SNBS - Revelation Part 10 - The Antichrist


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SNBS - Revelation Part 11 - The Anti Christ Part Deux

SNBS - Revelation Part 11 - The Anti Christ Part Deux

And this is on the Antichrist Good evening and welcome to Sunday night
Bible study with Pastor Josiah Shipley of Witten Baptist Church here in Memphis, Tennessee We are on part 10 of our series in Revelation Thank you for those of you who have stuck with us thus far
If you haven't had a chance to go back to Witten Media Ministry on YouTube and check out our previous series.
They're in order On the book of Revelation, we're on part 10. We're in chapter 13.
We're probably gonna be here for two weeks, maybe three And this is on the Antichrist What I want you to do before we get started is what you should do every time you come to the scriptures put aside any
Tradition you have Movies you watch books you read on in times or whatever and let's just focus on what the
Word of God has to say Don't even take what I say for gospel truth unless it comes directly from God's Word.
Okay, I Always try my best to discern What's doctrine? What's theology?
what can't change what God said and what's just my study of and You do the same and I try to make it easy for you by telling you
Hey, this parts my opinion this parts what the Bible says, right? So with that being said
We're gonna start by reading all of Revelation 13 so bear with me for a couple minutes
Then we're going to go over some of the titles the names of the Antichrist in all of Scripture There's plenty of them and then we'll dig into a little bit of chapter 13, but won't get very far today
But by the time we're done in the next two or three weeks, we'll go through all of Revelation 13, which includes
You know the ten horns and seven heads The false prophet the signs the image of the beast the mark of the beast you've probably heard that before The number six six six all that kind of stuff.
Okay All right. First, let's start with reading Revelation 13
And I saw a beast rising out of the sea with ten horns and seven heads with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names
And I saw a beast that was like a leopard its feet were like a bear's its mouth was like a lion's mouth and To it the dragon gave his power his throne and great authority
One of its head seemed to have a mortal wound But it's mortal wound was healed and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast
They worshipped the dragon for he had given authority to the beast and worshipped the beast Saying who is like the beast who can fight against it?
And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty haughty and blasphemous words and was allowed to exercise authority for 42 months
I'm at three and a half years the second part of the Great Tribulation Verse six it opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God Blaspheming his name and his dwelling that is those who dwell in heaven
Also was allowed to make world my saints and conquer them And authority was given over every tribe people language nation and all who draw on the earth will worship it
Everyone his name was not written and for the foundation world in the book of the life of a lamb that was slain
If anyone has an ear to hear let him hear If anyone's to be taken captive into captivity goes if anyone's to be slain with the sword with the sword
He will be slain. Here's a call for endurance and faith of the Saints Remember, even though I believe the rapture happens three and a half years before this event
Um, they're still gonna be Christians on the planet because a lot of people are gonna get slight slaved a
Lot of people are gonna get saved after the rapture. I believe that I mean We have a hundred and forty four thousand
Jewish evangelists or missionaries or how do you want to look at it? We have people getting saved after they see miracles
Some people won't and some people will but they will be living through a tribulation Verse 11 then
I saw another beast. So this is no longer the Antichrist. This is the false prophet the second beast so another beast
Verse 11 rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence and it makes the earth and its inhabitants
Worship the first beast whose mortal wound was healed It performs great signs even making fire come down from heaven in front of people and by the signs
That it's allowed to work in the presence of the beast It deceives those who dwell on earth Telling them to make an image for the beast and was wounded by the sword yet lived
And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast Might even speak and cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain
It causes all both great and small rich and poor slave and free to be marked on the right hand of the forehead
So no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark that is the name of the beast or a number of its name This calls for wisdom.
Let no one who has understanding Sorry, let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for the number is the number of man.
His number is 666 All right, so a lot there we're not gonna get all to all of it today, but we will before we're done
I promise Let's talk about the Antichrist himself for just a little bit.
Okay First off the name Antichrist is only used twice in Scripture one in first John the other in second
John, okay It's not used in the book of Revelation, but our guy here is talked about in Revelation I need you to remove any notion you have
And just forget the Antichrist of Satan and demons in general if when you picture Satan you picture a
Demon looking guy in a red jumpsuit with horns and a pitchfork Pitchfork and it's on fire and it's in hell ruling hell
You have a wrong view of Scripture Satan has never been to hell
He will be going there one day and he's not looking forward to it. He will be in suffering and Agony just like everyone else
He will not be ruling hell It will be punished there
Satan is on the earth right now like a roaring lion seeking those he may devour. Okay Alright, we're good
Seeking those he may devour that's what Satan's doing right now. Well the Antichrist isn't gonna be like a demon possessed doll or you know, whatever like Chucky or like a movie may depict it
Says the whole world will marvel at him. Everyone's gonna love He's gonna mean the most popular guy ever
He's gonna bring peace and unity and his version of love and tolerance and these type things when really
It has nothing to do with love or tolerance We choose to use the name
Antichrist instead of thinking it as Antichrist as an against Christ think of it as Antichrist as in another
Christ Not that there really is but if you notice and we'll go through them There's a lot of things in Revelation 13 where he tries to use parlor tricks.
