1 Samuel 25:18-44



1 Samuel 25:18-44

Okay, well open us up with a word of prayer, please Mike And if I say anything wrong, we'll let Meg clarify it All right, let's go to 1st Samuel Pick up where we left off And I will read verse 18 through the end of the chapter because we left off it that's where we left off Said then Abigail hurried took 200 loaves of bread two jugs of wine five sheep already prepared Five measures of roasted grain a hundred clusters of raisins 200 cakes of figs and loaded them on donkeys She said to her young men go on before me behold.
I'm Coming after you but she did not tell her husband Abel and it came about as She was riding on her donkey and coming down the hidden part of the mountain that behold David and his men Were coming down toward her so she met him met them Now David had said surely in vain I have guarded all of this man's Things in the wilderness so that nothing was missed of all that belonged to him and he has returned me evil for good May God do so to the enemies of David and more so if by morning I don't leave so much as one male the longing to him alive and when Abigail saw David She hurried and dismounted from her donkey She fell on her face before David bowed herself to the ground She fell at his feet and said Oh me alone My lord be the blame and please let my maidservant speak to you and listen to the words of your maidservant Please do not let my lord Pay attention to this.
I'm sorry Please do not let my lord pay attention to the worthless man Nabal for as his name is so is he Nabal is his name and folly is with him But I am your maidservant and Did not see the young men and my lord whom sent whom you sent Now therefore my lord as the Lord lives and as your soul lives since the Lord has restrained you from shedding blood and from avenging Yourself by your own hand now then let your enemies and those who seek evil Against you be as my lord be as my lord and be as Nabal now Let this gift which your maidservant has brought to my lord be given to the young men Who accompany my lord, please forgive the transgression of your maidservant for the Lord will certainly make for you and For my lord an enduring house because my lord is fighting at the Lord's battles and evil will not be found in you all your days Should anyone rise up and pursue you and to seek your life and the life of my lord shall Be bound in the bundle of the living and with the Lord your God But the lives of your enemies he will sling out as from the hollow of a sling and when the Lord does the Does for my lord according to all the good that he has spoken concerning you and appoints you King and ruler over Israel then this will be this will not be a cause of grief or trouble to my lord's heart Both through having shed blood without cause and by my lord having avenged himself and when the Lord deals well with my lord then remember your maidservant and Then David said to Abigail blessed be the Lord God of Israel who has sent you this day to meet me and blessed be your discernment and blessed be you And I've kept me this day from bloodshed and from avenging myself by the hand by my own hand Nevertheless as the Lord God of Israel lives who has restrained me from harming you Unless you had come quickly to meet me surely there would have been not one Left at Nabal until the morning light as much as even one male So David received from her hand what she had brought him and said to her Go up to your house in peace and see I have listened to you and granted your request Then Abigail came to Nabal and behold He was holding a feast in his house like a feast of the king and Nabal's heart was married for he was very drunk So she did not tell him anything at all until the morning, but in the morning When the wine had gone out from him His wife told him these things and his heart died within him so that he became as a stone and about ten days later the Lord struck Nabal and he died and when David heard that Nabal was dead He said blessed be the Lord who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and has kept His servant back from evil then the Lord also returned the evil of Nabal on his own head then David sent a Proposal to Abigail and took her as his wife and when the servants of David came to Abigail at Carmel They spoke to her saying David has sent us for you to take you as his wife and she arose about herself to the ground and said behold your maidservant is here and your maidservant is here to wash all of the my servants Lord's feet and Then Abigail quickly arose wrote on the donkey and her her five maidens who attended her and she followed the messengers of David and became his wife David had also taken a Hinnah on the Jezreel of Jezreel and they both became his wife and Saul had given Michael his daughter David's wife to Palty the son of Layash who was from Gillom Okay, so last week we saw that David's men had been guarding had been guarding Nabal's men while they were in the field during the time of sheep shearing was a time of feasting and At the time of feasting David decided.
