Dr. Russell Moore's Clinic on How NOT to do it. (Part 5)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Support my work via donation: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AD_Robles I know lots of you are not shocked. I am, maybe I shouldn't be. Here is part 4 of my response to his signposts podcast.


Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo....  (Part 6)

Eric Mason Fails to Make His Point With the Bible Soooo.... (Part 6)

All right, this is part five of my response to the gospel and social injustice by dr.
Russell Moore from the Erl see hopefully this would be the last part. We only have about let's see six minutes left
So hopefully he'll be wrapping this thing up and let's just jump right in and what may be even
Probably the most horrific thing in the Naboth passage is the way that Jezebel uses
God She says she has that the witnesses say that Naboth cursed
God in the king So he was in violation of the law. He was in violation of the
Torah of the Word of God She's doing that. She's using God to carry out an act of social injustice
That's true. And God actually accounts for that in his law. So in other words God's law God's not naive, right?
I mean, I know that that sounds basic But it's true God's law to the Israelites the perfect law of justice that he gave to the
Israelites Takes into account that sometimes people are gonna lie to get their way It takes into account that if you apply this law perfectly, sometimes people are gonna get away with things but it gives you
Law on what to do in those situations if you have a false witness and you find out that they're a false witness
What whatever would have been done to the person that was accused of the crime falsely should be done to the false witness
But also even if somebody gets away with it here on earth God judges them perfectly So nobody gets away with anything.
And so yes God's system of government It has a high standard for evidence a high standard for proving things
But nobody gets away with anything at the end of the day. God's not naive. He knows that sinful people will do sinful things
But we have to go by the law in order for us to be doing justice Do you see what
I'm saying? So you can't accomplish justice by ignoring God's law and then just saying well sinful people are gonna sin
No, we realize that if we apply God's law Sometimes things aren't going to be perfect here on earth, but God gave us the standard for justice
We need to follow that like injustice. Well, that is something that certainly does not end with Jezebel That's exactly what slaveholders did
It is to stand up and say God approves of Kidnapping slaves from Africa and enslaving them as chattel slavery because of and they were quoting pastors of scripture that do not support that but why in order to have the
Imprimatur of God upon their acts of sin and injustice. Yeah, he's right about that I'm glad he specified the kidnapping because really that was the primary problem with what was happening
See slavery in the Bible is assumed In all of God's law. God doesn't say it's a sin to have slaves.
He doesn't say that ever in the Bible So let's not pretend like he does but kidnapping is condemned
Completely and if you are found to be a kidnapper and you're tried and you're found guilty You get the death penalty for kidnapping.
That is Absolutely Something that we should apply in our justice system today
So the people that were kidnapping the slaves from Africa, they should have been given the death penalty There's a question about that.
I think biblically speaking so I'm glad he says that because they were abusing the
Bible and we can go to the scripture and show Exactly how they were abusing the
Bible. We need to eat be able to do the same thing today to say Okay, well someone who's against welfare are they abusing the
Bible? I don't think he can do that I don't think people ever try to do that. So that's the difference.
But but yeah, he's exactly right about that People were doing that during segregation to be able to say well, you know
Act 17 says that God has appointed the boundaries of our habitation
And so that means that God wants us to be kept separate Blasphemous people do it now and say well unborn children
Shouldn't shouldn't matter because the the life is in the breath and until they are breathing
Then they don't matter using God Interesting that he chooses an example like abortion again something we all agree on Because that's very easy to do we can easily see how people who abuse
Biblical text to support abortion and we can show them how they're doing it I'd like to see the same attempt made for income inequalities and wealth inequalities
I'd like to see the same attempt made because I haven't seen it. Well, actually that's not true. I have seen it and it's awful
Absolutely awful. So dr. Russell Moore What would be very helpful is if you could show us in the scripture where it says?
