Joshua 2 (Pastor Jeff Shipley)



Now I want you to pay attention. It wasn't anything in Israel. It wasn't their military size.
It wasn't the type of people. Guys, you know what's wrong with some of you?
You know why you're going to go to hell? Some of you in this room are going to go to hell because you comprehend religion but you don't comprehend grace.
You have no idea. Some of you in here want to learn about the theological ramifications and systematic theology of grace.
You want to try to discern and figure out with your over exaggerated brain pan the elapsarian understanding of God's decree of grace.
But it's never met your heart. Some of you have been sitting in churches your whole life.
And you say you have faith, but there is absolutely nothing to demonstrate it.
I'm going to give you just an example from God's word this morning. I'm going to give you an example of what salvation really looks like.
I want you to read with me. It's going to be Joshua chapter 2. Joshua chapter 2.
And I want to show you a picture of salvation. Joshua chapter 2 verse 1.
And Joshua the son of Nun. He really did have parents. Some of y 'all will get that.
Joshua the son of Nun sent two men secretly to Shittim as spies saying go and view the land, especially
Jericho. And they went and came to the house of a prostitute whose name was
Rahab and lodged there. Okay, so I know the
Baptist juices are just a flow and just a little, okay? Let me get this straight.
Let me kind of give you the background of what's going on. God had made a promise to this cat named
Abram that you're going to have all of this land that you walk. Abram had a son named
Jacob. Jacob's name got changed to Israel. Israel had 12 sons.
They became the 12 tribes of Israel. Well, they were sitting there and they went to a little place called
Egypt to escape a famine and they ended up staying there instead of going to the land that God had told them to go.
They were there and an Egyptian sat there and said, hey, we got a free workforce here.
Let's enslave them and put them to work. And so 400 years they worked that land.
God said, okay, it's time. God sent Moses in. They walked out of Egypt.
Egypt was obliterated. By the way, if you want to study this archaeologically, look up Thutmose II of Pharaoh of Egypt, but that's a side note.
But anyways, they get into the promised land and God said, alright, now y 'all go up to this land and take it over because I promised your father's father it would be yours.
And the children of Israel said, can't do it. They're too big. They're too strong. We're weak. We're just slaves.
We're beaten down. We've been oppressed. Oh, poor me. Let us collect welfare out here in the wilderness and not do anything for ourselves.
God said, that ain't happening and you've made me mad, so you're going to wander around in this wilderness for 40 years until that generation dies out and the new generation is going to come.
That happened and Moses died and this guy named Joshua, God came to him and said, it's time.
It's time to do this. So Joshua went up and he was about to cross the
Jordan River and attack and split this promised land in two. But the first place he came to was a city named
Jericho. Now if you look on your little papers there, there's an artist rendering of what
Jericho might have looked like. We know from the biblical accounts that there were two walls and these two walls were very thick and very high.
In fact, if you want to, that picture under it, that is what Jericho looks like today.
Yes, we still know where it is. Yes, that's the archeological dig. Those are some of the walls that are there.
Sorry, internet Gen Z, there really is a Jericho. So anyways, the two spies
Joshua sends out, they come to Jericho and there's a woman.
Her name is Rahab. Now, here's where I usually lose people. Rahab is a whore, a harlot, porne in the
Greek. She is a prostitute. I've actually heard preachers sit there and say, oh no, she wasn't a prostitute, she was an innkeeper.
Sorry, she was a prostitute. Back then, those were one in the same a lot of places.
The guys would come to the inn to hang out. The overnight travelers, they would sleep there and usually the person who owned the joint would provide food and drink and other things to the travelers.
What was really cool about her is her house was in the wall, but it overlooked the main gate.
This was very prosperous for her because she and her fellow coworkers could lean out the window and go, hey, big boy, come on up.
Drinks are half price. This was a very, very lucrative business she had.
She was up there and the two spies went to that place. As they got there, the king had been hearing about this great, humongous
Israeli army running around and he sent his soldiers. A guy had said, hey man,
I think there are two guys that are Israeli running around in here somewhere. The first place they went, logically, was to the inn or the whorehouse where everybody went for the evening.
They shut and locked the gates. There was no way out. They come and the soldiers are marching to Rahab's house and Rahab does this.
