The Bread of Life, Pt. 1 (10/20/2002)


Pastor David Mitchell


The Bread of Life, Pt. 2 (10/27/2002)

I turn with me to John chapter 6 this morning, place a marker there, and then turn to Revelation chapter 11.
And while you're turning to Revelation chapter 11, I'm going to read Genesis chapter 2 verse 7. We have to be multifaceted this morning.
I'm going to speak to you this morning about the bread of life. We're talking about the topic
God is life, Jesus is life. I want to specifically speak to you this morning about Jesus, the bread of life.
Father, we ask that you bless the preaching time, keep us totally within the word, your word, and bless our hearts with spiritual blessings from on high.
As we hear your voice this morning from the written word, your Holy Spirit energizes it, quickens it, makes it the living word, and we know you will bless us as you feed our hearts.
But may we be a blessing as we come to worship you, as we hear your voice.
May it lead us to worship this morning, and we ask it in Jesus' name, amen. Genesis 2, 7 says, and the
Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
Can you picture that? The word formed where it says God formed man literally in the
Hebrew language means to apply pressure. He literally did make us from the dust, from the clay, and he formed us, but then he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
This Hebrew word for breathe is like kindling a fire. He breathed just the right amount to kindle life within man.
Now look at Revelation 11, verse 2, you see another place where it speaks in a very interesting way of this spirit of life that comes from God.
Jesus has said in more than one place that we have no life within ourselves. There's probably nothing that could be said that should remove more pride from our lives than that statement.
We have no life in ourselves. Our life comes from the spirit of life which
God breathes into us. Revelation chapter 11, verse 2 speaks to our topic, but it also puts us into a context that is very near to us since we are in the last days.
So this speaks of the very last of the last days, but the court which is without the temple leave out and measure it not.
Now many times when God measures things, he's measuring it for judgment. For it is given unto the
Gentiles, and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
How long is that? That is three and a half years, which is half.
This would be the first half of the seven year tribulation period. And during this first three and a half years,
Jerusalem shall be occupied by the United Nations perhaps.
The Bible doesn't say that, but it says by the Gentile powers. Could be the United Nations or it could be in the future, maybe the
United Nations won't be here anymore. We don't know how distant this is. It makes a sense when we read our newspapers every day that it's upon us, doesn't it?
Paul felt the same way, but we have to admit there are things that are in existence today that were not in Paul's day that have to be in existence for these things to happen.
So we are certainly closer, almost 2 ,000 years closer than Paul was. And my personal feeling, and I can't say the scripture says this, but this is just me as a
Christian. My personal feeling is that we are in the end times. I would say it's interesting to look at this and realize that Jerusalem, the city, shall be occupied by Gentiles for three and a half years.
Now, if you see the UN or if you see Bush or the UN begin to talk about the fact that the only way they're going to have peace in the
Middle East between Arafat and the Israelis is to occupy
Jerusalem and let it be an international city, then you're here.
That's all I can say. So watch for that and we'll see.
But we do know that it's what it's saying here, that it will be tread under foot 40 and two months.
Now during this time period, this three and a half years when the Gentiles overtake the city of Jerusalem, doesn't necessarily mean they take all of Israel.
It's just speaking of the city. I don't know if you heard in your news in the last three weeks, there was another effort made to make
Jerusalem be the capital city of Israel. The whole world has fought against that.
That's why their capital has been in Tel Aviv. Our embassy is in Tel Aviv and there was a move in this country to place it in Jerusalem and the world just shot that idea down.
They don't want Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel. So during this three and a half years, an amazing thing happens.
Look at verse three. I will give power unto my two witnesses, God says, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth.
How long is a thousand two hundred and threescore days? It's exactly three and a half years.
So during the entire period of this occupation of the Gentile powers in the city of Jerusalem, there will be two of God's prophets who will raise up and begin to prophesy this entire time.
These two olive trees, these two candlesticks will be standing before God of the earth.
And if any man would hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies.
And if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. These have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy.
And they have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they choose to.
And when they shall have finished their testimony, and this is true of all of us, each one of us in this room, this could be said of us, when we have finished our testimony, now it may not happen in this fashion, but when our purpose and duty and testimony is over, we will be taken home.
