A WOW Moment with Vicki, Hannah and Jennifer (Date: January 14th 2021)


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I think it's the room that we're in. I hope I don't pick up, I hope I don't pick up GoGoMom.
Oh, yeah. Honey, can you turn the TV off, please? I'm sorry, I forgot to ask.
We'll be hearing Gomer in the background. Gomer? Gomer Powell. That's one of my favorite shows.
Nadine's being raised right. She loves Amy. Does she? Yes, she loves it. That's great.
Look at her. She's like, I know this episode. Are we waiting on people to get on?
We're just waiting for a minute. How do I get on? Just go to Women of Witten, right?
No, it's not even on the Women of Witten. Oh, it's on the members page? No, the open page. That's right.
I never have to look for it. It's always just on there. Just make sure to turn your volume all the way down.
Okay. So it doesn't echo into... Okay, you're pulling me.
That's what I do. Mercedes will say, is your phone turned down? Watch an app.
Oh, you have to have an app. What app? The Facebook app, I guess.
You don't have Facebook? Excuse me, do you have a Facebook all the time? I'm on Facebook on the internet, not on the app.
You don't have the app on your phone? Uh -uh. Okay. Can you share it afterwards? Yep, sure will.
I'll do it. I'll just share it. Well, I try to get all the women to share on their personal pages so that we can reach more people.
Because the more we share, the more... because I don't know how many friends you have. Right. But as long as you share it, everybody sees it.
All right. That's the train.
It's right there. The tracks are right there. You want to know how bad that was, what
I just did? What's that? See that white line right there on the phone? Uh -huh. Well, that's the bottom bar thing on my phone, right?
Mm -hmm. It's not part of the wall. It's not. No. I was thinking I was sitting on the wall.
Tonight's starting off real swell. Good evening, everyone, and welcome to tonight's
Bible study. I'm Vicki, as you know. Tonight, my co -host is Ms.
Jennifer Pickler. And our guest tonight is the wonderful and beautiful and simply amazing
Ms. Hannah Watson. Special. Special. Wow. Tonight, we are in Bartlett, Tennessee, and we are guests in the
Wisner home. So we would like to thank Hannah, you and your husband for having us, and, of course, Nadine for having us tonight.
Many of you may have seen a couple of episodes that Hannah's been on before.
Wait. Somebody's calling me.
Hold on. Let me. I don't know how to make my phone silent because I'm not that tech savvy, but nobody ever calls me.
I'm sorry, y 'all. I'm sorry. And then this over here is somebody.
You just drug it across your screen. Yeah, because it's our accountability group. Oh. They should be on here.
They shouldn't be checking it. Right? Come on, ladies. Where are you? Anyways, that's something else we'll have to hold them accountable for on Sunday.
I don't know what we're going to talk about. Right? Anyway, so, because Hannah has been on several episodes, she's been on two of them with our accountability group, and she's done one by herself, and Jennifer's had one by, you've had one by yourself?
One by myself. So this is your second time, right? Yes, and then I think I'm scheduled in February. You are scheduled in February.
So, these two ladies I really enjoy sitting with because these two ladies that I can about sit down and talk with them about anything, and they both are,
I'll have to say, with Hannah's age, she is very encouraging because our age difference is so different that she's always there to either give me some kind of encouragement or she will quote scripture to me that I need to hear.
So, and then Jennifer is a little closer to my age, so she can kind of understand some of that.
You're closer than she is. But, you know, so, that's why
I was so excited about tonight because I enjoy both of these ladies and spending time with them.
So, being able to be at your home and being able to be at your home with Jennifer is just a super plus bonus for me.
And smelling the chili. Oh my gosh. Hannah's made chili again. Sorry, Mercedes.
We'll wait till after to eat it. Yeah. So, anyways,
I'm really glad that you all are here. I hope that there's something or I hope you're able to pick up something.
I hope there's something that you're able to use. I hope that the Holy Spirit uses this time for himself because that's basically what we're here for.
We're not here for me and we're not here for Hannah and we're not here for Jennifer.