Hey, you know what? It's time for For us to have a feast.
We don't have anything.
So he went to Nabal or sent his messengers to him and He scorned David's men did he not what did he say? Yeah, basically called him a treasonous said he was causing a rebellion he was rebelling against the crown so David said told his men to Strap on your sword and 400 of them and he said strapping on what was David fixing to do is that David's problem or Nabal's problem? Whose problem is it not trick question It is it's David's problem Nabal is not responsible for David's avenging hatred towards Nabal Now certainly when he just come in there with 400 men with a sword He certainly would have an issue to handle if that would have been the case, but the hatred in David's heart is because David is He's not trusting in the Lord.
Once again, this is God's anointed King and this is the man after God's own choosing Okay, but this is David once again trusting in himself Did David have the right to go in there and slaughter every man boy and even infant male child in that city It's still no he did not have her but had he done had Nabal done anything deserving of that type of vengeful attitude No, it's also I mean we all right We're going hey all David did was asked to this but is that not an outburst of David's anger is it not Certainly it is How is it that we go from chapter 24? where David had the opportunity to kill a man who actually had Tried to kill him at least we know two times through a a spear at him and missed He had sent people to kill him in his house while he was laying in his bed He had then slaughtered a city of priests 85 priests and then the whole city David had the opportunity to kill that man that was actually killing him and Humanly speaking had he not been the anointed King that would have been the right thing to do because that man sought his life He says I will trust in the Lord.
I will entrust myself and that he will judge Saul righteously Why isn't David acting that way now you see you see the difference now? Where he had the opportunity to take something into his own hands and to kill a man he did not he says the Lord will Take care of this in this case He says you know what Nabal didn't give my guys some stuff and we've been nothing but kind to him I'll fix that scoundrel.
I'll kill everybody in a city or in his in his camp And it's wrong.
So he straps on his things.
They're heading that way and lo and behold Abigail shows up Here's what she says to her her servants and actually those are Nabal servants she look at what she loads on here remember he sent ten guys to carry back notes and things What does she put on these donkeys? 200 loaves of bread All right, 200 loaves of bread two jugs of wine five sheep already prepared Five measures of roasted grain and a hundred clusters of raisins and 200 cakes of figs and she put those on donkeys Look now she's going to embellish David for hey, look look what my husband did was wrong.
He was a foolish man Let me prepare something and send it on my way.
What does it say? It says that she said Go on before me and now we'll come I will come after you when I read that I kind of reminded me as when Keith was teaching through Genesis, do you remember when Jacob was going to see Esau again? Do you remember what he did? I Mean he sent a bunch of them to their waves of them He sent waves of goodies to say hey, man Look, I'm coming in peace and that's what she's doing is saying.
Hey, look, I'm coming in peace and it's interesting She says hey, I'm gonna go on before you.
I think she was going to go and home and freshen up She was gonna go wash her face put on some makeup comb her hair And wash her feet and head on down that way and it says that Then it came about that when she was riding on her donkey and coming down the hidden part of the mountain You know, obviously when I see that she'll be coming around the mountain when she come I know y'all are more sanctified than me Um, but that's what I that's what I hear.
All right And she came around the mountain and behold David and his men were coming down toward her So she met him and David had said surely in vain I have guarded all of these man's things but what David is saying is true Well, this man should have blessed me what he should have returned kindness for kindness.
Should he had not should it not be reciprocal? Yes, it should but should we ever return evil for good? No, we should never do that And he he took that as hey, he is returning evil for good but what David's wanting to do is far more is far worse and David said he goes on he says hey, I'm not gonna leave every man alive verse 23 and when Abigail saw David She hurried and dismounted from her donkey and fell to her face before David and bowed herself to the ground She does the same exact thing that David did in the previous chapter to Saul She remember he saw Saul.
What did he do? He bowed down to the ground and says Oh Lord the king, you know I had the opportunity to kill you and I did not okay In this case.
