Week 4 of a 12 week course on the Doctrines of Grace. UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION This class is part of Twelve 5 Church Doctrinal Training. We offer different courses that can be attended in person every Wednesday @ 6:30PM. This is for the purpose of equipping the Saints for the work of ministry. This class is designed to be interactive, that is why we have attached a PDF link to the curriculum and the appendix for the required reading each week. This material was designed and written by Dr. RA Hargrave (revised by Nathan Hargrave) It was originally used at Riverbend Community Church in Ormond Beach, Florida for their Riverbend Bible Institute. Twelve 5 Church now continues that kingdom work on the shoulders of the Saints before. Link to Dr. R.A. Hargrave's Ministry: Riverbend Community Church: We pray that it is a blessing and supplement to those who are not able to attend in person. Curriculum PDF link: Appendix PDF link: Pastoral Recommended Reading: Charles H. Spurgeon: Advice for seekers The power of prayer and a believers life The soul winner The joy and praising The fullness of joy Spurgeon vs. hyper calvinism John Gerstner: The radical biblical theology of Jonathan Edwards R.B. Kuiper: God centered evangelism Martin Luther: The bondage of the will Jonathan Edwards: The freedom of the will Jim Scott Orrick: Mere Calvinism John Piper: Desiring God Let the nations be glad God’s passion for his glory John MacArthur: The gospel according to Jesus The love of God R.C. Sproul: The holiness of God Chosen by God Grace unknown What is reformed theology? J.I. Packer: Knowing God Iain Murray: Evangelism divided The forgotten Spurgeon Arthur W. pink: The sovereignty of God The attributes of God




Who who was able to do the homework assignment this week?
Okay. Okay. We got we got a circle right in here a Little bit you get close
Okay Okay So who read chapters 10 through 17 of the
Gospel of John? Okay, that's good. That's a start who read chapter 9 of the 1689
London Baptist Confession. That's good What about the total depravity there in appendix 3 that was the unknown author?
Man, that was a great article wasn't it for those of you that were able to read it great article pass
Half I thought you said pass. I was like, okay Brenda wasn't a fan. No, she got half of it though.
Who who did the suggested memory verse? We don't have
Wesley here this week Wesley's not here. We were on a roll there with that All right
Did anyone? consider the additional resources
Has anyone read the bondage of the will by Luther? Okay, you've read a bondage of the will
Justin had a question first Botner, yep
That one was Yep That's a great question it didn't make it on to the to the reading assignment
Did you do it? Oh you read it. We got the two Keith's did it? Yes.
Oh, yeah the third one. Yes, okay That's true. Yeah, Keith has read the book.
So he's cheated a little bit by the way If you want to you can go back that is actually a really great article I don't know how it didn't make it onto here, but we'll we'll we'll get there.
Okay, so Number of you did the homework. Somebody did half the homework. Somebody did none the homework. That's okay Does anyone want to speak to how it helped you better?
understand total depravity from last week Does anyone got any thoughts on that when you did the homework when you did the reading assignment?
How did it help you formulate your thinking your thoughts on the topic? Anybody? Yes That's good.
I think that's one of the greatest things I would ask for y 'all to be able to get as a takeaway because what that does is that completely
Does away with the world's way of thinking of libertarian freewill, you know
I told you last week that that people will say to me they're like, well, I don't believe in these doctrines I believe in free will and I'm like, well, so do
I You know, they're like, well, you can't believe in free will you believe that we're robots and I'm like, no
That's not what we teach at all Now if you mean libertarian free will like you are free to make whatever choice
Whatever choice that is is set before you at all Then not even the philosophers of this world would acknowledge that kind of free will they themselves would even acknowledge
There is no such thing as that Everybody is driven by their desire Everybody is influenced by something outside of themselves
And so for us to be able to to make that distinction there. I think that was helpful The reason
I asked and thank you Keith for for, you know Speaking up in that is that I want everyone to understand that this homework is designed to help you
I I'm talking about some massive Extremely important doctrines for the
Christian faith in about 45 to 50 minutes That's that's not a lot of time for you to be able to formulate your thoughts
The homework is given there for you to go and sit down and read and to be able to Dive in a little bit deeper and that's why
I asked about the Martin Luther book the bondage of the will which would be an excellent Resource by the way, if anybody wants to pursue that Well, let's pray today before we get started here
We need God's help and we're jumping on to another another area the second point here and the doctrines of grace
Let's pray dear only Father Lord. We we come before you and we Acknowledge that That we desperately need your mercy and grace.
