He Actually Admits It - White People Must Bend to Their Will - Part 6

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Owen's Gospel Seems To Be Missing Something - Part 7

Owen's Gospel Seems To Be Missing Something - Part 7

All right, we're gonna power through we're just gonna keep going We're just gonna do it. We just have no other choice.
We've got to do it. We've just got to finish this thing Can I finish it today? unlikely
Unlikely, but we're gonna try we're gonna try so god bless you. Thank you for coming back to the channel
Let's let's listen to it If you remember we just made a he just cracked a joke about how you shouldn't use social media, you know
Who knows I wasn't really paying too much attention But let's continue
Jim leader who's fairly quiet on social media about these things and he gets attacked for it But you look at his private life and he's very much investing his time and energies in Individuals in his context both in the church and outside of a marriage
Amen, and he's probably accomplishing more than the loudest of us on social media. Hey, man, brother
All right. We've talked about question is is he white or black? That's the real question
Because if he's white, then I'm sorry, but he has a savior complex if he's black
Then I have to say That is an example to follow white people out
Formation and discipleship. I think we black is an example that happens at the relational level.
I'd love to hear each of you talk about practical things that we can be moving toward I Got to be honest like I wonder because you know lots of people will you know
Female adjacent guys, you know, let the reader understand Female adjacent guys will say things like oh, this is so helpful.
This is so helpful This is encouraging But that's something they have to say like they know they they they've been trained over Years that they have to say that when gospel coalition puts out some in the garbage
They've got to say it's helpful. Oh, it's so encouraging helpful, brother. I wonder what percentage of people actually find this helpful
That'd be interesting to know like this is that did you actually like really learn something here something that hasn't been said
Ten million times in the last, you know five days And it's nonsense anyway, and it's been repeated over and over and over and every single time
We put another one of these stupid videos out about racial reconciliation It's the same Nonsense over and over and over and it was nonsense the first time and it's nonsense the ten millionth time
Over and over and every single time you're supposed to say it. This was so helpful, brother
I wonder what percentage of people actually find it helpful probably very small I mean not that many people have seen this video.
This video has been viewed 3 ,000 in three and a half thousand times thirty five three and a half thousand thirty five hundred times
So it's not like that people are like dying to watch this kind of garbage, but I wonder like out of the 3 ,500 people there's probably a significant number of hate watches and then of the people who didn't hate watch it how many
Really did find it helpful not just saying it but actually did find it helpful church to be seeing this happen
More increasingly more in our own context. I think you mentioned formation first So I'll start with you and then
I want to hear you were so I think that the key thing about formation is That we have formation is only really meaningfully achieved in a formational environment
And that's meant to be the church. And so I think what that means for us in this issue. I think it means multi -ethnic multicultural churches as a
Goal that we should pursue that in a way that folks Wiring about how they perceive people of different ethnicities and cultures can be reworked
I think the gospel a gospel community is intended to reshape how we perceive each other
Paul says that we no longer view anyone from a worldly point of view and so that community reshapes indeed redefines my
Biases and so I think that's first we've got to go after that I think within that we have to educate people on the reality of these racial disparities and what some people in our churches are
Dealing with just to get to raise their antenna that this is not just a political issue or a social issue
It's an issue for my brother. It's an issue for my sister and I begin to experience their encounter with these things
I think that makes me more sensitive now become an advocate both for them and also for other folks.
We have that same experience All right, I'm gonna I'm gonna come to you but so I want to ask a question about practically
Developing that and say my own context. I'm a I'm a white man pastoring a church largely white church
You and I really need that explanation. Mr. Whoever you are In my context,
I'm a white man. Did we really need you to explain that? I mean, I don't know I just I know
I'm nitpicking here. But this stuff is just it's always the same It's always the same oh we got to contextualize it my white church white pastors got to do this and and all this kind of Stuff.
It's the same. I'm just so bored of it I know this why I don't do these kind of videos about woke church stuff as much as I used to because I I'm kind Of bored of it.
I think some of you guys are bored of it too to be perfectly honest You know, it's just like it's the same and it never advances.
It's always the same It's always the same nonsense being pushed again and again and again. Oh, that's so helpful brother, and it's not helpful at all
Everyone's just lying all the time about how helpful this stuff is I'm a white man.
I don't know if you knew that I'm a white man and my church is mostly white What about my context? I had a dear friend just a minute ago.
I've got a black friend Who is pastoring a truly multi -ethnic PCA Church in Orlando?
