Repentance For Forgiveness? | Theocast Clips

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In this clip from "Christian, You Are Not on Parole" Jon and Justin discuss the question: Must you forsake sin to gain Christ? Using the Bible's truths of justification, we find out how to approach the answer to this question Biblically.


While we're here, historically there is a controversy in the 18th century in the Church of Scotland known as the
Marrow Controversy, and we don't have time to explain all of the context and everything that was going on there. It was around a book written in the 17th century called
The Marrow of Modern Divinity. There were a number of men in the Church of Scotland in the 1720s or so who were referred to as the
Marrow Brethren because of their appreciation for this book. There was a rural presbytery, the
Octorator Presbytery, in which there was a question for ministerial candidates that was worded effectively this way.
Must one forsake sin in order to come to Christ? Now I fear, John, that many of our contemporaries in the
Lordship Camp and many of our contemporaries in the Calvinistic Evangelical Church would maybe answer that question, yes, a person must forsake sin in order to come to Christ in faith, savingly.
Our answer to that, and the Marrow Brethren as they were known, their answer to that question is no.
If we need to do anything, then we cannot come to Christ, but in fact, what we need to do, we don't need to do anything.
We trust that Christ is able to save all those who draw near to God through him, period.
And then from that, all this other stuff flows. So I'm going to just read a quote. This has everything to do with preaching.
This has everything to do with that emphasis thing that we were talking about. Where is the emphasis in the Church? What is the lifeblood of the
Church? So listen to Sinclair Ferguson's words from the whole Christ. He says,
Very helpful. He goes on to say, And that's all we are saying, is we need not qualify this thing for people to come on the front end and we need not throw all these qualifications on the back end to say, well, you need to have done all these things and you need to do all these things in order to be in Christ, because we have put the cart before the theological horse in doing so.
Well, we have history now on either side where you have this good word as a punctiliary time.
There's a period of time where you are dead and now you're alive. And when we're looking at that, the debate is, well, did you do what was required to become alive?
And now are you doing what's required to prove you're alive? And neither of those are biblical concepts.
Being dead is sure. If you want to do the law to live, do this and live, sure, you can try and do that.