She she does the same thing.
She draws as a as a act of submission Not because of David just being a man is because most people at this point had already saw David as going to be the king okay, and we're going to you'll you'll see that here in a few minutes if we get that far and She fell down to the ground batter face it She fell at his feet and I don't know if y'all saw how many times Lord was said through this next section It was is everybody some of it capitalized and not capitalized that you can see whom speaking as a active as as Speaking to David as a man of distinguishment versus speaking of the Lord as being Yahweh or Elohim.
Okay That's where it's capitalized and not capital.
She's not saying that David was Lord is in Yahweh She was saying is hey, you're you're you're over me and authority in the sense that I'm going to do it what you asked me to do and I'm going to show submission to you Says, please let my maid servant speak to you and listen to the words of your maid servant.
Look how she addresses herself I'm your servant.
You just listen to just give me the opportunity to speak and in verse 25 Please do not let my lord pay attention to that worthless man nabal now I'm not saying this is an example of how women should talk about their husbands But I am saying she's calling a spade a spade Right what he has done is been foolish and in her attempt to at least when David's To win day the right to for her to be heard by David She says look this guy's a fool What he did was foolish and if you'll just give me the opportunity I will speak and see if we can't resolve the situation and she even says hey nabal's his name And folly is with him.
And is that true? Yeah Certainly.
I mean like I said Could could very well may have Maybe yeah, maybe not to the extent of hey, we're fixing to kill everybody in the land But certainly she realized that this guy's an idiot, you know, he's a fool and we don't like I said last week We don't think that mr.
And ms Nabal had a baby comes out they cut your bill cord and hold it up and go.
Oh, look at this little fool You know, that's not what happened He's obviously it it came about probably as a nickname and became because he was foolish And if you go back in the beginning of the chapter It talks it never talks about his character he is all it's all about his money and what he has and also he is wrapped up in his stuff and As I was reading this We get back down to the end where he he he turns to stone Basically has a stroke or whatever and the Lord strikes him dead had that man Who had heard the parable of when Jesus says hey tonight? You're you're gonna be called into account and he wouldn't have been so tight-gripped on his things But obviously that he didn't care He loved his stuff and I do I think he was I think part of that fear that struck into him is I'm fixing to Lose all my stuff You know fixing to lose all my stuff so It says in verse 6 now therefore My Lord as the Lord lives There's the two as the Lord lives Man, she always lives and as your soul lives since the Lord has restrained you from shedding blood has the Lord yet restrained him from shedding Blood not yet.
She ain't got there yet.
She is assuming that The Lord's going to intervene and I think she's right.
Obviously, you know, that's what happens Hey the Lord's restraining you we're seeing what's called compatibilism and the Theological turn is compatibilism and we're also seeing concurrence is God's going to restrain David Is Abigail going to restrain David Yeah, because David even says it had you not come the Lord would not have restrained me He sees it as both of them doing it.
They're working together God has a purpose and who did he use for the providence of restraining David? Who did he use? He used Abigail he'd used Abigail so She says from avenging yourself by your own hand and letting your enemies and those who seek Evil against my Lord be as enabled she's saying look now that because you're not going to do this I want you to know that Those that have will treat you as my husband naval I pray that you that they would be as my husband Abel and foolish and that they will be avenged by God And in verse 27 now this gift which your maidservant has brought to my lord Be given to the young men who accompany my lord She's given in the gift of all that stuff for David and his men Please forgive the transgression of your maidservant.
Hey, she is taking the blame on herself She is saying look don't let this be on Abel.
Don't let the fool take it as me I'll take responsibility for this action but in doing so I'm going to give you these gifts as an act of retribution as a Act of peace, but let that transgression be on me for the Lord Becca and he's Verse 28, please forgive the transgression of maidservant for the Lord will certainly make for my lord an enduring house Is that not a prophetic statement by Abigail if we when we get into? 2nd Samuel we're going to get Into the which is called the Davidic promise.
