Matt Slick Bible Study - 7/26/2017 - Mormonism Pt. 3


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Matt Slick Bible Study - 8/2/2017 - Mormonism Pt. 4

Matt Slick Bible Study - 8/2/2017 - Mormonism Pt. 4

Finally we're ready. Wow, that's a lot of problems that happen quickly
Every week it's something wait since he got here New guy and all of a sudden it hits the fan.
Yeah now I know who to blame That's right. Okay. So this is gonna stay here like this.
You can hear me fine with this mic like this Yes. All right. She said sounds good All right
So as you'll see there's hardly nobody here and hardly no one here and that's because don't have a radio show here anymore
And so people don't know what I'm doing and more people watch online Then come to the class, which is fine.
We just had a whole bunch of problems just one after another and We just got everything fixed and taken care of.
So now we can get started as You can see we're quite late. So we're gonna I'm gonna pray we'll jump right into Mormonism we're gonna be starting on the issue of Jesus in Mormonism.
Then we're gonna take a About an hour and then we'll take a break Then we'll reset this up and then what we're gonna do is just do
Q &A from anybody and everywhere Online who can just fire questions. All right, let's pray Lord Jesus we thank you for this time.
We thank you Lord for your great grace So we ask Lord that you would bless it We ask that you would just give me the words to speak in truth and that Mormons would come out of Mormonism And into a true faith with you and that those who are on the fence
Would leave the false teachings of that cult and come into a saving relationship with you
I ask Lord that you would anoint this video and the other videos that in the future people would be able to see and hear and Learn from what is being said.
So we ask Jesus for your blessing your anointing on it We ask us in your precious name Lord. Amen All right, so We've been going through this series that's taking a longer and I thought it would be taking and that's that's okay
So what we're gonna do is continue through the issue of Mormonism and as you can see
We'll just jump right into the Jesus of Mormonism Mormon doctrine teaches that Jesus is our literal brother and what that means is since Mormonism teaches that God has a body of flesh and bones
But I'm six feet tall. So he's my height That's what the Mormonism says he's about six feet tall and he has a body flesh and bones
He has genitalia and he and his wife. She has genitalia. She's physical they Have babies and so the first one born was basically
Jesus We were all born brothers and sisters in the pre -existence to God and his goddess wife So Jesus is our literal brother according to Mormonism and you can see right there
Joseph Fielding Smith doctrines of salvation We worship
Elohim the father of Jesus Christ now what they do is they'll say Elohim is the name of God the father, but actually
Elohim is simply the Hebrew word for God the way in Spanish God is
Dios Or in Greek is theos It's just the word for God and it but they they make it into a proper noun and calling him the name of the father
That's not correct But nevertheless we worship Elohim the father of Jesus Christ, we do not worship
Adam We do not pray to him We are all his children through the flesh But Elohim the
God we worship is a father of our spirits and Jesus Christ his first begotten Son in the spirit
Creation and his only begotten Son in the flesh is our eldest brother There it is from the
Mormon sources, I'm not making this up and this is what Mormonism is taught it's what Mormonism continues to teach and And It's false.
Anyway, let's go to the next issue here Lucifer is a spirit brother of Jesus.
Now. This is Milton Hunter 70s quorum. He said The appointment of Jesus to be the
Savior of the world was contested by one of the other sons of God He was called Lucifer son of the morning
Hathi Ambitious and covetous of power and glory his spirit this spirit brother of Jesus Desperately tried to become the
Savior of mankind that's a Milton Hunter 70s quorum the gospel through the ages pages 15 and Look at this.
This is he says this is page 51. Jesus became a God and Reached his great state of understanding through consistent effort and continuous obedience to all the gospel truths and universal laws
Bruce Hall McConkie says Christ was begotten by the immortal father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers
Now Bruce McConkie has come out of a little bit of repute with among a lot of Mormons because he just said basically what
Mormonism teaches But Brigham Young taught the same thing Now notice becoming a
God by keeping basically all the truths of the gospel This is the downfall of Mormonism. Not only does it have a false
God Teaching that God is an exalted man for another planet who was most probably a sinner and had to go through the laws and ordinances of that God on that planet and But Jesus here on this planet according to Mormonism, which is biblically correct is has never sinned
So Jesus is purer than God the Father Elohim doesn't make any sense, but that's what they teach.
So Notice that it says obedient continuous obedience to all the gospel truths I want to just get a bunch of Mormons in this room
I wish this place was standing room only of all Mormons and I'd love to be able to talk to them about their ability to keep the law
And I've talked to many Mormons over the years hundreds and hundreds and hundreds over the years and I've asked them
Do you keep the law? Yes Perfectly. Well, I try so you don't keep the law.
Yes, I do Okay, do you ever repent? Yes, that means you don't keep the law Because if you keep the law, there's nothing to repent of so you are you repenting?
Yes all the time. So you don't keep the law. Yes, I do This is the kind of conversation I'll have with them and they don't get it
And the reason they don't get it is because they're spiritually blind They cannot see the truth because they serve a false
God a false Christ and have a false gospel flat out Now someone's got to continue to say the truth about what
Mormonism is. It is a non -christian cult It is not Christian I know
Mormons will say but Matt we have the name of Jesus Christ in our title of our church That doesn't make it
Christian because you put the word Jesus Christ there doesn't make it Christian any group can just do that They can make a church the
Church of Jesus Christ of present -day saints Does that mean they're Christian because they have the name of Christ in there in their church doesn't make any difference
The issue is who was Jesus now? Because This is how it always works.
