SNBS Matthew 15 and 16

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Well, it's been two weeks, but if you remember in our study in Matthew, we left off in chapter 15 verse 10
Hey everybody, welcome to some of the night Bible study. I'm Pastor Josiah of Witten Baptist Church If you ever want to catch up or if you're new to these like where'd we leave off?
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Be appreciated. All right, Matthew 15 verse 10 This is after Jesus has corrected the
Pharisees on following tradition instead of God's Word And he tells them he called the people the crowds from the other day and said hear and understand
It's not what goes into a person's mouth that defiles a person, but it's what comes out of the mouth that defiles a person
It's not going goes into a person that it follows and what comes out of it Disciples said do you not know the
Pharisees were offended when they heard the same? He answered every plant that my heavenly father has not planted will be rooted up Leave them alone.
They are blind guides that the blind lead the blind both will fall on a pit Remember we talked before about how many of our expressions in English come from the
Bible wine living the blind But Peter said explain the parable to us. See Peter's the honest one of the bunch.
He's like, can you explain this to us? And he said are you still without understanding? Do you not see whatever goes into the mouth passes out of the stomach and is expelled?
Whatever comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart and this the palace a person for out of the heart come evil
Thoughts murder adultery sexual morality theft false witness and slander. These are what the file person boy. He eats with unwashed hands does not defile a person
Jesus said this differently later on he says out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks
So remember the Pharisees are upset at disciples for eating food without washing their hands and Jesus said it's not what goes into a person
That follows them. Well, it comes out because what comes out Originated from the heart we've been over that before so I won't teach on that again
But Mark's account Let's just real quick go over there Mark's account of this
Mark adds a phrase Since it's not what enters his heart, but a stomach and then is expelled thus he declared all
Foods clean if you look over here on the Greek side Excuse me, but sorry son.
I thought I saw Panta ta Brahmata He declared clean
Panta all foods all foods he declared clean so Jesus says it's not what goes into someone that defiles them what
Jesus is doing is saying You are no longer under the dietary restrictions of The Old Covenant law you're not under the
Sinai Covenant you are morally under the moral law, but not under the civil and ceremonial law at least
Not in the same sense. So he declares all foods clean. The dietary laws were ceremonial.
They were the training wheels They were the guardian until Jesus came so Yeah, yes, that's barbecue and bacon, amen
About to go eat some barbecue in a minute Jesus went away from there and withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon and behold a
Canaanite woman now If I remember correctly Make sure yeah,
I believe this is the Canaanite, but she's specifically a Syrophoenician That means she could speak
Greek but she was a Canaanite A leftover of the old
Inhabitants that the Israelites were to drive out and She calls and says have mercy on me.
Oh Lord son of David courier. Oh, yes, David Son of David that is a messianic title.
She is declaring him Lord and Messiah She asked for help because her daughter's oppressed by a demon
He didn't answer her a word He didn't say a word the disciples begged him to send her away
And he said I was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel She came and knelt before him and said
Lord help me. He said it's not right to take the children's bread and Throw it to dogs
Now She says yes
Lord yet Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table and Jesus answered her
Oh woman great is your faith be it done for you desired her daughter was healed instantly Incredible Jesus notes and tests her humility by saying
I Was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. You're not one of them and she says yes
But even the dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table. In other words She recognizes that her state is a lowly and humble state yet.
She's still part of the family The woman accepts her place in the hierarchy of the family with full humility and Jesus responds accordingly to that humility and Accompanying faith with the healing of her daughter an incredible example of humility there that we could all take example from Then Jesus went on from there and walked beside the
Sea of Galilee This is where a lot of his ministry has been up there in Capernaum and all that area up there Nazareth He went up on the mountain and sat down now
Jesus has been trying to get some alone time But great crowds came bringing with them lame blind crippled mute and many others and he put them at their feet and he healed them
He didn't say I'm exhausted He was but he saw the need and he forgot about himself and thought of them so the crowd wondered when they saw the mute speaking and crippled healthy lame walking blind saying and they glorified the
God of Israel Gentile people glorifying the
God of Israel I think is indicative of a changed heart and mind in other words I think before this moment most of these people would have been unbelievers, but they glorify the
God of Israel Remember, he's in Cainites our Phoenician land Then Jesus called disciples to him said
I have compassion on the crowd because they've been with me now for three days and I've had Nothing to eat. I'm unwilling to send them away hungry lest they faint along the way
This is another mass feeding Jesus is about to do he did it more than once. This is the feeding of the 4 ,000
And as disciples said them Where are we to get enough bread in such a desolate place to feed such a great crowd?
