1 Samuel 21



1 Samuel 21

Well, good morning Good to see everyone Keith.
Would you like to open us up with a word of prayer? All right, first Samuel chapter 20, I don't want to begin in verse 30 and read through the end of the chapter Said then Saul's anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him you son of a rebellious perverse woman Do you not know that you are choosing the the son of Jesse to your own shame and to the shame of your mother's nakedness? For as long as the son of Jesse lives on this earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established Therefore now send and bring him to me and he must surely die But Jonathan answered Saul his father and he said to him.
Why should he be put to death? What has he done and then Saul hurled his spear at him to strike him down So Jonathan knew that his father had decided to put David to death Then Jonathan arose from the table in fierce anger.
He did not eat food on the second day of the new moon For he was grieved over David because of his father had dishonored him Now it came about that in the morning that Jonathan went out into the field For the appointment with David and a little lad was with him and he said to his lad run Find now the arrows Which I'm about to shoot and as the lad was running he shot an arrow past him and when the lad reached the place Of the arrow which Jonathan had shot Jonathan called after the lad and said it's not the arrow beyond you and Jonathan called After the lad he said hurry be quick Do not stay and Jonathan's lad picked up the arrow and came to his master, but the lad was not aware of anything only Jonathan and David knew about this matter Then Jonathan gave his weapons to his lad and he said to him you go bring them to the city And when the lad was gone David arose from the south side and he fell on his face to the ground and he bowed three Times they kissed each other and they wept together and David wept all the more Jonathan and David John I'm sorry Jonathan said to David go in safety and as much as we have sworn to each other in the name of the Lord saying the Lord Will be between me and you and between my descendants and your descendants Then he arose and departed while Jonathan went into the city If you remember last week I told you there was a parallel back at starting in verse 24 there would be Saul would have a question you would have Jonathan's response and then you would have Saul's anger Well in this case, you're gonna have Jonathan has a question to his father You're gonna have Saul's response and then Jonathan's anger towards his father's response The reason why was it that Saul angered in verse 30? It said Saul's anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him you son of a perverse and rebellious woman You may remember why he said that What took place That he's he called to Jonathan one.
He he reprimanded him.
He brought his mother into it Dragging her into it What's that Well, he can supposedly had conspired with David.
They obviously remember they concocted a lie to try to Figure out was his dad really gonna trying to kill him and he said no my dad's not well Then he finds out that he is and he used a specific word That means to escape and the word the Hebrew word was Malak The first one he uses to mean to get to go away is shallot but when he gets to the end remember he's embellishing on this story and he says a word that says to escape you and That is I don't know if y'all were reading that and you go.
Well, man, what triggered Saul? Well, when you see it in the Hebrew, that's the word that you use.
So he's basically going.
Hey Saul's trying to escape you and he now So when he understands that Saul then in anger flips out He calls to Jonathan and he still wants to try to establish some type of dynasty reign even though earlier in the chapters He had already been removed from him because of his disobedience for or making the sacrifice when he was not supposed to But it's interesting.
He says as long as the son of Jesse is alive.
You will not reign What is that? What is Saul saying by? Implying Jonathan as long as David's alive, you won't be King.
What's the implication? What's that? Because David will be king.
If not, he's saying look David gonna be king if you don't kill him your dynasty will never be be put in place And then we get to verse 32 He says but Jonathan then answered Saul his father.
Now, here's the question.
Remember we had the parallel.
Here's the here's the question Jonathan's question to him, but Jonathan answered his father and he said why should he be put to death? And what has he done? Is that not exactly the same questions that David had asked Jonathan? What no, why does your dad want to kill me? What have I done? And this is also the same thing that Jonathan asked his father earlier in the book when he says hey, man, what is David done to you? Why would you want to sin against him? Why would you want to said sin against him by shedding innocent blood? so now Jonathan has actually come to the conclusion that yes, my dad really does hate David and Then here that was the question and what here's a here's Saul's response He hurled his spear at him to strike him down Well, we got two things we can say about Saul one.
He likes a spear Two he's a bad shot.
I mean he is Caleb says he's thrown I say twice, but Caleb said three times.
