Eschatology Part 5 Revelation 6

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Eschatology Part 6 Revelation 12

Eschatology Part 6 Revelation 12

We're going to be in Revelation chapter 6 today. And this is usually the sermon that everybody likes because it's full of the
Antichrist and demons and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The problem with it is most
Christians see it as entertainment rather than the Word of God that can change their lives.
Now, there are folks in here today, listen to me, I don't wear my sermon notes.
Somebody hand me a piece of paper. Boys, yeah, there you go. That's all right, I can do it from, yeah.
Most people in this room today are going to, if you're a believer, this sermon is for you.
Now, for you lost folks in here, and I'm not talking about you're some moral person or you believe in God or some other stupid stuff like that.
I'm talking about you're lost. You do not have and never have had an intimate, personal relationship with Christ.
To you, church and religion are a moral standard rather than the absolute author and finisher of your life.
By the way, are you people hot? Okay, somebody do something, because I'm roasting up here and I see even the women doing like this, okay?
And it's the young women, it ain't the old women, so it ain't hot flashes. So, somebody do something, because I'm glistening.
Revelation chapter 1, John is on the island of Patmos. And as he's there,
Jesus appears to him, and he actually says this, and this is on your paper, chapter 1, verse 19, write therefore these things that you have seen.
Those that are, and now listen, those that are about to take place after this.
And then he immediately addresses seven different churches in that time era, okay?
In chapters 2 and 3. Now, in chapter 4, the beginning of it, it says this, now that I've showed you what was and what is, now let me show you what things are going to come to pass.
And this I looked and behold, chapter 4, verse 1, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which
I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, come up here and I will show you what must take place after this.
Let me explain something to you. I am a premillennial, dispensational theology.
That's what I believe in, okay? I believe that Jesus Christ is coming back one day, and I believe
He's going to physically reign for a thousand years here on earth. Why do I believe that? Because in Revelation chapter 20, at seven different times,
Jesus said, I'm coming back and I'm going to reign on earth. I don't know about you, but I take
God at face value in His word, okay? The reality is though, because you have been lulled to sleep in the commonality of your culture, in other words, what is normal to you is the fog of your life and the sin of your life which blinds you to a reality that this is really the blue pill.
You are living in a matrix that is not reality. There is a coming
Son of God, and the reality of what John is seeing, you will see as well.
The question is going to become, on which side of Christ will you be standing? Now, we've talked about for the last few weeks the passages leading up to chapter 6.
And in chapter 6, we are going to be seeing events that have not yet transpired.
Now, people always say to me, Pastor, you know, I mean, Jesus said
He was coming quickly. It's been 2 ,000 years. You've got to get outside of your understanding of time and see the understanding of an eternal
God speaking. And He's speaking these words to His people.
Now, let's go through this, and these are the seven seals. After this will come seven trumpets, and after this, seven bowls.
So there are 21 judgments of God that are going to fall in a seven -year period.
Now, I personally believe that true believers are going to be gone during that time in something called the rapture, okay?
But I believe that churches are going to be filled past capacity after the rapture.
Because there's going to be a lot of people, including pastors, that have been preaching about a prosperity gospel rather than the true gospel, that are going to still be sitting here.
There are going to be a lot of deacons and choir members. There are going to be a lot of good, moral, right -wing
Republicans and left -leaning Democrats that have taken the Word of God and changed it into a silly religion or denomination to try to find
Jesus Christ. But I'm here to tell you today, you will never find Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ can find you, okay?
So, some of you in this room, or maybe your children, are actually going to see what we're about to describe.
And it ain't pleasant. People ask me, Pastor, are there going to be Christians during the
Tribulation? Oh yeah, man! Because some of you sitting in this room are going to hear what I'm saying today, and you're going to go, oh, that's silliness.
And then it's going to start happening, and you're going to go, OMG, or whatever you millennials say.
Oh man, bald -head fat guy, he wasn't kidding. The good news for you is, there might still be hope.
But that hope is going to come at a precious price. Let's look here, chapter 6, verse 1.
And we're going to do this verse by verse. Now, I watched when the Lamb, and if you remember from last week, the
Lamb of God was worthy to open the seals that were found in the hand of God. I watched the
Lamb open one of the seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice of thunder,
Come. And I looked, behold, a white horse, and its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering and to conquer.
