How to Not Be Deceived, Bamboozled or Snookered - Part 1


This is part 1 of Chris Rosbrough's lectures entitled "How to Not Be Deceived, Bamboozled or Snookered by Religious Hucksters, Snake Oil Con Men or Your Own Idolatrous Notions" - To hear more teaching by Chris Rosebrough visit


Debunking Hagee's Four Blood Moons — Part 2

Debunking Hagee's Four Blood Moons — Part 2

It's time for another edition of Fighting for the
Faith, Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013.
Man, I gotta tell you, this has been a challenging week here at Pirate Christian Radio Studios.
Lost a laptop, lost the soundboard yesterday, and then our
Pirate Christian Radio servers from the Live 365 radio network have been down today.
They're saying another four to six hours before those will be back up. Man, thank you for tuning in.
You're listening to Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the program that dishes up a daily dose of biblical discernment, the goal of which, help you to think biblically, help you to think critically, help you compare what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Sadly, there's no shortage of crazy things being said about God out there, and we would expect to hear the crazy things, you know, from people in other religions.
Unfortunately, a lot of the crazy stuff that we're hearing nowadays is, well, coming from people who call themselves
Christian, who claim to believe in the Bible. Or in some cases, well, they hold the
Bible in high respect, but they don't teach what it actually says. In other words, they're not teaching
Christianity. So, what we're going to do today, in fact, I'm frantically working to get this out, since I can't broadcast during my normal time today because, you know, we don't have the ability to broadcast at the moment.
I do feel a little frazzled by the whole thing, but anyway, what we're going to do today is our light edition today, and what
I'll be doing is playing the very first lecture, the first session, from my recently concluded lectures that I did in Norfolk, Virginia, as well as at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church up in Oslo, Minnesota.
And it's going to be Session 1, How to Not Be Deceived, Bamboozled, or Schnuckered by Religious Hucksters, Snake Oil, Kahneman, or Your Own Idolatrous Notions.
Now, people have been asking me, are you going to make these lectures available? The answer is, yes, I am, starting today.
In fact, without any further ado, here is Session 1. This particular one was recorded in Norfolk, Virginia, and, well, here
I am. It's weird, basically announcing myself. So, here I go. Let's pray.
Almighty and everlasting God, you would have all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. By your almighty power and unsearchable wisdom, break and hinder all counsels of those who hate your word and who by corrupt teaching would destroy it.
Enlighten them with the knowledge of your glory, that they may know the riches of your heavenly grace, and peace and righteousness serve you, the only true
God, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. It's not polite to...
It's not polite to talk about religion and politics. We all know this, right?
Thanksgiving morning comes around, you head off to your family's house, the family gathers around the table, and inevitably somebody puts the religion elephant on the table, or the politics elephant on the table, and then the fireworks ensue.
Do they not? It's not polite to discuss religion and politics. So what we're doing today, and what
I'm going to be doing, is inherently impolite. Get over it.
Okay? Get over it. We're not here to play at something.
This is deadly serious and deadly important stuff that we're dealing with today.
So let's take it seriously and understand that really what's at stake are people's souls.
That's really what's at stake. Now, that being said, test everything
I'm about to tell you. Test everything that I'm about to tell you.
Don't take my word for it. It doesn't matter if I have a popular radio program.
It doesn't matter where I have my degrees from. None of that matters, because I'm only correct if I'm saying the same thing as what
Scripture says, and if I'm not saying the same thing as what Scripture says, I am wrong.
It doesn't matter how much you like my shiny teeth. It doesn't matter how big my church is.
It doesn't matter what kind of car I drive. It doesn't matter if I have an award -winning, popular
New York Times best -selling book. If what I'm saying says something different than Scripture, and I'm saying that what
I'm saying has to do with Christianity, then what I'm saying is wrong. Now, in the
Greek, there's a word that we use. Actually, it's right there in the Greek. It's the word for confess. The Greek word itself is homologeo.
Homologeo. And what it means, literally, is to say the same thing as. Now, I'm a confessional
Lutheran. The reason why I'm a Lutheran is because I believe that the
Lutheran confessions say the same thing as Scripture. It's because they say the same thing as Scripture that I am a
Lutheran. And I've got to tell you this. I came kicking and screaming into Lutheranism.
I did not want to be a Lutheran. Lutherans, they're pastors, wear dresses.
Okay? They wear dresses. They sing hymns. They have old organs.
There's a lot of old people in Lutheran churches. Okay? And when
Lutherans try to do contemporary worship, they stink at it. Okay? They're horrible.
You know, it's just a mess. But the thing that drove me to it was my theological study.
When I went to Concordia, California, I went in as a, well, a raging evangelical.
Basically Methodist in my theology because I was a Nazarene. And the thing that drove me crazy is every time
I would go toe -to -toe, and I was an apologist, every time I'd go toe -to -toe with Lutherans on certain doctrines,
I would get the snot kicked out of me. But I put up a good front.
I put up a good front. I wasn't about to let them see that I inside was dying, that every time
I went to find those biblical passages that support this or that thing, that I would believe that those passages weren't there.
And finally, I was taking a third -year Greek readings class, and we were translating through Titus, Titus chapter 3.
And there it said right there in the Greek text, Washing of Regeneration. It was late at night, late at night.