So we'll give Caleb the benefit of the doubt He's thrown it three times at David and he's missed now He's thrown it at his own son to strike his own son down and he's missed It's interesting every time we seems like we see Saul he's with that spear So he tries to strike David Jonathan down because he is angry Jonathan for his love for David basically and then we get to verse 34.
It says Jonathan then arose from the table and there's there's Two emotions that Jonathan has in that verse.
It says he had fierce anger and He had any grieved man That is those almost seem like they would be in conflict with one another How many of you have been in here so angry that you were grieving? I? Haven't I Have been grieving to the point to where I was angry Frustrated that man.
I am tired of this grief, but Jonathan's very angry at his dad and he's angry at his dad For for the reason of dishonor and shameful at the end of verse 34 Does any of those translations say dishonor shameful what? Shameful anybody else have anything other than dishonor and shameful No Well, what was shameful and who was he being shameful against was it Jonathan or David He was shamed of his dad's actions towards who That's kind of difficult, but to me it's difficult if you look at the vernacular of it It's hard to understand is he mad when you look in the Hebrew.
It doesn't it's not really clear It says he was shameful for his acts towards him.
Well, who's the him immediately? We think it would be okay Is it towards David? Okay, or was it towards? Jonathan either way what his acts were shameful They were reprehensible and he should have been rebuked for what he done Looky one.
He's trying to kill an innocent man David who's done nothing but good for him Now he's taken his faithful son.
And has he not tried to do the exact same thing as Jonathan been for faithful son What we know of him has he not has he not gone out and fought the Lord's battles early on before David entered the Entered the scene has he not gone out and he fought the battles for his father Matter of fact, he went out.
He slayed 30 Philistines just him and his armor baron who got the credit Saul did and Jonathan didn't stand up and say hold up dude.
It wasn't that old dusty guy that did that It was me No, he let his father take take the credit because he by extension was doing the bidding of his father for the glory of God So shameful acts towards David and Jonathan both it's hard I said it's hard to say which one when it says dishonor him who the him is that pronoun and in the Hebrew as hard as that antecedent going back to David or is that going back to Jonathan in English you would The pronoun normally goes right back to its first noun proper noun could have been David So I can understand how people come to that conclusion, but it's hard to it's hard to say in the Hebrew And in verse 35 it says now it came about that in the morning that Jonathan went out into the field For the appointment with David, you know, what was the appointment with David from last week? What was the what was their plan not the lie, but the plan? Let him know whether or not salt was against him or not Yep If he shot the arrow He if he shot the arrow closer the boy would get it and that was mean he was safe and he could come on back In if he shot it past him He says hey, you're gonna have to when I say for him to go a little further That means it's time for you to skedaddle.
So He said to his lad you run now find the arrow which I'm about to shoot and the lab was running and he shot the arrow Past him the lad reached the place where the arrow had had he had shot and Jonathan called him he said it it's not it's beyond you and here here's the words that David was supposed to hear hurry be quick.
Do not stay I mean hurry It's time for you to go and you better be quick about what you do and don't stick around here And why was he saying that? Because Saul now knew he now knew that dad his father's intent was to kill David Jonathan's told his lad pick up the arrows for his master and verse 39 but the lad was not aware of anything other than the anything is not the matter of about him and David what their Their scheme was to try to figure out by actions whether he saw one to kill him David then that him and only David him knew the matter Jonathan gave his weapons to his lad and said go Bring them to the city.
It's interesting here that Jonathan disarms himself To go meet his friend in the field.
Anybody have any thoughts of why he would do that? Who said who I can't hear people That exactly right.
Yeah, he he said all right here He understands that his dad was to kill him so that when I go walking out the David let David so David can see as He walked up to him.