So people call it Davidic covenant get there I'll tell you my reasoning for saying promise and not covenant, but You get to the Davidic promise is that God Promises David that through his seed he will have an enduring kingdom and she is already saying the same thing She's saying look you will certainly have an enduring house meaning a legacy because my Lord is fighting the Lord's The battles of the Lord's is that true is what David doing fighting the battles for God When he's going out he's slaying the Philistines Yeah, because that's a that's a the the Shepherd warrior Kings job is to disarm the enemies of God's people and She says here for the Lord will certainly make your house You're fighting his battles and an evil will not be found in all of your days Should anyone rise up and pursue you and to seek your life? And then the life of my Lord shall be bound up in the bundle of the living with the Lord your God But the lives of your enemies he will sling out as the hollow of a sling that is true Yeah, you know we start with let's get back up.
We'll start with Saul Saul's not ever gonna touch David Why? Because the Lord was with him because the Lord was with him Even when you get into 2nd Samuel and it and what a terrible situation that is with Absalom Absalom It tries to kill his dad's His his dad's kingdom even with Adonijah to towards the when you get into first Kings It's God Protects David because God's with David Nobody ever puts their hands on David He is God's anointed king and he's a man after God's own choosing remember who chose David Why did he choose David because he wanted to? Because God had set his purposes on David there was nothing in David that was that was worthy of being chosen He was just a shepherd boy out there throwing rocks in the field And then God had prepared him and his heart to come in and to be the leader of Israel And it says and then the the Lord and when the Lord does for my Lord According to all the good that he has spoken of concerning you and appoints you king over Israel This will not be a cause of grief or trouble to the heart of my Lord Both by having shed blood without cause and by my Lord having avenged himself She is saying the same thing that David told Saul Previous chapter look I can't shed innocent blood, but what is David about to do? He's about to do the same thing He actually his conscience when he cut off the the hem of his garment or his robe his conscience was so Offended that he he says ah I've basically touched the anointed in this case She's saying don't do this because then you will have a conscience that will be offended when you go into your kingdom And you begin to rule you're gonna have to deal with this in your conscience if you so by not doing so you won't ever have to deal with this trouble on your conscience and When the Lord deals well with my Lord then remember your maidservant She is already preparing herself that when David becomes king remember what I've done for you Remember what I've done for you We're verse 32 that David said to Abigail Blessed be the Lord God of Israel who sent you this day to meet me David sees the sovereignty of God in sending her to meet him look he he says to say and blessed be your discernment and Blessed be you look blessed be God blessed be her disposition and blessed be Her of her person who have kept me this day from bloodshed and from avenging myself by his own hand So here it is David says who is it? It was God that did it who was the means? Abigail how did he turn that how did Abigail and God you how did God use Abigail to turn David's heart? By coming with gifts coming with gifts Recognizing guilt and and her being a discerning person say hey, just listen what I have to say and and yeah And it's interesting that David actually listened You know God had prepared the heart of David to listen to what she had to say Nevertheless as the Lord God of Israel who has restrained me from harming you unless you had come quickly to meet me David says here.
It's the God that restrained him from harming her was he it was his plan to harm her Yeah, no, but would it have harmed her certainly he was fixing to make her a widow It was fixing to make every child in that city.
That was that would have been a female child left They'd have been without a father But what was one of the curses on the on people? was to be widowed and Fatherless What did widows and the fatherless what were they left to do? Beg women were to go over drug off into prostitution I mean it was just there was no protection Imagine all of the things that Nabal had which we know this man was a rich man David goes in there and ate him and him and his family I mean him and his men go in there wipe out every man of the family in there.
