Daniel in Exile Part 16

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Sunday school from April 2nd, 2023


Daniel in Exile Part 17

Daniel in Exile Part 17

All right we are going to pray and we will get started. Lord Jesus again as we open your word we ask your
Holy Spirit to help us to rightly understand what you have revealed there so that we may properly believe confess and do according to your holy word we ask in Jesus name amen.
Now what I'm going to do here let's see if I can spotlight that for everybody because I think it'll help when I do that.
Okay so if you've noticed we've been doing a glacial pace through the last few verses of the book of Daniel chapter 11 and the first few verses of Daniel chapter 12.
We've done an excursus on the concept of the Antichrist and you'll note that I'm not engaging in the perennial game of pin the tail on the
Antichrist. I always like to tell the story that when Barb and I were first married we lived in Seattle and there was a
Vietnam veteran who would come in every month when he would get his disability check. He came back from Vietnam without the use of his legs and so every month he would get a check from the government and he would disappear into a bottle of booze for a month and then resurface in order to cash the next check.
But one particular day he came up and I was a bank teller at the time and I'm cashing his checks and I kid you not he looks at me and goes do you think that Nancy Reagan is the
Antichrist? And there was no hint of like he was joking or he was looking for a laugh or whatever and I said no.
I hadn't really thought of that and at the time I really didn't know theology much at all but I do find it fascinating that everybody who tries to like figure this out they end up looking pretty foolish when they start going according to like the dispensationalist or the pre -millennial route in order to figure this out.
And I would note that when I was growing up the book that was the one that everybody needed to read was
The Late Great Planet Earth. You guys remember that one? The Late Great Planet Earth? Hal Lindsay? I can't believe that guy's still around but he is.
And you know it was during the 70s that he was claiming that the imminent you know rapture was just around the corner the
Antichrist is about to be revealed yada yada yada well the 70s turned into the 80s and so he wrote a follow -up book called 1980s
Countdown to Armageddon and I think the clock is busted you know because the 80s clock has counted down and boy do
I miss those days but I don't miss some of the fashions. I'm just saying big hair was a thing back then and that was not my favorite.
Okay you guys remember hair bands and Aquanet there we go yes so those were the days of Aquanet so I don't
I don't miss those particular things but all of that being said when we walk through what the
Bible says about the Antichrist you'll note that it's quite sober it's not sensationalistic it gives us things that we're to be looking for as far as like traits of the
Antichrist and the Antichrist focuses his work on the church the
Antichrist is not an opponent of democracy the Antichrist is not an opponent of fascism or communism the
Antichrist is an opponent of Christ and him crucified for our sins that's his main focus and you'll note here in talking about the
Antichrist in this way I'm using an expansive way of talking about the
Antichrist not talking about the last man of lawlessness who will kind of embody the
Antichrist but the Antichrist is something that has been with us the entire time the
Antichrist will have us take his final form you know like you remember the movie
Ghostbusters you know choose the final form he'll come out like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in order to destroy
Manhattan the Antichrist will take his final form for sure in the last days but the
Antichrist has been with us the entire time from the time of Christ's ascension until today and until Christ returns the
Antichrist has been with us so when we think about the Christ the Antichrist in that broad sense uh the sense that this is this is you know there's a demonic spirit
Satan himself behind the Antichrist he's been with us in waging war with that with the church with the saints for the entire time so with that we'll kind of finish the excursus that we started uh last
Sunday talking now about you know the kind of finishing up what did the Lutheran Confessions say regarding the
Antichrist and Dr. Steinman notes fifth and finally the Antichrist is to endure throughout the church age he will only be destroyed at the second coming of Christ thus he will come to his end just before the resurrection on the last day many of many other identifications of the
Antichrist have been proposed but the papacy is the only one that has continued to exist throughout the church age in the early centuries of the
Christian era the Bishop of Rome did not claim authority over other bishops or over all the churches he was restrained until the demise of the
Roman Empire and this is true if you read the writings of the church fathers there were several bishops who had we'll say more notable bishoprics and the
Bishop of Ephesus the Bishop of Alexandria the Bishop of Rome the Bishop of Antioch when you and and here's the thing uh have you noticed that churchmen don't always get along with each other have you guys noticed this it's just a thing okay uh when you read the writings of the early church fathers prior to the fall of the
Roman Empire uh these guys were all called papas they were all called papas in other words that's the word for pope right and it wasn't really until the fall of the
Roman Empire and then I would say the also the ascension of uh of of Islam because if you were to think of it this way there were several very important bishoprics in North Africa and when
North Africa falls to Islam then you know those those seats of those bishops those that they're gone they are legitimately gone they do not exist anymore and as a result of that it left a power vacuum and it's into that that these were then the claims that were coming up that the that the
