SMSS - Revelation 13 with Pastor Jeff Shipley



But I am going to be referencing several passages of Scripture because this is a topical sermon.
It is not an expository sermon as such, but it is topical and it is an answer to some of the questions that we have received in our box about the
Antichrist. I am going to read those to you as they turn the monitors up for a deaf old man a little bit.
I am going to read these questions to you and I endeavor to try to answer them today.
The first one says this, the Bible speaks about a human bringing peace to the
Mideast. Can we clarify who that person is or who that person could be?
It also, another one says, the United, excuse me, on 9 -15 -2020, about a month ago, the
United Arab Emirates and Bahrain signed a historic diplomatic deal with Israel.
Please explain this and how it applies to our current studies of Israel. Those are very good questions and I want you to understand why they are good questions.
Because it is not theology that we are going to be talking about here today. That is not theology.
This is the realization of God's Word coming to life in your lifetimes.
I want you to understand what exciting times we live in. I know that between everybody keeps making a joke about how horrible 2020 is and it has not been a banner year to be sure.
But I want to tell you something, man, these are exciting times. They really are. They're exciting times if you're a believer.
If you're not a believer, then everything does seem dark. Everything does seem ominous.
But for the believer, man, it is the streetlights coming home right before daddy calls us home.
I will not read all of chapter 13, but for harmoneutical context,
I included all of Revelation 13 on your pieces of paper so that you could read it in context.
In fact, to even broaden that harmoneutical truth, I would ask you to read
Revelation chapters 11 through 17 because all of those deal with this particular topic.
For those of you out there in Facebook land, we have over 4 ,000 people watch us on the
Facebook. So I want to make this disclaimer and in full disclosure,
I am a dispensational, premillennial, pre -tribulationist theologian.
I believe that with all of my heart. Now, for those of you that don't know what that means, it really don't matter.
What does matter is what does God's word say about the
Antichrist? Dun, dun, dun, dun. Well, first of all, I want you all to understand something.
If you're going to follow with me, we're going to be on point one, the profile of the Antichrist. And the first thing that we need to realize this evening or this morning is this, is that there are many
Antichrist and then there is the Antichrist. First John chapter two, verse 18 says this, children, it is the last hour.
And as if you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many, many
Antichrist have come. By this we know that it is the last hour.
Ladies and gentlemen, I know this seems when we talk about Jesus, it seems like a really long time ago.
Have you ever heard, have I ever shared you with my theory of time, comprehension and relativity?
Probably not, but this is it. We understand time as human beings as a linear consecutive thing, okay?
We have the past, we have the present and we have the future. We don't know the future.
And our comprehension of the past is only understood through the relative understanding of who and what we are.
Now you folks in Mississippi, just write it down. You can figure that out later. But let me give you an analogy.
No one laughs, so either my joke was old or tired or you really don't understand.
Guys, watch this. Remember when you were a kid and remember that Christmas took forever to get here?
You know, it just seems like it's forever. But as you grow older, it seems like, dadgum, only three months more to Christmas?
Are you serious? Time does not change, okay?
It is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. But our comprehension of its passage changes.
When I was five years old, a year was one -fifth of my life. Now that I am 50 years old, it is one -fiftieth of my comprehension.
Are you understanding what I'm saying? In other words, it stays the same, but how we view it doesn't stay the same.
It is relative to our comprehension. Now, having understood that, when it says, in the last days many antichrists will come, it's talking about today.
Even though this was written 1 ,900 years ago, it is the last days in comparison to the entire history of mankind over there.
Remember back over there, that big black line at the end? That's the entire history of the
U .S. compared to everything else. You guys can't think past your own lifetimes, but the entire history of the
United States is one little bitty line on that huge thing. Now, here's the next thing you need to understand.
In this room today, there is an antichrist. I promise you. Someone in this room today is an antichrist.
You see, I know that a lot of you didn't grow up in church. I know some of you that did, you walked down an aisle, prayed
Jesus into your heart, and you think you're good to go. And I preach about this so hard because I have very little time left.
