1 Samuel 2 (Hannah's Prayer / The Wicked Sons of Eli)


Bible study recorded live on radio 5/17/2023


1 Samuel 2 (Hannah's Prayer / The Wicked Sons of Eli)

1 Samuel 2 (Hannah's Prayer / The Wicked Sons of Eli)

So this morning we're going to be continuing our study of the book of 1st Samuel We're gonna be in chapter 2
So if you have a Bible handy go ahead and turn there last time we saw Hannah praying at the tabernacle
Praying to God that he would give her a son She made a vow before God that if he did give her a child
If God gave her a son she would give her child back to the Lord For him to serve the
Lord all of his life So Eli the priest was there and he saw Hannah weeping and crying and praying to God her
Her lips were moving, but she wasn't making any Sounds so he accused her being drunk, which was not the case make a long story short
God answered Hannah's prayer and gave her a son and She named him
Samuel So jumping ahead a bit God is going to use Samuel to prophesy against the house and priesthood of Eli because Eli He wasn't doing the right things his sons were wicked and He didn't do anything about it
So not only did Eli accuse a righteous woman his sons will get into the evil that they were doing and Eli being in a position of authority
He refused to do anything about it so this is what we'll look at in a few minutes and it has real application to the church today because sometimes not only parents but church leaders
Sometimes they see things that are clearly wrong and they just refuse to act and yeah
Eli was an old man, but being up there in age doesn't Doesn't give you an excuse to sweep evil and Heresy and whatever is going on.
It doesn't give us an excuse to sweep it under the rug So God is going to deal with Eli and he's really going to deal with his two sons
But we'll talk about that in a moment So let's begin reading
First Samuel chapter 2 Hannah is just so overjoyed With the birth of her son
Samuel that she offers up this prayer. So 1st Samuel chapter 2 begins with Hannah's prayer and Hannah prayed
My heart rejoices in the Lord My horn is exalted in the
Lord. I Smile at my enemies Because I rejoice in your salvation
No one is holy like the Lord for there is none besides you
Nor is there any rock like our God Talk no more.
So very proudly Let no arrogance come from your mouth for the Lord is the
God of knowledge and by him actions are weighed the bows of the mighty men are broken and Those who stumbled are girded with strength
Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread and the hungry have ceased to hunger
Even the baron has born seven And she who has many children has become feeble the
Lord kills and makes alive He brings down to the grave and brings up The Lord makes poor and makes rich He brings low and lifts up he raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap to set them among princes and Make them inherit the throne of glory
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's and he has set the world upon them
He will guard the feet of his saints, but the wicked shall be silent in darkness
For by strength, no man shall prevail The adversaries of the
Lord shall be broken in pieces from heaven He will thunder against them.
The Lord will judge the ends of the earth he will give strength to his king and Exalt the horn of his anointed
Then Elkanah went to his house at Ramah, but the child ministered to the
Lord before Eli the priest So we see that after Hannah offers up this prayer
She then leaves Samuel at the house of God where he will minister.
So the young boy Samuel will serve the Lord and He is serving God under the supervision of Eli the priest
Okay, so let's look at this prayer briefly Hannah goes from being bitter in chapter 1 to being filled with gratitude and joy in chapter 2
God has vindicated her. This is similar to the last book. We studied the book of Ruth Remember Naomi at the beginning of the story wanted to be called
Mara which means bitter But then at the end of the story her name becomes famous in Israel as one blessed of the
Lord So these women go from a very difficult situation and God lifts them up so Ruth and Naomi and Hannah these are great women of God Examples that we would look to Eli however is a bad example
So when people think of Hannah in the Bible, yeah, Hannah was good when people think of Eli Eli was not so good
So Hannah her prayer has four parts in verses 1 & 2
She rejoices in God's deliverance and verses 3 through 8. She warns the proud of the
Lord's humbling She affirms the Lord's faithful care in verses 8 & 9 and then petitions
God to judge the world And to prosper his anointed King in verses 9 & 10
This is also similar to David's song in 2nd Samuel verse
Chapter 22. So look at verse 10 for a moment. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in pieces and If you are a student of Scripture if you read the
Bible the whole Bible including the Old Testament you should see that this is Somewhat reminiscent of Psalm chapter 2 the
Lord in all capital letters, Jehovah Jehovah God will judge the earth and how will he do that?