And Jesus said to them how many loaves do you have? They said seven and a few small fish and directing the crowd to sit on the ground
He took seven loaves and fish and having given thanks He broke them and gave them disciples and the disciples gave them to the crowds notice.
Jesus is using those under him To help carry out the work of ministry. He's training them to take his place
They and were satisfied they took up seven baskets full of broken pieces left over and those rate were 4 ,000 men besides women and children just like the feeding of the 5 ,000 was not the feeding of the 5 ,000
There's 5 ,000 men plus women and children children. So this one Could easily be ten to twelve thousand people
After sending the crowds away. He got the boat and went to the region of My maga dead.
I never know how to say this my god on Now Pharisees and Sadducees came all the way over there to test him to ask him to show him a sign from heaven
We are in chapter 16 now And he answered him when it's evening you say it will be fair weather for the sky is red and in the morning
It will be stormy today for the sky is red and threatening Forget how it goes in English the saying the old saying read at night sailors
Read in the morning sailors warning read at night sailors delight something like that You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky
But you can't interpret the signs of the times in other words you can read the appearance of the sky and know what's coming, but you can't read beside my times and know what's coming an
Evil and adulterous generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah If you remember he's already told them this
He told them this I believe it was way back in chapter 12 when they blaspheme the Holy Spirit Yes Chapter 12
After the blaspheme the Holy Spirit in verse 40 He said just as Jonah was in the belly of the well three days and three nights of a son of man will be in the
Heart of your three days and three night. He said no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah He told them
I'm not giving you guys further revelation guys Remember there comes a point when someone rejects God's revelation for so long
He sends them no further revelation until they submit to that which he's already sent That's the case of the
Pharisees and Sadducees and remember these people hate each other the Pharisees and Sadducees they did not work together
Pharisees believed in the whole Old Testament as inspired by God and the oral tradition the Sadducees Rejected the oral tradition, which is good.
But they also rejected the whole Old Testament except the first five books they didn't even believe in angels and Eternal spirits and all that Verse 5 of chapter 16 when the disciples reached the other side they had forgotten to bring any bread
Jesus said them watch and beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees They began discussing myself saying we brought no bread
Jesus aware. They said oh you have little faith Why are you discussing yourselves the fact that you have no bread?
Do you not perceive? Do you not remember the five loaves of five thousand how many baskets you gathered number seven loads for the four thousand?
How many baskets you gathered? How is it you fail to understand? I'm not speaking about bread, but we're the leaven of the
Pharisees and Sadducees They understood he did not tell them the where of the leaven of the bread but the teaching of the
Pharisees and Sadducees in other words Jesus taught him tell them where the leaven that which is added to the bread the teaching of the
Pharisees and Sadducees And Jesus is upset at the bonehead in this of his disciples that they actually think he's talking about Literal bread when bread them forgetting that's not a problem for him as he is
God now Yeah chapter 13
Okay I mean verse 13 Jesus came to the district of Caesarea Philippi and asked disciples Who do people say the
Son of Man is and they said some say John the Baptist others Elijah others Jeremiah one of the prophets But he said who do you say that I am and some in Peter?
replied You are the Christos the Christ the Messiah Hoyas to they the
Son of God to Zontos the Son of the Living God Jesus answered him blessed are you
Simon son of Jonah Simon bar Jonah? for flesh start flesh and blood has not revealed to you, but my
Pater my father who is in heaven Wood on this and I tell you that you are
Peter and on this rock I'll build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it common misunderstood verse verse 18
He's not saying he'll build his church on Peter I Tell you you are Peter Petras and on this
Petra this cornerstone Petras means pebble Petra means foundation cornerstone
Jesus speaking of himself on this rock on me. I'm Jesus on this rock.
