1 Samuel 20



1 Samuel 20

Well, good morning Andy will you open us up with a word of prayer, please, sir? Before we get started last week as I was walking down the hallway it comes to mind that I gave a Chronological error.
I said that we would be coming to the point now This would be the last time that Jonathan and David would see each other and it's actually not he strengthens David in the Lord And two more chapters.
I just want to clarify that please forgive me for the error So, no, don't don't don't don't throw any rocks Okay That's my plan Bothered me all week.
So I was like I'm walking down the hallway and then Galavier when keys He's right as he's administering the table.
He's like, you know, every time you get finished teaching or preaching you always think about you said I'm like, yeah, I want to stop right and say everybody come back in here real quick and let me I spoke too fast sir Go to first Samuel I'll consider my brother more important than myself Sometimes I just think it's me.
It could be 64 in here and I'll still be hot It's on there civil says they didn't put my sensors back together when they all the Macs of that Let me yeah, let me begin reading in chapter 1 of verse.
I mean a chapter 20 verse 1 I'm gonna read the whole chapter and I probably Overshot my mouth to last week.
I said I was gonna try to get through the whole chapter I may not but my plan is to try to do that.
So start Then David fled from Nath to Ramah and came and he said to Jonathan.
What have I done? What is my iniquity? What is my sin before your father that he is seeking my life? He said to him far from it.
You shall not die behold My father does not do anything either great or small without disclosing it to me So why should my father hide this thing from me? Is it not so yet David vowed again saying your father knows well that I found favor in your sight and he If he said do not let Jonathan know this or he will be grieved But truly as the Lord lives and as your soul lives there is hardly but a step between me and death Then Jonathan said to David Whatever you say I will do so David said to Jonathan behold tomorrow's the new moon and I ought to sit down to eat with the king but let me go that I may hide myself in the field until the third evening and if your father misses me at all then say David earnestly asked leave of me that he would run to Bethlehem his city because it is the yearly sacrifice there with his whole family and If he says it is good your servant will be safe.
But if he is very angry know that he has decided on evil Therefore deal kindly with your servant for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the Lord with you But if there is iniquity in me put me to death yourself for why then should you bring me to your father and Jonathan said far be it from you for if I For if I should have indeed learned that there was evil has been decided by my father to come upon you Then I would not would I not tell you it myself then David said to Jonathan Who will tell me if your father answers you harshly? Jonathan said to David come let us go out into the field So both of them went out into the field and then Jonathan said to David the Lord the God of Israel be witness this day When I have sounded out my father about this time tomorrow or the third day behold if there is good feeling towards David, then I shall Not then send to you and make not make it known to you if it pleased my father to do you harm May the Lord do so to Jonathan and more also if I do not take it and make it known to you and send you away that you may be safe and May the Lord be with you as he has been with my father if I am still alive Will you not show me the loving kindness of the Lord that I may not die and shall you not cut off your loving? kindness from my house forever I'm sorry Shall you not cut off the loving kindness from my house forever and not even when the Lord cuts off all the enemies of David from the face of the earth so Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David saying that the Lord inquire of it at the hands of David's enemies and Jonathan Made David vow again because of his love for him because he loved him as he loved his own life and Then Jonathan said to him tomorrow is the new moon and you will be missed because your seat will be empty When you have stayed for three days You shall go down quickly and come to the place where you've hid yourself on that eventful day and you shall remain there by the stone easel and I shall shoot three arrows to the side as As I shot them at a target and behold I will send the lad saying go find the arrows If I especially say to the lad behold the arrows on the side of you get them then come for there is safety For you and there will be no harm as the Lord's lives But if I say to the youth behold the arrows are beyond you go for the Lord has sent you away As for the agreement of which you have you and I have spoken behold the Lord is between you and me forever So David hid himself in the field and when the new man had come the King sat down to eat food at the table and the King sat at his seat as Usual and the seat by the wall and then Jonathan rose up and Abner sat down by the Saul side But David's place was empty.