I've studied many many many many cults whenever they have a false God They also have a false Christ and a false doctrine of salvation.
And of course the Atonement is also affected Mormon doctrine teaches the Atonement began in the
Garden of Gethsemane in the Garden of Gethsemane and this is Doctrine and Covenants 138 for that through his
Atonement and by obedience to the principles of the gospel mankind may be saved Joseph Fielding Smith sick president said
Jesus had not finished his work when he was when his body was slain Gordon B Hinckley said it was the redemption which he worked out in the
Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross of Calvary which was his gift immortal universal and everlasting so the 15th president
Specifically clearly stated that the Atonement began in the Garden of Gethsemane when he sweat blood that's what we're talking about and Notice what he says in number 72
Jesus had not finished his work when his body was slain. He had not finished his work Now I am reminded of some flaming heretic
Christians who I think it was Charles Capps, but I can't remember
I think was Charles Capps Who said we know that when Jesus said it was finished.
We know it was not finished I mean literally it's just a direct contradiction of the Messiah and here
Jesus said in the cross John 1930 It is finished and here to think Jesus had not finished his work. You know
It blows me away. Sometimes Jesus says it's finished and people say well, it's not finished Okay, so who's right?
You who teaches that God's an alien from another planet was a goddess wife
Or Jesus himself God and flesh died on the cross Who am I gonna trust
I'm certainly not gonna trust somebody Joseph Smith or Charles Taze Russell or Anybody Muhammad or anybody who contradicts the
Word of God? Anyway, so if we're working backward to the numbers here Look at number 71 that through his
Atonement and by obedience to the principles of the gospel mankind may be saved By obedience the principles of the gospel.
This is critical What are those principles and in Mormonism There's lots of them
You've got to keep all kinds of laws in order to be saved to get your sins forgiven
Now if you're a Mormon, let me ask you are you doing what's necessary? Are you keeping the law?
Are you doing it? If you say yes, you're an arrogant fool Nobody can keep the law because the standard is perfection
Absolute perfection That's Deuteronomy 27 26, which Paul quotes in Galatians 3 10
Along with James 2 10 you mess up in one single area. It's gonna be one area
You don't have salvation because the standard is perfection itself yet we find cults particularly
Mormonism saying that you are able to attain to the level of godhood and Or salvation by simply keeping the laws of the church.
You cannot do it You cannot do it. It's just not possible Anyway, Christ atonement pays the rest of debt.
All of us have sinned and need to repent to fully pay our We all need to repent in order to pay the fully pay the part of our debt really
It's just blasphemy It is such blasphemy Jesus paid for our sins.
He bore our sin in his body in the cross sin is a legal debt you break the law at sin first John 3 4 and He did it he canceled the certificate of debt at the cross
Colossians 2 14 to say that we must repent to fully pay our part of the debt is
His doctrine from the pit of hell is from Satan That's what it is, it's satanic doctrine it's from the devil speaking through This guy
James Faust the atonement of our greatest hope It is from the devil. This is from Satan.
This is Satanism This is satanic. It's evil. How many different ways can
I say it to get the point across you can not Repent enough to fully pay the sin debt
Jesus did it That's how it has to be understood It's this is critical
It's critical for people to understand this Anyway Notice the with the
Apostle said here Atonement was in the garden of Gethsemane and then another one the atonement took place primarily in Gethsemane You can see the underlines there notice what's going on the cross itself is
Foolishness to those who are perishing first could use one. I think 18 right about there It's foolishness to the ones who are perishing
Now what they're doing is saying that the cross is not the place of atonement but the garden is where Jesus apparently sweat blood or as it were drops of blood and So they'll say that's where it occurred
This is so obviously from the devil it's so obviously from satanic sources speaking through these false prophets speaking through these evildoers speaking to through these liars to Deceive the rest of Mormons to believe that atonement was in the garden that Christ didn't finish the debt
That it has to be finished by your repentance and your ability and you got to keep the law in order to have your salvation
Assured. Well, that is foolishness and his demonic doctrine and I challenge any
Mormon official any Mormon official to a public debate on these issues using the
Word of God the Bible It will never happen. They will never pony up and do what's necessary to defend their position
They will never do it. But the challenge stands yet again. I made this challenge numerous times over the years
Now As I said before Because Mormonism has a false God as a false
Christ because there's a false Christ There's a false understanding of the atonement and salvation. I'm going to fix the paragraph breaks in that later
Jesus said in John 19 30 when Jesus therefore had received the sour wine
He said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit the word it is finished as a single
Greek word That word has been found at the bottom of ancient papyri tax receipts
Signifying that a legal debt has been paid. So according to Jesus words. It was finished on the cross
This should be enough for any Mormon who believes even halfway in the truth of God's Word To realize that Jesus said it was finished and it or say it's not finished.
Who's the liar? But no what Mormons will do is say my testimony.
I'll go with my testimony I'll go with my feeling and I'm gonna trust what the Holy Spirit says to me that these people are true prophets of God True teachers of the word and you can have your feelings on your way to hell you can take your feeling and you can take your testimony and you can carry it on your back as it weighs you down into the very fiery pit of eternal damnation because what your testimony does is it contradicts the
Word of God and Because it contradicts the Word of God and you just you will not believe the truth of what
God says Therefore the judgment is upon you. I don't care about your feelings. I don't care about your testimony
I care about what the truth is and the truth is found in the Word of God and Jesus said is this finished and if you
Don't believe it was finished on the cross Then you were have no part of him and you are part of the liar.