I threw my hands up and I said, that's it, we're Lutherans. And I told my wife, woke up in the morning, and I said,
Barb, we're Lutherans. She said, oh no, we're not. Okay, so understand,
I come to this with a particular theological position, and I'm convinced that if you take the time to study
Scripture, if you look at it objectively and put aside your feelings, that you're gonna find the same things that I find.
Because I don't invent truth, you don't invent truth. What I find is, is that all of us are called to subscribe to it.
Does that make sense? Okay, so we're gonna talk about that. Now, coming back, test everything. I'm about to tell you why.
Acts chapter 17. The brothers immediately sent Paul and Silas away by night to Berea, and when they arrived, they went into the
Jewish synagogue. Now, these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica. This is a fantastic passage, by the way.
You know, Paul, by the way, when he was in Thessalonica, he ended up having to leave pretty quick. Things got really out of control there.
I mean, his life was in danger. They were very upset with him, right? So he goes to Berea, and here's what it says.
The Bereans were of a more noble character than those in Thessalonica. They received the word with all eagerness, examining the
Scripture daily to see if these things were so. If the
Apostle Paul doesn't get a pass regarding the gospel that he proclaimed, and this is a man who was an eyewitness to the resurrection, one abnormally born, because he was knocked off his horse on his way to Damascus, and he actually saw and heard
Jesus Christ, our Lord, and so he could have played the I'm the
Apostle card, right? And boy, do I hate it when people do that. Okay? Anytime a religious leader tells you, how dare you question me?
I'm the pastor. Touch not God's anointed. Leave. Okay? The Apostle Paul didn't play that card.
In fact, the Scriptures say that the Bereans, who had the audacity to test, had a noble character, right?
Because if the Apostle Paul is telling you the truth, then he's saying the same thing as Scripture.
He's not adding to it. He's not taking away. He's not monkeying with it. He's saying the same thing.
So that's the idea. Test everything. And now for a trick question. If it seems a little disjointed,
I apologize. I'm working on my segues. I'm going to segue school. Why do bad things happen to good people?
That's right. Answer, bad things never happen to good people. They only happen to bad people. Okay, now
I told you I was going to step on your toes, and I'm going to put on the old spikes of the golf shoes, and I'm going to start stomping up and down.
Get ready. This might hurt, right? The religious marketplace is filled with deceivers who make a lot of money selling bad theology to bad people, giving them what their wicked hearts desire and believe.
The reason why there are charlatans out there who are making a lot of money is because they figured out there's a lot of money to be made telling people what they want to hear.
In other words, the issue isn't the bad teachers. It's all the bad people in the marketplace.
That's you, and it's me. Okay? That's the reason why there's bamboozlers out there is because there's bad people in the marketplace looking to buy bad things.
That's the real problem. We'll flesh this out a little bit. Scripture says, For the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine or teaching, but having itching ears, they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and they will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
That day is now. That day is now where we have entire megachurches that are populated by tens of thousands of people who show up Sunday after Sunday to find and discover the champion within themselves.
And let me disavow you of that. There isn't a champion inside of you. There's a sinner.
There's a sinner. And you know what? We live in a day when you can't say that. And because we can't say it, that's why
I'm saying it. There's nothing good inside of us. Nothing. The reason why there's bamboozlers out there selling garbage theology is because that's what our garbage hearts want to hear.
Now, this next slide is so politically incorrect, but it makes the point. This is a quote from Erich Wegline.
If you're familiar with him, Wegline not only is a fantastic conservative political philosopher, but he was a guy who nailed it regarding the
Nazis. This is a guy, after World War II, he gave lectures in Munich that were just inflammatory.
And the reason why is this. Because he wouldn't let his own people, the
Germans, he was a German, off the hook. Why did Hitler come to power?
The reason Hitler came to power is not because Hitler was such a charismatic dude. Hitler was a doofus.
And what he was really, really, really good at was mimicking back to people what they wanted to see and hear.
He was the proverbial parrot. There's good studies on this. Here's Wegline's quote.
The phenomenon in Hitler is not exhausted by his person. His success must be understood in the context of an intellectually or morally ruined society in which personalities who otherwise would be grotesque, marginal figures, can come to public power because they superbly represent the people who admire them.
Who's to blame for Hitler? Answer, the Germans are. Hitler perfectly mirrored the
German idealistic philosophy of its time and the desires of those people, which proves that early 20th century continental
Europe was morally ruined, and so are we today.
Now, I want you to think about this. As I show you this next slide, ask yourself if 150 years ago, 100 years ago, men like this would have been tolerated in the
Christian church, okay? Benny Hinn, supreme con man, right?
T .D. Jakes. Guy doesn't even believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. Serious?
This is the best that Christianity has to offer? Right? How about this guy?
He'll sell you a miracle. All you have to do is send in a $1 ,000 seed offering. How about this guy?
Okay? How about her? No. Robert Tilton?
How about this guy? Him? 100 years ago, there isn't a
Christian church that would have tolerated his shenanigans with the Bible, right? How about this guy? Brian McLaren, right?
Okay. The fact that these men, and I mean, you know, to a
T, these are the most popular evangelical faces and voices right now, is objective proof that Christianity, for the most part, is completely doctrinally and morally bankrupt.