Saul did not speak anything that day for he thought Is it an accident? Is he not clean? Surely he is not clean And it came about on the next day that the second day of the new moon that that David's place was empty So Saul said to Jonathan his son Why has the son of Jesse not come to the meal either yesterday or today and Jonathan then answered David? I mean answered Saul saying David earnestly asked leave of me to go to Bethlehem For he said let me go since our family has a sacrifice in the city and my brothers have commanded me to attend And now if I have found favor in your sight, please let me Get away that I may see my brothers and for this reason he is not at the King's table Then Saul's anger burned against Jonathan and he said to him you son of a perverse and rebellious woman Do I not know that you have chosen chosen the son of Jesse over your own shame and the shame of your mother's nakedness? For as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth neither you nor your kingdom will be established Therefore now send and bring him to me for he must surely die But Jonathan answered Saul his father and he said to him why should he be put to death? What has he done then Saul hurled his spear at him to strike him down So Jonathan knew that his father had decided to put David to death and then Jonathan arose From the table in fierce anger He did not eat on that second day of the new moon for he was grieved over David because of his father It had dishonored him now.
It came about that in the morning that Jonathan went out into the field For the appointment with David and the little lad was with him and he said to the lad run Find now the arrows which I'm about to shoot and as the lad was running He shot an arrow past him and when the lad had reached a place where the arrow which Jonathan has shot Jonathan called after the lad and said is not the arrow beyond you and Jonathan called after the lad hurry, be quick do not stay and Jonathan's lads picked up the arrows and came to his master, but the Lad was not aware of anything only Jonathan David knew about the matter And then Jonathan gave his weapons to his lad and said to him go Bring them to the city and when the lad was gone David rose up from the south side He fell on his face to the ground and he bowed three times and they kissed each other and they wept together But David wept all the more bitterly Jonathan said to David go in safety and as much as we have sworn to each other in the name of the Lord saying the Lord Will be between me and you and between me and my your descendants forever Then he arose and departed and Jonathan went into the city.
Okay This is basically a continuation of chapter 19 and how do we know that because it starts off David's running still Okay, this is going to be David's life Remember the turning point last week was chapter 19 It is going to be the consistent pattern David's gonna flee and escape flee and escape flee and escape and he's going to be on the run And so David it says he comes to they they flee Rama and he comes to He to Jonathan and he asked What I mean three specific things.
What have I done? What is my iniquity and what is my sin before your father that he seeks his life? I think those are legitimate questions But he had already Jonathan had already told his dad basically the same thing, but just in other terms Why are you trying to kill David? What has he done? so obviously Jonathan weren't is not aware of what has just taken place of sending messengers to try to kill him the at Michael's house and then those men being filled or being overpowered by the Spirit and prophesied and then that happening three times and then not being able to handle the Work that saw and sent him and then saw goes to try to handle and he stripped down naked before the Lord as an act of Humility and as an act of rejection as now the the no longer the anointed King So these questions are legitimate.
I mean if somebody had thrown a spear at you two times or like Caleb thinks three Three times.
I mean I would have the impression that this dudes trying to kill me Then he sends to his own his daughter House to have you killed up on your bed.
There's no doubt.
These questions are legit and Here's what here's the answer that Jonathan gives in verse 2.
He said to him far be it you will not die Well, hold on a second.
You don't know what has taken place behold He says behold.
My father does not do anything great or small without disclosing it to me Well, we know that's not an accurate statement because he did not know anything about The messengers going he didn't know anything about the men coming to take him at Michael's house.
He knew nothing about that He said so why should my father hide this thing from me? It is not so verse 3 says David vowed again saying your father knows well that I have found favor in your sight And he has said do not let Jonathan know this or he will be grieved David speaking a truthful statement What did King Saul know that Jonathan and David were bosom buddies? Yeah Sure, he did.
Yeah, he and he's gonna do it again He's gonna give him other things again.
And so he knew that Jonathan and David were were tight and why were they tight? And he said kindred spirit sir Yes, certainly and that could cover a wide range of things.