Bishop of Rome needs to have quote the primacy and the and the arguments for and against the primacy of the
Bishop of Rome from that era still exist Gregory the Great who was one of the bishops of Rome he argued against the primacy of the pope
Gregory the Great legitimately said if you make the the pope primary then you're creating the office of the
Antichrist that was Gregory's argument and he was a pope and so I would note here that that's kind of a fascinating thing okay so in the early centuries of the
Christian era the Bishop of Rome did not claim authority all the other bishops or over all the churches he was restrained until the demise of the
Roman Empire in the fifth century subsequently the Bishop of Rome claimed authority over all of Christendom and began to promote false doctrines and practices openly okay now
I'll give you another example of an Antichrist smaller one would be like Ken Copeland Kenneth Hagen, Joyce Meyer, Rick Warren people like this are people who are promoting false doctrines and doing so openly false practices openly it's not just doctrine it's also praxis and so in many respects that abuse of power continues to this day not only in Rome but I would note that the that the
Antichrist is well at work within pretty much every denomination that claims allegiance to Christ and that's that you know
Missouri Synod is under attack from forces similar and I would note that even the
ALC is under attack from forces that are similar and each generation of pastors and leaders that come up through the church and take their place in positions of service within the congregation each generation has to hold their line hold the line against these assaults and attacks we are not allowed to create
Christianity 2 .0 and the thing is is there's so many people out there who are pastors or bishops or church leaders or whatever who claim the right and prerogative to change what the church's doctrine and practices are and we do these to our own demise that's the function of the
Antichrist so those omissions suggest that the confessors were not seeking to thoroughly analyze and comprehensively include all of the biblical evidence from all of the passages and scriptures that speak of that about the
Antichrist that could be left to exegetes or dogmaticians writing other kinds of works besides the confessions instead the confessors work the confessors thought it sufficient to cite only one one representative verse and enough biblical evidence to make a convincing case for the opinion that the papacy fulfills the primary marks of the
Antichrist as he is described in scripture so the judgment of the Lutheran confessions that the office of the papacy is the
Antichrist is a historical one that is there is no passage in scripture that explicitly equates the papal office and the system of in the
Roman Catholic Church with the Antichrist instead these equation this equation remains a judgment that the portrait of the
Antichrist in scripture fits the events of history subsequent to the writing of the books of the bible involving the teachings of the pontiff of the
Roman Catholic Church thus this identification is not the honest is not the unassailable and explicit teaching of scripture rather it is a conclusion based on scripture and subsequent history this commentary concurs with that conclusion which is based in part on the book of Daniel the confessors identification of the papacy as the
Antichrist is often dismissed as a reformation era anti -catholic polemic however a sensitive reading of the confessions reveals that the confessors felt compelled to make this identification because of the testimony of scripture themselves moreover the confessors did not seek to overthrow or abolish the
Roman Catholic Church or the papacy but to reform the church calling for it to return to biblical teaching and practice they desired to remain within it only after they were expelled did they form a separate church body it's kind of important the
Lutherans didn't set out to start a Lutheran church the pope said enough get out of here
Luther and excommunicated him right their identification of the papacy as the antichrist is actually intended as a constructive criticism for the
Roman Catholic Church in at least two ways first by identifying the papacy as a mortal threat to christ the christian faith it is the confessions are seeking to warn brothers and sisters in christ of the grave danger that they face from the tyranny of papal rule far from being antique an anti -catholic polemic the motivation is christian love and concern for fellow believers and for the good of the church as a whole to use an analogy god's love and human compassion would move us to be concerned about our fellow citizens if our state or country were seized by a ruthless and abusive tyrant we would speak out against him and take action to save others from his tyranny to alleviate his oppression of others as well as of ourselves so the confessions were concerned about the papal abuses that oppressed people redeemed by christ abuses that in many cases continue today unabated in the roman catholic church second by acknowledging that the scriptures teach that the antichrist will arise within the church the confessions implicitly acknowledge that the pope and the roman catholic church are part of the one holy christian and apostolic church many individual members of the roman catholic church are in fact christians and genuine saving faith in christ exists among its members moreover it is the institution and office of the papacy specifically as it has mandated false teachings and practices that the confessors identify as the antichrist not the person of any pope or popes many of the individual popes may well have been christians justified through faith in christ as the sole source of salvation and may well be in heaven today so you'll note that this this leads to a very complicated way of looking at this because scripture talks about the spirit of antichrist that is that is attacking the church and then that that that spirit of antichrist takes on agents within the within the visible church to overturn christian doctrine to subvert the gospel to paper over it all together to