I have more years behind me than I do in front of me. And when I stand before God the Father because of my daddy issues,
I want to hear, so bad, well done, thou good and faithful servant. You have nothing that I want or need, nothing.
I could quit this job tomorrow and go be just fine. I'm telling you this because those that sit under my teaching,
I do not want you to go to hell. And some of you in this room have trusted in a prayer rather than the person that prayer is addressed.
You've trusted more in a church or walking down an aisle than in the head of the church, which is
Jesus Christ our Lord. Today, if you're in this room and you are not a
Christian, by default, you are an antichrist.
You see, there's only two types of people in this world. It's not Democrats and Republicans. It's not black or white.
It's not Mexicanese or non -Mexicanese. It's either you're lost or you're saved.
That's it. I promise you, all of the little things that you identify with in this world are going to fade away.
And you will either spend eternity in heaven with God or you will spend eternity screaming in hell.
Now, that's not a very popular thing to tell people today, but it is the truth.
How do I know it's the truth? Because everything the Bible said would happen is happening right now.
Daddy is fixing to come get us. And I pray, I pray that he comes and gets us right after I have a grandson.
All right? So not only is there an idea of antichrist, let me be specific in addressing to you the person and profile of the antichrist.
Now, on the back of your paper, I wrote, it's right there in between those two pictures,
I wrote a bunch of scripture down for you to do a complete study on the antichrist.
And those are chapters, not verses, okay? And that's not even all of it. But you will get a good systematic theology on who the antichrist is by reading and studying all those.
But let me explain to you a little bit from the text that I wrote from you from Revelation 13, some of the characteristics of the antichrist.
Number one, he is the antithesis of Christ, meaning he is the exact opposite of Jesus Christ.
You see, Jesus came as the king of kings, but knelt down and washed his servants' feet.
Jesus came as an immortal, absolute sovereign God and was born in a manger and came and let his very creation kill him.
The antichrist will want people's adoration. Jesus was rejected. Even by his own, he was rejected.
Yet the antichrist, the world, it says, will follow after him. You see, there is a juxtaposition.
There is an absolute North and South polar opposite between the antichrist and Jesus.
You say, well, okay, pastor, that's normal. But I want you to understand some other characteristics.
You ever heard of a one -upper? Oh my gosh, I love one -uppers.
And you can spot them real easily. In any given conversation, if you sit there and say, well,
I jogged 22 miles yesterday. I didn't. But if you said,
I jogged 22 miles yesterday, they'll go, yeah, I jogged too. I jogged 23.
I remember I was learning how to play the guitar and I learned one chord.
Matt, I can do the opening line to one from Metallica. Just the chord.
Dun, dun, dun. That's all I can do. This guy said he opened for Metallica.
I remember coming back from Nashville. I just fought in a tournament and I had a trophy for fighting in this tournament.
About two weeks later, he came back and we found fake blood in his car. But he had this bloody shirt in his trophy about this big.
He was a one -upper. The antichrist is a one -upper. Look with you, if you will, it says this.
In chapter 13, and I wrote it down for you, please go to your own translation, Revelation 13, specifically looking at verse three.
It says, one of the heads of the beast appeared to be fatally wounded, but its fatal wound was healed and the whole earth was amazed and followed the beast.
You see, this is indisputable proof that Donald Trump is the antichrist. He's got the
COVID and he's gonna be healed. And so, boom, shazam, he's the antichrist.
Or it was Obama. You know, when he had his little helmet, little pads on, riding a little girl bicycle, he fell down, skinned his knee, and then he was healed, right?
Or it was Ronald Reagan, Ronald Wilson Reagan. Six letters in each of his name.
Six, six, six. Guys, that which is devoid of harmoneutical logic, you should not adhere to, okay?
Understand this. He is going to try to mimic Jesus Christ, but he can never repeat what
Jesus did. You see, it says, he was fatally wounded, but was healed. My God came and died and rose again from the grave.
He conquered death, this guy's gonna conquer a wound. But he's still gonna try to mimic after three days coming back to healing.