We desperately need your working in our hearts and in our minds Yeah, we need you to mold the way we think we need your word to formulate and and inform us as to what truth is
God I pray that you would help me as I speak of of this This immensely important doctrine to the
Christian faith Lord, I pray that I would represent it Well God, I pray that you would prepare all of us as we grow in the fear knowledge of you
We thank you in Christ's name. Amen Before we jump in here. I put down a quote from John Piper on this topic that we're talking about tonight
He said election refers to God's choosing whom to save It is
Unconditional in that There is no condition Man must meet before God chooses to save him man is dead in trespasses and sins
So there is no condition he can meet Before God chooses to save him from his deadness
Now this this summarizes the topic that we're going to be discussing today And you you will begin to see how as I've continued to remind you as these doctrines build on themselves
Right this doctrine builds upon the first. What do we talk about last week? Total depravity, right?
And so this doctrine stems from that we must come to some of the conclusions biblically as we look at some of the passages of Unconditional election based upon the fact that we are depraved
We are totally depraved not that we act on that depravity at all times as we talked about last week but our nature is that of Not choosing
God Yes, yeah
Yeah, I wish I knew who wrote that It's a is that the
Lorraine Botner or is that the unknown? Okay. Yeah, that's good. Okay Go ahead.
Yeah, that's a good book. Do we have that on our recommended list on the back? I Don't think we put it on there.
Maybe we should have You dropped the ball Keith All right. Well guys
Turn to page 33 in your booklets. Does anyone not have a booklet with you that wants a booklet?
We have some in the back Ryan could you go in that closet and grab a couple books just in case somebody's in need of one.
All right, so a a definition of Unconditional election
Number one Unconditional election does not mean that God saves people whether they believe in Christ or not
Unconditional election does not mean that God saves people whether they believe in Christ or not
Right underneath there. You'll see Romans 10 verses 13 through 14
Where Paul declares for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord? What is it?
Will be saved And look at what it says next though. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed?
And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never? Heard and how are they to hear without someone?
preaching When we teach these doctrines, I cannot emphasize enough
Don't swing the pendulum, right? Don't do it. Don't go to the extreme where you say
Unconditional election God's gonna save whom God's gonna save and so I'm just gonna let
God do it And we're just gonna go on with our lives Because that's what Paul is reprimanding there in Romans 10 in that passage, right?
It's the call to evangelism We have no idea Who God's elect are
We have no idea we spread the gospel to all liberally, right
We this this is a call of the Christian all are called but few were chosen
You get that right? All are called the call of the gospel is to the whole world repent and believe
You call them to repent and believe and then you trust a good and gracious God to awaken those from that total depravity that are that the consequences of that original sin you let him sort all that out and It's why
I always say around here Evangelism when you finally understand salvation according to the scriptures evangelism has a 100 % success rate
Because all you're doing is being the obedient mouthpiece because how how are they to believe if no one preaches to them?
That's it's the power of God and a salvation. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ That's why we continue to declare it.
So if you come in here and you go, okay, I've got total depravity down I've got I've got unconditional election pastor
I'm with it and then you just quit evangelizing then you don't get it. You're not hearing me tonight
You are not understanding the doctrine of unconditional election. I promise you you're not You're distorting it because you're being sinfully lazy.
Okay, I want you to I want you to understand that and that is a propensity Okay number two
The question is this On what basis does
God elect individuals for salvation on what basis?
Does God elect individuals for salvation? We see a
Familiar passage as we've recently been going through Ephesians there in chapter 1 in verse 4
Where Paul says even as he who's that? the father Chose us in him before the foundation of the world
That we should be holy and blameless Before him on what basis does
God elect individuals for salvation? Look there in that block there.
There's a fray. There's kind of a breakdown of Romans 312, you know All have turned aside together.
They have become worthless. It's the foundation for God's election is found only in himself That's the kicker the foundation for God's election is found only in him in his love
That's what it's all based off of We get it distorted and we think of election and we go
Okay election that just seems like a hateful mean God that that that that only chooses some but doesn't choose others
But that's not how Scripture shows us this picture It shows us the wonderful amazing love of God Which by the way, if you think of it in Scripture love
God is love Right. It doesn't say God is wrath It doesn't say doesn't say
God is justice God is just God is wrathful.
