The Most Delusional Gospel Coalition Debaters in History? - Part 5

AD Robles iconAD Robles



He Actually Admits It - White People Must Bend to Their Will - Part 6

He Actually Admits It - White People Must Bend to Their Will - Part 6

All right, all right, let's uh, let's do this You know, I do these good faith debates and you know, usually the first couple of episodes i'm feeling pretty good
I'm excited about it. I you know, my commentary is a lot more energetic and i'm just feeling great
Usually around the fourth or fifth episode, which I think we're kind of at at this point I'm, just dreading it
This is the time where I just I have to power through I have to push through and I do it
For you guys, you know what? I mean i'm not I find no I get no pleasure out of this anymore in the fourth or fifth episode
That's when things start to always turn and this is no exception. I'm dreading this. I really am
But I know a lot of you guys really like it Some of you guys really don't like it and I get it, you know and so you just have to deal with this for the time being
We've delayed long enough Let's get into it actually before I do let me just say I hope you had a good weekend
I hope you had a good lord's day I definitely did and all of that kind of thing. So god bless you
Yeah, let's do this if that's even something that's
That's debatable. Maybe some folks out of some sense of ideological conviction were debated
But I think we know that I think if we're honest We know that's the truth And so and we have to be able to deal with that We can't and that's a justice issue and a reconciliation issue
And so it's a justice issue because those prejudices lead to disparate outcomes And so those things need us to lean into and I think in this sense is important for us not to disparage
It wouldn't be a good faith debate without saying lean into those that perhaps we disagree with on some things
I think that d 'angelo and those guys are trying to raise awareness Or trying to create a sense of self -awareness
About how people are acting in ways that they just don't recognize
Here is some evidence. Is this anecdotal? It's not necessarily quantitative, but anecdotal experiences is a part of the human experience.
And so we're more than measures Uh, there are motivations that we have that are not precise There are convictions that we feel we can't tell you why but we have them
And so and so these things are very racialized and I think that's a key part of the
Racial justice and racial reconciliation agenda is to deal with those kinds of prejudices, which
I think is a formational problem That's a longer conversation But I think you could always racialize anything.
I mean, it's it's just this is this is the this is one of the big Problems with all of this. I mean, it's not the only problem.
It's not even the primary problem but you could racialize anything you want and The the trick of it is that maybe there is a racial component to it
Maybe there isn't but you you never can know and and and you can never disprove it It's just a completely unprovable thing.
You know recently we've been talking about Emmett Till because uh, you know Stephen Wolfe, uh
I believe this I don't know if this is a joke or not I really don't but I believe Stephen Wolfe was telling a joke when he said i'll bite who's
Emmett Till um because Emmett Till is one of these figures that you're not supposed to To say anything unapproved about and the fact that you wouldn't know
Emmett Till Would be like someone admitting that they don't know Paul the apostle, you know what
I mean? He's a new saint and if you don't know him, then you don't know enough. You're you're not respectable Uh enough to talk about, you know anything really of any consequence.
He's uh, he's one of these new saints He's like he's like the George Floyd of the civil rights era and even me just saying that right now
There are some people that can right now, you know Some of my audience even is feeling within them this this this burning kind of thing bubbling up and saying ad you've gone too far
And a lot of you guys are suppressing that and that's good. You should suppress that because that's not uh,
It's not the heresy that uh, you've been taught that it is to say that Emmett Till was the
George Floyd of the civil rights era Yeah, there's no doubt that there's biases and prejudice that people have towards people because there's no doubt about that Here's what
I think Here's why I think it's so important that this point is, you know Whether you're fully human or not because the way you can approach people totally changes when they have to acknowledge you're human
Even if they are a bias for example, you know i've had Great experiences. These people are so sick in the head and and so out to lunch and just so whacked out
These guys are whacked That they think that there are people running around significant numbers of people running around right now
That are really they're not quite sure if black people are human beings like and in fact, they argue that they're not like These two men are sick
I gotta tell you like If you really think that there are lots of people in the united states running around and they're and they're not quite sure that Maybe blacks are like, you know, maybe part human or not quite fully human
Um If you believe that there are significant people out there that are thinking that You are actually insane
You are insane. These two men appear to be insane Let's let him continue
Whites who at first start and I I think for a lot of them. It's it's it's a matter of uh,
Uh, they don't care enough about what's happening, you know, which which i'm not saying it's right But it's a different challenge than say the civil war and jim crowism and that sort of thing
So when you can when you can uh find a way to to to hit that humanity to go.