change the practices and the way the worship is done in the church and that's all in league with the spirit of antichrist and so visibly within the church presently we point to the office of the papacy as like a prime example then of an office that is doing the work of the antichrist because the the roman dogmas are not biblical all right so for instance where in scripture does it teach that mary was perpetually a virgin after she gave birth to christ where in scripture does it say that we are to pray to dead saints to pray to the virgin mary where does it talk about purgatory where does it say that we can purchase an indulgence a plenary indulgence right where where is that taught in scripture where where are you get the idea here there's so many of these bizarre doctrines that you just sit there and go this this as a whole you can tell the system is corrupted and the papacy defended these doctrines at the point of your own salvation you deny these things that's a mortal sin right and so we point to that and say that is the office of the antichrist acting in the church which is changing christian doctrine and changing christian practice altogether okay now that doesn't mean you know and so you'll know that that doesn't mean that we don't we don't recognize that there are also christians within rome there are and that there probably quite a few popes that are in heaven today there indeed are but that's that doesn't take away from the fact that still you have all of these abuses within roman catholicism and i would note those abuses have now come full force into evangelicalism all right with the false doctrines that are being promoted today by the the greatest of the false teachers and the false practices that have been brought into to this okay and then let's see here um okay so karen goodwin asked the question where will where is it taught that the uh that the antichrist will arise from within the church and that is found in second thesalonians chapter 2 and i'll explain it and you know because a lot of people that if you come out of like charismatic churches and churches that bought into this idea of the pre -trib rapture then uh you'll note that there are some major problems uh josh did you see that we're getting uh people online saying that their the audio is very crackly crackly yeah we're checking the audio folks we're going to see if we can do here all right so let me show you the text in question and it's second thesalonians chapter 2 and in when when you kind of take off your uh dispensational pre -trib uh pre -millennial lenses then you're able to see it very clearly but in second thesalonians chapter 2 it says concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and are being gathered together to him we ask you brothers not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed either by a spirit or a spoken word or i would note a new york times best -selling fiction series um our letters seem to be effective the day of the lord has already come let no one deceive you in any way that day will not come unless the rebellion that's the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself against every so -called god or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of god proclaiming himself to be god now dispensationalists will sit there and say well that means that we have to have a rebuilt third temple in jerusalem and therefore that's what the antichrist you know is going to rise up and no in paul's theology this is consistent through all of his new testament theology the church is the temple of god and when you read the book of hebrews again a good way to think about the new testament the new testament is the greatest commentary ever written on the old testament it gives you the proper way of understanding how the old testament works and you'll note that in the book of hebrews itself it talks about the fact that the temple is a type and shadow of christ and that the mosaic covenant has been literally abrogated it's been put down it's done away with it's passed away the official theological term for uh for the for the state of the mosaic covenant is the german word kaput okay so is kaput we do not offer sacrifices in the temple in jerusalem that doesn't make sense all of those sacrifices did nothing to forgive sins they all pointed to the once for all sacrifice of christ um so uh moto z says that the audio just got miraculously better josh okay just it's a miracle okay all right very good so so the idea then in verse four then of second second thessalonians the antichrist opposes and exalts himself above every so -called uh you know so -called god or object of worship in the temple of god that is not referring to a mosaic covenant temple there is no mosaic covenant temple and even if there were one rebuilt it wouldn't be that because that would be an abomination we would be going back to the types and shadows instead that the the temple of god in pauline theology uh in throughout the new testament is the church okay the church is the temple of god do you all not know that you are the temple of god and anyone who destroys god's temple god will destroy this is how the apostle paul writes he's not talking about the the building that herod you know had uh renovated he's talking about christians so that's how we know that the antichrist is a churchman he rises up in the church so he's primarily a churchman who then becomes a world political leader okay hopefully that all made sense now coming back then to daniel chapter 12 we've kind of we've kind of done the the antichrist to death here if you would and uh and good i'm kind of done with him i just i'd like to move on you know it's like i don't want to think about him too much so at that time it's what it says in chapter 12 at that time shall arise michael the great prince who has charge of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never has been since there was a nation till that time but at that time your people shall be delivered everyone whose name shall be found written in the book now i'm going to point this out okay this is talking about what we would call as lutherans we call it the devil's little season