And that's the best kind of church the multi -ethnic Church as a white man though. I feel It's challenging to move that ball forward and you and I talked about this we're trying
What are some? What are some things you would urge your white pastor brothers and church leaders sisters to what?
What are some places you want to nudge us? We want to hear so Yeah, we definitely don't want to hear we don't care.
Yeah, the thing is like this is the kind of thing You know if you're a white pastor or a black pastor or whatever just don't just don't exercise
Partiality don't show partiality, you know, don't You know that kind of stuff, you know
Don't don't make a white section for the church where it's whites only and a black section of the church where it's blacks only
Don't have segregated, you know community groups or things like that unless people want to because this is the thing like like You know, if white people want to hang out with other white people and that's just how it all shakes out
There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that at all It's just that when they start making rules, right? Like well, you know, no whites here or no blacks here
You don't really see that on the white side as much I mean, there's not gonna be very many white community groups at your church that say no blacks allowed but you will see that kind of thing on the black side because they think that just the presence of white people is
Somehow offensive or oppressive or something like that And if you don't believe me look at my my content about a gospel coalition event
Where they literally said no whites allowed at this event.
This is for the sisters And so just don't do that kind of stuff and you're fine and if your church is mostly white
There's nothing wrong with that. You know what I mean? That's just how it shakes out if your neighborhood is mostly white
There's nothing wrong with that. That's just how it tends to work out, you know whites hang out with whites and blacks
Hang out with blacks nothing wrong with that It's just when you make these partial, you know, you you you treat people with partiality you make rules things like that That's where we run into problems, obviously
But but no white church is doing that these days at least not the kind of white churches that he's talking about I'm sure there are some white churches out there that are wax whack -a -doodle, but whatever, you know, that's fine.
That's fine Do things I would recommend to them He's right. I can maybe there's three three.
Let me start with the third one that just came to mind. Okay, great Yeah, I don't think it means leading your church to become multicultural.
Thank you. Thank you That's that's good advice Don't worry about this multicultural church thing.
That's not ideal. It's not it's not something the Bible tells you to do And it's definitely not ideal either.
I Think people think is that it's idea. It's not It's it's it's difficult to have a church where people have completely different cultural conceptions of time
You know what? I mean? This is this is something that a lot of people have noticed, you know This is I remember I once I was in Ethiopia and you know,
I'm an American So, you know, I've got a certain concept of time, you know, you say you're gonna be there at noon
We're gonna be there at noon. You know what I mean? I'm I'm gonna show up a little early I mean that that's kind of how I was raised That if you're early you're on time if you're on time you're late, you know,
I mean I and I get that other people weren't so I don't hold other people to that but but at the very least if you say you're gonna be here at noon be here at noon
But I remember we had a guide and he would say things like Tina and what he meant by that is this is not
America and there you know, you say you'd be there at 12 Maybe you're all in around one. It's just a kind of a vague sort of squishy concept of time in my opinion
That's how they do it over there. It's not that it's wrong or bad or I mean I think it's inferior of course because I Think it makes a lot of sense to say what you mean and mean what you say kind of thing and I think it helps
With business it helps with things appointments things like that, but that's just not how they do it And so if imagine bringing an
Ethiopian group and a white group together and they say great the potlucks at noon What times the potluck actually nobody knows
Now you can work through that stuff. Of course, you can work through that that but it's not ideal necessarily like people put this
Multicultural thing as if it's just this perfection this ideal this this thing. We all need to strive for no
We actually really don't we really don't and that breaks people's brains to hear that I know there are some people in this audience that will hear that and think that sounds pretty racist
But it's just a fact and this is the thing. It's like If Ethiopians want to gather together in their own
Ethiopian church and have whatever concept of time they want to have There's nothing wrong with that There's nothing wrong with that and if a white person wants to go to that church, you know
And they have to maybe maybe adjust their expectations a little bit when we say the potlucks at noon, you know
I'm gonna you know I'm not gonna show up at noon and then get mad because nobody else is there You know what?