Part of the gospel is to eliminate income inequalities and wealth inequalities. That would be very helpful It would be very helpful for us to see how part of the gospel is the fact that we should eliminate
Poverty from complete from existing completely In in in our societies that the poverty itself is an injustice.
We'd like to see that kind of stuff We'd like to see this the the stuff for welfare as well and all of these kinds of programs.
That's what we'd like to see But yeah, you know, I don't I'm not gonna hold my breath for that one order to accomplish
What is sin and what the outside world is able to see in all of these things is to say?
You don't really believe What you say you believe Instead you want to prop up immorality or You're afraid of people who want to prop up immorality
And so you're willing to sacrifice other people because they don't matter
I'm not sure what he's saying there But maybe he'll explain it But what difference does it make what happens over in the court of the
Gentiles We want to make sure that we maintain the sacrificial system here in the temple Jesus says my house is to be a house of prayer for all peoples whether you think they matter or whether you think they don't matter and Then secondly, there's the question of the gospel
What is the gospel? He Elijah in that Naboth passage
Comes forward and speaks the Word of God and speaks a word of judgment Ahab has a certain degree of repentance.
And so his his judgment is is suspended for a little while But but his dynasty is over with in the same way that Jesus when he's talking to that That lawyer the question is whether or not
I am justified before God and Jesus is coming in here and Exposing the ways that he is in fact sinning against God now
There are people who would say well This is a distraction from the gospel and there are people who will say well anytime that you're talking about implications
For for righteousness in our social activities then somehow you're involved in a social gospel
But when you hear that you understand that people don't even know what the social gospel is What the so yeah
I'm not so sure about that But let's hear what he thinks of the social gospel is and I'll probably agree.
He's a smart guy We'll see social gospel was is to come in and say let's not talk about Individual regeneration that a person must be born again
Let's instead talk about Reclaiming the structures and we don't have to worry about the the depravity and sin nature of people because once the structures are in place the
Environment will automatically bring people up from those from those structures.
So it's exactly the same thing That's very interesting. That's very interesting because I've I've read from the gospel coalition founding documents something that sounds very
Similar to that now I'm not saying that the gospel coalition doesn't understand the gospel of regeneration of souls and things like that I know that they do but one of the things that they said was the church will grow if you
Essentially reclaim these structures and systems of oppression in addition to preaching the gospel
I don't think that that's actually accurate especially because we're Calvinists here, right? Happen anytime that you hear or often when you hear people say oh, well, that's legalism
Is there legalism? Absolutely, the New Testament spends a lot of time
Taking legalism apart, but you will have often people who in the arena of personal morality
Don't want obedience to Christ who anytime that any of the imperatives of Scripture are given will say well
That's legalism. That's true. And that's wrong and stupid We don't want to listen to that but really one of the things that Jesus really hammers on regarding legalism is
Things that the Pharisees were doing that made them look very holy But actually overturns the law of God and I would argue that things like welfare are exactly that Welfare system that I'm pretty sure that Russell Moore wants us to support
That is one of those things that's like the Corbin law because they're saying well, we're giving you the poor
We're look how look at how holy this is. Jesus cares for the poor We're supposed to give to the poor and so we're supporting this welfare system that gives to the poor looking amazing amazing
But really what I could say is I'll take you to the scripture and I'll show you how God says that's actually stealing You're actually committing stealing and you're saying that it's holy you're saying you're honoring
God, but yet you're breaking God's law That is an example of like the Corbin law the
Pharisees were doing that's the same exact kind of thing Making up their own law holding all Christians accountable to it and then saying that that's very holy.
That's not the case That's legalism. That's legalism And so if you're a Christian you support these kinds of things welfare laws and things like that socialized medicine all of these things
That is actually akin to what the Pharisees did with the Corbin law That's breaking the law of God in an attempt to follow
God and I don't think that that works In fact, I don't think it's an attempt to follow God. I think it's rebellion
I think when you support these kinds of things when you support socialist types of activities, that's actually rebellion against God and Hey, you know that I can
I think I can prove that scripturally speaking. I'd love to talk to somebody about this We'll see if anyone takes me up We don't want to talk about that because that's going to distract us from the gospel
So when you come in and say husbands love your wives Well, don't don't talk. I'm not a
I'm not an unloving husband. I'm in Christ and my righteousness is in Christ Fathers don't exasperate your children.