We're here because we feel that we're led to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And we pray that the Holy Spirit speaks through us to someone out there that may need something.
So, no matter what it is, I see that Hannah has several...
You are so rotten. I might have read this a few times.
She has several passages we're going to be going to. We're going to be going to.
So, if there is something that we touch on... This is something that I usually don't say, but I need to start doing it.
If there is something that we touch on that you don't understand or that you don't get, I do not watch.
We do not take questions and answers and things like that during this because this is our Bible study. But you can always comment or something.
Or you can always send a message to the Whitten Facebook Messenger and somebody will be more than happy to help you out in any way whatsoever.
So, all that being said... Hannah, what is the scripture that you've chosen for this evening?
Because I believe this is now possibly one of your go -to verses. It is, for sure.
There are several written down here, as you said. But I think the main one we're going with is James 1, verses 5 and 6.
Alright. Jennifer, will you read? That will be the appetizer.
Exactly. And it's tasty. Love James. Yes, love
James. Okay, so James 1, 5 through 6. Now, if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask
God, who gives to all generously and without criticizing. And it will be given to him.
But let him ask in faith without doubting, for the doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by the wind.
Alright, Hannah. I think I already know, but I'm going to go ahead and ask you to share why this is your verse.
I think it's my verse for many reasons, but this verse in particular has been reminded, like brought back to me.
Several Sunday nights ago, Josiah was teaching on, I think it was still on Revelation, but something, he had
James 1, 5 written on the board. He didn't have the verse, just the reference. And I was reading it, and I thought, James 1, 5.
I feel like I know that verse, and I started quoting it in my mind. And then he said, somebody either read it or quote it.
And I started saying it out loud, and then I stopped and said, I hope this is the right verse. And then he was like, just keep going.
And I said it, and I quoted the verse. I mean, it's been 10 years,
I'm ashamed to say, that I've ever judged whether or not I know this verse or not.
So the fact that it has stuck with me that long, and it's just kind of been ingrained in my mind, so it's just been heavy on my heart ever since then.
So I've just been reading a lot about it, because it's about wisdom. And look at the times we're in right now.
We need wisdom more than we need everything else, because we're too busy listening to everyone else.
So many different media, so many different people, so many different politicians, just everything.
And where does true wisdom come from? Right here. So I just feel like it's a really good, important phase in life to just stop and go, okay, where does true wisdom come from?
And it's right here. So I feel like that's part of why it's a little extra special.
So with all that that you just said about everything that's going on and everything like that, do you feel, and this is a little off before we go into your other verses, but do,
I want to get your opinion on this, because like I said before, this is our study, so I want y 'all's opinion, but do y 'all feel that at some point in time in the near future, this is not going to be happening?
Are you talking about online, on media? Our online study. Like it's going to be banned?
Yeah, I do. I definitely see a lot more censorship coming in the near future.
I don't, like, I feel like that's why it's important we're doing it now, because whether or not they stop live streaming, you can still go back on YouTube and see every wow moment.
You know, you can still go back on these websites and see all of these sermons. So I feel like that is important.
Now, whether or not they're going to ban those, I couldn't say, but I do, I love the fact that we're doing this now so that way when that time comes, hopefully somebody will remember
YouTube or, you know, can go back on their phone and go, I want to look up Witten Baptist Church and be able to still hear it, even when you're never going to see it new online because it's been banned.
Does that make sense? Yeah, and that's something that, actually, I have two employees that work with me in the department that I work in, that I'm over, and they're both believers, and they both use, they've always used their phone a lot when they look at Scripture and stuff, because during our breaks and stuff, you know, we've discussed things, and I bought them both
Bibles for Christmas this year. And if you don't have one, you need to get one.
Very much. Because there's so many people that they use their phone to read the
Bible. And I was one of them for the longest time. But the problem is, is what's going to happen when that's gone?
I see your original question now. It makes a lot more sense. Yes. I do see that definitely becoming something you won't be able to get access to.
Yes. And that's something that we know. Yes. It says it in here. Yes. We know that.