Was it kindred spirit first and foremost? I think what was their love for Yahweh and their zeal to see God's enemies put under his feet Not only that he was a man of valor.
He was a man of integrity He was a man that loved his dad and he loved his dad so yeah, that's what brought them together and he He says do not let Jonathan know this or he will be grieved and we're gonna see as we get towards the end of this We have already read Jonathan is grieved over the foolishness of his dad He says but truly as the Lord lives and as your soul lives there is hardly a step between me and death Basically David saying man, I look behind me and the grim reaper is a step behind me Now we you hear people talk about near-death Experiences and all that and that's kind of what David is saying is a man these near-death experience, but know this We're no closer to death When we've come to these quote near-death experience than we are right this very second We're closer to our day of appointment of death right this second than we've ever been What he is saying is man everywhere I go.
It just seems like man I'm trying death is trying to overtake me or someone is trying to kill me and Jonathan said to David What you say, I will whatever you say I'll do for you Is that not a covenant relationship between two friends? Hey, you he hasn't even he hasn't made a stipulation He said whatever it is.
You need me to do I'm gonna do and now we're gonna see for the first time that David's going to ask his best friend To lie to his father.
That's what he's gonna ask him to do.
He said whatever you asked me to do I'll do it for you.
So David said tomorrow is the new moon and I ought to be sitting down to eat with the King now the way that the calendar worked with the Jews obviously is somewhat like hours new moons beginning of the Beginning of the new month so they would have a festival on your new moon.
Do you see this? I think it's in Colossians and Keith will deal with it.
It talks about you know, your new moon feast and your Sabbaths and all that That's what it is They would have long as there was a new moon there was a party because it was at the beginning of a new month it was a new beginning basically and With the king he would have a party.
So he's saying hey, there's gonna be a at the new moon He says behold tomorrow's the new moon I should sit down to eat with the king But let me go then I may hide myself in the field until the third day and here it is if your father misses me at all then say David earnestly asked leave of me to run to Bethlehem his city because it is a yearly sacrifice there for the whole family that's a blatant lie He is that's not what he's doing.
It would have been different if David would have said hey Jonathan I'm going to actually go to Bethlehem and I'm gonna do this the sacrifice with my family He said but that's not what he's doing.
How do we know it's a lie? Where's he going? He's gonna sit out in the field so it's a lie now We're gonna see Probably over the next three to four weeks.
You're gonna see Times when lies or deception is used and you go.
Well, dude, he did it to save his life Does that make it? Okay A Legitimate question does it yes and no.
Okay, let's do two.
Yes and no.
Can we had a yes first? Is he is he bound by the character and nature of God to answer accurately Hey, well, hey what this is where it comes in to what's called situational ethics and now we dealt just briefly with him Are We bound to tell the truth I'm not saying if somebody knocks on the door near to kill my wife.
First of all, I'm slicing them There's all there is to it.
I'm cutting that Joker in his neck Okay But I'm not saying that the first response is going to be to do whatever I have to do But I am bound by the character and nature of God for me to be truthful.
It does not make that lie Not a lie when we like I said, we did a do not lie to one another and Going through the one another's you have under the umbrella of deception is every act of deception sinful It's not Every act of deception is not sinful God ordained acts of deceit when they were in war they send them in as spies They send them in under the covering they sit they God said told us To set an ambush is an ambush not an act of deceit.
Okay all right, but it's different than going in there and telling someone with the intent of Deceiving them for personal gain.
This is not an act of war This is a man look David has already been anointed King.
Has he not? I'm not saying that I probably wouldn't have done the same thing, but I want you to think that's what I'm saying But what David's doing is wrong and he's gonna do it again And I don't we won't if we'll get to it to next week, but he tells another whopper and it kills 85 priests and Then not only does it kill 85 priests then people then leave after killing the 85 priests and then they go under the command of the king of the lot and they kill A whole city man woman boy girl infant cattle everything because of a lie that David gives to a Himalayan Okay, so This is a lot if If we use the well under the situation it's okay that becomes subjective in every Action so, okay Well, you know what? How many told y'all and here told your kids? Hey if dad's gonna tear you butt up Tell me a big whopper and you'll get away with it How many? Well situational ethics is going to work.