What what is by? default going to happen from the Philistines They're gonna fill that vacuum take all Nabal stuff haul her off into slavery and slave the children that were left That's exactly what would happen Why were they not doing that at that time? Because David had built a wall around them and she and he said that and he says here in verse 34 Nevertheless as the Lord God of Israel lives who has restrained me from harming you unless you had come To meet me quickly Surely there would not have been anyone left to Nabal until the morning light as much as one male So David received from her hand what she had brought him and said to her Go up to your house in peace and see I have listened to you and have granted your request Hey, we know that some of the men that were with David were some bloodthirsty ruthless men my hand boy there We're fix we're fixing you got men like Abishai and Joab and also hell you got those men who were ready to just drop the hammer And then yeah, and then yeah, I can imagine seeing them on their horses riding And these David's like all right turn around And Abishai has been itching to do it anyway, he's granted a request Go to your house in verse 36 and Abigail came to Nabal and behold He was holding a feast in his house like that of a king Who else was holding a feast we remember in? Redemptive history holding the feast he was in his house and the judgment of God came on him.
You may remember book of Daniel Yep, right on the wall and this gave a drunk having a drunken party Nabal's doing the same thing He was enjoying us.
He was enjoying his blessings.
He was unwilling to share When she got there, he was a drunken monkey and Says that Nabal's heart was married within him for he was very drunk So she did not tell him anything at all until the morning light.
Why didn't she tell him that night? Just out of curiosity, huh? So he's under yeah understand what just took place and maybe he'd have flew off the handle, you know Maybe he'd have flew off the handle She said hey, she obviously didn't check with him for she sent these donkeys who were probably struggling to get up the hill with all these things and She he would probably very angry Because he had already said told his servants to not do it And when David heard I'm sorry But in the morning when the wine had gone out for Nabal his wife told him these things that had happened in his heart died Within him so that he became a stone We don't know what she told him exactly we don't know why his heart became stone we can we can somewhat speculate Was he fearful that David his men were coming? Could he could he have been fearful could have I? To the persuasion that he was like I'm gonna lose all my stuff and I'll go that based on it's an inference We draw that conclusion back at the beginning What was Nabal associated with none of his character at first his wealth and he was man He's fixing to lose everything that he has how many people have we known in history? When they lose their wealth they kill themselves Remember the I'll never have me.
I'll remember the in History when the stock market crashed.
Yeah, and the Great Depression Maybe people jumping off buildings because they lost their wealth.
I mean, how many people do we know? And not personally no But I've seen in history even in modern days because they lost all of their money though They blow their brains out eat a handful of pills People are so wrapped up in their stuff that they'd be willing to die Could he have had a heart attack at this point or a stroke that obviously something happened because he came stone And then said it ten days later Who struck Nabal? The Lord did it The Lord did it It's exactly what David said back in the previous chapter was Saul The Lord will judge between you and me well in this case in order for David to have let the Lord let when I say let but for the Lord to judge Nabal he had to have the Providential restraining by God to intervene so that God could do it and not David David did not have any right to To kill Nabal he was not deserving of death for what he did but he was deserving of death by God because first he's a sinner and He had scorned God's anointed King Everybody that scorns God's anointed King ends up dead.
Just let you know that this is following even when they go into the land and In first Kings you basically read his swan song to Solomon he these men that had raised up their hands against David and his years that he had spared their life He says you got to take care of this guy this guy this guy and this guy and what does Solomon do? He says okay It's a couple of them They've run to the horns of the altar two of them run to the horns of the altar to try to be saved from The the punishment and they send word back to Solomon says hey, they've ran to the altar.
What do we do? And he said hey man, my dad said kill him They kill him right where he's at if it's at the altar at the temp at the tabernacle strike him dead And that's exactly what happens So those that put their hand against David they don't escape the judgment of God and in verse 39 It says and when David heard that Nabal was dead He said blessed be the Lord who was pleading the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal and has kept Back his servants hand from evil once again He sees that God had restrained him from doing that which was going to be evil It's interesting Abigail's planning a funeral and David's already planning a marriage Yeah, it says I would it sounds like he wasn't even good and cold yet before David's sending messengers to To marry her it says and the Lord has also returned the evil of Nabal on his own head, and that's true What a but Nabal did was evil it was wrong He should have been kind to God's anointed King one He should have been kind because he was the anointed King, but he should have been kind to his brethren Member that he was of the tribe of Judah Time of prosperity.