Hey, I'm of no threat to you and I'm coming to you Not in the anger of my father But in the contrition and love of our covenant that we had made with the other earlier than the chapter So he disarmed himself so that David wouldn't in no way shape form or fashion Think that he want he wants to harm him And it said that the lad who was gone David rose up from the south side and he fell on the ground and he bowed three times and They kissed each other and they wept together, but David wept all the more now For you and I we don't normally meet each other with a holy kiss Okay, this is not uncommon for two men in Hebrew culture to at a time of great grief or a crime a time of great departure of one another to embrace one another and give each other a kiss normally on the cheek on the head and I don't know about y'all but I've been in a very great time of grief before and I can tell you I love the kiss Of my wife that's all great and good man It was nothing better than having my friend put his arm around me kiss me on top of the head man It was like man You know, sometimes there's nothing better than the embracement of your friend and this is what's taking place here I remember these two men's souls it says were knitted together these two men had basically had become one for one another and They were looking out for the best interest of one another it says here that David wept all the more why I'm sorry From this perspective that is correct from his that from his perspective and from Jonathan's perspective this would be the last time they would probably see one another and Jonathan's gonna leave he's gonna go back to the city.
He's gonna go back to living his life.
Is he not? Where's David going? I guess you remember I told you chapter 19.
That was a pivotal point David from that point on is a fugitive We don't see anybody here with David doing Did we see anybody with David last chapter? We saw David with me call or Michael everyone said his wife she Concocted a scheme to let him out.
He took off was anybody with David from that point on I mean David's been for however long this period of time is he's been on the run by himself And that's I want you that's very significant when we get to the next chapter, which we're going to get into Not yet not now Not now That's the net yeah, and those men that come along from him Will be actually Remember remember how we talked about Saul would find men and take them unto himself So remember the distinction we're seeing Saul takes well We're gonna see that David when he runs out and he gets to where he's on his own men attach themselves to him Now don't get me wrong.
There's the motley crew that wind up getting around him You're gonna have men that wind up being very great men of valor.
You're gonna have off the hill You're gonna have Abishai and you're gonna have Joe Abbott just to let you know when we get into them guys Those are three dudes.
You do not mess with I mean they have no problem whacking somebody's head off for back talking David at all But those men have not yet attached himself.
Remember once he is deemed maybe had this private Converse of this private thing.
We know it's going on in Saul's mind Hey, I'll let him go fight against the Philistines and let the Philistines kill them.
Remember? Hey you go out remember you had a bag of four skins hoping that okay He was hoping that the Philistines were gonna do it when that didn't happen.
Then what did he do? He tried to kill him himself he sent messengers to do that Well, he hit me calls house that he sent messengers So something that went private then became public as that became public the men that were entrusted to him Just by default were taking from him.
Saul's not going to Give him a band of soldiers That he would have to then fighting his own men against remember it went from 10,000 men to a thousand in a chapter remember Yeah, but you're in the progression of the story that was before he wanted before I become public that he's gonna kill David Remember he sent three times He sent messengers to go do that in the spirit of the Lord made those guys start prophesying and then Saul said well dad gum it If they're not gonna kill that little rascally guy I'll go do it myself and then he winds up being shamed and stripped down naked and he prophesied until David could get on out of town So at this point, there's nobody with David and we're gonna when we get into chapter 21, we'll get there in a second So they wept one.
I this is the last time it unless we if you weren't reading already ahead This would be the last time that they probably were going to see one another and what did they do? They renewed the covenant between him and his descendants.
What was the what was the covenant that they made with you early on? To their seed and it even then why would Jonathan have said I need you to be Loving kindness and compassionate towards my descendants.
Why? He knew he's gonna be the king and what did they do to the descendants of the Kings before they killed him So he's like look man, don't don't do that to my family.
Don't do that And I want your word on this and I want it before the Lord so when you get to the end it says so he arose and departed while Jonathan went back into the city so Jonathan goes back to live in his life and David's on the run and this is gonna be David's life until we get to the end of the book On the run now who will seek he'll seek refuge in places that Probably not real becoming of where we would go, but he will seek refuge and God will protect his man Remember, he was a god.
He was a man after God's own choosing He God had chosen David for the purpose of being the Davidic King From the line of Judah.
He will protect this King now.
We're gonna see that David's gonna trust in himself We're gonna see that David flies.
We're gonna see that David does other things that we probably would not have done And that has to do with David begin to trusting in his own his own abilities instead of Leaning on his understanding of God.
I mean remember lean not on your own understandings But in all of your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your path Well, that's not what what David's gonna do and that's not to beat up David I don't know about you guys, but if we were on the run and It seemed like everything was closing in around us.