She says, guys, I know you are, you need to go upstairs on the roof and hide under some flax that I've got up there because they're coming to kill you to death.
They knock on the door. Sheriff's Department, I don't know if any of y 'all have ever heard that before, but it is an awakening moment in your life.
But anyways, knocks on the door. Sheriff's Department, she opens the door. They say, hey, we're looking for two
Jews, looking for two Hebrew dudes. Where are they? She goes, oh yeah, they were here.
They went that way. The guards are like, okay, and off they run. Rahab goes back upstairs to the guys and says, hey, they're gone.
I got rid of them. Look, I have heard about your God. I have heard, and she actually uses the word
Yahweh. I heard what Yahweh did to the Egyptians. I heard what he did to two of our generals not too long ago.
I know that your God, Yahweh, is the sovereign God of all the earth.
And I want to live because I know his people are coming here. And as big as these walls are, and as bad as we think we are, there's no way we're going to stand up to the power of your
God. So here's what I'm asking you. I've saved your life. I will get you out of this city, but when you come back to take us over, remember me and my family.
The two spies said, I tell you what, here's the deal. You make sure there's a scarlet rope hanging out of your window, and we won't knock you out.
And you make sure, here's the deal, everyone that you want saved better be in that house.
And they actually tell Rahab, if we come, and they're not in your house, and they get killed, that blood is on your hands, not ours.
Deal? Deal. They shook hands, and she lowered them, had them on that rope, and they escaped.
How does this have anything to do with salvation? Well, I'm going to share with you just a couple of things.
First of all, I want you to understand, Rahab was already condemned.
If you go back to Genesis 15, now, I want you, I need my timeline back. Michelle, we are going to do it.
Kaylee, we are going to do it. But anyways, I want you to understand this. Before there was a nation of Israel, before there went to before anything, in Genesis chapter 15, this is what
God said. I'm going to give you and your descendants all that promised land. I'm going to give them that.
And Abram was like, dude, I got like two kids. What do you mean? I don't have a whole bunch.
Oh, you will. Your descendants are going to be like so many, you can't even count them. And they're going to get that promised land, but before that happens, they're going to be enslaved for 400 years.
They're going to rebel against me, but then I am going to save them. And then they're going to walk into that land and the people that used to persecute you, the
Amorites or the people where Jericho was, you're going to wipe them out in the fourth generation.
Guys, you know what's awesome about prophecy? Is I don't have to look in the future to try to figure out a prophecy.
From God's word go, God has said, this is exactly what's going to happen.
And all these kingdoms and governments and people and powers and religions that try to get people to come after them,
God said, this is what's going to happen and it is exactly what has happened for 6 ,000 years.
God had said, this country is going to hurt you before they did, and I am going to punish them in the future.
Rahab was a member of a condemned people by God. Ladies and gentlemen, let me explain something to you today.
Some of you think that being a Christian is being forgiven. Forgiveness is a very small part of salvation.
Very small part of salvation. If that is all you understand, and I know some of you have heard preachers on TV, or maybe you grew up in church, and the total encompassing thought and understanding of God's salvation for your life wraps up around a little prayer and walking down the aisle and getting baptized.
Ladies and gentlemen, listen to me. For you to truly understand the grace of God, you must first understand the condemnation that's against you.
You are a heathen, godless pig. Well, I haven't been to rehab 19 times.
Yeah, you have. I've never been an adulterer. Yes, you have. I've never murdered anybody.
Yes, you have. God says if you are guilty of one part of the law, you are guilty in all of it.
Wow. That's kind of harsh, yet you're condemned. People think that when you get to heaven,
God's going to judge you. Ladies and gentlemen, you've already been judged. You are on your way to hell right now.
God, in His grace and His mercy, chose to save some, but they aren't going to be all.
I'm sorry. Hell's going to be a lot fuller than heaven. You need to understand salvation like Rahab.
She was stuck in a place and she was part of a people group that was actually condemned by God from the word go.
Verse 9 and 10 of chapter 2. I want you to listen to this. Verse 9 and 10.
It says this. And she said to the men, I know that Yahweh has given you the land, and that the fear of you has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land melt away before you.
For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the
Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Shehan and Og, whom you devoted to destruction.