What were they supposed to do share the wealth? Because the where did the wealth come from? From the Lord it was always you know the shearing of much sheep the bringing of much harvest the The crushing of and filling the jugs of much wine was always a picture of God's God's love and prosperity to his people Remember what what did he say when you come into the land? things in Deuteronomy 26 and 27 or 27 28 where they're on Mount Mount Gerizim Mount Ebal and they're hollering the blessings and the cursings back It's the one of the cursings is hey when you don't have any when you don't have any wine It's because you've done wrong when you don't have any any any seed or any grain It's because you've done wrong But when you have those it'll be because of the blessing of God because you don't that which is right So this should have been and Nabal's mind should have been man.
These are the blessings of the Lord I should give this to my brethren and he didn't and through his scornful act the Lord ultimately strikes him dead by By just speaking a word whatever it is.
We don't know God struck him dead Then David sent and Proposed to Abigail to take her as his wife And when the servants of David came to Abigail and Carmel they spoke to her saying David has sent us to you To take you as his wife is what David did there Honorable, she's no longer married woman.
And what is he looking to do? Make sure she's taken care of and protected member she's let Nabal's gone Nabal's gone.
There's going to be someone that would probably come up within his group that would take the reins and Maybe mistreat her but if David marries her he protects her.
I believe that David is remembering what she said Hey when these things come about Remember me remember me and remember me She arose and bowed her face to the ground and behold your maidservant is a maid I'm here to wash the feet of your of my Lord's servants.
Look look at the submission that she shows to David Then Abigail quickly arose and rode on a donkey with her and her five maidens to attend her and she followed the messengers of David And became his wife and verse 543 David had also taken a Hinoam of Jezreel and they both became his wives.
All right multiple marriages was never God's Original intent in the garden the Bible and once again, we're coming to a section to where the Bible remains morally neutral and just to let you know, there is no prohibition other Than those that were Kings that multiple marriages were a violation of God's law Okay Do We see all through history where multiple multiple wives has caused problems Have we? Yeah, name some Okay before that Jacob Yep Yeah, you go.
Yeah go through the patriarchs and every one of their attempts to be a sense of jealousy you go to Sarah and Hagar, you know Sarah thought it was the smart thing to do to give her Hagar because she couldn't get pregnant and then once she did what happened Bitterness.
Yeah bitterness we rose up In Jacob's case.
He was tricked into marrying the ugly one David don't marry no ugly people either.
I mean Abigail was smart She was pretty She was wealthy and you know, he winds up marrying eight chicks and none of them are ugly You know Jacob gets tricked into marrying the ugly one and then he has to you know Work another seven years to get the pretty one And in this case David he gets Abigail She comes a complete submission to him Who a hen o'em is my only understanding of that would be was maybe that was Nabal's other wife Maybe I'm not real sure.
We don't know anything else about her other than we get in Of her being was one of his wives.
They both became his wives and it sounds like it around the same time they became The they're both married to him under this situation So David now has three wives and it backs up here in verse 44.
Where was Michael or McCall? However, you want to say that? Where was she? When's the last time we saw her? And she had put the idol in the bed that's the last time so from all that we know that might have been the last time that David had seen her and When we get in we're fixing to when we get into some of the the fighting David's gonna call and he says hey, man, you send a shiva shit Yeah, a shiva share when Saul dies a shiva chef.
I said it No a shiva chef.
I didn't say it right now a shimmy shit My favorite chef is Jonathan son a shiva chef is Saul son a shiva chef gets becomes Abner makes him King then they have the civil war that goes on between the house of Saul in the house of David the first couple of chapters of seconds of 2nd Samuel and David when they Abner's trying to make peace because this is I mean, they're slaughtering the Benjamites and He says, okay, you want to do that? You can send a shiva chef to me.
