The Concern Continues to Flow - Apologia Radio Interview w/Dr. Sandlin - Part 2

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Triggered by The Apologia Radio Chat - Small LANGUAGE WARNING - Part 3

Triggered by The Apologia Radio Chat - Small LANGUAGE WARNING - Part 3

All right everybody welcome back to the channel we are going to continue the episodes regarding Apologia Radio bronze age masculinity with Andrew Sandlin.
Now if you remember last time we ended up he was starting to talk about how there's some kind of a connection between you know the racism out there and i'm not talking like racism we're talking like the real racism you know what i mean like the really really real racism and antisemitism and all these guys out there talking about masculinity you know what i mean it's it's not that they're logically connected but but you know there's a connection and Andrew Sandlin wants you to know that and it's just really funny because you know the the racism thing you know it's the new thing what you do is you say you know i understand that racism doesn't really mean anything but these are real racists they're like the real kind of racism and i always find that to be a very funny way to argue and then of course there's no connection really between the two but this is just more mudslinging you know all those guys out there if there's a christian guy out there they're talking about masculinity pay attention because they're also racist and i'm not just talking racist i'm talking really really racist like for real for real like the real kind of racism and antisemitism that's what they are so if you if you're hearing the masculinity talk all that masculinity talk those guys those are the really real real racists all right let's just jump in enough enough preamble let's go let's do it um i would say guys this is dangerous stuff so oh yeah they often talk about red pilling and if you'll think about it uh and i whenever i criticized that people were really strongly pushed back but we all oppose or at least i hope we all oppose wokeness well what is wokeness why is it called whoa well originally it goes back to the african -american community and how a number of them became leftist because we kind of woke up one day to the fact that we're oppressed we're systemically oppressed in this white society because the whites basically control everything and yeah we're not physically slaves but we're kind of slaves because we're held down by this systemic white oppression yeah it's it's that's a false idea but the the quote right -wing version of this of course is red pilling which comes of course from the movie matrix and neo and so on i won't go into that but we took the red pill now we're awoke to this thing that that these these leftists have controlled culture and the women have controlled culture and the old fat guys have controlled culture well it's basically sort of the right wing version of wokeness and that's why some people are correct i believe to call a lot of it at least right wing wokeness this sort of red pilling what's the biblical answer well we do have all right all right all right yeah because because this is the thing like you know how you know you're right wing woke you're like woke woke right if uh you understand that feminism has been a driving force in the last few decades that's totally woke woke right you know what i mean yeah feminism you know you start talking about the gynocracy well then you know that's just that's just another false idea right that's just just wokeness this is that's just wokeness again oh man you just love it you just gotta love it and if we're going to even use the language red pilling or wokeness genuine in the christian faith it's called regeneration we're awakened from our spiritual death by the spirit of god that awakens us to read and understand god and the word of god and the truth of the gospel yeah regeneration yeah regeneration let's just call it regeneration right yeah listen guys i i hate to break it to you but and when i say i hate to break it to you i love to break it to you i love to break it to you but um you know everything is not theology like we don't have to be theology you know specific like dead dead -on balls accurate theology in every topic for everything right like you know we don't have people just say this is this is another problem that i think we're having you know there's a lot of problems and i'm going to tell you all about them in a nice way but man one of the other problems is like we could just be regular people and have regular conversations and it's okay if people want to talk about red pills white pills black pills yellow pills whatever that's okay you know people can talk about things in regular ways we don't have to nerdify everything when we're talking about red pilling we're actually not talking about regeneration you know what i mean not everything is systematic theology obviously we could be talking about two different things right so red pilling is that when someone says i've taken the red pill what they're not saying is that i'm be i'm being regenerated but regenerated by the holy spirit they're saying something else and so we don't have to just reject something else because it's not the it's not theology it's not systematic theology so i have to reject it it's just preposterous this is we're not talking about that right now we talk about the things we talk about and with other things we don't talk about we don't talk about them it's amazing it's amazing it reminds me of sometimes when people criticize uh my some of my videos right some people will criticize my videos and they'll say something like this and they probably feel so pious when they say it they feel so superior and pious and they'll say something like this ad yet another video of yours that does not mention scripture and i'm like dude like i put i put videos out on the topics i'm interested you know what sometimes that involves scripture in other times it's about a different topic and you know what that's okay not everything in life is systematic theology we all get it you're very interested in systematic theology hats off to you but guess what i like the systematic theology too but i've got other interests and i got other things that i talk about and i don't have to bring every conversation i've ever had in my entire freaking life into systematic theology i don't do that sometimes i want to talk about baseball is that okay can i just talk about baseball man oh is this called regeneration we're not talking about that right now when we talk about regeneration let's talk about it but we're talking about red pill in here nothing to do with this racism and this sort of pagan notion on the on the right or the sort of systemic racism and nonsense on the left a pox on both their houses yeah yeah pox rhino paleo valley is offering an amazing sale on these beef sticks you can get 30 beef sticks for 30 beef sticks speaking about beef sticks actually oh did i freeze it oh no oh no speaking of beef sticks let me uh let me do something real quick stand by this great company farmer bills farmer bills provisions .com