Those are attributes of himself, but God is love. That's who he is Everything is stemming from this great love and he says that Paul says there in Romans 3 all have turned aside together
They have become worthless. No one does good not even one But everything is grounded and founded in God himself only in himself and his love
Even as he chose us before the foundation of the world What did he choose us to to love we should be holy and blameless before him?
It's all grounded in love Now there is pushback to all of this.
Look at number three We have the classical Arminian. Do y 'all remember when we talked about the definitions, right?
The Arminian view sometimes when we say Arminian, it's not really an Arminian view as much as it is just Pretty much we we kind of lump every other position other than Calvinism into the
Arminian view a lot of times or a semi Pelagian view but the Arminian view is is one that is
Denying these tenets of total depravity unconditional election, right? It's all based on man and everything but this is kind of the the main predominant view the classical view of God's election teaches a conditional election
That is based upon his foreknowledge An election that is based upon his foreknowledge essentially he foresees who will have faith and Elects them unto salvation
This is this is the answer this is how they get around it because they see election and Predestination and choosing and they see all of it in Scripture and they can't get around it
They can't avoid that language. And so they redefine it and we're gonna see that here in just a moment but if you notice in that block down below we have two observations about the the the
Arminian view which is really The anti Calvinist view I should say it's easier
The first it embraces the concept of election as biblical. Like I said, right they can't get around it.
It's in Scripture It's there we have to make we have to define it in some way But secondly, it holds that man's response is
Ultimately the determining factor in salvation, right?
God gave man more power than himself It's ultimately Man's response.
Yes Yeah, so I think the modalist view is so convoluted and philosophical that there's there's no logical sense whatsoever
To it, but the foreknowledge view is they and they hate this phrase They get really mad at me and they they attack me online on this
They say what how big is this corridor you speak of but this is the basics of how it gets down into the foreknowledge
View is it's a corridor God has to look down this corridor of time and he sees who will choose him and who will not and he elects them based
Upon that information now, they would not they would fundamentally deny that they would hold that view
But that's ultimately the only Outworking of that their view could possibly land in am
I wrong about that Adam? Yeah, we're actually gonna talk a little bit about that here in a little bit, too
So we'll be able to define some of that but as far as the modalist view It's it's heresy.
It's outside of the faith and it has to it has to undermine Basic fundamental principles of attributes of God to obtain so I don't even entertain it
It's it's not even a it's not even an option on the table It's complete and utter heresy that leaves you outside of Christianity because you've you've you've put
God into this box of Really being less than man, it's good
Alright number four on the next page Unconditional election insists that God's elective decree rests solely on his sovereign decree
To save whom he wills There is no foreseen condition that people meet
Thereby inducing them to elect them and conditional election
Insists that God's elective decree rests solely on his sovereign decree This is the difference.
We must see God for who he is I like how RC puts it all the time RC Sproul He'll tell you he goes you can't even begin to understand these doctrines until you begin to understand the holiness of God Until you begin to see just how altogether separate
God is from humanity and creation You can't eat you don't even have categories for this because what you're going to do is you're gonna come to these doctrines and you're going to imprint anthropomorphic thought onto God the
Creator You're gonna bring your human way of thinking your human logic your human fairness
Your human love your human everything and you're gonna imprint that on God and then you're gonna leave these doctrines ago
Well, those aren't fair. That's not right. That's not good And that's why RC says no, no, no, we got to go to Scripture We have to go and we have to look and see the holiness of God.
We have to see the immensity of God we have to see his attributes like like we were just talking about with the modalist view or even the
Foreknowledge view like if he's looking down the corridor of time, guess what? God's no longer omniscient God learned something
And if God learned something he's not omniscient. That's not a God and that's most certainly not the God of Scripture So we must start with who
God is in order to get there and it's sovereign decree to save whom he wills He does as he pleases.
He does all that he pleases. There is no foreseeing condition that people meet
That would that would in any way Drive God to elect them as the foreknowledge view would hold to Look at look there at the passage
Ephesians 1 5 and 5 through 7 he Predestined us
Well, there's over there's one of the words they can't get around that they hate that They have to do they have to define it some way.
He predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ Why and how according to the purpose of his will
To the praise of his glorious grace with which he blessed us in the beloved.
It's his will it's his purpose Look down at Romans 9 15 16 there in your in your notes for he says to Moses I will have mercy on whom
I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion so then it depends not on human will or exertion but on God who has mercy if God looked down the corridor of time and saw that you chose him which by the way is impossible
Let's do away with total depravity Let's set that aside for now and assume and pretend like that doesn't exist and that we're not
Hell -bent on our own will against God which scripture most certainly shows us but let's assume that's not the case
It is has nothing to do with anything that you do Not accepting a gift
Not getting baptized not anything Romans 9 23 in order to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory
Vessels of mercy that he prepared beforehand But before what?
Before the foundations of the world, right? Before he had even created anything.
He had already prepared vessels for honorable use Vessels that he would pour his mercy out the unconditionally elected
Children of God be the objection to conditional election
This is conditional election. This is an objection to it conditional election would be what we're talking about like God saw all look down the corridor of time and saw that you would choose him or For any other reason maybe
Nathan was was smarter than his best friend in high school So Nathan's the one that got elected.
Maybe there was something more lovable about you than your neighbor Right something conditional but there's objections to this that we see in Scripture number one
It discounts that radical corruption of man that we talked about last week that total depravity
It completely does away with it discounts it
That radical corruption your will will never choose God. What are you gonna do with that? Our non
Calvinist brothers who would affirm radical corruption or total depravity as we've titled it
They they affirm this as a as a consequence of original sin, which we talked in detail about Yet they denounce
Unconditional election our brothers that do this they see total depravity and then denounce
Unconditional election and they want to have some conditional election are simply being inconsistent
You can't have your cake and eat it too you can't man is either unable and unwilling to come to Christ or he's not and if he is
Then there's no condition where that man would would choose God It completely does away with the corruption the radical corruption the total depravity from original sin
And we've we've read this passage time and time again Romans 3 11 No one understands no one seeks for God all to has turned aside together.
They become worthless No one does good not even one not one
John 6 63 it is the Spirit who gives life the flesh is no help at all
There's nothing in your flesh That would make this election conditional
There's nothing you have nothing to offer the Creator. He doesn't need us.
He has no need of us You're not gonna hear that on Caleb. Are you he doesn't need you?
He has no need of you there's no deficiency in the all all -knowing all powerful
Creator none in none He doesn't need Nathan He is not deficient in any way without me
He in his good and gracious love Has chosen to bring me into his goodness
You see where it all starts with God. We got to keep going back or we can't even begin to understand these things
But it discounts this radical corruption that is going on. No flesh. Look next page
We have a couple more passages John 2 24 and 25 But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about Man for he himself knew what was in man.
He knows what's in man Old Testament passage Jeremiah 17 the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick who can understand it
I the Lord search the heart and test the mind to give every man according to his ways according to the fruit of his
Deeds and what are his deeds in his ways always corrupt apart from God's good grace
Allowing him to walk in righteousness through Christ even the
Old Testament Saints There's not a single Old Testament saying that walked in his own righteousness, right?
Not Abraham not David Not one Those men were saved just like we are but we're looking back and seeing the
Messiah. They were trusting in a coming Messiah that's how they were saved and they only had righteousness that was given to them when they were awakened by the
Holy Spirit and Brought to faith and repentance and then they walked in that righteousness number two
It misconstrues the biblical concept of foreknowledge, which is what we were just talking about a moment ago misconstrues the biblical concept of foreknowledge
In Romans chapter 8 starting in verse 29 we see some of this language for those whom he foreknew
They say they stop there. They say see he knew of their faith and then predestined
Again, they can't get around the the words the foreknew the predestined the elect they can't get around it
So they have to redefine it. You see he knew their faith. So that's how they were predestined
But it says for those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and those whom he
Predestined he also called and those whom he called he also justified and those whom he justified he also glorified
Well, y 'all know what this is called in Scripture. What's this portion of Scripture called? the golden chain of redemption
This is these are this golden chain these links they link together and they're in secession
Right he foreknew he predestined he conformed He called he justifies he will glorify
What then shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us? Down below we have some thoughts here
This cannot refer to the prescient knowledge Which simply which is simply?
knowledge of events Prescient knowledge just means it's like it's a pre science knowledge.