I mean? Like that's just not how it works I don't know how American Ethiopians do it, but I would imagine it's there's some kind of difference
It's this is ridiculous. It's like, you know, you don't expect me like listen the whole idea of the multicultural ideal
Church There's nothing wrong with having other cultures in your church, right? But this idea of it that the church itself has to be multicultural and it's just ideal thing
We all must strive for it's the Revelation 7 ideal Just not true
It's just not true and it's not ideal the reason why I think it's not that if it's a larger white church is that you're probably going to end up creating an
Environment that's going to feel alien alien or perhaps hostile to people of color would come in there
So I think it's important not to try to diversify white spaces as a strategy for right
He's got the right advice but the reasoning is all jacked up it's like it's like Don't don't create the multi -ethnic
Church not because it's okay for you to have a white church It's definitely not but we just don't want blacks to feel uncomfortable and you're creating a situation where blacks are gonna feel uncomfortable when they say the potlucks at Noon and really it's whatever time you want to show up.
I don't know just don't know For pursuing multi -ethnicity multicultural churches.
I think there are two things though that we can do One is that we can like our friend we can plant we can establish the
DNA going into a church We can plant multicultural multi -ethnic churches churches that are reconciled and also just all right, so He doesn't actually have the right advice
What he was saying was don't transform your church if it's a white church to a multi -ethnical
Church multi -ethnical Church But definitely plant multi -ethnical churches because that's the pinnacle.
That's the Revelation 7 idea Is it 7 or 9 and I always forget that that's the ideal church is not a true ideal just Reconciled church unless it's multi -ethnic
I Should have known he didn't have good advice. I should have known So I think we can plant those churches.
Here's another thing that we can do that. We don't talk Can we plant white churches? Can I just plant a white church? What if I just want to plant a white church, you know where you know, they listen to whatever white music they want and they have white potlucks with casseroles and You know and they they do white things like I don't know play bridge or something
What do white people do? I don't know They've got emergency mayonnaise, you know things around everywhere just in case you have food.
That's too spicy, you know, you break it You pull out the mayonnaise. Everything's fine That's what
I imagine a white church be like no, it's just a regular church it's just an American church Most American churches are white churches and there's nothing wrong with that.
There's nothing wrong with that You can plant a white church if you want to You want to plant a mold is the thing with a multi -ethnic
Church, of course It's just it's like a black or Latino Church Like like like that's what it really is like a multi -ethnic
Church is just any church that's not white So what he's saying is if you're a white church, don't plant don't don't change your church to multi -ethnic
Just plant a black church or plant a Latino Church like and he says it's multi -ethnic to make it sound good
But really it's you bending to the will of the cultural preferences of black people is really what it means
It's not about you know, we have an amalgamation melting pot, which again, that's not even ideal anyway
But he's not even talking about a melting pot He's talking about white people bending to the will of whatever
Latinos want to do or whatever blacks want to do That's what a multi -ethnic Church is in reality
So we tell you the potlucks at noon you better not show up at noon I haven't seen I've even seen tweets like that where somebody says that you're
Oppressive or rude or something or racist if your black friend invites you to your party to a party and you show up on time
That's actually oppressive. I've seen Literal, I don't even remember who it was. It could have been
Kyle Howard I could be wrong about that. So I can't say definitively it was him But another it just as psychotic as this guy
If you show up your black friend invites you to a party and you show up at the time he says the party is
You're a racist That's problematic. That's concerning that's troubling people are sick man.
No, they're sick. I think that we can diversify largely black and Latino churches That's our churches story.
Our church was planted as an african -american church. That was its definition We are today multicultural church about 40 % black about 35 % white and about 25 %
Latino brown Latino And so I think that the churches of color are safe spaces for everyone he just made explicit what
I just said white churches Cannot be they cannot be multicultural because it won't be a safe space for blacks and Latinos But black churches and Latino churches they can truly be multicultural because that's a safe space and what that means is you are bending to our will and Therefore we feel safe and that's a truly multi -ethnic church when you white people bend to our will where we feel perfectly at home
But you white people can't have a multicultural church because we would have to be bending to your will
And that can't be truly ethnic. Do you see how evil this whole perspective is?
It is pure Unadulterated the exact sin of partiality that these people claim to be warring against they commit
Every single day. This is what my book is about. They're the ultimate projection the ultimate, you know
Doing the thing that they accuse you of the ultimate crying out in pain as they strike you
These people are evil to the core Well, at least their teaching is evil to the core
I don't know this man, so I can't say he's evil to the core, but his teaching is pure unadulterated
Evil, this is the very thing that Paul would have lost his mind over This is the very kind of thing that he speaks against in the scriptures
It's the very thing that gets that that's that's that he reserves his harshest words for It's evil stuff guys.
You see I just said I didn't know he was gonna say that I don't watch these things before I before I comment on them, but you see my commentary
I've just assessed the situation. I know what's going on. I didn't expect him to be explicit about it He was explicit about it.