You were part of the evil one You are working against God Paul the Apostle Peter says 1st
Peter 2 24 and he himself bore our sin in his body on the cross that we might die This sin and live the righteousness for by his wounds.
You were healed This is where the atonement was finished Look at Colossians 2 14 having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us
He's taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross The certificate of debt was canceled to the cross now the word certificate of debt in Greek is care
Agra Fon care hand graph a writing care Agra Fon a handwritten
IOU of legal indebtedness this word Chirographan is translated here in the
NASB as the certificate of debt and This was canceled at the cross by Jesus Now Jesus said our
Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name a kingdom come that's what he says, right? Forgive us our sins
Luke 11 4 forgive us our debts Matthew 6 12 Jesus equates sin with legal debt
Sin with legal debt the legal debts were transferred to Jesus 1st Peter 2 24 on the cross
He bore our sins in his body on the cross and he died with him there and when he died that was a payment
Wages of sin is death Romans 6 23 and he died because he became sin second Corinthians 5 17 or 5 21
He became sin on our behalf and then died with our sins. He fulfilled the law. That's that's it
So he did everything you don't have to trust in your works. You have to trust in your temple garments You're the trust in your ability to keep celestial law
You don't have to trust in your ability to repent sufficiently and besides if you're a Mormon you need to go memorize do
Doctrine and Covenants 82 7 because it says there if you Commit the same sin over again all of your formal former sins return back to you in other words
Perfection is the standard that you're supposed to be and have and keep in order to be okay in Mormonism.
Nobody can do that We're on a 1032 says if you deny yourself of all ungodliness, then is
God's grace sufficient for you All in godliness, I've asked Mormons. Have you denied yourself of all ungodliness?
Yes, you have really Wow, do you ever repent? Well, sometimes then you haven't denied yourself of all
I got. Yes, I have I deny myself What does that mean? You deny yourself? I don't do it.
Then. How can you repent? Because I make mistakes You know, they don't get it.
They can't see it now I'm gonna take a little sidestep here because of the next slide.
I want to say something here It's gonna be strong, but it's true
Mormonism is connected to the occult It has demonic influences in it upon it and through it
Now If I Took these pictures if you go to the
Mormon temple in Salt Lake City This is what you find. I Went there to the
Temple Square that are various places museums and something These are the kind of things that they find at Temple Square Now that centerpiece is a pentagram notice the point down in the middle
That is the satanic symbol Because what happens is the two points of the upper area
Those are the horns up here and this is an ear horn horn and the mouth comes down here and look for the goat
The circle around it with that five -pointed star in that position is the pentagram using the occult particularly in Satanism The all -seeing eye on the left of the secret handshakes, it looks like not sure starting to nail it something else
The handshake that they have from the Masonic Lodge that they they put into the
Mormon temple ceremony There are a lot of occult connections. Let me tell you something When you have occult pressures on you you will believe lies
The demonic realm is real the rest will not against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities of darkness
Ephesians 612 There's a very real strength and presence of Mormonism in the demonic realm
How do I know? Well, first of all, the scriptures tell me so and that's why I can know it
But also I used to be involved in the occult before I became a Christian I have seen a yellow cross materialize in midair move across a room with someone else in the room with me.
I Have seen objects lights move. I have seen auras.
I have done this stuff I remember very clearly the attitude
That mental state you have to be in a spiritual mental state You have to be in in order to participate and think it's good when
I became a Christian instantaneously I knew all of it was trash All of it was scuba lung all of it was dung
Because the Holy Spirit bears witness in you and you realize that These demonic things going on here have nothing to do with God They are occultic.
What does Satan do? He wants you if you're a Mormon and others to feel comfortable.
He's not going to come up and Scare the bejeevers out of you by showing You know at night you'll be running to you somebody and say pray for me.
Help me. No What he wants is your destruction if you're a Mormon he wants your
Destruction to anybody wants your destruction particularly Mormon and all he's got to do is have you get in here with a group of nice people
And just believe in a false God That's all just believe in a false God and then have everything go so smoothly help you out in the spiritual realm
And then when you preach this demonic God to others and they go to hell, too That's how it works now in Mormonism salvation has to me two main meanings forgiveness of sins and universal resurrection the first presidency said they
Mormon missionaries made clear distinction between general salvation or resurrection from the grave and Individual salvation or exaltation earned by a man through his compliance with the laws of God Really?
You're doing that How Many people yeah,
I keep the law of God. I'm the one who does you could follow me? I do follow me around.
I don't sin anymore And we have some preacher teachers
Which I'll be getting into the next few months the website some other stuff Within the
Christian context you say they don't sin anymore Brigham Young said every ordinance every commandment and requirement is
Necessary for salvation Wilford Woodruff fourth president if I ever obtain a full salvation, it will be by by my keeping the laws of God The fourth president right now of the
Mormon Church is screaming in agony and eternal flame
Because he believed a demonic lie He has rejected
God he's rejected the true Christ He has rejected the truth doctrine of salvation and he has sought for himself
In his foolish arrogance to be able to satisfy the infinitely
Holy God by keeping laws and Therefore the consequence of such great deception is eternal damnation
It must be that way God must punish the lawbreaker Joseph Fielding Smith said it is absolutely necessary for every man and woman in the
Church of Christ to work righteousness To observe the laws of God and keep the commandments that he has given
In order that they may avail themselves of the power of God unto salvation in this life
And what a weight that must be for Mormons See, I'm gonna tell you something. I know for a fact.