other people will call it the great tribulation the problem about the great tribulation is that language is used in the early part of the book of revelation and we are all in the great tribulation already the great tribulation started with the ascension of christ and continues to this day but as we get closer and closer to the return of christ the restraints on the antichrist start to come off and there's a growing increase of satanic activity demonic activity anti -christian activity that that comes undone at the very end and so lutheran theological lutheran theologians will call it the devil's little season where the best way i can put it is all hell breaks loose and uh you're if you're alive as a christian during that time you have a really good chance of being martyred that that's and the uh the preferred method of execution that we've kind of figured out from the book of revelation for those christians during that time is probably going to be beheading guillotine something like that because that's what's mentioned uh in the book of revelation so you'll note then that that who are daniel's people here's an exegetical point you see today's dispensationalist will say daniel is a jew so daniel's people are jews and they're and they're talking genetics no no no no watch how this works there'll be a time of trouble such as never has been since there was a nation but at that time your people who are daniel's people everyone whose name shall be found written in the book y 'all are daniel's people i is daniel's people anybody who is a christian today is daniel's people it's not talking about genetics it's talking about the faith of daniel those whose names are written in the book and many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt that my friends is a reference to hell it's talking about the resurrection on the last day and you'll note here everlasting life everlasting what contempt how long does everlasting contempt last forever how long does everlasting life last okay let me get let me give you a text on this also which i think will be super duper helpful and yes super duper is a is a very important theological term everybody uses it and in academia today super duper and we are going to take a look at matthew chapter 25 parallel passage to this and here's our passage then the final judgment so christ in matthew 25 gives this parable thinly veiled parable by the way it's not hard to figure out what is what when the son of man comes in his glory and all the angels with him then he will sit on his glorious throne before him will be gathered all the nations and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats now if you miss this point you're going to end up in works righteousness everybody's separated by what they is sheep over here goats over there get to it right so you know sheep is a set you know they will separate one from another as a sheep separates uh as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats he will place the sheep on his right the goats on his left the judgment has occurred now it's just a matter of where you end up so then the king will say to those on his right he talks to the christians first come you who are blessed by my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world let that sink in for a second have you ever stopped to think that what we're going through right now is not plan b have you ever heard of the concept of open theism it's a terrible theology it the terrible the open theism basically teaches that god does not know the future he does not know what's coming next and so when adam and eve sinned in the garden of eden the the trinity went whoa we didn't see that one coming whoa surprise you know you know could it be satan i had no idea that he was here right that's ridiculous yeah so you'll note here that christ says to the sheep inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world yes marilyn okay what do they think of creation how god doesn't know the rest of the story okay so hiding underneath the hood of open theism okay hiding underneath the hood of open theism is old school gnosticism okay and and and here's the idea is that old school gnosticism teaches that everything you see was accidentally created by a demi -urge yeah and just didn't see that coming right it was it was a complete accident that was not what the intent was and oops he created matter okay so you'll note that the characteristics of the demi -urge responsible for creating matter is very similar to the deity of open theism and so what i've what one of the things i have noted is that when you have liberal theologians talking about god in such disparaging ways and try to bust him down so that he is no longer omniscient all powerful all knowing all these things and god just he's kind of bumbling along oh you know hi this is the holy spirit you know um when he's bumbling along that the deity that they are they are imagining fits the description of the demi -urge that accidentally made the uh the earth and so uh i would note that the people who are engaging in theological attacks like this i my personal belief is that many of them know that know that they are they're gnostics they just don't want to say it and so they're trying to to say that gnostic theology is biblical theology without saying the word gnosticism but when you overlay the beliefs of gnosticism over their belief system it's the same thing it's just the same thing all right but you'll know christ says prepared for you from when the foundation of the earth so before the foundation of the earth was even laid god had prepared for us a kingdom this was always god's plan the whole kit and caboodle and then he says to the sheep i was hungry you gave me food i was thirsty you gave me drink i was a stranger and you welcomed me i was naked and you clothed me i was sick and you visited me i was in prison and you came to me and then the righteous will answer him saying lord when do we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink when do we see you in a stranger and welcome you or naked and clothe you and when do we see you sick or in prison and visit you and the king will answer them