And then it says this, the whole earth will be amazed. He is gonna make
Oprah's book club look like nothing. He is going to be on every show.
He's gonna be on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN. And here's the thing, they're all going to love him.
There's not gonna be anybody that sits there and goes, boo, boo, they're all gonna go, oh my gosh, he's so awesome.
And the whole world is gonna follow after him. Now notice it says this, the whole world. I'm not, but I'm not the world.
I'm behind enemy lines. This is not my home. I'm passing through here doing a job.
You see, but this guy is gonna wanna rule. Notice this, he also tries to mimic the triune nature of God.
It says here in verse four, it says this, they worship the dragon, i .e.
Satan, because he gave authority to the beast. So you have the dragon, then you have the beast.
But if you go to verse 11, now you have a second beast. So you have a
Trinity versus a triune. Now what's the difference doctrinally between the two?
Exactly, the blonde in the front row got it. If I look at Carla, Sandra, and Matt over here, actually this would be perfect.
If I look at Melissa, Melanie, the three musicians on the front row, they were a
Trinity up here, guys, they were. In every essence and definition of the word, those three were working together in concert to produce one sound.
That is a Trinity. Our God is not a Trinity. Please stop saying that name. Our God is a triune,
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit are three yet one. You say, how is that possible?
Because he's God. How is it possible that he's existed for eternity? I don't know. Well, I don't know either, but God's word says that's the way it is.
So guess what? That's the way it is. Understand this though, that Satan is going to mimic
God in everything he does. Notice what he did at that tree with Adam and Eve.
When he sat there and said, didn't God, or Adam said, hey man, or Eve, when he was talking to Eve, he said, hey man, take that fruit,
Eve, you'll be really smart. And she said, but God said not to. He said, did
God really say that? You see, we keep in the church looking for some left behind, dark, turban wearing,
Islamic guy coming out breathing hate. That's not how dude's going to show up on the scene, man.
He's going to be, everybody's going to love him, including conservative church people. Oh, they will.
I didn't say Christians. I said church people. There are more church people in this room than there are real
Christians. Book it, book it. They're going to love him too.
And here's what they're going to call you if you stand up and say, this isn't right.
Here's what they're going to call you. A right wing extremist, a nutcase.
You're one of those people that listened to that fat bald guy and got brainwashed. Give your money to Jeff Shipley Ministries.
Guys, this guy is going to have massive power. He's going to copycat
God in everything. Now, I want you to understand how this comes about. 2 Thessalonians, flip your paper over.
2 Thessalonians 2, verses three and four says this. It says, let no one deceive you in any way.
For that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself against every so -called
God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be
God. I want you to understand something guys. How many, where is
Rena in here? Okay, now I want you to be honest Galena. Seriously, I'm being serious.
I won't say Rena's age, cause that's, everyone always says that's rude. But let's say just for the sake of argument, she's over the age of 70, okay?
Let's just say that. Is that politically okay? Okay. In your lifetime
Rena, when you were a little girl, how many babies were aborted legally?
Now be honest Rena, just be honest. I know there was sin in family.
I know there was horribleness back then too. But do you see a larger increase in the destruction of the family unit today than you did say 50 years ago?
Now be serious. Do you think crime has gotten better or worse?
Look at me for a second. Forget sermons. Guys, you're living in the age right now, book it y 'all, where the things of scripture are no longer fancy sermons, they're history unfolding in the newspapers every day.
And some of you want to continue to live your life of sin because you love your sin more than you love
Jesus, which is a key indication that something is seriously wrong in your life.
But when the time comes where you can no longer hide in the ambiguity of church membership, where it costs you something to follow
Jesus, you're gonna fold like a lawn chair. You know how I know a good fighter when
I see one? Not because they're the strongest or the biggest, but because they're the guys in the gym five hours more than they have to be.
They're the guys that sweat and bleed in the gym so they don't bleed in the ring. A lot of you church folks in here are the very targets that are being slowly warmed up.