I'm going to heaven Not because I'm good enough because I'm not not because I can keep the law because I can't but because Jesus did everything and I'm putting my trust in my hope in him and Nothing else and no one else and because of what he's done.
I have confidence in him and his ability not mine Dad, therefore I can say
I'm going to have it because it has nothing to do with my ability Has everything to do with him if I have my trust in him
God, hey, it's on him You can talk to him about but my salvation. He's the author and perfecter of the faith.
He's the one who did everything necessary You talk to him. I'm along for the ride and the way
I get this righteousness Philippians 3 9 is by faith Romans 3 28 Romans 5 1 by faith in what he's done.
That's it I talk I'm going to heaven. I suck him. I'm saved That's the the beauty of the gospel, that's the real gospel not the
Mormon gospel keeping the laws and the ordinances of the Mormon Church It's Peter W Kimball the 12th president said one of the most fallacious doctrines originated by Satan and Propounded by man is that man is saved alone by the grace of God that belief in Jesus Christ alone is all that's needed for our salvation the miracle of forgiveness
Right miracle forgiveness where's the Bible say Romans 3 28 We maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
Romans 5 1 having therefore been justified by faith or Romans 4 1 Through 5 what then shall we say that if that our father forefather
Abraham was justified by What should we say or if our forefather Abraham was justified by by works?
He had something to boast about but not before God for what does the scripture say he believed God and it was credited to him as Righteousness now to the one who does not work
The one who works his wage is not credited as a favor But what is due but to the one who does not work?
But believes his faith is credited as righteousness does not work, but believes his faith.
This is grace alone This is faith alone in Christ alone. That's what Paul the Apostle taught
But this false demonic Church and shouldn't even be called a church.
This cult is teaching satanic doctrine and It's teaching people how to go to hell
Well, it tries to look good Francis Lyman Apostle said by humility and faith and repentance we obtain the forgiveness of our sins by it
We are entitled to enter in but after we have been Recorded members of the church.
We must then work out our salvation and earn eternal life or it is not obtained without earning it
Works righteousness man. What a burden to carry check this out by humility and faith and repentance.
We obtain it by humility So, you know, I can just see I know me Let's say
I was a Mormon. I know my own heart. Okay, and I believe this stuff people go are you music? Yes You are yeah, cuz
I'm humble By humility and faith I have faith and humility and I have repented
So I've got forgiveness. I know me. How about you guys? I'm an arrogant twit.
Yeah, I'd be going around. Yeah, I'm humble Aren't you? Because when you're full of yourself
You're full of lies. Let me tell you something pride and humility are very similar in that Both hide themselves in you and you can't see them but others can
This is demonic doctrine. It directly contradicts the Word of God Bruce McConkie said salvation is free second
Nephi 2 4, but it also must be purchased Hmm and The price is obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel
So you got it's got it's free, but you have to earn it. That's but it's free, but you got to earn it
So it's like a TV free for the 1995 just send your money and it's free for 1995.
Okay, it's free for 1995 It's free. Okay, same thing salvation is free, but you've got to purchase it with their laws and ordinances and keeping them
Okay, they're free. Yes, it's free, but this is what you got to do to get it. Okay, is it free? Yeah Mormons go.
Yeah, that works. It works. It's free, but I gotta do everything to get it, but it's free
And you walk up you say do you hear what you're saying? Yeah, it's free it only cost me a little but it's free Let's keep going
Nobody can buy or give us salvation in our father's kingdom. We earn it through divine service
Nobody get this Nobody can buy or give us salvation in our father's kingdom. So I guess
God can't do it I guess Jesus who the Bible says in Acts 20 28, we were purchased with the blood of Christ Okay, but he paid for us he did it
I guess Jesus is just not enough God's not enough Of course God's not enough if you're a Mormon because your
God can never be enough Because your God's the next sinner from another planet who has sex with his goddess wife and make spirit babies
He need handshakes to become a god And people believe this
They believe it. Nobody can buy or give us. Of course your God is so Insufficient so false so weak so feeble so invention of that liar
Joseph Smith Therefore acting alone the grace of Christ is not sufficient for salvation
The works of man and the ordinances of salvation the deeds of service and acts of charity and mercy are necessary for salvation
BYU professor Robert Millett Now a wide variety of sources here.
Sometimes Mormons say that's not official. Yes, it is official In the sense that it's what they teach and I ask
Mormons. Is that what you believe? It's not official. Do you believe it? I'm not answering You believe it.
It's not official Salvation is attainable only through compliance with the laws and ordinances of the gospel and all who are thus saved become sons and daughters unto
God in a distinctive sense Wow, he removes our sins if we keep his commandments
LDS Church manual This is across the board of Mormonism He removes our sins if we keep his commandments.
Really? I would love to have a room full of Mormons Hey, how many are keeping his commandments so your sins can be forgiven?