It's a it just simply means a Knowledge of events to come or knowledge of something that is to come
Like we would say that that somebody that foretells the future they have a pre science a prescient knowledge of something in the future, which is
Really demonic don't trust anybody that says it They're really just kind of gambling and shooting in the dark and sometimes they hit the nail on the head
But it's for another time. All right Since God possesses this kind of pre science concerning all men and events
This verse cannot be referring to that form of knowledge That modalist view that you talked about a moment ago or open theist open theism
God cannot know the future because the future has not happened yet So again notice that we're starting at a point to where we say okay, we're looking at who
God is and If we then take okay, Nathan's like this God is bigger than Nathan, but he's just he's like up here
Well, then I'm I'm going when Nathan can't see the future So I don't I can't I don't have a category for a
God that can see the future And so God's learning just like us. He's on the timeline Just like us
He sees events as they happen and their argument would be well God's just he's been around a long time.
He's much smarter. He's much wiser. He his predictions They're real good
Like he can really predict it down to the down to the money, right?
He's got it down pat and that's the kind of their answer, but that is not the God of the
Bible the God of the Bible is Right now a kabillion years that way and a hundred kabillion years that way and everything in between and everything passed right now
He is not constrained to time. He knows everything. He's all -knowing. He's never learned a single thing
He knows all things and he has ordained every single molecule in the all of creation to precision
That's the God we worship right we have to get that into our heads But because if we don't it leads us to these interpretations and scripture that are false
For for new well, we have Acts 15 18 here. I think he quotes.
I think it's Isaiah 45 Where he says known from of old I think he was referring to the
Gentile Christians at the Jerusalem Council there If I'm not mistaken, and then he quotes that Old Testament known from of old
It's it's God didn't God didn't just look down the corridor of time from back then and know them
There's an understanding to this known as a matter of fact, look at the next thing no for new is
Made up of two Greek words first one pro means before Okay, for new is made up of two
Greek words. First one pro means before in front of or prior to Gnosko to know intimately
Gnosko pro gnosko, right pro gnosko is to know someone intimately
Beforehand you guys get a little taste of the
Greek class coming up, don't you? It's important that we look back to the language because otherwise we just take our preconceived ideas of well if if if I say
If I say well, I for know somebody it's like well I just have this idea this concept or maybe
I I'm a future I can see the future and I can see that person and Then we bring these ideas to this language, but that's not the language
It means before intimately beforehand to know someone intimately in the context in the context
It is not what faith he knew about this person It is whom the person he knew
Okay So remember how I said a moment ago where we saw that for new and they'll say see he knew of their faith
And then that's how he predestined them. That's not the word It's to know someone intimately beforehand
To know someone intimately beforehand. It's not that faith that he knew about the person
It's the person that he knew intimately before As a matter of fact biblical examples here that give us some better understanding turn the page first Samuel 119
See they rose early in the morning and worshiped before the Lord. Then they went back to their house at Ramah and Elkanah I know if I'm saying that right knew
Hannah his wife. What does that mean? That same language, right?
It means that they had intimate relations and what did it do?
It produced a son This is the the Gnosko Luke 134 and Mary said to the angel
How is this to be since I am a virgin other translations say since I do not know a man
Because the word there is Gnosko that same word I do not have an intimate relationship with any man.
How can I possibly be a child? Matthew 7 23 and then will
I declare to them? I never knew you Depart from me you workers of lawlessness.
Yes, that's right.
Yep It's it's an intimate love beforehand. Yeah, that's good
This is this is what Paul is talking about in Ephesians 1 When he when he says he chose us before the foundations of the world
He had an intimate passionate love for you before This is for new this completely does away with with this idea of him learning something and some type of Knowledge has nothing to do with a knowledge of something
It's not a knowledge of anything but a knowledge and intimate knowledge of the person that's important when we see this
Okay, the third objection to conditional election number three it destroys the concept of sovereign grace
The moment that grace is not carried out and given by God alone. It ceases to be grace.
It's now earned Paul said there in Romans 11 What then Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking the elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened
As it is written God and he quotes Isaiah 29 here. God gave them a spirit of stupor
Eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear down to this very day.
Oh What do you think God did that? based on his sovereign choice
His sovereign grace 2nd Thessalonians 2 13 But we ought always to give thanks to God for you brothers beloved by the
Lord Because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved John 15 16 you did not choose me as Jesus.