And as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted, and there was no spirit left in any man because of you.
For the Lord your God, He is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath.
She had heard the word of God. Ladies and gentlemen, she was totally depraved and without worth.
But she had heard a message of hope. And that message of hope was a sovereign
God who would save her in spite of her failures. Romans chapter 10 verse 17 says this,
Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. It is not the word of a preacher that saves you.
Now listen to me. It is not the words of a preacher that saves you. It is not a church building that saves you.
It is not a church that saves you. It is not a denomination that saves you.
It is not your moral understanding that saves you. The only thing that saves you is the grace of Almighty God.
Where are you this morning? Have you heard the word of God? Have you really heard it?
Or right now, are you listening to a sermon? Guys, I'm not preaching to you a sermon.
I'm begging for your eternal life right now. I am trying to preach to you the word of God because some of you in this room think the reality of your life now is greater than the reality that's coming.
My friends, your entire lifetime on this earth is nothing but recess in a year.
It's simply one little period that you're passing through this life. The word of God says man's life is like a vapor of smoke.
Here today and gone tomorrow. You have very little time.
Very little time to hear the word of God. Notice that she does not say.
Now notice when she is sitting there saying of why she's afraid, she does not mention the numerical value of the
Israeli army. She does not mention the M1 Abram tank or the
M2 Bradley or the F22 Raptor or any of the other great technological morals of the
United States military. I'm going to tell you why the United States of America exists today in 2024 is by the grace of Almighty God.
We should not have won the Revolutionary War. We should not have won the War of 1812. Yet in both of those against military odds that are staggering beyond all belief, the
United States stands here today. But it will never be by our own power. It will be because the blessing and grace of Almighty God.
And my friends, I must tell you that we need to quit saying God bless America. We need to start saying
God have mercy on America because the blessings have dried up from our ridiculous absolute rebellious attitudes to a holy and righteous
God. We take God out of schools and bring transvestites in and they always read the stories to the kids.
Why not the 12th graders? Because Satan knows if he can get them while they're young, he can jack them up in the end.
And some of you parents are so complicit in this. And your influence on your child is maybe 30 seconds a day.
And you think you're going to overcome that. You have lost your ever loving mind.
If you're going to restore your family, I promise you it's going to take the Word of God and not the wealth or the power of some stupid religion.
I want you to also notice this. Rahab wasn't at the Dead Sea. Rahab wasn't there when
Israel marked out Egypt. You see, there was an element there that actually saved
Rahab. It's not just hearing the Word of God. It's believing.
Do you believe this morning? Do you believe? We're going to get to more of that in a second. She heard the
Word of God, but she truly believed. In verse 11, it sits there once again.
She says in verse 11, and as soon as we heard it, our hearts melted.
There was an effect of a causality. Christians, I hope to God you're in this room and the lost people in this room can see the effects of your faith in Christ.
How are you in your Christian life today? How are you? Is there enough evidence?
Is there enough things that validate your life as a Christian? You may sit there and go, well, of course.
Yeah, no problem. But I ask you, I want you to read James. You can flip over there.
Or I think I wrote it on your papers. I can't remember. But James chapter 2 in the New Testament.
4 ,000 years after this event in Joshua happened, the half brother of Jesus, James, a pastor, the first pastor of Jerusalem writes this.
But someone will say, you have faith and I have works. Show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works.
You believe that God is one? You do well. Even the demons believe and shudder.
Verse 25. And that same way was not also
Rahab the prostitute. Verse 25. Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out another way.
Let's talk for just a second. Let's talk about what faith really is. Do you believe in your heart
Jesus? So sweet. God love you. God bless you.
Let me be Baptist. God bless your heart. Bless your little heart. Just bless it. Guys, are you still in the first grade?
I have a 67 year old woman who has been in church literally her whole life.
Her whole life. And last week I looked her in the eyeball and I said, you are not a believer.
And she was so aghast. She was so mortified. She was so angry at me.
And she said, how can you say that? And I said, I'm not sweetie.
God's word is. And if you keep relying on your church membership and the length of your longevity of sitting in a building to stand before God and justify your sin, you are in deep, deep doo -doo.
Ladies and gentlemen, how do you know you have faith? Because faith always generates effective work.
