Time Out with Pastor Ben Talley - Zechariah 3



Good morning y 'all My name is pastor Benjamin Talley, I am the associate pastor from Whitman Memorial Baptist Church and This is another timeout for Wednesday Our scripture will be coming from Zechariah chapter 3 verses 1 through 10
This is a beautiful Set of passages So let's just dig in So comes from the story of the vision of Joshua the high priest
It says then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the
Lord and Satan standing at the right hand to accuse him the Lord said to Satan Lord rebuke you of Satan The Lord who had chosen
Jerusalem Rebuke you is not this the brand plucked from the fire now
Joshua was standing before the angel Clothed with filthy garments and the angel said to those who were standing before him
Remove the filthy garments from him and to him. He said behold. I have taken your iniquity away from you
I will clothe you with pure Vestments and I said let them put a clean turban on his head so that they put a clean turban on his head and Clothed him with garments and the angel of the
Lord was standing by and the angel of the Lord solemnly assured Joshua thus says the
Lord of hosts if you will walk in my ways and keep my charge Then you shall rule my house and have charge of my courts, and I will give you the right
Access among those who are standing here here now Oh Joshua the high priest and you and your friends who sit before you
For they are men who are assigned behold. I will bring my servant the branch
For behold on the stone that I've set before Joshua on a single stone will sit with seven eyes
I will engrave its inscription Declares the Lord of hosts and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day in that day declares the
Lord of hosts everyone of You will invite his neighbor to come under his vine and under his fig tree.
Let's just let's just recap Okay, so Joshua The high priest is standing
Before the angel of The Lord and Satan is standing on his right hand and Satan is accusing him right
Satan is accusing him and the Lord said to Satan Lord rebuke you and the
Lord the Lord Said the Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you
Morning angel And he said the Lord who has chosen you rebuke you is not this a brand pluck from the fire now
Joshua was standing before the angel clothed with filthy and filthy garments now
Joshua stands as a representative For Israel, what's up,
Lisa? Teresa, how are y 'all doing? So Joshua stands as a representative for Israel, this is
Zechariah chapter 3 verses 1 through 10 so Joshua is standing as a representative for Israel and Satan is accusing
Joshua and all of Israel and so The angel said those who are standing before him remove the filthy garments
Is what he said the Lord said and to him he said behold I have taken your iniquity away from you and I will clothe you with pure vestments
So this is what the Lord said and he said let them put a clean turban on his head
And so they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments and the angel of the Lord was standing by in the angel the
Lord solemnly assured Joshua Thus says the Lord of hosts if you will walk in my ways and keep my charge
Then you shall rule my house and have charge over my courts. I will give you the right of access
Among those who are standing here so that's among all the all the priests and and everything and he says and and all the
People standing there. He says here now Oh Joshua the high priest you and your friends who sit before you for they are men who are a sign
So the priests were a sign of greater things to come And he says this
He says behold, I will bring my servant the branch now the branch was a a
Name, it was a messianic title for Jesus Then he says
I will bring my servant the branch for behold on the stone I have set before Joshua on a single stone with seven eyes
I will engrave its inscription now seven eyes. That's kind of hard to picture But he says
I will engrave its inscription declares the Lord of hosts I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day.
Hmm. I Wonder what that is in a single day. He's gonna remove the iniquity of this land in a single day
Sound interesting. Hmm in that day declares the Lord of hosts Every one of you will invite his neighbor to come under his vine
Whose vine the branch? under his fig tree That's Jesus Christ.
So in a single day, he is going to rid the land of their sin
Right, he's gonna he's gonna make atonement for their sin He's gonna remove the iniquity of their sin in a single day
And he's and they're all gonna be able to come under his vine under his
Fig tree. So that is Jesus Christ guys. That's who they're talking about the branch
The angel of the Lord that's that's who God is talking about here. So see the angels sit in the
Satanist sitting there accusing Israel accusing Joshua and the Lord wraps him in his garments or wraps him in pure clean garments
That's what God has done for us through Jesus Christ. That's what he's done for us
Wow, well Satan accuses us and he You know, we feel unworthy we feel and when we are unworthy we feel worthless
Yeah, it's a Zechariah 3 1 through 10
Zechariah chapter 3 1 through 10, so we feel unworthy because of the
Because of the Accusations that are thrown against us, you know we feel
Condemned and a lot of things but a lot of the things we do a lot of the ways we mess up, you know, but um
But God has clothed us And and set us apart in Christ he's done the same thing that he did with Joshua Well, how do
I know that? I know that from Scripture if you would If you want to you know what?
2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 says for our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin
So that in him we might become the righteousness of God in him
That's 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 So don't let your own insecurities get you down don't let
The assault or the accusations of the enemy get you down Stand on the promises and The finished work of Jesus Christ.
He has done great things for you If you are in Christ If you're in Christ, you have been atoned for you have been redeemed
You have been set apart on solid ground with a pure foundation
Now your job is to build upon that foundation Through reading other scriptures through studying other scriptures so Zechariah 3 1 through 10 and 2nd
Corinthians 5 21 Read those study those today. If you don't know the
Lord if you have never surrendered to his lordship and to his
Authority then what you need to do is you need to repent that means you need to repent of sin once and for all
Forsake it in your life and surrender to His authority surrender to his plan and his purposes for your life
Forsake your sin Surrender his lordship and his and his gospel the fact that he died on the cross for your sins and And rose again from the grave conquering hell death in the grave
He did it for all those who would believe and Place their faith and trust in him, but it is a good day to be alive in Jesus Christ Claiming the promises and the finished work of Jesus Christ over your life
Claim it and I know that's that sounds like a name it and claim it thing But uh, it's really not if you believe the finished work of Christ you need to walk in that Walk in the finished work of Christ so many
Christians are not Believing what Jesus had done for them Accepting it and they're walking around Living defeated lives.
They don't understand what Jesus had done If you are a Christian you are justified you were atoned for you were redeemed
So let those who are redeemed in the Lord say so so It's a good day to be alive in Jesus, let me pray for you
God, I thank you for this day. I pray Lord that those who are redeemed and who know you
Let them say so today let them rejoice in that and let them claim the promises of the scriptures and let them walk in the finished work of Christ and Lord, I pray that you just remind them of the things you've done for them and help them rejoice in that But for those who don't know you
Lord, I pray you convict them of their sin I pray that you bring them to the cross Lord and I bring them to repentance and help them know that you did die for them and you
Did rise again? Cochrane held death in the grave Lord, and then they need to walk the narrow path not the broad path