Let's be real. These men aren't popular because they're playing a game on the body of Christ.
The body of Christ has made these men wealthy and popular and influential because they represent the theology of evangelicalism as a whole.
They're not responsible. We are. Let's place the blame where it belongs.
The blame belongs on us, not them. If the body of Christ, in mass, repents and returns to sound biblical doctrine,
McLaren, T .D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, and all those guys are done. Their money will dry up and they'll go away like an old tumbleweed, right?
The fact that they are as popular as they are and growing, it's our fault. Got it?
Because people will gather to themselves, teachers who will tell them what their itching ears want to hear.
Now, that being said, we know where the sin lies, but let's hear the gospel real quick.
For God so loved the world. Let's go back to this. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Now, it's important that as I quote this passage, that we also take a look at the surrounding portion.
We all know this verse, right? When I was growing up, there used to be a guy who would wear a clown wig.
He would be behind the goal posts at football games and he'd hold the sign that said John 3, 16.
Let's take a look at the surrounding portion of that though. We'll add a little context. For God did not send his
Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only
Son of God. And this is the judgment. Light has come into the world and the people love darkness rather than the light.
Think about the impact of what this passage is really saying. John 1, 1 begins,
In Archeanologos, kai halogos in proston theon, in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was face to face, was
God. The very God who made us was incarnate of the
Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, right? The very God who in Genesis said let there be light and there was light.
That same God came to us and he is the light of the world and people didn't even recognize him for who he was.
Jesus could have walked, he could walk in right now and walk out and we wouldn't even recognize him for who he was.
Yet the demons knew who he was. They were constantly squawking about it and Jesus had to tell them to shut up.
Right? This is a judgment against us. The God who made us can walk among us and we don't even know who he is.
Why? Because we love darkness. And don't sit there and say, well
I used to. That's a lie. I promise you if I were to put little cameras in your home that you weren't aware of and just surveil you for 24 hours you would be so embarrassed by what
I found out about you that it would cause you to die. Right? And it's not just you.
It's me. It's all of us. We don't somewhat kind of like darkness.
We love it. We revel in it. We pursue it.
We're like that dog who will dig up the grossest things and roll around in the muck and the mire of it.
Right? So let's not flatter ourselves. Scripture doesn't give us a flattering opinion of ourselves.
We are not good. We're evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light lest his work should be exposed.
But whoever does what is true comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.
Now that we understand this about ourselves and we understand we're the ones responsible for all of this mess.
God is not responsible for this. We are. The question then when it comes to the issue of religion is who do you trust?
Who should you trust? Have any of you actually had a coffee with Jesus?
Has he showed up at your home? Have you been able to go to Starbucks with him and just you know kind of pick his brain?
I haven't. I have no clue what the man even looks like. I'm telling you. I've never seen
God. Never met him. So if I were to tell you you know listen I had this incredible thing happen man.
You know I was walking down the street and all of a sudden I felt this buzz. And next thing you know it's like whoa.
And I had this download in my mind and I saw a vision of angels and stuff like that. And now you've got to believe everything
I say about God because I'm getting these direct downloads from God. Should you believe me? I had an experience.
Darn it. You have to believe me. But see that's pretty much all that's needed nowadays isn't it?
Somebody claims they've had an experience and next thing you know they've got a pretty large and growing following of people who will listen to what they have to say.
So should we trust subjective feelings and intuitions? Asking the question who should we trust?
Now keep this in mind. We as Americans have been culturally catechized to not trust our mind.
We're not supposed to trust our mind, our eyes, but we're to stretch out with our feelings. This is what we've been taught to do.
We've all seen the movies right? There's Obi -Wan Kenobi you know he's dead, he's gone, he's now become a vaporous spirit right?
It's weird that there was no body left after Darth Vader killed him right? So he's now this vaporous spirit guy and there's
Luke Skywalker I mean it's dire. The Death Star is about to turn the planet of Yavin and then destroy the rebel base right?
And everyone else failed. You know why they failed? Because they were using their targeting computers. But don't worry, don't worry, that vaporous spirit
Obi -Wan Kenobi is to the rescue. He is now speaking directly into the mind of Luke Skywalker.
Let go Luke. Trust your feelings.
And he turns off his targeting computer and the people at the base go you've turned off your computer? What are you doing? Trust me
I know what I'm doing right? And now he reaches out with his feelings and lets the missiles go and the
Death Star blows up. And what do we all come away with that?
We've now been catechized to not trust our minds, to not trust logic, to not trust our computers or anything like that.
Anything that is objective but instead to reach out and save the world with our feelings.
That is exactly the opposite of what scripture tells you to do. The exact opposite.
Keep this in mind. The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately sick.
Who can understand it? My favorite quip when somebody tells me the Lord laid on my heart to do this or that.
I sit there and go oh get that away from me. Do you know where your heart's been?
Oh. You know. I wouldn't eat a steak that touched your heart. That's disgusting.
Why? For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness and slander.
The heart is the problem. Don't sit there and say the Lord laid something on your heart.
I mean that's like telling me to basically eat filet mignon that was just sitting in the ashtray over there.
There's just no way I'm touching that, eating it or anything of the sort. I don't trust it. I can't trust your subjective heart feelings and all that kind of stuff.