By giving strength to his King that is his anointed verse 10 again, the adversaries of the
Lord shall be broken in pieces this of course speaks of Christ he is
God's anointed King in the Old Testament David becomes The type or the prototype for the
Messiah But of course David. Yeah, he's a type of Christ. So it points ahead to Jesus.
So I think it's safe to say that Hannah's prayer is Inspired by God there's an element of prophecy within it and You know, we know it's inspired by God Since it's speaking of the
Christ and it's of course recorded here in Scripture So this is not one of the more well -known passages in the
Old Testament, but there is a part of this prayer that's often quoted and it's sort of sad really but the most the most quoted part of this prayer the most quoted part of this chapter is
Often referenced by a group that well, let's see How should I I don't want to call them conspiracy theorists, of course
They are but I don't want to call them conspiracy theorists because you know these days Conspiracies turn out to be more accurate than Most people want to admit it's called a conspiracy theory and then six months later you find out that it was true
Of course, we're coming out of well, I won't say any more about that. But Yeah, there's a group of like the mother of all conspiracy theories
The flat earth, right? Okay. So yeah, the flat earthers actually quote from this prayer and We'll look at that verse in a moment, and I realize this is more of an internet thing it's probably not even worth touching on but I've never met someone who believes in the flat earth.
So I think it's more people that you'll discover online Maybe they're trolling or just having fun.
I'm not sure but the flat earthers love to reference verse 8 So people will say this is the argument
They'll say well the Bible says that the pillars of the earth are the
Lord's and he has set the world upon them so that the earth is set upon pillars
Because the Bible says so now again, I'm not gonna get into this too much This is just one of those verses that people will twist and try to claim that the
Bible teaches a flat earth This and the statements about the earth having four corners but of course, this is just symbolic language in Prayers and in Psalms there are often statements that you don't take too literally
Verse 2 for example says there is no rock like our God. Nobody thinks that God is
Literally a rock you don't even need someone to tell you that you just know So this idea that the earth is literally sitting on pillars
That's not the point But that's what some people say that the earth is a flat disk and it's sitting on pillars and look the
Bible says it's sitting on pillars, okay, that's enough of that So the young child
Samuel and I always say that in case you run across someone online just just ignore it Okay, but this young child
Samuel Verse 12, he's ministering to the Lord Verse 11 says before Eli the priest so Eli is supervising him training him verse 12
Now the sons of Eli were corrupt and they did not know the
Lord and It then it goes on to describe their abuses how the sons of Eli who are also acting as Ministers before God they would
Basically in a sense they were practicing extortion they would force people demand more from people than what was
What they owed what they were supposed to sacrifice. They wanted more for themselves They took the offerings that were to be sent apart to God those parts of the offerings and they took them for themselves
The fat of the sacrifice was supposed to be burned a sweet smelling aroma to God But they took it for themselves.
Look at verse 16 And if the man said to him This would be the sons of Eli if they said to them.
Hey, you should really burn the fat first, which is what God commanded Then you may take as much as your heart desires then he would answer no
But you must first give it now and if not, I will take it by force so you can see that the sons of Eli were violent
Hey, you need to give me this or else Well now we don't know if they actually used violence
But it sounds like that verse 17 Therefore the sin of the young men.
This is Hoth nigh and Phinehas the sons of Eli Their sin was very great before the
Lord for men Abhorred the offering of the Lord what they were doing was so vile it just it turned people against God So there was this abusive behavior going on at the tabernacle
And you know, especially when people were being threatened and this is all being done pretty much out in the open
Yeah, it's gonna leave a bad taste in people's mouth They're commanded by God to go and make these offerings, but the priests are turning it into a mockery
And it turned people against the ministry and doesn't this happen so often today?