He didn't choose me. I chose you and I appointed you Next page shows
Romans 9 18. So then he has mercy on whomever he wills and he hardens whomever he wills
What? What kind of response do we have for that? You see there in the box election cannot be based on merit for two reasons
Man is not capable of merit in his fallen state. We've already covered that and grace is
Negated if merit is present Even if like I said total depravity wasn't true and we were morally
Capable of turning to God then our turning to God Expecting his accepting his free gift of grace, right?
That's how we define it except it is free gift of grace while others reject that gift is most certainly merit. Yes Did I put
I have negated on this and negotiated on that? Thank you
It is negated negated in EG AT ED Negated that's funny.
What's that? Yeah It's negotiated Good catch
All right Get out, okay All right.
Let's move on to see I got a move here Hopefully we got no more of those if they are just let me stay in my stay in my in my ignorant bliss, right?
see a Consideration of Romans 9 10 through 23 this this passage of Romans 9 is is a highly debated chapter
As a matter of fact the last I heard I think at the last debate that you guys were at The debater actually said what
Romans 6 and on was only Israel I was like James White looked at him like did he really just say that like what?
But the point was is that that debater needed that to have to be the case because if Romans 8 on Isn't talking just about Israel then
All of this has to be true and they know that But there's no way it's it is any of its talking about Israel alone
As a matter of fact, that's easy to deal with. We don't even we're not even gonna deal with that We're just gonna look at some considerations here of Romans 9 number one
God's election is found in God alone, right easy enough in verse 11 of Romans 9
Paul says though they were not yet born and had done nothing good or bad
In order that God's purpose of election might continue not because of works but because of him who calls
God's election is found in God alone Everything starts and ends with God He's the
Alpha and Omega. He's the beginning in the end Everything is because of God He works all things out, right?
the question of God's Fairness is raised the question of God's fairness is raised
That's what Paul Paul does this in verse 14 Paul knows the mind of people.
He's he's a person he knows he knows when you read something like what we just read that that that these two these two boys that were that were
Born by the same family same mother at the same time They're they're basically they're twins that that God chose one and rejected another
Before they'd ever done anything good or bad like what and then in verse 14 says what shall we say then?
Is there injustice on God's part? Is that unjust of God is he is he unfair is this fair?
Because if I choose someone and not another based off of not just nothing
Then then that is unfair. Is this unfair of God and he says by no means Paul poses the question he beats everyone to the punch in his writing.
He goes you're gonna ask the question I did we're all gonna ask the question because we're not understanding who
God is by no means And in the box there it says does the Arminian or semi
Pelagian viewpoint answer the fairness question? Does it
No, they have no answer to the fairness question. They have no answer to the fairness question
Right. I think Brian wouldn't mean you were talking about this when you were first kind of dealing with this stuff I remember at one point at the dining table is you were asking that fairness question, right?
I'm putting you on the spot, but we've talked about this way. You were like the fairness question I said well the non -Calvinist has the same problem
Because if God is omniscient and God has written the days of the birth and the death of every human being and he knows
That that person is going to reject him and spend eternity in hell, but still creates them
You still have a problem based on our earthly interpretation affair Everyone has the problem they give no answer to the fairness question none whatsoever
Look at these these list of questions here. Is it fair just for God to cast sinners into hell?
Is that fair guys? It is why we all deserve it, right?
We're born in sin and we are sinners We sin because we sin because we're sinners and we reject
God cosmic treason We all deserve hell the the the the the punishment for sin is is death, right?
So hell Are we all sinners? Yes, are we all worthy of hell because of our sins?
Yes, is God obligated to save any of us from our sins? That's the big question
Is God obligated to save any of us from our sins? Not in the slightest
He's totally just if he allows the whole of creation to burn in hell
We're all worthy of it We all deserve it and he's completely just to do it
What if the just judge cast all sinners into hell? Is that fair? Yes What if the just judge shows mercy to some who are worthy of hell?
Is that fair? If the just judge is not obligated to save any sinners
Then why is he unjust if by his grace and mercy he saved some sinners? What if the just judge
Wanted to show his justice and wrath by giving some what they deserve while showing mercy to others.
Would that be fair? That's a hundred percent.
Correct? That's the point. I Think we are given an answer to the fairness question is no
Not to mention things do have to be fair because things have to be just it's just like Adam just brought up God's wrath has to be appeased like he isn't just overlooking sinners sin, right?
