Bible Giveaway Winner!!!

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Hold on a second, says live now live. We live now. All right. Uh, probably it was going to see this after it goes live.
But first of all, these things work, right? First of all, Justin and I wanted to say hello and uh, it's good to see everybody.
And we are recording. We are going to be recording a couple of times this week, so stay tuned for that.
But what we're doing, the most important part about what we are doing is we are giving away the
Bible that we had announced earlier last week. And we had a lot of entries, a lot of entries.
And we want to thank all of you who left us reviews on iTunes and all the entries. Uh, it's well worth it.
This Bible is beautiful. If you have not seen it yet, here it is. And we are going to be giving this away and I'll have to look at the name again, cause
I already forgot. But, uh, this is going to be shipped to, um, let me pull this up here again.
It's going to be shipped to Dominic Jones. He was the one who entered on Instagram. So Dominic Jones, you are the winner of the
Bible. Congratulations on that. And, uh, yeah, stay tuned for that.
Hey, Justin, let's talk a little bit about what we have, uh, coming up. Uh, well, tomorrow's episode is on, um, it is on the church and I can't remember the exact name of the, um, pop culture, pop church circus.
Yeah. Tomorrow. Pop. That's what drops tomorrow. Okay. I didn't know if you were talking about what we were recording tomorrow or what episode comes out tomorrow.
So that was, that was one that we recorded with Jimmy recently, just about the church pastoral ministry, living life as a
Christian, all that kind of stuff. And so, yeah, hopefully people will be encouraged by that. And so that comes out tomorrow and then we have, um, let's see here.
We record what did I I'm, I'm like really struggling here. So John, first of all, like so that everybody knows,
I was like scrambling to get on the recording. I just got out of a meeting and literally get on the little software interface that we're using now, which is new.
And John's like, Hey man, we're going to go live and give this thing away. Like I'd barely sat down in the chair and John's like, all right, we're going to go live.
So, Oh, here we are. Two kingdoms with Van Drunen. Well, I know that. Is that the next one?
That's the next one. And then, uh, we're going to record, I don't know what I'd order. These are the things that are coming out, but we're going to be talking about evangelism and how that is completely confusing and has been skewed up.
And we're going to talk about, we're going to bring a guest on, uh, who's not new to Theocast, but new on the podcast,
Patrick Crandall. He's going to be joining us tomorrow to talk about, uh, the rise and fall of Marcel.
Yeah, we're going to many have been listening to that podcast. I've been, I'm about six episodes in myself and we have, we have things that we can talk about from that podcast.
Not so much about Driscoll directly or Marshall church directly necessarily, but just about various things that we can observe and see.
And, uh, yeah, and hopefully that'll be an interesting one for people. And then one other announcement, uh, in the app we have this, and then you and I have to figure out what we're about to record right now.
I already got you covered on that one. Oh my God. Yeah. We're going to talk about those who struggle with real faith.
Do I have real faith? Legitimate faith. Hmm. I think we can talk about that.
I think we can talk about that. And then, uh, another cool feature I want to just, uh, tell everybody about and the
SR pod or the SR app, we have this thing called tavern live where you can jump in and do live discussions with other listeners, including myself.
We jump in there. I've jumped in there a couple of times just to say, hi, it's a video chat service that you don't have to sign up for.
It's kind of cool, but you have to be a member to join that. So anyways, that's all. We just want to do a quick update, say hi to everybody again.
Um, the winner is Dominic Jones from Instagram. We're going to be shipping this out to you next year after I get done preaching through it.
And just kidding. Yeah. Oh, just kidding. All right.
Hey, everybody that jumped on the live. Thanks. We'll, uh, we'll see you guys tomorrow in the podcast. See you guys.