Oh, I should care It changes whereas that was really not available. Yeah, that's true There's a lot of white people and he's learned this, you know
He's learned this talking to whites and he's been very scientific about it. Of course, i'm sure Uh, he's learned through talking to whites
That they don't really care about what's happening and the reason is because they're just not really sure they're fully human
And once you realize that they're fully human, they're like, oh Oh those black guys.
Those are actually human beings Oh So, of course I should care.
I mean, I thought they were basically like dogs Um, and so, you know who cares? I mean if a dog's, you know, they're struggling.
I mean, yeah, you feel bad But you know, what could you do? It's a dog. That's what that's what they were thinking But then
I you know, the great whatever my name is who could barely put two sentences together Yeah, I really showed these white people that these white devils
That they're actually human beings and they're like, oh and and it and a light bulb goes off the imago day, of course
Do you see how psychotic these men are these men are actually Am I being too mean?
I mean, is this not insane? This is insane If you believe this that there are lots of white guys running around out there and the reason that they don't care
About the plight of blacks which again allegedly the plight of blacks everything here is it got asterisks and it needs the word allegedly in front of it because You get too wrapped up in their narratives that you get you get
Talked into circles and you end up admitting things that aren't even true They're alleged plight the alleged plight of black people.
These two psychopaths think that there are lots of white people lots And he's talked to many of them
That they don't care about the alleged plight of blacks because they're not entirely sure That they're fully human and once they realize that once you lean into the humanity of blacks then you realize
Oh the imago day, of course, I should I should care about their plight the alleged plight
My goodness, these these are some of the most delusional Woke church people that i've ever seen.
I mean i've seen some there's some delusional woke church people out there These two might be among them the most and maybe it's because they present themselves as reasonable like jim
Artisby presents himself like a lunatic. I mean he looks like a clown and then he acts like a clown Oh, yeah, you're a clown.
You know what I mean? But these two are like presentable at least On the surface and then they talk and they're like, oh, yeah, you're just as crazy.
I I get it. I get it About the civil war we're talking about jim. I prefer jim artisby to be honest
Reservations and and this sort of stuff because they were not seen as fully human And so I think that that is a there's a you know, when
I think about a challenge today I think that's a critical difference challenges today as opposed to what we've had for most of our history.
That's helpful daryl I'm interested in the eschatological ramifications to pull on that third a little bit.
I also appreciate that you were clear We're not taught we are clothed in christ righteousness
There is that but that doesn't get us off the hook either in the terms of the ethical and the way that we live our lives that isn't a reason to not
To just to throw up our hands and not do anything so I i'm a pastor.
Um And I talk with other pastors and this is probably true of a lot of the white or black We really need to know in general, but i'm going to zero in on white pastors.
Oh white They're white. I get accused of saying too much and not saying enough and i've heard you talk about the eschatological ramifications directly in reference to white people not saying enough
And there are lots of injustices that there are more justices in the world than I would have time to speak out against What advice do you have for people?
Let's just let's say pastors for right now white pastors Even how do we know the line?
We're also we're also Shepherding a specific group of people that god has given us. They're going to all look very different.
And so just some some Some advice on how to steward that to know when to speak when not to speak
When you're running too far ahead of your congregation, you know, just shepherding stuff. I think that's a great that is a great question, you know
Let me give you let me give you the ad robles approved advice on uh on this white guys white pastors
Listen up Sit at my feet I am puerto rican
And uh, you must listen and sit and learn at my feet. I've got experience
I've got a lived experience. I've got stories And i've got the skin most importantly the skin and especially in the summertime.
It gets a little darker So in the summertime if you're gonna listen to ad robles, you know, maybe
I could see maybe in the dead of winter You know february march, you know, things are still you're inside a lot.
Maybe you don't want to listen I maybe my uh, my european background comes out a little too much and and poisons my brain
But in the summertime, you know this right here, you know, this is the good stuff Here's what you do here here's what you do ready.
How do you know you're saying too much saying not enough I don't know if you are
Going with the the general narrative of the day Stop I'm, not gonna say you're saying too much.