He actually had to send his son in order to pay for that sin. He had to die on the cross He had to take the penalty of sin
Which was death for us because God couldn't just overlook and go well, I like you
I've chosen you Keith Come on in I'm gonna overlook your sin and forget about it. That would be unjust
That would be unfair That would be terrible Adam, I'll let your wife go first, that's right but we
None. Yeah The only the only idea of fair that we have is one
God's laws written on our hearts So we kind of we understand we can't take the life of somebody right not to covet
We know those things but what God's Word tells us is fair Is was what's fair and then what
God says about himself that is fair because God does all things well So whatever
God's doing, that's the point of Romans 9 is answering that question Adam. Did you want to add to that? right
Yep, that's right.
Yeah. Well and that's the whole point of this this thought exercise is we're pointing out how the the non -reformed position
Can't answer the fairness question. They can't answer mercy. They can't answer the justice.
They can't answer any of it There's no real there's no real answer to that. That's the point What if the
Bible clearly stated the fact would you believe it if scripture clearly stated? What was fair?
Would you believe it? Right Romans 9 22 through 23 What if God?
Desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power Has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction
Whoo, that's hard Has endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction in Order and here's where it gets good to make known the riches of his glory for vessels of mercy
Which he prepared beforehand for glory. I Actually had somebody when we were covering this verse one time actually say that's
Paul Just doing a thought exercise. That's not him making a declarative statement about what
God did. That's an interesting take Look at number three here election is not
Contingent on man's decision. They get that one, right Andy Okay Election is not contingent on man's decision
Romans 9 verses 15 through 16 For he says to Moses I will have mercy on him have mercy now compassion on whom
I have compassion So then it depends not on human will or exertion but on God who has mercy
Salvation is of the Lord as Jonah declared right Number four
Election is God's divine right to execute clemency Upon whom he desires and by the way clemency just means mercy or leniency
Romans 9 verses 18 through 21. So then he has mercy on whomever he wills and he hardens whomever he wills
You will say to me then here's Paul. I love how Paul does this. He preempts the questions.
Why does he still find fault? If if he's hardening who he's hardening and he's and he and he's having mercy on whom he has mercy
Why does he still find fault for who can resist his will? But who are you a man to answer back to God?
That's Paul's answer. Who are you? Well, what is molded say to its molder? Why have you made me like this has the potter no right over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel for Honorable use and another for dishonorable use does he not have the right?
He has all the rights he does as he pleases and all that he does is good What do
I deserve? What does every human being deserve? Condemnation They have committed the crime
Now it's time to do the time And so they either will do the time or by God's good electing mercy
That's not conditional on you his son did the time for you. It's as simple as that Number five election is ultimately for the purpose of God's glory.
This is what it all comes to for God's glory verses 22 to 24
What if God desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power has endured with much patience those vessels?
Of wrath prepared for destruction in order to make known the riches of his glory for mess for the vessels of mercy
Which is prepared beforehand for glory even us Whom he has called
Not from the Jews only but also from the Gentiles By the way that alone and that's only one little bit destroys the idea that this is just talking about the
Jews D I got to get through this I got five minutes guys miscellaneous thoughts and text on election number one
Election is an independent decision Election is an independent decision
He works all things according to the counsel of his will
Psalm 33 the counsel of the Lord stands forever This is God.
This is an independent decision We have no part in it none whatsoever number two election is purposeful not arbitrary
Election is purposeful not arbitrary Ephesians 1 in him. We have obtained an inheritance having been predestined
According to the purpose of him The purpose of him.
It's purposeful. He has a plan he has set his love and affection upon you before the foundations of the world and his son came to purchase you and The Holy Spirit now seals you as a guarantee.
It's purposeful. They set out to do it It's that it's that covenant of redemption that the triune
God made amongst himself before all of creation God the Father God the Son of God the Holy Spirit made a covenant they said we will make a people unto ourselves and we will redeem that people and we will bring them into glory into unity with us and They accomplished it and they're accomplishing it as we speak
Election is purposeful Second Timothy 1 9 Not because of our works
But because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, right?
Number three election precedes faith Election precedes faith.