There are abuses going on within ministries within churches you have abusive pastors and then you know, there's the prosperity preachers who demand money and They'll try to scare people into doing things
Because you can't go against God's anointed These are you know, the televangelists who demand money.
God will not bless you unless you give me more money and Then of course, there's the abuses you think of the clergy sex abuse scandal within the
Catholic Church and just all these different abuses What does it do it turns people against God?
It's sad because of course God is gonna judge all these people So it shouldn't turn people against God, but it does turn people against the ministry
So if I can give a little pastoral advice
Just like the sons of Eli were corrupt Much of what you see on Christian television is also corrupt especially those
Christian quote -unquote Infomercials that run late at night and early in the morning where the televangelist is saying hey
You need to give me all this money If you want God to heal you if you want God to do something for you
You need to give me money that is an abuse and it turns people against the church So stay away from stuff like that.
Don't watch stuff like that So just the point is just as there were corrupt ministers back then
There's corrupt ministers now just as there were faithful ministers back then there are faithful ministers now
So don't let a few bad apples, you know ruin it for you or for everybody
Because the contrast here, okay Eli's sons were wicked but Samuel Samuel will be faithful Look at verse 18 but Samuel ministered before the
Lord even as a child Wearing a linen ephod Moreover his mother used to make him a little robe and bring it to him year by year when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice, so Hannah leaves the young boy
Samuel at the tabernacle, but she would visit him from time to time and she would bring him things this little robe
Would have been worn under the ephod Which is a sleeveless garment sort of like an apron so Samuel being young he constantly would have been outgrowing these things.
So his mother is Consistently making him these new outfits. So when
Hannah and her husband Elkanah would come up verse 20 Eli it says would bless them and he would say to Elkanah The Lord give you descendants from this woman
For the loan that was given to the Lord and they would go to their house So you remember it said that Hannah lent
Samuel to the Lord? So it's it's interesting. They they call this alone.
Well, you know, we're lending him to you and Really the Lord is coming through and answering these prayers and these statements with Eli blessing them.
You remember Eli Said may God in back in the first chapter when Hannah was praying for a son Eli said may
God answer your prayer and God did and now Eli is saying, you know may Hannah have even more children and God answered that as well, but it has less to do with Eli and more to do with Hannah So God isn't just doing whatever
Eli says God seeks to vindicate those
Who have been mistreated and God is going to use Hannah's son to do great things
Samuel is going to grow up to be one of the greatest prophets Israel has ever seen
So God is doing this for Hannah Because she's been mistreated verse 21
Says in the Lord visited Hannah so that she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters
Meanwhile the child Samuel grew before the Lord one thing that doesn't really get talked about is
How hard it must have been? When Hannah didn't have any children and then finally she has the son
Samuel and she raises him to two or three years old And then she has to give him up Of course, she vowed this she's willing to do it
But that must have been hard. There's no comments on that at all But God eased that pain
By giving her many more children So there again, there is this contrast?
between Hannah and her son Samuel and Eli and his sons
God is doing great things for Hannah He's gonna bring some bad things to Eli's doorstep
God is going to mightily use Samuel but he's gonna kill the sons of Eli Now here's the thing about Eli You know, he doesn't seem like such a bad guy
It's not that Eli Personally was doing these terrible things It's more of what he didn't do, you know, sometimes people ask me about a preacher
It's like hey, what do you think about this guy? You know? Is this preaching any good and you know, yeah, and it's like well what he says is true
But sometimes the problem is not what he says. It's what he doesn't say And that's the situation with Eli.
It's not what he did. It's what he didn't do and Sometimes that can make a person just as bad.
For example, if you know of something Evil something terrible that was going to happen and you had the ability to stop it by turning a blind eye
You'd be even in courts today the way the law is written You can be charged as an accomplice and that's what's happening here.