I don't know about y'all man I'm gonna be praying to the Lord, but buddy, I'm gonna be strapping I'm gonna be prepared to do whatever I have to do to take care of myself and my life And that's what we're gonna get into and we're fixing to start For chapter 21, and I'm just gonna tell you right straight up This is to me probably one of the most difficult Interpretive Chapters and all of this book And I'm gonna explain to you why as we go through it.
It's not easy So as we read through it, I'm gonna read the whole whole chapter and I'm gonna try to get through it We've got 20 minutes or so 25 minutes.
I'm gonna try to get through it.
If not, we'll pick up next week It says then David came to Nob or Nob to a Himalaya the priest and Himalaya came trembling to meet David and he said to him why are you alone and no one with you and David said to him elect a priest the king has commissioned me with a matter and has said to me let no one know anything about the matter in which I'm sending you and With which I have commissioned you and I have directed the young men to a certain place now Therefore, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread or whatever can be found and the priest answered David and he said there is no ordinary bread on hand But there is consecrated bread if only the young men have kept themselves from women and David answered the priest And he said surely women have been kept from us as previously when we are set out and the vessels of the men The young men are holy though.
It would be that way on an ordinary journey How much more today would their vessels be holy? So the priest gave him the consecrated bread and there was no bread But the bread of the presence which was removed before the Lord in order That hot bread would be put in its place on the day in which it was taken now one of the servants of Saul was there that day and he did was being detained before the Lord and his name was doe egg the Edomite He was the chief of Saul's shepherds David said to a Himalayan now is there not a spear or a sword on hand for I have brought neither sword nor my weapons with me because the Kings matter was urgent and The priest said the sword of Goliath the Philistine whom you killed in the Valley of Eli behold It is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod If you would take it for yourself take it for there is none other there is There is no other except it here and David said there is none like it give it to me then David arose he fled from Saul and he went to Akish the king of Gath But the servants of Akish said is this not David the king of the land? Did they not sing of this one and dance before Saul saying Saul has slayed his thousands But David his ten thousands and David took these words to heart and he became greatly afraid of Akish the king of Gath So he disguised himself and with insanity and he was before them and he acted insanely in Their hands and he scribbled on the doors of the gate He let saliva run down his beard and then Akish said to his servants behold you see you have brought this madman behaving to me Why would you bring him to me? Do I lack madmen in my own house? Why have you brought this madman to my presence shall I have another madman in my house and that's the end Okay, here it is.
It says that David came to knob and a Himalayan was the priest You had Eli dirtbag to That is the call your swift translation These were the two of Eli that were prostituting the women at the temple at the Tabernacle Gate remember and because Eli wouldn't Because Eli would not reprimand them or remove them from their position These men were deemed to be accursed and that God was gonna strike him dead, right? These two men died When the art was captured Wow The art was captured these two were killed this guy His line was cut off This guy had a son Ichabod, but he had also a son Heaton He had a son A Himalayan that's where we're at.
Remember this curse was this whole line With at some point gonna be cut off And we would have fought back.
Here is when it would have was gonna happen, right? Would we not who did God raise up to carry out the priestly duties? Samuel but Samuel was not a Levitical priest.
So he could not he could not do anything in the Tabernacle where this was what was going on.
The other problem is is when the art was captured.
Where did it go? I Know that's been four scores and seven years ago since we were back there.
But where did the art go when they captured it? Yeah, and it was passed around like a hot potato.
Why? And Yeah, hemorrhoids and rats and all kinds of stuff and they finally sent it back and where did it go from there? Put it on cart put it on the low and cows and where'd they send it? Kiriath gerium, that's where it went when it got to Kiriath gerium.
What happened? It's that It wiped out 30 men Levites killed 30 Levites and they said oh, hold on.
We got to move this thing So it went from once it was captured it came from here I'm just gonna put K because I know I can't spell that It went from there.