We talked about that in regeneration earlier on in this study regeneration precedes faith
I Think we had a mix -up with the with the wording and the phrasing which
I need to go back in the curriculum and change We'll get it done But acts 1348 says as many as were appointed to eternal life believed
Hmm what the Gentiles had heard this the
Gentiles heard the gospel and As many believed were brought into faith.
Is that what it says? As many as were appointed to believe essentially Those who were appointed to believe were brought to faith
God had prepared all the works. He goes I chose him. I chose her.
I chose them. I choose them I love them. I for know them. I for love them. I have an intimate love for them.
I will redeem them I will make sure that they walk across the path of one of my other children and my child will speak the gospel
They will hear the gospel. Then the Holy Spirit is there. He will come through He will take out the heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh
He will awaken them to truth bring them into spiritual life And then they will see the glory of Christ and his his merits will be accounted to them through faith and repentance
And they're mine. I will not lose them. There's no chance and it had nothing to do with that person
He was going on his merry way in his total rebellion against God while we were still sinners.
He loved us That's unconditional election second
Thessalonians 2 13 But we ought always to give thanks to the to God for you brothers beloved by the
Lord because God shows you as a firstfruits To be saved we read that passage earlier John 10
But you do not believe because you are not among my sheep My sheep hear my voice and and I know them and they follow me
I give them eternal life and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand
Oh, this is this you began to see it when you start to see these doctrines. Now you start reading through scripture go home
Oh, it's everywhere Like unconditional election had nothing to do with me.
I didn't bring anything to the table and And to be fair, I want to be really really fair our
Brothers who are I think being inconsistent with the scriptures that would denounce what we're teaching as far as unconditional election
I Think that it is a gracious and consistency as sometimes I think we have brothers and sisters that are in the faith and that have come to faith
Unconditionally that still have some concept or distorted Understanding because of false teaching or false reading or false understanding that somehow it was because of the prayer they prayed
Or because of walking down the aisle that they accepted that they did and to be fair every single one of us in this room our
Actual experience was us responding to the gospel was it not mine was
It was me responding to the gospel The question is and what I didn't understand at the time was I'm not the one that initiated that I Simply began to speak the things that God put in my heart
If you profess with your mouth and believe in your heart you will be saved Well, my heart had been changed.
I believed so guess what's in the heart comes out the mouth So, of course, I professed Christ, but we have that experience.
So be Gracious in the midst of all of that. Okay. All right. Finally, let's look at our reading assignment
Reading assignment the first thing you see there on that page is the first three chapters of by his grace and for his glory
Again, I told you the beginning that is optional You see big optional right there at the end of that if you bought the book you are welcome to do that I think it would be extremely helpful for you.
If not Just skip over it Romans chapter 8 through 11 Ephesians chapter 1
John 6 and Then read lesson for appendix.
There's a section for their whatever says for read it even if I missed it, right and Then there's there's a page there
Piper's effects of five points And then we have a suggested memory verse
Romans 8 33 who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is
God who justifies right that I think that's a good one if you don't memorize any of the suggested memory verses go and At least meditate on that one because that one deals with the spiritual warfare that we've been dealing with Like who can bring any charge against God's elect when you begin to see that I was unconditionally elected
That it had nothing to do with me and that the goodness and grace of God the love of God Chose me found me redeemed me.
That's That's comforting Massively comforting and I pray that these doctrines as you continue to grow in these that these
They challenge you but I hope first and foremost that they deepen your understanding and Because of that your love of God Your love of God because you begin to see more and more
God's love for you We love him because he first loved us. Amen Alright, let's pray dear only
Father Lord. We thank you Once again, we pray that you would be honored in our lives or help us to to see these truths
God when we began to see in Scripture that we were Elected that we were chosen that we were plucked out based upon your for love
Well your your affection your intimate love for us before you had even created us
It is humbling, but it's also greatly encouraging because of your your great passion
Or for your creation What I pray for those in here that maybe don't know you yet Lord, I pray that they would be chosen and they would be awakened to that truth that your timing
And God we pray that we would be a people that would Passionately spread the gospel.
Oh Lord, I beg of you that you do not allow me or any of the people in this room to become complacent and Begin to think that we have any idea about these doctrines whatsoever
When it leads us to be lazy Or when it leads us to not love
The those out that are left in the darkness God I pray that it would just it would further our
Bold declaration of truth
Now we would do it in love because we have been loved greatly we thank you in Christ's name.