We know we'll be persecuted. We know we'll be limited to information. Right. There's a lot of people that know that because they've studied and they've discussed it and things like that.
But I wanted to get it on here because there's probably people out there that don't realize that.
And I wanted to make sure that if they have the opportunity or it doesn't...
I'm not saying that you have to buy a real thick Bible. I'm just saying you need to buy...
Christianbookstore .com. I've gotten several off of there. Seriously, good ones. And they're always on clearance.
And I've not paid more than $20 or so for one. I mean, I paid,
I think, $13 for the first one. So they have really good ones. So let's make sure that if you...
And if you have problems getting one, just let us know. And I think also memorizing Scripture, too, needs to be...
Since we're talking about having it physically in our hands, I think memorizing Scripture is just as important as having it here because especially when we can't find it online and I'm not carrying this around and I run into somebody and I need to quote
Scripture to them and I'm going, man, what was that verse? I think it's somewhere in the Bible. It says this.
I won't be able to do this. I have a problem, though. What's that? I do that when people ask me, what did you do yesterday?
I'm like, what did I do? I wasn't in the same train with you, though.
That's something that I beat myself up about is I feel like I need to learn more Scripture.
I struggle with... And then I try to cram a bunch in. And I'm like, okay.
That's in the Bible, too. Was it Psalms 119? By word have I hidden my heart? So we need to hide
His word in our hearts. A good thing to do because going on mission trips and things like that, we had to memorize verses and things.
So what I would do is I would put a sticky note everywhere that I would look to where I would read it more than one time a day because if you read something over and over again...
I have it on my computer at work. So as I'm working, I'm constantly looking and adding. So I've memorized one of them.
Now I'm working on the other one, so I'm going to add another one. Yeah, that's good to say. Yeah, but I haven't been on a mission trip now because we didn't go last year.
I can't remember. But I am 50 years old. So there's that final...
So anyways, okay, now that we're done with that, let's get back to the study.
That was a nice chat, though. Yeah, it is. Sounds like a grown man in their sleep.
I was like, where is he in their sleep? When they both get going, man, it's loud.
They both snore. Oh, yeah, they both snore. I thought my husband was snoring over here next to me, but it's their dogs in the kennel.
I guess we should have told them. What's that? The dogs might snore. Yeah, yeah.
They're pretty noisy. I figured it out. That's okay. That's okay, the cat's down here.
Yeah, she's rubbing on our feet. All right, so...
Am I in the right book? Where am I? My eyes had to focus.
Now, if any of you likes wisdom... Well, I think everybody likes wisdom.
So we should all be asking God. The whole human race? Yes. Homo sapiens sapiens?
Yes. Homo sapiens sapiens, because there's only one race. That's just like a dog's a dog.
You can have a Dalmatian and a poodle, but they're both still dogs. Right, canine. Who gives all generously without criticizing?
Don't you love that? That's the part. See, you're not leaning on your spouse that's going to criticize you.
Or walking on eggshells going, oh, I can't ask about that, because that'll come back to haunt me.
Or, oh man, he'll probably judge me for that. Or, oh, he's going to think I'm an idiot. No, you don't have to worry about that.
That's a huge word. Yes. And it will be given to him.
But you've got to follow that up with verse six, though. And with repetition. That's what a lot of people think if they pray one time for something, that, you know, oh, well,
I haven't seen a difference in a day or a couple of days or a couple of weeks, and it's like, okay. Well, if you want to talk about prayer, though, you need to be making sure that you pray whatever the
Lord's will is, too, because if it's not His will, you're not going to get your prayer. So let's think about this. And I think that I have straight up prayed for God to change the answers on an exam before.
I've been like, Lord, if I've missed any of those questions, Lord, if you could just change my answer.
You know, I've literally prayed that before and thought, how pointless was that? I mean, really?
Come on. So I think that's why verse six, let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.
You know, there's a lot more that goes into that ask and you shall receive verse, which I do have written down. I've never...
No, I have. Very much have. What does the Bible say? Ask and you shall receive. Okay, I asked if this was wrong, change it.