You know how you boil a frog? Is put it in a nice little bath of water and slowly turn the heat up.
Guys, what we're seeing today what is now be called normal.
And I know I'm gonna make some of y 'all cringe. I'm sorry that you live in a world of ambiguity instead of absolute truth.
But the idea of gender reassignment being normal is part of this warming up process.
And I know I'm gonna offend a lot of you out there. And please, from the bottom of my heart, know that I'm not trying to offend you or be a sensationalist.
I'm trying to warn you today. Take you repent for the kingdom of God is coming.
And 50 years from now, when I'm dead and someone clicks on this on the YouTube and is watching it, if we're still here,
I'm talking to you by the power and the spirit of almighty God. Repent today and know the power and the peace of being saved.
The pot is being warmed up. So when this guy hits, it's going to see normal.
You know what? You four women at this table, y 'all are all four different.
But let me tell you something. All four of you are just women. I don't even know why you're sitting in here.
You four should be in the kitchen making sandwiches or having babies or cleaning toilets.
Do any of y 'all agree with that? You know how you unite?
I see Ashley back there pulling out her dagger and waging stick me in the head. You know how you unite a bunch of people that can't get along?
You give them a common enemy. Nero did it, sure did. When he burned
Rome down, he said, the Christians did it and everybody had plausible deniability and everybody hated the
Christians. That's happened, oh, a couple of dozen times in history and it's going to happen again.
You young people, I know you're here today as this is a form of your entertainment to be social.
You really care nothing about God's word. I get it. And I've seen you cry on your youth retreats.
I've seen you walk down the aisle. I've seen you get baptized, but your love for God, if it ever was real, has grown cold and this is not real to you.
I'm telling you, mark my words. There is a time coming when your fellow believers are all you are going to have.
And your placation of righteousness will cost you more than you're willing to pay.
Guys, there is a time coming. It's not bad yet.
I know you think it is. It's not. Do you know there is a bill to allow the age of sexual consent to be 12 now?
12 years old, 12 years old. I can tell you what we do with those guys in my neighborhood because any dude that's looking at a 12 year old girl going, she looks fine, needs to be shot immediately.
But that's another story. Another sermon for another time. I'm here to tell you this.
What you think is extreme now becomes the norm within a generation.
Parents, what you do in moderation, your children will do in excess. Since Suzanne Lindsay.
Guys, listen to me. You keep lowering your standards in your households for your children.
You are signing them to a life of death. Believe me.
Believe me. And if you don't believe me, I got parents in here that can show you the scar tissue. I'm sorry.
My heart's heavy with this stuff. This isn't just some academic sermon for me.
I'm not a good teacher like Pastor Josiah. I'm a pastor. I'm a prophet.
I'm telling you, guys, this crap is real and it's going to rape your soul if you do not get right with Jesus Christ.
And your every other day or every other week church attendance is not what God is after.
He's after your soul. He wants all of you. Jesus cannot be the Lord of your life from Sunday to 10 to 1130.
You social club Christians out there, judgment is coming. So let me tell you the plan of the
Antichrist. By the way, those little two pictures on your pages, I couldn't fit all of them on there. I couldn't fit all of them on there.
The first one is Jimmy Carter. Some of you don't remember him, the peanut president. That's Anwar Sadat.
That's Anwar Sadat. And that's the Israel PM. Anwar Sadat was the president of Egypt and he signed a peace accord with Israel.
A short time later, a militant Muslim assassinated him at a military parade. Just type in your little
Google Anwar Sadat. S -A -D -A -T, I guess. Real life, real history, it happened.
And then Bill Clinton did it again with the PLO in Israel. Oh, and by the way, the person that asked the question, that is a picture of what you're exactly talking about.
That is going from left to right. That is the foreign relations minister of Bahrain.
That is Benjamin Netanyahu, the current prime minister of Israel. That, of course, is
Donald Trump. Please pray for our president. And that is the foreign relations minister of the
UAE. Now, why this is so amazing is this, is because you have to understand that the
Arab nations in Israel vehemently hate each other.