Well, I'm not neglecting her. Yeah, there's a lot of idiots out there I'm not gonna say a lot There are some idiots out there that would say that but the reality is the people that sign this statement and the people that are
Pushing back against Russell Moore's nonsense They're not the one saying that because I've seen tons of John MacArthur sermons where he explains now that you're a believer
What is our responsibility before God? That's what Russell Moore's talking about here and he's pretending like there are all these reformed people out there these critics that are saying
No, we don't need to listen to God now that we're saved our our righteousness is Christ Nobody's saying that nobody's saying that this is all straw man
This is straw manning to the nth degree and Russell Moore. You've got to do better than this, man You've got to do better than this because we're not talking about the anti lordship people
Here the people that are pushing back against you for the most part are not anti lordship I'm sure some of them are but the big ones the people who signed the statement, they're not anti lordship and you know it
So, why are you pretending as if they are? Because this is a bait -and -switch fallacy.
This is a Mott and Bailey fallacy You're trying to defend something that's very hard to defend But instead you put forward this stuff that's very easy to defend and say well, that's what
I'm defending. No, it isn't We're all saying we need to obey God We're saying that we need to go to the scripture and find out how to obey
God and it's very specific there And it's not we're doing what you're saying. We need to do I'm not a person who neglects or abuses my children
Even though I do because that's not me. My righteousness is in Christ flee sexual immorality
I'm saying this is all anti lordship stuff that he's talking about. Who's the anti lordship signer of the statement?
Dr. Russell Moore point one out to me and then I'll be with you condemning that I'll be with you condemning that point one of The original signers that's anti lordship.
I'd like to see it Well, I know I'm sleeping with all these people, but I'm not sexually immoral because that's just my body
I am in Christ and that's who I am and don't distract me with legalism.
That's not legalism it is the call to ongoing repentance and obedience and the reason this is so significantly important is because the scripture is dealing repeatedly with issues of sin and the question of accountability on Judgment Day Slave holders stand before God on Judgment Day the sexually immoral stand before God on Judgment Day people who are
Applauding the grinding of the faces of people into the ground
Because they're poor or because they're black or because they're migrants or because they're unborn
Or because they're fill -in -the -blank. Do you hear this rhetoric? Do you hear this stuff? How many people that are on my side of this issue the people that are pushing back on this stuff?
How many of them are applauding grinding the faces of the poor because or the black just because they're poor and black?
How many people I could probably count on one hand the people that I've met that advocate for that kind of stuff
Do you see what I'm saying? This is all It's it's very disappointing
It's very disappointing that that dr. Russell Moore thinks this is somehow of substance regarding this debate
So this is very disappointing because there's two options here. He's either lying through his teeth
He knows that dr. MacArthur is not one of these guys. He knows that dr. White is not one of these guys
Tom Askell Michael O 'Fallon Daryl Harrison, he knows that none of them are anti lordship or He's completely ignorant and he doesn't know what he's talking about and so he just puts this out there in ignorance
There's one of the other he's lying or he doesn't know what he's talking about Because none of us would oppose what you're saying here
None of us would oppose that and to pretend like the people that are on Against the social justice movement in the
Christianity are are this that you're accurately presenting their viewpoint is shameful is
Absolutely shameful and you need to repent before God because you will stand before God on Judgment Day for this kind of stuff
You see what I'm saying? Got mad Let's listen one last minute.