You're just saying wrong thing You're saying false things if you're the hands up don't shoot if you if you find yourself, uh using the slogans of the day
Black lives matter for example and all of that kind of thing That's a good indication that you're probably not thinking this through you're you're you're you're responding like an emotional, uh, you know
Computer program and you see a black Hands up. Don't shoot gotta be true.
Gotta be true. Look. I know I only saw a five second clip But you know, why why would they lie?
If you're saying anything that uh You could basically hear on msnbc with very little editing stop
I'm, not gonna say you're saying too much. It's not about too much too little. I I find that to be uh,
A very distracting way of putting it. You're saying too much. You're saying too little. It's really not that you're saying too much it's just that you're lying just like Uh, what's her face on msnbc?
I don't even remember her name because I don't care Just like uh, the cnn people again. I don't really remember their names because I don't really care
You're just lying. That's the thing. It's not that you're saying too much It's that it's just that you're repeating lies that you heard on the television
Stop doing that. That's my advice stop lying just because everybody else is lying
You know, everyone else is out there lying and you you feel like well, I mean, how could I know? This is really happening.
This is an outrage, you know resist the urge to spread your concern Resist the urge to be troubled publicly professional troubled uh pastor
Resist the urge to dunk on the church These are the things that that I think are very practical that you know
Maybe you're not going to get everything right. You might miss one too. You might miss a real Opportunity to show how righteous you are in the eyes of the world
But you know, I think your flock will forgive you if you miss that one, you know Like you didn't jump on the hands up don't shoot thing and man, maybe they really were racist
Maybe they really were and you missed it. And now like your your congregation, you know might not know
Are you racist or not? Like people will know if you're racist or not based on your activities Not so much what you say about the latest thing that you saw on msnbc
And if people are going to hold you to account on the latest thing that you saw on msnbc You said enough you said right just the right amount whatever
That's on them and quite frankly, it's kind of on you as well because you're shepherding them to be essentially
I don't know. I mean useful idiots. Is that what they call them these days? Whoever's just you know Just a slave to the propaganda narratives.
That's you train them to be that way anyway anyway yeah,
I mean that's really it I mean like if you fell for the covid stuff like You you need to do some self -examination of of your of the last five years or so you fell for the covid stuff
Maybe you fell for this racist stuff too because it's of the same kind you basically did as you were told
I know you like to fantasize and you feel all warm inside thinking that you would be the one guy
That didn't heil hitler you'd be in that, you know that photo where everyone's doing the heil hitler
But then the one guy's there just like this You like to fantasize that you would be that guy
But you know the experience of the last few months has determined that's that's a lie
You're not that guy. I'm that guy. I could be that guy. You're not that guy though now you uh
You uh enforce covid policies because the government says so you shut your church down because the government said so you injected yourself with Experimental chemicals over and over and over and over again
Because the government says so look if you did that that's okay That's okay, but then but then a lot of you started saying well, this is a matter of christian
Uh, what was it christian love is Like you in order to be a christian you had to get the shot and also encourage others to get the shot and then maybe post your vaccination card to encourage others to get the shot like That was you
You would have been one of the guys heiling hitler And I think this woke stuff is all the same
So that's ad robles's advice. Remember you have to listen to me, especially in august.
Well, I guess it's july Or i'm a little darker I went to the dominican this year. I'm a little darker.
So you have to listen to me. Let's see what this Psychopath has to say Question brother,
I think there are a couple things here. I think that the fundamental issue is the issue of discipleship Which is to help our people to understand
What it looks like to follow jesus what it looks like to be shaped into christ likeness
One of the things that dallas willard says which I agree with is that to be a disciple of christ be a mature disciple of christ
Is to have an inner life. That's like jesus's inner life And there's there's a sense in which our motivations our motivations toward the other
I think we as we disciple people we have to help them to take jesus's words seriously
In that christ words becomes the center of gravity of the kingdom agenda
And we need to be honest with ourselves as pastors That we've been mentored and shaped in ways to not value christ's words as core
So for example several years ago Uh tgc we had a panel discussion around if jesus preached the gospel
And it was interesting. It was very good. I mean, it was a very helpful tim keller don carson.
John piper There was a panel um
I'm clue i'm actually speechless Did this guy just say there was a panel discussion on tgc
About whether or not jesus preached the gospel Did I mishear that?