Well, that's all right for the kid to do as well always bound to tell the truth always Especially in this case David was already Guaranteed safety to the throne by God had he not Yeah, what about Rahab? Great act of faith those spies came up.
She let him in She said hey, you're our hearts melt inside of us for what happened when they left Egypt This is how long have that been going on 40 years they had still heard of the major things that God had done They promised her safety.
Did they not? Right promised her safety.
They even they said this will be a token of it by you hanging that scarlet Rope out the window and and she said yep I have will have safety by Yahweh and they promised her safety under a Swear to Yahweh and what did she immediately do when they knocked on the door? Dan They ain't here All right.
Now she was all great act of faith Was it not and then immediately follows by a great act of unbelief? She didn't have to lie to them We know why she did and we try to understand Hey, she's trying to save her own teeth and we understand it But did she was she not always already promised safety by God? Yes, there was no reason to lie same thing in this case a reason for David to lie you know David could have but in Not wanting to be killed He could have walked right in sat down at that table and said check it out So God's giving me this man and God has protected me and I'm gonna see this thing through but dude he did not He he began to trust in his own self is telling a lie not trusting in one's own self Is it yeah it is All right So he says In verse 8 therefore deal kindly I'm sorry in verse 7 if he says it is good.
Your servant will be safe But if he is very angry know that he will have he has decided evil Therefore deal kindly with your servant for you have brought your servant into a covenant with the Lord with you What was the covenant they had already made with one another? He was good they were they were their souls were knitted together good Care for each other.
Yep forever and it's because their souls were knitted together and We get down here a little further when he actually says, you know, they they loved one another as he loved his own self Only found one other place in Scripture where that even that kind of terminology is used because I've tried to say Hey, is there any time any other place where we see two people so knitted together other than husband and wife? Okay, we're talking about friends Two men so joined together that they loved each other and the only one I could find was in Genesis chapter 44 and this is still a familiar relationship if you remember when Joseph asked about Benjamin and He says well, you want to he brings Benjamin back and he says hey man, Benjamin's gonna have to stay Till you go back and get your father.
I'm gonna hold him basically a ransom.
He said, oh man, you can't do that He said man, you can't do that Do you understand that my dad's life is so bound up in this? Person's life that if he stays and I come back with him He'll die they see the the connect although that was familiar that their their lives are so intertwined with one another So he says deal kindly with us, but if there's an equity in me you can put me to death he said All right, if there is an equity within me look, this is David is saying you find something within me Jonathan That is deserving of death You will go ahead and put me to death if I deserve it you do it For why then should you bring me to your father's every few take me to your dad to have me put to death if I've done Something you can do it right now.
Jonathan said far be it from you For for if I should indeed learn that evil has been decided by my father to come upon you Then would I not tell it to you and I do believe that Jonathan if he knew at this point that hey, my dad's intention was to kill you He would have told him we have no reason to believe that Jonathan's Pulling his leg or trying to whitewash his dad's actions Then David said to Jonathan who will tell me if your father answers harshly and Jonathan said to David come Let's go out into the field so they both went to the field Jonathan and said to David the the Lord the God of Israel be witness I they're making a Witness before the Lord a covenant before the Lord that this is what's going to happen When I sound out my father at about this time tomorrow or on the third day behold if there is a good feeling towards you I Shall send to you and make known if it pleases my father to do you harm may the Lord do to Jonathan and more also if I don't tell you he's saying look If I don't tell you the truth, my dad's intentions to kill you let that come upon me That is a lot of how covenants are like when they used to cut a covenant You cut something in half one side on one one time here We see that with with the Abrahamic Covenant and it's saying look whatever has happened if I violate this side or this person Violates this side.