Do to go to Deuteronomy and not Deuteronomy DNC 82 7 If you mess up once all of its back on you and I would just rub
Their noses in it for an hour two hours a day two days a month Just till they finally will hate their own doctrine and realize it does nothing but put burdens upon Them the law is a tutor that leads us to Christ Galatians 324 the law shows us that we cannot keep it.
The law is interesting. It says don't lie Don't sin don't do those things but shows you when you do them
It requires perfection and shows you your imperfection requires holiness and it shows you your unholiness
The law is a means of salvation if you can keep it perfectly But if you don't you're damned because to break one is to break all
James 2 10 and you must do it perfectly Galatians 3 10
Mormons have Mormons have a burden upon them.
They have a weight a Weight of death
They don't even realize Because they're not humble because they're not regenerate because they don't know the true
God They don't know That they're not able to do what's necessary to be able to keep the law perfectly
Only Jesus was able to do that And what we need to do is put our trust in our faith in Jesus He's the only way
There's no other way to be saved. There's no other way to ever since forgiven Look what it says here in Moroni 10 32
In the square there Ye yay come unto Christ and be perfected in him and deny yourselves of all
Ungodliness, and if you shall deny yourself of all ungodliness and love God with all your heart your might mind and strength
Then is his grace sufficient for you If you do all these things with everything you've got then is
God's grace sufficient This is a man -centered work salvation based on a false God false
Christ false gospel At least the eternal damnation I bear you my testimony in the name of Jesus Christ by the authority of the
Lord Jesus Christ who saved me from my sins That Mormonism is a false gospel
Joseph Smith was a false prophet And that if you die believing in Mormonism official
Mormon theology, you're on your way to hell And you need to stop believing it need to turn from the false pagan
God That's a creation of Joseph Smith And he's a believer the true living
God and realize he's way too pure and holy and there's no possible way for you to keep the law sufficiently
It's perfection that is necessary You know, I'm reminded
About our own hearts the level of our hearts and the depth of our hearts and everything that is necessary In what our hearts must be and do
Years ago. I was in my office praying. I was on my knees and I was barfing out every single thing
I could think of And I mean my lust my pride my covetousness My caught trying to con
God, you know, if I get if I pray for sincerely look at this You know everything I possibly think of I remember this
And I was begging God to show me things in my own heart and Confessing more and more and more and I was praying for 20 straight minutes.
Just like this. I Couldn't even think of anything more to say And I said
Lord, I thank you that you didn't make me like the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses now
I Kept praying but those words echoed in my own heart and mind and I realized I'd heard him before in Luke 18 9 through 14
Jesus gives the parable of the Pharisee the tax gatherer the Pharisee talked about how he kept the law and Said thank you the
Lord that you didn't make me like that tax gatherer over there He was the one condemned by Christ the tax gatherer who said nothing more than Lord be merciful to me the sinner
Jesus says he was justified Which one was I that day? I Was the
Pharisee But you gotta understand something I was the Pharisee in the midst of my humility
I was the Pharisee in the midst of my Confession I was in them.
I was a Pharisee in the midst of of my of my repentance and I was a
Pharisee Because I didn't even know the depth of my own sin And the only reason
I recognized that pride in me was the only reason was because I Knew that phrase.
Thank you Lord for not making me like and That's why I knew because I've heard that before I can still to the second remember going
I've heard that before As it dawned on me and I realized oh my goodness What an arrogant prideful fool
I really have been All I could do is throw myself at the mercy of the court
God all I could do was say Lord Forgive me for my pride my arrogance
Now I'm not saying You're like me or I'm a standard of anything, but I want you to understand if you're a
Mormon. She Don't assume you got it down Don't anybody assume you got it down You just don't you don't know the depth of your own your own depravity now
Since Mormons have a testimony that Mormonism is true and since they have been indoctrinated with their works Righteous theology it is difficult to reason with them and counter what they're saying
So if they want to be saved by grace and the law then work with the law Help them see what they need to do
Put their law on them. Let them feel its weight until they break and realize they can only be saved by grace
Are they doing enough ask questions? Mormons are you doing enough? Are you trying that means you're not doing it?
If you're trying trying is not good enough if they say they fail But God will accept their sincerity that they don't understand the
Mormon system of salvation You don't understand sincerity is not good enough look at this you cannot be saved in your sins
Alma 1137 and 2nd Nephi 25 23 it is by grace.
You are saved after all we can do and Teachings of Ezra Beth Benson page 354 after all we can do
Includes extending our best effort after all we can do includes living his commandments after all we can do means leading chaste clean pure lives being
Scrupulously honest and all our dealings and treating others the way we would want to be treated now I happen to know that Mormons routinely lie in business to the
Gentiles. I Happen to know and it's a fact that Mormons routinely will deceive
Non -mormons about things and yet it must be scrupulously honest If you deny yourself of all ungodliness and love
God with all your might mind and strength Then his grace is sufficient for you really? They've done it that all of it
Turn from your for all three formal former sins and commit them no more check this out And what is repentance the forsaking of sin?
The man who repents if he be a swearer swears no more or a thief steals no more
He turns away from all former sins and commits them no more. This is a standard of Mormonism In order to remain forgiven.