Here's the other reason why. This is the other part of the unflattering picture that Scripture says. So what then?
Romans chapter 3. Are we Jews any better off? Well no, not at all for we've already charged that all, that may be everybody, all both
Jews and Greeks are under sin as it is written none is righteous, no not one. No one understands. No one seeks for God.
All have turned aside. Together they have become worthless. No one does good, not even one.
So don't sit there and say I hope to get into heaven someday because God knows I'm a good person. There's going to be a lot of people in hell who thought they were good people.
The Scripture says no one is righteous, not one. We're all worthless.
The throat's an open grave. They use their tongues to deceive. The venom of asps is under their lips. Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.
Their feet are swift to shed blood and their paths are ruined in misery. The way of peace they have not known. There is no fear of God before their eyes.
This is true of every single human being who is a natural descendant of Adam and Eve.
There's only one human being who wasn't a natural descendant of Adam and Eve and that's
Jesus Christ. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He was like us in every regard except that he did not have a sinful nature, that he didn't inherit from Adam and Eve because he's the new
Adam. Right? Now, real quick apologetic note here.
How do I know I can trust the Bible? How do you know that you can trust the
Bible? Here's the simple answer. Because the one true God became a human being and proved his claim to being
God by raising himself on the third day after he was crucified, which is exactly what he said he would do.
Remember, Jesus goes into the temple the first time in the Gospel of John. He clears the temple out. And the
Jews at this point, they know that this man is skating on thin ice, so they challenge him.
By what authority are you doing these things? Fantastic question. Because the temple of the
Lord, of Yahweh, in Jerusalem, that was the place where God caused his name to dwell.
You don't walk into the house or the temple of God like you own the place unless you own the place.
Because if you act like you own the place when you don't own the place, that's blasphemy. Right? So Jesus is challenged.
By what authority are you doing these things? And he says, tear down this temple and I will build it again in three days.
Three days? It's taken 46 years to build this temple and you're going to rebuild it in three days?
The temple he was speaking of was the temple of his body. Now, as the Apostle Paul writes in 1
Corinthians 15, if Christ is not raised, our faith is in vain.
I had a conversation, I had coffee with an emergent pastrix, which is always fun.
And we were talking about this. And she looked at me and she said, really, Chris?
If they find the bones of Jesus Christ, you're going to leave Christianity? I said, absolutely.
Because it's all garbage. It's not true. I shouldn't believe it. I've got better things to do on a
Sunday morning than worshiping a guy who really isn't God. And that's what the
Apostle Paul basically says. If Christ is not raised, your faith is in vain and we're found to be liars about God.
And she said to me, you know, Chris, though, I know it says in the text that he rose bodily from the grave, but if they found his bones, then maybe the word bodily doesn't mean bodily.
I am not about to try to rescue Christianity through the means of word games.
Bodily means bodily. Jesus, when he appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead, they thought they saw a ghost.
Right? She says, why do fears arise in your mind? Touch and see. A ghost does not have flesh and bone as you see that I have.
Right? When Thomas doubts, he says, I'm not gonna believe that he's risen from the dead because he missed the first meeting, right?
Next Sunday, notice it was the first day of the week. Next Sunday, they were in the upper room and Jesus appears.
And Jesus doesn't say to him, you knucklehead, just believe it in your heart. He lives, he lives,
Christ Jesus lives today. He walks with me and talks with me along life's merry way.
Right? Right? He lives, he lives, salvation to impart. You ask me how
I know he lives. He lives within my heart. No.
Jesus said, handle me. Touch, see. Stop doubting and believe.
And what's Thomas' response? Hakuriosmu kaihateosmu.
Ultimate worship. You are my Lord and my God. And for those of you who don't understand the theological impact, calling him
Hakuriosmu, you are the Lord of me, he's confessing that Jesus is none other than the
Yahweh of the Old Testament. And Jesus doesn't rebuke him. He says, you have believed because you have seen.
But blessed is he who has not seen and yet believes. Right? We are not playing subjective games.
Christianity is not about something that happens inside of your heart. All of the claims of Christianity occurred 2 ,000 years ago, long before your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents were born.
Right? It's either true or it's not true.
The grave is either empty or it's not. And if it's not empty, Christianity is absolutely, patently false, and you shouldn't believe it.
In fact, I'm thinking hedonistic paganism looks really good if they find the bones of Jesus.
Because you might as well eat and drink, because tomorrow we're gonna die. Right? All right.
I just want to get that note in there. A little bit more of the picture here. To set the mind on the flesh is death.
To set the mind on the spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God. It doesn't submit to God's law.
Indeed, it cannot. It cannot. How bad is our sin and sinful nature?
It's so bad we don't even recognize God when he walks among us. It's so bad that we can't even obey
God's law. Why? Because we're totally hostile to God. It's not like we're pacifists.
No one in the spiritual realm gets to say, I'm Switzerland. Okay? You don't get to do that.
All of us are born on the bad guy's side. And, by nature, if we're in a room with God, give me a bazooka,
I'm gonna kill him. Right? That's what we are. We're hostile belligerents against God, and we cannot, of our own selves, choose
God, worship God, serve God. We hate him. Right? Instead they go, yeah, but Gandhi was a good person.