Let me be cut asunder in the same way in other words put me to death and that's what Jonathan is saying, but put me to death and And He then that he may I'm sorry and the Lord do so to Jonathan more also if I did not make it known to you That you may be safe and may the Lord be with you as he has been with my father You understand what Jonathan is saying here He is saying look just as the Lord has put my father in the position that he is in and has given Him success had had Saul had a successful Humanly speaking.
Okay, forget his disobedience.
Forget God for a second.
Okay humanly speaking had Saul had a pretty awesome kingship Yeah, I mean he he was a warring king He was killing it said he used to do those around him anytime He found it uprising from the Philistines or those around him.
What did he do? He squashed it.
He killed him He was a great deliverer, but he was a failure as an obedient king He says and just as he is with my father.
Let him be with you He says and if I am still alive, will you not show me loving kindness of the Lord that I may not die He's saying Basically when you become king are you going to be kind to me? Why would he say that? You may know anybody have any idea why you would say that Anybody know historically what you did when you became king to the former Kings descendants You killed every one of them.
Yep, that way you have to worry about it You have to worry about hey so and so was supposed to be heir to the throne and I have taken the throne either by coup or By force or some way.
Well, if we just kill all the heirs, then you don't have to worry about it.
And If you think about Jesus in the parable of the wicked vine dressers when the king sends his son in there What do they say? We'll kill the heir.
We'll kill the heir and then we can have it all That's basically saying don't Don't don't kill me.
Now the word that you used here is the what for loving kindness anybody have In verse 14 anything other than loving kindness of the Lord's does it They say anything else steadfast Any anything steadfast anybody else got anything else other than that? Who? Faithful that word is has said anybody know has Hesed meaning it has a semantic range and it it means faithful steadfast Kind long-suffering And it has a lot to do with steadfastness and in a time of harsh persecution Why do you think you you know heard of the Hasidic Jews? Right.
What did they remember in the thing was in the 1920s? It really started when they were being persecuted and these men who started wearing the black the black coats the black top hats The the hangly-dangly ease and they were called the Hasidic Jews they were the more Orthodox saying hey, we're going to follow Jew Judaism Steadfastly even if it means to a gas chamber to death.
Okay, that's where that to the word Hasidic means that it means steadfast Faithful and he says show me the faithfulness of the Lord that I may not die And you shall not cut off your loving-kindness from my house forever Not even when the Lord cuts off every one of the enemies of David from the face of the earth He's saying When God even wipes out my dad He does he not know that Saul is his enemy David's enemy at this point Does he not? What is he saying there? When God kills my dad Remember me be faithful to me Yeah, you say it for me, yeah Yeah, he sure does.
And and he actually he doesn't even know that he's around and David actually goes Hey, man, is there someone here? Left because remember all the all the all his sons were killed in battle Jonathan He says hey, is there anybody else that I can show kindness because they also he David makes a covenant with Saul To be faithful to his family even after death now You do have an issue that takes place And Second Samuel 23 Where there was a plague in the land They don't know why David entreats the Lord and he says why has there been three years of famine and He said because of what Saul did to the Gibeonites And you're like what and if you're reading that you got to go.
Well, who were the Gibeonites? Well, if you remember the Gibeonites and Andy was teaching through Joshua You remember when they came up they came up in the ragtag clothes the molded bread and what did they do? They they did they lied and tricked them into being safe and making a covenant with them And if you remember Joshua made a covenant with them under Yahweh before Yahweh he made a covenant them not to harm them and God honored that well under the zeal of Saul being in Gibeon right here.
He goes over here to exterminate them and God says because of what he did That's why the famine I made a covenant with those people with Joshua that we were going to take care of them He goes over there and he kills the whole tries to kill a whole city and we don't know anything about this until you know, the 23rd chapter of 2nd Samuel and God says go talk to those people see what they want.
They say we don't want reparations.
We don't want no money We want seven men from Saul What seven descendants so what he does is he rounds up seven descendants he There's a textual variant there we'll deal with that whenever we get there he He finds that's the descendants of Mirab the sons and he gets two other sons of another Wife and he brings them and he saves my ship.