You must never commit the sins again That's what it says in order to remain forgiven. We must never commit the sin again
Mormon missionary discussion Yeah uniform system of teaching families. I hate you one. That's what it says
This is DNC 82 7 I the Lord will not lay any sin to your charge go your ways and sin no more
But into the soul who sinneth shall the former sins return sayeth the Lord your God Salvation and Mormonism is impossible because they must do all they can do second
Nephi 25 23 which means extending their best effort denying themselves of all ungodliness
Moroni 10 32 and committing the sin no more because if they Do the same sin again all their former sins return
DNC 82 7 There's no hope for the Mormon and if any Mormon says yeah,
I can be I can do this. I mean What are you gonna say about such arrogance
I've met Mormons I've met Mormons. Oh, yeah, I can do that And what do you say?
How do you get through to somebody? No, you can't. Oh, yes, I can I deny myself of all ungodliness on a regular basis
We just can't reach somebody who's so self -deceived you just can't
What's the Bible say Romans 3 28 for we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
Romans 4 5 but to the one who works Oh, excuse me, who does not work but believes on him who justifies the ungodly his faith is reckoned as righteousness
Therefore having been justified by faith. We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ But if it's by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works.
Otherwise grace is no longer grace relations 216 Nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but through faith in Christ Jesus even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law since by the works of the law
Shall no flesh be justified places 221 I do not nullify the grace of God for if righteousness comes through the law
Then Christ died needlessly Philippians 3 9 and may be found in him not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law
But that which is through faith in Christ a righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith You also go to Titus 3 5.
We're not saved by the works. We have done in our righteousness even nothing of our works
Is capable of saving us Galatians 3 10 says for as many as are the works of the law are under a curse
For it is written curse is everyone who does not abide by all things Written in the book of the law to perform them for the
Mormon if he wants to keep the law He's obligated to keep all of it and the standard is perfection
It's impossible For a Mormon to be saved in that system James 2 10 for whoever keeps the whole law and stumbles at one point.
He's become guilty of all How many Mormons have ever stumbled at all once every one of them?
Romans 3 20 by the works of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight for through the law comes a knowledge of sin
Matthew 7 22 to 23 many will say to me on that day Lord Lord Prophesying your name and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform many miracles and I then will declare to them
I never knew you Depart from me you who practice lawlessness Notice what he says here.
I never knew you. What are they saying on that day as a day of judgment Lord Lord? They believe in Jesus Mormon City believe in Jesus Do we not prophesy your name proclaim the word and your name cast out demons and perform miracles?
All Mormons claim they have these abilities to do these things and Jesus says I Never knew you
Depart from me you who practice lawlessness lawlessness is sin first John 3 4 you're sinning
Why would Jesus condemn them What are they appealing to for their salvation? Many will say to me on that day the day of judgment
Lord Lord. Did we not do this and this and this in your name? This is why we can be saved what we did
We believe in you and our works get away from me. I never knew you True Christians would never appeal
To anything they can do when I'm in heaven, I Picture myself this way.
It's not really gonna happen like this, but this is how I picture myself Picture myself the throne of God's up there
The incredible brightness of the glory of God is purity shining force forth like a supernova
Not only in the brightness of the light but in the purity of his holiness permeating my soul
And I'm aware of my sinfulness. I'm aware of whatever and I am on my knees behind Jesus holding on to his robe put the robe out in front of me and I'm hiding and God the
Father says Matt why should I let you in him? I'm with him That's it
That's all I got I'm with Jesus What he did what he did, that's it.
That's all I've got. I got nothing else I'm not gonna be going. Oh, excuse me Let me stand up And I've got to inform you on how
I kept the law and the laws and the ordinance of the gospel and I was able to deny myself of all
Ungodliness. Oh, by the way, you got an hour because I got some more things I need to tell you about how good
I was going to the temple. Hey, I Got some handshakes. We'll try these got a new name. We'll try that look at my underwear
I'm in What's gonna happen I could just see God going with his you know, it's a sovereign divine incredible glory
Your underwear goes you just vaporized off of you and you fall back in screaming in terror
Because the holiness of God is upon you and you got nothing to protect you because your own works are filthy rags
Isaiah 64 6 they burned up in a second you got nothing you're standing naked and Jesus is not next to you because you served a false
God a false Christ and a false gospel and therefore you are on your Own and you are naked before Incredible purity and the only thing left to you is the judgment from the
Holy God Because you have rejected the true living God by following the false teachings of Mormonism I That's what's waiting the
Mormon you'll see me cowering in the corner behind Christ Just relying what he's done and nothing else
Just believing what Jesus has done saying Lord My God my Lord. I just I trust him what he did
Jesus was perfect. Jesus was sinless Jesus did it all I Put my faith and trust in him
That's all I got how arrogant are you?
Two men went up into the temple to pray one a Pharisee the other tax gatherer the Pharisee stood was praying thus to himself
God I thank thee that I'm not like other people swindlers unjust adulterers or even like this tax gatherer
I fast twice a week. I pay tithes of all that I get and notice the Pharisee a law keeper
He is praying God. I thank you. I'm not like other people. I don't swindle. I'm not unjust
I'm not an adulterer a tax gatherer was considered there were two groups of sinners tax gatherers and sinners
Tax gatherers were the ones who worked for the Roman government to get money out of the Jews And so if you owed up a hundred bucks, they'd say pay me 200
What do you mean only a hundred maybe two or I'm gonna tell me you didn't pay and you go to jail They don't want that so they had to pay they hated tax gatherers hated them
Hated there were two types of sinners there's sinners and there's tax gatherers Okay So the tax gatherer about as scummy bad as you can possibly be in this mindset
Jesus brings them up next to the Pharisee the Pharisee Like this, you know, the
Pharisee can walk the Pharisee. He's got the Talib and the Tzitzit. He keeps the law He's all right, man
And he would stand up in the public and pray let people know how to pray because he's gonna do it the right way Let's pray
Lord if you were listening is what they would do They would walk out in public stand places and pray out loud because everyone listen the
Pharisee's praying. I Thank you, I'm not a swindler I'm not unjust
I'm not an adulterer I don't like this tax gatherer who robs people. I fast twice a week.