You bend to our will and that's how we achieve Multiculturalism it's not about you who cares what your preferences are look the potlucks at 12 tough luck
Good luck figuring out when the potluck is and that's just a stupid example I mean, it's just it's a real example, but it's a stupid example.
There's things like that throughout the life of the church and White people will have to bend to our will if we're gonna truly achieve the revelation
Perfection of multicultural churches. It's all a scam. It's all a bamboozle.
It's all the flim flam. It's all fugazi Existentially the ones that if a white brother or sister comes in they're not going to get hurt there
That make it could happen because these are human beings but but largely it's a come.
Yeah, but who cares? I mean seriously who cares if white people get her I mean Tough luck.
I mean you gotta you gotta even making an omelet. You got to crack a few eggs, right white eggs White eggs don't be cracking those brown eggs around here
Yes, sir. We don't be cracking no brown eggs around here Place for everything how evil it is and he says it with a smile.
He says it with a smug conviction He says it you would think he has the moral high ground here
He's totally confident in his partiality. He's totally confident in his evil teachings
He's not embarrassed about him. He can't blush He thinks this is good he's calling this holy and righteous
This is twisted This is pretty twisted, you know, honestly in the last episode
I said these are the most dilute delusional delusional people out there there are debaters out there, but But man like I did not expect it would be this flippant about this evil and it's also less likely to have these culture wars inside the church around issues like Racial justice and so I think those two things
I think planting those churches, I think Diversifying churches of color and I think in white churches kind of educating your people on the issues can be done without Change the church which will lead to conflict tension and resistance.
That's a good word. Thank you All right formation and disciples. He said he said it all I mean he said, you know again
It's it's about whites bending to the will of blacks and Browns the preferences of blacks and Browns. It's not about any
Reconciliation it's about doing the will of people who want your stuff
That's what the is if they want your resources. They want everything They want you to lay aside everything that the tree that you've done traditionally and embrace what and if you don't
You might not even have the Holy Spirit Simple as that Simple as that to move both
Reconciliation and justice forward in the context of our local church. What what advice do you have?
Yeah, so as I think about that question, I mean, I think two things come to mind and you know, I'm not theologian
I don't even play one on TV But you know one thing I think that we get these rise Christians that they're not gonna run the rest of world is the nature of what humans are
You know because of our idea of depravity We know the humans are of great worth and depraved whereas in a humanist philosophy
Only humans are great worth which means that we know in interacting with others
Well first human depravity that dr. Human property always starts with me It always starts with me and then
I can understand others. So it doesn't hey y 'all are deprived you need to know if I really understand that doctrine means
I need to learn from everyone else and You know beyond race this has such implications as to what we should be as Christians I mean,
I think that's something that I would like to churches to teach more But the nature of what humans are depraved and yet still image bearers of God, you know
What does that mean? And how confident should we be that we have all the answers given given this and I thought about as a sociologist as confirmation bias
And such but really it's it's true to one high good science and good theology go together
So it's that on a more practical level Little more practical level, you know,
I think that we need to try to live a lifestyle that is more Collaborative in our in our conversations and inclusive that means first off It means yeah having diverse friendships if you don't in this day and age of the
Internet, what's wrong with you? honestly So basically white people you better have that black for that black friend have them in your back pocket because if you don't have a black friend
What's wrong with you in today's day and age in social media You should have a you should have one for every color of the rainbow.
You should have a black friend Of course, you should have a Latino friend, of course and a
Mexican friend. You got to separate those two Latinos and Mexicans You need to have a
Chinese friend and a Korean friend and a Japanese friend and you better have an Indian friend
What's wrong with you if you don't you you might be one of those Nazis that I've heard all this about You gotta have you gotta have a diverse friendship and willing to have the conversation
My best friend in high in non high school in college was a white guy We talked about God.
We talked about girls. We talked about politics. We talked about everything but race I'd other friend who was a
Hispanic wasn't I was as close but we talked about racial issues That's on me that I was unwilling to have the conversation he did not ever push it away, okay
I don't blame him. That was me. I was unwilling to have the conversation We have you willing to have the conversation when it comes up in there guys when you're at listen
I know I know that you're working hard out there you know and and you'd like nothing more than to just you know hit up the local bar or Maybe maybe a cigar shop if that's your thing or maybe you don't like either of those kinds of vices and you know
You just want to hang out and you know, I don't know shoot pool or something. I don't know you want to chit -chat about You know some lighter stuff.
