Sunday Morning Sermon Series - 02/06/2022
Sunday Morning Sermon Series - 02/06/2022
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- Now I want you to pay attention. It wasn't anything in Israel. It wasn't their military style.
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- It wasn't the type of people to stand up to. Good morning everybody. We thank the
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- Lord. With the confidence that Pastor Jeff has given me.
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- For the invitation. For the acceptance of everyone here.
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- With the ability to be with you guys to share the word of God. We'll be in 1
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- Corinthians. Chapter 12. Starting in verse 27.
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- This is a verse that Pastor Jeff aimed to. He was commenting on it.
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- And this is what it says. You guys. You guys are the body of Christ.
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- And everyone here is a member. The biblical context of this.
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- The Apostle Paul. He's given a couple of recommendations.
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- Concerning the gifts and the anointings. But he's also talking about the spiritual body.
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- Which is the church of Christ. In this particular passage.
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- The Apostle Paul is comparing the body for example. The physical body.
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- To the church. And the
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- Apostle Paul here is showing us. Through the word. In verse 14.
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- And the body. Isn't just a member. In fact it's many members.
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- Verse 15 states. What then? Why am
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- I not the hand? I'm not part of the body. Otherwise I'm not part of the body.
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- And if I were to leave the ear. Why am I not the eye? I'm not from the body.
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- That way he doesn't leave the body. If every piece of the body was the eye.
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- Where would the ear be? If everybody was an ear. Where would the hand be?
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- In these four verses. What the Apostle Paul is telling us.
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- The body is one. But with a lot of members. And none of the members.
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- Is less than the other. Amen. And no other member. Is more important than the other.
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- For each member. Is part of the body. And we need it.
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- Go on to verse 18. Verse 18. And God himself has organized the members.
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- Each one of them. In the body. The way he wills it.
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- Because if everybody was the same thing. Where would the body be? But now there are many members.
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- But the body. Is one only. The eye can't tell the hand.
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- We don't need you. And the hand can't do the same with the feet.
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- For example, the human body. I don't have a need of you.
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- Go on to verse 22. The members of the body.
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- That appear to be less strong. Are actually the most important. And the members of the body that appear to be less dignified.
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- And we are to clothe them with honor. What verse is that?
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- What verse is that? Verse 23. If therefore the whole church assembles together.
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- And all are speaking in tongues. And the people who are outside or unbelievers come in. Will they not say you are out of your minds?
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- Verse 24. Go on to verse 24. Those of us that are more decorated.
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- Don't have a necessity. But God is the one that ordained the body. Giving more honor.
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- To those that lacked it. In other words. There are members of the body.
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- That you can't see. For example, the heart. You can't see the heart with the human eyes.
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- But it's very important. No person. Can live.
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- Without the heart. The body. Can live.
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- All without a hand. We are all members. All of which are very important.
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- In the body of Christ. Amen. Amen. Verse 25.
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- So that there is no division in the body. So that all the members should occupy themselves.
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- That they should take care of one another. It's awesome. Verse 26.
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- If one member appears to be. All the members. Can join with that one member.
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- That if one member receives honor. All the members. Will rejoice with it.
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- I want to remind you. A passage of scripture. That says.
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- Mourn with those who mourn. And rejoice with those that rejoice. It's part of the body of Christ.
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- Verse 27. You guys as well.
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- You are the body of Christ. And each of you are a member of the body of Christ.
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- Every member. No matter how small it seems to be.
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- Has a function. It's important. Even the very fingernails that we have.
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- Even our toenails. If we didn't have any toenails.
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- We wouldn't even walk normally. The smallest members.
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- Are very important. Everybody is important in the body of Christ.
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- Verse 28. And to some God. For example the apostle
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- Paul. Talks about the gifts. Verse 31.
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- Gather yourself. Get yourself the greater gifts. The way that I show.
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- A much better way. What's the greatest way?
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- It's Christ Jesus. He is the way.
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- The person that gives us to the father. Jesus said. I am the way.
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- I am the truth. I am the life. Nobody goes to the father. But by me.
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- Everybody. Glory to God. Everybody.
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- We are all part of Christ's body. Now. The scriptures say.
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- That Jesus. Came to give us a way. To his kingdom.
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- And by him we are walking. Jews. Greeks. Liberals.
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- Slaves. Every color. Every race. Every tongue.