I pay tithes of everything I get. Look what I do The tax gatherer setting some distance away
Was even unwilling to lift his eyes to heaven the Mormon would have no problem. Yeah, that's right.
I got my handshakes You got my hugs got my underwear. I've kept the law. I can look lift my eyes up to heaven.
Look, I'm proud Look what I've done He was not even willing to lift his eyes to heaven.
He wouldn't even look up Because he knew what he was He's beating his own breath.
He's he's hitting himself Because he is sick of his own sin he is in anguish
He knows what he is Saying God be merciful to me the sinner not a sinner the sinner
That's like saying use me as the example of what it means to be a sinner
Jesus says I tell you this man went down to his house Justified rather than the other for everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled
But he who humbles himself shall be exalted the Mormon exalts himself. Not only in his works, but in his godhood
It is a religion of self -exaltation of Grandiose claims of pride of arrogance of look what
I can do it is an evil religion because it preaches a false God a false
Christ and a false gospel and the fools of Follow a false
God and the false Christ and a false gospel will go to hell Now the time of salvation and the true and living
God. There's only one God in all existence all place in all times Not an exalted man from another planet.
Just read Isaiah 43 44 and 45 But because of the false
God you have a false gospel and therefore you must keep works. What does the Bible say? Romans 328 we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
But word of God's got to come forth again folks here Romans 4 5 but to the one who does not work what believes in him who justifies the ungodly
His faith has reckoned his righteousness Romans 5 1 therefore having been justified by faith. We have peace with God To our
Lord Jesus Christ Romans 11 6, but if it is by grace, it is no longer the basis of works Otherwise grace is no longer grace
Glacius 216 nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by works of the law See we've already gone over these but these have to be said again because this is what the
Word of God says This is the truth Listen to this.
The Mormon Church has a lot to say about faith alone, even though the Bible just now
Just now is teaching faith alone Look, look at Romans 4 5 to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies in godly
His faith is reckoned as righteousness does not work but believes does not work but believes you get that does not work
But believes his faith is reckoned as righteousness. That's faith alone. There's works and there's faith not work faith alone
Look what the Mormon Church says One of the most pernicious doctrines ever advocated by man is a doctrine of justification by faith alone
Which has entered into the million the hearts of millions since the days of the so -called Reformation So they call this a false doctrine.
It's pernicious One erroneous teaching of many Christian churches is by faith alone We are saved this false doctrine would relieve man from the responsibility of his acts other than to confess a belief in God and Would teach man that no matter how great the sin a confession would bring him complete forgiveness and salvation.
That is so true Because that's how great the blood of Christ is no matter what sin
I've committed and I've committed some pretty big ones I Really have I don't talk about him too often, but some of them shameful truly
Shameful And I'm a completely ashamed of my early years of life.
So this false Church condemns faith alone
The sectarian dogma of justification by faith alone has exercised an influence for evil
James Talmadge said that There is no forgiveness of sin without repentance forgiveness does not come by faith alone
Now they're gonna go to James. We'll do that in a second here. I want you understand something I just read you the scriptures the one who does not work, but believes his faith has reckoned his righteousness
Mormons if you're listening, this is not an excuse to sin. It's not a license to go out and do evil. We don't believe that It's just that we're not good enough
To please God And so we have to just trust on him and what he's done alone and nothing else.
That's all That's all we're doing just trusting what he's done It's not bad.
It's not lazy It's not evil And because we're saved by grace
Forgiven by the complete grace of God and faith alone in what Christ has done alone. We go out and do good things
But those good things don't merit anything with God not for salvation because everything we do is touched by sin
Our righteous deeds are filthy rags before God Isaiah 64 6 when
Matt what do you say about? The verse in James 2 24 a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.
What do you do with that man? well The word green what does it mean?
It depends on the context Context is King context is everything if we don't consider context
We might show how green we are when it comes to understanding God's Word on the other hand We don't want to make anyone green with envy when we show them
What things really means teach them so badly that they turn green and head over to the green colored bathroom next to the golfing green?
Lay some green on me. See words mean what they mean in context, right? context context
Alright context verse 14. What use is it my brethren if a man says he has faith, but he has no works
Can that faith save him? This is James 2 Look at the context a man is not justified by faith alone, but by works without right?
Well, check it out Look at verse 14 He says he has faith, but he has no works. Can that faith save him?
What faith is that a Faith with no works It's a false faith See, you know what
I believe by my actions I Know what you believe by your actions. I can say it, but you don't know
I Could be hypocrite. You don't know you know what I am from what
I do What use is it brethren if a man says he has faith, but he has no works.