the guy who runs farmer bills sent me let's uh go ahead as a pop -up sent me a sample of this thing called biltong biltong is like this meat snack that's sort of like uh sort of like jerky but way better and i gotta be honest with you it is way better than jerky biltong is uh it's this it's like a preserved uh meat so it's similar to jerky in that way and it's cured and all this kind of stuff but it's as you can see in the picture it's got like these it's got like this fat in it that is just oh man that's one thing that's problem with jerky it's very very dry right the biltong i mean there's a dryness to it of course because it's preserved but it's got this it's got moisture and it's got these fat you know marbling in it and it is so unbelievably good it is by far the best meat snack that i've ever had and he provided to me for free just to see what my thoughts were and stuff like that um but i highly highly recommend it if you've never tried biltong this stuff is so good apparently it's seed oil free i didn't know that seed oil gluten -free sugar -free no added nitrates i mean all this sounds great to me this is all scientific and i have no idea but it's packed with protein and we're talking about protein since we're talking about all this very dangerous bronze age paganism about getting healthy but man i gotta say i'm already planning my next order um and in fact it's my first order since i got this for free but farmerbillsprovisions .com
check it out this is absolutely fantastic it is like the it's again it's similar to jerky the best jerky i've ever had it's not even jerky but whatever anyway let's continue let's continue i'm having to block people in the chat because of what we're talking about like when you're just mocking it's just get take out take a hike um i gotta say so i don't want one more thing yeah i don't want to turn you loose but you can see luke is starting to get triggered he's having to block people in the chat you know what i mean and uh i mean you know if that's how you want to spend your time go for it uh i i i when i see things in the chat that i don't like you know what i do i just move on with my life i just continue to just do whatever it is i was doing already and they let them just scream into the void it is totally okay just to ignore them that's what i would recommend luke you know if you get so triggered by this stuff i would suggest just practicing something that's a beautiful superpower that is amazing to have on the internet is necessary sometimes on the internet just ignore people let them scream into the void let them think that they're you know the smartest people around and all of that don't let them trigger you man it's not worth it look we've all been triggered on the internet before and i have to admit i've been triggered on the internet before but a good practice a good you know discipline in your life is to avoid getting triggered on the internet it doesn't do you any good it doesn't help you and it doesn't make you look good when you announce it to everybody i cannot abide this and i am blocking people look at how many people i blocked i blocked a lot of people today and look at how all my eyes cannot abide this kind of language and mockery it just doesn't make you it doesn't do anything for you it doesn't do anything for you that's my suggestion to you pastor pearson bye i keep coming back to this natural law it seems like there is an emphasis in particular regards to our political theory and our development of our political engagement and ethics to emphasize this perhaps over and against scripture is the ultimate foundation for the authority that a christian wields you know we go before civil magistrates all the time in regards to protecting the unborn and what we're giving magistrates is the word of god and we're calling them to repent in terms of obeying that law just like if we go out on the streets and we're trying to reach unbelievers with evangelism you mentioned regeneration right god spirit opening the eyes giving new sight giving a new heart and that happens through the proclamation of the word and the gospel and so it seems like there is a tendency to de -emphasize the role of the word of god and the primacy of the word of god and the potency of the proclamation of the truth in terms of political engagement in favor of these natural law theories and by natural law we wouldn't mean of course god's word speaking at creation right that scripture distinguishes we have the unscripturated word of god in the pages of revelation divine revelation and then we have god's word spoken and creation is an instantiation of that word so we would distinguish between those two but i do see that there is sort of a tendency now to where i wouldn't accuse any reform brothers of saying scripture is not sufficient i know they would affirm that with all of their hearts but practically outworking this and seeing the way that the political realm is being engaged it does concern me a bit interesting uh i mean again i can't tell you what he actually knows or what he actually has seen um he says he's seen and he kind of hedges i'll give him credit he kind of hedges and says i wouldn't say reformed christians are doing this so good on him uh because i wouldn't say that either but he what he is saying is if he's not talking about reformed christians he's talking about i i would assume some christians because obviously non -christians wouldn't refer to the law of god to you know to talk to the magistrate or whatever so he's obviously some christians are doing this it's not reformed christians because you know he wouldn't say that um but i gotta be honest i just don't see what he's saying i just don't um and so you know maybe he can explain further and you know if you if you're interested in what he has to say he seems like a reasonable guy to me so uh you could ask him i'm sure and i'm sure he'd answer but i don't see what he's seen um what i do see though is uh people that uh of course uh look at the sufficiency of scripture they believe in it they would absolutely quote the scriptures to a magistrate but they also don't deny god speaking in creation because you don't you you don't actually like listen we are blessed beyond measure to have god's words to us nobody would deny that god has given us his word he has spoken in a clear and an authoritative way in a in a situation where it was written down by men carried along by the holy spirit chosen men carried along by the holy spirit inspired by the holy spirit to write down his very words we are so blessed to have that right we are so blessed let me say it again we are blessed to have the word of god right but you actually don't need the word of god to know for a fact that it is wrong to kill babies you actually don't need the word of god to know that for a fact because god has spoken also in what he has made right and so we're blessed beyond measure to have it in black and white we could