truly i say to you as you did it to the least of these my brothers you did it to me now let me do a quick word search i'm going to look for the word mother and i'm going to search in the gospels i should be looking in matthew but i want you to see something here okay all right matthew 20 matthew 12 46 while jesus was still speaking to the people behold his mother and his brothers stood outside asking to speak with him did jesus have brothers no no that can't be i thought mary was a perpetual virgin no she consummated her marriage otherwise she would have been a wicked woman okay so behold his mother and his brothers stood outside asking to speak to him but he replied to the man who told him who is my mother who are my brothers so no we're we're in the book of matthew so this is an earlier bit from you know 13 chapters earlier and christ asked the question who's my mother who's my brothers so stretching out his hand toward his disciples he said here are my mother and my brothers whoever does the will of my father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother so in our text here jesus said truly i say to you as you did it to the least of these what my brothers who are christ's brothers those who do the will of the father you did it to me now note christ is not saying if you feed the poor and you clothe the naked which by the way are good works those are good things to do you are your brother's keeper that that somehow merits salvation remember the judgment took place when they were separated so now he's just talking about the details then he will say to those on his left the goats depart from you cursed into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels for i was hungry and you gave me no food i was thirsty you gave me no drink i was a stranger and you did not welcome me naked and you did not clothe me sick and in prison and you did not visit me visit me then they they also will answer lord when do we not see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison or and did not minister to you then he will answer them saying truly i say to you as you did not do it to one of the least of these who's he pointing to the least of what the christians those who believe you did not do it to me you'll know that you know heathens are going to heath that's what they do right and as a result of that heathens they have they have no desire to hear the gospel they're not going to go visit a christian who's been thrown in prison they don't care if a pastor's naked and hungry and can't clothe feet clothe his children they don't even care if a trans person guns down their children in a christian school in fact you'll know did you did you guys see the social media did you see the media outlets that were basically portraying that trans murderer as the victim did you see that pay attention the world is losing its mind right truly i say to you as you did not do it to the least of these you did not do it to me and then these will go away into eternal punishment but the righteous into eternal life so you'll note in our daniel text we have eternal contempt contempt and eternal life bracketed together here we have eternal punishment and eternal life bracketed together how long does eternal life last forever okay in eternal life will you ever have less days ahead of you than behind you no it is days without end how long does eternal punishment last forever now you might seem to think well why are you going on about this ah because in our day okay there is an eschatological belief that i likened to flat earthers okay you know you're dealing with a bad theology when in order to get a to arrive at that bad theology you first have to go through a conspiracy theory to get there okay you know you're always dealing with a bad theology and the name of the of this theology this belief is called conditionalism or annihilationism and here's how the argument goes well the early church they didn't believe in hell they didn't believe in eternal punishment but rome came in and rome introduced this new doctrine of hell in order to suppress people and push them under their thumb and to and to drag them into the darkness in fact it would be unbecoming of god to cause people to suffer for their sins for eternity so what happens is is that god works out how much their sin would re -equal sends them into hell and once they've had the requisite punishment they burn to death and they cease to exist and they go off into nothingness okay and it starts with what a conspiracy theory no that is just not how that goes and i would note conditionalism is a growing belief among evangelicals growing and i get i get accused of being a closet jesuit by that group because i believe in hell okay um let me let me look for um lily says many christians believe that there is no judgment and that everyone goes to heaven yeah thank you rob bell rob bell was the guy who made that very popular among evangelicals remember his book love wins okay talk about a master class in bible twisting holy smokes was that terrible okay his argument for everybody goes to heaven was that in in the the new jerusalem is described as having gates the you know the 12 gates and the and the doors of those gates are made of pearl but it says in there that the gates are always open so rob bell said because the gates are always open that means that nobody is excluded from from the new jerusalem and anybody who ends up in hell can just walk right out of it and walk right into the new jerusalem yeah it was against a perfectly just god now i would note something that in all of scripture the person who spoke of hell the most was jesus no there's like nobody who even comes close but you'll note then the parallels between what we were just reading and what we see here those will go away to eternal punishment the righteous to eternal life and we see then in daniel many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt how long does that contempt last forever there's another verse i'll throw into here um torment i'm just going to look for the word torment and i'm not going to look in the word gospels i'm going to look in the epistles i'm going to look in the book of