Can that faith save him? Dead faith If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food
And one of you says to them go in peace be warmed and be filled and yet you do not give them what is necessary For their body what use is that even so faith if it has no works is dead being by itself
But someone may well say you have faith and I have works show me your faith without the works
I will show you my faith by my works. You see what's going on here verse 18 It's a horizontal horizontal
You have faith and I have works show me your faith without the works I will show you my faith by my works
I will show you my faith by my works. That's what's going on here called the horizontal between people not before God Between people you show me
I'll show you I'll show you if you show me. I'll show you yours You should I'll show you mine if you show me yours, right?
Right works, right? Like my faith. I'll show you mine But someone may well say you have faith and I have works show me your faith without the works
And I will show you my faith by my works Horizontal you believe that God is one you do well the devil the demons believe also in shudder
What kind of faith is talking about the demonic faith? Demonic faith. Yeah, God exists
That's it. It's called Ascension just mental ascent. God exists the devil believes that He's not faithful trust and adoration in God, of course not
So if I say to you, yeah, I believe in God and then I go out and rape and pillage then
I have demonic faith A false faith. It's nothing no more no better off than the evil one
In fact, I know someone watching this right now who told me years ago
That he was coming back from Mexico Riding back into the States after spending a weekend with prostitutes.
His car broke down. He had to call his Christian Relative to come help him and he didn't want to do that because the guys at Christians gonna witness to him
But he had to have help so we did and the guys go praise God. I'll be right there. He didn't want this he just was with the prostitutes and Gets in the car with his buddy
Long story short. He said look I believe in God and this friend turned him and said the devil believes in God and he trembles
You're no better off than he is He said that shook him to the core He knows who he is he was listening
This is the kind of faith that he's talking about in James. You do. Well, the devil believes also But are you willing to recognize
Oh foolish fellow that faith without works is useless Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar
The salvation is not The justification is not before God. It's before people.
That's what verse 18. You show me yours. I'll show you mine That's what's going on And look keep going you see that faith was working with his works and as a result of the works faith was perfected and the
Scripture was fulfilled which says and Abraham believed God was reckoned him as righteousness and he was called the friend of God is fulfilled because That's where his justification was
Before God was there because we know that's the case from Romans 4 5 which says and Abraham Romans 4 3
Which says and Abraham believed God it was quite gonna do his righteousness that's talking about the vertical justification before God But here in James 2 it's justification before man you see that man is justified by works and not by faith alone not by the false faith and Justified before people because that's a context of what's going on.
That's what's going on here It doesn't have anything anything to do with Being saved before God So this is person -to -person
There's a summation we've already gone over this but this is what it is person -to -person James then shows that this dead type of faith isn't any different from the faith of demons verse 19
The demons believe in God they know that he's there But they don't have any godly faith that is in Christ and and they don't produce godly fruit
Finally James gives examples of living faith. He shows us that our profession needs to be backed up by our actions
He writes of Abraham and Rahab as examples of people who demonstrated their faith by their deeds So does the
Bible teach justification by faith alone as it does that we just went through the horizontal person -to -person now Let's go to the vertical
What then shall we say that Abraham our forefather according to the flesh was found? For for Abraham was justified by work.
She has something to boast about but not before God now We're talking in the vertical God and man
For what does the scripture say and Abraham believed God and it was credited with righteousness.
This is before God Okay, verse 2 here before God and James 2 18 is before man
This is vertical James 2 is horizontal For what does the scripture say
Abraham believed God was reckoned him as righteousness now to the one who works his way does not reckon it
As a favor, but what is due? But to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his faith is reckoned as righteousness
This is what's going on here in the context of James 2 and Romans 4 1 through 5
Context context context James 4 is the vertical
Justification is by faith alone. James 2 is the horizontal before people.
That is the truth What we're gonna do is we're gonna stop here because The next section is just another section.
We'll start next week and we're gonna go through the true Jesus approach witnessing the
Mormons and some other stuff If you're a Mormon, I suspect you're offended
Let the offensive truth break you You are not good enough.
You're not capable enough You need to come to this true and saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and him alone and nobody else
Need to have him no one else put your faith in your trust in Jesus trust
Jesus You're not good enough to be forgiven of your sins, you're not good enough to do any works you can't keep the law
You're not good enough Jesus did everything Ask Jesus to forgive you
Go to him even in 3rd Nephi 1918. They did pray to Jesus calling him their
Lord and their God 3rd Nephi 1918 go to Jesus pray to Jesus and Ask him to forgive you and give you the righteousness that he's earned
That way you can be justified before God But if you do that, you will soon find
Mormonism is not true There's a cost Luke 14 28.
Jesus says count the cost you come to Christ That means you have to leave other things behind if you're willing to do that come to the true living
Christ And do it it's gonna cost you May cost you a lot if you're not willing to do that and you're not willing to follow
Christ Then stay in your Mormonism. Have a great life because you might as well. Enjoy it before you go to eternal damnation
That's what's gonna happen It's either Christ or it's not Christ. It's all of him or it's not
Christ alone, let me pray Lord Jesus I ask that you would just anoint the messages that have gone forth here and that You be glorified and that people would come to a saving knowledge a relationship with you that they would understand
That they can do nothing of their own effort to please you that they can do nothing to satisfy you but that everything that is necessary was done in Christ and that we need to hide in him and trust in him and Rely completely in him
To Lord I ask that you would anoint these words Give them power For the bringing in of people into salvation true salvation and true and living
God but they would leave the false god of Mormonism the false gospel that can save no one and trust in you
And at the cost that would come to them Will be something that would sanctify them before you even more