That's where my interpretation comes from. Right, exactly. And you're not looking at the context of it.
Like when you talk about asking in faith, it's a little different when you read the whole thing. Well, and then the people that are not actually believers, they're not actually walking in life with the
Lord, and then they only call upon him in prayer when they need him here and there.
I mean, I don't know exactly... He's totally going, I don't even know you.
Right, yeah. You're not one of my children. Right. So all these people that are praying that are even actual believers, they're just praying to the same person.
Well, if you're an actual believer, I think you understand that you have to keep praying for things, you have to keep asking for things, but you have to ask for it in the proper way, like you were saying.
I don't ask for specific things like answers on tests. Right. Right. And is it really just me, man?
I so thought y 'all would be like, oh, me too. My bad. No, no. Good to know.
I have done the outcome of the prayer of, Lord, don't let my dad whoop my butt after I made this
F on this test. I broke the table. I pushed the thing.
You're good. I thought I broke the table. No, it was me.
Alright. Yeah, just to ask for the wisdom to make the right choice or to ask for the strength to get through the trial that you're going through.
I've done that a lot. Right. Oh, yeah. It's not trying to change his path for you.
It's getting him, praying for him to help you through whatever his path is for you, to give you the strength and the wisdom and the love and the understanding and the patience, all the things that you have to have to make it through each day.
To make it through each day, through each trial, and as you're going through it, when you ask for the right thing, even though your life is full of stress and problems, as is mine,
I feel peace about it because I know it's going to be okay. I know that it's going to be fine.
So you pray for that. It's learning how to pray properly. I struggled with that in the beginning.
I didn't understand. I was praying for more specific things, but not that specific.
Right. Not in sense, you know. You have to and number one, you can't take the will.
It can't be a selfish prayer. You can't pray for something to... He's driving, you can't take over.
Right. And it's, you know, you can't pray for something that equals self -satisfaction for you.
You have to pray for something that equals glory to him. I think it's in James as well.
Is he James? I love James. Yes, okay. Tell him. So, it says, James 4, 3, you ask and you receive not because you ask amiss that you may consume it upon your own lust.
So, basically you ask selfishly for your own selfish desire. So, you ask and you receive not because of this.
Because it's not to glorify him. It's to glorify yourself. To fulfill your lust. Right.
It doesn't work that way. That's how it's not supposed to be. And I think there's a lot of people that don't understand.
You know, they're praying for him to pay my bill for me. They're praying for the wrong things.
You know, Lord bring me a husband. Bring me this. Bring me that. That's not what it's about.
It's not. And when you've got to get to that point that you realize that. Right. And you start praying for the right things and then he starts sending those other things your way.
Right. I think another good thing to point out too since we're talking about prayer is you may think a prayer hasn't been answered but it has just not in the way that you thought it would be.
So I may be going around going oh and then with the day that it hits you in the face and you go oh my gosh thank you
Lord. That happened four months ago. But you just didn't see it. I have had that happen so many times.
So have I. When you finally open your eyes and you see. You give it to him like oh my gosh.
I'm like thank you. I was praying for this and he actually he did save me. He just saved me in a different way than what
I was asking for. Because it was his way. Exactly.
Oh my gosh. Because we don't have control like we think we do. That's what I said. Leave him with the will.
Let him drive. And stop trying to put the brakes on or quit trying to accelerate.
He could be driving Miss Pickler and I'll sit in the back and I'm on. There we go. Right. Exactly. That's who we need to be.
Alright Hannah what's your next verse that you're wanting to look at with your James 1 5 and 6 because we got a little off there but that's fine.
We don't have to go through all of these but there are so many Proverbs my goodness. I wrote down three but there were so many.
So Proverbs if you're ever thinking or wanting to study more about wisdom Proverbs has a lot about that in there because it's you know it's like it's almost like a crying out which
I love. But let's see John John was the one I wanted to point out as well.
So we're not going to Proverbs? I mean we can. We can read some of those. That's fine. I can run through them too because I wrote down a couple that I really really liked.