There are some well -intending yet absolutely ignorant and incorrect preachers out there that say that this is
Jesus Christ. It isn't Jesus Christ. How do we know that? John said, behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
And he was talking and pointing to Jesus Christ when he said that. Jesus Christ is not a guy on a horse.
He is the Lamb of God, the one able to open these seals. Now, some of you are confused on what seals are.
Basically, think of it like this. Think of a scroll with seven seals sealing the wrath of God that's about to come out.
And each one of them, one by one, are going to be broken until the fullness of God's wrath is poured out on earth.
This first rider is not Jesus, guys. It's not Jesus. This is the
Antichrist. Or, as later on he is described in Revelation 12, 13, and 14, he is the first beast.
Now, how do we know this? Well, we know this from several ways. Number one, we know that at some point in a near distant future, there is going to come an individual with such charisma, he is going to solve problems that no one else has been able to solve.
One of the main problems in the world that, yes, affects you every day are the problems in the
Middle East. Problems between Israel and 11 other Muslim nations that surround this tiny little spot called
Israel. And for 150 years, for 150 years, people have been talking about the renaissance of Israel.
And in 1948, some of it, who was born? We don't have anybody. Is there anyone here that was born during that time?
Not really, not here. What year were you born, woman?
49. Oh, okay, so 49. You missed it by one. Okay. In 1948, after 2 ,000 years of absenteeism,
Israel became a nation again exactly how God said it would happen. By the way, if that's just a coincidence, there's a lot of world history that was all in cahoots and conspiracy to try to trick you into believing
God's Word is real, including non -believers. Israel, in 1948, became a nation again after 2 ,000 years.
That has never happened in human history. But, as soon as they became a nation, they were attacked.
They were just hammered by all these other nations that were like, we're Muslim, you're
Jews, you don't belong here, this is the land of Palestine. And they attacked them, and Israel still won.
In 1967, 11 nations went to war with Israel.
You can Wikipedia this, millennials. They went to war with Israel, and in six days,
Israel beat them all. And on the seventh day, they rested. Listen to me for a second.
There is a reality outside your comprehension, your arrogance, and your understanding.
His name is God, and He is coming back. Now, if you don't want to believe, that's on you.
But you're going to see with your own eyes, or at least your children will see with your own eyes, I believe, these things coming to pass.
Now, this guy's going to rise up, and he's going to say, let's say that this group right here is
Israel. These two, four, six, seven people. And all of you are against them.
He's going to stand up, and he's going to go, hey guys, let's get along, shall we? And he's going to figure out a way to make all of you happy, and to make all of you happy.
If you notice here in verse 1, it says he had a bow, but there were no arrows in his bow.
And it says he went out to conquer, and was conquering. In other words, he had a plan to do this.
This was not something that he just came up with on the fly. This has been planned from time eternity past.
And it is successful. And the whole world, Revelation 12, 13, and 14, say he is a great man.
They're going to give him the Nobel Peace Prize. Because immediately, war will stop in the
Middle East. And everything is going to be peace. The Kumbaya religious people are going to be, oh, he's so great.
The liberals are going to be, oh, he brought peace. The conservatives are going to be, yay, we don't have to pay this much for gas anymore.
And everybody's going to be happy. Everyone's going to be happy for three and a half years.
And after 1 ,260 days, the Bible says that specifically, this guy's going to do something weird.
He's going to walk into the rebuilt Jewish temple, and he's going to say, Y 'all been worshipping me for three and a half years just to let y 'all know,
I am God. Whoa! Immediately, some bad things are going to happen.
Because those monotheistic Jews are going to go, you said what? You said you're
God? The Muslims are going to go, there is no God but Allah. And all of a sudden, there's going to be massive war.
But understand this. You say, well, there's no one who could really do it. Guys, do you realize how many musicians, poets, authors, movie stars, do you realize how they start out humble?
Athletes, people in this room, they start out with humility, but as people keep going, man, attaboy, oh, you're so awesome, you're so great, they become arrogant, and they become self -delusional, and they keep looking inside themselves for a standard of righteousness and reality.
And let me tell you, if you do that, you keep finding sludge. You keep finding things that will never satisfy your soul.
And then you start turning to drugs and codependent relationships and everything else to slake the thirst and to fill the hole that can only be filled by following Jesus Christ.
That's what this guy does. He believes his own press. And as soon as that happens, verse 2,
And it says, And behold, a second seal was broken. Look with me, I'm sorry, in verse 3.