I'm gonna have to go back Guys guys, there's just no way that this is real, right? I'm gonna go back i'm gonna go back 20 seconds
I I think you know, let's just hear this out In that christ words becomes the center of gravity of the kingdom agenda
And we need to be honest with ourselves as pastors that we've been mentored and shaped in ways to not value christ's words as core
So for example several years ago Uh tgc we had a panel discussion around if jesus preached the gospel
And it was interesting. It was very good. I mean, it was a very helpful tim keller don carson
John piper very helpful dialogue and we greatly benefited from it. However The rhetorical question the fact that it gives some buzz to us is a problem
The fact that we can ask the question did jesus teach the gospel?
Helps us understand that there's something in our understanding of the gospel That perhaps is deficient.
It's a it's a miniature. It's a shrunken gospel It's not that it's invalid. It's just that it's miniature and I don't think we've taken seriously
The regenerative work of the spirit that the spirit of god has done more to just cover us in christ's righteousness
He we that his righteousness is imputed to us But we are meant to be changed and the way the new testament deals with the apologetics of the faith
Is largely to think about it ethically And so whether it's john
John 1 john 3 4 and 5 he's very clear about what the implications of lovelessness are lovelessness is gracelessness
Gracelessness is godlessness And so we need to help our folks feel on the race conversation what we think about this how we feel about this matters
Magnificently i'm not just talking about a loss of rewards and things like that I'm saying to you recognizing what jesus did for you
It's not the same thing as being changed by the spirit of god. It's a new kind of human being And so we need to help folks.
I think I understand now. Um, if you guys know what panel he's talking about that is Pretty interesting i'd like to see
The debate there that I mean, I think I understand where he's coming from though where it's like, you know Because jesus taught a lot about uh ethics
And he said repent the kingdom of god is at hand. That was the gospel message um
And of course he taught about forgiveness as well, but he taught a lot about ethics Did jesus preach the gospel?
Uh, I agree the fact that that's even a question that that has rhetorical, you know Importance I guess to the gospel coalition audience.
I think probably tells you all you need to know about the gospel coalition audience um What what any of this nonsense has to do with racial disparities?
uh, he's trying to make that sort of in evidence of fruit like like in other words like Like the fruit of the spirit he wants to add like some kind of racial consciousness some kind of racial disparity consciousness
Because he's saying that that what you believe that about these racial disparities
Has a magnificent impact on uh, I mean, I think he's saying salvation um
That's pretty interesting. Now, you know, that's pretty wild. It's pretty wild. Uh, let's see We're gonna go in 25 minutes.
Let's let's let's power through we gotta get through at least a few more minutes of this because I don't want to do that many more episodes feel that we're not judging anyone.
No warning in scripture is a condemnation They're simply an attempt to provide a framework to understand what it means to be in christ
But it's just amazing like yeah, there's so many warnings in scripture. There's a lot. There's a lot of ethical teaching
We don't then why if this is so important psycho Why do we get exactly zero teaching about the importance of racial disparities in?
in health care outcomes Household income disparities.
In fact, we do get teaching a little bit about income disparities and the fact that uh, hey you agreed to it
It's fair. I can give you know, whatever I want to whatever whoever I want. It's my stuff You know, like like why don't we get tea?
Why don't we get the teachings of socialism in the scripture if it's so important? racial socialism
I think as pastors Making stuff up as it goes along. It's on every relational concern.
I do not have the license to hate Or to diminish people because I affirm certain doctrinal truths
It doesn't work that way and I think paul makes it very clear. He says don't let anyone deceive you in empty words
Anyone who lives like this? This is why the wrath of god has come and so as pastors our
Calling is to present everyone a perfect in crisis. These guys are really good at at at And and I think i've i've talked about this before on the channel and I know i've talked about this in my book
These guys are really good at at putting their finger on on a lack of uh of ethical focus
Uh in christian teaching because there is some of that. There's a lot of antinomianism out there There's a lot of of like this new covenant type theology stuff
Uh where where it's like, you know all all the ethical teaching in the scripture Well, it's really there's a few things that are important, but mostly it's not anymore.
We've got a new administration and it's completely Outdone everything else and you know, by the way, we're saved by grace
And so, you know, what do you think you're saved by your works? Why would you focus on that stuff? Yeah, there is actually a problem there with with the way that a lot of people present the faith.