read it we can uh we can announce it we can proclaim it and it's there and it's perfect and it's wonderful absolutely wonderful but every single person without exception is without excuse even if they've never read those words even if they've never heard those words even if nobody has proclaimed it to them they are aware that it is not okay to kill babies they have no excuse because god has made them know they know and so people are are also proclaiming uh god's authority in nature in the natural law in creation and what he has made and how he has made it and how he has made men and women differently and all of these areas it applies to everything right it applies to everything and so we don't need an exhaustive revealed word to know certain things about men and women because god has written it into creation itself and we can discover it and we can know it and it's and it's there it's absolutely there and so i don't see what he's i don't see people that are kind of saying well the word of god it's not down here and you know nature's up here no no no that's not what i see what i do see though is many theonomists of which i am one of them are saying look we've got this revealed law and that's great but we also need what god has created and written into nature itself into the code of nature itself we can also utilize that and it's effective and look god spoke both ways and it's just as authoritative in what he has made and how he has made and and what's he what's he revealed to us through his creation it's just as authoritative and it might be harder to discover it might be harder to interpret i'm not going to deny that necessarily but it's just as authoritative that's what i do see and i don't think that that diminishes the word of god at all that's a weird way to look at it like it's this zero -sum game where it's like there's only so much that that that natural law and and revealed law um can have and so if you if you elevate revealed law you must necessarily downgrade god's law i don't think it works that way it's not like this zero -sum game i think we should elevate both of these things both of these things are necessary and look i've changed over time on this because again i was a theonomist and i i would argue i still am i still am a theonomist but but at the same time um i don't think it's a zero -sum game where you must if you're if you're talking about natural law and appealing to natural law you must out of necessity be denigrating the revealed law i don't think it works that way yeah and i've got a theory about that and i'm not speaking of natural law scholars roman catholics are strong in a natural law i disagree with them strongly on this point but i'm not saying they're in this category in this category i'm referring to whom when they bring up these various uh ideas racist ideas and these other pagan ideas i'll point to the scriptures where did paul or jesus say that and they will say they will say well we need to go by nature also uh now i think the reason that they now andrew uh dr sandlin dr sandlin um i would i would i would be much more willing to take your word for it um if you hadn't said what you said prior so we got to take it all as one presentation right because what you said earlier was like paul and jesus they didn't emphasize emphasize uh you know being healthy and fit and all these things being strong um you know sure they talked about but it wasn't a central part of what they said so why are you making this a big deal so again i i would take your word for it dr sandlin but the problem is what you seem to be saying and you know i could be wrong on this but it's not that they're saying oh yeah yeah yeah we don't need the bible we just have the natural law it's like we have the bible and so we have the principles and we can point to the principles that apply in these other areas but it's not an exhaustive list of every single situation you could find yourself in life even theonomists understand this what we've got is case laws right and it's not every single case that could ever they could ever imagine there's there's cases that are not in there that we can use the case law we have to figure out look theonomists get this too so i i kind of don't take your word for it that it's like we don't need the reveal law come on like it's not like that it's like well we we we're glad we have the revealed law but but we also have this other book of nature that you know of creation that god wrote himself and we can look into these things and stuff like that and and and and just for the record i don't grant for a second that he's actually talking about actual races maybe he is maybe he isn't who cares i don't even care about racism i don't because i just it's just such a denigrated word that it has no meaning anymore right i'm just using it because that's what he's using but it's just like it's just it's it's i don't take your word for it anymore dr stanley because what you seem to be saying is that well they didn't emphasize it so you know it's not like it's not like that though it's not like that the bible is high a high context document right and i'm not saying it doesn't apply to us today of course it applies to us today but we have to recognize if we're going to interpret it correctly we have to recognize we're in a different context right and so if jesus and the apostles didn't emphasize overeating on a massive scale i think there's probably reasons why they didn't because at their time there wasn't this overeating on a massive scale like there is today um make that makes sense to me right so we can take things from the from the book of revealed law and revealed word and we can apply them to our context today even though it's very different than the context from then say that zach quite honestly is they can't find their unique views in the bible and therefore they have to retreat to some other authority which they call nature now let's make let's distinguish between creation and nature nature as it's understood today is they often use the term is a human construction it's not actually natural revelation it's a human construction of how they with their depraved minds are able to warp what they say is in nature let us remember that adolf hitler believed in natural law he did he believed that nature will teach you that the arian race you know i don't think that uh there would be quite as many people memeing you guys into oblivion if you just if you didn't do the memes just so consistently like i mean you can be mad about i'm not gonna tell you how to feel about being memed into kingdom come but but but you do the memes that you you write you do the memes they write themselves let us remember that adolf hitler also drank water and also thought that men being strong was good let us remember never forget oh man i just coughed there i was about to say something and uh that's a providential cough because again i'm trying to be nice what happened here hold on hold on hold on attention retirees if you're willing to be at your computer from 9 a .m