We'll talk about it But the only way I'm gonna talk I want my wife Killed and brought a hundred four skins of the Philistines and I want my hot wife back And that's what he does he actually goes takes her from Peltier brings him back brings her back and they they escort the husband all the way to the Yeah, he did.
Well Miriam Miriam.
He pulled back Miriam.
She decided she was gonna marry.
I Think she might already been betrothed to all to y'all Anyway, it says it who it was and she wound up marrying him.
But yes, but once again, that was the distrust of Saul Saul says hey, I'll give you my first daughter and then he lied and he says hey I'll make another deal with you go out and kill a hundred bring me back 104 skins I'll give you the other one and McCall loved David.
She did she loved David At the time and we do see that she does still care about him God strikes her womb Barren because when they in 2nd Samuel When he's coming in he debases himself bringing back in the Ark of the Covenant He strips down to his boxer briefs basically, and he's dancing before the Lord and submission and she rebukes him and Says why did you do that? You have made yourself like Aaron and he says would you should I not? Debase myself before the Lord for it was not your dad that made me King It was God that made me king and it says from that day forward.
She was barren I mean, there's no other way of understanding that other than that.
God had dried up her womb So we see that David takes multiple wives what does it say in the Mosaic legislation about multiple wives to Kings Don't do it Never says that men could not have multiple.
I'm not saying it's a smart thing to do.
Okay, but there was no prohibition There was a prohibition to Kings for doing it because it's plainly says by taking the lives of other Multiple lives it would lead the King's heart away from the true and living God and what do we see with Solomon? We see the scent.
Yeah, we see that with songs exactly what it does now We don't know when We can see in history when multiple wives stop it sometime Bert might know better than me.
You talked about a lot longer.
It's sometime in the intertestamental period We don't see like when you get into the time we're in where Jesus is is on the earth We don't see any of those men and Jewish culture with multiple wives.
So something took place.
I would even say Maybe even when they came back into the land after the exile is when you Stopped seeing men marry multiple wives I don't know if it was something trying to after Ezra tells them to depart from foreign wives Did they start going to just single marriages, which is from God's intent.
That was the intent.
We don't know but It was never pro.
It was never a prohibition.
Don't think it's smart Just like I said, you don't swallow chewing gum not because it's wrong because it ain't wise.
Okay, so Morally the scripture once again remains neutral on it it says that David's wife Michael had been given to Paltiel the son of Leah.
So some at some point After he had left after being chased by Saul she was given to another man by King David I mean by King Saul So, what do we see about David? What do you say? He was just a short march away from being just like King Saul revenge for himself Because he felt like he had been done wrong Did how did King Saul act when he felt like a Himalayan had done him wrong? He killed he killed 85 priests and then we can kill the whole city David Now set before him the same exact scenario David had been done wrong David had been done wrong and Him now having the opportunity to be like Saul and take matters into his own hands What did he do? He was providentially restrained by God and why? Because the Lord was with David.
That's why That's why who restrained a God did God did who was the means? Abigail Question comments outburst of anger letters to the editor riots demonstrations.
Sure Yeah, peacemakers bring gifts peakeepers carry bring guns no, no, I don't care about people carrying guns I think they're good, but that's what it is.
Pea peacemakers bring gifts.
Hey, look we're done wrong, let's make peace peacekeepers carry pistols and Guns because what do you got to do? You got it.
You got to keep the insurrection down Yeah, you're right.
It's a very good picture of it of a person interceding Hey, and she interceded on the behalf of the sin of another She did what she even says.
Hey, let that sin be on me Did she sin against David? No, her foolish husband did and she's just taking that blame upon herself was there was there part of that where there was some Self-preservation on that certainly I don't think anything wrong with that and nothing wrong with that.
All right, Stephen.