That's true But number one we do have to maintain a law gospel distinction number one number two
That has nothing to do with all of this race nonsense, but they want to fill it in but if you've noticed
They very rarely give you specifics on how the race nonsense fills it in He'll say things like well, you can't hate your neighbor
But what he doesn't do is he doesn't give you the the actual actions there and and I think
If he was honest and I think this is why he doesn't do it because this would sound bad but like if you're not actively looking to alleviate the wealth disparity between white families and black families, then you hate black families and all of a sudden you get to this situation where all this socialist stuff becomes an imperative for christian life and It becomes imperative for salvation is what it becomes imperative for and if you're not actively doing
The the socialism that we say you need to do and the reparations and all this stuff all the work of anti -racism
Then you're probably not saved and definitely have empty words or your false teacher
They rarely they rarely fill in the gaps, but they do identify a real problem Then they mention the race stuff and then you're supposed to fill in those gaps yourself
They don't they rarely do it themselves because I think that would expose them too much But that's the scam that they're running.
They actually do put their finger on a problem Actually, I do agree with this guy that the fact that gospel coalition would have a debate or conversation.
Did jesus preach the gospel? He's putting his finger on a problem with evangelical teaching.
That is a real problem that does exist Not in every church, but in many churches And then he's talking about the race stuff to pull your emotional heartstrings and you're supposed to make that Humongous jump that if you don't care about or if you don't it's not that you don't care
Is that you actively work to reverse wealth gaps between white families and black families if you're not actively doing that Then you know what you're might be one of these guys.
That's like did jesus preach the gospel even You don't understand the gospel if you're not actively working to improve health care outcomes for black women or something like that like That's a big jump a big logical jump
That's just 128 that's our sneaky too it's very so we need to make sure that our people who we are responsible for Understand what it means to be in christ what it means to live in a christ -like way
And how we should think of other human beings And if you are devaluing the situation circumstances of other people
That is an eschatological problem. I can't make you any assurances. I can't give you any guarantees
Just because you understand a principle or truth does not mean it's a reality for you I think that was james's point in james chapter 2 and so so I think as pastors brother
It's important that we it's less about the race issue, but it's inclusive of that We've got to help our folks know that being in christ is a life and they love
And if those two things are absent, I don't care what you have Definitionally you don't have christ and the reason why that's the case is not because some rule
Because it's the spirit's work And he's powerful enough. He's charismatic enough to make that work efficacious, man.
It's real it's going to happen. Yeah I think we need to help them to to understand that so what i'm hearing is it's possible to be accomplishing that and be quiet on social media
I think they're good reasons to be quiet on social media just as a principle, right? Well, I I know I I know
All right, we're gonna stop there. That's uh, that's enough Yeah, that's the trick though. They they're very good at pointing out a real problem a serious problem and then they start
Injecting the the social justice the woke stuff into that and saying if you're not doing the social justice and woke stuff then you're clearly
Um, you don't you haven't been changed by the spirit, you know, you're not there's no life there. There's no love there Here's the easy way to short circuit all of this
Because he's right about the first part. There is a problem And how do you know someone is bearing fruit right how do you know someone is loving how do you know someone
Uh has the holy spirit working on them and that's because they do good works Right. We we know that you say you have faith
Well show me your works I'll show you my faith by my works Faith without works is dead
And what works are those I mean what what are good works? How do you know what good works are they works that make people feel good?
Are they works that people agree are good? Are they works that get you on msnbc? Like what are the good works?
Well, we define those good works By the law of god, and if you look at what the social justice
Woke church people want this is what my book is all about If you look at their their demands their emphases what they talk about guys like this these two crazies
Each one of their things the things that they want overturns the law of god
Every single time so they can't possibly be good works reparations for slavery Enacted in 2023 can't possibly be a good work because it actually overturns
Very clear laws from god. We're not talking about things. That's hard to understand or hard to interpret We're talking about easy things to understand and interpret the woke church
Overturns the law of god in all of their things that they claim are evidences of the spirit working in someone's life
That is pretty satanic. That is pretty upside down when you think about it, and if I think about it too much I it's uh, it's almost blackmailing a little bit because they're actually teaching as They're teaching the doctrines
Upside down doctrines, you know the doctrines of demons the doctrines of of antichrist As if they're the doctrines of the holy spirit, you know of jesus jesus did not teach the things that they say he
That if you don't do then you're not being like him And that's what my book is all about so it's it's a very it's a very
Uncomfortable position to be in anyway, let's uh, let's continue. Uh this another time. I hope you found this one helpful.