We'll be transported into heaven. When their testimony was finished, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them.
Who is this? Speaking of, specifically, Antichrist, doesn't it tend to indicate to you that he does not show up on the scene until this moment?
And we're in chapter 11. So the white horse is not the Antichrist over in the early part of Revelation.
The Antichrist makes his appearance here in chapter 11. For the first time, he literally ascends out of the pit at this place and immediately kills these two prophets.
That's the first thing he does. How many emperors have there been throughout history, and how many
Lenins and Stalins have there been who rule by eliminating their foes, by killing their enemies, their political enemies?
And this is where he starts, and he kills them. And verse 8, and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of Jerusalem.
Now, look what Jerusalem is now called, because the Gentiles have taken it over. This could be
Arab forces, it could be UN forces, it could be a combination. I don't know what it is. I know that it's not held by Israel at this time.
It's held by the Gentile powers. And look what it's called.
It is now spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also our
Lord was crucified. It identifies it. We are talking about Jerusalem, but it's called
Sodom and Egypt spiritually. Now, in the physical, it won't be called that. It'll be called Jerusalem.
But from God's viewpoint, it is as vile as Sodom and Gomorrah, and as worldly as Egypt, because it's out of order as the
Gentiles hold power over it. Now, look what happens as these two dead prophets lie in the street.
In verse 9, and they of all people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies.
Now, how can everybody in the world see that at one time? Television, could that have happened in Paul's day?
So sometimes I get a little irritated at people that always say, well, Paul thought it was going to happen in his day too.
Well, it's true, he did. But could it have? No. We have the advantage of hindsight, don't we?
Could there have been television where everyone, including the American Indians at that time, could have seen this happen?
No. Could it be that way now? Yes. Everyone's plugged in.
All peoples, kindreds, tongues, nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in the graves, and they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them.
I had a bit of a problem the other night when I saw on the Dallas News. They gave almost five full minutes to a reporter who reported on the
Billy Graham Crusades, and he was reporting on it in just a wonderful light. Oh, this is wonderful.
We've had people come down the aisles. He preached a simple but powerful message that affected everyone that was in the audience.
Just gave great praise to Billy Graham's crusade. That's not the way it's supposed to be.
Now when you hear them doing that with Jerry Falwell, let me know. When you hear the news media go down and tell us how wonderful John MacArthur is, let me know.
It ain't gonna happen. And when these two prophets are killed, the world rejoices.
That mindset is already upon us, ladies and gentlemen, and boys and girls. That mindset is here today.
First thing that happened when Falwell claimed that the leader of Islam was himself a terrorist, he called
Mohammed a terrorist, they immediately said, we're going to assassinate you, thereby proving that he was right.
And the people and kindreds and tongues of the nation shall see their dead bodies three days and shall not suffer them to be buried, and they shall rejoice over them and make merry and shall send gifts one to another, just like Christmas.
Because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. That's what a prophet always does.
When they come into a church, they torment everybody from the pastor to the littlest child sometimes.
That's why you don't see many of them coming into churches anymore. Most guys have their preacher buddies come and preach.
Don't have a guy like Rocky Freeman come, and there may not be many of those left, I don't know. I personally have a problem finding them,
I wish we could. Now look at verse 11, this is what speaks to our topic this morning.
But have you visualized the story up till now? Can you be like a person watching this on television up until now, and you're watching the evening news, and they're partying, and you're seeing this, and they're partying, and all of a sudden, after three and a half days of lying dead in the street, the spirit of life from God entered into them.
And they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them that saw them.
Wonder why. And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them,
Come up hither, do you think that might have frightened them? And it's interesting, but he didn't speak to all of them, he just spoke to the two prophets.
And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud, just like Jesus did. And their enemies watched, just like they watched as Jesus, with their mouths open, they said, why stand ye here gazing?
This same Jesus shall so come in like manner as you see him go into heaven. These will ascend in the same manner, and the enemies will behold them with their mouths gazing, dropped open, their jaws dropped open.
And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell. This is
Jerusalem. And the earthquake killed 7 ,000 men, and the remnant was affrighted.
Interesting King James English. They were affrighted. They were scared to death.