And when He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, Come, and came another horse bright red, and its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and was given a great sword.
Oh my gosh, war. Well, pastor, we've been having wars since Cain and Abel. That is true.
But it's going to be a war unlike any other war in the past. You see, it's not going to be a world war, which was not really a world war.
We've had two of them in the last 120 years. We've had two world wars.
But they still, even though they're called world wars, have not included every nation. And there was fighting on distant battlefields, but I'm telling you, there's coming a time when neighbor will be against neighbor.
That literally, in your front yard, in your street, in your city, there will be war.
Now you say, pastor, come on man, you're stretching it there. Okay. Y 'all remember how united we've been as the
United States of America for the last three years? How many of y 'all got your COVID vaccines?
See? Wait a minute, why did you hesitate? Because over a shot, our media and our culture have politicized literally a medical procedure.
That if you don't get it, you're some right -wing nut. If you do get it, well then you're some government bootlicker.
And everybody hates everybody else. How many of y 'all are liberals? What are they called?
Liberals. How many of y 'all are liberals and how many of y 'all are conservatives? How many of y 'all are Democrats in here? Come on, man.
I know we got some hippies in here. How many of y 'all are conservatives? Some of y 'all didn't raise your hand.
Why is that? Well, I don't want people to. Why? What you ashamed of? What you ashamed of?
It's the tension behind it. Guys, there's going to come a time, listen to me, there's going to come a time that if you claim to know
Jesus Christ, if you claim to walk with Jesus Christ, it's going to cost you more than some embarrassment.
It's going to cost you your life. And there's going to be a war on a global scale.
Let me backtrack just for a second to 68 A .D.
68 A .D. There was a guy on the throne of Rome, an emperor. His name was Nero.
And Nero had this great city of Rome. There were over a million inhabitants, most of them slaves, but there were over a million inhabitants in Rome.
And Rome had had emperor after emperor after emperor and they had built all these monuments to their emperors.
Well, Nero got there in 68 A .D. Rome had been around for 568 years and there wasn't a whole lot of room for him to build monuments.
You know what Nero did one time? Nero decided to play with fire. And he burned most of Rome down.
He had people go out and set down fires and burn Rome. The apostle Paul and the apostle
Peter were in Rome during this time. Nero said, I didn't do it.
Those Christian people did it. And all these people said, yeah, that's right. And for the next nine months, they took these
Christian people and fed them to lions and crucified them in the Circus Maximus.
Nero went one step further. He would have parties celebrating the capture of Christians and he would take
Christians and dip them in tar and then while they were still alive go through a certain part of their body with a wooden stake light them on fire as they were sitting on that pole screaming and dying to light the parties celebrating the eradication of Christianity.
Yeah, that day is coming again. And as bad as that description was and historical fact of what happened in 60
A .D. will not compare to what's coming for some of you. You see, war is coming, guys. And I'm not talking about in a far away distant land of Afghanistan.
I'm telling you, it's coming for you. And if you sit there and say, I believe in Jesus it's actually going to cost you something more than an hour on a
Sunday morning. Let's look at this third seal. Look at this third seal. And when he had opened the third seal,
I heard a third living creature say, come. And I looked and behold a black horse and its rider had a pair of scales in his hand and I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for Daenerys and three quarts of barley for Daenerys but do not harm the oil and the wine.
Two things about this. Number one, basically, I'm going to do the conversions for you. By the way, millennials, can you jump on the bandwagon with me for a second?
Okay? Can we get rid of the stupid metric system and go back to the real system? Please? I mean, it's a foot, not a meter.
It's a gallon, not a liter. Okay? I mean, please, you know? You're really following the
British? That hasn't worked out well for us in the last 225 years. Okay? And for us old people, we can't do all that math.
My son Jeff goes, Dad, it's so simple. No, man, it's not. Not when you didn't learn it.
Well, just learn it. No, I am done with school. I finished in the 11th grade or 12th grade.
Didn't graduate. I'm done. I ain't going back to learn your stupid metric system. You hippie. Basically, what this is saying is this.
It's going to cost you a day's wage to buy bread. A day's wage.
You say, Pastor, that's a little bit of an exaggeration. On your notes there is a picture. It's a very famous picture.
It's not the one I wanted to show you. But it's a famous picture in Germany in 1943.
In 1943, it literally cost a day's worth of work to buy a loaf of bread.