He tries to use Mockeries and blasphemies to make himself look like God So, you know, there's the dragon the beast and the second beast trying to imitate the triune
God, you know, Jesus was resurrected He will seem to have a mortal wound and be healed
He will give breath to the image of the beast like God gave breath to Adam and Eve You know fire from heaven just like God did for Elijah So on and so forth even the mark of the beast on the right hand in the forehead
Go back to Deuteronomy 6 The Shema here Israel the
Lord our God the Lord is one and go write this law and statutes on your Hand or on your forehead on the front lens of your eyes.
In other words making a mockery of that. Okay So he's called the beast but he's actually shown up before and we mentioned this he was back in chapter 11
John Often does spoiler alerts. He has spoilers all the time.
He doesn't in his gospel I think it's John's gospel where you're reading and the very first time you see
Judas John kind of writes in parentheses. This is the one who's gonna betray him at the end of this book, by the way
It's like hey, man, thanks. What if I never read it before you just ruined it? Right. Well John does that in Revelation 2 way back in chapter 11
When The two witnesses are killed John says oh, yeah Hey, they're gonna be killed by the
Antichrist the beast that comes from bottomless pit But I'm not gonna talk about him for a chapter and a half But in chapter 11 verse 7, he talks about the beast that rises from the bottomless pit ruining the story for us, right
Of course, I'm being funny But we're trying to be but the beast is the
Antichrist now The second beast is not that's the false prophet. That's kind of like the Antichrist hype man, right?
He's also called the man of lawlessness. I'm gonna read for you something in a second Thessalonians And if you don't know where that is, it's in the
New Testament So it is towards the back this is one of Paul's letters 2nd
Thessalonians chapter 2 and I'm just going to start reading in verse 3 Let no one deceive you in any way for that day will not come unless the rebellion comes first and the man of Lawlessness or the man of sin is revealed the son of destruction or son of perdition
Who opposes and exalts himself above every so -called God or object to worship So he takes his seat in the temple of God proclaiming himself to be
God Remember, there's not a temple right now, but there will be again Do you not remember that when
I was with you? I told you these things and you know what's restraining him now, so he may be revealed in his time
Verse 7 the mystery of lawlessness is already at work Only he who now restrains it will do so till he's out of the way verse 8 when the lawless one will be revealed
The Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming
The coming of a lawless one is by the activity of Satan With all power false signs and wonders.
Okay, the Lord Jesus will kill the
Antichrist with the breath of his mouth And when the Antichrist will will be there during the first half of the tribulation all those seals we read
But he won't be revealed to the midpoint after the two witnesses are gone After he kills the two witnesses
Remember their bodies laid on the streets for three and a half days and the whole world celebrate him. Well Speaking of that.
Oh, I lost my train of thought Forgive me for one second. I'll get back on it. Hold on. Okay So The Antichrist will be revealed at that point and when
Jesus returns, I'm not talking about the rapture That's already happened when he returns to rain on earth He will kill the
Antichrist with the breath of his mouth any interesting in his return in Revelation 20 coming out of his mouth as a sword
It's what John says and Paul says he will kill him with the breath of his mouth kind of cool in it So the
Antichrist is called the beast the man of lawlessness The Antichrist is mentioned in 1st
John 2 18 It says the Antichrist is coming but many Antichrist in the words false prophets false spirits are present in the earth now
He's also called number four there a little horn now in Daniel 7 and I'll read it just a little bit so you can see what
I'm talking about we have a Vision here and the vision is talking about a lot of world powers and after all these world powers
We have Daniel 7 verse 8 I considered the horns which the Bible tells us are kings and kingdoms
I considered the horns and behold there came another one Another horn a little horn from which the first three horns were plucked up by the roots and behold its horn
Were eyes and like eyes a mouth speaking great things Go down to verse 20
And about the ten horns that were on its head and the other Horn that little one that came up before and the three felt the horn had eyes and a mouth and spoke great things and it
Seemed greater than its companions and I looked and this horn made war with the Saints and prevailed over them sound familiar
Until the ancient of days came until that time
And then it goes on and basically Jesus wins Okay So that little one is the
Antichrist and it will make war at the same time come to them until Jesus comes See this continuity in the
Bible what Paul said is what John said is what Daniel said, okay? Now there is another vision in Daniel 8.