Eli was in a position of authority He saw this evil his sons are threatening people extorting people
They're sleeping with you know, committing fornication and adultery at the tabernacle and he sees all this
He's the guy in charge who could stop it, but he doesn't why well because they're my sons or I really like these young guys
So I'm gonna protect them. I'm not going to do anything Well say Eli just became a partaker then in their evil deeds.
So this passage verse 22 Through the rest of the chapter is titled
Prophecy against Eli's house verse 22 says now Eli was very old and he heard everything his sons did to all
Israel and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting
So he said to them why do you do such things for I hear of the evil dealings from all the people
So it's like this is spread everybody sees that everyone's complaining about it They go and they tell
Eli and what does Eli do? He moans to his kids about it, but he doesn't do anything He says in verse 24 know my sons for it is not a good report that I hear you make the
Lord's people transgress So the Bible says Eli is an old man, but that is not an excuse
Hey, if he's too old to do the job he can step aside and let someone else do it But being old is not an excuse
He heard what his sons were doing and really his sons were acting more like pagan priests since it was common among the
Canaanites to blend prostitution with the worship of Baal There's a story in the book of Numbers how when the
Moabites Drew some of the men of Israel into the worship of Baal there was an incident at the tabernacle of meeting where the pre one of the
Israelite men Slept with one of the Moabite women right like right there in the open
They went into the tent and remember that story Phineas And this is a different Phineas because Eli's son is named
Phineas, but but this is a different Phineas the grandson of Aaron I believe he was he took a javelin if you know the story he took a javelin and He immediately
Put a stop to all of it. He killed the man And you say well, that's a little
Extreme well no because he went down in history as a national hero in Israel Eli on the other hand he sees this type of stuff happen, and well you know hey, what are you gonna?
Boys will be boys I guess He's just telling his sons. Hey, don't do that.
Have you ever seen a parent and You know their kid is doing something like they totally should not and they just say hey stop that But they don't do anything and the kid just continues to do like that's bad parenting sorry
Eli is a bad priest because his sons are doing this and he just lets it happen and Eli even admits that it's causing others in the nation to sin so he knows this is a very serious situation
But again finally he's not Willing to do anything about it and God will judge him because of that So he says to his children if one man sins against another
God will judge him But if a man sins against the Lord who will intercede?
for him nevertheless They did not heed the voice of their father
And here's the most interesting part of it. Why did they not listen? They didn't listen the
Bible says because the Lord desired to kill them
What does that mean they they didn't listen or they couldn't listen because God decided he was going to kill them
It sounds as if God made it so that they couldn't heed the warning And I think this is one thing a lot of people don't understand and what some people resist
Sometimes there is a line that people cross Eli's sons had the freedom to make choices and Then they persisted in that they were warned, but they rejected
God rejected. God despised God and This isn't just them doing something against someone else.
This is high -handed rebellion against God They were warned, but you know at a certain point God says enough is enough.
They crossed the line now. They can't repent Just like God did to Pharaoh you know
Pharaoh hardened his heart Pharaoh hardened his heart finally God stepped in and Hardened his heart once and for all and this can happen to people and this is what happened to Eli's sons
God stepped in and he turned them over to what Romans 1 calls a
Reprobate mind and they enter the downward spiral and there's really no coming out of it now
This this happens. This is a thing in the Bible again. Some people don't like it. They don't they don't want to come to terms with it and It's true some people can cross a line
Now as far as I know because I'm not God. I'm just reading about the story in the Bible, so I'm not
God I don't know when someone has crossed that line so as far as I'm concerned if somebody has breath in them
As far as I'm concerned there's hope for them but from God's perspective It does appear that when there is a line and a person crosses it and they know better And they keep doing evil and keep doing evil
Eli's sons at this point they crossed the line Their fate was sealed and that God had determined to judge them
Notice what it says again Nevertheless, they did not heed the voice of their father because the
Lord decided or desired to kill them That should be a sober warning to anyone who's persisting in evil and keep keep doing it as high -handed rebellion
It's not some private sinner doing something wrong. No, it's something that's out in the open there. It's blatant
They're spitting in God's face. They keep doing it. They keep doing it. They're warned. They know better You can cross that line
So Eli's sons They're finished They're dead men walking at this point verse 26 but Samuel the child
Samuel Grew in stature and in favor both with the
Lord and men. So what is God gonna do? He's gonna pull down the wicked Eli and his two sons and he's gonna raise up Samuel so now after Eli's sons are doing all this evil.