And these enemies were affrighted and gave glory to the God of heaven. Can lost people do that?
Oh yes. All creatures bring glory to God. Now let's go into John chapter 6.
And let's talk about this spirit of life from God that entered these two men.
Same spirit of life from God that entered Adam the day he stood up. Same spirit of life from God that entered you the day you got saved.
It has a two -fold meaning. There is a physical life that comes from God that even lost people have.
But there is a spiritual life that only you have, only his children have. Let's look at John 6 and verse 1.
I don't know how far we'll make it through this, but we have plenty of Sundays perhaps.
But let's go for a distance through here. Notice that in verses 1 through 15 we have the feeding of the 5 ,000.
And we're not preaching on this passage, but I want you to look at verses 13 and 14. It will summarize this part of the scripture.
Because this is the context that we find our passage in that we want to talk about. We're going to talk about Jesus the bread.
But first we have to understand there was the feeding of the 5 ,000 with physical bread. Which pictured a spiritual truth.
It pictured spiritual bread. They didn't know it yet. In John 6 verse 13,
Therefore they gathered them together and filled twelve baskets. This was after all of the people had been fed.
There were leftovers and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves.
Which remained over and above unto them that had eaten. Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said,
This is of a truth, that prophet, that should come into the world. Brilliant, aren't they? Keep that in mind because that's what they said.
Now verses 16 through 21, Jesus walked on water. Are you familiar with that passage?
All of this is the context of what we're about to get to. Look at verse 19 to summarize this.
So when they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they see
Jesus walking on the sea. And drawing nigh into the ship and they were afraid. They were affrighted.
God is one who can make us affrighted. Then they willingly received him into the ship.
And you notice that they didn't accept him. That's interesting, isn't it? He was coming on the ship whether they wanted him to or not.
So they received him. That was the smart thing to do. When you got born again, you were about to be born again.
You just didn't know it. And it is really true, you didn't have the choice to accept him.
Because that implies you had the choice to reject him. But you did receive him. So he comes, they were affrighted.
And he steps onto the boat from the water and they receive him. Willingly into the ship.
And immediately, now that's the human side of salvation by the way. And it must occur in time and history or you can't be saved.
Then they willingly received him into the ship. And look at this phrase. And immediately, now that's a strong word in the
Greek language. It means the blink of an eye. The ship was at the land where they were going to go.
But they were in the middle of the water. Perhaps halfway across and all of a sudden immediately they were at the shore.
That's a miracle. So now we've had the feeding of the 5 ,000 with five loaves of bread.
We've had Jesus walking on the water. And we've had the ship instantly transported from where they were to the shore in an instant of time.
They transcended time and space. When Jesus came on board. And now we introduce the passage we're interested in this morning.
John chapter 6 verse 24. When the people therefore saw that Jesus was not there.
Now these are the same people that he had fed. And his disciples were not there. They took ships also and they came to Capernaum seeking for Jesus.
And they asked Jesus a question or two. And Jesus totally ignored their question. And he said this.
Verily, verily, I say unto you. Ye seek me not because you saw the miracles.
But because you did eat the loaves and were filled. Now it's interesting that the
Jew is always asking Jesus to do something. To prove who he was. Let us see this and we shall believe.
Is what the Jew of that day always said. Now they just saw him turn five loaves into enough to feed 5 ,000 people or more.
If that's just the men then it would be more than that. Maybe 15 ,000 people and 12 baskets left over. And they come to be with him.
And Jesus said that's not even why you came. You just came to fill your belly again. The spiritual part, the miracle.
You didn't even see it. You didn't even worry about it. Didn't even think about it. Now look what he says in verse 27.
Labor not for the meat which perishes. This is what proves they were coming just to get fed again. They came all the way.
Went to the trouble to find a boat. Come all the way across the stormy lake. To get some more of this bread.
Must have been pretty good bread. Labor not for the meat which perishes.
But for the meat which endures unto everlasting life. The word meat here doesn't mean meat.
It literally means food. That which feeds the body. And he says don't labor for that which perishes.
Now the word perish is interesting. Because it's from two little Greek words put together. As so often is the case.
The word is apolomei. And the first little word is apo. Which we see a lot.