That's something completely different and there's a little horn there, too That is not the Antichrist. That's actually God named
Antiochus Epiphanes, but that's a different vision So don't confuse Daniel 7 with Daniel 8 Daniel 8 is another little horn
Antiochus Epiphanes Seleucid Empire after Alexander the Great you don't know I'm talking about don't worry yet Daniel 7 is the one about the
Antichrist. Okay. Also Daniel 9 And Matthew 24,
I think it is. Yeah, we have what's called the abomination of desolation now that is an event
That's an event where? The Antichrist goes into a temple the Holy of Holies and sets himself up there making himself
God That's called the abomination of desolation. So the one who performs that is the
Antichrist. Okay? now there have been other times where leaders have gone in and Imported pigs blood which is the most profane thing you could do in mind of a
Jew in the Holy of Holies But this is even worse because he sits down to make himself out to be
God. I Can't prove this but I also think the Antichrist was that rider on the white horse
Back in Revelation 6 not a lot of detail is given but he says he conquers with a bow
But notice there's no arrows almost like he conquers without making war It's weird
But he's not revealed until later So the Antichrist is working than the first three and a half years but not revealed to the midpoint.
I could be wrong That's how I read that Okay Now those are the names of the
Antichrist of the beast of the of the man of lawlessness And his hype man is the false prophet the one who?
Does all his dirty work is the one who makes people have the mark of the beast and all that now guys Look, let's talk about the mark of beast for a minute
We'll get to it more. A lot of people are so afraid that they will accidentally Get the mark of the beast and then they will lose their salvation and they can't be saved guys listen
Not only do I think this is after the rapture, but this is after the two witnesses are killed and Then their bodies lay in the streets for three and a half days and they will be killed by the
Antichrist and the whole world will marvel At what the Antichrist does
There at that point there won't be any question And this guy will kill the two
Witnesses who have been witnessing for three and a half years and Causing it to not rain and turning blood in the water and then their bodies will on the streets for three and a half days
That is not happening right now That hasn't happened. The Antichrist hasn't been revealed
So no, I don't think you're gonna accidentally take the mark of the beast. It will be a clear choice of Following God or not.
It'll be clear crystal clear All right. I just want to say that part even though we haven't got to it
I know a lot of people are stressing about that. Listen Let's read the
Bible literally for what it says Now having said that Christians, I do want you to hear because I don't know
When these things will occur The Bible says be ready for his return at any moment guys
Jesus Could rapture us away right now Jesus can return whenever he wants and you said
I thought you said the rapture return aren't the same. Well, they're not But you know, I told you guys
I'm a pre -rapture Pre -trip rapture guy. So I believe the rapture happened seven years before the return of Jesus.
I could be wrong Could be wrong Here's one that the
Bible commands us to always be looking and ready for his return Well looking and ready isn't sitting here twiddling our thumbs.
It's doing the work. He's given us to do now Of being a light to the world of loving our brothers and sisters in Christ through service and sacrifice guys
You don't go to church just to learn about God. I'm tired of people saying that That's not what the
Bible says read Hebrews 10 24 25 You go to church to encourage and serve others and if that's not why you go you need to change your attitude about it
That's why you go to church not to get some Jesus or to get us Weak or you go because I've been having a rough time you go to serve other people.
That's what you're there for That's what the Christian life is about Conforming yourself to the image of Christ Well, the
Son of Man didn't come to be served But to serve and give his life as a ransom We're to lay our lives down if anyone wishes to come up to me
Let him deny himself pick up his cross daily and follow me. That's what Jesus commanded us to do
Okay There's that we're gonna continue with Revelation 13 next week
But here's a list of his titles and the names of the Antichrist Is it something to be concerned about?
Yeah, is it something to be fearful of? No, I Know who
I'm believed in and I'm persuaded that he is able to keep that which I've committed unto him against that day I know who holds the future
To him who is able to do all things far more abundantly than all we can ask or think to him be the glory forever
And ever hey guys, I've read the end book Jesus wins And I'm on his side not because of anything
I've done because of the grace he has given me. I Love you guys very much. Hopefully this was helpful and encouraging
We will continue with the Antichrist next week in Revelation 13 Love you guys very much.