word of God you alter the Word of God you contradict the
Word of God and that's exactly what's happening in Mormonism Herbert C Kimball office of the first presidency said this does the earth conceive it does and it brings forth if it did not why do you go and put your wheat into the ground does it not conceive it where did the earth come from from its parent
Earth's John Taylor the third president said this myself and hundreds of the elders around me have seen its
Christianity pop parade and glory look who's talking and what is it it is a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal it is as corrupt as hell the devil could not invent a better engine to spread his work than Christianity of the 19th century there's no salvation outside the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints Bruce McConkie what it Mormons don't believe that now this is good interesting quotes from the book of Articles of Faith by James Talmadge if you say a 70s quorum member 12
I believe is one of 12 apostles that's right therefore we know that both the Father and the
Son are in form and stature perfect men each of them possesses a tangible body infinitely pure and perfect and attended by transcendent glory nevertheless a body flesh and bones page 38 let's look at page 422 hence the justice of the scriptural doctrine as salvation comes to the individual only through obedience that's page 81 salvation is attainable only through compliance with the laws and ordinances of the gospel page 422 there are some who have striven to obey all the divine commandments who have accepted the testimony of Christ obeyed the laws and ordinances of the gospel and received the
Holy Spirit these are they who have overcome evil by godly works and who are therefore entitled to the highest glory page 83 obviously this is demonic now just so you know some of the apparitions in Catholicism of Mary say the same thing that's sectarian sectarian not godly sectarian dogma of justification by faith alone as exercise and influence for evil the idea upon which this pernicious doctrine was founded was at first associated with that of absolute predestination by which man was foreordained to destruction or to an undeserved salvation undeserved salvation you deserve my salvation
God I've been keeping the laws and so it's what's due to me the one who does not work is what when he works his wage is not credited as a favor but what is due
Romans 4 4 so you know I can see the Mormon going up to God going look dish it over I've kept the laws
I've denied myself of all ungodliness I've done everything I can do you owe me salvation resurrection exaltation the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints proclaims against the incomprehensible God devoid a party body parts or passions as a thing impossible of existence on the contrary it's the only way it is possible
I can go through the logic of that sometime those who have been born into God through obedience to the gospel may be valiant devotion may by valiant devotion to righteousness obtain exaltation and even reach the status of godhood
Adam said blessed be the name of God for because of my transgression my eyes were opened and in this life
I shall have joy whoa now folks I was reading this I was with my wife we're in a grocery store and I have the duty of pushing the cart she fills the cart
I push the cart it doesn't take much brainpower I just go where she you know okay go this way
I got you put stuff in it gets harder but I'm a man I can put the cart so I'm pushing the cart and I got this book
I'm reading while I'm doing my husband duty and I'm reading through this and I'm like I stopped and it hit me
I said only the ungodly separate a celebrate sin only the ungodly celebrate sin be blessed be the name of God for because of my transgression my eyes are opened and in this life
I shall have joy see what good sin is oh it's good for you to sin and rebel against God Oh blessed be
God because of my sin my eyes are opened and I'll have joy in this life does this make you want to carry a sign out in front of Mormon Church on Sunday is
Mormon Christian calm continue reading on this
Eve was glad and declared were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed and never should have known good and evil and the joy of our redemption and the eternal life which
God giveth unto all the obedient folks you agree with me that this is
Satan talking this is Satanism is it it's right
Satan teaches this stuff in the temple this is what their people are teaching and they're going door -to -door looking good looking good being sincere and spreading the lies of the devil himself and bringing people to eternal damnation all right let me see how much oh there's so much more what
I got a little bit more so what we'll do is we'll stop here because I got more to do try to I thought
I could get through it but I can't calm down and I have kept it low -key hold up I kept it low -key and I can get rather obstreperous when it comes to heresy but God's made me this way so what we're gonna do
I'm gonna just pray close take a break then we'll do Q &A all right and anybody
YouTube Facebook here if you want to ask any questions please feel free to write a question on the $5 bill send it to me everything will be fine all right the higher denominations get more attention and better answers of course
I'm joking and I the Mormons you hear what he said oh all right let's pray Lord Jesus thank you for this time and Lord thank you for light light by which we can walk into a dark room and see what is before us see the dangers before us see what might injure us you provide us light we see the dangers of these lies the teachings of the devil himself the teachings that are absorbed by these poor people this poor people who have believed a lie and fed their own egos and have let the fruit of this deception produce a poisonous result that will kill them bring them into eternal damnation
Lord Jesus would you please bind the spirit of Mormonism stop it may all the
Mormon wards all the Mormon chapels may they just become empty better yet Lord would you please just work through them and change them into true
Christians that would be willing to do what the true Christians are already supposed to be doing
Lord thank you for this time and thank you for the opportunity to speak and to teach and Lord just ask that you bless this time and the hearers who hear from now and as long as they can that it would bring glory to you and it'll be used by you to bring people out of the false group of Mormonism and the truth of who