Say it again But Phoebe chef he saves my Phoebe chef again he said you can take all of them, but you're not taking him and then because the covenant that Give me nights had made with Yahweh David lets him hang seven of Saul's family so So even at that he continually up until that point looks for opportunities To to be faithful to Saul even in his death, you know, he never defamed Saul's name Matter of fact when Saul dies at the end of the book, you know what? He writes a song Telling how great they were how great Jonathan was how great Saul was.
I mean, it'd be like, all right I'm chasing to kill Mike Smith for 15 years and then Somebody finally whacks me and he's gonna write a song about how great I was Like dude, that's crazy All right so he says make a covenant with the house of David saying may the Lord required of the hands of the David's enemies and Jonathan made a made David vow again because of his love for him because he loved him as he loved his own life and Then Jonathan said to him tomorrow is that new moon and we're gonna be missed Could you you're gonna be missed because that seats gonna be empty And When you have stayed for the three days you shall go down Quickly and come to the place where you have hid yourself for that eventful day by the stone of Ezra I will shoot three arrows and behold to the target and behold I will send out the lad Go find him if I especially say to the lad basically says the same thing.
He had already said So then we get the verse 24 So David hid himself in the food and when the new moon came the king sat down to eat the food and the king sat on hit at his seat the seat by the wall and Jonathan rose up and Abner sat down by the Saul side David's place was empty.
So I didn't say a word that day For he said this is an accident.
Okay, well Saul says surely this is an accident He's under the command of the king to be there is he not yeah, okay Well, he said I thought it was a gracious act of Saul to go.
Well, maybe it's an accident.
Maybe he forgot maybe And that was the next that was the next I think he's making tooth he's making two things in his mind one It's an accident that he's not here.
Okay, two.
He's unclean What would make someone? Ceremonially unclean that was not sinful.
We got one deal with this twice actually in the next couple weeks Ma'am could be touch a dead person.
That's true.
There's another one.
That's that is actually one of them.
Yeah He's been a war, huh? He could say he had he let's say he went home and he had sex with his wife If he had sex with his wife, he was unclean till the evening had nothing to do with Sexual relation between a man and the husband and a wife being not holy It has to do and you can go back and look if it's in Leviticus 24 Leviticus 15 16 through 18 and part of its in Leviticus 24 has to do with the emission of The fluid from the body whether it be blood or semen because they hold life With their emitted once it's emitted It's it dies and it was an act of being unclean because that which was holy had now died Okay, that's so had he been had he gone home.
So hey, maybe he's gone home Maybe he went home slept with his wife, you know, he'd been out killing a bunch of people and probably see his wife Yeah, I'm so hurt.
Maybe he's unclean or as Rosanna said, maybe he didn't whack somebody's head off on the way there So, you know, I just held up some other guy's head.
I can't make it today And then on the second day the new moon David's place was empty again So Saul said to Jonathan his son Why has the son of Jesse not come to the meal either yesterday or today now? We're going to see a parallel here This section you're going to see Saul ask a question Jonathan's answer Saul's Hostility and anger then in the next Conversation you're gonna have Jonathan ask a question Saul's gonna respond and then Jonathan has Huge anger towards his dad So he says it came about that on that next day that second day.
It was empty Saul said Jonathan.
Where's he at? verse 28 Jonathan then answered Saul David earnestly asked to leave to go to Bethlehem for he said please let me go Since at the family has a sacrifice in the city and my brother has commanded me to attend well, we already see a breakdown and What was supposed to be said? He didn't say his brother He didn't say any of that.
So now we see in Jonathan begin to embellish a little bit and I do believe that's a hint of how he seeks to get busted He says For I have found favor in your sight, please.
Let me go away Let me get away that I may see my brothers and for this reason he was not at the table now There's two words use here.
Let me go is the word shalak in in Hebrew.
That means to just let go, right? The next one down where it says there's a place from where it says, please.