You cannot say, I have faith in Christ and your life does not change.
I looked at this 67 year old woman whom we have talked before. And I said, you cannot be that racist and hate your brother and sister in Christ and be a child of the living
God. She said to me, well that's what everyone was doing back then. You know what everyone is doing now?
They're either struggling with where they are with God or they're burning in hell right now. 1 John tells us, if you claim to know
Christ but hate your brother, you are not a child of God.
And here's what's funny. They will hear the Word of God and say that applies to everyone else but me.
Do you know the heights of which you are reaching? You are the asterisk pole that claims I am
God and I choose to believe in God's Word, what is right or wrong.
Here today, I'm speaking to you as a warning. I am begging you for your own soul.
You need to repent. And I ain't talking about walking down a stupid aisle again. I'm talking about being real and coming to a place where saving faith saves you.
Have you ever been remorseful about something? Well, pastor,
I feel bad about it. Let me tell you something. You want to feel bad about being sinful?
Get up about 6 .30 in the morning after you've partied all night long and someone's beating on your door because they have nowhere else to go and they sit there and go, hey, man,
I got a six pack of Miller Genuine Draft and I go, come on in.
And we smoke a doobie and I start drinking beer. 6 .30 in the morning.
I've been asleep two hours. Yes, and I'm a pastor. About 40 minutes later,
I am sitting over the toilet and my knees feel like jelly and I am persuading profusely.
I look ghost white in the mirror and I am going, Buick! Right in that toilet.
God, pastor, you shouldn't say like this in church. Listen, I'm not going to have anybody go to hell on my watch because of your sense of delicatess.
Just relax and listen. I felt bad.
I felt remorseful. I did. I remember praying and I was a lost person.
God, please help me. I will never ever drink again.
I'll never do this again. Ever. Oh, get me out of this one. You know where I was that night?
616. You see, let me tell you something.
Your remorse of sin does not equal faith based repentance.
Regeneration is, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away.
Behold, all have become new. Oh, I'm a Christian? What changed your life?
Not really nothing. Really? Really?
Really? I guess your opinion supersedes God's Word. Oh, I believe in God.
James 2. Do you understand the sarcasm that's being left here?
Oh, I know it's not precious moments Bible time, but James sits there and says, you believe in God and that He is one?
You do well. Here's a bucky beaver badge. Even the demons believe that and they shudder in fear.
Let me ask you a question. Rahab is a prostitute. Out of a national capital with all these fine, upstanding people who would not dare go down to the dregs on the wall.
They would never be caught in the whorehouse of Rahab. They were good, standing, uprighteous people, but when the wrath of God came and all of their fake walls fell, their lives fell with it and save only the prostitute who lived by faith was saved.
You see, she did something different. She said she believed and the spies said two things.
You must tie a red cord to your window. And I ain't talking about a little piece of yarn.
I gotta see at least a 30 foot scarlet rope in the backdrop of that brown clay.
We gotta see where you are. Now you may say, well that's not that big of a deal. Really? Think about this.
You're in a city surrounded by a wall with an enemy army camped out for months.
All of a sudden, some chick in the front of that city puts an 18 foot, one inch thick red rope going all the way to the ground.
Somebody gonna ask a question. Somebody gonna sit there and go, yo, Rahab, what's up with that rope?
Rahab, why you got it? You know, somebody is gonna be sitting there going, hmm.
But you see, faith, when it calls us to repentance, it doesn't ask the cost.
It asks for obedience. And true faith can never be measured by anything else other than the obedience of our will submitting to the gods.
Where are you today? Listen to me. Forget sermons, forget church. I'm asking you as an individual, not a group.
Where are you today? Where are you with God? You see, if you say you have faith, there's gotta be evidence to back it up.
Also, I want you to understand this. I want you to understand, if you go to chapter six, here's what's happening.
Now, this is for you Christians. You lost people, just sit back for a second. I want you to understand what happens. She lowers the rope out there and she waits.
All of her family's going, what are we doing in this house? And you know her parents?
You know her parents were probably the kind of parents that were kind of like, oh my god, I can't believe we're here at her house again.
Because she wasn't living with them. You know what I'm saying? She was one of those girls. She was one of those girls that brought a bad name to the family, you know?