And money was so ridiculously cheap, they would sweep it up. There's a famous picture, the one
I was looking for and couldn't find it. There's a famous picture of a guy in Germany with a wheelbarrow filled with cash going to buy food for the day.
Guys, it's not a stretch of the imagination because it has happened in history before. But I want you to notice this.
It says, do not harm the oil in the wine. You know what that means?
It means this. That the luxury items of this world are still going to be available.
You see, the common things that we need, they're going to be very expensive.
But the certain class of people that are going to be very wealthy because they're going to be very connected to a centralized form of government, which
I believe is going to be a cashless society, they're not going to suffer like regular folk. Kind of like now.
I mean, think about it. Have you ever heard, who's a famous person now?
Tom Selleck or who's a famous person? I don't know. Justin Bieber or whatever his name is.
Have you ever heard him complaining about gas prices? No, man, because that's his chump change.
He can fill up his fleet of limos and not worry about it. There's going to be a class of people who are going to sit there and they're going to give up the reality of God's Word to be comfortable by living by man's standard.
Some of you, by the way, are doing that now. You're doing it now. You are serving a
God. Now, most of you don't know who that God is. Let me tell you. You see him every morning in the mirror when you brush your teeth.
Your feelings, your thoughts, your concerns, your understanding. Unless something is proven to you, you just won't believe it.
That type of arrogance is arrogance because of this. You don't study. You don't get opposing viewpoints.
The height of your advancement of your understanding of who and what God is is simply maybe on a
Sunday morning like this. There is coming for you a judgment, and it's not going to be pleasant. Look at this fourth one.
It says this, And when he opened the fourth seal, verse 7, I heard the voice of the four of the living creatures say,
And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and its rider's name was Death. And Hades followed him.
And they were given authority over the fourth of the earth to kill with a sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth.
Guys, do you know how many people died in World War II? About 51 million.
51 million. By the way, Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler ever thought of, but that's a sidetrack.
51 million people. That includes military and civilian deaths. 51 million people.
You know how many people in the world today? I was telling Brendan's wife this. I was telling her about world demographics.
She married him, and I was trying to explain to her, Baby, you ain't got to settle. There are 3 .5 billion men in the earth, but she's already got the ring, so it's over.
But guys, there are over 7 billion people in the world today. There are about 360 million in the
United States. Let me scale it down. So in other words, think of it like this. Within a very short period of time in the
United States of America, think about 80 million people dying. 80 million people dying.
Guys, as horrible as 9 -11 was, 3 ,000 people died. Multiply that again and again and again until you get to 80 million.
Through war, through famine, through absolute economic collapse, there are going to be people dying by the millions.
Guys, it's not far off. Some people say, well, Pastor, you're trying to scare me. No, God's word is.
It's trying to warn you. There is a reality in which you don't understand because you're living according to this world that's coming.
I'm like the guy on the interstate waving a flag going, man, you better slow down, the bridge is out.
There's a reality that you don't get. Let's look at this fifth seal. Notice this. If you turn it over, it says in verse 9,
When He opened the fifth seal, I saw unto the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne.
They cried out with a loud voice, O sovereign God, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?
Then each of them were given a white robe and told to rest a little bit longer until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete who were to be killed as themselves had been.
This fifth seal, we get a glimpse of what's going on in heaven as all this catastrophe is going on on earth.
And what we see, we see people who have become Christians during this very short time.
You see, the reality is, there's going to be a great outpouring of people becoming
Christians because they grew up hearing God's Word, but they never committed to it. They understood because they dear prayed fat little baby
Jesus in a manger in their heart. They walked down an aisle of a Baptist church or while they were at a children's program, they whispered some prayer, and in their mind they thought they were born again believers.
But then, when the reality of what it means to be a Christian escaped them, and in their own arrogance, they followed their own path of being a spiritual person, they got left behind.
And now they sit and see this unbelievable reality of the
Word of God opening up and becoming history as they live it.
They're going to have to make a choice. And a lot of them are going to make the choice to truly follow
Jesus at that point. Let me stop right here, and let me clarify this for you. And I know some of you get tired of me hearing me say this.
I would ask you instead of getting tired to pray for those sitting around you. Okay? Get outside of yourself for a second.
You see, in this room of 200 folk, in this room, there are people who actually believe they're going to heaven.
There are actually people in this room who think they're a Christian because of some decision they made up here but they never made in here.
The Word of God says even the demons believe in God, yet they fear and tremble for they know what is coming for them.