And it means off or away. Or it can mean fully. And the second part of the word means to destroy.
So Jesus says don't labor. The word labor is interesting too. Because it comes from a little
Greek word ergon. Which means in English ergs. That's the word for work and power.
Remember how we talked about at one point. How God supplies the power for his gifts to happen.
And he turns more power on when he wants to or less. Well Jesus is saying don't take the ergs that God gives you.
And waste them on things that will be totally destroyed.
But rather use these ergs. Use the energy that God gives you.
The life that he gives you. Only upon things which endure unto everlasting life.
The word endure is a little special word. That we find many, many times. Especially in the book of John.
The Greek word meno. M -E -N -O It means to stay or abide within.
When he says I'm in you and you in me. And when he says abide in me. My word's in you and ask what you shall. And these things shall be done unto you.
That word abide is meno. And so he says labor. Use the ergs.
Use the energy of life that God gives you. Only to go after things that abide forever.
Do not spend the energy that God gives you. For that which is destroyed. But for that which stays.
Unto everlasting life. And he finishes the statement by saying.
Which the son of man shall give unto you. For him hath God the father sealed.
The word sealed in the Greek means attested to. He has given him the stamp of approval.
He is the only one that God attested to. As the true son of God. Which the son of man shall give to you.
Labor after the things that abide forever. Which Jesus gives to you.
Which implies the opposite of what the world gives to you. The word didomei.
Which means to give. This is a gift from God. This is a gift of grace from him.
You cannot earn it. You cannot work for it. You simply can receive it. This food which stays unto eternal life.
Is a gift. And it is a miracle. And there is plenty of it.
For everyone who wants it. It won't run out. But neither will God waste it.
Which was pictured by collecting it in the twelve baskets. It was not wasted. That which was left over will be collected.
Reminds me of Ecclesiastes 12 7. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was. And the spirit shall return unto
God who gave it. Even when the lost people die and go to hell. God doesn't waste that life. He takes it back.
Sticks it in a basket. Takes it to heaven. And they go to hell forever. None of it is wasted.
God is sovereign. He doesn't dish out salvation. To anyone who won't receive it.
He did not die for the world. In the sense that he died for every single man, woman, boy and girl.
Because if that were true. Then those that are cast into hell wasted his energy and time. And he failed.
And his death was not sufficient for them. If he truly died for them. They do not have to die.
So he didn't. But he died for you. The ones he knew from the foundation of the world.
With love. He knew your name. And he knew your new name. He knew the time of your birth.
And the date of your death. When your testimony is finished. Then your race is finished.
You cross the line. And you wake up and find yourself instantly in heaven. With him.
There will be none of this wasted. To trust.
The interesting word here. Look at John 6 verse 28. And it said they into him.
Isn't it interesting? All this has happened now. Think about the context. The feeding of the 5 ,000.
Now all of these people didn't see the walking on the water. But they did find it interesting that they were immediately at the other side of the shore.
When they got there. And Jesus then tells them.
You shouldn't be here for the food. The physical food. You should be here for the spiritual bread. That's why you should have come here.
But you didn't. And now they're trying to be good. Now they're trying to impress.
Then said they unto him. What shall we do that we may work the works of God? That's what we want to do.
And it is what they wanted to do. They wanted to work. The works of God. That's how they wanted to be saved.
They wanted to develop their own salvation. They wanted to earn their own salvation.
They wanted to please God. They wanted to do something. For salvation.
Jesus answered and said to them. Something they did not want to hear. This is the work of God that you believe on him whom he had sent.
This word believe is peace to you all. Now listen what it means. It is not just mental assent of something.
Or consent of something. It is to entrust oneself with. To commit oneself to.
It comes from a root word. Which means to be persuaded of.
And to rely upon. So when Jesus said.
This is the work you must do. Believe on him whom he had sent. He said trust on him.
Be committed unto him. Be persuaded that he is who he says he is.
And rely upon him whom he had sent. Today the gospel message is just believe he is there.
Just believe he is there. Go live like you want to. Dear Jesus come to my heart and say amen. Hallelujah. I'm headed to the beer joint.
Little children that was called sarcasm. The pastor does not do that. I know you don't.