I'm gonna calm down. Let's do this answer for that at judgment
And you can't simply say well, that's not me. That's just That was just my public life
Anymore than you can say hey, I'm personally very very moral I stay very very faithful to my wife what
I do Owning the strip club or what I do owning this pornography site is that's simply about my job
That's my that's my vocational life. Don't it's a distraction for you to talk to me about vocational righteousness
When instead you ought to just be talking to me about the gospel Nonsense this is why we need to have interactions.
It's over. I'm ending it right there. I don't want to hear the music I don't care. This is why we need to have conversations because this monologue is
Completely ridiculous if he talks to even one person who's who signed that statement man -to -man
Person to person that person would be like, oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm with you on all that Let's actually talk about the real issues here the real issues about how do you define justice?
How do you define social justice? That's the real issue. We're not talking about anti lordship stuff. We're not saying that your public life.
Does it matter? We're not saying that your politics don't matter In fact, we're saying that all of that does matter but you have to define it very specifically
You have to define it carefully according to Scripture. You can't break God's law in order to keep God's law That's what the real issues are.
But Russell Moore's pretending like all the people that are that are that are supporting this social justice thing Well, yeah, they're just running around saying well, you know, my social life doesn't matter.
It's all about my personal piety I don't even know if I want to do part two.
I mean that was just so Poorly executed guys if you're on Russell Moore side of this you got to do better than this man.
You got to do better than this Because this is the thing like this is what this is what makes me a little bit perturbed angry
You might say is that in general my side of this issue is willing to be a little bit more nuanced here
I'm not judging motivations of the heart. I'm not accusing people of heresy things like that In fact the signers of the statement went out of their way to say that The other side absolutely is because if you're not a lordship guy if you say your life doesn't matter your social life doesn't matter
That's pretty close to heresy here. Do you see what I'm saying? That's that's judging the heart
That's just and people do this all the time. They said oh, you know, I like the statement, but it didn't come from a loving place
You don't know what you're talking about. You don't know that you don't know that because you're judging the heart not the words
I haven't done that. I don't say you guys have bad motivations I say I think you think you're doing the right thing.
You're wrong And here's how I can show you you're wrong, but I think you think you're doing the right thing Now I have my suspicions about certain people that I don't think are ignorant.
I think that they know what they're doing I think that they're doing it for evil But I'm not gonna say that publicly.
I'm not gonna say all the signers of this statement. They're all evil See, this is the problem. We've got people that are that are saying evil slanderous thing
Oh white supremacist racist John MacArthur's a secret racist things like that And then some of us on our side say hey, yeah that you shouldn't do that.
That's that's wrong That's wrong for you to do that. In fact that comes from critical theory and things like that That's why you feel comfortable doing that somehow.
We're the bad guys for calling it out You know what? I don't feel like a bad guy for pointing out when dr.
Eric Mason calls me an angloid on the inside So you can try to shame me. It's not gonna work
You can try to call me a white supremacist even though I'm not white you can do all that stuff It's not gonna work.
So keep it up in making yourself look foolish and I think you're giving us the high ground I think Jim Artis be gave us the high ground last week when he did that avoid them article
He said hey treat treat these people like unbelievers shun them avoid their podcast. Don't share their stuff
Yeah, you know and I know they've been helpful you the past but shun them I think you gave us the high ground and so that just encourages me to keep going and I think it encourages a lot of People that haven't been speaking about this yet I think it encourages them to speak up because they see the division that you're sewing they see it and they see this kind of Stuff this straw man fest that Russell Moore did in this podcast and they see it
They say you know what? I need to start talking about this. So anyway Yeah, you can keep having your monologues.
You can keep burning straw man all day long But smart people God's people will see this for what it is.
It's nonsense Anyway, that's the end of that. I hope this whole thing was helpful We'll see we'll see if you comment in the in the and share this enough times.
Maybe I'll do part two take a look You know, I'll maybe I'll uh, I'll have a nice calming drink like some maybe candle meal tea or something
So I don't go off the deep end But hey, if you like this and you found this helpful comment in the comments below share it and hey