The reason I preach like I do is I'm not interested in filling pews or filling offering plates.
I don't care. Okay? I don't care. I have massive daddy issues.
You know what I want? I want when I die to hear, well done, son. Atta boy. That's what
I crave and care about. Guys, I am telling you, some of you are playing games with God and it's going to cost you your life one day.
I actually had a young man tell me this, well, I believe in God, but I want to live how I want to live now and when
I get older, when I get older, then I'll commit my life to Christ. That's not how it works, guys.
That ain't how it works. For if you've been aware and you have been convicted by the Holy Ghost, maybe some of you sitting in this room today that you need to be saved and you keep putting it off, your heart will grow harder, your mind will go colder, and you will continually come to a point at one day where it will become non -importance with you because the contempt you showed
God has now taken over your life. And that burning and that desire you once felt that you pushed down and pushed away is no longer there.
And you try by emotions to rekindle a fire that will not be rekindled. Let me tell you something, there's a day coming when your apathy and your arrogance are going to pay a costly price.
Listen to me. These people are sitting there. I want you to notice what they say. They say, God... I'm going to put it to you in colloquial terms.
Jesus! Did you see what happened to us? When, God, are
You going to come with that blue -eyed, pale -skinned, blonde -haired Jesus with a little lamb on Your shoulder and go out and say,
Jesus loves you. And, God, just come to church. Be your best self.
I don't know what they're asking. They're saying, Jesus, when are You going to go down there and kick butt and take names?
When are You going to go avenge what happened to us? Now, people, that may not sit well with you and your theological understanding of God's Word, but unfortunately for you, you need to read
God's Word and stop listening to hippie preachers. Because let me tell you something, all churches and all religions and all preachers are idiots.
The only thing that's an absolute truth is the Word of the living God. These people are demanding an absolute reckoning of what has happened to them.
Now, why is that justified? Let me tell you something. My faith that I place in God daily was born by the faith
God put in me at my conversion. And it has grown day after day. Yeah, I go up and down.
Yeah, I mess up. I've messed up more than any of you can even realize. But it grows.
And God sees that faith. And God sees what I'm doing. And God sees what we're doing.
And God sits there and says, well, that's good. I love you. I love you. But He's not going to avenge me because of Jeff Shipley.
He's going to avenge that which belongs to Him. You see, for our faith to be validated, for there to be mercy at the cross of Jesus Christ, for there to be mercy, there also has to be justice.
You cannot have mercy without justice. You cannot have courage without fear.
And the justice of God will fall one day. I know this isn't popular preaching today.
I know no one wants to hear about sin. But I promise you this, God's judgment is coming against sin like you will not believe.
And if you're standing before a holy and righteous God without anything other than a first person while I believed,
I prayed, if that's your answer, you have no hope. You see, the hope of us should be like the hope of the thief on the cross.
He never went to church, was never baptized, was never anything. When he stood before God Almighty, he simply could say,
I'm here today because the man in the middle said, today you will be with me in paradise. It's the faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work that saves you, not some stupid prayer or idiot religion.
You see, God's people will be avenged. And I'm not talking about someone making fun of you because you're a
Christian or prayed over your meal. I'm talking as Revelation 20, verse 4 says. Again, these people are seen.
Fourteen chapters later, they're seen and it says this, these people, these ones, these martyrs have been literally beheaded, it says.
Like decapitation. These people have been beheaded for their faith in Christ.
I believe there's going to be such a wholesale slaughter of Christians, there's going to be an entire private industry hired by the government to exterminate an entire group of people.
I know that that's unbelievable that that could ever happen in history. It's happening right now.
It's happening right now. We call it genocide. Well, you can call it what you want.
I call it sin against God. Last thing, Revelation 6, verse 12.
And when He opened the sixth seal, I looked and behold, there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth.
And the full moon became like blood. And the stars of the sky fell to the earth as a fig tree, shedding its winter fruit, shaken by a gale.
The sky vanished like a scroll that was being rolled up. And every mountain and island was removed from its place.
And the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountain, calling to the mountains and rocks, fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who is seated on the throne and, in the
Greek word chi, and from the wrath of the Lamb. Ain't no little precious moments, baby
Jesus? It's the wrath of Jesus Christ coming to claim what is
His and obliterating anything that stands in His way. There will be no king. There will be no hiding place.
