Sunday Night Bible Study - Revelation Part 4



Revelation Part 5 with Pastor Josiah Shipley

Revelation Part 5 with Pastor Josiah Shipley

Good evening and welcome to Sunday Night Bible Study with Pastor Joe Sia, Shipley at Wynton Baptist Church.
It's been a couple weeks. I'm excited to be back with you. We have been studying through the book of Revelation.
This is part, goodness, part four, part five, I think, of what we've done. And last week,
Brother Jeremiah, I was on vacation last week, Brother Jeremiah, in the in -person class at 6 p .m.
at Wynton Baptist on Sunday nights, taught on Revelation 6 and 7.
So that's where I want to catch us up on. The last video we did was on Revelation 4 and 5. If you haven't watched that, go back and watch that,
Revelation 4 and 5. Just go to Wynton Media Ministry on YouTube and watch our series on Revelation.
So this is part four or five of Revelation. And here, the last place we left off was the scroll with the seals on it.
And we went over the elders and the living creatures who continually bow down before the throne of God, okay?
And they cast their crowns at His feet. And no one in all the world, in heaven or earth or hell, was able or worthy to open the scroll except one, the
Lamb, which is Jesus. That Lamb walks straight up to the throne, takes that scroll, and not only is no one worthy to read it, no one's even able to open the seals except the
Lamb, Jesus. And remember, when we say seals, we have, for lack of a better term, a piece of paper that's rolled up, okay?
This is church projected budget for this year. I probably should keep this. Anyway, think of, we've got melted wax, okay?
And then a person of power would take their signet ring or maybe something around their neck that has a symbol that was molded for them, and then you impress it on that melted wax and release it, and that seal would be there.
One, to say, okay, this is that seal. This is from Bob in Kingdom X. But two, it would keep you from opening it, right?
It would keep you, because it would be on this part and this part, it would keep you from opening it until that seal was broken. So if you received a letter and that seal was broken, you knew someone had been in it.
Well, the scroll that the Lamb is holding in Revelation 5 has seven seals, seven, and not just one, seven.
And that's where we're at now. Now, I've explained this before. The Book of Revelation, over half of it, is about a seven -year period.
The Great Tribulation, chapters 6 through 16,
I think it is, all take place during those seven years. It's crazy, right? And we've been over the pre -millennial, post -millennial positions, we've been over the preterists and the historicists, we've been over the pre -trib, post -trib, mid -trib, rapture, and all that stuff.
If you're not caught up on that, that's part one and two of this series, and please go watch those so you know what
I'm talking about. But we're teaching here that, as far as we can tell, chapters 6 through 16 are part of that Great Tribulation, which
I believe takes place over seven years. Now, as Jesus breaks these seals open,
God's judgment is released. Now, we have three series of seven in the seven -year period.
We have seven seals that will be broken, and when we get to the seventh one, it opens up in the seventh seal, it opens up seven trumpets given to angels.
And every time they blow the trumpet, more judgment comes. On the seventh trumpet, seven bowls of wrath are given to be poured out on the earth.
So, here's the basic premise. We have seals, trumpets, bowls. Seals, trumpets, bowls.
The sixth one, the sixth seal, the sixth trumpet, sixth bowl, tends to be the longest and most dramatic.
Kind of interesting that the sixth day of creation was the longest and most detailed. The sixth one tends to be the most dramatic.
The seventh one opens up the next set of judgments. Now, what we're about to read is God's judgments on the earth, and God is just the judge as He sees fit.
So, He is going to deal out judgment based on the sentencing of people rejecting
God. So, let's read Revelation 6.
Now, if you're pre -trib, like I am, you believe the church has been raptured out, but there are still people that are going to get saved during this time period.
There are still people that are going to get saved. If you're mid -trib, you believe the rapture is going to happen within the next couple of chapters as well, and then post -trib will be at the end, in Revelation 19.
Now look, let's get with it. You ready? Revelation 6, the seven seals. So, I'm going to kind of go through these rather quickly, so stay with me.
Verse 1 and 2 is the first seal, and this is a white horse.
So, Jesus breaks open the first seal, and it releases a white horse. Verse 2 of chapter 6, its rider had a bow and a crown and was given to him, and he came out conquering and conquered.
When we get to Revelation 13, we're going to speak of the Antichrist. I believe this is a picture of him.
I will prove that in Revelation 13, or try to. So, it says he conquers.
Second seal, verse 3. When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, Come. And out came another horse, bright red.
Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people would slay one another. He was given a great sword. So, the second seal is peace taken from the earth, in other words, war.
Verse 5. Opened the third seal, I heard a third living creature say, Come. And I looked, and behold, a black horse, and it had a pair of scales in its hand.
And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A quart of wheat for a denarius, or a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil or wine.
This third seal is the black horse, and it's famine, okay? And it's a day's wages for a little loaf of bread, two quarts, right?
And for wheat, is what I'm trying to say. You know, there's a famous picture in,
I think it's the 1930s, maybe 1920s, well, it had to be 30s Nazi Germany, of a guy carrying a wheelbarrow of cash just to go get food for that day, because the cash was worthless.
That much inflation, I guess deflation, you'd say. There's that much inflation, and it was worthless, you had to give it all just to get some money.
This third seal is kind of like that. You're having to spend a day's wages just to get two quarts of wheat.
So these are real judgments that will happen on the earth. And that appears to be worldwide.
The fourth seal, the fourth horse, verse 7, When I opened the fourth seal,
I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, Come. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, its rider's name was
Death, and Hades followed after him. He was given authority over a fourth of the earth to kill with a sword, and with famine and pestilence, and by wild beasts of the earth.
Okay. Authority to kill one fourth of the earth.
One fourth. That's 25 % of the population. 25 % of the population.
I'm just going to make up a number. If that was, at this point, you know, 6 billion people, that's a billion and a half people.
These would be more or less, because we've had famine already, you know. There are, what, 7 .2
billion people on the planet right now? Something like that. We've already had famine and war and that kind of stuff, but that's a lot of people.
Authority to kill 25 % of the world's population. Seal number 5 is the martyrs calling out to God and saying,
God, how long until you avenge our brothers and sisters in Christ? And this is God's answer.
So verse 10, I'm sorry, verse 9. He's in the martyrs calling out to God saying,
Oh, sovereign God, how much longer until you avenge our brothers and sisters? When you're done with all this?
Until you end all this? And Jesus' answer to them is, wait a little while longer, guys.
I got them. The fifth seal. I'm sorry, the sixth seal. Verse 12 of chapter 6.
Now listen to this. When he opened the sixth seal, I looked and behold, there was a great earthquake. The sun became black, sackcloth, and full moon -like blood.
Verse 13. So, that great earthquake that leads to the sun being dark and the moon turning to blood and the sky being rolled up like a scroll.
You get a great picture of this if you've never read this with us. Joel 2, 30 -32.
We did a series on Joel a couple years ago. Joel 2, 30 -32 seems to be prophesying about this event.
Yes, there's stuff in the Old Testament that still has yet to be fulfilled. It is totally possible that what
John is describing here in his first century mind looking at future things is nuclear war, right?
It's possible. When you think about it, great earthquake, sun turning black and sackcloth, moon coming like blood, the stars of the sky falling, the sky being rolled up, picture a mushroom cloud.
I don't know that. But it sure seems possible to me. At either rate, this causes a lot of devastation.
And the kings of the earth are hiding in caves, saying, Fall on us and protect us from the wrath of the
Lamb. So, I always told you seal 6 was the longest one.
And there's an interlude normally in the 6th seal trumpet bowl. We have an interlude.
So, that was the end of chapter 6. We don't open the 7th seal until chapter 8. What is chapter 7 about?
Chapter 7 is about the 144 ,000. So, let's talk us about some 144 ,000.
Is everyone with me? I hope so. So, here's the interlude of number 6.
I told you number 6 on each of these is the longest. Chapter 7 is still part of seal 6.
It's just an additional. Seal team 6, if you didn't remember, right? Alright.
Chapter 7, verse 1. And after this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on the earth or sea or against any tree.
I saw another angel ascending from the rising of the sun and besieged the living God. And he called...
No, this is the seal, the signet ring. And he called with a loud voice the four angels who had been given power to harm the earth and sea, saying,
Do not harm the earth or sea or trees until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. And I heard the number of the seal.
Okay. 144 ,000 from every tribe of the son of Israel. So, 12 tribes, 12 ,000 from each equals 144 ,000.
Now, a lot of talk. It reads almost like a census from numbers. 12 ,000 from Reuben, 12 ,000 from Gad, 12 ,000 from Asher, so on and so forth.
There's a lot of talk about, okay, now, are these literally 144 ,000 Jewish people or is this just representative of the church?
Okay. Well, even though people are still getting saved, if you're pre -Trib, you'd believe the church has been raptured out at this point.