And it hasn't been for a hundred years. It hasn't been since the Packers beat the
Bears two seasons ago. This has been going on, are you ready? Johnny, do me a favor.
Jump up real quick, stand too. Go and put your finger near Abraham, wherever Abraham is on that.
Where's that, it's gotta be, yeah, yeah. Put your finger right there. Abraham had two sons.
One of them was by his wife, Sarah. One of them was by his servant, Hagar, very good, two sons.
Abraham had Isaac and Ishmael. Ishmael became the father of, are you ready?
The Arab peoples. And this is what God said 6 ,000 years ago.
Bring it on in. He said, the descendants of these two people will be at each other's throats until I come back.
Now, millennialists, you keyboard social justice warriors that are only bold behind a teleprompter, listen to me.
Either God's word is true or the entire population of the
Middle East is involved in a conspiracy to trick you that God is real. It's one of the two.
And even though some of you are narcissistic, self -centered idiots, I get it, there is no way you can believe that your feelings and doubts supplant an entire,
I'm sorry, I said six, 4 ,000 years of a conspiracy theory just to trick you into coming to church.
Guys, I'm preaching this because this stuff is real. Look at this. Let me keep going and I'm almost done.
The Antichrist is gonna rise to power. Here's how I believe this is going to happen. This guy is going to solve in one stroke of a pen the political and religious strife in the
Middle East. How many of you were alive during the Gulf, let me rephrase, how many of y 'all were driving cars during the first Gulf War?
Okay. Rena, I'm sorry, it doesn't have a horse. What you do is you were driving a car.
Y 'all remember when that war started? What happened to gas prices? Poof, went through the roof.
And of course, we said, they've got all these weapons, right? Blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, that wasn't the first Gulf War, that was the second.
But anyways, all that stuff happens. And we went in, and this is about the 50th time an outside nation has gone into the
Middle East to solve the problem. And it's about the 50th time someone has failed. And it's not because of bad policies or military strategies and all that stuff.
And y 'all can blame the money. Y 'all can do the Monday morning quarterback and all day long. It's because this, God's timing isn't ready yet.
But there's gonna be a guy that's gonna show up. He's gonna do this. He's gonna sit there and go, I know a bunch of Christians aren't here anymore, but I think this is a good thing.
I think this is a good thing. And I need all of you guys, let's work this out, and let's fight the real enemy of the world.
And everybody's gonna go, oh, he's so smart. Oh, he's so beautiful. And when that happens, the economy of the world is going to be awesome.
Man, you're gonna be able to buy a house for $40 ,000. You're gonna be able to buy a car for a couple of grand.
Gas is gonna be a nickel a gallon. You're gonna be able to have no student debts.
Man, everybody's gonna be accepted. It's gonna be one big hippie fest. Bill, well, you won't be here, but the burnout hippies are gonna be like, peace, man, this is cool.
Marijuana will be legal. It's gonna be a good day. Guys, and the temple of Jerusalem is gonna be rebuilt.
And for three and a half years, the world is gonna be great.
For those of you who watch sports, what happens to the superstar when everybody keeps going, you are so awesome.
You are so awesome. Man, you are, oh, you're the GOAT. You're the greatest it's ever been.
How many of y 'all have seen great young men, or what's that chick's name who's a hoe now? What's her name?
Yeah, can you narrow that down? The little girl singer that became, that one, that one,
Miley Cyrus. Oh, by the way, parents, she's not a
Christian. Please stop. When your kids come and say, well, this is Christian music, I can listen to it.
Listen to it. If it don't mention the name of Jesus in a positive way, at least 15 times during the song, it ain't
Christian, okay? All right, here's what's gonna happen with the antichrist.
Everybody's gonna pump him up. He is gonna be the man. And after three and a half years, he's gonna go, you know what?
I've done all of this for you guys. What have you done for me lately? And he's gonna walk into this newly rebuilt temple on the temple mount, probably right beside, right beside the
Dome of the Rock of the Muslims. Everybody's gonna be world peace. He's gonna walk in that temple and he's go, this place needs an upgrade.