He did some good things. What about Mother Teresa and stuff like that? Yeah, you can do, good things towards each other horizontally, but by nature, none of us can or will love
God unless God does something to intervene. Now, personal experiences.
I'm gonna give you an example here that I think is a pretty good one. Are any of you familiar with the friendship between Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini?
One. Okay, let me tell you the story. This, by the way, is a picture. Over here, the author of the
Sherlock Holmes novel, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Here, Harry Houdini. Tragic story, by the way.
They had a very good friendship until, and let me give you the history here.
They lived at the time of World War I. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lost a son, lost a brother, and eight nephews to World War I.
He was emotionally devastated by this loss. Houdini also lost some relatives, not to World War I, but to other things, you know, old age and diseases and things like that.
Both of them had something in common. They dabbled with spiritism or spiritualism, which was a big thing back in the early part of the 20th century.
Spiritualism, think mediums and spiritists. So somebody would pay money to a medium or spiritualist.
They would have a seance in order to contact the dead. Both of them sought the help out to contact their dead relatives on the other side of the veil.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his second wife, was a spiritualist. She recommended some people.
He went and did the seances and truly believed that he had contacted his dead son.
Really, truly believed it. Houdini, when he did the same, because he was a trained magician, he saw it for what it was.
The spiritualists, the mediums, they were just magicians. They had physical means to create the illusion that they were contacting the dead.
Now, what a lot of people don't know, you can actually read about this in Massimo Polidoro's book,
The Final Seance, The Strange Friendship Between Houdini and Conan Doyle. But Houdini, when he would travel to a town after that event, he made it a point to send a guy out ahead of him who would hunt out and find the spiritualists and the mediums and make sure that they were invited for free to attend his magic shows.
And then as part of his magic show, he would spend part of his time debunking and publicly exposing these people for the frauds that they were.
This was one of Houdini's big deals. He was like the major debunker. In fact, spiritualism really died as a result of the work of Harry Houdini.
But this put him in sharp conflict with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The guy who invented Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, he's like the epitome of deductive logic and reason, right?
Okay? He refused to believe that his experiences were false.
Here's part of a letter that he wrote to Mrs. Houdini. Listen to this. This is Conan Doyle writing.
He says, But you can understand that to those of us who had personal experience a hundred times over in matter, it was annoying to be placed in the position of either being a fool or a knave by Harry Houdini, right?
So far as his, Harry's work was confined to really fake mediums. We were all in sympathy, but he's got far past that.
It was a general wild attack upon all that we hold dear. But who was right?
Harry Houdini was. And he had objective reasons to know that he was right.
This wasn't a feeling that he had. Now, I don't want to be rude to our guests, but Mormonism, okay,
I learned Mormonism from the Mormons years ago, back when I was in college. First year, Concordia, Irvine, this is now
Concordia, California, was taking Greek and apologetics, and the Mormons came knocking on my door.
And I let them in, and I let them talk. And they wanted to tell me about another testament of Jesus Christ, of how
Jesus had come to the Americas and things like that. And they wanted to give me a book of Mormon. And I said, all right. And they said, well, will you read it?
Okay, I'll read it. I said, but because I'm so busy, I'm going to have to, I'm going to need a few weeks to read it.
So I read it, but it took me a few weeks. I read it. And then they showed up a few weeks later at my door and invited them in.
First question out of their mouths, one of the elders who said to me, he says, so Chris, did you read the book of Mormon?
I said, yes, I read it from cover to cover. How did it make you feel? My answer, funny that you would ask that.
Because every time I opened up the book of Mormon, I felt complete evil in the room. It got really cold and kind of dark.
And it just, and as soon as I would shut the book, it would go away. And they literally, one guy said to me, well, you're not reading it right.
Okay. And I said, well, what does it make you feel like when you read it? And the guy, one guy said, I bear you my testimony that I have prayed the
Heavenly Father to give me a testimony that the book of Mormon is true. And I've had a burning in my bosom telling me that the book of Mormon is true.
Now, not to be snide, when I have a burning in my bosom, I take Pepcid. Okay. So what
I told them, I said, listen, your subjective experience and my subjective experience are two completely opposite things.
The only way that we're gonna be able to decide whether the book of Mormon is truly true is by looking at the objective evidence that doesn't rely on our subjective feelings.
And we ended up studying with them for a good four, five months. Okay. And what it basically came down to with them is, you know, we kind of had like a truth showdown.
I had gotten hold of copies, of photocopies of the original papyri of a book called the book of Abraham.
This is kind of a little known story, but back in 1968, they had actually found papyri of the book of Abraham that Joseph Smith had used to translate, he claimed translate, what's come to be known as the book of Abraham.
And so I said, alright, here's the deal. I don't know what these say because I don't read Egyptian hieroglyphics.
You don't know what they say because you don't read Egyptian hieroglyphics. So I found a professor at the
University of California, Irvine, who is an Egyptologist, and I said, we're gonna give these to him and he's gonna tell us what they say.
If the translation comes back as what the book of Abraham says, I'm a Mormon. If it doesn't come back as that, then you guys are out of Mormonism.
They said, deal. We shook on it. They didn't show up the next week. Their bishop moved them because the handwriting was on the wall.