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- Every tribe. Every nation. And it's just one body. In the entire world.
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- Glory to God. I want to remind you guys.
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- Verse 27. You guys. Are the body of Christ.
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- How many of us. Do we feel blessed. To be part of.
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- The body of Christ. Even the service.
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- That some. That some of us. That we do within the service.
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- Inside of a church. And most of the times. Or sometimes.
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- Aren't seen. But you guys are very important. Because the scripture states.
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- That what he sees in secret. He will reward you publicly.
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- Man we are blessed. To be part of. The body of Christ. And members.
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- Each one of you. In particular. Is there a member.
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- So small. Super insignificant. For example.
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- The eyelashes. For some reason.
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- In some sort of function. Very important. Very specific.
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- The Lord gave it to us. And it's to protect. It's to cover.
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- The eye. From the dust. Even the smallest member.
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- Is incredibly important. Or for example the apostle Paul says. We can't just say we don't need you foot.
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- Or to the hand. They're indispensable. For your human body.
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- Even more important. We are. All of us. In the body of Christ.
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- And for me. It's very important. And I receive.
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- The blessing. To be invited here by Pastor Jeff. And to be here.
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- To share with you guys. The word. The worship. The welcoming.
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- And everything we do. To the Lord. It's very important.
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- There is no insignificant thing. Nothing needs to be thrown away.
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- Everything is important. To congregate together. To worship together.
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- To bless together. Like one people. Like one body. In Christ Jesus.
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- And the unity. Says Psalm. 133. That here.
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- There is blessing. And life eternal. In Psalm 133.
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- Thank you. And God bless each and every one of you. Amen. And so we see this morning.
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- That everything he taught was from the word of God. Everything he taught was from the spirit.
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- What God did today, he just changed mouthpieces. The same word of God that Pastor Jeff is preaching over here.
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- Is the same word of God that he just finished preaching. What he said is super true. It is one body.
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- One word. It is one family. And so language. Ain't no way that's going to separate us.
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- Either God will provide an interpreter. Or supernatural. I'm curious to see if anybody here received the gift of speaking in tongues.
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- To interpret what he was saying. But take what he said. There is no such thing as racist.
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- There's only one race. Like Pastor Jeff says, there's only one race. We are human. And so what he said, take it.
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- Apply it. Don't let it just go to your head as some sort of theological knowledge.
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- Because if it goes to your head and not your heart, it becomes pride and arrogance. Apply it. Minister to people who don't look like you.
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- Who don't worship like you. Who don't talk like you. I promise you, God will make a way. For instance,
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- I was at the mall witnessing a couple of years back. And there was this
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- Asian lady who didn't speak a lick of English. And you know, what is 17 -year -old Christian going to do?
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- Can I pray for you? And I swear, this lady didn't understand me. But once I started praying with her, she bowed her head.
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- Almost like she understood what was going on. And it was a surreal moment of language will not separate the love between a brother and a sister in Christ.
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- So take what we learned today and apply it in our lives. I will double down what
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- Pastor Obeid said. And the passage we went yesterday in the funeral. Paul speaking in his last words to Timothy.
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- He says, do the work of an evangelist. Whether in season or out. Whether convenient or not.
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- And that last part he says, fulfill your ministry.
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- And what hits me so much about that, he didn't say fulfill the ministry.
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- Fulfill your ministry. And what pastors are saying, you specifically, as a person, have a ministry.
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- You have a work to do. You are not insignificant, unimportant, irrelevant.
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- If you did not come here today, would it be noticed? Would it be noticed if you weren't here?
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- Are you fulfilling the ministry that God has for you specifically?
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- You cannot rely and bank on the pastor or the minister or the muse.
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- It's your job. And if you don't do your job, it doesn't get done.
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- That's what you got to realize. If you do not fulfill your ministry, the ministry doesn't get fulfilled.
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- There's no safety net here. There's no people to fall back on. We as the people of God have to fulfill the ministry he's given to us specifically.
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- But the problem is some of you don't even know what your ministry is. Some of you don't even understand what
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- God has called you to do. Mainly because you're not seeking and you're not asking.
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- Let us take the word that pastor has given us today and fulfill it.
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- Do not look down on your calling. Do not look down because if your ministry is less public than as he said, it is the
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- Lord and the people of God who are to lift you up and raise you and honor you. Don't do that yourself either.