He's not doing anything about it Now a prophet shows up God is going to use Samuel going forward
But right now a different man shows up a prophet of God look at verse 27 Then a man of God came to Eli and said to him thus says the
Lord Did I not clearly reveal myself to the house of your father when they were in Egypt and Pharaoh's house?
Did I not choose him out of all of the tribes of Israel to be my priest to offer? Upon my altar to burn incense and to wear an ephod before me and did
I not give? To the house of your father all the offerings of the children of Israel made by fire
What's this prophet doing to Eli he's rebuking him Didn't God do all of these wonderful things for you and your family verse 29
Why then do you kick at my sacrifices and my offering? So this prophet is speaking for God Eli, why are you spitting in my face?
Eli, why do you kick at my sacrifice in my offering? Which I've commanded in my dwelling place and you honor your sons more than me to make yourselves fat with the best of all the offerings of Israel my people
God is angry with Eli and he sends this prophet to tell him So this is a strong statement.
God is asking Eli. Why are you doing this? Your sons, you know, you're you're
Respecting your sons more than you're respecting me. You're honoring your sons more than your
God Now someone might say yeah, but Eli rebuked his sons well sort of he mildly admonished them
But you know Even if Eli spoke really sternly to his kids This isn't about using the correct tone of voice
Eli was in a position of the authority and leadership. All that mattered is that he did something
What mattered is did Eli act? And he didn't he refused to act and this is a real warning for church leaders today
Yeah We might know what the Bible says and we might agree with what the Bible says and we might even
Preach against some of the things that are wrong But if we refuse to apply the
Word of God if we fail to act and uphold God's standard in the church
Especially if we're doing it to protect people we like That's what Eli did
Look at verse 30 therefore the Lord God of Israel says
I Said indeed that your house and the house of your father would walk before me
Forever that's what I said before but now says the Lord far be it from me for those
Who honor me I will honor and those who despise me
Shall be lightly esteemed Matthew Henry writes this those who allow their children in any evil way and do not use their
Authority to restrain and punish them in effect honor them more than God Let Eli's example
Excite parents earnestly to strive against the beginnings of wickedness and to train up their children in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord however in the midst of the sentence against the house of Eli mercy is promised to Israel look at verse 34
Now this shall be a sign to you that will come upon your two sons.
This is still the Prophet speaking to Eli which in a sense is
God speaking to Eli your two sons a Sign will come upon them half nigh in Phinehas in one day
They shall die both of them and of course This will come to pass in chapter 4 when the
Ark of the Covenant is captured and on that day Eli Will die as well
The Lord says then I will raise up for myself a faithful priest
Who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind? I will build build him a sure house and he shall walk before my anointed be forever
There are debates about who this faithful priest is a Partial fulfillment in Samuel.
I think to be sure also the house of Zadok in the time of Solomon This is fulfilled, but ultimately ultimately the faithful priest has to be the
Lord Jesus himself and There's so many applications here to pastors church leaders.
You know, don't be like Eli An old age is no excuse to not deal with things
And of course, there's the application for parents. Don't let your children run wild Because if you do allow that you're the one who's responsible
But despite the judgment that will come upon Eli's house. God is still faithful to his people
Hannah was blessed by God Samuel will be a man mightily used by God and God's grace is always best displayed by his son
Whom he sent into the world I'll close with the rest of Matthew Henry's commentary on this passage.
He says God's work Shall never fall to the ground for want of hands to carry it on Christ is that merciful and faithful high priest whom
God raised up when the Levitical priesthood was thrown off Who in all things did his father's mind and for whom