When I got the translation back from the Egyptologist at the University of California, Irvine, he said, this is from the
Egyptian book of the dead. These are spells that Egyptians would use in the afterlife to overcome particular obstacles and things like that.
Translation was even close to the book of Abraham. It was all objective. So our subjective feelings and our experiences are not the determiners of truth.
In fact, Jesus even tells us himself. Jesus in the Olivet discourse in Matthew chapter 24 says this.
If anyone says to you, look, here is the Christ, or there he is, don't believe it, for false
Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders.
Think about that for a second. Jesus warns us that in the last times, there's gonna be false prophets and false
Christs and false religionists, if you would, who are going to be miracle workers.
Wait a second, aren't miracles supposed to prove that somebody's truly from God or not?
Not according to Jesus. How do you know then if somebody's telling you the truth? If what they say is the same thing as what scripture says.
Keep this in mind. Miracles are not the proof that something is true or false. Miracles are always, always, always supporting a message.
Does that make sense? So if somebody comes along and they can perform miracles and their message is different than Jesus, even though they're able to perform miracles, that's quite an experience, if you would.
I'm not to listen to that person. It doesn't matter if they can raise somebody from the dead or call down fire and sulfur from heaven.
It doesn't matter if the whole world's going, look it's a miracle worker, that guy must be
Jesus. Jesus warned us ahead of time, said don't believe him.
So when it comes down to it, that's what we need. We need an objective source. In fact, one more thing real quick here.
The apostle Peter, I want you to think about this. Peter himself, Peter, James, and John went up on the mount with Jesus and he was transfigured before their eyes.
Not only did they see Jesus literally full glory, Moses and Elijah showed up and the voice of the father spoke, this is my beloved son.
Listen to him, right? Now, as far as religious experiences go, that would be way up there.
If Patricia King had something like this really happen to her, she'd probably fall over dead. I mean, this is her ultimate thing, right?
But listen to the way Peter writes about this in 2 Peter. He says, For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty, for when he received honor and glory from God, the father, the voice was born to him by the majestic glory, this is my beloved son with whom
I am well pleased. We ourselves heard this very voice born from heaven, for we were with him on the holy mountain and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed.
Listen to that. We have the prophetic word more fully confirmed to which you do well to pay attention as a lamp shining in the darkness.
What's more fully confirmed? What's more important than his experience? The written word of God.
The written, this is what Peter's saying. He's not pointing to his religious experiences.
Believe me, we saw all this. He says, No, we were eyewitnesses, but you have something more sure than this.
The written word of God. Pay attention to it as a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts knowing that first of all, no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. Now, going back to the subjective thing. Jesus claimed to be
God, proved it by raising from the dead. Over 500 people witnessed it. By the way, if you want a really good book on this,
John Warwick Montgomery's book called History in Christianity. It's fabulous. Small, short, to the point and demonstrates objectively, historically, that Jesus is who he claimed to be and we can trust this eyewitness testimony.
Jesus then, since we know objectively, we have good objective evidence that he is who he claimed to be, the tomb is empty, we can now look at his view of Scripture and you know what?
Jesus never once attacked Scripture, never once deconstructed it.
When he was in his epic battle with the devil in the wilderness, right? Jesus doesn't pull out his flaming sword or use his ultimate ninja skills.
He literally comes right back at the devil with nothing less than the word of God. I can do that.
You can do that. It means you need to know it. So we can trust it. Jesus claims that all of the
Old Testament is the word of God and remember that prophecy where he says to the disciples that I will send the
Holy Spirit and he will bring to mind all the things of which I have said and spoke, right? Jesus actually promised the apostles, not us, a special gift of the
Holy Spirit. You've seen that movie Total Recall? Horrible movie.
But the idea is that Total Recall, you have this ability to remember everything, right?
Total Recall, Jesus promises the apostles Total Recall in their preaching and proclamation of him and what he said and did.
So since Jesus put a stamp of approval on the apostles' teaching and put his imprimatur on all of the
Old Testament, everything stands or falls on Jesus. You can trust him.
Now he didn't give that special gift to anybody else so anybody else who's a Johnny -come -lately, I don't trust them.
They get tested by what we have in the apostolic record and in the Torah and in the prophets.
Coming back to this, your feelings, your intuition, or your experiences, you cannot, and more importantly, you should not trust them.
They cannot be trusted. Get outside of yourself. So coming back to this,
I want to point this out. Every one of these guys has something in common. Let's go back to the list.
Now even though these guys all have different theologies, the flames were on purpose by the way. The reason why these guys all have different theologies, all have different doctrine, but they all have something in common.
They have one thing in common. Over here, the blue circle represents pure, true, biblical doctrine.
There is such a thing, by the way, and those who say that it doesn't exist, they think that their idea that it doesn't exist is actually true, pure, biblical doctrine.
Weird irony. Now over here in the red circle, these are your idolatrous, false doctrines based on feelings, intuition, personal experiences, or just your default mode.
You can learn some of these from the culture. You come by these in all kinds of different ways, but because we're sinful, we're prone to these.
When we think of sin, oftentimes we think of sin as well, sins of the flesh. You know, right?