And then when it got here after wiped out those people they sent it to Benadab's house and it's interesting the hill I Sent it to Benadab's house on the hill If you remember correctly, I told you it was there for 67 years You're gonna say Mike you just lied to me because it's saying here that the Himalaya was at the presence of the Lord with the with the consecrated bread now This is where it gets difficult The last time we saw the The Ark it was at a Benadab's house, right? I want you to turn over to 2nd Samuel Chapter 5 6 at this point David's already been installed King Saul has died and in Chapter 6 and now David again chapter 1 I mean chapter 6 verse 1 now David again gathered all the chosen men of Israel 30,000 David arose and he went up with the people Who were with him to Baal Judah to bring up the Ark of God, which is called by the name of the one Who's the Lord of hosts who is enthroned above? The cherubim and the place where the Ark of God was was placed on a new cart That it might be brought to the house of God.
And where does it say it was at a Benadab's house up on the hill so We have a major discrepancy.
Do we not? Chapter 21 is saying this is in knob I'm going to make a suggestion Okay, this is when your interpretive problems rely When Understanding where knob was Understanding this became the city of the priest in my to be consistent I Would say the Ark is not present But the ephod is present.
It says that What was the ephod at times? Recognized as Remember I had the umam in the thumb.
They needed to make a statement.
They needed to ask the Lord What did they do? The presence of the Lord was actually considered in the ephod you remember when? Saul was going to fight the Philistines and even are some of our translations even had some discrepancies It said that Saul called for the Ark To bring it to him, but then some translation said bring the ephod you remember and he asked Hit it to me.
He said hey Stop reaching your hand towards that.
There's no reason to ask the Lord anymore Well, was it the Ark that was there? Was it the ephod? Did they ask the Ark or did they ask the ephod? Which one did they ask The ephod nobody talked to the Ark the Ark didn't respond The Ark would not have been brought out into open plain view Since this time, okay, so that's where this becomes difficult Knob would have been the place of the priest that would have been established sometime with When Samuel was still alive obviously and it would have been the place where they would have set up some form This is the East they would have set up some form the table would have been here Still could have been here But we don't believe that this was here This would have been something that they would have set up with what they could do to try to honor the Lord to the best of Their ability remember was the tabernacle even around at this point.
When was the tabernacle destroyed? When they did when they went into Shiloh You understand this is why they have some major interpretive issues because now we're going to have the the the bread Which is here David comes this is another thing says that David Enters the house of the Lord was David qualified to enter the house of the Lord Was he No, I even tell you what's even one worse than that who was detained before the Lord It says doeg Who was this guy? He's an Edomite and It says he was detained before the Lord.
Do you think an Edomite would have been? In here You understand the problems that lie when we read this and then we have Jesus's account of this very thing and It says that on that you can look at if you want to it.
You have I think it's in Luke 6 mark 3 and either mark end of mark 2 beginning of 3 and Luke 12 and And you have Jesus's account of it Anybody remember who does it say was the who was the priest then? Why would he have said that Those are questions to be asked is it not? Okay now One We do not believe this is here We do believe this is here We have no reason to believe that this is not here they have set up some form of the tabernacle to Worship with priestly member.
There was no priest from the time that this happened Was there any priest that had been raised up other than other than Samuel? No, so they were raising up priest forever long.
This was however long same of 40 years however long they've been so Jesus made the statement in Mark as a by far being the priest for this reason who was the woman it was about David and Jesus's Explanation Jesus's explanation was making it about David Who was the person that carried the ephod and then carried the ark before the Lord for David? It was a by far he was actually Finish this chapter This is the guy That would be the only one left and we ain't gonna get that far, but he will be the only one left so when Jesus says hey The the priest a by far it's because he is the one that is connected to the narrative of David Okay Who was the look at times in Scripture? It is given in general terms.
I Get hung up on the details.
I don't know about y'all of them You're reading anybody did anybody have any of these issues when they were reading that this week? Or week before or the week before has anybody ever read this and come and go? Hey, man, there's some things that seem hard or am I the only retarded one here? I mean, there are some major issues here so a Himalaya Would have had a by far he would have been the last one So when Jesus says he entered the house of in in in mark that David entered the house of the Lord With the priesthood of a by far Had to do with a by far being the recognized priest of the King of David.
Okay? now Any questions disagreements? Have I completely confused you? No, I'm just kidding.
I know you can't read my hand, right? It's actually gonna come in chapter 23, but if you I can I can Get you a list of the breakdown I think it's in chapter 23 when we actually he kills all maybe it's next I can't remember chapter 23 or the next one.