But um But you really want to go to John. I do want to go to John because what we were talking about a second ago about asking for wisdom in the right way and praying for things in the right way this really goes along with that so.
Okay. Go for it. John 14 13 through 15 John 14
What did you say 15? John 14 13 through 15 14 13 through 15
I think I got that right. I'm just listening. Okay good. Let's roll. Go ahead. You can read it.
Go for it. Whatever you ask in my name I will do it so that the Father may be glorified in the
Son. If you ask me anything in my name I will do it. If you love me you will keep my commands.
So I think when you're reading through this you end it with if you love me keep my commandments so that myself before I open my eyes a little bit more
I would just keep reading and not take verse 15 and put it maybe before 13 and say okay if you love me keep my commandments because you love me whatever you ask in my name it just it still follows along with the asking in faith because it says whatever you ask in my name which what do we just say your will right so and it says so that the
Father may be glorified in the Son so whatever I ask no matter how it's answered whether it's what
I want or not it's being answered in God's way to glorify himself.
So that's I feel like that's another thing we can find peace in is this might not be the way
I wanted an answer but God's being glorified so what's not awesome about that. Right. Because it's not about me.
Right. That is the ultimate purpose that is what we're here for is to glorify him.
That's why we were put on this earth. And I pray all the time for him to use me in whatever way he needs to use me to glorify him to help whoever and that's what we're supposed to be doing.
Be careful Jennifer I prayed that prayer too. But you have to mean that prayer though.
That's how I ended up here. See? Because I'm sure
I've prayed that before and never felt like anything's happened but when I've actually said hey I am here Lord just use me it's like okay
I can literally see not see but well see yes I can see
I can feel my eyes are a lot more open I see those opportunities that's exactly what
I'm asking where I would have been shy before to talk to people now I feel the opportunities and I speak more freely and I just find myself talking about him to people that I probably wouldn't have felt uncomfortable or too shy or whatever before but the more
I pray that the more bold I think he makes me to speak my testimony it's just I feel like it's you allowing more of him and less of you is it
John 3 30 he must increase I must decrease it's written on my fridge in there I've got it on my magnet
I see it every time I go to the fridge which is several times a day I have many daily prayers not just one
I pray all day every day I don't think that's in John that's in Genesis what's that?
he must increase I must decrease is that John? yeah that's John 3 30 what's the Genesis 30 50?
50 20 is the Lord meant or you planned it for evil there we go it's in there they're all just conjumbled together bunch of numbers so if the
Bibles disappear I'm going to be like over here somewhere maybe I can tell you the reference but I can probably quote something for you she may not know who said it right the
Lord said it right but who physically wrote it down who wrote it down yeah because it all came from the
Holy Spirit that's true one author many books lots of words that are important words
I never would have thought that numbers was important oh my gosh reading the book of numbers it's literally about numbers and genealogy and all this other stuff and you're going what?
