PresupU Trailer (Sign-Up) to Learn Presuppositional Apologetics


In this video, Eli provides an overview summary of his online course PresupU, where folks can sign-up through:


Hi, my name is Eli Ayala. I am the founder of Revealed Apologetics. I'm a
Christian apologist and youtuber And not many people know this about me, but I am actually a traveling speaker and teacher
And so I have a teaching background. I've taught for over 10 years Christian private school.
I've taught middle school students high school students. I've spoken on college campuses My heart and passion is to teach people how to defend the
Christian faith now if anyone has been following Revealed Apologetics for any time you know that the specific kind of apologetic methodology that I really try to focus in on is the presuppositional apologetic
Methodology now of course I'm not going to spend my time here in this video explaining what that is I'm just going to presuppose that folks who follow the ministry here kind of are familiar with The methodology at least at a basic level, but what
I want to share with people in this video is An online course that I'm teaching that folks can sign up for on revealedapologetics .com
Called PresuppU or Presupp University, okay, and what
I want to do is I want to break down for you What is what this course contains okay?
Well first the course starts on June 1st so folks can actually sign up right now on the website
To sign up there are still slots open for the class we already have a few folks from various parts of the world signing up and I'm going to explain how you do that and I'm going to explain the two options that you have if this is something you're interested
In doing okay, I mean of course this very much supports revealed apologetics as a ministry
And so to that and hopefully if you found that the content on the YouTube channel or any any teaching content that That you found on the website or whatever if it's proved helpful to you.
I would definitely appreciate the support As it requires support to run a ministry so with that said if you sign up for PresuppU Here's here are the topics that we cover and we go into Much greater length in the videos okay, so when you sign up for PresuppU there it comes with five lectures, okay?
I've recorded five lectures that cover. I think very foundational issues that are included within the presuppositional methodology
First the first lecture covers the biblical foundations for apologetics now of course when you are teaching people to defend the faith
Of course that apologetic command the command to give a defense to give an answer
It comes from scripture And so a very important part of developing a biblical apologetic is to know the biblical foundation for apologetics and so in the first lecture we kind of dig into what the
Bible has to say with with respect to apologetics and What sort of apologetic we should use when engaging unbelievers?
And so that's going to be the first lecture that I think is very very important the second lecture is entitled defining and constructing
Worldviews now as those who are familiar with the presuppositional methodology it is a world view apologetic
Okay, we are not arguing with unbelievers over isolated facts that are independent from a broader worldview perspective and so Understanding what a worldview is what composes a worldview?
What is a worldview made up of is vitally important in having an effective and biblically consistent?
Apologetic and so in that lecture we talk about how to define a worldview and how to construct your own worldview from scriptures
Okay, we also talk about the importance of how worldview understanding What makes up a worldview puts us in a better position to analyze and critique?
Unbelieving perspective so that we can make an effective defense both defensively for the
Christian faith when we have objections lodged towards it or Attacks when we go on the offensive when defending the faith when we critique the unbelievers perspective
And so in that lecture we go into the details of that The third lecture is entitled the twin
Poisons okay now these twin poisons are two things that we want to avoid and they're very very important Especially with respect to having a biblically consistent apologetic methodology and those twin poisons are autonomy and Neutrality now again, if you've watched some of my videos in the past I do explain what these things are but in the course content we go into it much deeper to make important application there so so as to Place ourselves in the position to avoid these these twin poisons so that we can have a biblically consistent and biblically
Powerful apologetic. Okay, and the fourth lecture is entitled pre the presuppositional argument stated okay, and what this video does is it unpacks the the the nature of the sort of argument that the
Presuppositional list is making and what I do in this particular lecture is I Differentiate between the complex ways in which the argument has typically been presented
Okay, and for those who are familiar with the technical terminology within the presuppositional methodology
We use what is called a transcendental argument And so in these videos I explain what a transcendental argument is and I present it both in a more philosophically sophisticated way for those who are more on that end of the spectrum in terms of where they are apologetically in their development and their learning and Then I simplify the transcendental argument into a context in which you know
The average Christian would use it in conversation with with an unbeliever And so that lecture I think is very very important as it kind of gives you both sides of the coin there
And then of course the final lecture is entitled presuppositional ism practically applied
And so what we do is we go over the we summarize what we've covered thus far in the course
And then we try to make practical application. Here is where the rubber hits the road. How does this form of argumentation actually work?