Fornal caboodling, that's sin. You don't want to be doing any of that fornal caboodling. Now I'm not saying you want to fornal caboodling, but the point is this, is that fornal caboodling is just like half the picture, because the whole first table of the law has to deal with our relationship with God.
You will have no other God before me. That includes false doctrine because false doctrine is really the idolatrous portion of it.
What happens is, with everybody, you can kind of overlay the two circles, kind of like this.
We're all like this. What all of those guys have in common is they have an individualized, and this is the important part, an individualized spirituality that has been syncretized with bits and pieces of Christian doctrine.
Where the red circle sticks out, that's the part that's idolatrous and makes you susceptible to bamboozlement.
That part that's sticking out, that's not good. That's no bueno. The part over there, that's the part that's incompatible with your idolatry.
That's the part that, I believe this because I refuse to believe that. Now, I used to work at Focus on the
Family in their listener services department. In my first year of Greek, I loved it, by the way.
It's really hard. There was this woman that worked in my department and she was absolutely insistent that I had to speak in tongues.
Apparently, I was missing out on the whole Holy Spirit thing. It's like, okay. She asked if she can meet with me and discuss doctrine over a break.
I said, okay, sure. During this break, she pleaded with me about how I needed to open myself up to the
Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit wants me to speak in tongues. I said, are you aware of what 1
Corinthians 12 says? I had my Greek New Testament. I said,
I want to take you to this passage. 1 Corinthians 12, the apostle Paul asks this question. Are all apostles?
Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Now, in the Greek, there's an untranslated particle.
The untranslated particle is may. When may is in a question, the answer to the question is always no.
I wish the guys who wrote the English translations would just put in parentheses no because it's actually textually accurate.
The question is, are all apostles? No. May pontos apostole?
No. May pontos didoscole? No. Are all teachers? May pontos prophetoi?
No. Not all are prophets, not all are apostles, not all are teachers. Then it gets to the question, do all speak in tongues?
Now, I was pointing this out to her. I was pointing this out to her. Do all speak in tongues? And I pointed it right to the little particle.
It says right there, may. The answer is no. So we do this a little. Are all apostles? No. Prophets? No.
Teachers? No. Do all speak in tongues? Yes. And I looked at her and I said, that's not what the text says.
And she says, that's not what I believe. That's the problem.
And here's the deal. I've done that more times than I can count. And you know what?
You do it too. When your beliefs come in collision with the biblical text, your beliefs need to go.
When the truth is presented to you, and you discover that your beliefs are contrary or outside of pure doctrine, the
Christian response is repentance and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of the sin of idolatry, because that's what you're guilty of.
When your beliefs and the Bible collide, your beliefs give way, not scripture.
That's the idea. In fact, I want to point something out. Sound doctrine is not adiaphora.
Adiaphora, by the way, is the Greek word for indifferent things. Can Christians buy candy at Walmart?
Yeah. There's no law that says you can't, right?
So buying candy at Walmart is adiaphora. You're neither a Christian nor a non -Christian whether or not you buy candy at Walmart, right?
That's adiaphora. Sound doctrine is not adiaphora. It's God's will.
It's God's will. Let me show you. Place to start. Jesus came to them and said,
All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
Now, think for a second. That's a positive statement. If I, as a
Christian, were to come to you and say, Oh, I've got these wonderful doctrines I want to teach you about.
They're not found in the Bible, but I've discovered these through my personal life experience and my prayer life, and I received them as a download from God.
Okay, sign me up. Okay. Am I teaching all that Christ has commanded, or am
I adding to it? I'm adding to it. So the idea here is in the positive, we're only to teach that which is in accord with sound doctrine, scripture.
And by the way, the all that I have commanded you, since we know who Jesus is, the one true God in human flesh, this would include basically everything from chapter one, verse one of Genesis, Barashit bara
Elohim, in the beginning God created, to the very close of the book of maps.
I have to throw that in there. The maps aren't inspired, but okay. Does that make sense?
Okay, so all that Christ has commanded us is found in all of scripture. In fact, C .F
.W. Walther, fantastic founder of the LCMS, he had this wonderful advice that he would give to young pastors because he taught at the
St. Louis Seminary. And he'd basically say, Pastor, after you've finished preparing and writing out longhand your sermon, let it sit for a little bit, then come back to it, and I want you to mercilessly erase and eliminate everything in your sermon that is not from scripture.
That's some good advice. Some really good advice. Let me continue, though.
This is why I left you in Crete. This is the Apostle Paul writing to Titus. This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained in order and appoint elders in every town as I have directed you.
If anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, we'll get back to that, by the way, and his children are believers and are not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.
For an overseer is God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined, to which we all say, that's great.
We want our pastors to be upstanding, moral dudes, right? Then, why don't we insist on this next part?
He, your pastor, must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it.
How many times have you heard the claim that doctrine divides, as if somehow that's a bad thing?
Oh, you bet your bippy it divides. It divides truth from error, light from darkness, and the lies of the devil from the truth.
You better believe it divides. It's supposed to. And the job of the pastor is not only to give instruction in sound doctrine, but he's supposed to be up in the face of the people who are teaching contrary to it.
For there are many insubordinate and empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, and they, look, it doesn't say, of the circumcision party, and we just need to all coexist and get along.
Not at all. They must be silenced.