but when you read it in correlation to how it's supposed to be read when it was written, who wrote it what that falls into, the time period there are so many more things the reasonings are all there for you which is why you need this going back to James and that's the other thing a lot of people don't understand that knowing about the book itself like you just said helps you understand that's not
I'm not saying this right maybe it's not the book but the author and where they were in their life and what they had been through absolutely not the author because the author was the writer who wrote the book who wrote it my ultimate goal is to be like brother
Jeff where I can just geek out you don't want to be like brother Jeff no seriously I want to be like brother
Jeff in history too but you know what I'm saying it doesn't matter what you're talking about in the bible I've been aware the back stories there, the history everything he's like a walking history book
I'm going to do that absolutely I want to be a geek like that he loves history
I do too but I haven't just started delving into it but I really want to get some of the books he's been talking about and put it into correlation with like his timeline that he has up I get it but I would also like to see it unravel here and there and that way you can see that because that's the thing that I get asked the most
I have people say the reasons why they're not it was written by man so how do you know it's true or this and that and the other it always comes back to how do you know it's authentic and this and that and the other and when you're able to have that history behind you to say this was written a thousand years before it happened and here it is this is where it happened, this is where it is in here where I can prove it
I want to be able to geek out like that because especially when Pastor Jeff starts talking about Nero and Caesar everybody knows about them because they're all in the history books
Alexander the Great so I get what you're talking about now you want to be able to geek on that so you know that history book he's reading in school every day that has nothing about this in it, at the same time that was happening, let's talk about what's happening here let's talk about how
Paul or whoever Abraham said it was going to happen his whole story is amazing oh yeah again when you read things
Paul has written and you understand Paul as an individual it just makes your mind go wow it is pretty beautiful so back to what we were talking about we were at Pastor Jeff and we squirreled sorry, so we are a little bit like there you go, see we're squirreling we can squirrel with you, with the best of you this is one
I think is important too it is a proverb we're all nuts it's ok proverb
I do want to do one of the proverbs, this one in particular Proverbs 1 -7 because again we were talking about asking the right way having the right heart when we ask having faith when we ask but there's another word we haven't talked about that I think is important with prayer as well that's good isn't that good ok 1 -7 the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge fools despise wisdom and discipline the fear fear of the
Lord people don't understand fear is healthy I used to be afraid of fear
I used to let fear run my life in a bad way in a negative way and now it's the opposite it's like the fear of disappointing the
Lord is the worst thing the worst possible thing would be to stand before him and he'll look at me and say
I do not know you the thought of that is just, I can't even describe it so that fear drives me in a positive way absolutely and that's what people are missing they're afraid of the wrong thing you can't be afraid of the death and of the things that happen in this life it's such a short period of time in the eternity gosh
I don't know what you mean by that no you're absolutely right I see that a lot with Nadine I have a young child so then
I if she doesn't fear me in any way, whether it's by disappointing me or disobeying me what's the drive to do it?
like who are you? you're just nobody but if I have that fear, that reverence that respect for you
I don't want to disappoint you I don't want to disobey you healthy fear equals respect exactly it does, it equals loyalty and honesty and all the things that you need to be positive so that's a good one
Vicki said yes I agree I concur the fear of the lord fools despise wisdom and discipline why?
because it proves to you that it's not all about you it proves to you that you don't know everything you're not all that in a bag of chips and pastor
Jeff's words, you're a stinky poopoo head and you're self -absorbed and nobody wants to hear that nobody ain't nobody got time for that right or at least
Jesus don't but I think I should have looked up this one
I just don't know the reference but it says that the word of God is foolishness to those who don't believe so but when you think of where does true wisdom come from?
from here, so if you don't believe this you're not wise in it it says that you won't even understand what the words in here mean if you're not a true believer you won't even understand and it is because when
I first started I thought that I was a true Christian I thought that I was a true believer when
I first started coming and then I realized that I wasn't until you realize that you're not and you humble yourself to that and then you try to acquire the knowledge and the wisdom that you need from God and you pray for it once my eyes were opened
I realized I didn't understand that's one reason why I kept putting it down or I'd get discouraged because I didn't understand what it was saying
I'm like what kind of William Shakespeare terminology is that? I didn't get it
I didn't understand it but now it's like I can flip to anywhere in this
Bible and I may not get the history behind it but I understand exactly what it's saying
I understand his parables I understand all that stuff I know,