What do we do when we're actually encountering unbelievers, how do we apply presuppositional thinking presuppositional argumentation?
To the specific context of unbelief that God has placed us in. All right So again, when you order the course, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind number one
When you go to revealedapologetics .com and you click down on the menu presupp you
What you'll find is that there are two options to choose from there is a basic Portion of the course in which if you sign up for the basic course what you'll get is all five lectures all of my
PowerPoint notes PowerPoint slides and then outlines and then you can work through the content on your own
That basic package can be ordered at any time Has no relation to June 1st when
I when we start what we call the premium package of presupp you so You know if you're watching this video and you're saying hey, you know,
I don't know if I could meet up Weekly to meet with the class and to interact with the content Maybe I just want to work through the videos on my own you can do that If you sign up for the basic package of presupp you on revealedapologetics .com
now what is starting on June 1st is the presupp you premium package and when you
Order the the courses within the context of the pre the premium package What you'll get are all five lectures all of the
PowerPoint slides all of the outlines for each course But weekly we will be meeting over a zoom call with myself and Others who have signed up for the course so we can go much deeper into the content of the lectures themselves and that will start
On June 1st. Okay, so the premium package is sort of like the basic package with that teacher student
Interaction right and and and I typically schedule it for about an hour But the last time we had the course we we went over an hour
What talked an hour hour and a half almost two hours because folks had so many questions and we really were able to dig deep
Into the issues and so I think that the premium package is definitely the way to go if you want that element in In the course there and of course at the end of the course or the last course
The last lecture or the the zoom meeting. I will have a special guest kind of a mysterious
Invited guests that will help us do some role -playing So that you can put into practice what you were learning throughout the course content
And so this is what it's really about and we can talk about apologetic theory We can talk about apologetic argumentation and things like that, but we really are concerned with where the rubber meets the road
How do we use this in? Our day to day. Okay, the beauty of the presuppositional apologetic methodology is that it's so much more than simply a methodology
It's so much more than Presenting apologetic arguments rather presuppositional apologetics because it's a worldview approach
Actually helps us to think not only about how to speak to unbelievers in a biblical way
But how to live life how to think in a biblical way And so what I want to do as your instructor is to help you to think biblically to apply
Biblical truth to all areas of life more specifically with respect to this course Applying it to the context of unbelief.
How do we apply Christian truth to unbelief? And so That's kind of the the basic summary of what presupp you is all about I'm excited to meet those who've already signed up and I'm looking forward for folks signing up as well
You've got till June 1st if you're interested in that premium that premium package of the course
And so I highly recommend folks check that out at revealed apologetics comm and then choose on the menu bar
Presupp you and follow the instructions there Also, if you are just going to be watching this video and you see it on Facebook or something like that Revealed apologetics is also a
YouTube channel. So if you haven't already subscribe to the revealed apologetics YouTube channel Our content can also be listened to through podcasts on iTunes
So you can search revealed apologetics on iTunes and I've just made an Instagram account
Totally want folks to check that out as well revealed apologetics on Instagram what I'll be doing there is taking small snippets of my longer discussions and interviews with Various scholars and apologists and I'm gonna post them there so you can get some useful apologetic nuggets right there on your
Instagram feed So Instagram revealed apologetics follows on Instagram YouTube check out the podcast and I'm very much
Hoping that folks continue to sign up for presupp you. Thank you so much for your time. Looking forward to connecting