There will be nowhere you can run from the eyes of God, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
For the great day of the wrath has come and who can stand? Now once again, doctrally, academically, and intellectually speaking, if this was the only place in Scripture these things were listed out,
I would give pause. I would count them as mere theology rather than an eschatological doctrine.
But unfortunately, for some of you in this room who want to live in the pan -millennialist ideal set, for those of you who don't know what
I'm talking about, you say, I don't really care about all this, it'll pan out in the end. That kind of absolute academia or the lack thereof is going to put you in great peril.
The Word of God says to study the entire Word of God, not the ones that make you feel better on a Monday morning devotional.
You see, there's a time coming, people, where the wrath of God is going to fall. And it's going to fall like a hammer blow.
Look at this. In Joel, in Matthew, Jesus Himself in Matthew 24, in that great
Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, 25, and 26, He actually says exactly what
John says here. He actually talks about this cataclysmic event. Now I want you to understand something.
Jesus told John, write down what you see and what you hear. Here is a first century guy looking into the future.
And he's trying to describe things both allegorically and factually.
And it's a little hard for him because he is not understanding. There was no DeLorean to go back in time and help him out.
So he is actually trying to describe things as he sees it. And this is a weird thing to describe.
I believe it's describing something very crystal clear. I believe with all of my heart, there is going to have a nuclear exchange.
And you sit there and go, oh my gosh, he's one of those guys. Yeah, I'm a Bible believer. Absolutely. I believe because this is such a great description.
It says, and the sun will turn black. Y 'all know what radiation fallout is? Do I have all the idiots in here?
My gosh, y 'all are acting like Bellevue people. Listen. Radiation fallout is simply this.
An atomic bomb or nuclear bomb, and please don't correct my pronunciation, explodes.
It doesn't explode on the ground. It explodes about a mile above the ground. And the force, as in physics, goes everywhere at once.
But unfortunately, it's forced against an immovable object, i .e.
Earth. And that force comes down. As it comes down, it forces air up and over like this.
Kaboom. Like that. It's about 1 ,800 degrees there in the middle. 1 ,800 degrees.
That's hot. Okay? That's more Memphis hot. That's hot, hot. And then when it does that, and that force dissipates, it follows the air currents, follow the curvature, and all of that dust and debris that is picked up and shot into the atmosphere is radioactive, and for days, weeks, and months, it falls back to the ground.
That's what radioactive fallout is. Now, it's interesting, when John's writing here, he actually says this.
He says, in verse 12, he says, there was a great earthquake.
Now, what's really cool about this, and once again, you guys can go to Wikipedia or whatever, it describes and shows, because we've detonated dozens of them.
Go look up Bikini Atoll. Yes, Bikini. Bikini Atoll nuclear tests.
You can watch them in real time go off. And as they go off and that air comes up, it rolls up, kind of like a scroll.
A scroll. That's a good analogy. And as this bomb goes off and it rolls up like a scroll, it goes up into the atmosphere.
Now, let me explain something to you. A nuclear missile or an ICBM, people think that that's one bomb.
It's not. By the way, the United States has 4 ,579 of these.
Russia has about 6 ,000. China has them. Pakistan has them. India has them.
Yes, crackheads. North Korea and Iran have them. No matter what the liberals say. They have them.
Israel has them. France has them. Great Britain has them. There are tens of thousands of nuclear warheads.
And here's how it works. Here's America right here, and we'll just use Russia, because I grew up in the 80s.
Wolverine. Here's America. They fire a little missile, and it goes and leaves our
Earth's atmosphere, travels through the atmosphere, and then it reenters over Russia.
When it reenters, it doesn't just terminate by dropping in the ground. It actually opens up.
Boom. And between 10 and 12 warheads come out of the cone of that and are directed to different enemy targets.
So one missile equals 15 different warheads. And one warhead is enough to level
Memphis, Tennessee. So now you think, what's 10 ,000 times 15?
Thank you, Justin. Man, it's always good to have police officers here. Someone with an intellect over that of a rock.
150 ,000. Thank you. 150 ,000 of these falling and hitting the
Earth. Ba -ba -ba -ba -ba -ba -ba -boom. That's going to be a lot of radioactive fallout up in the atmosphere.
You're going to feel that. You're going to feel it. It's going to be like an earthquake.
Stars are going to fall from heaven, John says. Like, you ever seen something fall back through the atmosphere?
Like an independent multiple -launched warhead?