You take things literally. So I didn't. It's a joke. But that's what a lot of people do isn't it.
A lot of people say dear Jesus come in my heart and say amen. And then they go to the beer joint.
And they go do everything else the world is doing. And they do that for a lifetime. Were they saved?
No. Because just believing that God exists doesn't save anyone. In fact
Jesus told them that. He said well the demons believe and tremble. This word belief is a strong word in the
Greek language. To entrust your life to him. Children let me tell you what it's like to get saved. Ben listen here.
It's like this. To get saved you have to say hmm. No matter how old you are you always have to say hmm.
You know what? I've kind of done the stuff I want to do all the time. Always think of me first.
Always do what I want to do. And Lord Jesus today for the first time in my life
I'm willing to do what you want me to do for the rest of my life. I give my whole self to you.
That's how you get saved. That's commitment. You commit yourself to him and say now your life is more important than mine.
I give my life to you. You can in fact live through me on this earth so that you can help other people on this earth through my body.
I yield that to you. I give you my brain. I give you my body. I give you my toys.
I give you my hobbies. The things I like to do. I won't do them unless you want to do them with me. It is commitment.
Being persuaded that Jesus can run. Listen to me. Can run your life better than you can run it.
If you've never done that. Doesn't matter how many times you say dear Jesus come to my heart and say amen. You're not saved yet.
But just as easily as praying that false prayer you can talk to him in reality from your heart.
In two or three words and say I'm ready for you to be my boss instead of me being my own boss.
I'm ready for you to have my life instead of me having it. You can be saved just that quickly.
But understand that the word means to entrust your life to him. To commit yourself to him. To be persuaded that he can live your life better than you can live it.
He can live with you and it will be better. And to rely upon him the rest of your life.
Jesus said that's the work you do. That's the only work you can do. And the funny thing is it's not a work.
He was being facetious. Verse 30.
They said therefore unto him. Now look at this ladies and gentlemen. This is today. This is the modern charismatic movement.
This is the Pentecostal movement. This is what sweeping the world. This is promise keepers. This is what sweeping the world of religion today.
They said therefore unto him. He just tells them how to get saved. He tells them what spiritual life is all about. He says listen it's not about the food for your body.
It's about the manna from heaven. That's what it's all about. And they said well then what good stuff do we need to do then to please you?
He said nothing you can't please me. He said you can believe on me. And they come right back and say therefore unto him.
Well what sign do you show us then? That we may, listen to this. See and believe thee.
What dost thou work? Every one of them that said that probably went to hell.
Unless later God opened their eyes and I hope he did some of them. Because we're talking about 15 ,000 people here perhaps.
Many, many, many of those 15 ,000 people that saw him.
Divide that bread. Five loaves of bread to feed 15 ,000 people. Many of them are in hell right now.
And have been suffering in torment. Breathing in liquid fire. Breathing it out again and again.
For almost 2 ,000 years. Because when Jesus the bread of life offered himself.
And said I am eternal life. They said what can we do? And they said show us a sign.
So we can see and believe. Do you know that defies the definition of faith? It defies the definition.
You can't see and believe. It's impossible to see and believe.
Because if you saw you didn't believe. It was fact. You can only believe if you don't see.
Why is it that the whole world of religion today. They want to see someone healed. They want to see someone throw down their crutches.
They want to see somebody get slapped in the head. And fall right down and act like some. Weird mysterious mystical thing happened.
Why is it that they are still saying today. Wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait Jesus. Unless we can see something happening.
We are not going to believe. Jesus says well then you can't believe.
Because once you see it it's too late. Wow.
Verse 30 and 31 just totally destroys everything. That most of the religious Christian world today believes.
What sign showest thou then. That we may see and believe thee. What dost thou work.
There is no more sinful statement. That could be made than that. There are places where they ask the same thing.
And Jesus called them you sinner you adulterous generation. You seek for a sign and you will not get one.
The only sign you will get is the sign of Jonas. And by then it may be too late for you. Today the question is asked what sign will you show me.
You know he went on and said our fathers. Did eat manna in the desert as it is written. He gave them bread from heaven to eat.
So they want to see this. They want Jesus to produce some manna out of thin air. Did he do it?