I want a statue of me right there in the Holy of Holies.
And everybody's gonna go, you're out of your mind. And even, this is what's gonna be cool. Mark my words, the
Muslims and the Jews are gonna be on the same page. They're gonna go, blasphemy.
And then they're gonna have a bunch of international reporters sitting in that room and that statue is gonna go, hey, listen to him.
And people are gonna lose their cookies. Just read, it's right here in Revelation 13.
I'm not making this up. You actually have to read and study what I'm showing you. And the whole world's gonna follow after him.
For three and a half years, things are gonna be good. But then there are gonna be three and a half years where God has, from time and mortal past, has said this.
I have had enough. And some of you could quite possibly be alive during this time.
You see, it's gonna be really horrible. You ever gone in your home and there's nothing to eat?
But there really is. I always told my kid when they, there's nothing to eat. I was like, go get a job.
Why are you coming out and telling me that? There's grass in the backyard, dandelions. Put a little olive oil and lemon juice on them.
They're great. I did it. What's wrong with you? What do you mean coming and telling me there ain't no food? Go get a job,
I'd smack him. By the way, it's a good way to raise your kids. But anyways, listen to me.
There's gonna be a time where if you don't follow the beast and have a mark on your hand or forehead, you will not be able to buy food.
One of the most heartbreaking things in my head is this. Some 20 -something year old mama is gonna have a baby with a fever and she's gonna have to go to the hospital and decide whether to take that mark and get her baby help or watch her baby die.
If you're in here today playing on your phone because you're a dork and not listening, if you're in this room, listen to me, if you're in this room, you have a choice to make now.
Because you think it's hard to be a Christian now? You know the only reason it's hard is because the only thing you're fighting is what you want to do instead of what
God wants you to do. That's the only reason it's hard. You need a boyfriend because you're so insecure.
You need a girlfriend because you feel like you're a stupid dumb bum and that's why you dye your hair blonde.
You want to be, you want to have all this stuff so that you'll feel accepted to fight your own daddy issues and insecurities, right?
But that's really fighting all of this in here. There's gonna come a day to be a Christian, and the Christian will cost you your life and the lives of the people you love.
Guys, churches will be gone. I'm talking about real churches, like real churches.
Oh, this place will be packed. Mark my words, one day this place will be packed when the church stops getting preached.
Guys, I'm gonna close with this. I wish you could feel my heart and feel my head.
Listen to me, I'm begging you. For some of you in this room, this is just another boring sermon that you wish would hurry up and end so you could get home and do what you want to do, and that is your problem.
You've had religion push down your throat for so long, it's boring and it doesn't mean anything to you.
The problem with that is this, your feelings don't change facts.
There is a God, you ain't him, and you will stand before him one day.
Oh, you don't know what you're talking about, pastor? Okay, then I want you to remember my words as you drop into hell, because it's going to happen.
Some of y 'all treat your Christian relationship like an old pair of shoes. You need to understand that it's not your
Christianity, it's your religion that you're treating like that. You see, with Jesus Christ, it's a love affair.
John said this, if you claim to be a Christian, if you claim to know the truth, yet you continue to walk in darkness, you are a liar.
And I know this is the only place you hear that verse. You ain't going to turn on the TV and hear it, because the pan's being warmed up.
Smile, God loves you. You can act any way you want, God's still going to love you.
Oh, that's such a wonder, I feel so positive about myself. Whenever you hear a sermon, then sermon is always about how you're better, how you can feel better, how you can be better, how to self -improve yourself.
You need to cut off, because that is not scripture. Because here's what scripture says, you're hopeless without Jesus Christ.
You have nothing without Jesus Christ. All glory and honor is to Jesus Christ, not some idiot behind a pulpit.
The pan is being warmed up, and some of you are scooping the food out of that pan as fast as your little fat fist can cram it in your mouth, and you're buying into lies.
And the discomfort that you're feeling right now, you know will be over in a minute, as long as you can get through the invitation without responding.