But either way, after it lists that 144 ,000, what seems to be
Jewish people from Jewish tribes, even though those tribes can't be traced right now, it would take a miracle of God, but God is a
God of miracles. Let's read verse 9 of chapter 7. After it lists, and I look, behold, a great multitude that no one could number.
From every tribe, nation, language, standing before the throne of the Lamb, clothed in white robes and palm branches in the hand, crying out with a loud voice,
Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb. And all the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped
God, saying, Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to the
God forever and ever. Amen. Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, Who are these clothed in white robes?
Where do they come from? I said to him, Sir, you know. Okay, so if you're asking, who is this great multitude?
Here's the answer. Verse 14. These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. So remember, the great tribulation.
Keep in mind, Christian, all of us experience tribulation. Different parts of the world worse than others.
But we're talking about the great tribulation. So that seven -year period, specifically the second half of it.
Verse 14 still. They've washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Yes, the blood makes the robes white, because white is a symbol of purity being cleansed from your sins.
Verse 15. Beautiful, isn't it?
This is repeated in the end of Revelation even more beautifully, referring to all believers.
It's even more detailed. We'll get to it in a few more videos. About wiping away every tear and no more sickness and death and so on and so forth.
So, in short, in chapter 7, we have 144 ,000 and we have a great multitude. I don't see them as the same thing, because it says that the great multitude, no one could number them.
You just numbered 144 ,000. Obviously, they can't be the same thing. Right? So I tend to think that this great multitude is exactly what the angel says it is.
They're believers coming out of the Great Tribulation. 144 ,000 sealed by God.
Notice they're sealed on their foreheads. Later on, a symbol of the Antichrist will be put on the foreheads or the wrists of the hand,
I guess it is, of people of the earth. These people are sealed by God.
I think these are Jewish evangelists. They're going to witness. They're going to evangelize the
Jewish people to turn back to Christ. So, you know, the Jewish people have, you know, in the
New Testament, and then in large part have rejected Christ. Of course, there's still plenty of Jewish believers on this planet that actually believe.
But as a whole, that people, like every one of us before our salvation, have rejected
God. But God's promises to them will come to fruition. God is faithful even when we are faithless.
God is faithful even when we're faithless. And God will send his prophets, his ministers, his missionaries, if you will, 144 ,000 of them to evangelize.
And good things will come of it. Read Romans 11. All of Israel will be saved. So, 144 ,000.
I tend to think it's a literal 144 ,000 evangelists from these tribes that God will raise up to witness to people in these very, very, very hard times.
And the great multitude are believers of all races. Jewish, Arabic, white, black, polka -dotted, of all races that come out of the
Great Tribulation. Alright. How are we doing so far, guys?
That's chapter 6 and 7. Let's finish the 7th seal on chapter 8, and then we'll be done.
Chapter 8. When the Lamb opened the 7th seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. There was silence in heaven.
Makes us wonder how some of us that talk so much could be in heaven at this point, right? Maybe it is a post -trib rapture.
Just kidding. Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them.
And another angel came and stood at the altar with golden censer, and was given much incense to offer with the prayers of the saints on the golden altar before the throne.
Verse 4 of chapter 8. And the smoke of the incense with the prayers of the saints rose before God from the hand of the angel.
The angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and threw it on the earth. And there were peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.
Yes, another earthquake. The 6th seal was the great earthquake. The 7th seal is a earthquake. And just like I told you before, the 6th seal is long, drawn out, has an interlude.
The 7th seal opens up the next set. So it goes... Seals. Trumpets. Bulls.
The 7th one always opens up. So the 7th seal is the 7 trumpets. The 7th trumpet is the 7 bulls.
It just kind of opens it up. Like those little toy boxes where you open it, it's a smaller box inside. It's a smaller box inside.
It's a smaller box. Kind of like one of those. I don't know the name of those toys. Alright, we're going to stop there.
That was the 7 seals. See, you did it. It's not scary to study. We got it.
So we're stopping here. Mark it down. Chapter 8, verse 6. Chapter 8, verse 6 is the 7 trumpets.
So the 7 trumpets last a while. We'll get through probably the first 6 next week.
So, this was the 7 seals. We'll do the 7 trumpets next week. Alright.
As always, leave comment sections. Share. Like the video if it helps. Not because we get any money from it.
Just to help people hear about God's message. Love you guys very much. Please help me help you with this.
I know sometimes this stuff can kind of get avoided and no one wants to study it. But I don't want to protect people from the
Bible. I want to let the Bible speak. I love you guys very much. And I will see you all next week.