Let me get away And does anybody else have any other? Phraseology of that at the end of that verse verse 29 See where it says, please let me get away anybody say anything else No, everybody.
Hey, the word there is the word we've already seen used for time considering David and the word means to escape That is a hint.
I'm not saying this is the dead giveaway Why didn't he just say why didn't Jonathan just say let me show up.
Let him get away again.
Why don't go away? Why didn't he say that he used a word to escape how many times has? David already escaped the hand of Saul and Saul even said it Why have you let my enemy escape? So when he's saying this he's embellishing.
Hey, let me escape.
Let me get away That's what David is saying.
Let me escape your dad's hand and there it's at this point He arises and Saul is very angry What would have given anything else or other way that David was trying to escape the hand of Saul if he had he not said that We have no reason.
I don't know about y'all.
But when I'm reading through that you go what triggered Saul's anger What word what gave the hint that? Jonathan was somehow in a conspiracy to keep David away I think the word that was used is the reason the escape He was trying to escape the hand of Saul and then Saul's angers burned against Jonathan and He said to him you son of a perverse and rebellious woman No worthy bringing his wife into this.
I Mean, what does he have to do with it? Yeah, it's like it really should be you son of a perverse and rebellious man Yeah It's like why are you bringing her into this and then he goes on he doubles down about making her shame and the shame of His mother's nakedness It's like dude.
Why are you doing this to her? But it really should be you're you're a son of a perverse and rebellious man is Saul not a perverse man Well, often we think perverse we just think of sexual immorality that he was perverse in every way It was a verse in his thought trying to kill the man of God trying to kill the anointed man of God and knowing it you Remember early on what was the reason why he hated David? But then it gets specifically goes on and it says Because the Lord was with him Because the Lord was with him.
Why was he David's enemy? Because the Lord was with him That's why he was David's enemy because the Lord was on David's side, that's why So here it is.
He brings drags his wife into it.
She's a rebellious shameful naked woman and He says for as long as the son of Jesse lives on earth.
Neither you nor your kingdom will be established.
I Take this and I'm open for any suggestion Other than he had already been told that his dynasty had been ripped away from his hand By doing what early on in the book? He offered up a sacrifice.
He was not supposed to and what did Saul say man? God would have established your kingdom forever.
But because of that you're you're you're not even have a dynasty anymore Well Saul saying look we the dynasty can go on with you, but you're gonna have to kill David God already told him he wasn't gonna be king either and he's trying to fix that too Because He's a self-deluded perverse man He doesn't even yes, ma'am He had already been confirmed by a prophet.
He was already anointed king.
He has not been installed as king yet.
You know what David? Yes, ma'am.
He had already been anointed just like and I gotta shut up ma'am well, we know at this point that he he realizes that there's the the the The I hate this word because of the baggage the dispensation of grace that has been just had been putting on on David that the people loved David the people accepted they they looked to David as a leader and now Do we know that what took place in a Bethlehem? Do we think that Saul knew anything about that not yet, but we're fixing to learn I think in the next two chapters He talks about God will establish you as king and then he actually says now I know That you will be king over Israel.
So we don't know what he knows about Bethlehem.
We know this he knows that God's with him He knows that God's making him prosper He knows that the people like him and every time he goes to put his hands on David Nothing can happen and he actually knows by last week that the Spirit of God Intervened and stopped that from happening So not only was there just these providential acts of people doing it now There was the providential act of the Holy Spirit stopping Saul from doing what he wanted to do Did that answer your question or not? Okay Yes, he did well He already said that Earlier on when he threw the spear and said he knew that the Spirit of Lord had departed him back in I can't remember chapter 18 He said hey Saul knew that the Spirit of the Lord had departed from him and had and was on David so there was something He knew something was going on to what extent the scriptures not clear yet, but we do know coming up That's gonna be the case.
I need to stop because we need to go.
Let me pray for us where my will pick up We'll just pick up at verse 30 because that's a next week.
We'll pick up there and we'll finish the Chat, let's pray father.
Thank you for this time.
We get to spend around your word.