Not this time. You see this is the start of a new dispensation.
This is not literally the exact moment that I believe. If you want to be theologically correct.
This is not the exact moment. That the new testament dispensation started. But Jesus is preparing them for it.
He is moving out of the old testament into the new testament. Way of doing things. And let me tell you ladies and gentlemen.
The new testament way of doing things is different. It is a religion of faith.
Above all things. Faith not sight. And we have every
Christian around you at work. You mark my words. Everybody around you at the grocery store that claims to be a
Christian. They are in that other camp now. You are just a very small remnant.
They are in the camp that says. Well Jesus show me something so I can believe.
What sign will you show me that God is working in your life? They will look at you and say. Can you show me a sign that God is with you?
Have you spoken in tongues? Can you heal anybody? You do believe that the dead can still be raised don't you?
Well you believe God can heal don't you? As if you don't. You see they confuse the issue.
We never had a problem with God did we? The problem I have with is a fake faith healer. That is who
I have a problem with. He can heal. No I don't believe he can heal.
I believe God can heal. So show us something. Show us God is working in your life.
Show us he is working in your church. If we come to sit in your church. Is it going to be powerful and exciting?
A lot of activity? Or am I just going to hear the word? And have to have faith that that is
God speaking to my heart. In a small still voice. With no verbal words.
In the Old Testament God spoke to his people. With verbal words.
God parted the Red Sea. In front of their faces. God spoke from a fiery bush.
God met with them in the mount. And talked with some of them as a friend. God gave them visions and dreams and prophets.
And they are saying show us these things now. And we will believe. But look what
Jesus said in verse 32. Then Jesus said to them. Truly.
Now he could have said that just once. And it would have been enough wouldn't it? But he says truly.
Truly. Now that's like saying ladies and gentlemen. I'm going to tell you twice.
That what you are requesting is not going to happen. Truly. Truly I say unto you.
Yes Moses in the Old Testament. Gave you not that bread from heaven. And that's what you want.
Are you listening to Jesus this morning? He didn't even give you bread from heaven. And that's what you want is what he gave.
Which was physical bread. That's why you followed me across the lake. Because you want some of that. That's all
Moses could do. And you want me to be like Moses. Jesus said. And today I would say to Christians today.
That all that this can accomplish. Is to make you feel really cool. When you see someone slapped on the forehead.
And fall off and shake and quiver. And maybe pull some of their clothes off. Make you feel oh wow.
It's like a prophet. Prophesying naked. Cool. And the women dance in front of everyone.
How many of you gentlemen think that would be a good idea for church? Have the women come up.
The young women come up and dance in front of us. Would that be really spiritual wouldn't it? Yes sirree.
Show us something God. Let's do some of these things. That they did in the
Old Testament times. Jesus said. Moses gave you not that bread that came from heaven.
But my father now gives you true bread from heaven.
Hallelujah. You got it. You're looking at it. You're hearing it. You're feeling it.
Feelings okay. As long as it comes from the bread from heaven. Hebrews 1. 1 through 3 says.
God who at sundry times. Who used to is what it says. What does that imply?
When you say something used to be this way. What does that imply? It ain't that way anymore. God who at sundry time.
In diverse manners. Used to speak in time past. Now what does past infer?
Is that now? Or is that once upon a time? So he says it twice.
He said used to say it. Then he said he said it in the past. Unto the fathers.
How many fathers do we have here in the sense of. Like old testament saints still walking around in our church.
They're not here. But he said this stuff to them. They're gone. They're not on the planet.
So this is all past tense stuff. In time past he said to the fathers. By the prophets.
But. In these last days. He has spoken unto us.
By. The manna from heaven. His son. Whom he hath appointed heir of all things.
By whom also he made the worlds. Who being the brightness of his glory. In the express image of his person.
And upholding all things by the word of his power. When he had by himself. Purged our sins.
Sat down on the right hand. Of majesty on high. And he's not enough.
We want something Moses can do in the physical. We want something religion can do for us.
We want a program. We want a feeling. We want to see something.
Then we'll believe. You think that's true? It'll make it harder for you to believe.
It doesn't work this way now. God speaks to us through Jesus now.