He kills in chapter 22 He kills them all and he actually once again, you remember when Saul is very angry at someone He doesn't call them by their name.
Remember, what did he called Jonathan? You son of a rebellious perverse woman and we was mad at David.
What did he say David? Oh the son of David I'll kill you.
I mean the son of Jesse.
I'll kill you.
Well when he gets mad at this, dude He said oh you son of a heater That's how we know and you can go through I think it's in Chronicles Think it's in Chronicles.
I left it.
I'll find it for you and it gives the list Of these men as Obviously, he's not in there It gives the list of these he is actually removed from his position by Solomon Which is a fulfillment that the line of Eli would be cut off and it actually says that in in first Kings there's things that he's left that he has to take care of remember he kind of gives his Solomon David gives him kind of a godfather speech a look I'm fixing to go on but there's some riffraff You got to take care of that I did not take care of while I was alive and I need you to take care of it one of them would be Under the prophetic Word of God, he would take care of this He would no longer carry the he would no longer be a priest.
It was taken from here.
And where's Tim? You not in here meet him talking about this because a lot of people go Well, how did the line go from the line of Eli to the line of Zadok? If you don't think about the priesthood that happens.
Well, there has to be a shift somewhere, right? It happens here He white he says hey I'm not gonna kill you But you ain't carrying the ark no more because of what you did with my dad member He was part of the conspiracy to overthrow David with Absalom Okay, he says I should kill you, but I'm not going to because you carry the ark I'm gonna send you out and go back to I think was Anathoth or wherever the the priest he says but Zadok Actually becomes the priest which means it moves this This was in the far It moves back over to Eliezer If you remember That's where the line continued for a very long time up until it shifted at some point It shifted from Eliezer to to Eli and we have no idea but it goes back to Eliezer who was the faithful high priest and he goes back to his line and Zadok was a was a Descendant of that so I'll get if you want me to get you that list, I'll get it for you so you can see the Okay, so Verse the end of verse one.
Why are you alone and no one is with you? That seems a little redundant if I'm alone, what does that mean? No one's with me So he asked him.
Why are you alone and no one with you? I Mean it was a it was a legitimate question But it says that a him elect was trembling when he saw David.
Why would he have been trembling when he saw David? Certainly if if the hubbub on the street was hey, man, David's David's a wanted man And if David's a wanted man, and he's coming to me is David here to kill me Not yet, he will yeah not yet he will and that's another interpretive issue we got to deal with I mean, this is loaded with issues So he says why are you alone no with you and David said to the priest here it is he lies King has commissioned me with a matter and Has said to me let no one know anything about the matter of which I'm sending you With which I have commissioned you and have directed the young man to a certain place one did the king send him there No, no Why was he there He was one we know he was hungry and From what doe egg says later that he actually came there maybe to entreat the Lord to ask questions And that was where that device was by which he could ask the Lord But he was alone because dude he didn't have nobody with him He was disarmed so when he shows up there There is two men that are looking face to face to one another I believe the him like was a faithful priest and we'll see that when you get to the slaughter of knob did he even he He is aware that David lied to him, and he does not say look here King Saul He lied to me.
I was not aware of what was going on.
You know what he does he actually appeals to David's character as being a Faithful man and a faithful servant and that David was doing what David was supposed to do And we'll get into that part when we get to chapter 22 But you have two men you have a Himalayan who doesn't seem like he's really trusting David right right Then and you got David who ain't trusting a Himalayan Right That is that fair to say or no Yeah, of course.
He's not trusting him.
Why do you think he just told him a lie? He doesn't know if he's if he's aware that that Saul's trying to kill him.
So what's he gonna do? He's gonna say hey, wait a minute I'm here for the king as long as he says he's here for the king and he's gonna give him whatever he needs And that's what actually happens he says But I am I've been commissioned and have directed a young man to a certain place one Does David have any young men with him? Did David have anybody with him? No, David is alone.
There is no one yet attached himself to David He says now Therefore do you have any bread? Give me five loaves.
All right.
Well, I'm sure we could find some Preachers to tell us why you said five loves.
I mean just like he had five stones I don't know.