She was one of them women who decided to rebel and go be something that the city leaders thought was shameful.
She was embarrassing her parents. And now she sits there and says come on over for dinner.
And so they're sitting there and night after night Rahab's waiting.
She's out the window. Well, they didn't have binoculars back then, but she's out the window. Right? She's looking.
Where's the Israeli army? And they're not coming. Man. They're probably going to be like every other man in her life that had sat there and said, oh,
I love you, baby. You're the only one who understands me. Me and you will be together forever, honey bunch.
You know? And just like every other man, they've let her down.
Probably starting with her daddy. Oh, and then one day. What's that on the horizon?
There's dust kicking up and here comes the whole Israeli army. Now watch this. The whole
Israeli army comes up and she's like, oh boy, today's the day. And for six days, this is what
God told Israel to do. I want you to walk up. I don't want you to say a word. I want you to walk around the city and then leave.
And she's like and off they go. And yet she didn't take the cord down.
She didn't lose hope. She did exactly what God had told her to do and that is wait on the salvation of God.
The next day, here they come again and they leave again. The next day, here they come again and they leave again.
Christian, I know hope can sometimes be dashed. I know that we can get tired of waiting, but if you just wait one more day, that delivery is coming.
And on that seventh day, the children of Israel this time, they weren't quiet. They were like, woo!
Yeah! Like a bunch of drunk rednecks at the NASCAR race. They were yelling. And those walls come tumbling down.
And Rahab and her entire family are saved. Last point.
I want to ask you a question. What kind of God uses a prostitute?
Thank you, Jesus. Mind us. Now Christian, I love
Witten. I do. We got gays. Not transsexuals.
What do they call them? Transgender thems. Yeah. We got one of them coming around every once in a while.
Good Lord, we got X something up in here. Robert, he used to be a stripper, a dancer.
Yeah, it was bad. His legs kept getting bruised by all the quarters hitting him.
You know what glorifies God? It's not the best of us following Him.
It's the ones that no one thinks there's a hope and a chance for. And you know, those are the ones that God will glorify
His name in the greatest and pluck them out of their sin and set their feet upon a rock.
Give them that robe of righteousness. Let those broken shoulders be pulled back a little bit.
That strained neck lifted up a little bit and feel clear and clean.
Let us never look upon someone's sin as so great that the grace of God can't save them just like they saved your sorry butt.
Let us always be that place where we don't look at someone's past to determine their future, but we look at God's grace to know they're our brother and sister in Christ.
You know what's amazing? God used Rahab. In fact, if you go to Hebrews chapter 11,
Hebrews chapter 11 is known as the hall of heroes or the faith chapter.
Basically, in Hebrews 11, God lists out in the Bible the people of the greatest faith.
It's kind of like Canton, Ohio, you know? It's the pro football hall of fame.
And it's funny, in verse 29, it says of Hebrews 11, By faith the people crossed the
Red Sea on dry land. But the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned.
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they had been encircled for seven days.
Verse 31, By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies.
It's 4 ,000 years later, God? Really? You're going to call her a prostitute?
That's kind of shaming her a little bit. No, it's giving glory to God. It's giving hope to others.
Guys, your testimony and your failures are not meant to be hidden out of shame.
You see, they're nailed to the cross and I bear them no more. And that's a sign to a lost and dying world that no matter how far you've gone, no matter what you've done, there is still hope in the name of Jesus Christ.
You see, Rahab the prostitute 4 ,000 years later is mentioned in Scripture.
But there's another place that she's mentioned. Oh my God. This gives me the goosebumps.
Turn with me to Matthew chapter 1. Oh my Lord. Matthew chapter 1. I'm going to be honest with you.
I'm a little ashamed to read this one. You know? I'm a little ashamed to read this one.
Charquita. You got your blood work done. Years ago, yeah?
What are you, 3 % again? Say it. African.
Somewhere down along the line, she got a little black in her somewhere, you know? She got a name like Charquita.
It should be that big of a surprise, right? I always love calling her Charquita, you know?
She got a little bit of black in her somewhere down the line. Y 'all all say, where's he going with this?
I enjoy that pregnant pause. I really do. I love the awkwardness.
You know, entitled folks irritate the snot out of me.
They just do. And I ain't even just talking about, I'm talking about the drag society to the richest person.