Shut them up. Since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.
Now, this is a great insult, by the way. One of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said Cretans are always liars and evil beasts and lazy gluttons.
This testimony is true. Love this passage.
Therefore, rebuke them sharply so that they may be sound in the faith, not devoting themselves to Jewish myths and the commands of people who turn away from the truth.
To the pure, all things are pure, but to the vile and the unbelieving, nothing is pure. Both their minds and their consciences are defiled.
They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.
That's what the Bible says about false teachers. It doesn't say, oh, Jesus loves them.
We just need to give a big hug. No, listen to the words. They are detestable.
They are disobedient. They are unfit for any good work. And yet, so much of American evangelicalism is marked by teachers who are teaching false doctrine.
And what is God's opinion of them? Not Rose Bros. God's. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.
But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine.
Right? This isn't audiophora. This isn't a matter of opinion.
The kingdom of God is not a democracy. We're so used to having our two cents.
We're trained by our culture to have our own take on opinions on all the latest things, right? Did you hear
So -and -So was writing a book about this? What do you think about that? Oh, I think it's awful. Did you see Shakira's hair the other day?
Oh, I can't believe she wore that. You know, right? Okay. We live in a society where everyone is encouraged to share their feelings.
In the kingdom of God, your feelings bend the knee to the word of God. And if you're speaking words contrary to sound doctrine, the scripture commands your pastor to shut you up.
But how many of you, if your pastor did that, would have a meeting and have his call revoked?
I think we should do it the other way around. Any pastor that refuses to get up in the face of those teaching false doctrine, they're the ones who should have their calls revoked because this is what scripture says.
And the nice thing is, I could say that because I don't teach here. Okay. Jesus' words.
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. That's the thing.
False teachers always come to you dressed in sheep's clothing. They don't come to you wearing a red union suit with a pitchfork and the horns.
It would be really easy to spot them if they did that. In fact, Jesus starts off the
Olivet Discourse. The disciples come to him and they're marveling at the temple complex. And Jesus basically says, yeah, listen, all this stuff, you see this great, every stone is gonna be scraped off the temple now.
Every stone. And the disciples are thinking it's the end of the world, right? You know, you get rid of the temple, that's gotta be the end of the world, right?
What they don't realize is Jesus is the temple. The temple points to him. And so they ask
Jesus, you know, it says, tell us when will these things be and what will be the sign of their coming and the end of the age? Jesus answered them, see to it that no one leads you astray.
First thing, first thing out of Jesus' mouth, don't let anyone deceive you.
For many will come in my name. Whose name are these people, these deceivers coming in?
They're coming in the name of Christ. These are pastors and teachers and popular authors and they're wolves in sheep's clothing, right?
They will lead many astray. Many false prophets will arise and lead many astray because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold, but the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Now, real quick. The Apostle Paul kind of makes this point also himself. He writes to the
Corinthians in 2 Corinthians 11. He says, I'm afraid as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
For someone comes to you proclaiming another Jesus. If you've listened to my program, one of the things we have is we have this sketch called the
Build -A -God sketch. It's in the, okay? And the Build -A -God sketch is based on the Build -A -Bear shop, right?
You know, you go in and you build this bear to your custom liking. Well, that's what we all do by nature.
We build our own gods. But understand this. All of our false gods, for the most part, because we're haunted by Jesus nowadays, people will create their own deity and they're going to name it
Jesus. But if your Jesus isn't the same Jesus as the biblical Jesus, you've got a false
Jesus even though you slap the name Jesus on it. A gay -affirming, transvestite
Jesus who basically winks his eye at sin and is completely senile and just pats everybody on the head and says, oh, we're all going to be saved anyways, even though you put the name
Jesus on that, that's not Jesus. So Paul warns us about false Jesuses and he warns us about false gospels.
I'm astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel.
Not that there is another, there's no such thing as another gospel, but people come to you and they teach a different gospel. They slap the name gospel on it, right?
He says, but there are some who are trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven, there's that religious experience again, even if we or the angel
Moroni should appear from heaven teaching a gospel contrary to the one that we preached, let him be anathema.
Accursed is so weak here. Let me help you out here. Damn him. He's going to be damned.
As I have said before, by the way, they didn't have bold back then, we use all caps and we bold it and things like that.
They had to repeat themselves back in the day. Papyrus, right? So he makes the point again.
As I have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be damned.
Sound doctrine is not adiaphora. In fact, if somebody comes to you preaching a different Jesus and a different gospel and they're monkeying with and messing with the words of Christ and you listen to them, you risk damnation because a false gospel can't save you.
Because a false Jesus doesn't exist. He's an idol and he can't save you. The only Jesus who can save you is the virgin born son of God who suffered and died for your sins on the cross and rose again on the third day.
He is the only one who can save you and if somebody is preaching to you a different Jesus, don't listen to them and show them who the real
Jesus is and call them to repent and to be forgiven for their idolatry for you will have no other gods before me.
Alright, there's session number one. More sessions coming up in the weeks ahead. If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of Fighting for the
Faith, you could do so. My email address is talkbackatfightingforthefaith .com or you can subscribe on Facebook, facebook .com
forward slash piratechristian. Follow me on Twitter, my name there, at piratechristian. Until tomorrow, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.