The sky's going to roll up. The sun's going to be blackened, darkened.
Because there's going to be so much dust in the atmosphere. Then, here's what people say.
Father, forgive me. I repent towards you. Uh -uh.
They're going to do exactly what some of you are going to do in about five minutes. You've heard the
Word of God. I'm nothing. I'm an idiot. I'm nothing. This place is nothing.
The Baptist religion is stupid. Forget all of that crap. Forget sermons and all that crap.
Forget churchy crap. Some of you have heard the Word of God and know you are in the crosshairs of the wrath of God.
Now, you're about to do in about five minutes what these people do right here.
Instead of repenting and getting your life right, you want to hide from the wrath of God.
You want to pretend that it's not really coming. You'll quote things in your mind.
You might even be so nervous that tonight as you're laying in bed or sitting somewhere on your little phone, you'll look up, why are these
Christian people such idiots about the book of Revelation? And you'll get all these experts. They'll sit there and tell you, oh, that's not true.
Go ahead. Relax. Fall asleep. Take this pill. Trust me.
Because we know how much we can trust the government. Guys, some of you are about to do what these people did.
Instead of repenting, their arrogance was so great, they felt like they could hide from the wrath of God.
People, the wrath of God is not allegorical. It's not imagery. It's not literary.
It's a reality. Now, I want to share with you my motivation for sharing this with you today.
I don't know some of you, and this is going to come as a shock because you've listened to Joel. I don't love you.
I don't know you. I'm sorry. I don't love you. We're not BFFs. I don't have some weepy thing in my heart.
I'm not going to start shedding a tear going, come to Jesus right now. I ain't going to do it.
I just ain't. Sorry. I mean, that's like weird. It's called truth.
See, you've been sucked into this religious lie. Okay? What I'm going to tell you is this.
It says, those last three words, who can stand? Who can stand?
For those of you that don't understand that, it's rhetorical. Philippians, Matthew, over and over again it says this, at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess
Him as Lord. There is coming a day where you and your ideals will confess
Jesus Christ as Lord. You know that guy who couldn't make the football team?
Who's smarter than everybody else? Who likes to go around and disprove everything and cites all these facts that he comes up with as he sits in his mama's basement on the computer?
You know that guy who sits there and says, I know you don't know. Let me flex on how smart
I am. I know this Jesus stuff is a bunch of garbage. He's going to kneel in fear and in dread and he's going to say,
Jesus Christ is Lord. Oh, it's going to happen. It's going to happen. It's going to happen.
And you will do it too. But here's the question. Are you going to do it on this side of glory or on that side?
See, you have a choice now. You will not have a choice then. I'm not asking you to join my church.
I'm not asking you to pray a prayer of allegiance to some religious ideal. If you never come here again,
I promise you, I'm going to sleep as good tonight as I did last night. Okay? I have nothing in this.
But I am warning you. I am warning you that the lies that you are believing of this culture, the absolutes that are no longer absolutes, you all are living in a society and a culture where the
Pediatric Association of America, the Psychiatric Association of America are telling you that men can be women and women can be men.
It's a lie. Oh, well, Pastor, you don't understand. See, my perspective... Why is it that everyone tries to explain to me they use personal pronouns?
Since when have you become the standard of truth, you arrogant jerk? See, I like to use something called the
Word of God and 6 ,000 years of recorded human history. Sorry, guys.
It's been around a long time. Men don't turn into women and women don't turn into men. And then usually when
I say that, someone will say, oh, well, he's homophobic. I'm not phobic. You're just stupid. You're believing things that aren't true.
Guys, they're not true. Men cannot have babies. I saw a picture on the
Internet. Dude! Stop smoking weed! Please!
Do something more than you know I can play Call of Duty. Okay? Stop twisting a fatty and do something based on reality.
There is a God. You're not Him. You will confess Him as Lord. I pray that you do it today.
I'm going to ask the music people and the pastors to come up. If you're in this room today and you've got questions or you're scared or you're nervous or you just don't understand, come up and ask one of these people up here.
If you're in this room and you need to join a church because you need accountability because your spiritual life's jacked up, come up here.
We'll hook you up. If you need to pray for somebody or pray for something in your own life, come up here.
We're going to pray for you. For the rest of you in this room that are believers, I promise you there are people in this room that are not.
Go seek them out. Share within the Gospel of your testimony the Gospel of Jesus Christ and actually be the church instead of sitting there singing some stupid song.