revelation here we go revelation 14 okay see if this makes any sense revelation 14 11 in particular all right another angel a third followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand he also will drink the wine of god's wrath poured full strength into the cup of his anger and he will be tormented with fire and sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb and the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever they have no rest day or night these worshippers of the beast and its image how long does their torment last forever and ever they get no rest it's another argument against conditionalism and what's really funny is when you point these verses out to the conditionalists they legitimately sit there and go well that it doesn't mean that it you're totally twisting that text no we are not okay let me give you another example i gotta hunt this down though now tell them that baptism saves okay yeah aaron aeus um i want rule of faith okay aaron aeus is rule of faith let me see if i can find a good copy of it um aaron aeus on the rule of faith oh i'm gonna have to end up in a roman catholic website oh well okay my apologies um let's see here this is like an early copy of the um let's see i need to see the actual rule of faith ccl there it is this is from schaff's uh okay all right let's see here all right here we go all right so this is a second century document this is from uh aaron aeus's work called contra heresies or against heresies and let me give you aaron aeus's pedigree if i can okay aaron aeus's pedigree is this that uh he was discipled in the christian faith by a fellow by the name of polycarp polycarp is a fellow who was martyred in his 80s uh in smyrna and polycarp was baptized as a child as an infant by the apostle john in ephesus the apostle john became the bishop of the city of ephesus and actually brought mary jesus's mother with him there her tomb they recently discovered in like less than a decade ago if i'm not mistaken not too far from ephesus yeah well she did not she did not have a you know she did not get assumed up into heaven um and so this work okay pedigree from the apostle john to polycarp to aaron aeus that's what we're talking about this is when the church is very pristine in its theology and aaron aeus his contra heresies was written against the gnostics in fact in the research i've been doing on the gnostics they hate aaron aeus the reason why they hate him is because he legitimately catalogued the beliefs and the narratives of the gnostics which were not supposed to be published they were supposed to be learned through their secret initiations and so the greatest book that we have that teaches us what the gnostics of his era believed was written by aaron aeus and they hate it because he was an opponent of it okay and so here you see what's called the rule of faith and the rule of faith is the measure by which aaron aeus will judge whether a group is heretical or whether they are orthodox whether they are telling the truth biblically or not and in this work we get like a pre -version a early version of the nicaean creed and he claims he was taught this by polycarp and polycarp claims he was taught this by john the apostle so creeds kind of came into play very early in the christian church so here's how it the church though dispersed through our whole world even to the ends of the earth has received from the apostles and their disciples this faith she the church believes in one god the father almighty maker of heaven and earth does that sound familiar and the sea and all things that are in them and in one christ jesus the son of god who became incarnate for our salvation and in the holy spirit who proclaimed through the prophets the dispensations of god the advents and the birth from a virgin and the passion and the resurrection from the dead and the ascension into heaven in the flesh of the beloved christ jesus our lord and his future manifestation from heaven in the glory of the father to gather all things in one and to raise up anew all flesh of human race in order that christ jesus our lord and god and savior and king according to the will of the invisible god every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth things under the earth and that every tongue should confess to him that he should execute just judgment towards all that he may send spiritual wickedness and the angels who transgressed and became apostates together with the ungodly the unrighteous and wicked and profane among men into everlasting fire but may in the exercise of his grace confer immortality on the righteous and the holy and those who have kept his commandments and have persevered in his love some from the beginning of their christian course and others from the date of repentance and may surround them with everlasting glory did erinaeus believe in hell yes he did and you'll note that comports perfectly that comports perfectly with what we read in daniel and what we read in matthew 25 all right everlasting fire and you'll note the fire is everlasting because that's how long they're gonna be there okay the conditionals will say well the fire is everlasting but they're not that's putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable okay all right so you'll know the the one of the things that scripture does so for instance when we talk about communion all right the lord's supper in the scripture it talks about the bread and the cup do you drink a cup no you drink the contents of the cup right this is another example of that when it talks about everlasting fire it's not making the it's not making the point well that fire sure does last forever it's like the energizer bunny of fires the whole point is that that's where they're going to be and however long it's burning they're going to be burning with it because in revelation it says that the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever that's the point so all right let's i gotta end there because i gotta go do another passion sunday sermon and service in at emmanuel and radium so we will pick up again in two weeks so just know remember next sunday easter services begin at 10 a .m