It don't matter. Just entitled folk. You know, it's funny. Sometimes we forget where we came from.
I want you to read Matthew chapter 1 verse 5. This is the lineage of Jesus Christ.
This is the family history of Jesus.
And Solomon the father of Boab by Rahab and Boaz the father of Obed by Ruth and Obed the father of Jesse.
Now you may sit there and go, what does that mean? Well, I want you to understand when we repent,
God does more than just forgive you. You see, the walls came tumbling down that day.
And Rahab and her entire family were saved. But wait, there's more.
You see, because if you follow God by faith starting out, your life, whole life will change.
We know Rahab left the prostitution business. We know she did.
But wait, there's more. She got married for the first time maybe. Got really married to one dude.
And we know she had kids. And those kids grew up and rescued another woman who was an outcast.
A little chick named Ruth. Right? And those people were not Jews. They're not
Hebrews. They didn't go to First Baptist Church. They were the dregs of society, yet they were the blood lineage of the birth of Jesus Christ, our
Lord. You see what's so awesome about God's grace, it's not that you're just forgiven, it means that you're no longer disqualified and you're back in the game.
Some of you guys never got off the bench playing football. Some of you guys never got to play the, what's this one called?
Trombone! Because you were too lame to even make the marching band. You are a loser squared.
Okay? Right? You're an absolute loser.
But when you become a child of God, it's not that just God forgives you. Oh, it's so tiring.
There's so much more. There's so much more. And some of you old people playing with your earrings looking at you, watch.
You're the godless pig heathen that I'm talking to right now. And you best pay attention before you split the gates of hell open.
Listen to me. Come to a place where you know the grace of God not through religion but through the love of Jesus Christ.
And then that red cord. Oh, man. That red cord.
I can't miss that. As I read this, I can't miss that red cord. You see, because there is a red thread that weaves its way from Genesis where two animals are killed and their skins are used to clothe
Adam and Eve. Where a blood had to be spilt for God's people to be covered.
I can't miss that cord where lambs were sacrificed on the altar so that others may be saved.
I can't miss that red cord in the wilderness even after God's people turned their back on God.
God never left them and called them back to repentance. And all the way up until John the
Baptist saw Jesus walking and said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Listen to me. It's a beautiful thing. The blood of Christ is more than just forgiveness.
It is the adoption into the childhood of God. And it has been saving people for 6 ,000 years.
Either faith in it coming or faith in it having come. Where are you today? Music dudes or dudettes, do your thing.
I've got to ask you a question today. Have you heard the Word of God for your salvation?
Now listen, you may say, Yeah, Pastor, I was saved back in 1994. Okay, good.
Here's a gold star in your Sunday school report and we'll stick your little Moses coloring picture on the refrigerator for you, okay?
But for you that are actually wanting to grow, who have you shared that with recently?
You see, a prostitute who had no Bible training, as soon as she had hope in something, went and got her family.
Where are you at? Where are you at? You invite your family over for a cookout, but you don't ever invite them over to hear the
Word of God? Come on. Well, they'll see it in our prayer over dinner. They do the same thing at their house.
It ain't no difference. What difference you gonna make? And they're gonna buck at you. Why are we here again?
Why are we waiting? Guys, keep on giving it to them. Because there's a day coming where too late is too late.
There's gonna be no other shot for them to go to heaven. I'm gonna ask you today, are you 100 % sure you have faith in Christ as a believer?
If you say absolutely, then I'm gonna ask you this. Who are you sharing that with? Pastor, I need some help.
I'm not sure. That's why God invented fat, bald pastors. I can't do nothing for you, but I can show you in the
Word of God the answers that you're looking for. But understand this too. There's a bunch of folk in here who can help you too.
Well, Pastor, you don't know what I did. I don't have to know. I got someone else who's probably done it worse than you.
Stop letting the shame of your failures keep you from the hope and the grace of God. Well, Pastor, I committed adultery.
Okay. You can be not just forgiven. You can be restored.
Pastor, I've been divorced. Okay. You can still be restored. Pastor, I've done this.
I've done this. Your sin does not disqualify the grace of God. Have faith in it. I'm gonna ask you to stand, and if God has spoken to you this morning, you come after you've heard