You guys are working hard. You got a lot of stress and things like that You want to talk about the game, you know last night or something?
Fishing, you know things like that But no, no what you got to do with your off time with your friends your best friends
Is talk about racial disparities. That's that's the thing you need to talk about like when I get together with my friends
Yeah, I just I just hung out with a friend the other day. We went to the cigar lounge, you know I got a nice Dominican cigar.
It was wonderful. It was wonderful. I'm really into Dominican stuff now. That's that's the thing Anyway, we you know, what we did was we talked about racial disparities, you know
And I really let him have it because he's a white guy and he's got you know, you know, he's just a white guy
I'm just gonna say he's white. You know, you know what I'm talking about, right? He's white and We just talked about racial disparities and you know, honestly like if you're not doing that What is in this day and age with all the racial tensions out there?
What is wrong with you? Hey, did you see the game last night?
Oh, yeah, you know what I I didn't see the game But but I was really thinking about the the the the the wealth income gap
Yeah, the wealth income gap and how white people are devil What do you think? I Start when you meet someone say hey listen about race
But when it comes up in appropriate manner We have to have the conversation so we can understand each other not covers us to brow people
To be people down or anything like that. So I'm not trying to beat you down I'm just trying to say that white people the devil and that so you can understand me more
That's why I don't have a lot of stuff like look I would love to have a bass boat too, but I can't have one because white people have be holding me down They hold me down man, and I'm not trying to browbeat you.
I'm not saying you do anything I'm just I want you to understand me like I I would be I Probably have as much money as Donald Trump right now if it wasn't for the white man holding me down That's the thing the white man be holding me down Not about not trying to browbeat you though Dan would another these principles of collaboration so that we could build rapport
I understand where they're coming from an agreement. They have a good point and these sort of things We need to engage in those conversations
And over time we need to build Communities we need to build Organizations that promote this sort of idea.
I think that this idea goes against the what the world is saying He's gonna kill me he thinks
That the idea that we should collaborate and we should all be reconciled and the races should get along and we should be
Against racism, and we should be you know forget about the disparity or Not worried about the disparities.
That's actually against what the world is saying yeah I know every single politician that is against Christ and for Abortion and for the most evil doctrines out there the
LGBT stuff all the depravity they're also saying this but That's somehow not the world
Don't know why but the world is against it that the world is definitely against the idea of anti -racism and LN and diversity equity and inclusion it's really the the solid conservative
Christian rights that is pushing this It's it's it's it's really them. Yeah, that's that's the thing you know it's
Christians that are doing It's not the pagans the pagans are against this Is he these guys really are
I'm not this is not even hyperbole there have been some Horrible debaters on these good faith debates.
We've done. We've done a bunch of them These are these two are the most delusional that I've ever seen these might be the most
Delusional gospel coalition people that I've ever seen and that my friends is quite an achievement that is a trophy
The most delusional gospel coalition presentation I have ever witnessed
I think so I think that's that's fine because I think the solution to racism resides in the church
We just have not done it we instead of gone along with the world is done The world says be colorblind will be colorblind the world says do this.
We'll do this We need to set the agenda, which is Working together with rexciliation and as we do that Finding ways to achieve justice.
I was just in the YMCA earlier You know I was lifting you know pumping some iron throwing plates around you know that kind of thing
And they actually had a banner Right behind the counter That said something very similar.
Oh, we got to just all collaborate. We all gotta get we're stronger together We're stronger when when you're not eating collaborating
We're stronger together just exactly like the world the same just like this guy's saying, but no no the world's not saying that The world is not saying that that is only in the church church has the answer
And it's just what the YMCA saying which is also I guess technically it started as a
Christian organization, but it's definitely not now. I'll tell you that pride flags everywhere and You know one of the things that I just feel you know the the only difference between Daryl and me other than some
Minor things is he approached this as no we have to have justice we go along now
I'm saying no we have to have a relationship to go along and we kind of both agree We just came up from different angles the the the
Google the Google Closed captions, it's usually spot -on dead accurate
It can't figure out what this guy's saying this guy just mumbles, and he talks nonsense What was that?
This this guy this guy's got why would they bring this guy on to this when he can't we can't even speak
I just don't understand. I don't understand, but we're gonna let end it there. We've got seven minutes left
I guess we got to do another episode God bless you. I hope you found this video helpful God bless