John 16 12. Jesus tells us exactly in minute detail. How this works. He says
I have yet many things to say to you. And he's talking to his apostles. And there are no more of those on this earth.
They're all gone now. When John went to heaven. The apostolic age was over. There are no more holy apostles.
It numbers them in the Bible. It says there are 12 of them. And there are going to be pillars. 12 pillars. So there aren't 13 or 14 or 20.
There aren't any more apostles walking around right now. So he's talking to these apostles.
That we know as the 12. I have yet many things to say unto you. But you cannot bear them now.
He was still had not died yet. Had not gone to the cross. He said there's more I've got to tell you. Because you're going to write these things.
And it's going to be my word. It's going to be manna from heaven. But you can't understand it all. So I'm not going to give it all to you while I'm still here.
Now Matthew, Mark and Luke and John. Record a lot of what he said when he was still here. But he told them that's not all of it.
You cannot bear all of it now. How be it? When he the spirit of truth is come.
Which happens after his death, burial and resurrection. When the Holy Spirit comes. He will guide you.
Now who's he talking to? Specifically. The apostles.
He will guide you the apostles. And do all truth. For he will not speak of himself. The Holy Spirit won't speak of himself.
Whatsoever he shall hear is what he'll say. And he will show you things to come.
He will glorify me Jesus Christ. For he will receive of mine.
And will show it unto you. All things that the father have are mine.
Therefore said I that he will take of mine. And will show it unto you. And you will write it down. And it will be a bible.
And it's bread from heaven. 2 Peter 3 .1 says this second epistle.
Beloved I now write unto you in both. Which I stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance. That you may be mindful of the words.
Which were spoken before by the holy prophets. And the commandment of us. The apostles.
There's the old testament and the new testament. Right in one breath. One verse. You've got that which was written by the holy prophets.
Of old. And you've got the commandments that were given by the apostles. Of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
There's the word of God. In verse 33 now back to John 6. Jesus says for the bread of God.
Is he which cometh down from heaven. And giveth life.
Unto the world. This word world is the cosmos. It means God's orderly arrangement of things.
Does not mean that he gave life to every man, woman, boy and girl. It means he allowed
God's order. His cosmos to not be destroyed. He is the propitiation of God's wrath.
And justice. And thereby he gives life to the entire cosmos. Including the elect.
Salvation is Jesus. He is the bread of life.
Romans 5 10. For if when we were enemies. We were reconciled to God by the death of his son.
Much more being reconciled. We shall be saved by his life.
We're saved by the living Jesus. He is the bread. Let's not look for anything else.
And let's not put up just a whole lot with those who do. We can be kind to people and still disagree with them.
And let them know. Was not Jesus letting these people know they were wrong? Is he not
Jesus? Is he not our example? So it's okay.
To let your charismatic friend know that he's barking up the wrong tree. As the
Holy Spirit leads. But of all people let your children know. And these children in this school.
And your grandchildren. And everyone that has to do with you. Tell them the truth.
Listen. You got to live by faith. And that is faith in the true bread.
Which is better than the bread that Moses gave. It's better than any works you can do. It's better than any physical excitement you can stir up.
It's real. That other stuff. You stir that stuff up. By the end of the day it's gone.
By the end of the... You get in the car and drive out of the parking lot. The emotions are gone. No matter how much you may love singing the scripture songs.
And the tunes. May make you feel really good. And by the time you get to the first part of the sermon.
That feeling is gone sometimes. But the words you heard are not. If they came from Jesus. That is the bread.
And we didn't even get a tenth of the way through. Let's stand and we'll continue this. Lord willing next Sunday. Dear Father we thank you for your word.
We thank you that your word is the only true manna from heaven. We thank you that Jesus is the living word.
Who is the only true manna from heaven. Lord may your Holy Spirit lead us away.
From the sin of ever saying Jesus let me see you do something. Father let us not have that sin in our hearts.
We're tempted too. It's not just the charismatics. Many times we are tempted. And we challenge you to do something for us.
So we know you still love us. Help us not to do that. Help us simply to rest in you.
And to rest in your timing. To rest in your love. To rest in your watch care.
And your mercy. And in Christ your son. Father may you go with us to our fellowship time.