I understand, I get it it's like the light switch was turned on it's a completely different world it really is and I think that's one way for people to gauge if you can't flip in here and read something and understand the meaning he's trying to give you behind it the inspiration behind it you need to do a little bit more praying for some wisdom, get right in your heart because it's not there yet right, that's true that's very true because there were many many
I can't tell you the nights that I sat and just flipped and studied and flipped and studied and I was just like everything
I could read or find or look at you know? I hear
Seth up there my 18 year old son, just turned 18 and he where I used to hear him up there listening to rap music or whatever not only does he listen to the
Christian music and all that stuff now, but he listens to stuff that even I haven't started listening to, it amazes me like he goes to YouTube and he pulls up, like he's listening to Billy Graham and I can hear him from upstairs and he's listening to all these things and he is just absorbing so much and it makes me so proud and it makes me feel like, man
I'm behind well it is I'm the mom, I got it ahead of you it is, once you really put your heart into it you can't get enough of it no, you can't and it's a constant thing, but the thing is if you are a new
Christian and you're watching or you're watching this at another time you don't get scared if you hit a plateau don't think that the
Lord's left you just keep your faith and keep praying just keep your faith in the book, and that's why
God made the church too, that is why we were all made to be here together, to encourage one another and to hold one another accountable, and that's why we have pastors, even though Pastor Jeff loves to say he's no higher above us, but he does have the level of knowledge that you and I were just saying how much we respect, so the
Lord placed him where he is, so that people like us can go, help share that knowledge, help teach me your knowledge so that's part of being a part of a church body, or just having those godly people in your life, because when you don't understand something, you might doubt like you were just saying,
I don't understand that, does that mean I'm not a Christian? So having that godly influence to help open your eyes and help point things out that you might not have thought of,
I feel like is critical. And I can pinpoint that the times that I did plateau was when
I was not active with the church body, it was before I really started getting to know everybody and talking to them it was before I really started interacting with you guys as my family it really makes a difference because if you think that you can do it by yourself you're really mistaken we're all fallen creatures we're all dead in our sin and I wouldn't want someone like me to hold myself accountable
I can't hold myself accountable I've tried exactly it doesn't work out very well
I can rarely be on time to places oh my goodness that's making all that stuff nice hey
I was on time tonight you were my point is if I can't even hold myself accountable to be on time or other things, you know there's always things, there's small things, but you're not going to hold yourself accountable for learning
God's word and trying to understand it and really getting in there and delving into it and studying you're just not going to do that you have to have someone like minded to push you past those moments when you don't feel like doing it or when you're starting to feel hopeless and ignorant and dumb because you just don't get it because we all hit those we all hit that sometimes and sometimes we even fall off into the ocean right with him that's why it's called hills and valleys but he is still the king in the hills and in the valley just keep that he's still there with you, you just need your church family to shove you up the hill sometime right or shine the flashlight and show you where he is he's been there the whole time dummy exactly look at that sweet girl hi sweet girl are you waving hey
I can't see her well I think that's about it for the night, what time is it oh 7 -11, goodness oh we went over imagine that it was on my scripture list
I know there was like what one, two, she's an overachiever that we didn't even go through Hannah is actually an overachiever
Hannah is actually our one of our song directors and I want you to know that I really appreciate you doing the things that you've done in that ministry
I know that ministry work is hard and I know that it I'm not going to say it's hard it's not hard it can be very overwhelming at times but as a member of Wynton Baptist Church and the women's director
I want to thank you for what you've done and what you're continuing to do in that ministry because we are having people from SOG coming and visiting and hearing the truth word of God so they're there on Sundays, not just going to work out in the
SOG gym but they're actually there on Sundays so Wynton has a ministry it's called
SOG and it stands for Soldiers of God that's it and they are what do y 'all do?
MMA? We do MMA, yeah Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing boxing, wrestling what did you say that was?
Muay Thai Muay Thai Muay Thai they do that stuff over there
Hannah's one of the you're a coach? Yes she's a coach so you know she looks small and little and everything but she'll kick your nose in there's that she said no no she's camera shy my boss did say
I could borrow some hard hats and glasses thank you so much thank you tonight thank you for driving in Jennifer and for being my co -host this evening
Mercedes will be back with us from time to time she is working on things within her own life which everybody has to do but she's still here she's just not right here right now so if you're wondering where Mercedes has been she'll be back but anyways
Hannah has made chili for us so we're about to go and eat and we really hope that you guys have enjoyed this evening
I have enjoyed this evening I'm about to really enjoy this evening so while I sit and chat and talk with these ladies while eating some chili so again thank you you're welcome are you going to man mug me like you did when you first walked in probably are you going to man mug are you going to man mug miss
Jennifer no she don't she's got the cutest little state face ever excuse me say bye
Facebook thanks you guys bye what do