I will build my Ecclesia Ecclesia Ecclesia The called ones
I'll build my church and the gates of hell will not stand against it So Jesus is not saying he's building the church on Peter though.
The Apostles do lay in the foundation He is saying that he is the cornerstone and will be built on verse 19
I'll give you the keys to the kingdom heaven whatever you bind on earth We've bound to heaven whenever you loose on earth will be loose in heaven Remember as we're about seen chapter 18 the church is the highest spiritual authority
God left on planet earth the church as a whole not the pastor not the Pope the church as a whole
We have the keys to the kingdom of heaven and so long as we are abiding by the Word of God What we say is binding
Then he strictly charged I was so no one he was the Christ Now this is an important verse verse 21
From that time Jesus began to show his disciples he must go to Jerusalem remember He's only been there a couple times and only for a few days
Suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes be killed on the third day be raised Jesus was predicting his death burial and resurrection right now
Now later on in chapter 21, I believe it is he'll give detail that he'll be crucified
But for now, he's just saying they will deliver him be killed and raised on third day Peter took him aside and rebuked him
Rebuked Jesus the Son of God and said far be it from you Lord This shall never happen to you
But he turned to Peter and said get behind me Satan you are a hindrance for me for you're not setting your mind on the things
Of God but on things of man now whether or not we view this as Satan Influencing Peter possessing
Peter or or Jesus just saying that Peter is doing the things of Satan. The point is When you're thinking of the things of man not the things of God you are doing
Satan's bending don't miss this church when you're thinking of the things of Anthropom when you think of the things of man and not the things of God you are walking in accordance with Satan And we've been over this
Ephesians 2 2 we all walked according to the ruler who exercises authority over lower heavens
We walked according to him not him holding us on a leash Turning to our own way is turning to the way of Satan because our own way is corrupt and evil
Or it is desperately deceitful and incurable verse 24 Then Jesus told his disciples if anyone would come after me let him deny himself
Take up his cross and follow me Luke adds the word daily Whoever would save his life will lose it whoever loses life for my sake will find it
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole? Cosmo the whole world, but he loses his
Suitcase he loses his soul For the Son of Man is going to come with his angels in the glory of his father and he will repay each one according
To what he's done Truly I said to you there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the
Son of Man coming in his kingdom now This is our last verse for the day
And this one can be a doozy I'm gonna read what I wrote What does that mean truly?
I said you there's some standing here will not taste us until they see the Son of Man coming in his into his kingdom Because if he means there are some standing here
Now he's only talking to his disciples at this point And I think we need to see that they will not die the one princess until They see the
Son of Man that's Jesus coming in his kingdom now What does that phrase mean coming in his kingdom?
We also have to understand that only some of them will see this Now I'm gonna read what
I wrote here There's been much debate in Christian circles for some time about this verse Let's break down the sentence and see if we can find some clarity in what our
Lord is saying here There are some standing here and meaning not all only some not none. Not all only some of them
Of the 12th the Son of Man coming in his kingdom, this is the real question
Is this a referring to a second coming or his transfiguration which will take place one week after he says this phrase
If it's a second coming that would flow nicely with what he just said in verse 27 About him coming to repay each person according what he's done in Reference to returning in judgment with his angels
However, how could he say some of those standing there were not taste death until seeing that he still hasn't come in our day
They're all dead now with a couple thousand years to spare and counting if it's a reference to his transfiguration,
I Think that makes more sense as only three of his disciples were allowed to see that event
It flows nicely with verse 27 as that when all the world would see him coming in the glory of his father
But in one week, he's allowing a sneak peek for the three apostles to see What it would look like in his returning
We'll talk more about this next week. We're talking about the transfiguration But I think this is clearly a reference to the transfiguration because if I'm not mistaken
Yes, Mark and Luke both have this phrase coming directly before the transfiguration
And he says only some of them will get to see what it will look like at his returning Not at his returning but getting a sneak peek because remember only the inner circle
Peter James and John See the transfiguration, so next week we'll study the transfiguration and I think you'll see what
I'm referring to. All right guys That's all I have for today. I hope this is some blessing to you
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